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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1912)
TTCMOSBAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1912-EVENINQ EDITION. u ion! Holiday Good fp & be Gokfcft Rule l0C wyj 4 4 Bend TjAGH season beginning December 1st, we give special attention for a few weeks to holiday goods We buy and sell these goods much cheaper than any concern in Coos County, We now have on display a big line, of Dolls, toys, and many useful articles suitable for Xmas Gifts, Come to the store where the people trade. Tine Golden Rule Marshfield Band on JST.II 000.09 000.04 w.;i , MM! 157.0) ! LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tlio 24 hours ending at 4M3 a. m. Doc. 3, by lionj. Ostllnd, apodal gbvornmont nio teorologlcal obsorver: Maximum 53 Minimum 4U At 4:43 a. m 51 Precipitation 01 Wind Southwest; cloudy. born. OLSON To Captain and Mrs. D. W. Olson at tholr homo In South Maruhflold, Tuesday, Docombor ? a nlno and a half pound son. Mother and child aro doing flno. Capt. Olson Is now In tho east to bring tho Adollno Smith to Coos nay and will bo overjoyed whon ho hoars tho nows of tho arrival of tho now mastor, Com modoro Olson. ANDERSON To Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex Anderson nt tholr homo In Marshfield, Tuesday, Dec. 3, boh. Always "The Busy Corner"--Thc Rexall Store Oh! You Beauitifal Doll ? Bay .111.11 10111 (10.10 000.00 000.10 101.15 JOOOl UMIj MM JSfill 111 111 Vnlil jhltr.l FREE With every 75c Xiuns PurcIniNO n beautiful sleeping doll will bo jhrn away. Our A'mas display N tho best, nicest nnd nt lowest prices that u crcr howii 011 Coos liny. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. c' THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE -MAIN 298 US THE BUSY WOMAN'S DAY. It boBlns early, ends lato, and Is full of work. Slio ofton has kid ney trouble without knowing It. Her buck nclioo nnd bIio Is tired anil worn out. Sleeps poorly, Is norvous, no appetite. Her bladder gives her troublo, too. Foloy Kld noy Pills will euro all that and malco her strong and woll. They nro tho best modlclno mndo for kidney and bladder disorders. For alo by tho Lockhart-Parsoiw Drug Co.. tho Husy Corner. IIAI1N To Mr. nnd Mrs. Archlo Iluhn, nt tholr homo nenr Cot tago Grovo, Oregon, a daughter. Mrs. Hahn wnB formerly Miss Daisy Abornathy and Is n twin sister of Mrs. Donnott Swnnton of Marshfield. Bti&2M The Sign of Good Candy Always iNHMlATlVr. electric OUT- FITS 1'OIt KENT Frtlt and Flowor lamps at re duced prices. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS h Portable Lamps for tho Holl- Coos Bay Wiring Co. "nesJ7. 153 Broadway N 311 Dayton Bicycles w 9 TONIGHT UTe Royal Llttlo .MNk Lo Petite Elvn will do Minio pit'tty Mdrt dime" nnd XaT u- RiriPQ I w www "Let us talk It over" "so that the people may know." M.80A1FE ggA H II01)QIN8 farsh field Paint Decorating Co. PuraHhed. Phono lilEt,. n,MI ' .ATfKUIT?rrcT.Tl .-... . SUIIgH. .MIks Mae Klnnyln new songs. This closes their engagement. Also MISS .JUNE HALL close with new songs, Hill Barnard & Langworthy Offi mil tfiiwf.... .i lED AHT GLASS DOMES wiTAlUiE STAND LAMPS. rHUNw'i8.t-H. IN PHOTOPLAV Dayton Bicycles? The workingman, "independ- pendentand unafraid" be cause his DAYTON will bring him to his work on time. "Money Talks" so do DAYTON BICYCLES Has Full List All berths on tho ltcdondo, which sails tomorrow for San Francisco, havo been taken and Agent McGeorgo has hnd to turn down a number of appli cants. Council to Meet Tho Marshfield city council will moot tomorrow night to canvass today's election returns and also to tnko up other city mattors, street, Improvements, otc. Whothor tho water company's application for a franchlso will como up is not known, but It may. Enstsldo Election. Tho nnnunl city election Is being hold In East sldo today. Quito n fow women nro voting there. Mrs. C. E. Jor dnn, wlfo of Mayor Jordan, was tho first woman to vdto in Enst- siuo. Sho Is tho oldest resident of Enstsldo. Wins la Peoria. Word hns been received hero thnt Earl Ilondorson, or .Muscat ino. Iown. who oncnirod In n number of prlzo fights on tho liny n row years ago, defeated Fred Dolford In tho fourth round of whnt was to havo boon n 10 round go nt Peoria, 111., Novom bcr 21. Want Postofflcc. Postmnstor Curtis hns forwarded to Washing ton n petition from residents of Llbby asking tho govornmont to glvo thorn a mall sorvlco. They want dolly sorvlco and slnco thoro nro about 150 pooplo to bo supplied It Is bollovcd that tho govornmont will grnnt tho roqucst. Wagon Stole. Mrs. Gcorgo Rob ertson reports that n now express wagon which sho hnd purchased WANT ADS. FOR HALE Restaurant. "Box L, Times olllce. Address FOR HUNT Store room. Times olllco. Apply for her son, was taken from tho' La Pal mo storo nt Eastsldo, whoro sue iqit It, whllo making a trip to Mnrshflold. Unless tho wagon Is returned promptly, tho pnrtlcs tniung 11 mny bo prosecuted. Hear Socialist Lecture. C. 13. Ellis, tho Portland speaker who was brought hero by tho locnl So cialists, for a sorlos of lectures, has had largo audlonccs. Ho is a clover tnlkor nnd tho local Socialists aro highly pleased with his work. Tho organization of n Woman's Social ist League has boon postponed un til n woman organizer arrives hero. Holt n Stnr.-i.Goo. N. Dolt has received word that Wlllametto uni versity defentod Montana university ni aaiom 'manksglvlng by a scoro of CO to 0. His son, Erie Dolt, who Is attending Willnmotto, is credited with having been ono of tho stars of tho Wlllametto team. Eric was ono of tho star athletes of tho, Marshflold High school. To Hear Case. Tho enso of J. II. Drldgcs vs. E. W. Sullivan nnd Mnrlo Sullivan will bo trlod in Justlco Ponnock's court Thursday. Drldgcs wantB to eject tho Sulll vanB, who nro conducting tno Lloyd Hotel, from his building. Tho lat tor stnto that their lcaso has not oxplrcd nnd that thoy will not glvo up possession until it docs. Anderson Not Dead. Sheriff W. W. Gago whoi camo over from Co qiilllo yestorday states thnt tho ro port of tho donth of Hoi Andorson, tho solo survivor of tho Seolov & Anderson wreck nenr Dnndon, must bo orroneous. Ho says that yes terday morning Andorson wns ro- portcu to no gottlng nlong nlcoly. Coronor Wilson, who rocolvod tno ropori, nnu noi con 1 1 ruled it whon ho loft this morning for Dnndon to rcsumo tho Investigation of tho disaster. Oltl Survey. Fred Gettlns, who Is completing tho survey for tho proposed boulovnrd from Marsh flold to tho son, found somo old survoy marks whllo ongngod In tho work. Ono wnB n govornmont witness trco which wns marked by Matthew A. C. Murphy, n govorn mont survoyor, Mny 2, 1857. Slnco Murphy marked It, tho trco had Increased 22 inches In diameter nnd Is now nearly sovon foot In dlnmotor. Another corner found wns ono mnrkod by Wm. Hall, fa ther of Judgo Hnll, Tom Hall, Alec Hall and Mrs. Pnttorson, In 1871. Library Meeting. A meeting of tho Marshfield Public Library com mittee wns held last evening. Miss Topping, tho llbrnrlan. roportod that thoro was n big demand for now books nnd .ospoclnlly for mo chtmlcal works. Sho said that somo workmon from North Bend hnd recently boon vlsltlnir tho II. brnry to securo works nlong this lino. Gow Whys contribution of ;2u was roportcd and also a paid up subscription from tho Progress club for tho Indopondont Mngazlno. Tlio library Is In need of moro funds with which to purchnso now bookB, Proiterty Not Routed It wns ro portod around town that II. A. wells had taken a long term lenso on tho property of Cnpt: Donald son nt tlio comor of Contrnl and Drondway and would occupv ono of tho buildings In It with his Java Coffee Houbo. Thoro aro sev eral stores In tho proporty now, tho Toggory, McCrnry's pharmacy, August Frlzcon, nnd tho Ladles' Emporium. Howovor, as somo of tho lonses of tho proBont tonnnts do not oxnlro until n yenr from now, Mr. WoIIb who wns negotiat ing ror tno proporty, did not tnko It. SOCIAL CALENDAR. TUESDAY. Presbytorlan ladlo3 with Mrs. Eva Gaminlll. Auction bridge with Mrs. D. C. GrccDi. Thlmblo club with Mrs. W. C. Bailey. WEDNESDAY. Prlscllla club with Mrs. R. A. Church. this WANTED Roomers and Hoarders in prlvnto family. Address 219 South nroadway. WE WIT.T. Mill vnn . w each n, -i.. .. -,... Kit n .7 ft m -"a'so loei c!i nM ll ?hest Pr,cea Paid for Men t ,v,er old Watches, knll ewelry nn Preclou ""ley Sent by Return Mall. , Smelting & Refining Co. jmp, , -w xeara. otnut St.. pi.ii,ii.,i.i . TO l)ET!KTfl 01KbnUy your Gold Filling. L.t.ap. and Platlnm. ttiT.. i"s uaid. The Wooers or .Mountiilii Kate Tlio Little Music Teacher (laiiiniMil Weekly No. 2 Plctor talu iichs from nil over the world. Tho .Mistake by tho popular !(() feet of all new pictures fill, "in a language all their own. for Lie mill Jc 10 view of the Seeley-Andei-son train wreck tonwrrmv night. ELMORE .V- HI LEV coining TIiui-m day Night THE SPANISH GRILL An Un-to-Rnto Eating Plnce. Upstairs Opposlto Magnos & Matson's. 'Spanish Dishes a Specialty. 180 Bo. RroadWHy. Marh field. 9 C-. fe Clean an,lPrOCC IS Pes' anrf GonVc q..;jc . oi!"0 ' IulJUU,,JIIIie electric Shoe More Uods Called for and Deliver lft0s Bay Steam Laundry :,u, MAIN B7-J -"5""0ld. 0i, iiSaJIied want " vnt Ads get results. Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phone orders to Hlllyer's Cigar Stand, Phone 18-J. After 11 p. m. phono 6-J, Night phono 181-R. Uarsbiield. Oregon. See who's riding them: Grocers, messengers, real estate men, collectors "al ways the busy" men who must have a wheel they can depend on. "We sell It for less," NO WE DON'T, but when we sell one we take all the re sponsibility, we warrant it and stand ready to make good our guarantee. "Kammerer says" he has not said it yet, but his boy and I hope he will soon. "Meet us face to face" and let us explain our installment plan. Marshfield Cyclery "A good place to trade." Phono 158-IL 172 Droadway LOOK Listen Free piess 011 tho S10 prlzo "benn Jnr" with every GO cent purchnso botweon now nnd Dccombor 25th. Sartor's Confoctlonory, Front stroot. LOST Saturday night on Front stroot, a hunch of keys. Re ward for return to Times offlco. WANTED Second-hand safe; must ho 2000 pounds or lnrgor. Ad dross, stating slzo nnd price, Mllo Plorson, Lakosldo, Oro. WANTED Hoard ami room In prJ. vnto family noar Smith mill. Sin gle. Addross Young Man, enro tho Times. FOR RENT Room In private family for gentleman. Good bath. Apply 194 North Ninth street, WANTED School Klrl to caro for child aftor school hours for her room and hoard. Apply Mrs. II P. Lold, Donnott avenue, bo- iweon Fourth and Fifth streets. PERSONAL 'NOTES MltS. DYER of Danlols Creek Is In town today. GEO. ROSS of Catching Inlet wns In town nttondlng to business. J. J. CLINKINI1EARD of Danlols Crook wns hero for tho dny. DAN MATSON was a Catching In lot visitor In Mnrshflold today. JOHN KUDRUKA camo down from Allegany thin morning on busi ness, D. T. THOMAS of Allegany wns horo today looking after busi ness. JOHN DEATTIE was In town for tho day on business from North Coos Rlvor. W. P. PIPER of North Coos Rlvor was a Marshflold business visi tor today. SAM SHOOK of North Coos Rlvor wns In town for tho day on bus iness. C. H. M'CUE nnd wlfo of nnndon nrrlvod on tho Alllnuco yostor- WANTED A good milk cow. Ad dress C. E. Jordan, Enstsldo, Ore- eon, GIRLS WANTED For operators, at tho Coos Day Homo Tolophono Of- llco. HTJY NOW. Some choice lots In NORTH BEND can be had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E, 8, GEAR & CO., First National Bank. TO EXCHANGE An apartment houso located In tho host part of Los Angeles in oxcollont condi tion, paying $70 por month not. veliTtlon 111,000, to exchange for ICO acro3 of land on tho Coos River, near Marshfield. Address J, II. Pntton, C28-C29 Security Dulldlng! Los Angeles, Cal. 11 i. 11.. ..ii m ! 11 WANTED Evcrlenced man mid wlfo (no children) to work on da'ry farm. Good wages. Wrlto L. F. Price, Sumner, Oro. CROUPV COUGHS AND WHEKV COLDS. Tho quickest, simplest way to rid tho children of dnngorous croupy coughs and wheezy stuffy colds Is to glvo thorn Foloy'B Honey nnd Tar Compound. It gives nlmost In stant rollof nnd stops a cough promptly, it soothes nnd bonis. Contnlns no opiates. For salo by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co., tho jjusy uornor. day and left on tho train morning for their homo. C. W. WOLCOTT hns returned from n business nnd plcasnro trlp to Portland. JOHN CARLSON of Catching In" lot wns in Marshflold today on business. ALEX HONGELL Was In town to day from Catching Inlet attend ing to business matters. VIVIAN SANFORD of North Inlet camo to town this morning on. business. MRS. WILL EICKWORTII of Mllll coma camo to Marshflold th( morning to shop. MRS. NED GALLOWAY of Nort'l Inlet was In town today shop ping. MR8. E. C. CHURCH wns In town, today from her homo on Ross Inlet. 1 HERBERT OEDDES of South Coo Rlvor was a Marshflold visitor today. WILL PIPER of North Coos Rivor spont tho day In Marshflold, MR. and MRS. ANSON ROGERS oC South Coos Rlvor nro In town today on business. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM of Coos Riv er wns a Marshflold business vis itor todny. MRS. MARY 3TAMI1UCK nnd children spont tho day In Mnrsh flold. MRS. CRONK of South Coos Rlvor camo to Marshflold this morning; to shop. FRANK HODSON nnd wlfo ot South Coob Rlvor nro In town to dny on business. JOHN H. PRICE nnd son, Hazon, of Allegany nro In Mnrshflold to dny on business nnd plensuro. MISS ELNA 8ELANDER camo to Marshflold today from hor Sum nor homo. E. C. DREWS mndo n business trip to tho Coqulllo valley hlc morning, FRED WILSON wont to Bandon this morning to rosumo tho In vestigation of tho Sooloy-Andor-son rnllrond disaster. MRS. M. R. SMITH, who has boon visiting relatives on Coos Rlvor for two weoks returned to her Homo this morning. MRS. JANE TERRY who has been visiting nt Allegany for a fow days, roturnod to town this morning. MRS. O. N. WILSON nnd llttlo daughter of Sumnor nro in the city for n wook's visit with rol atlvcB. J. W. FLANAGAN nnd CHARLES 8TAUFF roturnod last night from a hunting trip to tho Ilia hoc Thoy brought bnck olght con ducks, W. F. HARMON has roturnod from, n business trip to CoquIIIo and Bandon. Ho Is planning to movo his ofllco In Mnrshflold but hns not secured n now location. MR8. EMILY M'FARLIN of North Inlet wns in Mnrshflold today on hor way to Mllllcoma to- mako an oxtondod visit to Mrs. Emmn Hllborn. C H. ORAM, deputy commissioner nnd fnctory Inspector of tho ln bor bureau, who has boon nt Bear Crook rovlowlng tho recent dlsnstor at that placo, returned to .Mnrshflold last ovonlng, DOUGLAS ROMAN nnd FRANK" HEATH of Marshflold aro regis tered at tho Portland Hotel, Portlnnd. Both nro In tho C. A. Smith Company's roforestrn tlon dopartmonr. G. J. LoMANSKI of tho Royal Tbeator wont to Myrtlo Point yestorday to figure with Proprie tor Schoodor or tho moving pjc turo houso thoro on furnishing' him film service and possibly buying tho thontor. LOWREY OWEN hns roturnod from a trip to his homestead In tho Fall Creok country. Eu routo back ho mot C. J. wruschko nnd a party of homeseokors who will probably locnto on home stends In thnt section. MRS. CLARENCE HARRIS of Co quIIIo, who hns boon visiting frlonds nnd rointlvos on tho Bay tho past two weoks, roturnod homo todny. Sho was accom pnnlod by Miss Ruth Rnrris, who will visit In tho Coqulllur country. AMONG THE SICK. "T What Nicer for a Christmas Present WANTED 11 kinds of hauling dono promptly. Phono 3151. J. E. Fitzgerald. FOR BALE iDrr woo'd, flr! and ai der, ' "at? -Campbell' 4Wood' Yard, Ferry landing. Pboaa lBd-L. than a box of MASTtlDY'S CANDIES. Put lu your ordor now fancy boxes. for Jnmes Wall Is confined to his homo by it serious attack of tho grip. Mrs. C. W. Montgomery, who Is 111 at hor homo In West Marshflold, Is roportod slightly Improved to day. AfrR. Vnlu naniiinrlnnn nt PnnnlllA Is rocolvlng troatTiiont nt Morcy- hospltnl, North Bond. IIPY a CELEBRATED KEEN Kl'TTER knife. Wo guarantee thorn. THE GUNNERY. Nursery Stock. Phono 49-J. ' Beo , E. Seninnii Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 PATRONIZE tho Loading Drug Storo, whon you will bo euro of securing Hlgh-grado Goods and Now De signs. Tho Storo for Quality Goods and Ponslar Romedles, ff 1 V riH aTB WM S3 vJt9B4l'0 J I h f 1