JH?A& A ' ft-n-U' ..,.. l rffiUi..lI-'4 SVlir t3 Ji .,, LABT PAGE THE BIG NOISE, as Its Name Indicates, is tho 0 ffieial Organ of the Real Esfaito Men, Tho Chamber of Commorco and Q. F, M t TTi-J kiMil r V "HELLO BILL" This paper may be warm but it is not in it with our underwear on a chilly morning. Mark it down now that Hart Schaffner Marx marks a new era in men's clothing. They'll reach youi heart and make, you aee high with your sweetheart. Jt's hart on the other fcl- lows suits after you have seen Hart, Schaffner & Marx for none others will please you. We have 'cm. Woolen Mill Store W hen Ym Want Job i Printin That Is out of tho ordinary and ono Mint will attract and hold attention. Qeto The Galoot Printery Whoro they mako n Hpoclnlty of work that la "Jimt a little bit different." 1JJ7 Xortli Kocond St. I'liono u-n-ii. . All ArnrHhriclil Mcirliiints (Jlvo Hitvcliil Prlcon on YvKctiiMeH, Dec. 5 iiiul (I Dates of tho ELKS BIG SHOW J&Jb Candy Kid Stafford WHEN Ho was a Little Girl. Many Yours tigo. See him "t tho Klka Ills Show. Quit Song Department MAMXDA.. Conio down, Miss Mnllndn, down on tho green, I'm watting for you to tell you my il renin, my honey; You arc my llttlo sweetheart, you I long to see,' Conio down Miss Mnllndn, won't you como down to me. OBTTINfl IT. Somebody olso Is gcttln' It, gcttln' It, Right where his collar ought to bo, Somebody else Is gcttln' It, gcttln' It. ltlght whero tho chicken got tho A-X-K, Somebody -else thlnkR he's In fine, Hut he'll got his whero I got mine, Somobody olso Is gcttln' It, gcttln' It, Right whero alio handed It to inc. I'M THIS orv. He's the guy that put tho salt In tho ocean, Ho'h tho guy that put tho bones In fish, Ho'b tho guy Hint enn't, toll n He, Ho'll nlwnys llvo, ho'll never die, In tho wlshbono ho's tho guy that put wish, IIo'b tho guy thht put tho smoko In tho chimney Ho'b tho guy that put tho lenves on tTCCB, What's that? Who am I? Don't you know? Ho's tho guy, Ho's tho guy that bites tho holes In swcltzcr cheese. DOWN 11Y TIIH Olil) .MILD STHKAM. Down by tho old mill stream Whoro 1 flrst mot you, With your eyes of blue, Dressed In glnghnm, too; It was thoro I know Thnt you loved mo true, You woro sixteen My vitiligo queon By tho old mill stream. SHIP CHANDU HOTEL Professor MACOJUEEN, Prop, and Janitor Headquarters for The Big Bugs, Little Bugs, A. P. A's., Black Hands and Stage Hands. Aeroplanes Stop Here loo. 'IMin Onnvrotrn Rnhoiirsos nvm-r mmm!.... 1.1 ,.... ,, ""uj; uciwcenl Z il. Ml. illlU 11UAL UilJ'. Special Hales lo Newly Married Cuppks. Right or Write Tor Tonus and Photo of Mac. YES MA'AM ! The lady who said that you nine mil money by buying your coat, your milt or jour dress at Hub Dry Goods Co. TOLD THE TRUTH 'COUKKOT WKAK l-'OIt WO.MIIN AND CIIIMNtlX" O'CONN'HIiD llUIIiDIXO H o SMIL. I MAllSIIFlEUl Wo call cNpeclal ntU'iitlon to Hie fact (bat a special drop cur tain Mill be lifted at Hie ."Masonic Opera House, Dec. A ami (I. It Is bullet proof, vegetable proof ami (In can proof. H TOWER JEWELER Agent for tho Souili' African Diamond Mines, and Special Representative of the Pittsburg Glass .Factories. Oar Watches Go Fast Because Tliei Arc Popular. MEOW-SIC SALE TODAY "7 pound AT SALE I3ECUNS AT 2 A. M. She Fell and Broke Hor. Promise Long Ago (Pa thetic Ballad) by .Jay 'tower. My Southern Home in Iceland "Way Down Eeast (Western Song) by A. T. Haines. Good Night My Little Piece of Oarlye (A Strong Lyric) by Willis Kennedy. I Loved I Tor But ITcr Husband Wouldn't Work (A Classic) by George Goodrum. Wo Haven't Met in Many Years; She Took a Stage for Rosebnrg (Pull of Pathos). She Used to Live in Myrtlo Point, But Don't Frown On Her For That (A Rustic Ballad) by Joe Schilling. A Cop Pound Willie's Hand in Someone's Pocket (very touching) by E. D. McArthur. Hor Mother Was a Lady But She Got Another Tob (very sad) by Eugene Crosthwaite. When Lizzie Shed Hor Tear- Drops in tho Wood Shed (beautiful story) by Harry Winkler. Put More Wind in My Doughnuts Mother (full of prunes) by Carl Evertsen. W. R. A complete Stock of Hand Ortrans. Pino Orerans (for those who Hit the Pipe), Jews Harps, Bag Pipes, and transparencies. Six lessons given free on how to play the Transparency. HAINES KM George Goodrum's GARAGE 347 Central Avenue., MARSHFIELD Tho best hospital on Coos Bay for your auto. When your car has heart failure, call and have a Hot-Air Friction Carburetor Put on. Autos equipped with Beds in case of a break down. Passengers can Camp Out if desired. You Can Af-Ford a Ford, for it Can Ford the Ocean. A Cadillac Is AH You Lack to Make Life One Sweet s Dream. sssl THE COOS BAY TIMES ,ndepenJnafrad THE PAPER THAT DOES THINGS AND NEVER STUTTERS WHEN IT SPEAKS BRIGHT AV1TILOUT BEING BRASSY, FUNNY WITHOUT BEING FOOLISH, ENTERPRISING WITHOUT BEING ENERVATING, FEARLESS WITHOUT BEING FORWARD, M'v,- ?i-n'5 SNAPPY "WTTTTnTTm m?.rMn amToAmTAVAT. NEWSY WITHOUT BEING NAUGHTY. N0 L9TiKP CONTESTS. w NO AUTOMOBILES OR PIANOS OR DIAMONDS TO GIVE AWAy JUST AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, THAI S ALL. 5 cents per copy; 50c cents per month; $6.00 per year and $600 for one hundred years. 'JS yl- jfjr Mum