THE BIZZYISSIE CORNER HAS ALL KINDS Off GOOD SEATS FOR ELKS' GREAT BIG SHOW. Pago seven-come-'lovon. " "- " I mil WWH H IB imm aM,,,,,, I 8 Mr MYQTPRn " nCTCPTIWC ir BYL13R, President and Ocn. Mau. nil iiiiuiLIMUUU ULILUIIIL R, j. UUIViii, vice JL-resuiciit, GEORGE D. MANDIC10, Secretary. E. C. MATHER, Treasurer. iS FAILED 10 BE DISCOVERED U-P MAN UVSV IS HOT IN ALIi TOIL TIO.V OF SURROUNDING COUNTRV. Dcfoctivo Nick Carter lins not been hero with nny ovltlcnco showing thnt A. II. Powers voted for It. A. Copplo for Mayor In Mnrshflcld a year ago. T-H-E F-I-X COOS BAY GROCERY COMPANY INCORPORATED. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Phono 581 and 8.1. NORTH BEND, ORE. Our customers are making u BIG NOISE About the High Quality of our GROCERIES If you try us once you will be as Noisy as the rest. Cook's Grocery QUALITY GROCERIES Phono 189. MARSUETELD. LATKST SPKCIAI, DJSPATCHKS oivks am, Tin: latest news KEEN-EVEI) STRAXGKR ItKACHES MANDON IN SMALT, HOAT MIGHT HE HE. Tell Talo llonn It, the Do'y Sleuth of Tho Dig Noise, spent two minutes at nineteen minutes to 23 o'clock to day nt tho Chandler Hotel looking over their old registers. Ho has n clue. Tho suspicion Is that room 13 on tho 23rd floor was occupied by n dofcctlvo ono time, lie Is now hunt ing Edgar Allen Poo'u stories, tho "Yollow Hack Library" and his othor sources of Information and promises In the near future to spring a namo for his dofcctlvo. Just what tho do fcctlvo was doing, nbout to do, over did do, hopes to do, whothcr ho Is dead or alive, doesn't matter. This Is going to bo n thrilling, stirring, blood-curdling rovolntlou and unless Clnudto Shylock or tho Olllco Doy signs an order, wo will print It. Tho Illg Nolso docs not boliovo In print ing news, but things like this wo fcol bound to spread. Up to tho tlmo of going to press today wo wcro In constant touch by means of our Perverted Press reports with tho neat by cities, and glvo you news right off tho wlro on this Im portant story. Wasn't nt Gnrdlner. (Special by Porvarlcatcd Press to Tho Dig Noise.) (lARMNKIl, Oro., Dec. 2 (1:37 n. in.) Hawkshaw, tho famous defec tive, did not pass through hero with in the last 2d years to probo R. A. Copplo's election ns mayor of Mnrsh-llold. Myrtlo Point Humor Unfounded. (Spoclal by Porvarlcatcd PrcsB to Tho Dig Nolso.) MYRTLE POINT, Ore, Dec. 2. (2:13 a. m.) A man with a dirty collar and "bum" lamp, tonguo-tlod, knock-kneed, pigeon-toed and with ono log Bhorter than tho othor, fail ed to bring any evldcnco horo that J. W. Boon It was In favor of giving Marshflold bottor wnter. Your cor respondent's dotcctlvo is not vory good dotcctlng other detectives and thinks Micro Ib a onion of dotcctlvcs. Coqulllo Fnlls in Quest. (Spoclal by Porvarlcatcd Press to Tho Dig Nolso.) COQUILLE, Oro., Dec. 2. (3:33 n. m.) h. A. LHJcqvlst woro a soiled collar this morning but denied that It was any evldcnco that ho was a dotcctlvo. Ho Bnld ho could not do toct a clean collar nt homo. Tho dir ty collar might havo brought him an offer of $100,000 to go to Mnrshflold to detect why "Tho Dig Nolso" Is tho "Dig Nolso." MAY HE IN ILVNDON. The Marshfield Volunteer Fire Department FIRE-WATER S PEC J ALT STS. WE ARE ALL irOT MEMBERS. Respond to Call at any hour of the day or night. Pat ronize home industry. Give us a call. Phono 2;-Danger Line. VMC c " t iii I- 7 Vt.... rSr - to Hums Not nt Hosebiirg. (Special by Porvarlcatcd Press Tho Dig Nolso.) ROSRRima, Ore., Dec. 2. (1:CC a. m.) Wm. J. Hums has not boon seen hero recently onrouto to Mnrsh llold to detect any party of promlnont Mnrshflold men on n "hopping trip." Kern-Eyed Stranger Arrives Tliero Won't Talk Who Is Ho? (Special by Porvarlcntod PrcsB to Tho Dig Nolso.) DANDON, Doc. 2. (5:11 a. in.) A smnll boat enmo Into tho harbor with a man with keon eyes onrly this morning. Ho wnsn't tnlkatlvo. It might hnvo been Sherlock Holmes. Whether ho wns looking for Dig MIn and Marshflold men could not bo ascertained. Sumner ItcportH Defective. (Spcclnl by Porvarlcatcd Press to Tho Dig Nolso.) SUMNER, Or., Doc. 2. (2:22.) A dofcctlvo pnBsed through Jioro ono tlmo. Whoro ho wns going, what ho was doing or whnt ho was going to do tins not boon stated. ItyW Bultmann. only rival of Arrhlo "a maiiy ycart, ,,, i Snu nrilll. I ,fr here. Ji!iiin(oii. Slgnor Diiltiimnn hoii rlsco. No doubt ho will bo i win DV8Y UANDON IHUEFS. Co'. Rosa. Corresnondont r(" GnlUer. our railroad . mac- p. ii pushing tho construction of 011 el. Tho Henderson road has icted for all tho oil ho can get wr its hot-air engines. v noble barrlatop. r t wnov j W yet accepted Presldont Wll- c.pena;;ii"ucmotju8UceB,up f- b. Ded UUon's cotton mill I0'nB nvnrHm ........ i . ru to fin .. .... ... Department. u, SU"lVan 011(1 I. If ttlnrn n PA lready to put In a wholesnlo Snlt Water Houso horo. this ih a Jobbing lino thnt has never boen de veloped In Randon and It Is bollovod that thoy will do flno promoting ono of our groatost natural resources. Their supply is unlimited. E. II. Fish Is planning to go into tho salmon business as ho bolloves his namo would bo worth a great deal In that lino. NORTH REND ACCIDENT. Dr. Durmelster Dear Doctor: Our cow fell down the front stairs last night and knocked out tho filling you put In her eyo tooth. As you guar anteed this filling for six mllklngs, nn,l ns tho filling WOllt down tllO Not Heard From In Drain. (Special by Porvarlcatcd Press to Tho Dig Nolso.) DRAIN, Ore, Doc. 1. (Midnight) m - COQUILLE XEW'fl. Andrew Jackson Shorwood Smnll Morrlssoy of Marshflold Is negotiating with us on putting bi tuminous paving on tho Coqulllo Ri ver. This paving Is guaranteed to sottlo tho dust and a good thick cont with a water blndor would greatly benefit our commerce. S. J. Miller, our progressive agri culturist, Is dovotlng consldorablo tlmo to his ranch now and expects to harvest his crop of cabbago next weok. Last woek his duties at foot ball, Elk mnttors and othor business horo and In Mnrshflold permitted him to spend 15 mlnutos on tho rnnch. ' Your correspondent Is getting tlrod to having ono Lawrenco LIlJoqvlBt taking all tho honors as deputy dis trict attorney. Ho has labored long mid quietly hoping thnt tho publlo would recognlzo who was really enti tled to tho credit, but ho finds thnt ho will have to speak out If ho gains recognition. Doing of n rather re tiring naturo, I dlsllko It vory much, but I wish to say that I linvo con scientiously ondeavorod to prevent so much nttontlon being given to tho duties of publlo prosecutor and fool that my success should entitle mo to at least some recognition. Thero's a bum bunch of Elks In Coqullle. Thoy don't do nothing. All they have been talking nbout has been "Tho Dig Noise" for tho past weok and they have displayed nioro energy than thoy have over hitherto evidenced in futilo endeavors to borrow tho money to attend the show. cow's throat and will undoubtedly poison the milk, wo oxpect you to re turn the 93 cents we paid you or for you to take tho cow. JIM ALLEN. No Hopo from Jurvls Landing. (Spoclal Dispatch.) JAnVIS LANDING, Or., Doc. 2. Francis J. Henoy hns not boon horo onrouto to Mnrshflold to look up nny graft cases. Your correspondent has boon up In tho air (In his flying mn chlno) trying to dotoct something but enn't. MVUTLH POINT DEP'T. Rny D. Domont, Editor. (Spoclal to Tho Dig Noise.) Cliet Huling Is planning to on lnrgo his second hand storo. This month ho hnndlod two second-hand buggies, n broken flown automobllo and n two-wheeled baby buggy. Chot says this Is but nn Indication of tho volumo of business that will bo hnn dlod in Myrtlo Point when tho W. P. Murphy-J. II. Somors Intor-Oconn-Ic Rnllwny Is completed In horo. J. Eugeno Schilling, our worthy mlno host, reports buslnes flourish ing. A Marshflold drummor, n Greok laborer and a Chlneso can nery hand hnvo boon guosts this month mid ono paid cash for his meal. Your correspondent has boen tak ing it easy recently owing to his good luck. Ho found a schilling that Is a rnro ono and vory valuable. Ho has not disposed of It, however, ns ho fenrs that It would bo detrimental to his luck to do so. Whllo not n believer in omens, fortuno tolling, etc., ho does not boliovo In hazard ing any chances. Sonutor-defoatod Jnko Stommlor Is buBy working up his practlso and expects to hnvo a case or two next year in court in caso Doo Johnson Is not too nctlvo. Doc Johnson, how ever, has ben too busy trying to In duco Tom Russell to move his Hoo ver Hill mine to Myrtle Point to bother Stommlor much. Slnco John son has been head of our boosters' club, ho has been actlvo In trying to got now enterprises for our city and bolloves that tho Heaver Hill mine would bo a good thing If It was movod bore. Of course, in its pres ent location It isn't amounting to much. QUALITY Aeroplane Outfitters and in the air Artists. Only house on Coos Bay carrying Complete Aero plane outfits. Our Pits will give you Pits. Men's Pants and dog's pants. Men's Shoes and horseshoes. Men's Drawers and bureau drawers. Men's Caps and gun caps. arslhiffieldlNorth Bend J FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD 50x120 foot lots only $300 each. Whoro tho streets are graded and tho now homes are building. Where tho lots are high and sightly, level and attrac tive. On the "South Side," tho fino residence dis trict whoro you'll want your home. Sccuro tho highest value at the lowest price; buy in First Addition. REYNOLDS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Coke Building. Phono 1G0-J". It is characteristic of Elks to do things up Brown. Attend tho show and be convinced. MOW Por a Holiday Show we have it. Everything, any thing and nothing over 15c. 6i 99 THE TOYLAND PEOPLE'S 51015 CENT STORE. Marshfield, Oregon. HOTEL COOS not and Cold Water in Each Bed. Electric Lights and Livers. Each room has a door and windows. ' Elegantly Purnished Rooms. C. A. METLTN, Prop. OUR CARS ALWAYS RUN BETWEEN SCHED ULE WHEN TRAFFIC DEMANDS 32- GORST & KING, Proprietors Phones: 011, North Dond. Gnrago, 1301, North Dond. 20, Marshflold. PRICE1 THE BEST JITLWOKK, BOOKS and WINDOWS NORTH BEMD MANUFACTURING CO. NORTH BEND, OREGON TFAIL TO SEE CUPID BA ULTMAN, THE ONLY KIVAL OF ARCHIE JOHNSTON ON THE STAG& i I li 8