The Contents of THE Big NOISE re dmuvmteed under tl,o Pure Hood Ad and Will Not Soil the Most Delicate Fabric. PAGE FIPESKI fhe Golden R. ule And the three-fool rule for every !a )'d These are I he rules at I A. COPPLE'S Dry Goods Good Goods Queen Quality Shoes for Coos County Queens. . MKDICAL DHp-.umn-v. - Dr.rtor Harry Winkler N 11. - intmlriuvfl will please not liunil money n nr. Wlntklor. Ho receives n salary of ?S2,000 por year to kIvo free ndvlco to tlio peo ple, ntul assures us Hint this sum is sumcioiit ror his modest needs Dear Doc: Wlint's t'ood for ftontliiR kid no;? A. 11. Daly. Answer Anrlior it. r - ti uorsmioiii) dkpahtmknt I I I ' lly Harry McKoown. KllVOI'ilO Hei'llX". I IH'CK MULLIGAN' A LA HAY-, D13N This Is a secret reclpo nnd . Is understood to require forty-sev-i en ingredients, lint n member of i uiu v. hilt (jiii i nnn inviiiirpii innt i ( It usually contains somo duck and I may also Include onions, potatoes, pine cones, skunk cabbage, red pop pers, broom corn, bitumen, beer, uran, oakum and assorted loaves. Dear Doc: What will prevent dandruff from falling on my coat collar? D. Y. S. Answer Cut collnr off. Dear Doc: What will cure Insomnia? Answor Move to Alyrtlo Point. Oh. Doctor: Whnt will cure Geo. Goodrum? Answor Nothing, Donr Doctor: What had I hotter do? Dennett Swanton. Answer Forgot It. BAXDON aMARSIIKIIDLD irton & Hansen Stationers and Snooze Dealers Wc are arc sole agents for SANTA GLAUS and THE BIO NOISE." OUR FLOUR Makes lovely Face Powder, and made into Bread makes lovely complexions. Wand Flour Mill Co. H.W. PAINTER, Coos County Representative Testimonials. Dear Doc: Your medicine hna helped mo Wonderfully. Three .Ifivn nrn T couldn't even whip the Cream and now I am ablo to thrash tlio Oats. Anson Rogers. Dear Doc: My wiro was so sick that sho couldn't swallow a thing. I gavo her two bottles of your medicine nnd now sho swallows everything I to" lior. Tom Hall. Dear Doc: My rhoumntlsni nehed so bad that I couldn't lie still at night. I broko ovory window In niv bed room ob you directed mo and now I sloop without any "panes." j Dorsoy Kroltzor. I L. J. S., North Ilond. You oay you aro only C3 years old. Then you do not require spectacles. ! All you need to ao Is to niako nn oyowash by dissolving two pounds of chlorgrenso In a tub of water and wash your neck with tlio solution onco n month. This will cnuso tho oyos to grow bright and shed a peculiar lustro which will at tract tho women to you. It will also aid you In seeing troublo ahead, so that yon may avoid It. I Dr. Wlnklor Dear Doctor: Somo wcoks ngo you sent mo a piaster to got rid of tho rhaumatiflm and, It did tho work. Now I would like for you to send mo Bomothlng to got rid of tho piaster. It. J. Montgomory. HKKFSTHAK A LA FLANAGAN Take a good beefsteak, wallop around on top of n hot stove, sen son and serve on n barrel. WATKIt A LA STRAW Tako four drops of Coos Hay Water Co.'s best water, ndd ono gallon of Honr hon nnd tnko as rapidly as possible. Tho following Is n menu for n light midnight lunch as suggested by J. W. Dennett: Two dozen oysters on tho bnlf shell. One-half broiled Uvo lobster. Ono dozen crawfish. Snusago, potato sauto. Welch Itarcblt. Coffee. Liquids nn needed. This will bo found of groat ben efit In cases of Insomnia. Tho following tried recipe Is sub mitted by Gub Adolspergor. Ho bns tried It nnd ought to know: MOCK HAM AND KGGS Plnco dor vlto of u nowspnpor In dor frying pan uud cover dor center mlt nn Itullnn sunset picked fresh from n magnzlno picture. DIs forms dor egg nnd tastes very real istic, no suro to get n fresh nows papor and a fresh mngazlno, uddor vlso tho Imltntlon ogg vlll bo dull and insipid. row add n fow slices of nlckled unoloum und fry care lessly for twenty minutes. Sorvo hot mlt Imltntlon snlt nnd popper on dor side. DIs Ih n dnyllght dish bccau8o dor Biinsot effect Is lost If cooked nftor dark. T1IK 11IG NOISH WANT ADS. Tho Noisy wnnt nds Fotch tho Fetich. Try Tho NoIbo wnnt ads. Thoy got you anything you wnnt and somethings you don't wnnt. Not rcspoiiBlblo for typographical errors. No ads rocolvcd by tolonhonc. Hates, ?1.00 n mlnuto. WANTHD A Rood hair tonlo; somothlng that will restore hnlr a llttlo nt n tlnio: will pay lib erally. D. Y. Stafford. WANTKI) Ono good long tonn water irancniso, auutobs j. w I) caro of Dig Nolso. iiimttii vn m.'MiTV uivre iKOU SAM': An automobile agency. III.AIlll AM) IH.AUTY HINrS j Novor B0(1 A,)p,y w u ija0B. A. T. HAINES PARTICULARLY FLOUR Blue Stem 'he SMOKEHOUSE" Smoker's Christmas Supplies You smoke in the hereafter "nokes arc the best smokes that you ever Smoked. LNnlc the wason0'!.' I)ec' 5th aml OH' Tlio ono llIG EVK.YT L?ncd L lrncl, direction Rufus K. Love. , r FUr l-.u At sain niwnii nrnn.i. nAn...1... nt thfl Izzy ' Plunifc Pour nU8' SIx Dlta ne Geo. Rotnor. Mlnnlo Your blood Ib out of order nnd the warts on your map, aro probably causod by torpodo liv-' or. Got from your butcher a .wnl rus llvor nnd fry In nxlo gronso. To this add ono teacup of sand nnd mix with n whisk broom.- Ubo n curling Iron nnd swnllow whole' This will glvo you n now llvor nnd Is nn oxcollent remedy for catarrh of tho foot nlBO. Tnko n pailful ono mlnuto beforo each meal and you won't bo nblo to ent. Whon n now llvor Is built you enn rnfflo off tho old ono. Oh, you, Mlnnlo! 1X)H SALIC Ono vest Docket rail road. Address C. J. M., caro of C. F. McKnlght. TO KXCIIANflK Ono hiwvcIi of rosignation tor jou with gooa salary. Address C. R. I, enro of Dig Nolso. Maud Kczomn Is frequently caused by eating soup with a knlfo. Wearing your shoes In bod or Inhnllng breath brings about this affliction. A good romedy Is mndo by mixing four ounces of dvnamlto with nn olophnnt's lung, "ml nnn pint of Ink. When dis solved let soak through n horso blanket end rub on tho Itching sur 'nro with snnd pnpor until tho fnco Is smooth. If your hands nro cov ered with eczemn, sonk thorn In, dlshwnter nftor each menl, HANDS OFF. LOST In the uclghborlKKid of tho Uoos liny steam Laundry, .Mon day Inst, ono sock, seven button holes, tho color out of tliroo shirts, half a shirt bosom, throo stzos out of a woolen union suit. Flndor return to Nolso olllco. No questions nskod (or nnsworod). LOST Seven iKiundx avolrdupol flndor may keop. D. Y. Stafford. LOST On South fork of Coos Rlv or, nn Irish tompor. Itoturn nt onco to Pioneer Grocory nnd ro colvo rownrd. Ivy Condron. LOST One election. Vnluo 8HIO. (Cost JC80). Lnst bcoii In pos session of ono Smith. Liberal re ward for return nnd no questions nskod, Address J. O. Stommlor, Myrtle Point. "You must not touch tho ton of baby's hoad," said Mrs. Jack Flan agan to hor four-year-old, "sho hns a soft spot thoro thnt Is very ten der." Tho youngBtor lookod nt It cur iously for n momont nnd thon nsk od: "Do all babies hnvo soft spots on tliolr hends?" "Yes." "Did papa linvo n soft spot on tho top of his head whon ho was a baby?" "Yes," replied Mama Flnnngnn, with n Blgh, "nnd ho's got It yet." And tho old man (Jack) who had hoard tho conversation from an ad joining room, sang out: "Yes, In deed, ho has, my dear boy, or ho would novor hnvo gotton mnrriod." LOST A patient. Lntt neon In company of Frod Wilson. No i rownrd. .(Patient lias got his), I Goo. B, Dlx, FOl'XD Floating on Coon River I apparently now toupo. ' Iilontlfl- cntlon marks, crab meat Imbed ded In tho hnlr. Smalls of boor. Initials E. S. II. on Inoldo. Ap- i ply Magnos & Matson storo. FOUND In tho edltor'H pocket. 10 conts. Any reasonable Identifi cation oxcopted. FOUND 91000. Owner iiuir re colvo samo on payment of 12000. ivllll- r A.. hub jtuuuuuy. .... fti. nAT.f i ieci7rn ii win Amnr in tlio Tlilrd.Tho abovo Thins Is Oily Jolm D. Act of The Hlg Nolso. Montgonwrjr, (Alabama), Asst., Dec, a and 0. Qihgo Slanager and Scene Shifter. t OUR BREAD IS MAD12 CLIUN, Kl'.PT ClilCAN, SOLI) CLUAN, DIOLIVKRED If it comes from LEWS it's HIGIIT IEIIYQ BAKERY, DELICATESSEN LILIIJ O AND DAIRY LUNCH : : : Phono 112-L. lllit Second St. Next tho Corner of Central Ave. MARSHFIELD HARDWARE CO. "We make a specialty of Left Handed Monkey 'Wrenches. Square Auyers. N. B. r.riie Paints used by the girls in "The. Big Xoise" furnished by this firm. OWL DRUGS OWL QUALITY We earnestly solicit your postage stamp trade. Nothing is too small to demonstrate OWL SERVICE. I'lH J'.O'J MiMfc. JmL K PHONE 74. J. OWJLf RESCRIRTION IHAHMAI IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH Q, FRANK D.COHAN CIC COOKwlTHGAS ABSTRACTS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE We are propared to furnish reliable abstracts at either Marshfiold or Coquille City Ollico on short notice. And make a specialty of handling Timber, Coal, Farm and flatting Lands. Wc handle relia ble Insurance 'of all kinds. Title Guarantee & Abstract Company lien rii Senystackcn, Mfjr. Marshfiold and Coquille City. " AGENTS Steamers Speedwell and Fifield. ARAGO SODA WORKS Two bottles of our pop guaranteed to make you pop tho question. ! There's a good deal of ginger in 'Tho Big Noise' actors, but not as much as there is in our Ginger Ale. Try our Ale for What Ails You. Hero nro homo of tho GIIKAT STAHS hi THHIUO NOISK nt tho MomoiiIc Theater, Thursday ami Frlduy, December ft ami 0: This Year Cupid llultmann, Llttlo Fatty Flotchor, Oazoot Dodge, Pre ferred Stork Ilortou, Ilarnoy Oldfleld Illldenbrand, Soft l'ednl Haines, Chnunccy Olcott McKeown and Judgo Goss, who will bo Uie chief rag chewers. rv IV