i fcj.4a j1imi Pngo Too. CUPID BULTJCANN, BOSS SMITH, J. H. COCIIRAN AND MANY O'l'HEB SWEKT SINGS WILL APPEAR IN ELKS MINSTREL. 1 E. W. CAMERA SAYS: The Big Noise of the Dav Is These FULL DRESS and TUXEDO SUITS I jioe, oinu jlwjijjei i Retail Department LUMBER. CO. Yards on Broadway We are pining to sec you pine for our i'ir. We arc offering 3 Knot Wholes Free. Willi every load of wooden wood delivered this week only. PHONE Ace - Nein - Oh - Jay! Masoolc Opera House r Thuursday - and - Friday D""!) Eveoiinigs December m n Annual Charity Food Benefit arahf ield, Oregonn, Lodge, Bo P. Oo ELKS Direction VaMdevill e ainidl-a Mibstiirek 1 MbRUFUS.K.LOVE- LADIES' 'ATTENTIOM A few Christmas Suggestions for your Gentlemen Friends: A Nice Suitcase A Pair of Gloves A Pair of Slippers Silk Socks Fine Neckwear, A Silk Umbrella, A Nice Huff Neck Sweater Wc have these in large variety at reasonable prices. THE BAZAAR THE IIOUSU OF QUALITY. WE HAVE AN ELK AT OUR STORE !It will cook your Breakfast, Dinner and Supper, which is more than some Elks will do. Como in and see our Elk Range. ... SUMNER HARDWARE CO. ... PROGRAMME: INTERLOCUTOR: Kimono Crouthwallo. HONES J. A. JOHNSTON C. W. MONTGOMERY PRANK IIORTON TAMHOS F. D. FLETCHER GUY V. CHAMBERS MARTIN SHERRAR1) Opening Chorus Entlro Company Ovorturo Tninboa nnd Honea "Llaton to Tlmt Junglo Ilnnd" K. D. Klotchor "When tho Holt In tho LIghtliouso Rings Ding-Dong" J. II. Cochrnn "I'm tho Guy" Guy W. Chnniuors "Thoy Always Pick on Mo" Pnnquln IJrntlflold (Assisted by Vloln Scalfo, Anonu Illldcnbrnnd, Jnno McLiilii, Lucllo McLnln, nnd Enn McKoown.) "Como Down, Miss Mnllndn" Ross Smith "Oh, You Girls, Girls, Girls" Mnrtln Shorrnrd "Don't Wnlto Mo Up, I'm Droamlng" Mnrtln Shorrnrd "Somobody Elso Is Gottlng It". Frank Morton "A Son of tho Dcsort Am I"..'. Ilnrry Hultmnnn "Lord Ilnvo Morcy on n Married Mnn" 0. W. Montgomery "Tho Rng TImo Goblin Mnn" J. A. Johnston 'Great Dope and every body's wearing them- Get busy and order yours Reiser's llandtiilc Dress Tics the "No Wrinkle" Full Dress Shirts ami Ev erwear Silk Hosiery. Complete outfitter for Man., Men and Gentlemen. Will exchange clothes for gold, diamonds or radi um. Yours, anxious to please, THE TOGGERY WANTED---A GOOD SWIFT KICK "Somebody kick me, please, because I had chances in 1900-7-8-9-10-11-12 to buy good Coos Bay real es tate that has made money for those who did as I should have done." This is a common plaint. It will bo just as common in 1 913-1-1-15, etc., because tho many keep on making the samo mistake, while the few profit by reading the signs of tho times. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. INTERMISSION Overture Orchestra If "THE BIG NOISE" Makes You Sick, OUR PURE FOOD WILL CURE YOU Wc have the Best in the world, and many varieties inciuumg HEINZ FIFTY-SEVEN VANITIES. 1 cinz first name is Barney, but he is never B. Heinz with the goods. Wc also carry the Famous Preferred Stock Canned Goods. It is always prefer red by people wlio Know tlic best. OLLIYANT & WEAVER, A Good Place to Trade Jacknivcs or any old thin Ollivant, buyer and truckhorse. Weaver, janitor ai bookkeeper. Phone 275-.T. Central Ave. and Third Street. PART TWO VAUDEVILLE. J. A. (SWEDE) JOHNSTON in Itnllnn chnrnctor song, "Como Uncle, MnrKiiorlto.1 'Vnt's tho Mnttor MIt Holnao,". . . .Mnry Motlln, Ednn Hnwkmnn, Pnsquln Drndflold, Vloln Scnlfo, Anonn Hlldonbrnnd, Jnno Mc Lnln, Eva McICeown. - "WHY DON'T YOU TAKE HER OFF THE TRACK." A Funny Burlcsquo Drnmn, by permission Thomas P. Geltz. CHARACTERS Leonora ; P. M. Pnlntor Mnurlco do Cnceinc j, a. Johnston Count do Lumbngo Dnn D. Kontlng Dnvo Stafford, Gcorgo Goodrum nnd Al Powers will nnponr ns trees. C. V. Montgomery Proporty Man "Mary Ann" Tho Misses Hawkman nnd Motlln "Meet Mo Tonight" Tho Misses Hnwkmnn nnd Motlln "I Want to Do a Drummer Doy" F. D. Fletchor nnd Rufus Lovo UNION OIL CO. Gasoline by the glass come and have a drink. GEORGE J. RICHARDSON Manager Plat 13. Wharf. North Bend, Oregon. I "Auld Lnng Sync" GOOD NIGHT .CALL AGAIN SPERRY FAMTLY FLOUR. DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR. SPERRY QUALITY CEREALS MAKES HOMES PLEASANT AND FAMILIES CONTENTED FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERIES SPERRY FLOUR SPERRY PRODUCTS BEST BY EVERY TEST. C. A. SMITH LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO. MARShTIELD, OREGON HSIIKyUilUHMHPMSf - Manufacturers of OREGON PINE, SPRUCE and PT. ORFORD CEDAR LUMBER Also Red Cedar Shingles. STEAMERS : ADELINE SMITH, NANN SMITH, IiEDONDO. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. OCEAN TRANSPORTATION Everybody's Doing It. WHAT? Riding and routing all their 'freight via our fast and commodious steamer Redondo. plying on regular 'w. l uu tiUb LU UU HI XMii IUUU11U ill II1U iviauw' DO DOCK, Marshfield, Oregon, or 805 Fife Bldg. and Pier 19, San Francisco and you will be fully posted on all shipping and sailing dates. lh I