THE BIG NOSE THIS PAPER. IT'S A LIE don't sco It In Tlio lllgj I'lils nM'r for snlo or rent ctery y ln (,1 wcok .bUslit1 If J Oil Noise. up"1 TliesdllJ, Whines- ,Zs- 1'ri.tay. tun.y, W-.1""!: Jol... .mV WrtlHlny. jloiul")' on all lxMits unil stngeH between hero and there. I A Foolishhouse Paper Printed Oice in a Lifetime---That's Esuf. m Entered aUhe Marshfiold Roast Office as the Worst Class of Male Matter But It's the Best Class. XlT. NO. NT'I MARSH FIELD, ARRAIl-GO-ON, TODAY, NINETEEN AND ONE DOZEN. kot PRICE, N1T-NI.T, ft STATEMENT OF CONDITION of Vt the l'loso t Busnicss Scpl ember 4, 1912. Flanagan & Bennett Bank At tlio close of business, September I, JI'llI. Established 1889. ItKSOUHCKS Tmiis and Discounts $ -155,21 1.87 Ktag House 50,000.00 and Sight Exchange 307,835.46 Totni $ 813,017.33 LIAWUTll-S toilnl Stock paid in $ 50,000.00 fflus and Undivided 'Profits 59,552.07 Sffi, 703,49.1.(10 Total $ 813,017.33 WARNER GROCERY CO. Ostrich Eggs, per dozen 10c Ostrich Eggs, fresh, per dozen lie (One egg will feed 14 people. You will find these eggsaetly what you want. NASBURG'S GROCERY OUR SPECIALTIES: Fresh vegetables that are always fresh. String Beans with the strings taken out. Seedless Apples without cores. Liinburgcr Cheese that speaks for itself. We Dare You to Meet Us Face to Face" Going & Harvey B-est P lace O-n E-arth To Buy Furniture. Wo will gladly furnish your house if you will "Wish the affinity. Isn't it funny We save you money. Don't Delay Come Today ...The Busy Corner... The Rexall Store Leading Drug Store on Coos ftaj. Everything to bo 'found in a first-class Drug Store at Low est Prices. ftoSemPTfON FILLING is OUE BUSINESS PHONE 298. tahart & Parson's Drug Co. w n U. I). M'AIITHUH KSTAlHilSIIKS liAWJU AXI) IMI'OUTANT IX ni'KTItlAli I'IjANT OX COOS hay this whkic. Cooh liny Is about to becomo tlio Paris of fruit fashions mid tlio Pittsburg of Pacific Coast manufacturing cities. n. D. Mc Artbur hna recently Inaugurated a factory for placing on tho market a flno lino of noon skirts for bn nanas. Tlio hobble, soml-hobblo and sheath styles aro being manu factured by the latest Improved machinery. Frank Lnlso and J. Albert Mnt Hon were so impressed with tho now forms thnt they promptly placed an order for a year's out put to supply their liannna plan tation in tho Sand Hills. Tho factory already employs ono small boy and n skirt designer. Plat I) Is assuming tho lively air of a manufacturing center. MnJ. Kinney, who Instigated tho enter prise, Is special agent and Is pro paring to float a slock issuo of $20,000,000 for working capital. "Mac" hopes to bo nlilo to fur nish garments for all tho bannnas raised on Coos Day. Later tho peaches may also be supplied. D H 01 MM 1MPOUTAXT XOTlCi:. Owing to tho fnct that thoro was a heavy fog this morning tho West ern Union wires aro down again and wo aro unalilo to got any press dis patches, thus greatly curtailing our iiowh service. Tlio Important In formation about the child lost ln the storm was received by wireless. On nccouut of tho slide on tho wngon road nud tho subsequent hold up of the mall and non-arrival of tho Portland papers, our tolograph nows, In common with our contemporary, Is taken from yestorday'B papers. Bxchango of tlckots nnd rooorvod scat salo begins Mondny, Dec. 2. at tho Husy Cornor. First como, first served. Reservations limited to six tlckots to any porson for each per formance Tho lines of poetry appearing In this Issuo havo all boon carefully measured by tho Orogon Power Co.'s motor. Thut's why they're so rotten slitU " FKUnii: I'AIXTEIl. As Leiiore, tliu Lending Lady 1" That Awful Driinm, "Why Don't You Tnfco Her off tlio Track." KXCM'SIVi: STOUV OK TIIHIIi MX(3 IlKSCUM OF A CHILI) WHO WAS LOST DUltlXU Til 13 HKCI3XT 1H3AVV ItAIXS. During tho .recent sovcro rain and wind storm which swept over tho north Pacific const, a tot wan dered from homo and bo far nil efforts to trnco him havo been In vain. Searchers have boon out all day Friday, Friday night, Sat urday and Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night, Monday nnd Mondny night, Tuesday and Tuos day night, Wednesday and Wed nesday night, Thursday and Thurs day night, sonrchlng tho hills nnd tho beaches for tho lost ono nnd as they Btrngglcd in fnlnt, weary and footsoro, toll of tho groat tor ronts In tho deep gulches In tho hills, tho agony of tho parents was pitiful, for as each faco they scan nod, thoy rond In tho nvortcd eyes, tho over Bnmo answer No Trnco. Volunteers Called For. To tnko up tho search a call was issued today by Sheriff dago for volunteors. In loss thnn an hour over ono hundred tnen had offered their sorvlces nnd woro Boon on their way to tho hills. Relief wa gons nro bolng loaded In groat hnsto with provisions and blankets, for all thoso who alrondy havo gono on tho search, Bomo of whom havo been In tho hills without food for tho pnst ten days. Arrange ments have been mado to light nn Immonso bonflro on tho Dlvldo In tho hopo that tho lost ono will seo It nnd bo guided toward tils homo nnd his sorrowing parents. Reinforcements. It was learned by long dlstnnro tolophono from tho Sheriff's ofllco this nftornoon thnt pnrtles volun teered nnd woro nccoptod from Mnrshfiold. North Ilond, Conulllo, Dnndon, Ilnttlo Rock, Myrtlo Point, Sumner, Allegany, Llbby KnstBldo. Mllllngton, Cooston, Glasgow nnd nrldgo. Thoroforo. n cordon of nion Is now stretched In n groat clrclo with Mar8hflold nn its hub, tho rim bolng forty miles nwny, and havo commenced to close In slowly, searching ovorv foot of tho ground ns thoy draw tho net elosor nnd ciosor togotuor. Public Comment. .Tudgo Hall, ono of Coos Coun ty's oldest residents, who has hold public ofllco In this locality for tho past forty years, when Interviewed by our roprosentntlvo todav, ex pressed hlmsolf ns bolng fenrful for tho llfo of tho youngster. Ho stated that when ho wns lost In tho fall of M0. 'C2 and Inter In the winter of '08, ho wns nlwnys discovered In less thnn ono day. Klirimls Seen. At dusk this ovonlng tho signals and lights of somo of tho sonrch erB could bo Been from tho Chan dler Hotel ns tho grent clrclo of senrchors slowly npnronchod tho city. This paper has mndo ar rnngomonts with Harry McKeown to remain on guard In tho towor to cntch any signals which might Indicate that tho search was for tunately ended. All but ono soctlon Is in sight. Tho look-out has Just roportod thnt tho lights of tho ontlro clr clo can bo Been with tho exception of those ln tho direction of Nob hill. This has glvon rlso to the rumor thnt tho party hns found tho strayed ono. TATI3H. (Exclusive Dlsnntch to Tho nig Nolso.) Tho search wns ended nt 4 o'clock this morning when tho lost ono, J, Albert Mntson, was found In the bnck room at tho Mllllcomn club plnylng boIo with Horbort Lockhart, who was lator charged with "Kid" napping. A Special Invitation ' You Don't Like the Way We Bun This Paper h it n,a ji t ,-, , ..... tv7.., 7?7i7niv - uj ivif uonaron, our iMimwiy .-.. This is a special invitation for you to pay a visit to PERRY & NICHOLSON'S and see the Greatest and Best Housefumishiny Store in hol iday attire. Homes furnished hithis house always look the lest and cost the least. PERRY & NICHOLSON Who arc you Banking with Tonight, Tonight? Who are you Hanking with Tonight? Deposit your SPONDULIX with us.' CAPITAL .$900,000.00 less than u Million. SURPLUS A quarter as much and more coming. Our safe deposits are safe. Even a woman can keep a secret in them. We arc not JOKING We want your business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK SOME ADVICE BILL i If you arc not willing- to stand up and dodge tho bricks, don't reach out for 1 the bouquets that may bo thrown. More Advice If your feet aro cold, re member tho biggest rim for your money can be had in WALK OVER. SHOES Mwoucui9VlCi:xfl Magnes Matson 1M Grand Theater Next week we will run two reels show The New S. P. Bridge Across -Coos Bay Wo have gono to great expense to se cure this film, but the prices will re main the same. . . ONLY 10 CENTS . . . MONEY TALKS' And it never stutters when you bring it to Tho ' Hub. Here's where it makes "THE PIG NOISE" Oh! you Benjamin, also George, John, Charlio and tho Rest. Here's where you get the suits that j suit you at prices tnat suit tlio suit and tncros no soot on our suits, either. Just so you won't forget it, now, all together "THE BIG NOISE" "MONEY TALKS" HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO. MABSIIFIELD POSTOFFIGE 13 Two Cent Stamps for a Cent and a Quarter. Get our prices for Stamps, Postal Cards, Money ' Orders before going elsewhere.