THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 19 12. -EVENING EDITION. CONDITIONS Of GITY WATER RECORDER MARSRFIELD1 WINS AT LOVE ELS ABOUT GITY ISSUES Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. STORY IS FALSE WHERE MONEY TALKS In mnny plnces, nnd throughout Is In sufficient in size to supply tho popu lation which It attempts to nerve. Thnt snltl system does not roncli many of tho houses nnd dwellings In well populated districts of snld city nt nil nnd tho pipes through which It Marshfleld Booster Explains Why Bennett Wants Coke and Savage Elected. . Official Denial of Story Circu lated by the Water Company. THn Wntor Compiiny In Its des peration is circulating stories to reaches ninny of tho dwellings In snld why J. W. Dennett nnd tho Coos Hny, to offort J'1"1 lnrl, '""-'ciii s op- cny nro so smaii ninl inntletiunlo Hint water company nro doing everything i'"eii 10 mi ummMumn ...... ...v ji is impossiuie for tho users thereof In their power to havo A. J. Savngo Editor Times: It seems to mo ought to ho cnlled thnt attention to tho reasons to sccuro sulllclent water therefrom for domestic purposes. Sixth. That tho prcssuro In Its mnlns within snld city nt tho lowest point thereof never reaches " pounds per square Inch, Is usually mnlntnlnod nt nhout 10 pounds per jjqunro Inch, nnd Is often reduced to considerably less than -10 pounds por square inch; that said city of JInrsliflohl is in largo part on unoven nnd hilly ground nnd ninny of tho residences in said city, which are con nected with snld water systom nro unnblo to obtnlu wntor therefrom ex cept nt irregular intervals and nt times when other users thereof In torniodlato botween them and tho eourco of supply, are not using tho snmo nnd that many buildings In said city nro so situatod that tho wntor In snld mains and pipes doos not rlso to tholr level nt any tlmo. Soventh. Thnt Its system of wntor mains of sulllclent slzo to afford any flro protection whntovor, i. o., ns largo as four inches In diameter, or Jnrgor, docs not extend to one-third tho area of said city nor reach tho residences of moro than ono-hnlf Kb population; thnt many of tho largo rcsldonco districts of snld city nro reached only by pipes of two inches in dlamoter or undor nnd that prop erty within snld cltv of nt least $700.- nnd Tom Coko elected councllmcn at tho election tomorrow. Evoryono knowB they nro opposing Albrccht nnd Wlnlclor bocnuso the latter stand for decent water service, municipal ownership of tho water works, nnd nro opposed to granting tho company n long term franchise nt Incrcnsod rates. Hcsldos tho waterworks mntter, Mr. Ilcnnett is nlso figuring on tho railroad situation. Ho wants somo councllmcn on there to protect his railroad franchise, for which ho is reported to wnnt $100,000. Tom Coko, who Is In tho employ of his rnllroad, if elected to tho c illicit would nnturnlly havo to work for his company nnd would opposo nny rnll road seeking cntrnnco to tho city, oven though tho coming of tho rail road would mnko Marshfleld what wo nil wnnt It to bo n good city. Snvngo would do tho snnio for ho Is nlwnys ltbornl in tho city mutters, when it bcnoflts Mr. Dennett. Then Mr. Dennett's rnllroad com pany will bo asking nn extension of their franchise, so thoy won't havo to spond so much money in actual rnllroad building, becauso Mr. Den nott doesn't wnnt to put In very much money nnd thereby ho will got moro volvot when, If ho Is able, to forco somo rnllroad to pay llbornlly, 000 In value s utterly without flro $ioo,000 or so, for tho franchise protection whatsoever. That for proper flro protection tho prcssuro In snld mnlns throughout the main por tion of snld city should bo nt nil times maintained nt nt least 75 pounds per squaro inch, whllo tho which tho city gnvo him Of course, Messrs. Coko nnd Snv ngo wouldn't grant n frnuchlso to nny other railroad If It would spoil Mr. Ilcnnott's chances of getting n fat, juicy prico for his rnllroad frnn todny there Is nn unpaid assess ment for Improvements against bis nronorU In North Ilend. Tho fol lowing statement from tho re corder of North Uend proves the fnlsoness of this story which Is on a pnr with the other rcckieBS mis statements being put in eirculntlon to confuse nnd tlccolvo tho peoplo: North llend. Dec. 2. 1012. I, A. 11. Derbyshire, do hereby certify: Thnt I am and over slnco tho ninth day of January. 1900, I hnvo been the duly elected, qual ified and nctlng Recorder or tho City of North Ilend, In tho county of Coos, Stnte of Oregon: That ns such officer I nm tho custodlnn of tho records of said City of North llend, Including tho "Special Assessment Roll nnd Docket of City Mens." Thnt there Is not, nor has there bcon slnco tho 10th tiny of Fobrti nrl, 1011, upon tho rocordB of snld city nny unpaid assossmont, duo, owing or payable from Cnrl brcehr, of Marshfleld, Oregon, said City of North Ilend. Witness 'my hand nnd tho of snld City of North Hond, second day of Dcronibcr. 1012. a. ir. dhruyshiri:, Recorder of tho City of North Dcnd. (SEAL) Al to sent this .present prcssuro therein ranges from , cn80f suppooo tho Hill lino, or tho 40 poundB per aqunro inch down-. 0oiild lino wnnt to como In lioro. wnnls to nearly zoro. Wm miov lmvo to ,,oni ...m, tho cltv blglith. That by orillnanco of tho of Mnrshflold for tho bonoflt of tho city of Mnrahflold. duly enacted on,cty, or will thoy hnvo to nogotlnto th.0..;tl1 i1".? of. nrc1'' 1011" forty. with Mr. Ilonnott for his benefit? A few of I)onnott.'H henchmen 1 1 n A I i A AB JhiiIh rm 4 4 Ya f m t I I IIIKU UUW'II HJI1IH III WV1IKUII .HI. ill ntldttlonnl flro hydrants woro order cd installed nt specified places with an sain city wnoro tup snmo woro ro- )rC(.hfs popularity by claiming thnt quired for tho additional protection j,0 i,n8 Opposod public Improvomonts. of ndjacont property and tho defend-, Hvorybody who known nbout Mr. Al nnt wns forthwith notified and ro-, iroclitn record on tho city council in quired to lay such ntlditlonnl water tho past knows that ho favored 1m nialnB as wero necessary to reach piovomonts. Howovor, ho lnslsto.r unld hydrants and waa notified to timt Mm inminvninontu i.n ,innn i., HKSmW T n- IN GOQUILLE Adiourned Term of Circuit . Court Convened This Morning. Tho adjourned term of tho circuit court wna convonod nt Coqulllo to- linvn Hntil miiliiH limtnllnil liv Mm flrfit i in.. .... ii" "" ' ' tiny by JllllcO John S. COKO. TllO OKI tiny of October; 1012, but It has it-' o Vy owno'get w thoy woro Z-1 " Jury wns In session nnd tho torly failed, neglected nnd refused SeBiiMWo? and to S i-.n... ,,.. n.o iiiuiiuiii iiiiuuKu work nnd that it bo dono nt rooson- " , " " its propor officers has roneated y on- .,ria vnt n. .iiffA- i I turned by tho grand Jury. donvorcd to sccuro better sorvlco tlm nri nf nnnui nt tim nnvinir rnn.l Thoro aro ovor two hundrod enscs from said defendant but said defend- tnirtH whornhv tlm nrminrtv nu-nnm' on tho docket for tho rcgulnr Do ' ---. "'"'". .!. M I.ll. ...Ill .. .., Romance in Wedding of Ans- gar T. Lagerstrom Told at Los Angeles. A story concerning u well known Murahfleld young man was printed in a Los Angeles dispatch to tho Portland Oregonlnn. The story roads llko u "pipe dream" of somo otniB reporter or an effort of some would-be Joker to havo fun with tho newly-weds. The story Is us follows: LOS ANCIELES, Dec. 2. When Miss Edytlui L. Marchant, n promi nent society girl, and Ansgnr T. La gerstrom wero mnrrlod Thursday ly( Dean McCornmck of St. Paul's Pro Cathedral, a douhlo courtship wns. brought to nn end. Tho party of the third pnrt Is un derstood to bo Cooy Dunkclsborgor of Portland, Or. Dunklcsherger wooed nnd Lngorstrom wooed, and tho mnld withhold her dcclBlon. Ln gorstrom went north nnd Dunkols berger apparently bail the field. Mrs. R. I- lleffclflngor gavo n din ner party. It was Intended to bo nn engagement dinner for Miss Mnrch nnt nnd Lagerstrom, who was then there, but tho ranis woro In blank nnd the dinner fulled. Thoro was anothor northern trip nlono for Logerstroni, who Is In bus iness In Mnrshflold, Ore. Dunkols borgcr was In Portland. It was n tlmo for introspection. Somcono di vined that Miss Marchant had exper ienced n chnngo of honrt. A telegrnm to Lagerstrom, n sorlea of fast trains, a lleonso. vnlo Dunkolsborgorl Now Lngorstrom has gono north nirnln. So has Mrs. Lagorstrom. Dunkolsborgor is horo nnd says his heart Is perfectly sound. IS THERE n DETECTIVE O.V your trail? .IUTV n FLAKIILKSIIT at the OUNNERY and EXPOSE II IM. Whni you got when you buy at the Hub ,,,,,n,in& and aha Lower Prices In these two little words lies the stm.. , sunnnss. ni Of Hub success. nni nas uuoriy lauou, noBiccieii nnu woro SIlV0(l mmoy. Mr. Albrccht ronisoti to remetiy or improvo uio lnH lln(l to work for i,H nionoy nn(, enniO. I Iuiowh hmv most nf tho Mnrnliflnlil combor term, which will opon next Monday. Among mo criminal manors m etimo Sixth. Thnt tho aforesaid sorvlco peoplo lmvo had to work for theirs. I "I 'l'1 u0 l0 Jo Coach caso from of dofendant Is In tho respects com- jj0 BOt his homo by working hnrd Unmlon, which tho grand Jury loft plnlncd of nnd by reason of tho fore-l ,uj HnVng his monoy nnd ho knowHl l)on nt tno lnst tori f0" further going niniiora ami mings. niuioquaio t1Ilt ovory ,.ont t.olllltH t0 tll0 nvor. jiiHiuiu-iuiu nun iiiirunHuiiiiiiiu. nco worklnir ninn. nniiRniiiiniitlv lin Whoroforo, plaintiff prays thnt tho B8tod on tho peoplo getting their defendant bo required to answer tho charges heroin anil that after duo lioarlng nnd Investigation, nn order lo mntlo commanding the defendant to censo and desist from its violation of tho provisions of Chapter fill of tho lnws of Oregon for tho year 1007, ns amended, heroin complained of, nnd thnt snld Commission shall order fiold defendant to furnish such sor vlco as It shall determine to bo rca ftannblo upon such terms mid within such tlmo as tho Commission shall fix. and for such other nnd further ortlor ns tho Commission may deem Just and necessary In tho promises. Dated at Mnrshflold, Oregon, this 27th day or Novomuor. luis. CITY OP MARSHFIELD. lly E. E. STRAW, Slayor. JOHN 1). GOSS, Attorney. PAIF01S OF PRINCIPLES .To tho Peoplo of Mnrshflold j I horcby nnnounco my candidacy for councllinnn of tho city of Marshllold. I plodgo niysolf to tho platform given bolow nnd earnestly Bollclt your support In its ' hnlf. If elected I will sorvo tho peo plo to tho best Interest of tho ontlro community nnd tho best of my abil ity. I bellovo in n aqunro deal for nil. I bollovo in n municipal owned nnd operated wntor system. I bollovo that nil future franchises or extension of franchises or other equally important measures bo sub mitted to n voto of tho peoplo for fi nal decision. I bollovo In a progressive busluoss administration, honostly nnd econom ically administered. . 1 urn oposed to tho extravagance nnd extension of tho present wntor franchise. I bollovo In Marshllold nnd will gladly loud my effort in greater up building nnd future progress. Respectfully submitted, CARL L. ALBREOHT. To tho Peoplo of Mnrshflold: 1 will bo n cnndldato for membor of tho common council of tho city of Mnrshflold. In making this announce ment I am nctuatod by tho bollof that it is every person's duty to do a sharo of tho public work of his com munity and If elected it will bo ray heaest endeavor to eorvo tho people ot Mnrohfleld to tho best interests fit the nttre community. I bolovo tho city ot Marshfleld money's worth in improvomonts nnd somo of tho contractors and n few that tho contractors havo boostod In to office hnvo boon kicking nt him ever slnco. Thoro Is Just ono thing for tho voters of Mnrshflold to do nt tho polls tomorrow, and that Is to voto for Al- hrecht anil Winkler. MAtSHJOLJWlOpTJBR should own mid opornto its own wnt or systom. I nm opposed to nn extension of the prosont frnnchlBo of tho wntor com pany. I bollovo thnt nil franchises nnd similar Important locnl questions should bo submitted to n voto of tho peoplo for final decision. I bollovo In tho squaro deal for ov ory person. I bellovo in progress in public Im provomonts without oxtrnvnnco, and in economy without poniirlnusncss. I bollovo In oxorclslng tho same rnro In public expenditures thnt wo do In prlvnto busluoss. My nlm will nlwnys bo to work for a cloanor, grontor and moro prosper ous Mnrshflold. HARRY WINKLER. M'AliMSTEUJS INDICTED. Portland Lawyer Known In Mat-Mi-Hold Held for lleluoiih Olfeiihe. , , A Portlnnd papor says: E. S. J. McAlllstor, attorney, nnd Hnrry A, Start, a practicing physi cian, woro Indicted by tho grniul Jury Friday in connection with tho cru sade waged by the officers of tho Ju ovnllo court, against porsons accused of depraved habits. A batch of 13 Indictments in nil wns handed in by tho moinbors of tho grand Jury, 1 1 defendants being mentioned, whllo In two cases charges woro lodged against single Individuals. Nine of tho indictments have been icleased for publication, tho remaining four being withhold until tho accused por sons nro placod In custody. In addition to tho two defendants mentioned nbovo, tho list of those ac cused by tb" grand Jury is ns fol lows: II. L, Rowv. two indictments; E. E. Wedomyer, two indictments; Earl Van Union, Earl Drown nnd John Doo Dosworth. In tho cases of McAllstor nnd Stnrt, bull has been fixed by Judga Morrow at $1000 ench. tho Inttor'a bonds bolng reduced from IBOOO. Rowo nnd Wedemoyer will bo roqulr ed to give f 1500 bonds each and Van Hulen, Drown nnd Dosworth $500 each. Two classes of charges nre brought against tho defendants, ono being designated ns nn immoral act, and tho other "too well understood and too disgusting to bo set forth." The latter charge Is sot forth on tho Indictments against McAlllstor nnd Start. Investigation, nnd tho Gunboat Smith caso. Tho austafson enso Is llkoly to bo nlso mntlo n matter of Investigation by tho grand Jury, Oustnfson, known ns "SIngstncken" was nrrosted for violating his pnrolo by drunkonoss, nnd It Is statod that ho will glvo evidence ns to who furulshod tho liquor. A largo number of Mnrshflold nt tomoys wont to Coqulllo todny. Judgo John F. Hall wont aver to hold tho monthly session of probato court. Tho Coos County commis sioners will nlso bo In soslon noxt Wcdnosdny. Tho (Sr.VXEKY'S POCKET CiasilLK.IIT Is not (Jl'AltAX TKKI) to expose (JR.UT, but It will THROW liKIHT whoro LHJHT is xi:i:di;d. IF YOU FAVOR HIGHER WA THIl RATES AXD A lA FRAX CIIISE, VOTE FOR A'OM COKE AXD A. J. SAVAfli:. DAXD DAXCE SlVOrdny ovenlng SAGE TEA WILL DARKEN MiHI IF YOU FAVOR HlfillER WA TEK HATES AXD A IX)XO FRAN CHISE, VOTE FOR TOM COKE AXD A. J. SAVAGE. T'W1 Good for the man who would laugh and keep young. First, becauso they are really and truly good to eat, and second, because They Chase Indignation irtcui Konci-Ai,wi i, i, , DUILDINQ AND REPAIR WORK, House Sieving and Grading, We nro prepared to do this work by the day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Let us figure with you. G, S. FLOYD & CO., Phono 818-J. Mmwhiield, Ore. Restore Faded and Gray Hair to Natural Color; Dand ruff Quickly Removed. Thoro Is nothing now nbout tho Idon of using Sago for restoring tho color ot the bnlr. Our grand mothers kept tholr hair dark, glossy and abunduut by tho uso of u slmplo "sago ten." Wnenovor tholr hair foil out or took on n dull, faded or streaked appearance, thoy nmilo n brow of sago leaves, nnd applied it to their hair with wonderfully boncflclal effect. Nowadays wo don't hnvo to ic- sort to tho old-ttmo tiresome- main- od gathering tho herbs mid m.ik lug tho ten. This Is dono by skill ful chemists bettor than we could do It ourselves; nnd nil wo havo tc do Is to cull for tho ready-mudo product, Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Romcdy, containing sago in tho proper strength, with tho nddl tlon of sulphur, nnothcr old-tlmo Bcalp romcdy. This preparation gives youthful color nnd boauty to tho hair, nnd is ono of tho best remedies you enn uso for tlnndruff, dry, fovorlsh, Itching -scalp, nnd fnlllng hnlr. G-Jt n 50 cont bottlo from your drug gist todny, nnd you will bo sur prised nt tho quick results. All druggists sell It, under gunranteo that tho monoy will bo rofunded If tho remedy Is not oxactly ns ropro-sentod. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. New Goods and Second Hand Goods nought, sold or cxcluingcd. HARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO. 8fla Front Street. Phono 34Q-L. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO OLEAX, by the Pneu nmtlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at going & nAnvEr, Phone 10(1 Have That Roof Fixed NOW See COBTHELL phone aiat. Lower Prices Here Because Lower Cost All Hub nicivlmtuliso is bought by lls (lil.cct from ilw iiiiuuiLiu.lurow. Wo pay no profit tho middleman. Wo buy for cash, which ,. that wo buy at tho lowest pi-ices. mm 'In buying for cash wo not only get everv ilh count, but havo our pick of tho choicest nicrcliiii disc. Lower Prices at Hub Stores Because Less Profit Wo arc content with less profit on each silo that is business. Kor ovory Hub sale means a Hub friend, which in time means more Hub sales. Wo do business for cash. When you buy clothing from us, you pay for tho clothing you don't pay n part of some ono else's bad debt. Hub Responsibility Your protection lies solely in tho pi oven re sponsibility of tho house from which you buy. Wo absolutely stand behind every piece of mer chandise that wo soil, no mat! or how large or small tho sale may bo. Peoplo toll us that Hub clothing is stronger better made than most of the clothing thoy see. To Sum It All Up Wo expcct.your patronage on the merits of our merchandise and the manner in which wo do bus iness. This should nppeal to you the same ns it docs to us. MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Mnrshfiold Bandon THK FItlEND OF COOS DAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPICD WITH WlRKLKSS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, AT 10 A.M. CUNXKOT1XG WITH TIIU NORTH DANK ROAD AT rOHTLAND NORTH PACIFIC frTBA.MSIIIP COMPANY. Phono 1 1. O. F. .McOnOHGB, Agt. FAST AND COJIMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with vrlrclifss nnd gubmnrlno bell SAILS FROM IMAR.SHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4 at 6:30 a.m. All PAsaenfccr RworvnUons From Sim Francisco Mnt Ho Mt 803 Flfo liluIdliiR, or PIcr No 10. All rescnntlons must ue n ken up 2t Iwurs before snlllnB. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATIOV CO. , . PHONE 44. O. F. MrtlEOKUE. L1 Steamer Homer Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco, jlVilk freight Only, Tuesday, November 26 P, S. DOW, Aget. OceuDcb EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. -x M w SAILS FROM AINSWORTII DOCK, PORTLAND, at 8 P-'"W 10, 20. FROSI MARSHFIELD AT SERVICE OF THE TID-. 10, 23, 30. Phone Main Stt-L. J. O. MILLER, Agent. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PIIOTOGRAPIIIP WORK, nromldo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing. i u:,n Pantafnrillifl unique i ""Vjtt THE MODERN DYERS. .PRESSERSwanATRL Agent for EAjrurdH. Bt , Co., Fine Tailoring. make your next inlt vu01MVfi 255 CENTRAL. t