1 ) Uion Tailoring Co. f 10B Tiront St. Lln''"houm Tll0ftter nrru valley farms, So County. Oregon. ,. Itcrry I'nniw, fXrnck Tanns. nlrr in""8' Stock Fnrnw, I iipncrnl Funning for DESCRIPTIVE LIST K Vc.TbsMBCO., rfft-r nrnvo. urcgon. iJflCE 3 OF FEW' SETTLEMENT Notice Is 'Crc,,y B'von thnt tho . .1.. 1n1v nnnnlntnd nfled and nctlng executrix of . estate or unvm """"' - 1 n.t I,-- flnnl nrrniinl Lj Has in-" ' ,. int.. with elm Counlv tie tarn - - -- - . n ni.nlv nrni?nn. Anil Hi 01 tuo w"i Court lina appointed Monday, . .... - l.niiorv 1019 nil i (tb flay ol ""'"i - ,Ubo for hearing objcctlonn to .. i-..i nM.miiif ntnl Mm tinlm -1 ll.HAlf dim iu. . Med this 18th dny or isovom- H. JANE MOHUAW, . ,M. of tho cstnto of David I EoMrif, ucccubuu. In.it rubllrntloii Novombor 23. I ... . n,.l.llxnllnn ttnp. 2R.1 Ull ' umiw----- .OTICi: TO CREDITORS. Kotlce l horeby gtvon that tho WineJ lins lieon tiuiy nppoini 1 ilmlnlstrator of tho cstnto of U.7 Peterson, docoasod. Now I persons Having ciuimu n0iiiui i ..t.in nrn liornliv notlfloil to wnt ihn samo. nronorly verified. a proper vouchers thorofor, to undersigned nt tho ofllco of :ai T. Hnll, Room 11, Kldorndo act, Marshflold, Coos County, -too, within six months from tho ii't bercor. Dated this 23d dny of Octobor, 111. JULIUS NELSON, il-!lilrlni- nf tlin nstntn nf Mnrv 1 Peterson, deceased. fiU.MMO.NH. ii tie Circuit Court of tho Stnto el Oregon, In mid for tho County ct Coos. .H.MIIncr, Plaintiff, Tl. ni Dilnes. Clmrlcs Dnlncs, Jnmoa Etiaes. Thomas II. Ualncs, Honry 1 Bslncs, Mrs. Charles Ualncs, Hn. James Dalncs, Mrs. Thomas R Balnea, Clinrlotto Holon Dalncs FUiigan, Patrick J. Flnnngan, Ut Ualncs Peterson mid Louis Peterson, Defendants. To Sarah Dalncs. Charloa Dalnos, 'ires Balnea. Thonins II. Dnlnos, ssrj A. Dalncs, Mrs. Charles ten, Mrs. Jnincs Dnlnos, Mrs. Seats H. Dalncs. Charlotto Ilolon toes Flanagan. Patrick J. Flan ks. Roso Dalncs Potorson nnd !! Peterson: lot and each of you nro horoby fled that you nro roqulrod to ,? ana answer tno complaint -' oa file nBolnst you In tho ' entitled Court, In tho nbovo jMed suit, In which tho said J. J Miner Is plaintiff mid you nro cefendants, on or boforo tho - day of Doccnihor. 1012. tho e being tho last day for nn "trlar prescribed In tho order for - plication of this Biimoons, nnd woa (ail to appear to nnswor on Wore said dn'o tho plaintiff will -7 to tho Court for tho relief fuded la his complaint, n sue tt statenienr of whleh In ns fol- ", to-wit: t the Court ilnfnrmlnn wlinf J I due upon tho contract for purchase of tho horolnnftor ao d real property nnd npply tho W" deposited with tho Clork of r wrt thereon, nnd dlroct onid eaants to mnkn nvnxnrn nn.l iln. r a warranty deed to said pinin- 'VOr Bald lots Bovnn. naht nlnn bl'I? VJ Aw1?:?.1??.. V" nion iu Ainrsiuioiu, & .nccordlng to tho plat joeoj oi record and on fllo In W. n,y Clerk's olUco of Coos 7. Oregon, In nccordanco with l kj . 4 lCQ conirnct or Bnio X,? u' complaint, upon AjWatltt paying Into Court (i7il!r Bum ot money shall be ' hereon; and also docreo tnat 'J raiiure, refusal or neglect of rre.nlants to mako Bald deed. . . mai event said decreeo.uo ie.-tto Ki tal(ew ns C(liIvalont K-TJiat plaintiff have Judg n... ,0r his costs nnd disburse- ei m ??lDst Bal(l dofendnnts nnd aa A.nna 8uch '"rtlior ro- tt .j U1 ourc siinll Boom ii M?..?f th!s summons Is mado ier k,a . ln Piirsunnco oi nn I Cov ,,?,by the Honornblo john tke e ?gQ of tl10 Circuit Court Cssat, " of Oregon, for Coos iter, iffi.Jho 2Cth day of Oc- tttnf,id,ffcl,nB tll Publlca i tnl11 'n the Cocs Day TlmeB. . Pn7 n i,uoBnoa at Marsii v f..03 County. Oregon, onco a i v. porloo: of six consecu- tBnhiiSHC(mmonclnB with tho d ,v, c.an of tho Bummons on b day of October. 1912. kiL W. U. DOUGLAS, IsMB Sl'JJnM 1 ccp you awako at lBht n!s9 --.... m ... oitcp oi mo rent or tho family. JTioy can bo stopped In a row mlnutos with, Ballard's Horehound Syrup It Is a Remedy of Great Relieving Power in All Lung and Throat Troubles. Dallard'o llorchound Syrup convoys a warmlnp and relaxing In. tlucnco to tho congested lung3. Ilcala oorcness, quiets tlckllnff Bontiatlon In tlio throat, otrcnethens tho voice, loosens phlegm and rollovea all Irritated conditions In tho throat nnd lungs. Keep a bottlo In tho houao. It la handy to liavo when needed nnd save & world of misery to tho peraon nffected. Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. Buy tho 11.00 bIzc. It contains Jlvo times ns much" ns tho 2Bo cl2c, nnd you get with each bottlo a Ilcrrlclc'u rtod l'oppor 1'oroua Master for tho ehest. JJHUS F. BALUHD PBCPmcrOri tT. LOUIt, MQ. For Wtult SlKlit or Sore l'.ytu, use Slcplirna IBe Sutrt. It cnr. I Sold And RteoMMtNoeoBvl ftiny Comer" Tlio Itoxull Htoro. I.ockhnrUl'nrtions l)ruK Co.- Tlio C. B. ELLIS of Portland The Well Known Socialist Speaker Will uddrcss tlio pcoplo of .Mmshfield rOUIt XIOIITS, COMMKXCIXCJ TIll'ltSDAV XIGI1T, NOV. liH. Tho address Sundiiy oviiiint will Ih especially for tlio Indira nnd will bo kIvcii nt Socialist Hall. KVKUY0XI2 COItDIALLV IXVITKI). BTATHMnXT OF COXDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAllSIIFIKMi, OKKGOX, At the closo of business, September 1, 1012, nEsouitCEs. Loans nnd discounts 4CG, 211.87 Dnnklng houso 00,000.00 Cash and oxchangos 307,835.40 Totnl $813,047.23 LIADIL1TIES. Capital stock paid In S GO, 000. 00 Surplus nnd undlvldod profits 59,552.07 Doposlts 703,494.00 Total $813,047.33 CONDENSED STATEMENT 'Of ThcIFirst National Bank of Coos Bay At tho cliwo of buslnosH, September 4, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts $305,414.72 Ovordrnfta J2HS DondB, warrants and securities 03,089.90 U. S. Donds to Bocuro circulation 26,000.00 Itoal ostnto, furlturo nnd fixtures fS'JSS'S? Cash nnd sight oxebnngo 140,208.05 Total $023,470.39 LIABILITIES. Capital Btock paid In 'J'SJS'Sj Surplus and undlvldod profits Jj'JJ''J5 Circulation, outstanding oHr2? Doposlts 488,050.01 Total $623,470.30 hi addition to Cnpllnl Stock tho Individual liability of Stockholders Is 9100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIMI3 AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. 8. CHANDLER, President DORSEV KRE1TZER, C.shlcr. MMMMMiMisSSliiSiiSMSilMsWMMHslMW"'M Plumbing as It Should Be Done Is tho kind of plumbing wo do open, ovory Joint tight, sanitary, latest stylo of plumbing. Best of bath tubs, latest devices ln water closots, sinks and ovorythlng you enn think of In tho plumbing lino. Cnll us up on tho 'phono, wrlto us or soo us, nnd wo'll do tho trick ovory tlmo. Willey& Schroeder 80.1 North Front Street. PHONE 77-J 't'i'i'i'i i- SATE AHPjr yJf . DEAksyipf vXi s - yp8E5ENTED NX I BY G0O5 BJW.W&GW. t .m-I or .7C BAV DFAITV SYNDICATE. DEALERS unA6CNTS COAL COLONIZATION. MUX. FARM mUIT. HIMMLp TIMBER LAHDS. amd 0R6AHWH6 Of INDUSTRM- C0MMSS A SPlClAlTYs anus ssftssyrass t rnrre vr asw nruschke. Mnrsiuieia. uro, E. Pale & Co. High Grade Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domestic Woolens Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Wo do all work right hero. B79 North Fnmt Mtuvhtlcld. I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. ICWiseman 841 North Front St, Bus. Pbons 26-X; Res. Pbons H6-J GIFTS FOR THE ""' FAIR MOTORIST. At the Churches I ' i Pretty Headgear and Bags Are Useful Christmas Presents. Here Is n hood easily tnnilo nnd dain ty which will prove n useful gift for the feminine motorist, whether fllio Is young or old. It Is of cloth In brown nnd white mixture combined with plnln while In banket weave cloth. Tho white Is for the linnd along tho front ot the hood it ml for (lie ilnrlng angular piece at the back. Cross stitch In coarse silk U used to decornte the cloth nt the back nnd on tho sides of the cap llosettcs of ribbon nt tho sides nre adorned with Inrgc squnro buttons, covered with silk. These, too, nro fin ished off with cross stitch. Illbbon ties fnll from the silk rosettes. 'Pretty Haadoear. Knitted or crocheted hoods nro al ways acceptable, and each season brings its-owu particular styles. Ono cloth uoTOMHa nooa requirement of nutomoblllng headgear Is that It should bo comfortnblo nnd stnblo. lints, bonnets or hoods that can bo displaced by tho wind nro worso th nn useless. For tho outdoor girl tbcro Is nothing In tlio way of outfit or accessories thnt tins mndo such n hit ns tho kultted wool sets, consisting of cup, muff and senrf. Automoblllng Is so popular that most of us havo aniong our friends some body who motors, nnd nny trifle which adds to tho convenience or comfort of tho motorist will bo greatly appreciat ed, for such things uro not always to bo hud In the Bhops. First Aid For MatorliU. An emergency ease, (ltted out with adhcslvo mid court plustcr. strips of gauze, absorbent cotton, a small bottlo of peroxide and n few other simple drugs UHoful in case of Illness or acci dent limy bo put up In compact form to bo stowed nwuy In one of tho pock ets of tho cur, for accidents Bomotlmcs happen when It is not possible to get medical help. Then tho cmergoncy case has Its uses. A Beauty Baa. Tho pretty bag shown hero may bo carried on tho arm. It may be design ed In colors to match tho motoring gnrb. Old ro.se silk faced with green is used for tlio smart bag Illustrated, Tho flowered part is cut out of a sin gle round pleco of silk. Tho edges nro In deep points. Tho bug is lined with palo green silk. A casing for u narrow ribbon of palo greeu to mutch tho lining Is run in sldo tho bug. A star slmpeil section of green silk Is sfltchcd to tho bottom of tho bag, tho ends of tbo tabs being caught to tho sides of iho bag nnd finished with tiny bows of ribbon. This bag was fitted with tiny pockots, Into which could be slipped tho powder ilk .' &i I !&; TliM" Qffi&sssdS A nEADTT 1IAO. box, extra hundkerchlof, bottlo ot sinelllug suits or toilet uceessorles like ly to bo needed on nn outing. Among theso might bo cold cream, a auiall cako of soup for tbo linnds and tiny comb. Handmade Veils. A bnndsomo bnndraudo veil with the owner's Inltlnls embroidered on It is u nlco gift for tho woman who motors. Ono gift of tbo sort that cannot but bo useful la a set of handkerchiefs rather larger than tho ordinary ones for women nnd with tho owner's Ini tials ombroidorod on o Uny motorcar. (MInlstors nnd othors nro request ed to hnnd In tho Sundny church no tices not Inter thnn Friday evening to Insure Insertion Saturday.) I METHODIST EPISCOPAL Row II. T Rutlcdgo, Pastor. Sundny school at 10 a. m. Morning services nt 11 o'clock. Epworth Longuo at 0:30. Evening servlco nt 7:30. Junior Lenguo Thursday nftornoon at 3: 15. Prayor mooting Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. You aro cordially invited to attend theso services. 0 ESLMANUEL EPISCOPAL. Row Robt. E. Browning, Rector. 8 n. m. Holy Communion (2nd nnd Ith Sundays.) 9:30 n. in., Sundny school. Iln. m., morning prayor nnd ser mon. Holy Communion first Sundny of each month. 7:30 p. in. Evening prayer and Sermon. Friday Evening. 7:30 p. in. Evening Servlco nnd BIblo study, Sorvlco In St. Mary's church, North Bend (2 p. in.) nnd St. Luke's Church, Empire, (3 p. m.) ovory nl- tornnto Sundny. SEVENTH DAY ADVEXTISTS. C. J. Colo, Pnstor. Sovonth Dny Advontlst sorvlcos aro onductod ovory Saturday as follows: Sabbath school nt 2 p. m. Proachlng oorvlccs at 3 p. m. Como and spond nn hour with us; vo will do you good. I CHURCH OF CHRIST. Z. O. Downrd. Minister. niblo school at 10 n. in. Young Pcoplo's mooting nt 7 p. m. Thoro will bo communion nnd preaching services nt tho Christian church, comor Sixth street nnd Contrnl avenuo, tomorrow morning. In tho ovonliig Row Downrd will de liver tho closing dlscourso of nn attractive series on "First Things." Thoro will bo special music. 4 PRKSIlYTEItrAN CHURCH Marsh field J. E. Burhhart, Mlnlstor. At tho First Prcsbyrorlnn church orvlcos may bo expected on sabbath as follows: Sundny school nt 10 a. m. Morning worship nt 11 o'clock. Young Pooplo's Mooting at 0:30. Evening worship nt 7:30. Prnyer-mootlng on Thursday ov onliig nt 7:30. Subject of morning flormon, 'Growing or Dying?" Subject of evening sermon, "Whnt r Bellovo About tho Holy Spirit." Spoclnl music will bo rondorod by a qunrtot choir nt both morning nnd ovonlng worship. You nro cordlnlly Invited to nttond nil of theso Borvlcos. Como nnd bring frlonds. 9 - I NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. I . - mon by pastor on "Mlcnh, tho Pro phet of tho Poor," fourth sermon, in tho scries on "Prophets of Yes tcrdny nnd Today." Thursday evening prayer nnd conference meeting nt 7:30 for ono hour. On Snturday, December 7, tho Indies of tho church will servo a lunch nnd hnvo n special Christmas snlo of fancy goods, aprons nnd nrticles sultnblo for Christmas gifts, In the Lutheran Hnil, back of tho Lutheran church, Commor tial and Third streets. Your pat ronage Is solicited. CATHOLIO CHURCH North Bond. f - Rov. Father Sprlngor, Rector. Mnss will bo eolobrated nt 3 o'clock Sundny morning by tho Row Fnthor Sprlngor. 4 4 1 CATHOLIO CHURCH. Marshflold. Rov. A. R Munro. Thoro will bo only ono hiubs Sun day at St. Monlcn's church nnd thnt nt 10 o'clock, nftor which, thoro will bo election ot olUcors of tho Altnr Socloty. 4 PRESI1VTERLYN CHURCH North Bend. Rov. D. A. MacLeod, Pastor. Sundny school, 10 a. m. Preaching servlco, 11 n. m. Christian Endeavor, G:30 p. m. Prcnchlng sorvlco, 7:30 p. m. I - StETHODlST CHURCH North Bond. I - - I - Tho sorvlcos Sunany will bo as fol lows: Sundny school 10 n. in. Vcnpor Clrclo nnd Epworth Longuo 7 p. m. Sormons by tho pastor 11 n. m. nnd 8 p. m. A LEGLHSS CLIMIUCR. I R. O. Thoroo. Pnstor. Sorvlcos will bo hold In tho Nor woglnn Luthornn church nt Mnrsh llold, Sundny, Novombor 21, nt 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10. Norwoglan services will bo hold In tho Swedish Luthornn church nt North Bond, Sundny, Novombor 24, nt 7:30 p. in. Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. I Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Third Btreot North. Subject: "Anclont nnd Modern Necromancy, alias Mesiuoiism nnd Hypnotism, Donoiinccd." Sorvlco Sundny nt 11 a. m. Sundny school 12 M., Wcdnosd.iy 8 p. m Rending room opon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 3 to 5 p. m. j SWEDlSil liUTJlERANilfc-. JyServed, R' '?. . -...- ' Who ur, juiiii i-i, vjBiiiiiu, luoiui, Sundny School, 9:30 n. in. Morning sorvlco, 10:45 n. m. Evonlng sorvlco, 7:30 p. in. In English. In tho mornliif tho pnstor will Hpcak on "Tho Coming King" nnd In tho ovonlng on tno suujcci, "Whnt Tlmo Iu It?" Spoclal mu bIo nt tho lattor sorvlco. - UNITED 1IRETHREN CHURCH I North Dond. Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Pastor. Snbbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Proachlng 11 n. m. and 8 p. m. Prayor meotlng Wednesday ovon lng at 8 o'clock. . FIRST 1IAPTIST CHURCH. I Albert F. Dassford, M. A., Pastor. BIblo school moots promptly nt 10. Wo Invito nil who nro not In any Sunday school to Bpond nn hour with us In tho study of Uoo b Word. Thoro nro clnssos graded to suit all ngos. Morning worship nt 11. Sermon by pnstor. Topic: "Tho Clank of tho Chain." Juniors moot In tho church at 2:30. Miss Jonn Fltzgornld. sup orlntondont. All children wolcomo. Young Pooplo's sorvlco nt 7:30. Evening worship nt 7:30. Sor- A True Story. Ono dny In enrly Juno thrco mon wcro wnlklng nlong n Bccludod wood rond when thoy honrd tho distressed cry of n hltio Jny. Look ing nbout them, thoy saw n nest, about twenty foot from tho ground in a smnll homlock trco, which they concluded bolongod to Mrs. Bluo Jny. As tho mon nonred tho trco In which was tho nest, thoy could boo n dnrk coll nround tho trunk of tho trco, just below tho nest. Tho mother bluo Jay wns n few feet nwny from tho noBt, hopping about amid tho neighboring limbs, uttering now and then n distressed club him with n heavy stick. Af tor tho snako had fallon to tho ground nnd hnd boon killed tho man climbed down tho troo. Just no ho wns going to lonp to tho ground ho saw anothor Inrgo black; cry. Tho dnrk coll wns nn ugly blnclc snnko that had found tho cozy homo of tho bluo Jny nnd wns wrecking It. How mlsorablo It must hnvo mado tho mother bird to bo so noar hor young ones nnd yot bo unnblo to dofond thorn nnd. how vory hnppy alio must hnvo boon when alio Baw that Bomo ono hnd como to their rescue Tho first ntono thnt wnB thrown; mado tho Htinko lenvo tho nest nnct nlldo quickly to tho limb ot it lnrgo plnn trco which camo out and mingled Its leaves with that of tho homlock. Ho thou strotched his full length on tho upper sldn nf tho brunch and scomod to think; thnt ho was hlddon, but tho mon hnd been wntchtng him too closoly for thnt. Thoy know thnt If ho wns loft In tho trco, lin would finish his work of wrecking tho bluo Jay's nest. Ho wrapped his tall so tightly about tho branch that bo foro tho mon could kill him, ono of thorn had to climb tho trco and snako colled up nt tho bnso ot tho trco. Tho snako must hnvo known thnt Us mnto wns In clangor and hnd coma to his roscuo. Attor killing tho socond snnko, thoy found thnt tho first ono hart' swallowed a baby bluo Jny thnt hnd just nognn to fontuor out. I 4hlnk tho Btinko got what ho do- uoiri you 7 on tho mother bluo Jny enmo back to hor llttlo homo thnt nho loved so well, to hor gront sur prise slio found two of hor bnhlcn waiting for hor. Sho wnn Indeed a hnppy old bird nnd If tho men could hnvo undorstood bird lan guage thoy might havo hoard her praising nnd thanking thorn for killing tho snnko nnd saving hor two bnhlos. I expect tho baby birds snld: "Oh, mothor, wo woro so frlghtonod whon wo saw thoso two oyes looking In on us nnd thou whon thnt ugly black things stuck Its head In our homo and took out our brothor, wo know thnt wo would como next," And then I oxpect tho mother said: "All Is woll that ends well, nnd although wo havo lost ono baby, lot us bo very thankful thnt your lives havo boon spnrod nnd not talk nbout this any moro. It Is toe torrlblo to ovon think about." BETTER THAN SPANKING Bpuklu does not cure cUUdrta of bed wetting. There It a tonttltutlonil ctnte for tut trouble. Un. 11. Biimmtri, Vox W, Notre Paine. Ind., will fend free to any mother ber luccestfu! borne treatment, with full. Initructlom. Rend no money, but write he? today l( your children trouble you la tbta way. Don't blame the child, the chancce are It can't help It. ThU treatment also our adults and seed people troubled, with Uilal Siflcoltlte by day or HH CITY ELECTION. Notlco Is horoby given 'hnt the nnnunl municipal election In Marsh flold will bo hold Tuesday, Deconi lor I and in nccordanco wl"'i in tii'ictlons frori tho Common Coun cil of tho City of Marshflold, r havo Bolected tho following voting: plnces: North Precinct rolls will no io- catod In Soclnlist hnll over Palaco rostaurant on North Front strcot. Contrnl product Polls located on Contrnl avohuo near Fourth strcot. South precinct Polls locnted on South Broadway between Goldoi and Hall avenues. Polls opon from 8 a. in. until 7 p. in., tho Bamo ns stnto oloctloiiB. J. W. CARTER, City Marshal. Idbby COAT The kind Y01T hrv ALWAYS USED. Thone 72, 'iflB Uvery and Transfer Comuswiy, IeiUo Dc 7, 1912.)