ID 'J THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1912 EVENING EDITION. v TO 1 NEW VESSELS KIU'SH HANKS IMiAX JMHM-'OOT jii'MitKii sriiooxKit rou xnir SOX MMItlClt CO. AX1 X1CW YKSSKIj I'OIt ItOHl'K ItlVKIl SKIMVCK. The Kriioo & Ilnnks shipyards of North llontl lmvo about closed the contract for ttio construction of a 200-foot lumber schooner for tho Nelson Lumber Company of San Francisco. Mr. Krtise has been thcro tho past week negotiating with them. Tho plan Is to hulhl n duplicate of tho schooner now under construction for tho Daven port Lumber Company. In addition to tills, the company is figuring on building a 100-foot light draught gnsolliio schooner for tho MacLeay Kstnto of Portland to tnko tho place of tho 111-fnted Os prey. Tho MaeLeny estate now owns tho former Hume proportion on Itoguo river and their plans for enlarging tho operations of their proportion will require n larger boat. Mr. Kruso has gone to Port' land to Wguro with Mr. McLcay. Daily Christmas Hint Useful Gift For the Woman Globe Trotter For the friend who Is going to clrclo the globo a useful sewing hag llko the one seen In the illustration will bo of lullultc comfort. The outside of tho bag Is fashioned from two pieces of stiff cardboard that tf,Hi Quaint Effects In Pincushions. A charmingly quaint little pincush ion and one that can easily bo mado by the girl who can handlo a noodle, Is the Hrownle cushion. Hunt up ono of your long neglected friends, tho ping pong ball, and with watercolors paint a weird looking face upon It. Then take a piece of sateen the color yon wNh to dres Hrownle In and cut It five Ini'Iio long by three Inches wide. Sew thl tightly at each end to form ears that stand away from tho head and father the rest up behind to make tho little baldbeaded cap. then paint In a little fringe of hair to peep ?. ! v-wmarrsb KiHT iXlB?aj.W: Kt t mmm i . ,'i-- t KC9G fit Xll CHRISTMAS" IN' BENTON'S DAY Jostle Denton Fromont'a Description of n Celebration of Long Ano. Tho ClirlstimiH of eighty years ago vrna onco described by Mrs. Jessie llcnton Fremont, wife of General John C. Fremont and daughter of Thomas II. Houtou. The time was that of President Jackson's adminis tration, and tho scone was Mrs. Hen ton's ancestral homo, near Staun ton, Vn. Grouped nliout tho roaring log fire nro Mrs. Ponton's father and mother, herself and her two little girls, of whom Jessie wbh one. Tho mother la rending to tho grandfather, and a black servant, "Undo Itnlph, ' Is hover ing about ttud replenishing tho lire. Tho children wcro not to mnko n ; sound, for It would disturb grandfa ther. And now wo will let tho future Mrs. Fremont toll her own slory: "Imagine, thou, tho strong Impres sion made on mo by (ho upset of nil this ordered calm. Noises came from tho front door, noises of horses and of j people, cheerful, vigorous noises of i mow stamped off, laughing and tho thump of baggage. "And our mother was actually run ning Into tho hnll, whllo my grandfa ther, not minding tho noise, but look ing nil pleased, was standing up and holding out his hands to tho big man In tho snowed on clothes! For It was our fntlicr, our denr, loving father. 3 lio lint! come to us for Christmas nnti brought a big trunk full of Christmas gifts for everybody. "I can see It alt so well. "Tho opening of Mint trunk tool; plnco In the warm rooms that my grandfather, too, might see. We. lib erated Imps, laughed and noised all wo wanted without robuko over our two big wax dolls 'Loudon dolls' and thoro wns n London cloak for my moth er, of black silk lined with fur. "Hut the f en t tiro of the presents to us after our dolls was the oranges my father had brought, carefully wrapped and packed warmly lu tho trunk for our sick grandfather. "A sinllo that Is very close to tears rises as I remember our gathering In Admiring nlluuv about thoio oranges, I can see Toy mother's beautiful hands ns sho carefully peeled and divided ono Into slim little sections, when wo nil solemnly took each ono hit, the peel carefully saved to flavor things. "This Is what I seo yet. Hut new feelings stirred In me oven then nnd grow and went on growing ns I learn ed later all that sudden, brief visit through the stormy winter wenthor meant." Christmas Treasures. I count my iroiiKiircs o'er with care A lllllo toy (tint Imby knew, A llltlo sock of foiled luio, A llltlo lock of koIiIoii Imlr. Lone years ago this Chrlatmns time My lllllo ono my nil to me Bat rolnil In ulilto upon my knea Ami lionril Ilio merry Christina chime. IIAO I'Oll TUB TBAYELEU. nro covered with fancy silk. At tho bottom these pieces nro ncntly put to gether with an overcast stitch. A reg ulation silk bag of tho propor slzo Is then mado and tacked insldo tho outer covering, A ncedlccnso consisting of throo plccos of white llanuol buttonholed nbout tho edges Is sowed to ono sldo of tho outside cover. Be an Early Bird I "CV r i .5s. NJf JT 4ssssssKiih 4 VkJ g You know what the early bird cots-nml It Is not a cold cither but did you ever think what tho Into bird catsT Well, It Is this way: The early bird nets the worm; Hip hW bird gets the hole. It Is even so with the early and late Christmas shoppers. Tho enrly Chrlstmns shoppor k-ets (ho cholco kooIi; the late Chrlsltnus shopper eets left, The late C. 8. also gets stepped on and mobbed. The unrlv Christmas ihonnor nets the I blcssliiK ot (ho clerks and tho approval of a good consclcnco. Tho late C. B gets the leavings and a grouch. It Is the late Chrlstmns shopper thnt complains about tho way (ho holiday has degenerated Tho early ono Is so content i eil and happy ovor having tho shopping j completed that ho or sho Is prepared to iirnlio and enjoy Christmas for what It Is Thcro are plenty ot norms for tho early bird nnd plenty of bargains for tho early shopper. Therefore GO TO IT and DO IT TODAY. "Tell me. my little eolden head, If Santa Claim should come tonight, What shnll ho bring my baby bright. Whnt treasure for my boy?" 1 snld, And then h named tho lllllo toy, Whllo In his round nnd truthful eyes Tlieio ramo n look nf glad surprise That spnko his trustful, childish Joy, And ns ho lisped his evening prnyer Do nsked thu boon with baby grace. And. toddling to the clilmnoy place, JIo hung Ids 'little stocking thoro. That night ns lenKthunlng shadows crept I na tho white uingeil nngels come With lunula to our tiumblo homo And kins my darling ns ho slept. Jlo must have hoard that baby prayer, For In tho morn, with glowing face, lie toddlod to thu chlmuoy place And found (ho llltlo treasure I hero. They onmo agnln ono Chrlstinnstlde, That nnsol host so fair nnd white. And. singing all tho Christinas night, Thoy IuuhI my darling from my side. A llttlo sock, a little toy, A llttlo lock of golden hair, The Christmas music on the air, A-nntchlng for my baby boy, If nKSln that nngol train And guidon noad como back for me To hour iiim to eternity My watching will not bo In vain. Kugene Field Undertaking Too Much. On not go Into Christmas so hard there Is no hopo of getting through ' Curb your notions. Hotter glvo your friend a small centorploce this yenr than Intend to give her a dozeu plato nnd tumbler dollies which may reach her In lOW. Where there Is a Jnrgo Jt Christmas firing should bo simple. Twenty five Days to Christmas Till! IIANOINO CUSHION. out underneath the cap, which will Im prove tho looks of Urownlo. A small, tight body Is mndo out of n bnll of raw cotton. Tills Is so cov orcd with sateen to match tho cap nnd sowed down fast In tho back. Arms and legs nro mado by covering wide ribbon wlro with pale pink satin rib boa. These nro attached to tho cotton body before tho dress is put on, and they can bo bent Into any funny post- tiro you wish. It Is cunning to linvo Mr. Hrowulo look as If ho wcro sitting down In crossleg fashion llko n tiny tailor. In his two hands ho holds n bow of narrow ribbon with n long loop at tached. This serves to hang tho little fellow up with if you wish to have htm at the sldo of your dressing table. No ono wants to stick cold steel Into tills dear llttlo fellow, so at his back you sow fast u long narrow cushion In which you may run nil tho pins mid needles you wish without marring the quaint looks of your little friend. Tho doll cushion illustrated Is n charming trlllo matlo of ribbon and cream satin touched up with water-colors. A Utility Square. If you lmvo n friend who lives in n boarding hotiso sho will npprcclato tho gift of a utility squnro. This Is simply n fifty-four Inch squnro of china silk, cretonne, sllko line, linen or any soft material thnt will tnko little room In a sultcaso nnd which Is used to throw over n chair on which underclothing has been put to air when it Is necessary to open tho door to admit n bellboy, maid or any sliangor who may knock. Tho edges of tho square nro cither finished witli a plain horn, hemstitched or fringed. Fringed edges nro most graceful. If plain material Is chosen a (lower or some attractive convention al design Is embroidered lu each cor ner. Manicure Set. Women who mnnlcuio their own nails will enjoy having ono of tho now a Nov. 301 !4"4"iKiX"S-tv4,SKji-.fM--JN-KjJH This Is the Last November Day to Do Your Christ mas Shopping. i i i "" tCTasar MANIOUnU SET. ninnlcuro sets with tho utensils en closed In n generous sized buffer. The manlciiro set pictured Is In this novel form carried out In celluloid politely known as Ivory. r ------ THE TREE. -.- You don't dig It up. You don't hew It down. You don't roam the forest. You simply go forth nnd buy It. And that's an easy mutter nowadays. There's only ono thing need ful, and that's cnsli. The tree may lie purchased pro-Mtlcally of ono's grocer. More venturesomo souls trol ley or motor to some freight yard, choosing from original packages Yet others literally "shop" for them and when at Inst their choice Is made bear them off lu their motors or on their backs or engnge an expressranu. Phil adelphia Record. q t ..., , t ,.,, , ,., Twinges of rhoumntlsin, bnckncho, stiff joints, and shooting pains nil show your kidneys nro not workln right. Urlnnry Irregularities, loss of sleep, nervousness, weak back and soro kldnoys toll tho nood of n good rollnblo kldnoy niodlclno. Fo ley's Klduoy Pills nro tonic, strengthening nnd restorative Thoy build up tho kidneys and regulate their action, Thoy will glvo you quick relief nnd contain no habit frvmlng drugs. Snfo nnd nlwnys snro. Try thorn. For salo by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co., the Bubt Corner. HOrSKCMUXIXG AXI) WINDOW CLKAXIXO Wo mnko specialty of this work nnd nlso olllco janitor work and gunrantco satisfaction. Charges rea sonable C. M. LKTTS. Ordors may bo sent to phono 298 or loft at tho "Busy Cornor." U frT1fiM ri V . i k .II Kl a H'spa -L' r H xllBgLi3 LkW "U m Drive Out Damp and old with M EISFECTIO kH n.. ...-. tg-v inuntLunB Lrll M nl YOU know how damp gets in to linen closets and storerooms. It's no trouble at nil to keep them fresh and. dry with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. A Perfection Heater is a great comfort, too, on chilly mornings and cold evenings. It is the handiest and most reliable heater made. No soot ; no smoko ; no smell. Carry it where you please. All the heat you want just when and where you want it. Descriptive circular sent on request or, better still, ntk your dealer to show you n Perfection Smokeless Oil iloator. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) 481 Multtl Stxast San Francitco EH m ee California Now tin via Tin: $55.00 HOUXI) TIUP POItTIiAXD TO I.OS AXGKLKS l-L J..w, IWfl SUNbET a& I (OGOtllsSMASIAj I I routes' I $55.00 KOUXI) THIP POUTIiAXI) TO LOS AXGKL1CS Sco tho Wondorful Sconory Along the Shasta Hotito. Mt. Shasta Slinsta Springs. Seo Snn Frnn clsco, Lick Obsorvntory, Stnnford University, Mt. Lowo, Los Angolos, Tho Old Spanish Missions, Ostrich Farms, Submnrlno) nrdciis nnd thousniids of othor In or- ostlng foaturos of tho Goldoi. S tato. Three Fine Trains Daily o '"laSr553''- 5:no p M H!l'" HHnHteTNs I I'jrCyim.lsssFssssssssssssssssssWv B i.saas8wi3ffir y 'III' II I I s "mmm-immzi to -5S8w"9a8S,AS3sW QS(a4j(JjraBB s'iTTriT" . jJT&X&vw I mmmaammmmmm"mmmiimi V. M.- A. JL Full Information ns to fnros from Mnr shflold, bcnutlful- ly iHusirnrou utoraturo on California, on annllcatlon W. F. Mlllor, Supt. C. D., n. & K Marshflold, or by writing to Chns. S .Feo, passongor trnffic manncer. San Francisco, Cal. We Handle Feed and Grain of tho best qualities only. Wo find wo gain nioro steady customors that way. Buy from us and you'll find It pays you ns Jt does lots of othor owners of livestock. Tho hotter you feed your horso tho hotter ho works for you nnd tho nioro mo ney ho is worth when you wnnt to soil him. Our food nnd grain nro tho kind that insure Just that result. A. T. Haines Phono 1O0J Waterfront, MflcJ. THE SPANISH GRILL An Uptol)nte Katlng PInce, Upstairs Opposite Mngues & Mntsou's. Spanish Dishes n Specialty. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make solec tion from tho largo stock now on hand. for. Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono but tho best work is turned out. jits W KJb S7MP1 Palmer & Dawson Practical Piano Tuners. Fourteen years factory oxper lonco. Wo do tuning, voicing, ac tion adjusting, polish or roflnlsh cases, inako yellow Ivory keys white llko now. Rates reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phono 200-X or address Hox 533, MnrsUfiold, Oregon. A. J. Bailoy, a railroad onglnoor Bntesvlllo, Ark,, says: "I suffered with kidney nnd hladdor rroublo so bad I was unablo to work. I had such sovero pains In my back I could hardly got up. I triod sev eral physicians with no result, but Foley Kidney Pills linvo done won ders for mo. I recommend thorn to all." For sale by Lockhart-Parsons Drue Oo.. tho Ilusy Cornor. Try The Times' Want Ads. WIIKX nnit or vvaxt nnd nblo. YOU 5-KS4a l " O X ij won do u. to. 120-r, Charge, 'IUH "n,.vnv, Boy 8' (III .,.! ...." The Electric Shoe J H0 Ho. ttnmuW. "U?. M I till iml!-. !.. V . . r ' .,Tt adwnjr. li.... . Ml Rshcr Auto Sert iiiinn.. r. t ..:." "iicr ii WMU ll-.l JV .1, i..: t. Mnrshri, II. """ m-Rl - "'"(011, TAKE THE BEST CARE OF OLD RAC ot ." their Talus. 7? . t-miho nicy cnuso lire, V Peopio do ot kn ."". rags. nartlciiinri "7i..u. cl ,....i .. ,..' "nca (on used for dustlm? (. ....: 'lo flro saciurncnl'.ir" iko nro spciurncouslv ' :.l..w lcr. "o is kn': "iibiil uc iTarcu ta !.. AiiiImmIv hiiiuis ii. .. Insure ngahiBt loss hv ti .' nnyuotiy may find out, kr t east InvcstlRatlon, that t lmvo nvo of tho giwteit mi- . Wo know how to writ. cics that protect perfectly to L S. KAUFMAN ( CO 177 Front Streit. FOR. RENT .Store lliiildlitK with rj-rwrn fi iu M-tontl floor. Ono frunht. room, Clll-l la, At (,. ritizi:i:x. US IV i ;r,.. Clialmer's Auto Serviq .T. M. DodKC, Drhcr. Stand at I' Ilc:taurant. PlioncR, C-J or 0-L, day and alti Marslillcli, Oregon You Auto Call Pout PIIONM II I-.I MaiITAM)D.lT Htiind front of Moid Hold TWO Ni:V 0A119 After 11 P. M. I'hoM I Itesldciico l'lione JMf, Will Jlakn Trins ti Coqnlllf. A raodorn Ilrlck ultdlug, El LlEht. Stonm Heat. Eltptq Furnished Roonu with Hot u Cold Wntor. ii o t n r ooos O. A. Media. Prop. Itntcs: n cents a dny nml upwi Cor. HmmlHsr '' "" Pictures & Framint Walker Studio WANTED!!! niDin.vra fTPHOr.fiTKI.lXQ A PIANOS TO CIiRAN, by th nintlc Clennlng Connmny. oruo. . work tnken Ht . GOISO IIAUVEV, Phono 10" Have That Roof fixe NOW See GOJITHELI 1'IIOXR I21 nrrniiATlVti W.lXTIIIO Offl FITS FOR HEX Fruit and Flower lamps at r duced prices. .-. niopni'sTS . .i.i i nmns for the nul in rurmuio days. Coos Bay Wiring Co. ni. "X7.3. ISa irv- TfT 55tar iranw A ifiraffe Co " HlrllldfOlM!a Is preparea o u - -Mt ,B tJ. on short notice. WwMllt; nnd boats anaw M Tef, stylo Reynolds Piano guarantee our wor. n L. H. Heisner, Pji Phones 98-R. I20"7 'J 'fiTTiciFE jffi. n. oH Mar shfield PflinJ Famished. ""nFJ Estimate Try The Times' Want A m a M iiiIB