HARITY COVERS A MULTITUDE Of SINS BUT THEY ARE USUALLY H SINS TIio TIMES 'S Put Vot.r Real E. ,,o Market" KITcctl Istnto "III WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep your Income from Furnished Itooins Steady. YOU can really holp tho family rovonuoa by renting n fow furnlshM rooma ntul, If you know how nnd when to uso tho classified column, you may kcop that llttlo extra la como as "stonily us a clock." (MtttfS tnrhot." Effectively! will put tho fncta about your ..i boforo mo "' "" i",a 'if uW' In town. And If there i". J? them who ought to own li Be.r.n in fcjOOH MEMHUR OF THE ASSOCIATED PRES titljwwwh'jAXXsiyixsvrjtrKtrxwuivrr iXXXVIS'crVMn."" MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 19 12 EVENING EDITION. 6 PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull itn -iia unit Cooh Hay Advertiser. yu ' " WWMBMIIM 30-ij NT 1LS0I ILL SMS HE EH WITH MANY n.unnnn With Mnnv fans wi- ;: or - leading ueinuwau. w.w. Cauinct ouwuuuii. Li J BRYAN IS FIRST It ' D""Ln nc IMITCn U Qt ii v -' Less Leader" Will Meet Him at rnnuuiuu iu u.o- cuss rrouiaw. g,AMtlitI rrrii 10 tool liar -., HAMILTON, IJcrmudn, Nov. 29. Z not to tako tho mlylco of ono lta ...... i r Mm InnilnrM of tho kU OBIT '' "" -" ,i"" " Mw. i"111"1 . .r"ll.. .. l.l.f nnl.lnnt :donOt ornuaunui ---. flu selection 01 u " CONGRESS TO OPEN MONDAY Commlltees Rounding Bills Into Shape for Short Session. lily Associate Tress lo Com llajr Times. WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 Prelim inary comnilttco work upon tlio up- proprlatlon 1)I11h, tho Archbnld tin- LET US TALK IT OVER C AW, L, rVLURECIlT mill Itnrri. l'l.,M,. 1. ..1 1 .1 -. rinll.. .. 1 . . .. "J k.iiivivi UUIU IMlltUU IIIUIIIBUIYCB 7 unequivocally on record to the effect that they opposo ...., ......v. uiJUHiiuim oi uio fin- water franc h bos. It In of in in "r .. I8 rl.n wllotllor '""so "ten nro populnr or un- Hl illm; vl nlU . ."',0U ' ,)0!lr ,n "1,Ul U,nt t,10' "r0 VOll Tii ni.lii 'y nvIvliiB the city's future welfare, Including tho health nvi.. ;?",. a!1,C(1"nle fIro Protection and tho keeping for tho city's own DOIICUt all tlln vnlnn rniirnnniitr.,1 I.. Hi f..l.l- i. i .; flUit ofllclnl positions. His Invltn-j poncliniont ,,r0CCC(KH nniI tll0 ,, to W. J. Urynn to moot "". prospective short hcsbIou loKlBlatlon tbKBte at ; ITlnr'-'ton. .H . ,1'1t'rti continued nt tho capital yostcrdny. i K only tho forerunner of nnmor- I0twt, ta d ,, , ,' hiiKiijuuiis "w .-.. - .. i nrougnoui wnsnington. Many L.ui Mm In a series of consultn- .,,, ,,,, ,. , ,'. Ksilnrcfcrcnco to Us IoBl8lntlo((,urI1K tl0 ,,nyi ,,ro,mro(I for tho -fimne ami niniunini.vin . v-0j)onniK bobsIoii Monday. j;iTorta nro IioIiib luntio Iiy huIi coiunilttoo of tho Imago nnnronrln- iiou comnilttco to perfect a loKlHla- livo, oxecutlve, Judicial appropria tion 1)111 ho It ran lie presented mid passed early In tho hohmIoh. This hill rnrrlos nearly nil Kovorninont salarlos IT MARKET USER TODAY lliancial Situation in New York Relieved by Call Rate Reduction. ItATi: IS ADVANCK!) .NEW YOKK. Nov. 20. Lator b the day, rail innnoy ndvnncod it; rapid stages to 20 porront, j Ittflurry was created by tho In- mucd demand from borrowers I ul further calllnit of lonns by 1 1 Clearing House Ilanks. II IIIG PKNSIO.V IIL'DGKT of .Vcnily muiKUHMUHiO ltc(iilrcd Congress 'llils Terin. WASHINGTON. Nov. 29. Annro prlntlous of nearly $200.000, 000 for ponslons to votornns or Aniorlcnn wars will bo necessary at tho session of congress, which opons Monday. This will Include n dollclt of nonrly $20,000,000, resultliiB from tho In creases In ponslons under tho Sher wood law of liiHt Hiiinmor and n pro portional lucrcnso of tho Konoral pon slon budcot, occnnloned by this net. SHOUT SKSSIO.V M'SIXKSS mt iB them to Mr. J. w. Ilennott. or niiynno else, so that ho may sell tnein to o Horn for largo sums of money, and then say to tho pooplo Li "B0 itmlM ? tllc" vnl,ln,jIo rights were given to him "Lot them mi V . r; ,l0."nPU scomliiKly nets upon tho bollof that tho pooplo like to bo hunibiigKed" nil the time. Tho question Is: Whnt do tho pooplo thomsolveH think about It? Tho Tlniea understands that tho water company Is resorting to tho old time-worn tactics of Ignoring tho Isatio Involved and nppcnllng to tho passion and prejudice- of Individuals. They want you to forgot tho franchise, tho rotten water servlco, and broken promises nnd voto for Savago and Tom Coke, becaiiBo they aro good neighbors nnd successful business men. Tho pooplo should not forget that Mr. Savage's good nnmo nnd chnractor aro not Impugned nnd nro not Involved In this election. u is purely n question or prlnciplo and common sonse. Thoro Is only ono Issue, nlthough tho wntor compnny nnd their friends nro trying to drag In a lot of oxtr&ncoiiB matters. Thoy say that n number of Important questions nro coming up In tho next fow years. Thnt la true, but tho water question Involving llfo nnd property ovor- siiatlowa everything olso. nosldoa, both Albrccht nnd Winkler hnvo signed a pledgo In which they specifically stnto that every Important piiDiic question do submitted to tho people for final decision That's fair. Isn't 117 Hero Is tho exact language- which they uso In their signed pledgo to tlio pcopio: "f llKLIKVK THAT AM, FnTHH VHANCHISKS OK K.V- tkxsioxs oi.' vhaxchisks oh otiihit kouai,t,y impoht axt jii:asi'w:s hi: suhhtti:i) to a votk op tiik pico- PI,K I'Olt KIXAIi DKCISIOX." Thoro Is no evasion or cqulvocntlnn In thnt statement. It Is writ ten In their own hand and signed nnd Is now In tho custody of Tho 'I Hues to bo Hold In trust: for tho people In nddltlon to thnt strong stntomont both Albrccht nnd Wluklor hnvo signified their willingness to mnko out their signed resignations nnd place them In tho hands of n commltteo of roprcsontntlvo citizens nnd any time any public net of tholrs Is contrary to tho wishes of the majority of the citizens of this city, thoso resignations becomo effective- Immediately. Thnt'H fair. Isn't It? Could anything bo moro fnlr? Do not lot tlio frlonds of tho water compnny nnd frnnchlso grabbers hoodwink nnd bnmboozlo you with stories nbout Uicso men. Their signed pledges nnd resignations will protect you. Tho Times understands thnt n lot of election roorbacks nnd stories nro to bo sprung nt tho last mlnuto to Btnmpodo voters. Tho Tlmos hns too much confidence In tho intolllgcnco and good common sonso of the voters to think thnt they can bo bunkoed by theso old gnmes. Voto for prlnciplo this tltno ASK EUROPEAN NATIONS TO U8ITE TO AVERT GENERAL WAR SERVIA READY FOR AUSTRIA NINE THOUSAND TURKS SURRENDER Xo I.cgMntlnn of Importance Kv ccpt Appropriations. I Mr Amo.-UIisI rrru lo Com llr TlmM.J WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. No t!!rUi4 rrn la Coo Ur TlmM.J raVYORK, Nov. 29. Tho nnnrc- llftllonoicr tlifl lllOIlOV Hltlintlnn wntl Ini'lulnllmi ..f linnnrhinin miluliln (if ujca (iiruaiiy wuen can loans pw at 6 per cent. tho appropriation bills will ho Homy rates began' climbing nf-1 lmBsod nt tho short session of con- the estimate of tho cash loss V lie banks was publlshod nnd Mprcent was reached boforo 2 '.XI. U TREAT! WITH RUSSIA Wt Will Leave it for Wilson lo Arrange Treatment of Jews Involved. "f i"3 Uttl fff, i0 r01 n. TlmM.l WASIIIKOTflV Vm. on rni, mf ilfcl-i i .. ' -' " "v IU ...fc Slliratlnn It u-na mn.ln lrnniun j "I II ..O lllt.lIU IU1. It v,aoesnot Intend to mnko an ng st or enter Into any Modus vl ! ' to Buppiant tho tronty with USUI llhon It ..! Tl... . cMiri1?? of n now trenty nnd tho "JUf he treatmont of Amorlcnn tTltrave nt. ln n i ...,.,. . itti b JuiBBiu, which ruin- r'Korm all over tho United States lll bo ono of tho horl ! " Wt win loavo to Wilson. S e, ? ,a lotter written by Tnft iSffloa Wolf of thlH ciiv. Kress ononlim Monday. In tho opln Ion of ltopubllcnu loader Maun of tho Hoiibo, who hns returned from a trip to tho Panama Caunl, Bulnarians Capture Force of Sultan's Troops With Guns, Ammunition and Supplies. (nr Aolt4 rr to Coo nr Tlmw.l SOFIA, Nov. 29. Two ontlro divisions of tho Turkish reserves aurrondored todny to tho Ihilgnrlnn troops, near tho vlllago of Mnrh I arnP "'" botweon tho Port of Dcden uai yu . .,., .. i dohujiiijh nccordlni: to n nows agency dlspntch A flcrco light botween tho Turks nnd Hulgnrlaua preceded tho capitu lation of tho rosorves. Tho Turklah forco wns commanded by Yndor Pn shn. Two generals, 2fi2 Turkish of flcors and 8879 men Burrondorod. Tho loot enptured by tho Ilulgiuians Included eight mounted guns, two nincblno guns, 1,000 horses nnd lnrgo (Hiaiiiiiiog or nmmunition Vienna Asserts Little Nation Is Getting Ready for a New Struggle. Ill AxoclatcJ l'riii to Cooi Ilr Tlmci.J VIENNA, Nov. 20. Tho nssor tlon thnt Sorvla la mobilizing against Austro-Hungnry Is nindo to dny by tho Hclchpost. The on trenched poaltlons nenr tho town of Scmcndrln on tho Dnntibo hnvo been occupied already by Servian troops. Scrvtnu recruits bolonglug to tho contingents duo to bo cnllcd up In 1913 nnd 1911 hnvo boon called out by tho Servian war olllco and Christian prisoners ninong tho Turkish troops enptured nro being Induced to servo In tho Scrvlnn army. Weapons enptured from tho Turks nro being hurriedly ropnlrcd and nmmunition Is being inado In largo quantities. Cattle and cop cnls nro being requisitioned by tho Servian war olllco. STl'DIJXTS JOIN IX. Ilus.liiiiN Attempt Demonstration AgaliiNt AimOin. (Hr Aiocltf.l rrru to Coot l!y Tlmn.) ST. PKTKItSUUna, Nov. 29.- An ntompt was inado by a body of studontH to orgnnlzo domonstrn tlona otitsldo tho Austro-IIuugnrlnu ombnssy In St. PotorBburg today, but wns frustrated by tho authorities. ' 1 TEACH PUPILS PATRIOTISM II TRIP OF IELINE SMITH Teachers Decide to Make it Compulsory Because of Girl Socialists. inr AMocUtM Tow to Coo nr Tlnm.l salt r.AKE. Nov. 29. An nmond- mont to tho atnto constitution limit ing tho tonchlng of patriotism in mo public schools compulsory wns rccom mondod by tho Utnh tcachors asso pintinn. hoiillnir a convention horo. Thoro was considerable opposition to tho resolution nnd tho recomnicndn tlon carried only by a small majority. Intorest In tho subject grow out of tho expulsion from Salt Lnko scuoois of two llttlo girls, who declnrod thom Belvos Soclnllsts and refused to tako part In tho flag saluting oxercises. stolenjIds pew Vessel Comes Up to .the "Fwucaiions and Will Soon Sail. ' A. Wo. ... Saw . l Ule ' A Sra,tU iCr.en Ve(l a teleram today t.i,.?1, " W. Olson, statlnir that thBev.mith' tho WE new slater fll..9 .ann Smith. hn,l hor trlnl a v?.!v aturdnv. ri,.. , TO HAVE PACIFIC FLEET W S M W GAS T r Oversea Dominions of Great San Francisco Boy Captures Lightweight Championship On a Foul. IHr AMocUtM rrru to Coo nr TIiiim, SAN PIIANCISCO, Cnllf., Nov. 29. RECOVFRED Securities Taken in Stolen Mail Pouches Found on Garbage Dump. Hr AuocfcteJ rre to Coo Dy Time ) if.ivo.io n.iTY Mo.. Nov. 29. Bonds having n faco value of ?H0,- 000 together with clients oi u .. n.ot .llcnnnnnrcd hero July o, last, when two registered mall sacks woro stolen onrouto from tho post of- f Dter th i! . ono maao a speed' woro stolen onrouto irom iu '"ov "' S which u,thArteon and n half "to to tho railway station hero, were ltatin..u,c Is bettnr H.nn .. m- . ., ...i. n Mm cltv dumn by ."M c.ll. . .""' limil III BI'UCl-i lie wn .., 'Pt- Olson said threo Inborors. better than tho epecl-. found today on tho city dump by satisfactory In every 4ji Wlciii.. Ci 1: S irei61 Netport News. Vn. r' the v. i ,:e'Port News. Va. ""' sZn bul ' wlth llQr Tues ttu. : PrrowB iini. . fc?.oeIH i ""i r mere, ? lcait8rtt,on tne ,onB Jr trln2,i(laP8 Hern to Cnna Unv. '- wue about sixty dayB. rtj iliuuioio. , . ,1. Tho bonds wero insured In tho English company wnicii pum u loss two weeks after the disappear ance. Tho company offered a re ward of 11000 for elr rot vn. This wns divided between tho threo workmen. Times' Want Ads bring results. Britain May Unite in Or ganizing Navy. ' njr AwoilitoJ Trw to Coot Uajr TIium.J AUCKLAND. N. 7... Nov. 29. That thoro ovontttally will bo established a Wllllo Wtchlo was given tho do Pacific floot as n unit of tno nnporini c8on over Ad Wolgnat at Coff roth's Navy nnd comprising divisions fromlnrnonn yostordny afternoon In tho Canada, Australia nnd New onlnnilj sixteenth round on n foul. Tho go was the declaration mndo by Admiral, wns for Ul0 lightweight chnmplon Klne Hnll. commander of tho Aus- sbln. trnllnn navy at n uanquoi nore. in n discussion of tho present situation of tho naval policy of "ovorsea" domin ions tho admiral said that whatever Now Zealand's nnvnl policy might bo, Auckland must bo tho secondary bnso of that fleet. Thoro is no roason no Bald why Now Zealand should not Join forces and cooporato with tho Australian navy Immediately. IS ALL READY Germany's Fighting Strength Prepared for Service on Moment's Notice. Illy Amoi IttoJ TiTM to Coot IHr TlmM.l 11KIILIN. Nov. 29. Tho Gorman mlnlstor of wnr, JoBlna Von Hor Ingen, snld today In tho Imperlnl parliament: "I can glvo tho posi tive usBiirauco thnt ovorythlng ueo- ossnry for tho ovontunllty of wnr has boon dono." Ho mndo this stntomont, nuawor lug tho Inquiry ns to whother tho Hi now mnchlno gun compnnlos provided ror In tho law of 1912 could bo organized without dolny. Sir Edward Gray, English Foreign Secretary, Pro poses Remedy. POWERS LOOK WITH FAVOR ON SUGGESTION Do Not Believe That Turkey and Bulgarian Diplomats will Be Able to Agree. (nr AModMrJ PrrM to Coot Day Timet. I LONDON, Nov. 29. Tho proposal of Sir Edwnrd Grey, tho llrltlsh for eign secretary, thnt n conforonco of nmbnsBndors of tho lending European powers bo cnllcd to facllltato tho dlp lomntlc Intercourse- nnd which has been sympathetically received at tho respective capitals, is a hopeful nigra that a way will bo fountl out of tlio differences without rosort to arms. la tho mcnntlmo tho Turkish nnd Bul garian poaco delegates nro continu ing their discussions. Tho hopo of tho Turks for ccrtnln rights enn hard ly bo reconciled with tho Ihilgnrlnn claims so thnt unless thoro should bo n good deal to glvo nnd tnko, tho al lies prolmbly will carry out their pro ceedings townrd Constantinople HOLD TKOOPS KKADV. Get'iniin nnil Austrian Soldleru Abroad Summoned Home. I Mr AMOiltlist I'rrft to Coot liar Tlmf-i) ST, PKTEHSIUmo, Nov. 29. Tho AtiBtro-IIuugury resorvIstH ro nldlng In tho lialtlc provinces hnvo been summoned to roturu to their homoH In Austrln nnd Hungary, ac cording to n dispatch from Illga. Tho Gorman rcsorvlsta living In thnso provinces number 8000 and tneso hnvo also been wnrucd to hold thomaolvo3 In rendrncsa to bo culled upon to Join their roglmoutn nt any moment. Tho Austrian nnd Gorman consulates nt Klov nro guarded by strong forces of police. GHKKKK GET ISLAND. In E S Cnpluiv l'o'slniiM of Turkey Ailrlatlc Sea. Iiir amo uiisi rrM to root nr Tirawj LONDON, Nov. 29. Tlio West ern Greek Squndron today occu pied tho Turkish Inland of Snssono In tho Adriatic sen, off tho coast uoar Avloua, according to n dla pntch from Athens. l'HAXCE'S .STHEXGTII LESS. The Dliiiliiitttou In Illrlli Itulo Has Elfect on Army. Illjr Amo, llf-l I'rtw lo Coot ntr Tlm.J PAWS, Nov. 20. Tho numbor of rocrulta nvnllablo for the French army was rodurod from 23S.O0O la 1900 to 21(1,000 In 1011, through tho diminution of tho birth ruto In Franco, was tho startling assertion mndo by Joseph Ilotch In n debnto hi tho Chamber of DoputloH todny on the bill rotating to Infantry en rollment. V Al'STIMA GETS ItEADV. ItlVEHS GETS DECISION Awarded Vernon Hon! over Mandot nt tho Kuil of liOth Itoiuul. JXDIA WILL AID. nr Auocttte4 Vm lo Coot ny Time, LOS ANGELES, Calif., Nov. 20. Joo ItlvorB of Los Angolos was nward ed tho decision ovor Joe" Mnndot at tho end of tho twentieth round nt tho Vernon arona yesterday. Plans to Present Hnttlchlps England. nr Aoiltte4 rrtt to Coot nr Timet. nnvnAY. Nov. 29. Threo sup ni..firnnriiiniiclitB nnd nlno first- class armored cruisers shortly will '! MOVING PIOTPHE TnAGEDV. Now York Lnrt KIIN ItroHier While luijuiK niKMV. NEW YORK, Nov. 29. Playing omo hero boh of n ii'Aniinii innniiin tirxninr nnnr nni i... ti inrri' niiL "V1,; mvuivi, .uv lhui nam, u ir i.., "' ," fatally wounded his brother, Louie. iiccoBBfulW a Ulan drawn up b Both'b woro nrm0(, fop 'ft mo. . -.. n Vii, nruTah Mvern- "mov'e nctors" in tholr lion S.Pt" b "ho nd fen e ruCBof'wUllatn McDrlde, aged 15 lid la. after they can carry out ? alt.hy '"Pfhlo .dealer. bI India, B them to collect funds for tho pur poso among tuomsoivos. SE.VATOH GOHDOX DEAD. boyt vlo" fray, when n bullet from Wll Ham's revolver struck his younger brothor. SUFFRAGE IX WISCONSIN. Dr A"Ofltl Prt to Coot Dtr Timet. OKOLO, Mich., Nov. 20. Alter Henten by OI.-I7H nt Recent Elec- nn Illness of several weeks of old ago, former United States Senator James Gordon, aged 79, died yes terday, FOOTIULL SCORES. Whitman C; Idaho 13. O. A. C. 23; Occidental C. Pennsylvania 7: Cornell 2. Washington 19 j Washington State 0. Multnomah 20; Oregon 7. (Ion There. (nr Associate! Tress to Coot Car Timet. MADISON, Wis., Nov. 29. Tho proposed suffrage, amendmont In Wisconsin was dofeated at tho re cent election by n majority of 91, 478, according to ofllclal returns announced today. RUY a CELERRATED KEEN iKUTTER knlfo. Wo guarantee them. THE GUNNERY. Bulgarians Force Trenches to Within 1100 Yards of Adrianople. Ur AnofUte.1 Press lo Coot Ilsr Timet SOFIA, Nov. 29. Tho lines of lncessment drawn by tho Rulgar lnn troops around tho bolongtired Turkish stronghold of .Adrianople nro being tightened dally. Tho at tackers' trenches havo now ap proached within 1100 yards of tho city ItBolf and tho foreign consuls havo hoisted flags over tuolr of fices to provont tho Rulgarlans fir ing shells in tholr direction. MAY AFFECT COLLKGE. Sunlit Fears Rival Will Not Walt Long for Settlement. nr Associate! I'rns to Coot liar Tlmni.7 LONDON. Nov. 29 Diplomats hero said today that Sorvla fears AtiBtrla-Iliingnry will not wait for tlio whole question of tho Rnlkaus to bo considered by a conforonco of Europonn powors nftor u cessa tion of hostllltloa. According to VIonnn roportB, bIio Is mobilizing her nrmy on tho Austrian frontier for protection of nor territory. Although wnrllko fooling provnlls In Vienna and St. Potorahurg. tho rulers nnd mlnla tora of Russia and Austria-Hungary nro working to avort a conflict. H Pardon of Patrick May Cost lions ton College, Largo Sum. nr Aiioclated Trrst to Coot liar Timet. HOUSTON, Tex., Nov. 29. Tho action of Gov, DIx of Now York In pardoning Pntrlck mny Involve tho ondowmont of tho Rico Institute at Houston, providing Patrick suc ceeds In establishing his claims to part of tho formor Toxns million aire's fortune, It wns said horo. Patrick would bocomo absolute, trusteo of fio fund with which he college was established, When In need of PLUMRING, HEATING; i TINNlNOv SHEET METAL WORK, CALL 101. J PIONEER linW'RE CO., When dono by us I la dono rlgU GETS WARLIKI Claims That Scandinavian Kingdoms Have Prepared for Outbreak. (nr Auodatecl Treat to Coot nar Timet CHICAGO, Nov. 29. A dispatch to tho Nowa from Christiana, Norwny. says: "Wnrllko preparations aro still going on in Norwny. Tho importa tion of coal during tho last month, both by tho military authorities nnd prlvnto Arms wnB enormous. Ordera for a mobilization of tho military nnd naval forces of tho Kingdom havo boon Inroadlnoss to bo Issued at n moment's notice Tho army has boen supplied with grain for about a yoar and largo quantities of provisions havo beon Btored everywhere." Tho CHEAPEST ACCIDENT IN" SURANOE Is THE GUNNKRY'S Pocket FLASHLIGHT.