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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1912)
. -. PnirinM SOME MEN FIND IT EASIER TO MAKE A GOOD LIVING THAN TO MAKE GOOD fflNT ADVUIt-ISINQ In Tlio TIMES win rut Volir llcnl Estn, "in t10 Mnrkct" Effectively! tt will put tho facts about your -,nnflrty before tbo oyca of all "pos Khh m town. Anil If there i. nno of tbom wlio ought to own f ,,'ll BCll HI itns WANT ADVERTISING In The TINKB Will Keep your Income from Furnished Itooius Steady. YOU enn really help tho family revenues by renting n fow furnished rooms anil, If you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, you may hoop that little oxtm la- pnmn no "Rlnnilv nn (V clock." I in i MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATE!) I'ltES aCTygwaJra.xyttWxll,MlCTJW.w' ,. vWl Established In 1HVH VOL. ,rIl0 (t()nst Mn,lt MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1912 EVENING EDITION. SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of TlineH, Coast Stall and Coos Hay Advertiser. M No. 112 1iiwi""w'" ''''m!imtmmmsMtmiuuimni Hatt LHaJM era of mm WRECK OED LAST IN! tod Atkins Succumbs to Ter- -:M Iniiirins Sustained in Disaster. ROL ANDERSON HAS CHANUfc iu neuuven Brakeman Says That Setting of Brakes on iresuc is Cause of Disaster. (Special to Tho Times.) DANDON, Oro.. Nov. 27. Fred Atkins, the sixth victim 01 mo irk on tno occioy '" n,j" ...i.- mn,i nt tho Fairy Crook itritle, died nt midnight Inst nlgnt i. tVA rmndon hospital. Thnt ho imlved as rrmarknblo, long as ho ns bo was TELLS ABOUT AWFUL WRECK W. F. Harmon's Graphic Story of Disaster on Seeley & Anderson Road. A fvrnlltlln tiffin nt tlm U'l-nnV nf 11m Seoloy & Anderson road near Handon was told today by W. F. Harmon, who litis Just returned from there. Mr I 1 1 ilk IIUI " "" " J""- VM ....... v... V. .Ml. did wnsj Harmon nnrrowly escaped being on 1...mII.1 tlln lll-fntntl trnlll n tnfi lirinf unvlnrr 3. as no iiuiiim. , " .".-.. .. .. .,.,.. w ...... rallied Ills skull was fractured, j mm, ami niiorwunis visited tlio bcoiio (rctnea. ins hkiih ii"i"'ii .................... , ,.....,. ,..,u Dv.u l! las broken, his nmiB broken i nnd aided In removing hoiiio of tho nil ho wns also scalded. bodies. In tolling of tho wreck, Mr. Rol Anderson, tho soventh nnd Harmon said: cslr surviving victim of tho dlsns- u occured about 8 o'clock In tho M, Is nllvo nnd conscious nnd hns( morning. Tho engine with thrco i fkmrn tn rOPOVOr. His InJttrlOS, lnnilmt rnt-u utnrtnil ilmvn to tlin iliiiun. - "V --- .. . . .--....-- ... ... .... .. -..w .......,., trj principally scnuiB nnti minis lai check was nauiy ornisea Coroner Wilson this morning bo IIIUIIIHIt 1 IIU UtllllU IMVII VIIIVU loaded cars started down to tho dump, soven men were on mo train, an rid ing on tho engine. Tlio cnglno had taken ono lend of logs over tho road LET US TALK IT OVER "I do tho very best I know 1 mv tho very best I can; and I mean to keep doing so until tho end. If tho end brlngi mo out all right, whnt Is sold against mo won t amount to anything. If tho end brings mo out wrong, ten nngels swearing I was right would ninko no difference." Abraham Lincoln. EUROPEAN HAM II GOHHJG i coroner wnmiu unr, iiiwiiiuih uu-iuiKon ono lonii or logs over tlio road m an odlclnl Investigation at tho Snturday and everything appeared to fitter. Only ono Inquest will bo uo nil right. Ilfld, It Is understood. "Hoi Anderson, tho brukomnii,, was ia, h h uiiuuiimui -iin i Aii, urson. t no urn Rol Anderson, tho solo niirvlvor, tll0 only OI10 ()f the victims who was !fit(rilay gave thp llrst oxplnnitlon'n,.0 to tol nnyu,B about whnt Imp el the canso of tho trestle, collnps- I)ono,i tIo wnfl ,.,mHl.ioiiB for n tlmo U. Ho said tho brakes had Just yoHtcr,iny nn ll0 n, tmt soon nfter N set as tho rnln rolled on to thoy Btnrtcd ovcr Ul0 trc8tc tiey folt 'b', ,,CV i711?1' V? ,10hl "Bi H sinking. Ho said ho realized what :id tho who o trcstlo was pushed :.,.. ...... ... .. . t,i ,n I . -- . .. It IIN UIIIIILI III llllllliril 1111(1 lllllllllk f Pmriby the tralii wlieo a lioiu- ,,.. M,nowoll .nlli ..Qood-byo iiir. t Sll-r-?.., ii. ru Jlm." Anderson said that Mi'Dowoll f"1',,,, Z "fi10Urollanso -oi'lld In n husky voice. "Keep -your !l oat of Iialnnco nnd tno connpso , , Wo'm conn " followed. Tho appenranco Bubstnn- "cTn.S... ... ?.. u.' i, f ihnTIU ihond of ho ". uy Itoso, tho timokcoper, was M of tho .brlllgo ahead of tho . '...,,', ,,,,. ..., ,,, ,., ,,.,.,. 8 nine "buckled" and tho ronr not-,"" ": ,,,,, ,. ,lClinI Anderson iarsti.o last ho ro-,Iloso n'- "l,ct UP nmI otlf' U)?m :S provlous o tho ncciaontyu,ro "ot 1,urt- nn'1 tl,on Uo8 fa,m- utr JiroUUUB lO IIIU IICClUOIll . ....i.-.-n ,rn,l 1,1,,,-nlf III, til,, u nen no stnrtod to aton out "". '"" ".n,.. " "'.". Ulllllilinniv;i4, (,,i ., j o. "Jm.h ... lea the runnlnc linnril tn trv nnd Iwp clear of tho engine unr noso died irom Hcnms ana lirti. mm ura HERE Ilancey Humphreys, Killed (Near Bandon, Formerly Re sided in Marshfield. ICIlTIMV 1I.......1 it.. .., li ,u,,,l,iwy, uuu in mo i- reni'lilnif Itndlov's riimi). almost threo quarters of a mllo nnd gavo tho nlurm. "How Andorson wan able to onduro tho trip Is moro than ono enn Imagine Ho muot hnvo stiff orod nwfully. "Tho story that a rancher. Hilly Doyle, la reportod to hnvo told about being on tho train nnd jumping oft Just boforo It reached tho trcstlo Is now denied. Andorson said that thoro wero only seven men on tho trnln and Doylo was not ono of them. "All tho enmps nnd places shut down nnd men rushed out nnd tried to do what they could. Tho cars, logs, engines and brldgo timbers wero reduced to n Jingo pilo or iiroKen nnti twisted Iron, splinters nnd broken wood. Tho trcstlo simply collapsed undornenth tho weight of the train. ' "Tho victims woro horribly crush ed, bruised nnd scnldod. "Threo woro killed outriglit. riney H. I113NXUTT Is worried. Strangc: enough in his great-hearted nnd whole-souled way It Is not himself or his water company thnt ho is worried nliout hut lm Ik wnrrlnil nliniit Wlnklnr nnd Albrerht and the penplo of .Marshfield. .loo hits rend Winkler nnd Albrceht'fl plntform In The. TIiuoh nnd sees they nro In fnvor ot muni cipal ownership. Ho Is worrying nbont how they nro going to get It. Aro they going to Clonr I.nko or to Coos Hlver or nro thoy going to emtio to him? Arc they going to put n mortgage on tho fair homes of this lovely city to build n municipal wnter system? .Too just can't "sleep or nlghtB" for worrying nbottt It especially tho mortgngo on tho homes. Of course It Is nil right to mortgngo It to .Ioo'b wnter company for thirty years nnd Inrcense tho rates from $18.00 to $123.70, but for tlio people to attempt to do anything for themselves how enn they bo so foolish. It gives Joes n nightmare. And thnt reminds mo. Lot's see, It was only n fow yenrs ngo thnt .Toe was writing columns for tho uowspnpcrs nnd shedding tears as big as buckets about tho $300,000 mortgngo that tho Tort Commis sion was trying to put on tho poor man's home. Joo became so oxer clsed and wrought up about it that ho spent sovoral dollars printing rlrculnrs to protect tho poor man. That was threo years ago. When tho pcoplo voted for It, Joo continued his fight In tho courts nnd has cost this community thousands of dollnrs nnd delayed harbor Im provements for years. Hcccntly when tlio snuio $300,000 proposition cnino up did .Too rnve and tenr his hnlr and swear by tho great hornspoons ho would protect tho poor man's homo from mortgngo? All who heard even a feeble protest from this guardian ot tho unmortgaged homo, plenso stand up. Not one. Joo nnd Henry Scngstnckon mndo up nnd now .Too Is trying to sell thoso $300,000 bonds to "mortgngo tho poor ninn's homo," ns ho called It. "Hopo springs cternnl In tho human brensr." Poor Joo! Ho has no sooner compromised Ills conscience nnd becomo reconciled to ono mortgngo than ho Is worried about another. Of courso It Is nil right If you let Joe hold the mortgngo nnd collect tho Interest, otherwise It is something to mnko tho gods wcop nnd moro men to writhe In nn- giilsh. Ot courso .Too linn heard that A. J. Bavago and Tom Coko nro In fnvor of munlclpnl ownership nlsn. Tholr friends hnvo snld so, but you will notice thnt .Too Isn't doing nny worrying about toko nnd Savngo. Ho knowB thnt Tom will do whnt Is "fnlr" with tho wator company nnd Savago bolloves In being "llbornl" with tho contpnny. So Joe knows thnt Snvago nnd Coko will tnko caro ot tho wator com pany, but he Is worried about Winkler nnd Albrccht. Tlio peoplo mny desire to hnvo someouo on tho council thnt will treat them "fairly" and glvo tho public n squnro deal an well ns tho wator contpnny. A voto for Wlnklor nnd Albrccht who nro pledged to tho pcoplo will do this. Vojo for Prjnclplo thls tlmo. THE TURKS SUFFER FROM FIRE. FAMINE AND FLOOD ') vUW'f-'"' . r 'Besieged Forces of Sultan Near Adnanople comuattinq Fearful Odds Besides War. inr AMociiU'j r-nM to coo nr Tim,i mttot.uiiia PASHA. Turlcov. Nuv. 27. Flro, famine, flood, nnd nunrchy afflict tlio uosiegeu TiirKH I., His, fnrtroRq 'if Adrlunonlo lie- nortim tn rnnortn liroucht hero by fugitives from thnt city. Jhoso refugees who hnvo mnnnged to os capo through tho lino of slcgo which Is being drawn closer ovcry day around tho Turkish strong hold, declnro thnt mnny buildings In tho vicinity of Sollm Mosquo nro on fire. Other districts nro mini dated by tho high wntora of tho rivers MurlUn, Tunga nnd Ardn, which hnvo overflowed tnolr DniiKs. Tho civilian population is declared to bo Hliort of rood ah? a! " Crook wreck on t he KBneer Jns. McDowell, Fire- SlfeiS&n"hiVdXn"UM n.aCl.nH. Smith and a logger named Mphw nf C t mLi I" W'lR'"- Tholattor'a iintuo wns ,;.?,;?. ?l ire- .J .Kf. MlckHn of, fl . Moinn. Smith hns a ,'"" "' .irs. j. k, imcKtin i h Marahnold, who loft this mont- l tor Dailllnn 4,. nl.l II. fnn.ll tfy --.w., ,w ,,,!. fc,U IIIIHII. uhtJ lnformntlon from Handon i nit. 8 a ,0BKr rrom Uftll v. i. wns Pa'tly Incorrect ns MS been EOmn vnnra clnnn lire illll wns, first clvon ns Morgan. Smith has a wife nnd family at tho Seoloy & An dorson camp and added to tho pathos nf lil ilnnth Is the fact that Ills wlfo is snld to bo In n very dollcnto condi tion, nn unborn uaue uoing rcnuercu --v ouiiiu vfjars Riiirn o waa - .. . 'C uSJSr8 b?7J ,n D0VB' "cinncy Humphrey was tho first of 'vwuaiy and had spent tlio greater .,. 7. ... ., V ..n..i. nt ti.n imEnitni r0 f th eilJt'i008 ?UHty I amlGu; Rose 'Vo o';;H ,l . few "ne d. xtr tri .,,,.i,.. ,i i,uer cll"' 10 l(ul" "'"' ' ' ' lived In . i1 1 SryTM -dni ' tert,ny V' t00k th0 b0l,y homo . k.... a ln one ot the John Gold-, ,.-.'," Atifia onm from CM fornln ill Mi0i k.nown yl wtwn tno l u" .. u ueia, iAKIGAL NOT I DETECTIVE IfenSP in Ij: i. r, t. -- uuidiiapoiis uyna mile Trial Makes Charge "ydinsi Him. r3NAPOLlS. Ind.. Nov. 27. Ki, ", Ortlo McManlgal country 0Wng un Jba about r'. 0l.ry Was antunllv In tho i. w .d?tectlve8 who followed toamit Up hy tho Jefonso at ati. 5,,e conspiracy trial today. iibj8,?,'1' tho defenso flat l'i dr.i??.IanlBal whether ho, ilor n, ,inB was not ln tho tlon lhe Natlonal Erocton a ihnU,, " "reantzation wnoso tJ .UUP nOllPV wno l,nl .. 'Wi J10 . Ironworkers' union. r4b! .Hn,ed that ho was em- sa J ono otner than J. J. ' ,Vtt Or thnt l. .i o o l"e ranks of the dynamit- LlKKVB7rvPr, n ., :. "KwmonK "Sl'iL. to" iur" - Ms. 11UJBH DK1CB. nnd Is reputed to hnvo been the cham pion loader of tho coast. "Stanley Dartlett of tho company is entitled to great credit for tho strenuous efforts ho put forth nfter tho wreck. Ho worked night and day, sending for physicians for the Injured arranging for tho caro of tho victims, notifying their families and doing ev erything thnt wna possible to be done. "It wna reported yestordny at Han don that n flremnn named Carmlchael had thrown up his Job on tho road last week because ho feared the tres tle would glvo way like It did. "Tho report current In Handon soon after the wreck thnt a big ship ment of glnnt powder on tho wreckoc' train had exploded, adding to the hor ror, proved to bo unfounded. Coroner Wilson Is In Handon and arranging for an Investigation of the wreck." . , 4 Mr. Harmon brought back pictures of the dlsnstor with him. It was re ported at Handon today that Deputy State Labor Commissioner Gram was ln the Coqullle Valley and would pro bably arrange for an Investigation of tho disaster by tho state. II- llo-ronr. BJ1VS tllQt 11 0 WOB Informed that tho actual height of the bildge or trestle where tho train went through was 90 e. The train landed In a big hole In tho bol'om of the gulch. WE WILD HAVE FOIt VOUIl DINNEH TOMOUItOW VAMIiliA AND STAWIJEKKV ICE CHEAM, PL'IIE MT. SHASTA WATER AMI FOSTER OKEAN'S CANDIES. yViS' COXFEOTIQXEHV. KEEK KUTTER Knives at TUB GUNNEBY, , .uiiUJiH WO GAS T RE T Odds Still Favor Champion, Although Opponent Is Showing Up Better. nr AMOclite.1 Trt to Cool nr Tlmo, SAN FIUNCISCO. Calif. Npv. 28. Ad Wolgast nnd Wllllo nichlo rest ed today from actlvo training for tholr Thanksgiving day 'light. Thoy devoted themselves to tho entertain ment of visitors to their camps. The day oponod with tho odds still two to ono on Wolgast. Pugl Istlc critics maintain tho odds are falso to tno form of tho fighters nnd are nt a loss to account for thorn on nny other ba sis than the explanation given by Bet ting Commissioner Corbett, who Bald that Wolgast money In large quanti ties had been given him. while tho nltchio supporters kept theirs under cover. Sporting writers express tho opinion that Wolgast is not In as good condition as Ritchie, short winded, possesses a good punch and lacks the "pep" and ginger In his boxing, while Hltchle shows up ln ported form, CLARK NA.irED AGAIN. Cedar Rnplds Man KeniixIntcd on Intcrstnto Commerce Commission (Or AMOclt4 PrtM to Coot D; Timet. WASHINGTON. Nov. 27. Presi dent Taft has announced that ho will reappoint Edgar E. Clark of Cedar Rapids. Iowa, as a member of tho Interstate Commerco Com mission for tho Bevon-year term, beginning January 1, 1913. no was formerly head of the Order of Railway Conductors of America. Nursery Stock. See a. E. Seaman Phone 49-J. When In need of PLUMHING, HEATING, TINNING. SnEBT MOTAL WORK, CALL- 101-J tmM Wfaea dotM Vy us T la dw rljU GONFSSON OF MURDER FALSE Mrs. Pansy Lesh of Los An geles Acquitted on Charge in Missouri. inr A"otUt4 I"rtM to Coo llijr Time SEDALIA. Nov. 27. "Not gull ty" wns tho vordlct of tho Jury today In tho enso of Mrs. Pansy Ellon Lesh, chnruod with tho murder of Mrs. Eilznboth M. Quolntnnco of Groon- brldgo, Mo. Tho court Instructed tho Jury to acquit on tho ground that tho woman'H confession was not backed by corroboratlvo ovldenco. Tho wo man was arosted at Los Angeles, TO FINISH CANAL. Hotiso Coniinltteo Will CoiisIuit Appropriations for It. nr Auoclttal rrwi to Coot 0r Tlmti. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. Expon dltures for tho completion of tho Panama Canal nro to bo taken up by the Houso Appropriations Com mltteo soon aftor tho return of Chairman Fitzgerald nnd tho dozen members who went to Pannma. Tho Panama party will reach Now York tomorrow. WOMAN NOT GUILTV. Mnlno Jury Frees a Womnii Accus ed of Crime Seven Years Ago. Br AMOcltte4 Prt to Coo Djr Timet.) AUGUSTA. Mo., Nov. 27. Mrs Elslo Raymond was found not guil ty of tho murder of Miss Hattlo Hackett of Redvlllo, seven years ago. Miss Hackett was killed by strangulation, tho body being found In a field with a cord tight around the neck. No arrest was made un til a few montha ngo. It waa al leged that Mrs. Raymond was Jeal ous because of tho alloged attention paid by her husband to Miss Hack ett. Tho ovldenco Introduced was circumstantial. Tho famous KELLY-SPRINGFIELD AUTO TIRES and TURES, Satisfaction guaranteed, THE GUN- NBRT, S NOW FEAR JILL RESULT KAISER READY FOR OUTBREAK Germany Has Made Provision for European War in New Budget. (Ilr .two Ulct rrrft to Coot lUr TlmM.J BERLIN, Nov. 27. Provision against tho possibility of nn outbreak of wnr has been mndo by tho Gorman government, according to n Socialist nownpnpor. Discussing tno now bud get tho newBpnpcr points thnt nn ltom of $3C,000,000 entered for tho gener al llnnnco of tho ndmlnlstrntlon Is rcnlly Intended to pny for nn cnor moils reserve's clothing nnd provls loits for mon nnd bonsts, which tho army and navy havo accumulated ngalnst tho posslblo otttbronk. A marked Increase In tho army nnd na vy expenditures Is $-15,700,000 In stead of $11,200,000 as stated by tho government. ES US 1 Sultan's Force Defeated With Loss of 2000 Near Sa- loniki Today. (Ilr AmIiJ I'itm to Coot llr Timet. bALONIKL Nov. 27 Heavy light ing occured todny ttotween a forco of Turks retreating from Monnsttir nnd tho Greek army at Sorowltz to tho south of Monnsttir. It Is report ed thnt tho Turks woro routed nftor losing 2,000 killed and wounded. 0 HARBORS BILL Army Engineers Ask Appro priation of $40,000,000 by Congress. (nr AuorlatM rrttt to Coot !lr Timet WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. Work on tho big rivers nnd nnroora nppro nrlntlnn hill Iiolmiii todny with n moot lug of tho Houso Rivera and Harbors Committee Tlio army ongineora navo submitted to tho coniinltteo estimates for forty million dollars worth or rlv ors nnd harbors Improvements. DELAY RAISE WOODMAN RATE Executive Committee of Fra ternal Body Suspends Ac tion Pending Hearing. nr AmoUI4 rrtit to Cool llr Timet. ROCK ISLAND, III.. Nov. 27. An order suspending tho now rates of tho Modorn Woodmen of Ameri ca until tho courts can pass on tho mattor. was lsaued by tho executive counsel of tho order nt a mooting todny. It was learned from autnor ltatlvo sourco. thouch no official statement was given out after tho committees special mooting, ALASKA FRAUD TRIAL. Frost nnd Others to Ho Tiled In February in Coal Case, (Br AuocUteA I'mi to Coot Dtr Timet. nirmAfin Knv 27. Thn trial of the cases against Albort C, Frost and othora, undor Indictment for ttilcgcd conspiracy to defraud tho government out ot coal lands In Alaska valued at $10,000,000, waa sot today by Judgo Landls for Feb ruary 17. Tho defendants entered a plea of not guilty whon arraigned. WE WILL HAVE FOR YOUII DINNER TOSIORROW VANILLA AND STAWHERRY ICE CREAM, PURE MT. SHASTA WATER AND FOSTER OHEAN'B CANDIES. Realization of Danger of Big War Relieves Interna tional Tension. ENGLAND, FRANCE AND GERMANY MAY AVERT IT Triple Alliance May Succeed in Egecting Settlement of Questions. AUSTRIA WARLIKE. PARIS. Nov. 27. Austria has decided to send n squadron to Durnzzo, on tho Adriatic sen before It Is permanently occu pied by Servln, according to n Berlin dispatch. Sho will nlso mnko n military demonstration toward Belgrade. Tho dispatch says tho uncompromising atti tude of Austria has stiffened slnco yestordny. (Ilr AnofUtr.1 1'rr.i to Cool III? Timet,) LONDON, Nov. 27. Thnt Ettropo nn pnwors hnvo nt Inst realized thoy aro dlrlftlng toward a conlllct, tondn to relievo tlio lmmndlnto tension of tho Ititornntlonnl political tangle Into which the Balkan situation has de veloped. Tho bailor that Gront Brlt nln, Franco nnd Germany will buc ceed In nvortlng tho threatened gon ernl European conlllct has boon strengthened within tho Inst twonty four hotirfl. It Is now assorted thnt Auntrln Hungnry la preparod to ngrco to tho questions concerning tho ftiluro ot Albania nnd desire of Servln for a port on tho Adriatic Son Is being not tlod In connection with nil other Issues caused by thn Balkan war, as wns recently proposed by proinlor An qulth. It this change nt tho Auutro Hungnrlnn attitude should bo con firmed, thti dangerous prcBStiro nt present existing will bo removed. Diplomats declnro thoy seo plenty of methods of mooting tho require ments of Servln, without sorlouuly In conveniencing Austria Hungary or burying tho demand of "Albania for Albanians." UUSV IN AUSTRIA Ad- Emperor of Austria and Chief visor In f Vnfi'iviii'n (Ilr AkIIM I'mi o Coot nr Timet, VIENNA, Nov. 27. Francis Joseph held today n series of Important un dlonces. Ho received successfully Archduko Fordlnnnd, holr to tho throne, tho chief of tho goncrnl staff of tho army, tho minister of wnr nnd finally Foreign Minister Borchtold nnd tho Hungarian minister or na tional defonse. Tho first nnd Inst nit dlencoa were onch over an hour In duration. CALL MEN HOME Ansli-laiiN and Hungarians Asked to Report tor War. llr Aumk Uthl I'r lo Co4 liar Timet FRANKFORT-ON-THE-MAIN, Gor mnny, Nov. 27. Austro-IItingarlnn Btibjocts residing horo belonging to the nrmy aorvlco, hnvo rocolvod or dors to roport to tholr roglmonts. Austrlniis nnd Hungarians employed In tho Gorman mining districts hnvo rocolvod a similar ordor. AMERICANS ARE SAFE. Not Mole-Mod in Asiatic Turkey So Fur. nr Auocltle.1 I'tni to Coot Hr Timet, WASHINGTON. Nov. 27. All Amorlcnii8 In Asnltlo Turkoy aro safo and unmolosted according to reports to tho Statu Dopnrtmont by Consul Gonornl Pollla nt Bolrut, who nnnounced tho receipt ot ad vices from throughout tho district. WANT TROOPS RACK. Servians Demand That Their Fron tier Ih Protected. (Hr Auocltteil I'rm lo Coot lltr Timet BELGRADE, Nov. 27 Tho recall of Sorvlan Itoopb from iho flold of operations agulnst Turkey Is de manded hy nowBpnpors hero so that thoy may bo avnllablo to dofond Servian frontlors ngalnst an attack, NO TROUBLE IN FRANCE Reported Mobilization of French Ar my Denied, nr AuocUtect I'rnt to Coot nr Timet ) PARIS, Nov. 22. Tho French min ister of wob Issued n statement today that tho reported mobilization of tho French army on tho custom frontier wna ttttorly unfounded. Tho calling out of tho resorvlsta ho declared was duotna misunderstanding of a dis patch by tho brlgndlor gonoral In chargo of tho district. RUSSIA MEANS WELL Austrian Ambassador Assured of Car's Purine Stand. (Ilr AworUted Prru to Coot lltr Timet.) LONDON, Nov 27. Tho interview of tho emperor of Russia nnd Austro Hungarnn ambassador was most sat isfactory, according to dispatches re- - , .-. - , . CleveU noro. iiuihiik a luiem -?-. -44