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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1912)
ftflfi&aOa&B 3nJflPBri?WPJSjiTfcriP,v frm?' --rti -?- v----' - , a, " $ WWWMWWPW0A.1 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1 912. EVENING EDITION. ONLY 568 ON poll books; I BANDON OIL HI BROKE Registered for City Election Bankruptcy Proceedings Pre Next Tuesday 147 Wo men Have Registered. vents Sheriff's Sale of Bear Creek Well. Tlio lotnl registration fur tlio nn-' Marshal J. W. Cnrter lina return- mini municipal election In Marsh- 0,t fmni Contilllo and Handon, EASTSJDE HAS I GOOD INCREASE: I i OIOL SAVED BY NEWSBOY School Census Shows Gain of Ethel Smith of Gary, Intl., Re-Twenty-five Over Last , covers After Severe Skin Year in District. Grafting Operation. That Eastslde Is grow Inst rapidly Is Indicated by the annual school con-1 tllv Vk-ii Inlet lo t'ooi lift) TlmM.l GARY, lnd., Nov. 2G. Ethel Hold, next Tuesday, December 1, Is where ho went lo serve a restrain- bus. which was completed last night Smith, who was burned in a motor r.GS, and 117 or them nro women, lug order on Shcrlfr ungo and t". b. .Ionian. mo n-i- i-ensu cyeio nrrnioui nun mr wmim mn according to figures compiled by Topping, of the MIocono Oil and , shows 1.'7 residents of school ape Hugh, Gary's crippled newsboy, City Itccorder Uutler today. At rjn8 Co.. restraining Sheriff Gago against 111 2 a year ago. Decides tho sacrificed his life as a result of tho Inst city election 811 votes fro, disposing of tho company's young folks of school age. Mr. .lor- giving large portions of "live skin wero cast and then no women wcro property nt sheriff's sale. Novem- dan reports that there are 35 chit- to bo grafted on her, left tho hos- cnnblcd to vote. ber 27. Tho restraining order was Tho registration by precincts and issued by Judge- Ucan In tho fed- parties Is as follows: I oral court nt Portland and fol- North. South. Central, lows bankruptcy proceedings of the dren In Eastslde under school age. ...... ....... ...... I I D....I.I.. I pillll 1(1(111) IUI HIM IIU1HU. Illlh" o parents Uvo near Portland, Oregon. Republicans . DomocratB . . Soclnlluts . . . rrohtbltlonlsls Progressives Dull Moose . Independents No politics . 101 2S 17 1 17 0 2r I Totals 193 1 1 2(5 4 I 11 1 11 110 117 Mloccno Oil and Gas Co. GG Tho company wbb organized to 11 drill for oil on Dear Creeic nnd 0 sunk a well about 2500 feet deep 10 when they ran out of funds 3 Hecentlv tho company organized 21 In Marshflcld to drill for oil hero 0 has been negotiating with tho Han don company to purchase Its equip 235,ment. WILL LICENSE 0 M JAPS TO GE1 Los Angeles Considers Plan steamship Company Purchas- of Issuing Permits to Sa loon Patrons. ing Site in Honolulu Opposed by U. S. Iiir rrru lo coot mj Timn.j ,n AMOC,l(hi rrM1 (o Coo nr Tlmci. I'US rt.MiKI.KS, iNOV. Sti. A plan iimciitVPTAV v on ril. lo tax liquor consumorB for the WAl?"rN(n0&11 hn' " .Tm-h hi prlVli-iso of drinking In bar rooms '"or "t in,)nnTi.n if !?. 1b under consideration today by tho company. Uio Toyo K son Kilsha, ..ntin ,, iui rri. .... Lnn Is Bccurlni: options on Innd In U mndo by thonioonkcopors as Honolulu for tho erection of a n Hnlullon to tho question of com- !oacr con.,lnB. ),nnt ' , n .. ...i,n.m,.. ...i.. rm. tons cnpnclty. Is reproduced In n ...n '.ji-i.iiiiuii til milium. I llu . ... ..,. .., !. .. author nf Hi r I. Inn wmilil Imvn Kuuriiinuiii lupun each person rontemplatlng saloon patronngi equip hlmsolf with cro doutlnb retting forth his ago and (I'ticrlptlon nun other means of Identification. by lioro without tho government olll commont clnln. Tho Lodgo resolution passed by tho last congress declared against (ho acquisition of coaling stations In America by corporations con trolled by foreign powers, but no decision was mndo as to whother It applied to outlying possessions of nmr'Ann v,.v ! .,,,..... mo unitou funics, ii is saw no meat was made at a South Sldo ?'ni, "opnumoni is warning wiu 8KYE TKItlll KlfS SKI.V gicafped ox avo.max. hospital yeslorday of tho Biiccess ful nutcomo of n enso of akln-grnft-Ing In which a lnrgo plcco of tho skin of n slcyo torrlor wns plnccd over tho wound on tho nrm of Mra. U. V, Johnson of Mononilneo, Wis. Tho wound liml boon left nf tor an operation for tuborculnr ul cer. Tlio operation Ib snld to bo tho first of Its kind oyor porformed. SWEET Honolulu Hltuntlon. CIDHII for OIVIXG nt SAItTEU'S. TIIAXK.S. C. K. SHAW arrived today from Unymond, Wnsh., to look over his proporly Intorosts. Mr. simw wns nt ono tlmo city mnralml of North Bond nnd hold tho posi tion for four yenrs. This 1b his first visit to tho .Hay In flvo years. Ho nnd Mrs. Shaw plan to return horo noxt aumincr to rosldo. Thoy hnvo consldornblo proporly In North Howl. Shop Early! Old Santa Claus Says: t-Ste V . -!- -w r- .nil"' ' ry " J. 'r Y0"K TSR.- , "3 S,. C C3.. Vlt- IUvcrylhing favors the on rly Clinslinas ,sho)i)er. Largo and unbroken assort nienls, no rush and crush to bother you. AVo have a largo li st of useful and orn amental articles suit able for gifts without duplicates. H you Come Early wo may have just the thing you want. We will place it aside for you to be called for when you want it. Our holiday line is now complete in Jewelry Silverware Cut Glass Fancy China Leather Goods You are always welcome at Red Cross Drug Store ill TALENT FDD BIG NOISE MKVKU Wllili ItllMAIX. Additional Members for Com pany to Put on Show for Elks Is Desired. Everything Ib progressing nicely for "Tho Ulg Noise." tho minstrel portormnnco which HufuB K. I.ovo will put on nt tl'o Masonic opera houso under tho direction of tho Marshflcld lodgo of Elks. Tho re ceipts will go to tho ElkB' chnrlty fund. ItehcnrBals aro progressing nicely for tho principal pnrta of tho Bhow, The paper to bo Issued by tho lodgo will bo got out tho latter pnrt of tho week. They still need soma additional members for tho company nnd Di rector Lovo today nimto tho follow ing statement: Tho n. P. 0. M. talent comnilt tco for tho Elks' mlnstrolB wnnt 15 wlvca nnd BweothenrtB of Elks, 20 llttlo girls from 1 to II years of ago, nnd II high school girls, to help out In choruses, sextettes, coon songs and ballads. Only four ladles will hnvo to black up, tho fKflilHHHHHHuBfcttrfffl ?RUFUS.K,LOVLL the mo xoisi; bnlnuco appearing In whlto face. All costumes aro furnished. Tho re hearsals nro very short nnd inter esting. Tho wives and BweothenrlB will rohonrao n fow nfternnons at tho Finnish hall from 2:1ft to 3.30. Tho high school girls and smaller glrla will rehonrBo nftor shool. Tho rohcnrsnlB will contlnuo from dny to day. Tho nialo chorus nnd cud men aro gottlng on fluo nnd will bo In good dhnpo for tho evenings of Do combor G nnd C when "Tho lllu Nolso" will npjiear In all Its glory. Denies That lie InlciuN lo Itcxlgu I'l'iim Xavy Departiiient. Ir .wi Ittcl Prim lo Cooi liny TlmM.l WASHINGTON. Nov. 2C Secre tary Meyer of the- Navy Depart ment denies tho rumors he Is nbout to resign. Ho will remain In tho cabinet until Taft goes out of office. (,'O.MI'EIIS IS IlKTTKIt. Head of Aincili-nu 1'cilfrntloii of Labor In Improving. IHr Amo Ulivl I'nti lo ('not liar TlmM.) UOCIIESTEIt. N. Y.. Nov. 2C President Snmpel (Jonipors of tho American Federation of I.nbor, who Is 111 of pnotimonin, Is much Im proved today. KK.'IIT IX MOXCOI.IA. -Uiis. Sccedcis Cnptino Large CJ ty phi Sends TriHipi. llr AMorlalrd I'rrii to Cooi lit? Time.. CHICAGO. Nov. 2(5. Tho Chin ese government troops undor Prince Pohtl. n loyal Mongolian, captured tho city of lUlassutnt, Mongolia, after a two days bnttlo, according to n Poking dispatch to tho Chi cago Dally News today. Tho Mon golian FcccdorH have Installed Rus sian telegraph operators on tho government lines they seized. Do tachinents of Itusslan troops nro ad vancing from various stations tow ard Prgn, tho capital of Audou, Western .Mongolia. loiix t. ititrsii i)i:.n. Owner of Xew Voik Xulloiial League Club Dies. (11 AmocIUM ITik to Coot llr Tlmi-t.) ST. J.OUIS, Nov. 20. The body of John T. Ilrush, owner of tho Now ork National I.cnguo Ilnseball club, who died early today In his prlvato cap near Seoburgor, .Mo., arrived Hero today enroulo to Now iork. Mr. Ilrush wn a sufferer from locomotor ntaxla. Ho wns on routo to tho Pacific Const when seized with tho death attack. THIRTY DAYS TO CHRISTMAS Jf J4 V gOV. 25) j Daily Christmas Hint A Dainty Gift For the Wee Tot Most nttractlvo for tho woo tot n year or two old Is tho pretty llttlo cap pictured. A foundation cap of whlto silk hns to bo provided, and over this founda- m. (j witSH Santa Claus Is Calling You to Shop Early. Twenfynine Days lo Christmas Don't Guess la Itujiiig Vour Coi-ncIh hut bo suro you got n garment of modish stylo a garmont that will bo tho correct foundation for your gown. You will find this In tho smnrt now inodela of American Lady Corsets We can fit you perfectly. to tf.-.oo Wo aro oxcluslvo AgenTH. Hub Dry Goods Co. O'Connell Illdg. Phono 3C1-.I. IDE PORTLAND T U ifc?A7 f " titthrr-. pi!i3 DKET nun (Special to Tlio Tlmci.) DKN.MAKK, Or., Nov. ,, li-lmi..i.. ..... i , .. .V. Ifc Eastern ("old Storage lllids Cau.o Slump In Market. POItTLAND, Nov. 2(5. Eastern dalrymcn'H minimi ball held ? turkoya, nftor nil, nro to figure In Lnnglols Nov. 1C was i JVi Portland's Thnnksglvlng dinner this success. Tho night was mX 1., Mm u(iAnf iPlin n n Ainn.i H ! Il.. .....t .... . ... . " - , ,.,U DLIUUt. ,IIU OitllUIIIU'llia KIV- cu out by interested traders tho last woo!: or two to tlio effect tint thr Portland public, this yenr would hnvo lo get along without Icod birds from tho Mlddlo West ap pear now to havo been n hoax. Ono carload of Eastern turkoyn In reported nlready to hnvo ar rived and a second Is nnld to bo duo tho first of next wool: II inrlH 'roni tho Sound any Hint Po- atllo and Taconia innrkots as well' aro gottlng their Bhnro of Eastern birds, flvo carloads now being on tho way to those cities. Thnt theso BhlpiuontB of Eastern slock, In tho fnco of tho Immonso quantity of Westorn blrdB known to ho coming h tho locnl nnd oth er Const innrkots, will hnvo Romo olllect on prices Is to bo expected, nnd on tho present showing boiiio of tho local tradors mo nlready out with prodlctloiiH of n sorlous bronk In tho ninrkot Tlianksglvlng weolc. That the consumer will ho ablo to got n fresh Western gobblor for tho holiday dinner at 25 routs n pound Ib hold by somo to bo a possibility. INDIAN CHI UK IS till. Ancient Tribesman Salil (o I! (lie Oldest lliiiimu llelng In World. CHICAGO, Nov. 20. Wah-Hn- giin-Tn, nro ehlof makor, n Tllack- Blo and everybody nt his best ul. iiiiius niurry uillll unyugbt. W ii i-uiiiu more uinn onto a year MrB. .lames Whlto and Mm h. bin wore visitors nt the Cbeao- wuni iiumo insi Tnursdsy. A program nnd social gitlerlij Ib to bo held nt tho Demur Bchool house, somo time Is d, nenr future. Tlio children ire pre- iuuiiiK uiuir pans ana on ire pcctlng n good time. Mr. Chnstnln Is moving over t) uio King puico tins week. Mr. .Inines hns recently moid his family to tlio Mathen p!r nnd will ndd another pupil to li Denninrlc srl'ool. Tlio Donmark co-opcratlre clwe factory will closo for the lt'tr at tlio end of tlio present noiti. Its receipts iud cnrnlngs hire fi highly satisfactory to all coster. oil and show hotter by IS to II por cent thnn nny other dairy b the county. LOGGING IN SIl'SLAW. WYiirilliig.JohiiMm T.umlier Coo-1 niiiiv Seek Hitorlal Itlcht. EUGENE. Or., Nor. H.-Deif Ing to toko advantage of tie 0-e gon lnw which slvcs a beoikj company right to control the ! of a strpaiii. tlio wenaiisiw giin-rn, nro eiiior makor, n Hack- " " "" , "" "C" "mtk font Indian from Plncor "orvn- "on I',H ,pf 'TOnJ"ffl Hon. said lo bo 131 vonrs old Is on - county c o. rt of Lane tot his way to Chicago to attend tho ,lor nlro "T1..1- n nihlte Urti Innd show certain points, n public bw So far iib known Clilof Wah-Ha- gun-Ta Is tho oldest humnn liolng In tho world. Ho Is enld to havo boon born lb tho roglon now known oh Glaclor Natlonnl Pnrk In 17S1. Tim ehlof wns first of his rnco lo visit tho "Groat Whlto Enther," nnd his visit to Washington wlion President .lofforson wiih In tho Whlto House, wa? n niomornblo event In IiIh ilfo. In his trlbo ho Is rognrded an an oracio. At tho 1110 of Ills it 1. nccordlng to the Indian logond, tlio iiuiior or nil spirits, standing on n mountain, shot nn arrow which found n mark In a trco near his ninors topeo. Tho prophecy, as Intorpiotod by tho modlclno man, was tiint ho would Uvo forovor nnd iissisi uio gods In their councils. SHOULD HE AX AVALAXCIIE OK A'OTES AGAINST FKAXGIIIHE viiuor up: you don't hnvo to go mound looking for temptations to yield to, INFANT'S CAP OF SATIN RIBBON. tion nro arranged plaltings or quillings of crenni colored satin ribbon. Whero tho strings nro attached to the cap ap pear tiny bunches of rosebuds and for-gctmenots. SWEET ClDEU from Coos Itlver Apples for THANKSGIVING nt SAUTEH'S. A Wonderful Tonic a That Aids Digestion . iTbiVBndfl-ai0 JaaWe to digest cer. tal ds of food. In most cases It Is not the- fault of the food, nor tho atom, ach. It Is probabla that tho stomach ttlSVP ab8ed' y11? rest to pro "Befted foods and various kinds of medicines to got relief from dypepsla, pnerShaeDenht?artbUrn' bUt oui If your stomach was In perfect con d&0AS,uld not -eed medicine to vl0 r.00ds you oat- Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge is a stomach regulator. It that it will digest food H,n i Jii8?8' , I overcomes tho acidity and stimulates the coating of the stomach and intestines so that they will property absorb and assimilate the JrtU and iermaent relief in a8 short time after beginning tha usa r .1,. tonic, ror ehlfiSSr'tho SdSftton 0 J Jlttja sugar wU make It mw pLi areMatSj SHR 0ff & xomnWi 2?SedT sS'.i Commenting on tho coming city uiucuon in .Mnrshllold tho North ilend Hnrbor savs: "Tho light Is hinged on tho do- imiiicis mo coos nay Wntor Co. lina mndo for tho oxtonslon of n franchlso iKiiii 1 1 to .tu yoars with nn Incronso in rates. This seoniB n almplo ques- .,. in iitenio nnu tnoso supporting tlio niunlclpnl waterworks candidates ought o bring nbout tho grontest ?... n,".',.of votes ,n tliolr fnvor ovjr beaid In Marshflold. Tho peoplo will Hiiroly not bo so simple ns to voto a iT.. 1 u" l,,0,r I'roporty, wlion thoy kow rmi wo wlmt Ul0' rom. Blbo of tho Coos Dny Wntor Company ini 5v!.l,,nt5d t0 ,n tll vaet. Too i iln ? .?encI peJ)l0 c"nt lake n innd In tho fight; thoro would bo somo clnss to tho mnjorlty If wo did. WED WJIU3 TODAY W. If. l'otlierlnglinin nnd Miss Sriytlo Mvr ! orn'ns nt 'c,ock Miss Myr in. Gon,lor ni"l M. W. H. Fother M? n .ro mnrrl0(l "' tho homo of nmn.?w rh' T' Mhew8 on South ficInU,5'' J J.- R' E- Drowning, of on n ,' aml th.e 'wpreaslvo ring cer emony wns used. known1". ,8a survoyor nnd Is woll hor fVn V.10 Bay- Th0 "r'do came fnl , m th..ea8t recently and has mndo many friends since her arrival Aninni ,s coun, wl" ,eavo on tho u-hnro .1 lu,nrrow for Portland, Pothr nf wl". mnk0 the,r hom. Mr that ! city Vlng emPloynont In frlomio ,yo?Hs peopl hav0 many ftahin8-'?! tho c,ty wh0 wl" un,t0 ,n 1 ro!nr. hom a l0Dt'- Peasant and Ini sea Vyng on tho matrlmon- tnr. 11... rinnllnf. nml (raniDOrtltloa of logs, timber nnd lumber Tbt portion of tho river sought 0 M tnn.1Y aiinli n lllcllWAV tf DetVKS !n point only n fow miles Ira I Eugono. over tlio tllrlde. to Mi ton, which is 2U huim " ; mouth and Is the head ol WW navigation. , .. MS, It Is the Intention of be i pnny. according to the petltloa. ilcopoii. strnlghlen JM"5 stream In places to better ftdLW Its logging operations. rt " l,nMn nnrlv next YCSr. TBO - llng.Johnsoi) company o"i ' tracts of timber In he W country, hnvlng paid out dal w past two years about W Oljw for tho land and Is wgoHJJ moro. Most of the monei trlbiitod In Kugone and Len' HTh conumny Intends lo lnrgo mills ot Acme coast points. IMIOTKCT KMC Hf lXL Soldiers Drive Anlnuh - " Xiitlonnl ly1', j(- UVINGSTOX.MonUfl?. To provont ----. m tva wholesale elaughier w" KU. occurred along i u";cunjte. dary of Yellowstone ' Pj5td Colonel Urett. acting Buperi of tho park, has -,: el liurn. -- .i0Bc v m r.., vn nu.iuiie . ironi run v lii. Anlerl W boundary lino wh "J ! td trol tho lino and endeaw back Into ho reserw . i gllng nnlmata which ffBae llm lino. Mi & Last year more tow; p. wore killed aro TO nnlmnls nro quite tame ,. quires llttlo 111 " iT bo-stU It hns strayed acrossHw A design of in ' ww an American u . . .mtt . Times' Want AdsJIiSLg DRINK HABIT " ril nmAuix lyuBjVfai Thousanu wi - ,tIc m sisters aro enthus j u w ?r.S5sl happiness l" '"nRBlNB 7Jb booket. 0vl'J Store, Front street. cc4aieiteD' j