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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1912. EVENING EDITION. Are Ym Ready Ff Tlbaoksglviinig The bite. 'ai iwi'kc.Vs ftl'c rt'a(b'. tho goldon-brown puinpkiiw arc ready, tho mince pics and cranber ries arc waiting on the pantry shell' even-thing's 111 rwidy-ARB YOU? 1)' to show a cheerful fnco lit (ho fainlly minhii this year look thankful, ns you (nnil nil of us) ought lo and to Imtk If xoii l" HiinictliluK 1 bo lliniikfiil for? The tcry first thing to do Is to "spi-iice-iip" a llllle jou'll Ik mrlsctl lo mi) lw prosperous looking, anil "llMiikfiil-rveliiiK llTt one tlilK ",U ,,m,' y011, lMtvv Ki'l l Hue "Eumj body's join' It nou'l" ,Vcr Tics, Now Shoes, New ShlitH, now "over) things" me ready for you here, too. Hotter coino and get yours now. It's "good lack," y" k"OH' to wcar 110W c,0,,,w and (Mugs for TlmnksgU. Ing. Marshfield Tike FflXHIip North Bend I TIDES FOR NOVEMBER. . Hclow ia given tho tlnio and 'height of high and low water nt l Marshfield. ' Tho tides aro plnced In tho order of occurrence, with their times on j tho first lino nnd heights on. tho , second lino of each day; n compni- ison on coiiBecutivo hoightB will lndlcnto whothcr It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, Mibstract 2 hours 34 minutes. 2GHrs., in.. 27IHrs.. in. . 2SIIrs.. .in. . 29'IIrs.. I Ft.. 30llrs., 1.04 I.S i.r.r. 4.7 5.1G l.S G.39 g.O 0.21 Ft 0.G S.52 3.1 9.11 3.3 10.37 3.4 11.41 3.5 7.34 5.1 3.10 7.1 4.01 G.9 4.55 G.I 5.53 5.S 12.59 3.3 9.19 1.8 10.39 1.0 11.30 1.1 0.0 0.0 7.01 5.1 Always "ThelBusy Corner" The Rexall Store We Are Waiting for You to See Our XMAS DISPLAY THE BEST -NICEST-AT LOWEST PRICES YOU ARE WELCOME Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "TIIE BUSY CORNER" PHONE MAIN 298 US WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Fair tonight and Wednesday. Northeasterly winds. local temperature record. For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:13 a. in. Nov. 2G, by llonj. Ostllnd, special government meteorological observer: Maximum GO Minimum 32 At 1:43 n. in 4 1 l Precipitation nono I Wind North; clenr. Attend North Bond Lodge. A number of tho Knights of Pythias wont to North nend last evening to nttend Inltlntlon, nrtor winch tliero was n banquet and a gonornl ! good time. Have Chlckenpov. There Is qulto an opldomlc of chlckonpox around town but so far nono of tho cases havo been quarantined, draco Mc Kcown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKeown, Ib Just recover ing from It nnd Jooy McKeown Is now reported 111 of It. Ono of Ronnott hwnnton's llttlo daughters Is also 111 of tho disease. CORRECTION. MUSICAL notks. Editor Times: Thoro must bo somo mlstnko In tho announcement that I am to speak at tho Thanksgiving aorvlco In our city and also at Portland. Rev. Mr. llurkhart, our Proabytor Inu pastor, Is to speak at that sor tIco. d. L. HALL. Everything for a Thanksgiving Dinner CnmpbolPs Canned Roups. Rein. Tonmto Soup. Crisp Head Lettuce. Green Popper. Frofh Tomatoes. Pure Olive Oil. Coos Hay and Portland Celery. Fresh Water Cress. Radishes. fineet Cider. Turkeys. Chickens, Ducks. Geese. Wild Ducks. Iloiuu Mado Criinberry .Sauce. .Sweet PotntoeH, Iliiblimil Squash. Fresh Ciiuliriimer. Brussels Sprout... Kale. Parsnips. Itllh and Green Olives. Pickles of all Kinds. Huckleberries. Mime Moat. Plum PiiiMIiik. Mince Pies. Citron and Orange Peel. Raisins. CiiiTimts. Nuts. Canned Fruits nnd PreseMes. Oranges. Tangerine, lliiiiiiiiui. Apples. Persimmons. Poiugrnnntes. Dates, Figs. Folger., M. J. II. and Hills Coffees. Snltlue Wafer. Roquefort, Swiss, Caiuenbert, Schloss Kase, Piiiinlssnn, Edam, Eastern, Plneapplo and Coos Hay Cream Cliee-e. Lust Hut Not Least, MASKKY'S CANDIES. STAUFF GROCERY CO. HEX VniT U'.ivni ..7.on.x. rdcl"?TSOnietliInK 8CUt f' 1 O X H 120-Ii lid Va'II .1. .. . !, " unargea reason .pitas nrtNnv. Palmer & Dawson TONIGHT mtn Brick ulldlng. Blectrls &.5teIIoaV.. Elegantly Colfi Water u x k j, o O O S O. A. MpHIn T- KM! Kl ...., . wj. "nwiTOf ana market Rehires &Framiiwr Walker Studio WAMtfh i i iSLUJ",0TERINa AND tic oJm CIiBAN b u,e rea' rr taken at '"" c i l0.Vd & nARVEY, ""lie lull Practical Plnno Tuners. Fourteen years factory expor lonco. Wo do tuning, voicing, ac tion adjusting, polish or reflnlsn cases, mnko yollow Ivory keys whlto liko now. Rates reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phono 200-X or address Ilox C33, Marshfield. Oregon. nur now. ir Some choice lots In NORTH BEND can be bad at a very reasonable pr ce If taken now. B. S. OBAR & CO Plrnt Nftttnnwl nnk ive That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTEELL Phone aiai. TAKE THE BEST CARE OF OLD RAGS Not for their value, but be cause they cause fires. .Most people do not, know that old rags, particularly oiled cloths used for dusting, etc., will often tnko fire spontaneously. Many fires whore "cause is unknown might bo traced to carolessness In disposing of rage. Am body knows It's wise to Insure against loss by fire, and anybody may find out. by tho least investigation, that we have Ave of tho greatest Insur ant companies on earth. Wo know how to wri o poli cies that protect porfectly, too. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street The Royal high cost or living: "For men must work and women must weep And there's little to earn and many to keep." Klngsloy. A strong strlko story In which nn old foreman decides to return to work. The picture tells It nil. Their Hero Son A Woiih-wlillo Wedding. Three fine pictures you cannot nfford to miss, for 10 Cents, Tomorrow Nluht Iji Petlto Ivlva nnd May Kinney mIII open for u week's eiiKimenient In refined vaudeville. SIiikIiik, dancing and talking acl.s. It rcrtalnly wns most gratifying to Director ronton nnd members of the Coos Hay Concert Hand to appear to such n well filled house ns that at tho Masonic Opera House Sunday aftvrnoon. Not n soul pre sent but felt rcpnld for tho effort of getting there. Tho program wnB an exceptionally good ono. Tho cn Bctublo wns fine, precision was marked In nil numbors, ono notn- blo foaturo being tho nttneks which made tho chorus work strong nnd impressive Tho solos wore well dollvored. Tho solo most nnnro- clated by tho audience wns Ncvln's "Tho Rosary." by Hayes Howard. Roth tho solo nnd chorus wero giv en n HnlBh that their lender may woll bo proud of. Tho next con cert will bo In tho opera houso on auiuiay, December 8. Mr. Roy Carpontor, a trombono player, lato of Spokane, mado his first public nppoaranco In Mnrsh (lold Sunday afternoon at tho Ma sonic opera house. Mr. L. K. nnlllnger snng "Tho Publican" by Van do Water last minuay evening nt tho Episcopal church. Mr. RalllnEor's beautiful bnss volco was hoard to advantage in tins bcautmil composition. Tho choirs of tho local Protest nut churches will unlto In chorus nt tho union Thnnksglvlng services In tho Ilnptlst church Thursday ev ening, nt 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Low Koyzer played tho violin solo, "Snluto D'Armour" by Elgcr, Sunday morning during high nines nt St. Monica's church, with a charm and finish such as only nu nrtlst can. AMONG THE SICK. Mrs. John La Chnppcllo Is critic nlly III nt hor homo on South Hrondway. Miss Edith Anderson Ib confined to hor" homo by a sevoro enso of tonsllltls. I HOTEL ARRIVALS. 1 CHANDLER Thomas Orimth, Myrtle Point; M. Estnbrook, San Francisco; Ruth Duscho, San Fran cisco; W. B. Rost, San Francisco; C. R. Truo nnd wlfo, Rond, Ore; A. Kocklos, nnkor; S. H. dold stein, Portland; W. II. Pnyno, So nttlo; Adollor Hughes, Senttlo. LLOYD Mrs. Agnea Hnll, Co qulllo; L. A. Harris, Rosoburg; A. Schuttpolz, Tomploton; Lowls An derson, Chicago; M. M. McCulloch, Tomploton. COOS L. D. Prlco, Sumnor; Job. M. McCutchoon, nenvor Hill; L. Mnrqulss, Eugono; C. Franklin, Portland. RLANCO Ray II. Rosoll, Ran don: Jonnlo Whelstono, Coqulllo; N. C. Jones, Spokane; L. Rccknrt, Euroka; A. L. Smith, Senttlo: N. S. Llttloflold, Onrdlnor; non Mnrsoo, Gardiner; Davo Merchant, Onrdl nor; doo. Haines. Onrdlnor; Valon tlno Klschaum, Portland. NORTH HENI) NEWS. Edgar McDanlol was n Marsh' flold biiBlncss visitor todny. Tho North nond city council will moot tonight to tnko up various municipal matters. Tho J. M. Stowart ranch at Ran gor, which liafl boon dovotcd Inrgo ly to tho poultry Industry, mnklng n specialty of ducks, will bo con verted into n nog ranch, somo thor oughbred porkers being ordered from California for It. Mrs. L. J. Simpson, who Ih vUtt Ing Mrs. Holon dalo nt Modford, has beon tho guest of honor at a numbor of functions thoro. Mrs. dalo. Mrs. Edgar I In for nnd Mrs. Dolroy dotcholj wero among thoso ontortalnlng In nor honor. Dayton Bicycles Wm. L. Cook, who was postmas ter at Nolhart, Montana, writes: "I recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound to all my people, and thoy are never disappointed with it. Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound for coughs and colds gives tho best posslblo results." For tale by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co., the Busy Corner. Wo Havo In Stock Dayton Bicycles for LADIES, MEN and CHILDREN. Wo aro trying to build up a good Bicycle Business SATISFACTORY BUSINESS. WE KNOW THAT TO GUT SAT ISFACTION WE MUST GIVE SAT ISFACTION. So wo say In as bold typa as wo said It last spring WE WILL MAKE GOOD THE I ) A YTON G UA 1 1 A NTEE. WE DID, WE DO, WE WILL REPLACE DEFECTIVE PARTS ON Dayton Bicycles FREE OF CHARGE at PERS0NALN0TES tend tho W. O. W. Initiation this evening. i W. P. MURPHY Is n visitor In tho Coqulllo valley today. I SOCIAL CALENDAR. WEDNESDAY. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. Brockmlller of Bunker Hill. Thanksgiving ball by St. Pntrlck's society at Eaglos' hall. Sons ot Norway Social at Finnish hnll. "I ELNA SELANDER of Sumner Is In Mnrshfleld for tho day. S. D. HARPER Ib n business visi tor in Myrtlo Point todny. havo been hunting with but poor luck. MRS. C. O. ROSS of North Inlet wns In town todny trading. MRS. M. R. SMITH hna gone up Coos River for nn extended visit with relatives. DAVE ADAMS of Lakesldo was a Marshfield business visitor todny. PAUL CROOKS of Sumnor enmo to Marshfield this morning to nt- MRS. R. A. ANNIN returned to Myrtlo Point today after a brief visit in Marshfield. L. D. SMITH of Daniols Creek Ih In Mnrshfleld today on business. MRS. ALICE DROLLANC1ER ot liny lies Inlet Is In Mnrshflold to . day visiting friends. J. B. DAVIS wbb in Mnrshfleld to dny from Coos River on business. MRS. M. D. CUTLIP of Lnrscn In lot wns n Marshfield shopper today. MRS. JOHN HENDRICKSON of Al legany wns In town todny shopping. A. II. STUTSMAN returned this morning from Sumnor, whero he had Bono on business. CHARLES MAHAFFEY of North Coos River is In Mnrshflold to dny attending to business, MRS. ELMER NEAOLEY of Mllll coma Is n Mntshflold shopper touny. RAY JEUB of Minneapolis Ib stop ping nt tho McLnggnn homo In Enstsldc. 7.. T. THOMAS of Allegany wna n business visitor In Mnrshfleld for tho day. MRS. A. R. MONTOOMERY of FIngstnff wnB In Mnrshfleld to dny shopping. EVAN HODSON of South Coos Riv er was In town todny, nttendlng to business. OLLIE RICHARDS enmo down from her Sumnor homo this morning to spend tho tiny. FRED WILSON wont to Bandon this morning to look Into tho Rear Crook railroad disaster. MORRIS MORGAN nnd family ot Daniels Crook wero In town to dny on business nnd pleasure. REV. FATHER SPRINGER ot North Bend went to Myrtlo Point yeotcrdny for a fow days' vUIt. F. I). FLETCHER mado n business trip to Bnudon this morning. Ho wnH accompanied by Mrs. Fletcher. C. II. DUNCAN wbb In town from lils South Coos River homo on n short visit. L. RECKART of Eureka arrived on tho Day yesterday for an In definite stay. BURT DOREMUS and R. C. CORDES roturnod yesterday from tho Sand Hills, whero thoy W. R. RONEI1RAKE nnd wlfo and .Master Ross llonobrnko will loavo on tho next Redondo for Cali fornia, BEN MARSEE. DAVE MERCHANT and GEORGE HAINES nrrlvod this morning from Onrdlnor nnd will locnto on ti.o Bay, W. II. LILLY, representing tho Shcrwln-Wllllnms Pnlnt Co, of Portland, arrived via Drain yes terday nnd Is calling on customers, WANT ADS. THEODORE BRADLEY, roprcBont Ing Lnngloy & MlehnolM, whole sale druggists of San Francisco, Is In Mnrshfleld enlllng on the trade. FOR RENT H-nxini liotixo jmd four lotfl, on McPhcrson, near North Bend Central school. In quire C. K. Shaw or L. W. Topo. FOR HA LIC Good second lunilier. Enough for houso 28x10. Also good wood turning lntho, stenm nnd footpowor. C. Lnkdnm, North Bond Shipyard. FOR SALE My entlro household furniture; everything new. Terms. Rhono 83-RR. W. II. Scott. FOR HALE 2 1-fool white cednr launch, without otiglno, Good cabin nnd engine room. Price $7I. 00 If tnkon nt once. Apply Koontz Mnchlno Shop, LOST Gold bounty pin, net with clover lenf nnd pearl. Howard for Its return to Times ofilco. MRS. EMILY M'FARLIN of North Inlet wns tho guost of Mth. Em ma Hllborno of Mllllcoma yosror dny, returning to her homo this afternoon. W. S. LITTLEFIELD of Onrdlnor, son of tho rate Captain Llttlo llold. wns In Mnrflhflcld today on his way to Bandon to visit his brother, Warren Mitleflpld. MRS. M. A. THORNWAITE, who hna been thu guest of Mrs, Allco Drollangor nnd Mrs. Thomas of Haynos lulut, for the pnst fow days, roturnod to Mnrshflold jls morning. WANTED Experienced man mid wlfo (no children) to work on dairy farm. Write Dairy, enro Times. FOR HA LIC KMiirli fir wmmI from Portor Mill, dollvored In Marsh dold for 2.00 por load. Phono A. F. Coffolt, North Bond, Ore. FOR HALE Clieup, giui range nnd gns kitchen hontor. Phono 247-X. FOR SAL! Light hark In fair shnpo for $20.00. Apply Hlg glnson & Sou, Bay City, Mnrshflold. WANTED lly uoiiiuu, -dure to do cooking or gonoral housework In prlvato family or hotel. AddrosH 207 N. Third street, cor. Com- morclul. MRS. J. D. M'KAY nnd daughter. MIbb McKay of Minneapolis, nro visiting nt tho homo of their dnughtor and Hlstor, Mrs. M. A. MeLnggan of Enstsldo. Thoy will remain for somo time. W. O. CARROLL, who has hnd chargo of tho government work on tho Sluslaw, nrrlvod horo to dny enrouto to Portland, having beon rollovod nt Florence by F. E. Leofo. MR. nnd MRS. J. E. PARKER or Loon Lnko en mo to Mnrshflold this morning to visit relatives on Kontuck Inlet and In North Bond. MrB. Pnrkor Is tho daugh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. T. Bmltli of Kontuck Inlot. FOR HALE Three gu.s ranges, 1! Kltcnon tnbios ami otnor iiouso hold articles. Apply 207 North Third street, cornnr Commercial, Marshfield Cyciery Dayton Agents, Phono 158-R. 172 Broadway FOR SALE OR TRADE Tiui most up-to-dato family launch on tho Bay. Cooloy & Rahskopf, 2G4 North Front St. WANTED All kinds of hauling done promptly. Phono 31 CI. done promptly. Phono 31 CI, J. K. Fltzgornld. DR. J. W. INGRAM, formorly of Mnrshflold, In n lottor from Spo knno to friends horo snyn that ho tnkon a position ns company surgeon with n largo corporation near Spoko. Ho will begin hfs now dutlou Dccombor 1. WANTED Roomers; board for ono. Apply 471 Elrod avonuo. Phono 200-L. LOST Lndy'H ring with green hot. Howard for return to Times office. PLEASED WITH SETTLEMENT. August Frlzcon ban just tiiruod ovor to Mrs. Heunlug Laraon of North Bond two chocks to covor tho flro loss sho sustained in tho burning of hor homo In Nortli Bend n fow weeks ago. Hor furni ture was Insured In tho Sun In surance Co. of London and thu building in tho Cammorclnl Union. Mr. Frlzcon Is agent for both com panies and Mrs. Larson Is grentl pleased with tho prompt settlement. Alliance Lute Tho Alllanco will not nrrlvo from Eureka until tomor row, having been dolnyod u day. Slier will sail soon nftor hor arrival foe Portland. FOR RENT Slv-room houso and four lots, close In; with furni ture for salo. Phono 128-J. FOR SALE Entlro dairy herd of 20 bend, choice Jorsoy cows, and holfors, all duo to freshen in March, oxcopt flvo which aro now( fresh; also cream separator, cans,, milk cart. 11100 takes tho lot. Enquire Times olllco or W. S. Joss, Roynolds Addition, Phono 31C3, FOR HALE Dry wood, fir und al. dor, at Campboll's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono 151.L; Try Tho Times' Wont Ad The EPICURFS DELIGHT is greatly increased when lie recognizes the rich, mellow flavor produced by Sunset Vanilla; es pecially whon he remem bers tho flat, tasteless cakes, pudding and pas tries that have been spoilt due to weak and poor grade extracts. sj ff Enyf fflH itf ififinmMi