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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1912)
tiL.'vsrji&issmaF.t'msessz' .j.fcsn ieJSF.iFi .; J. J.- l -3. Mu. v 5,32SHtesSCTC3ii. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1912.-EVE1MING EDITION. M The Gas Range Is A Friend To Everybody To the women of the household it means clean, cool kitchens without back-breaking labor. To the men it gives better cooked meals and happier wives. To the children it allows more time for play, there being no kindling to chop nor hurried errands to the grocery for oil. To the entire household it gives: Cleanliness Safety Economy It is no longer a luxury only for the rich. Telephone 178 and ask the New Business Department about our gas range proposition. Oregon Power Co, Telephone 178. TIIK KllltiNl) OV COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIHELKSS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, AT 10 A. M. OUNNEOTINCI WITH THE NORTH DANK HOAD AT POItTLAND NOItTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY'. Phone 44. C. F. McGEOIlGE, AKont. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer jRedondo Equl)H'(l with wireless niid milimnrlno bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR MARSHFIELD THURSDAY, NOV. 28 at 3:00 p. m. All PdMenRvr Ilesmrvntioim From San Francisco Mimt Ho Mndo it 803 Fife Hlultlliitf, or l'ler No 10. All reservations must bo ta ken up III houra before nailing. INTEU-OOEAN THANSPOKTATION CO. PHONE Ai. C. F. McQUORGE, Agont. Steamer Homer Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco, With Freight Only, Tuesday, November 26 F. 8. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. EQUIPPED WITH WIUELESS Steamship Breakwater ) ViT a 1 Qi ALWAYS ON TI.MK. SAILS FHOM AINSWOHTII DOOIC, POHTLAND, at 8 p. in., Nov. 12 10, 20. FHOM MAHSHF1ELD AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE, NOV. 2, 0 iu, 23, ao. Phone Main !KSL. J. O. MILLER, Agent. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKNilY BKNGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Office Phone 191 Flatting Land a ipctlalty. Farm Timber Coal andenli "EA8TBIDF," General Ag Marsbfleld Office 14-J. W I CATARRH II FILTHY DISEASE A Safe Old-Fashioned Remedy Quickly Relieves All Dis tressing Symptoms. If you aro subject to frequent colds, or it you linvo nny ot the iiiatrnnqln!? avnintoins of catarrh, such as stuftcd up fooling in tho head, profuso dlschnrgo from tho nose, sores in tho noso, phlegm In tho throat, causing hawking and spitting, dull pain In tho head or ringing in tho oars, Just anoint tho nostrils or rub tho throat or chcBt with a Httlo Ely's Cream Balm, nnd soo how quickly you an got to llcf. In a fow mlnuteB you will fool your head clearing, and nftor using tho Dalm for a day or so tho nasty dlschnrgo will ho chocked, tho pain, soreness nnd fovor gono, and you will no longor bo offonslvo to your self nnd frlonds by constantly hnwklng, spitting nnd blowing. Shako off tho grip of catarrh bo foro it Impairs your sonso of tasto, Binoll nnd hearing nnd poisons your wholo systom. In a short tlino you can bo completely cured of this dis tressing dlscnso by using Ely's Cream Dalm. This hoallng, anti septic Dalm docs not fool yon by short, deceptive relief, but com pletely overcomes tho disease It clears tho noso, head nnd throat of all tho rank poison, soothes, heals nnd strengthens tho raw, soro mom brnnos, making you proof against colds nnd catarrh. Ono application will convlnco you nnd n DO cent bottlo will gonornlly euro tho worst enso of catarrh. It Is guaranteed. Cot It from your druggist today. SHOP EARLY -Dy- DOD STANLEY Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, HUT FIRST COME IN AND OET OUR PRIORS ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER, SHINGLES fl.BO AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, 1.2B AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Fire! Fire! Fire! That Is tho CRY- that ovory ono DREADS to. hear. It al ways means DESTRUCTION. Tho flro DUG may got YOU next. Do wlso and Insuro with tho NEWARK FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. French Realty Co. AGENTS. 315 Vi No. Front St., Marshtlold e Have Mod Raised Otuur Prices Milk, 25c per gallon, Cream, 20c per pint. Whip Cream, 25c per pint. Buttermilk, 10c per gallon Phone 73, Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Coo Deliveries, 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. The Fashion Tailors For Ladies and Gents Cleaning, Pressing, and Alterations 150 Front St. ta FOR A GOOD WATCH OR FINE JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Watch nnd Jewelry Repairing. 20(1 Front St.. Muralifleld. Barnard & Langworthy Sec onr window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTADLE STAND LAMPS. PHONE 184-R. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Chalmers Auto Service J. M. Dodgo, Driver. Stand at Pulnco Restaurant. Phones, 5-J or G-L, day and night. Mnrshfleld. Oregon Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS, CLEANERS, IMtESSERS ami HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Emrnrd n. Strnusa & Co., Flno Tailoring. Let m iniiko your next suit. 255 COMMERCIAL, l'honj S50-X MOTHER, dear, nnd Sister Ann , do your Stopping whllo you can. Don't look 'round till ChrlstmaB time. Spend your two-bit piece, nnd dime. JuBt n fow more dnya to trndo, bo out out that gay parado douso tho gazing, upoml your mon buy tho toys for waiting son. , , , Keep tho smiling clorlc In mind. Don't bo to his nlbB unkind. Ho has scon you ov'ry day standing In sonio buyor'B way. Don't put off till ChrlstmaB ovo, buying things for Dili nnd Stove. Don't got cnught in ChristmiiB rush that will nil your bundles crush. .... . I Thoro'8 another reason, too, why this shopping you Bhould do iiow'b tho tlmo Dad's pookotbook bulges llko a Holland cook. Now'b ,1... .I... ..!... rin.l.t.. .Inn. tlnvnt lina II linilll t till fnnt fllflf Ml., nmiliii UIU mill) nuuii uuuuj, uiiii, .v..v. ...... .. .. .. . -.liD will droop nnd fall, causing empty dinner pall. Now, tho hay 1b In tho mow. Fat onclrclea ov'ry cow. Fork 1b on tho upward trend. Season's boon our Dnddy'B frlond. On his fnco thoro ia a smllo that won't bo thoro nftor nwhllo, so you'd Hotter toucn mm now. Ho'll tliaw out nnd won't know how. Do your shopping whllo it's fair. Don't wnlt till they iuubs your hnlr, tread your foot, and mnsh your noao, nintil you 'round and tear your clothes In tho strugglo for a toy that you want for Willlo boy, .. .1 nt ntlinit .. n... 4iftli 4rn Dfl Vflllt till fltl til tl I OOflv 1 M uuu ouiiiu uiuui uuw tuiio iuu, -" j .,..,,,,.,.,-, " HAT CAUSES FURORE. Rodent's Feet Get Tangled Up In Dig Swlthhoui-d No Lights. WALLACE, Idaho, Nov. 20 TIiIh cntlro city, as well as ovory power plant using electricity, wns plunged In darkness for sovornl hours bo foro daylight tho other morning, through a rat's prowling bnck of tho main switchboard of tho local wator-powor company. Tho rod ent's foot lind short-circuited two terminal!), burning out tho city's lighting system. Thoro will bo n RIO LAN'OK nt tho NORTH LAKE HALL nt TEN- .MILE, SATURDAY, NOV. ill). High clnss music, turkoy supper. Havo your Job printing dono nt Tho Times ofllco. STATKOr OHIO, CITY OK TOLKtX), Frnnk J. Cheney innkenontli Mint lie In rcnlor partner of the linn of K. J. Olionpy .t Co. doing IiuMiicm In the City of Toledo, County nncl (JliUenfcrrimlil, nnd tlm nilil ilrm will imy tlip iitm oi O.s'K nni.r.Aim run., i-if nmi every ciuoof Cnlnrrh tlintriinnot be cured ly tlio uo of Hull's Cntnrrh Cnr . . r hank j. oiii:m:v. Sworn to lcforo mo nnd Mibcrltjcil In my presence, tills fit Ji dny of December. A. I. lhM (a!.,) ,,, . . , . NoTAllV 11)111.10 Ilnlrii t ntnrrli Ournu tnkon liiioriiiittr. mut ncti directly on tho lilood nnd mtiroiniiirfm.'ei of tho litem. Send for te.tlinonlnNfrcv. jHNjx'iMSJ5SSS Nov. 26 The Early Shopper Has the True Christmas Spirit. For GOOD SHOES and GOOD REPAIRING nt RIGHT PRICES. Go to August Oleson 215 South Ilnoiuhvny. VOTE FOR See California Now VIA THE $55.00 ROUND TRIP PORTLAND TO LOS ANGELES IVJl SUNSET V I lOOOfHftSHASTAI I I i hoOtcs I I $55.00 ROUND TRIP PORTLAND TO LOS ANGELES Sco tho Wondorful Scenery Along tho Shasta Routo. Mt. Shasta Shasta Springs. Seo San Fran cisco, Lick Obsorvatory, 'Stanford University, Mt. Lowo, Los Angoles, Tho Old SpanlehX Missions, Ostrich Farms, Submarlno) fGnrdons nnd thousands of othor In'or- 'csting features of tho Goldou S tato. Three Fine Trains Daily 5:50 P. M. 8:15 P. Mt-1:30 A. M. Full information as to fares from Marshflold, boautiful- ly illustrated lltoraturo on California, on application rto W. F. Millor, Supt. C. D., R. & E Marshflold, or by writing to Chas. S .Foo, passongor traffic manngor, San Francisco, Cal. Ruddy Roast Beef that looks splendid and tastes bet ter than it looks. That's tho kina you got nt this market. You don't havo to bo an export meat Judgo to get it oithor. For wo handle only cholco grades and all can buy hero with tho same cortalnty of satisfaction. MARSHFIELD CASH MARKHT. FOURIER BROS. Marsbfleld Telephones North Bend 221-.7 Two Market 51 Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and.mako selec tion from the large stock now on hand. Hsir. Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono but the best work is turned out. - Dailv Chrisfmao u. """ UIM smthlnu o Yn Tim , .,'" " nothing about &.". met tiiei Kimii ih. ;:.uo,t "IrnlRlit Hkirt in a . ,lt . ' u""" n; HA , wn 1 VAsin sra. appreciate n gift In which tiio store Her vanity trifles. Such gifts nro Illustrate, a J nn umbrella In the topctwtUa led powder ana a chsmolidat, Another cut show t quct in wlilca li mitt 1 1 vnulty sot. the ao Thoto by American Pre" TL. riunle call for panM .; 1-mnrnlflviJl lion on nn."'"" 1 , 8ad nnd a thrilling m memories it arouses in W tlie old soldier I Th.reisnowabuiie .,.. li Mimmons youtel' yuu. . i parade of early Chn if ..... A nni respond t .i i..J,nn the W as tnose wt , passed ana you , V v ;ll Ami t nfo1 of thelateChnstmasshof arenotorgaruzeo . orderly as a parade p1L ? m0D' bit 1 here y" - .j tramped on, m and without g " your pains. a newer the1 Shop EaiW :il umatls"' -rj7jnu)Ti!l Twinges of rw" M ,t,tt joints, m "L'udSstellttf s&ts. stfenetl.en.n. ' !"? ?J5i nh. JS? nulck relief u Si( vr-ini aruB-- ra Dus- Coraer. BM