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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1912)
idCIStaaattui. . lyTfi.g .t.ff!fff.Tv f i .-,-.S-WtiWiwr-. !. xx ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1 912. EVENING EDITION. f 2 .Jfti L-s COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONFA Kdllor nml Pub. DAN K. MA LONE Y News Editor Official Paper of Coos County. BIG BASEBALL PROF. MIS RIDS ML- S UHS UHILL TROUBLE BOW IS AIRED A1IIEI OF FLETCHER FOR RAILWAY IS SETTLED lorme fori-i uwIkum Piosiiieiicy of Coaches Marslifield Indopend Philadelphia ciuii. ems Tor mamc nuiu Illr Amo Mlt.1 Prom lo Com Illy TlniM 1 NEW YORK. Nov. 2C Horace Fo- Was Divorced in Wisconsin Terminal Will Use Storage Prof. Thanksgiving. F. L. Grnnnla, tho Marsh- Prior to Marriage on Coos Bay in 1882. That Chaa. W. Fletcher, whoso St, Battery and Gasoline on Local Lines. MARSIIFIKl,, '"." TO in ARREST. "-"'MOTn At a mooting 01 tlio illroctorB of no troubles of ripim, 10 Coob Hay Tormina! Ilnllwny yes- n'l Walter Capiiiu i Zl WALTIIR CM'i'iru ... ROM NOUTIt , L'ltitX Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall no. thrive unopp ised. Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Marslifield t: i: : : : OrcEO.i Entered at tho nostofflco at Mnr9h- -- iicia. urcgou, iur uuubumbbiuu . ..-nai.t,,,.. f in i i ni ii nil iii ..:..;,-. ",.. n.t.i i..... T.nnia iw.iru n hi in.' to recover is tio uoob nay Term nai uniiwny vos- "" minor fannin. ?" "wia through tho malls as second clu.f . Xntlonnl League Uaschall Club, ton- "c" ' " A ""'" ,"1' , Mnrfll,f nl 1 Coos' Hay property, wna divorced prl- tordny. General Munngor W. S. . BimnlHii drill rPZ.Utt dorod his resignation to tho Nntlonnl , 'i,,,,.,,,,-,, f-n,nii ,-nm for tim or to hla aocon I i.urrlago on Cooa Chandler was Instructed to send for "ii l-ront Btrect l.i tI" .c Longuo magnntes In rcsslon hero this , ' .,, M, m-nin- Ttuionnnil. Hay la shown In a tologram which two earn, ono n atorago battery clcc- UI1"V' t"ny when n spIii.:..Mi'. mall matter. 8UHSCHIPTI0.V HATES DAILY. UI'UKUU llnhl,"lV3 " tvciwi. iiuiv ...... rnrt Willi tllO UOnlllllO UlUCPOnU" " IB H.IVJ..IJ . .;wi "" -" w..v .- o ...,.....,, .. j afternoon. Ho took this action sud- cni8 hero Thanksgiving Day. Tho Harry G. Hoy revolved from John trie passenger car and tho othor a ""V '"- vostcniBj. o.;:,!0.1" in u...- :.: r"fnu in linillV WILIIMIIL IIIIV I'AlllllUUtlUll. llllll . ... .......... ..I..1.1 !-.. n nnn .llfllll.V TUI1I1V. .11 . .tlllLHIV 1H II L a IUJ" U.lMlJIillU Ulll 1 UHU LUIll .VIII UU MHUll . "U IIH MA..I One year G-JfO before tho assomblcd magnates luul ,,rncllcp ami nro roundlnK Into fine bognn, Wla., and aaya tho court re- until tho aorvlco rcaulroa hotter ones ''.ckvvltl' "nrccny of about im Vcr month r.O ,,,, tmo to consider tho chnrges ',",co rouiiuiiig nni. j,, 'tllcro Bhow tmU piotcltcr wna and tholr imo will eliminate tho no- , ll0 warrant wnB sent to th. v 1' WKUKLY. ..'against him of having mndo state- $,rinni. Johnson will not bo In dlvoreod from his first wlfo In Octa- ccsslty of putting up trolley poles ""(l "mr,m who arrested to? Ono year ................. .i.o" lcnlH rellcctlng on tho Integrity of tIl0 cnni0 tl,a yenr. nn Injured ber, 1877. Her namo was Luclndn and stringing wires. Tho cars nro ox- ' " ,. V"rlu ,lcn(1 marshal i.5 When paid s rlctly In ndvanco the Nnt0nnl Lcnguo umpires. It onider Co poIIIiik him o give up III1109 and they wore married In Ply- pectod to rench hero In thrco or four"""; . pver to CappUIU iibEcrlntlou nrco of tho Coos Day,i Mint Aifro.i 11. wilnr ? " "55 ,"' . A .,5. " i"b..i " .,,,.,..1, 1.. uiinP isr.n ,. iscr.. i.h.i.(I,h. brought him to Mamlifi.u ...! u iiiiiiwiiiibvi. sbbsws m-- w 1 nn iiiir 111111 i. 1 1 nun mil 1 ! iiiuiitii uiivi vw '- 1 m. 1 . . mt . ""11111 inn 1.1 vw-'iw,....u-. .... . . - 1 'i11111nr11111t111.11.. ii - nin 1 it ( it I1H iiuiiiiitiir 1 nn lirnpic if rt ...... I1ir1111111.11 11 inn n... t . . i Ix mouths Tlmea Is ?5.00 per year or ?2.DU ror would bo elected president of tho f"" BlWprni vonrs Philadelphia club Nov. 22. Wllcr Is wno B i,cnVy and iuur III iiiu I'liii- tilnCO. uy 1110 OXCCUlor, JIHlgO I1HII, 10 a. 1. uil linn mo niiiimiii'iii. "i nuvuniy - ,.,. ,, "'" " "caring bd,).. withstanding Fo- Tho jiarahfleld team Is relying Senmnn, Judgo Hall's efforts to lo- pound rnlls for tho atcam part of tho J"""C0 A cntioclc, who dlsmlstd the understood Hint largoly on open field work ami fast cato Flotchor's family wore In vain, road had been dolayod but Bhould lL IILACK PAOKS OF HISTORY Stanley Hrlggs.l Flctchor dlod lioro n numuor or j by the executor, Judgo Hall, to A. t . .... "tn h ..u... ..vj.u ... . - - "u VUUDir ll I fnBt will take his years ago and his property wiib sold nlso discussed. Mr. Chandler roport- J ' l"""- w,1" they finalir f k. is. ou tiint no anipmeni ot aovonty-1 y,".," -r. " nearlnj btb. T a lowyor and atockholdor In tho Phil adelphia club. Notwl gel's resignation, it la tli.i liii'nat tvrt i Init tIH trr r .. m tt ill. k I- 1. ..... 1 nnnM ! trf 1 nnn (nil 11 ciil atri tt- rnnnll llflfil urtnil 1115 blackest pages of ' Kiiropoan Fogol lntor ,icmnnueii thnt tho nd Is relying pretty much on' cd suit to recover tho proporty, part ho had Just received a wlro from tho' i.l,"m,Nii!i!. n,lfkrn TMewfc-.Tl history aro thoso written about (.,,nrKC8 ngnlll8t ,m bo ,icnnl Fo , ' ',nP 1 ro l , f , , , , t, Scnnion ,IOII10 on y Qttal notifying him that It would bo.f, V:1,01 l,l.lov" o toe, protS tlin Turkish omillro. ThoV lmvo vinin.i i. oini ..ii.,.i ...i-u.. " XL1: l . . ........ .' ... ... i.....ii.i.. i, n.n nn. ....... .. ItUlUllt I. .1 Hlllllisnn'ii .1,1.1... u'l - ... -- -. -. - . vAjrittiiivii liu akin iu..lli..ll il Ho also said that good rod, near Fourth. 1M..JU..VJ inn KrOllIIUH IITO III lillliy KOUII UU, IIUUI I'Ullltll. , .....voo....u i "' ' ... "J."...... I Vni.ll, ll . . . -M IL'I ucon aoniiii am airucm i in ' of tho Btock 111 tho Philadelphia club, rontnton for tho game. Special' Fletcher married a Coos Hay rails, for tho electric part of tho Rys-. " ',,,,", .'""' '" wmj. Tl and peace, nnd llko a wicked man, but luul rCBgnoil for th0 good of the provision Is being mndo to nccom- woman, a sister of Mrs. Robert Mc- tern, rendy for Hhlpmont on tho Adol- . .?. i . , ' ,c,cf,iar. lookiiim proceed to a tragic decay, boforona- cllb h wJ1 nitwA Qam Qf NrUl on(( , (S8 Jlo 8mt, whIch w, Bn, n,)()Ut D& at thorn but failed to hit ft,,, tlons they lmvo always treated wun comber 1 for Coos liny. Tho Adolluo contempt. They iHllloil and lnlHeitj ..... M..m,Y's o. K. .-------..--. K'lTOR AT SPOIfAXH Smith will bring a cargo of rnlls for I "-! inr I'niiLiiriL'H. 111111 inn uiw ul l'uiii- .--v--.--.-.. -.-. v .. .,.,,,. ., . . ,. iii. -i iiri-rii-i.. ii . . . pcnsnllon Is doing tho rest A CHILD'S VOCAHULARY Chicago llnsclmll Miigiialo luvolvcil I In League Ti-oiibU. I (tlr AmoUId,1 I'itm to Coot Utr Tlmra.) .,7, T , . ' CHICAGO. Nov. 2C Under tho Somo Bclentlllc sharks lmvo been caption. "The story of tho story t WITH THE Z I TOAST AND TEA J Till: SONG OF TIIIJ HOUR My turkey, 'tis of thco, Investigating the vocabulary employ- Pogel wrote." W. S. Formnn, tho fltmrtliiir ndttnr tt ihn nhlnnim P.v. cd by very small children. Tho mcth- ,,,,, p08ti , n 8B,10(l Btatoment Sweet bird 'of tho crnnbo'rry, od Is to tnko pnper and pencil nnl "uny cunrges unaricB w. .Miirpny., or theo I Blng. rn... n. i.ii 1 r. .i ., president of tho Chicago National r lovo thy brenst and wings, follow tho child ror sovcrnl weeks. IjCK0 cib, wltli being tho In- Thy logs and othor things, pnttlng down every now word thnt Is atlgntor of tho story," which re- Thy groat and good stuffings, uttered. It was found thnt children suited In charges being preferred) Thy flnvorlngs. between 1C nnd 10 months used as "f1.1"8,1 J', Tbo Fogol Btory at- I .ot gobbles swell the brcoo f r,n ,,ni. ,i n. i,ini, n ooo tacked President Lynch nnd his, And rng from nil tho trees, fow na CO words and as high as 232. un)plro Hy8,cm, formnn snld tho Sweet turkoy song. Prom two years on tho vocabulary story camo to him from Murphy's Lot nil mankind nwako; IncreanoB very ranldly. until for threo olllco nnd thnt It had been npprovod , Let women freely bnko: ycara tho nvorago Is 10.000 words. !'y M"rp)y "or It never would hnyo Let all who can partako; .Mini Freed at SiiIimii Led I. W. Y. was Intended tn hnvo her bring tho There. j light stcol for tho oleclrlc line. inr Aioriici rrt 10 com ny TiniM. ti,0 company Is ondonvorlng to nct- Spoknno Nov. 20. Joseph Kttor, tho tho Injunction Biilt over C. K. who wns acquitted of tho murder, Nicholson's proporty. As soon na this chnrgtf by a jury In Salon) was ono la Bottled and piling nro secured, tho of tho lenders In the freu speech compnny will rcsumo driving piling fight of tho I. V. V. ngaliiBt tho on North Front Street. Spoknuo authorities In the nutumnj As tho right-of-way Iihb not been of 1U09 nnd will bo given n recop-, Bocurcd through tho C.A. Smith wnro- unn hero uy the I. v. W. It ho can house and the permanent paving on be provnllcd upon to stay over on his, South Hroadway between Contrnl way to Tncoinn. T (JAI.V IX SOCIALIST VOTK. IIIO socialists nlso have sources of sntisfactlon In tho roHtilts of Avcntio and Curtis has been ordered, tho construction of tho railway thoro will probably bo delayed. Tho ques tion of lllllng Mill Slough nnd of put ting In a drawbridge ncronc It nro oth tho prosldentlnl oloctlon. The nr n" that aro also dolnylng this ircTiuc on. FITS FOR HILVT Fruit nnd Flower lampj at . uiiiuii iricct. SI'IX'IAL DISC0U.NT3 In Portnblo Lamps for th M 1111 H, Coos Bay Wiring Co, Phono UIJ7-J. 153 I!ro(hi;X tho world? Who other 905 words? cares about tho Itiinii tllltllalwiit " IiVittl itAtA tlx Shucks! Who cares? 8tory t0 llolp a,irpn. fKUt hl bnt. Ask any pnront, who Is Interested ties In tho Nntlonnl League. In his child, nnd he will toll you that all tho vocnbulnry ho Is concerned WOMHX KXD SICSSIOX. about Is composed of five llttlo word-: ' "Mummy." 1 AiiktIchii Siiirmgc Convent Ion Coin- .n.,,lU, " niciidi President Tuft. uuuny. (nr Ail0(.,lfrj ynt, t0 Coo, nijr TmM,j "I lovo you." PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 2C Tho Doesn't thnt vocnbulnry express Nntlonnl American Woman's Suf- nbout all that la sweetest and host in frn? .Ahsoclntlon today ndoptod ruHuiiiuoiiH cuiiiiiieiiiiiiig itcbiiioiu Taft for appointing a woman head ' of tho Nntlonnl Children's Hurenu. , , It went on record favoring arbitra tion nmoug the nations to iirovcnt wars and declnred ngnliiBt tho trnf- TOPICS OF THIS TIMKS. fc In woinon. . Tho convention ndjournod slno In view of tho fact that Wood- dlo nftor deciding thnt tho voting row Wilson regnrds thirteen as his for onicow In future conventions i..v.. .....i.nn 11 1 1. ,!... 1. . . H,'n" bo dono by delegates, rather lucky numbor. It Is lntorostliiB to ,,, , (nt0i 'M,8iJ Jnno A(1(,nnia unto thnt thoro Is a possibility of ,,f Chicago was ono of tho prlncl- one of his daughters beeomlug the pal supportors or tho change. thirteenth Whlto House bride. j MRS. P. II. COLVIN rotiirned to day Iroin Portland, via Drain. Ou Novombor 10, Mrs. Colvlu left MnrsMlold Intvndlug to visit relatives In tho Hast, but after visiting n short whllo In Tacomn, sho decided that tho best thing she could do wns to return to Coos Day. Arriving In Portlnnd. alio didn't wnlt lor tho Hroakwa ter, hut started ovorlnnd, nrrlv lug tlilH morning, to spond ThnnkBglvIng with her husbnud. Somo Republicans hnvo an Iden thnt tho licking this month will do tho party good. Hut It's not going In mnko mnny of the Republican ofncohnldors feci good. Tho "terrible Turk" Is mnklng n terrible exhibition of himself on tho battlefield those dnys. THANKS- Tho noNt congress will bo without SWKHT C1DP.R for a Socialist member, but some ono GIVING nt SARTKR'S. with tho ability to scold will doubt- , HI loss trv lo innljo tin. viunnei- lesi If y0H "nvo anything to Boll, ront loss to to mnlo the iiunncj less op trndo 0f wnnt ,1(J, t u Wnnt notlcnblo, ,t IT" I That Thanksgiving Dinner Lot us help you with a choice of tho finest fruits, fresh veetahles nnd condiments from all the markets of the world. lYauhorries from Coos County Marshes, Fij;s from Smyrna, Bates from Arahia, Tokay Grapes from California. Karaput Crahs from Japan, Veget ahles from Oregon and California, Turnips, Celery, Cauliflower, Croon Onions, Carrots, Cucumhers, Pumpkins, Cabbage, Mincemeat." . Pato-de-Foio-Gras from France. "Russian Caviar from Astrakhan, "Russia. Mushrooms from Prance. Cheese from England, Peas and Beans from Prance, S tutted Olives from Spain. Anchovies from Norway, Anchovy Pasto from London Stuffed Pates, Seedless Raisins, All kinds of Nuts, Lemons, Oranges, nananas, Apples, Apple Cider. OLLIVANT & WEAVER The feast prolong, Hoforo mnrrlngo n Cooa Hay girl wants hor lover to wrlto her love letters, but nftor facing tho preach er with him, she Is satisfied If ho writes hor checks. -t:-- Somo Coos Hay women who cnu oconomlzo In everything olae seem to forget nil about It when they start to put paint on tholr faces. Presldent-olecr Wilson has not yet mustered up tho courago to confirm tho rumor thnt ho will cnll nn oxtrn session of congress. Not one man In n hundred hns bcubo enough to tnko enro of mo ney nftor ho Inherits It. -tt-:x- TI10 first time n young man Is in lovo ho honestly believes ho means what ho snys. Thorn la .. fliio fli.l.l for llio ni. ,0!",t ,'no0'000 vctes for Mr. Dobs In mere In a fine riuld foi tho it-, ,,,,.,, , ,myo ,()Ht ,opro8ontntIvo tulnmont of fnmo for tho girlie who Uorger of Mllwnukeo from tho noxt will olopo with a blrdmnii In his congress, nnd hnvo failed to elect n plnne. ' single mombor in his place. In 1 1 1 1- -tt-H- "'s ,nov elected threo membors of Of courso, wo would nil llhe to tho 'Islnturo nnd gavo tholr noml- Mqnn Aniorlrn First " Iml ?tnni!nr.l nt' fl" 8tn, nttomey Of Cook COUll- Seo Aniorlcn I'lrst, but Stnndnid ty oa.OOO votes. Hut nt Schoncctndy, Ull tlllll Vlll IDll IMIIIT- VlllllllllllIB llV'ill XT V .. 1 , ' N. ., which n year ago choso a so IB IU II. A good many mon nro tholr own worst enemy, but thoy still keep In tho ring without taking tho count. And every mnii admits to himself that ho Is cither clover or good looking. Tho first thing tho average hlrod progresslvo pnrty caused tho social IsIb to fall Into the fourth Instead of third place, but It has about doubled Its prosldentli vote this yenr over tho siime vote four years ago says tin ox change. Mr. Dobs, the pcronnliil' presiden tial nominee of the Hocinllsts, receiv ed -1:11,688 votes In 1008. Tho vote for him in 1012 now appears to have been about 700,000 votes. This, ta king the country through, Is nn In crease of 00 percent. In maiiv com munities the soclnllst vote bus nearly doubled In four years. Tho states In which tho socialists mndo their chief gains nro thoso in which political progrcsslvencss hns ndvanced fiirthorcst aa California, Illinois, Iown, Knusna, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In these sovornl stnto tho respective Increases In tho soclnllst vote lmvo run from flC.OOO to 80,000, from 9.000 to 20,000 from K.,000 to 20,000, from III.OOO to 100,000. Mnssnchusota and Oklaho ma nre tho states In which the so cialist voto for president hns do crvnsed In tho four years. Hut not nil Is again. Tho soclnllst lenders confidently counted on nt section of tho work. cinll8t mnyor nnd n member or tho stnto legislature, tho democrats made n elenn aweop, enrrying both tho city nnd county. In Massachusetts, Uos ton nnd tho mill towns cut tho Doha voto of 1908 In hair. At Chicago, Clnelnuntl, Clovoland, Now York and PittBburg Mr. Dobs mndo notnblo gains, Hut whoro thoro wns a sharp Issuo botwoon Inw nnd lnwnoHsness tho political outcomo disappointed tho socialists. Tho gnlns hnvo beon groat but thov nro mimorlcnl and scattered. Tho loss girl does Is look In tho closet andjof power nnd standing through tho The Pure Food Grocers, A Good Place to Trade. Phone 275-J. Corner Third and Central . J . u m ! T'J slzo up tho fnmlly Bkoloton, Christmas Trees For Manila From Alps. Heal Christmas trees with nil their prlstlno freshness and with tho fra granco of the balsam still clinging to them, na green ns when they wero cut lu tho Alps, arrive in Manila every Christmas season. Hy u special scIeutlOc process tbo trees when they arrive to bo placed on sale by tho Manila merchants aro still g recti and fresh, having been pre served lu nil their beauty and fra. grance by n chemical bath which docs not impair tho trees in any way and will prwervo them for many years. Muulla Times. ' Yuletlde Common Sense. Cut out all presonts given from cus tom. Many a girl Is bankrupt or over worked because she has not laid "tho ghosts of a Christmas past." There U no sense In giving a present to a girl because you started to exebnngo with ler ten years back. It you hare drift ed apart she will bo as glad to stop tho custom us you are. When Expressing Gifts, For packing tho gift that is to bo expressed n good strong box is abso lutely necessary, made of wood, If you can possibly get It: If not. heavy card board will have 10 do. The box must bo plenty large enough, giving nmplo room ror packing. Sensible Gift Giving. Stop tbuiightless glvlug, R la n wnsto or money, nnd no ono thanks you. Far better nn appropriate trlflo than a costly present ror which the recipient has no use. Times Want Ads bring results. Inlluonco or political progressivoness ami rorormntory movements ror In dustrial Justlco hns been u decldod BOtbnck, ' FUN IN TUTURES.,f " " Fortune Telling For the Christmas Party. Anything tn tho nnturo of fortune telling Is always popular, nnd, not withstanding denials, thcro Is a vein of superstition In every ono's charac ter. No gamo is more henrtily enter ed Into than ono dealing ostensibly with rate or tho future. Bo it Intri cate or simple, It la fully enjoyed. In the game of futures great run Is sure to ensue, because tho futures can be previously arranged to suit tho con dltlons of certain people, although gen. ernlly tbo ono In chargo of tho web of fnto knows as llttlo of what will bo revealed ns the Individual himself. From a given center cords of all colors and conditions, no two alike, oxtend in every dlrectlon-upstnlrs, downstairs nnd almost In my lady's chamber, across each other hero and there, often being knotted together nt tbeso points of Intersection Rnch searcher winds up hW cord ns he proceeds, and many dllllcultles In the way or knots to be untied mid round ami round windings to be unwound he encounters, When he finally reaches bis future It uunlly proves to be 11 coin, n toy n book or nursery tnle3 or some nrtlclp or nbso lute absurdity. This he takes back to the Individual who stnrted him In pur suit or his rate, who must be clever enough to give him quite a llttlo In. foriuntion as to what will or will not hnppen, basing ber remarks on tho "ruturu" he found at the end of the cord. Each 'future" thus found Is to be considered slcnlflcant of other t0! .... EM OF IP To tho Penplo or Mnrshncld: 1 will bo n cnndldato for member of tho common council of tho city of Mnrshllold. In making this announco mont I am actuated by the belief that it la every porHou'fl duty to do n sharo of tho public, work of hla com munity nnd if olected it will bo my honest endeavor to fiorvo the pooplo or Mnrshllold to tho best Interests of tho cntlro community. I bollovo tho city of Mnrshllold should own nnd operate Its own wnt or aystom. I nm opposod to an extension of tho present franchise of tho water com pany. I bollovo thnt nil frnnchlsoa nnl similar Important local questions should ho submitted to a voto of tho peoplo for final declaton. I bollovo In tho-squaro denl for ov er y person. I bollovo In progress In public im provomonta without extravanco, nnd In economy without ponuriouaneBs. I bollovo In exorcising tho nnmo enro lu public expenditures thnt wo do in privnto business. My aim will always bo to work for a cloanor, grontor nnd mbro prosper ous Mnrshllold. HARRY WINKLER. To tho Peoplo of Marslifield: I horoby nnnounco my candldncy for councilman of tho city of Marslifield. I plodgo mysolf to tho platform given below nnd onrnostly solicit your support In its bjhnlf. If elected I will eorvo tho peo plo to tho best Interest of tho ontlro community nnd tho best of my abil ity. I bollovo lu a squnro donl for nil. I bollovo In n municipal owned and operated water systora. I bollovo thnt nil futuro franchises or oxtenslon of franchises or other equally Important moasures bo sub mitted to a voto of tho peoplo for fl nnl decision. I bollovo in n progressive business ndminlstrntlon, honestly and econom ically admlnlBterod. I nm oposed to tho oxtrnvaganco nnd oxtenslon of tho present wator franchise I bollovo In Marslifield and will gladly lend my effort In greater up building and futuro progress. Respectfully submitted, CARL L. ALDRECHT. I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. KWiseman 811 North Front 6L Hub. Phono 296-X; Ites. Phont lfl-J I Thi Star Transfer and Storage Co. la proparod to do ell klndi ct U1S on short notice V& meet tU ta'u and bonts and wo also bsie tteUiW stylo Reynolds riano Morer. Hi gunrnnteo our work. L. H.HeisneiPrc. Phones 98-R. 116-7 '-L NORTH HEND NEWS Capt. Edgar Simpson arrived to day in North nond from San Fran cisco on the A. M. Simpson. SWF.F.T CIDKR from Coos Rlvor Apples ror THANKSGIVING at SARTF.R'S. Trv The Times' Want Ads, We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam LauaAy IMIO.VK MAIN 87J Multifield. Or?- Marslifield & North Bend AiHt (JOHST ft KINO .yrtUJfl Cars leave MarstifleW JjW" minutes from 7:15 a, m. " midnight. Leave JMi samo schedule, starting U until midnight. Seo Baturdif w for schedule. "iTPaFe & 0. illsh Grsde Ladies' and Gentlemen! Tailoring toPorffl,SJSS WeZallwoa . .....I nrniKru mVAIi SOTT""" -.- 1. hflreby BiwftSS tho County Court h. "'fl, i the 0th dor J"lBngiol tho Court House to w ll( Coos County. Oregon f and Place for er,t d tlons to sal J lnal,d e,tte. th0 8ett.en.etG0EfoS.ld Executor of the UrtWWrf 1 tnmont and 01 f F. Ross, decease. r,f--. ..i.Hlcaton N?T. lI"Tast Publication 16 , II Ull iTT3 J ..- . It , iw'JmK