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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1912)
IflSfPOSSIBLE TOWryTRAIGHT R7 CROOKED MAN TOR A CANDIDATE .. w.j-i i mi.n mint t.u ' .. . .. l..l 1?... !.. StmiS fflll rut lr " ...- ... the Market" Effectively! .. in nn tho focta about your WANT ADVERTISING In The TIMEB Will Keep your Income from Furnished llooiiu Sternly. YOU enn really help tho famll7 revenues by renting n fow furnlsbwl rooma and, If you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, Ji.rt boforo tho oycs of nil "pos it e & In town. And If thoro nne of thorn who ought to own k you'll 8ell itl you may Kcop that little uxirn i- aflj&TPH wnfemMCUfafl WWW83W ffff) MEMHHK OP THE ASSOCIATED PRES como nB "stonily as a clock. (Eons ftau VjUXXVIgr TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26. 1912. EVENING EDITION-SIX PAGES. I IRE OF B1D0N WRECK A Consolldntlon of Timed, Const Mnll m- 111 mid Coos liny Advertiser. yu" ul 1TIMS DIE FH INJURIES , n ..II f I m IFive Dcaaas nwuuui uuy- Qinci 1 rain uumu niiuuyn Fairy Creek Trestle. JcLANCEY HUMPHREY AND GUY HU&t thoo hvvhi Fred Adkins Dying and But Little Hope Tor hnuuusun, Coroner Investigates. Kcvlcd I'M of Victims 1 Tho dead: I Cba. McDowell, engineer. 1 Chas Smith, flromnn. j Morgan, logger. Ouy nose, tlmokoopcr. Clancy Humphrey, logger. Tho Injured: Fred Adkins, loggor, will die. Ilol Anderson, brnkoman, pro Ibibly fatally Injured. !- IELL5 HOW 10 GEI RESULTS Tulare, Cal., Cited as Exam ple of How City Secures Waterworks. ' While Mnrshflold 1b at present having qullo n problem to faco In the way of nn Improved wntor sys tem, and how to got It, It might not bo n bnd Idea to look about tin and see how soma of our neigh bors nro solving tho same prob lem. From Tulare, California, comes the story of tho struggle that city Iwh linil lo sccurii pure wntor In siilllclent quantities nt rcnsonnblo rates. Tho city had glvon a fran rsncclal to tho Times) BAN'DOM. Ore. Nov. 2C. Two -,. Miilm lmvn boon nddod to tho I Sit of fataltlcs In tho Sooloy An-cliso to a prlvato corporation who !trtoa Logging road wreck at tho furnished wntor at exorbitant rntos rlry Creek trestlo yostorday, Guy niii tho water wns of u very poor Row and unncy uumpuroy pansing qnniity, wnicii caused the cltlr.ons uir. This makes flvo doaths. Ilol, to kick, and unon bolnir nsked .itierson and Fred Adkins, tho two, "What nro nu going to do nbout der rlcllnis, nro sun niivo out nro it.'" replied tent they would buy towlnR between llfo nnd doatli. tho wati.r system from tho com Gay nose of Myrtlo Point, tho, pnny owning It nt n fair valuation, ittkkccpcr, died about 8 o'clock thin An apprnlscmont was made and on EtrnlBB. Clancy Humphrey, tho log-. ItH basis tho rltv offered tho Nr- itr from California, and friend Ad- uro nnmod $50,000, ft tlio wntor tin, died nbout .1 o'clock, company, to bo met with n counter Tali makes six bodies In tho lm-. proposition by tho company that radted Ilanclon niorguo, flvo victims thoy considered tlio plant nnd tho ii the wreck nnd 1'roprlotor Lnrsou frnnchlso was worth dnublo that LET US TALK IT OVER (the Port Orford Shlnglo Mill. Rescuer Overcome ntitnunt. nnd that was tlio lowest flguii they would take, and wound Rescuers from tho logging ennui 1111 r din with "What arc you go- ported until 3 o'clock this morning, lint to ! nbout It?" Itefore tlicy were nblo to recover tlio! In slzo, Tularo compares favor er of Knglneer Jas . McDowell, ably with Mnrshflold, and this Is imtn was pinioned undorncnth tlio wnnt moy iui anoui 11. 1110 ruy irKttge. I council, romposcn or uouesi men, Brt Williams, who wns 0110 of tho who conscientiously represented tho Jnn In tlio roHcuo work, ovonl d iicon 0. nnsscii nu ordinnnco put- Itlwelf and had to bo brought to. ting n bond Imbiiii up to tho peo Bindon for medical ntlontlnn. ilc for f 100.000 to construct a .o Ponder Explosion, municipal owned water system. 1 no TV nnn.i !..-. .,.1,1 i.n,1,...' m-minxl! Inn u'nn vol nil nn n ml car- ilitthelilB shlpmont of powdor on'lod nn overwhelming majority. pe irain exploded proved to bo er- ''nil 111011 1110 wmur iiiuimii u- iu;uui, 1 !"" lu nuu ik hiLtii. "h"i. Oflclall of tlio Kenlnv & Aiiilnrsmi ICoBpany also deny todny tlmt tlio lo- owve exploded. It wiih a big Shny Thoy canio to tho city olllclals nnd admitted that porhaps tholr viiliinllon nt tlmlr nlnnt hnd been ... i..wiiVi, 11 nun a UIK oil" i ..:.". , , , , i tin. Hrmnvoi- Mm , . -in.' r. II 1 1 0 too h lull, nnd Inasmuch ns :o!!ihed by tlio fall, allowing tho' city wns going to put In n ;.M ,. -....; .. .." . I ttntn. ..n.1.a al'olnin Mint u'nrn UIII 'MB to CSCailC Bcaldlnir nil thn vlc- fei ho wero nonr It. liiniiiiT liivestlpiten. Fred Wilson, tho Coos Countv Cor- FEef arrived bom tnilnv rrnm Vnrnli. .M --. .... ' ....... .......... , .. nij sinned on an Investigation wntei works system, they wore will In: for tho Biilto of hnrmnnv. ote., to tell tho plnnt nt tho valuation given. "Illow, blow, thou winter wind, Thou are not so unkind As man's ingratitude." "I hato lngrntltiido mo'ro in n man Ilinn lying, vnlnoss, babbling, drunkenness Or any tnlnt of vlco, whoso strong corruption Inhabits our frail blood." Shakespeare. MY FIIIKND, .loo Honnett, grows eloquent In denouncing tho al leged gratltudo of L. J. Simpson. Whatever nnyono elso should say lu deserved criticism of the Coos liny Wntor Com pany service. hl friend Louis . I. Simpson should romalri silent, so .Too tlilnkB, because of favors which ho has granted tho Simpson mills, to whom he hns been selling water, so ho says-, for 10 cents per thousand gallons, for which ho wants GO cents in tho now fran chise. I am glnd .loo hns touched on thnt matter of ingratitude, for If over thero wns a cnRo of It, I think my friend Joo has shown It to tho people of Mnrshflold. Tho peoplo of this community granted Mr. IIonnctt'H wntor coni pnny n franchise n number of years ago, and somo councilman with a seiiso of Justice and fairness inserted n clauso by which tho city might tnko It over after a numbor of yenrs. Just nB soon ns Joo could get his own men on tho council ho hnd that clauso taken out In exchnngo for nn old pump. It would mnko a good sceno lu a comic opera, to sec Joo digging up Hint old pump to trndo to tho city for a water franchise, without any regulations by which tho city might get back what it had given away. Later when Joo desired t sell It Instead of offering It to tho city, ho peddled It to P. A. Dovors and Strnhorn of Spoknno, then to Mr. Jennings of tho Oregon Power Co.. who turned It down. Flnnlly Claudlo Nasburg dug up Nolnn In Omnhn, who agreed to pay Mr. Honnett $150,000 for It If ho could hnvo a CO-years frnnchlso nnd Increased rates. What .Mr. Nolan was buying, however, wnB tho franchlso and not tho wntor plnnt. nnd when tho frnnchlso was re fused tho deal was called off. In tho tnenntlmo when It was suggest ed thnt tho city might buy It, tho prlco wns promptly boosted to $100,000. How nbout gratltudo? To satisfy any skeptlcnl ones how sacredly Mr. Dennett re gards nnd nppreclntes the fornior gifts and favors recolvcd by him nt tho hnnds or the people of thts city and how nmply ho deserves further donations of franchises, lot It bo romomborcd thnt only 11 fow months ago ho and other local citizens wore grnnted a railroad fran clilco through sonic of t.10 city's streets, In tho belief Hint the city's woirare. would no Hotter protected tliiin tnoy would wero tho fran chlso given to somo soulless foreign corporation llko tho S. P. Co. Upon this franchise being grnnted, Mr. P.ouuojt proclaimed on various occasions that ho so loved tho peoplo that ho would glvo his very life's blond boforo ho would permit this generous gift from tho city to full Into such coutamliintcd hands as tho S. P. Co., nnd yet It Is common knowlcdgo that It was Mr. Ilonnott himself who nindo known to that nwful octopus that $100,000 ovor and nbovo tho moneys nctually expended on tho terminal railroad would nssungo tho sovcro Jnr to his coiiBclonco for tho trnnsfcr Into such unclean hnnds anolh'er of the city's donntod franchises. And again Mr. Ilonnott can woll say to tho peoplo of this city: "Lot them swent." How about gratltudo? TURKEY SPECIFIES S01E OF PEACE TERMS SHE DESIRES GUNMEN 10 BE ORDER SURVEY OF COOS BAY BAR Donald Charlston Receives In structions to Beqin Work on Entrance and Jetty at " Once. ' "lie wreck. 1 untlon put upon the plant by tho It Is expcctc.l thnt ho will havo nlni'Prnlsors was nitogotnor ino iiikii. letilUi ii..;. ' .L 1? . " "1 ....mill since thov had voted the bond r..7l.- 'V.'.'-a"'V,l",H "I 00 OI 1110 ." '" 1 I.-., .n.,.,n.n.l Innlf B "Si ,g,0,oy HUT I ' 'or materia.' nnd other ; del lit of ri.," . '"ornoA Al.i0 'i falls lecnrdlntr construction of a l.V.,.7 ?!"". iubo oxpeciea 10. ;, ,. "... ,.., ..,, ifr. llKlDarn In tlin l.n.nallno!.. ...!.. UIUIII, UK'J " ." '' " iitw.i.;:; .:,w -"'""" "". ,,,r,in., .i.imi timv u.i not nossesi - !! u 01 11, Donnld M. Charlston, In chnrgo of tho local engineering olllco slnco tho departure of F. K, Leofo, to dny received n telegram from Cnpt. Ilr.lw.i-I In nlinrL'n (if til ft United Thou ll'o ;M!J"1r,"0f l!rok'vn',y States engineers In this district, or h officials, and said tint tlio nHxiorR now survey of tho Coos P. far, no oxpianntlon for tho dls- w nas been offoreu. I'lttlo Ilimo for In lured. It Vag stated lllla nftnrnnnn Hint FfdAdkln8, one nf llin Inlurnil innn. I-Mot possibly recover nnd that It iy a question of hours with him. Or AnderKnil ilinrn nnnnnro in lin oehonn; .;. ..",:4't;,;,v"v. "Id Win cant f , . ., 1.1,. 11 " -v.. mi ut (luuu lur i tvu- -noa on Anderson's enso. "6 UlEaStOr rnnt n nnll nvnr Tlnn ?' JJ the entlro Coqulllo vnlloy, ns . .uo wen wore well known lioro. toeineor .ino MTl, ...i. -- tiy came from Coqulllo, whoro ho fl been,..i A... iiiii. w" "SBliifj road at Cunningham "l SOX Wit Vnn..f. IT- 1. - .1 1.. 't. !?plJ' ot A. II. Powers for " ears. II ORFORD IN DROWNS Netop Larson of Shingle Loses Life in Boat Accident. Bivnlp'cla to tu Times) 0-5':Or., Nov. 20 Tho e Por n '. Lar8n, proprietor of " drQWn,for.d 8hiBle mill, who t Saii.r5ed ,n a boat nccldent h ai"Way was lironirhl lifrn to. P " obUlnV' U, aCC'dent Pn n " w need of HERT MRTAL WORK, &ff HDWBB CO., aono by U8 j dono r, u PM7U,ck 8eo A E' Seaman nintloii which thov did not possess nt tho tlmo thoy mado tho offer of $50,000. and wero rompollod to offor Just half that ilguro. as inoy wero suro that It covered all tho water company hnd to soli. And thero the matter stands nt present, though tho city of Tulare, Is busy gottlng bids on mnterlal and construction work for Its own wntor system, which will supply puro wntor to tho peoplo at rea- snnnliln rates. It's nn easy matter to got what you want, nnd whnt belongs to you If you only go after It. as tho peoplo of Tulnro now know. Tho following specinl dispatch to tho San Francisco Rxamlnor tells tho latest movo In tho gnmo of tho company to now sell tlio plant: TULARH. Nov. 21. C W. Qullty of Snn Joso, who Is ono of the stockholders of tho Tularo CItj Water Co,, arrived today from 10 north for tho purposo of selling tuo present privately ownod wntor plnnt to tho city. Ilonds In tho sum of $100,000 for n now plant wero ro cently voted by tho cfly. Shortly after tho vote was taken ouclnls of tho private plnnt offered to sell for $50,000. Reply was made by the city offldals thnt tho considered anything over 25,000 as out of reason. A counter Proposal was then mado that the question bo submitted to arbitration, but this wns nlso voted down by tho city council. , . . Qullty hns issued a call for a mass meeting at "bleb he says tho company will put their case in the hnnds of the people. WOMAN' FOr.VD SHO Chicago I'ollco InvcMlgnto Death of Woman C I"";"r' lmM , m, Axlte4 Tttu lo Coo. Dr Time. 1 CHICAGO. Nov. 26. Miss Julia V.CS.lUvan one of ChlcaBo's taw licensed woman chauffeurs, was found shot to death In her apart menU early today. Although the poHco were told that sho commit; fed suicide, tho detectives were do tailed to Investigate. She was 4 years old, J1UY a OEIiEIHtATED KEBX KUTTER knife. Wo guarantee them. THE GUNNERY. Hay bar and joiiy. ICnglnccr Wright hns been dctnll- oil to nsslst Mr. Cnnrlston lu mnk- Ing tho survey. Mr. Charlston will tako up the work at onco nnd will hasten It ns rapidly as tho weather will permit, ns It Is desired 10 hnvo tho survey nnd ropnrt ready for tho coming session of congress. .Mr. cnnrlston will roport on tho condition of tho old jetty nnd tho depths nnd widths of tho bar, etc. Mr. Charlston hns boon ougngod In tho hnrhor onglnoorlug work hero for somo tlmo nnd will con sequently bo nblo to rush It. BIG FEURRY IN NEW YORK MARKET Call Money Jumps to Twelve Per Cent Today as Result of Reserve Being Deplen ished. (nr Auoclat4 TftM to Coo. nr Time., NEW YORK. Nov. 2C Anothor sudden advance In call money or dny-to-day loans to 12 percont, equalling yostorday's high rnto and not attain ed slnco tlio eany pan ot iuiu, wa responsible for n further unsottlo nioiit of tho stock mnrkot today. Sov oral Influences were responsible for the fact that tho cloarlng house bnnks' balanco has nlroady been re duced or lost $7,000,000 to tho sub treasury since Friday, which threat ens a deficiency In tho oxcess rosorvo In tho flnnnclnl district that tho Treasury Dopartment nt Washington would ngaln bo appealed to for nsslst- nnco. In addition to tho losses of tho banks to tho subtreasury thoro hnvo boon honvy shipments of ensh to tho I'ncltlc Const and other editors to fa cllltato tho movomont of crops. NO APPEAL FOR AID Sec. MncVengli Hr.s Not Had Request I' nun JSow lork (Or AuocLI.4 ritn la Coo. lltjr Time..) WASHINGTON, Nov. 2C Secro inry iwncvoagn uocinrod no hns no Intention at this tlmo of disposing of tho government's surplun funds In tho nationni uanks of Now York and otn er cities. Ho said ho had not re ceived anv nnnnnl tn rnllnvn llin ny. at tho end or tlio weoic. 11 jh ropoeu isung stringency NATION HETGHY HETCHV Sec. Fisher Refuses to Permit San Francisco to Tie Up Water Power Rights. IKr AMO'Lted P to Coo. Dir Tlm. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2C Secre tary Fisher of tho Interior Depart ment today flatly refused to permit San Francisco to "tie up indefin itely" the Hetch-Hetchy water pow er privileges In Yosemlto National Park by any stipulation In the per mit that wouM allow the city to hold power privilege to suit Its own convenience. EAST8IDE FERRY NOTICE. Thanksgiving day, Thursday, No vember 28, the Eastslda Ferry will make Us last trip at -1:30 In tho a,t0rn00n' ALEX HALL, Captain. EN W 2 M California School Children Want Liberty Bell for Panama Fair. ID AnocltteJ r-rt.1 lo Coo. Dr Time.. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2C Two miles ot potltlon wound on a huge reel will bo trundled through tho streets of San Francisco on nn auto Thanksgiving day, preparatory to boing shipped to Philadelphia. Tho potltlon contains tho names of 500,000 school children who ask that tho famous old liberty bell be brought hero In 1915 for tho Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Tho CHEAPEST ACCIDENT IN SURANCE Is THE GUNNERY'S Pocket FLASHLIGHT. Slayers of Gambler Rosen thal Sentenced to Die in Electric Chair. tnr AMorliteJ rrrti lo Coo. llr Tlmr.,1 NEW YORK, Nov. 20 "Gyp. tho niood," "Whltey Lowls," "Lofty Louis" nnd "Dngo Frnnk," tho gunmen, convicted of tho murder of Hormnn Rosenthnl, were son fenced by Justice Go it to dlo In tho electric clinlr nt Sing mug during the week beginning January 0. Each of tho prisoners wns sen tenced sipnrntoly and In each enso their attorney moved that' tho ver dict bo set i.hMo and Judgment nr rcitcd. Knih motion JiiBtlco Goff HiiccisMvcly denied. One of tho grounds for tho mo tion wns thnt tho verdict wns tho result of "passion," "projudlco" niul other Influences. Nono of tho condemned men gno any visible sign "of his feelings. Accompnnlcd by tho sheriff nnd 12 deputies, tho four wero forced through tho hlg, silent crowd nnd tnkon to tho Grand Central station nnd put on n train for Sing Slug, wlifio with Charles Ilcckor, for mer nollco lieutenant, tho condemn ed Instlgntor of tho crlmo thoy will nwnlt oxccutlnn. THREE FREED BY JURY TODAY Union Men Accused of Mur der in Lawrence Strike Riot Not Guilty. r AmckUIM I'riu lo I'uo. Ur Time.. SALEM, Mass., Nov. 20. "Not guilty," wns tho verdict of tho Jury In tho case of Josoph J. Ettor, Arthur Glovaunlttl, nnd Jnsoph Ca ruso, chargod with tho uriirdor of Anna Loplzzo, who wns killed In tho Lnwrenco textllo strlko riot of Inst winter. When tho thrco men hoard tho words freeing them on tho charge, thoy embraced and kissed onch oth or. Glovnuulttt sprang tn his foot and said: "Gentlemen of tho Jury. In tho nnmo of Justice truth nnd civilization, I thank you.' Ettor mado n nent little speech of thanks to tho court and Jury, whllo tho court Interpreter thnnlt ed tho Jury for Caruso. Tho nows of tho ncqulttal of Et tor. Glovaunlttl nnd Caruso dollght- od thousands of forolgn oporntlvos In tho b g Lnwrenco toxtllo mills. Tho loadors of tho Industrial Work ers of tho World, stntod that tnero would bo n colobrntlon In honor of tho thrco and probably an Indoor mass mooting or street pnrado on Thanksgiving Hay. PRINCESS .MARIE DEAD. .Mother of King Albeit Succumbs to Pneumonia. inr AMoel.teJ !' lo Coo. nr TlmM.) niUJSSELS. Nov. 20. King Al bert's mother, tho Countess or Flanders. Princess Mario of Hol- glum, succumbod todny to nn nttnek of pnoumonla. Sho wns 08 yonrs old. Y L E TO Insist on Retaining Ad- rianople and Forts and 1 Albania. EUROPE SOMEWHAT RELIEVED TODAY. Germany, England and Franco Arc Advising Nations to Be Good. llljf AHllr,l I'm. la Coo. Ilr Tlm.l LONDON, Nov. 2C. No chnngo for tho worso In the International politi cal sltuntlon brought about by tho war In tho Ilnlkans Is vlslblo todny except Insofar as the continued ton- slon dccrcnscs tho ability of dlpltmncy to resist a rupture. Groat Ilrltaln, Franco nnd Gor mnny nro nil giving conned of mod eration both nt Vienna and St, Po- tcrsburg. Thoro Is nlso reason to bollovo that Gront Ilrltnln hns given Sorvln as well nn Itusslnn nnd Frnuco to undor stnnd thnt sho hns no Interest In Sor vln's domnnd for n port on tho Adrl ntlc Sen. Sho also has told thorn that sho has no Intention of support ing Sorvla's elnlm by force of nrmn nor of aiding nuothor power to do so. Progress of tho nogotlntloiiH bo tween delegates of Turkey nnd tho llnlkan nllles nt Tchntalka is stilt a soaled book. In diplomatic rlrclon In London It In ntnted that Turkoy has presented tho following as nn ac ceptable basis for an agreement: No war Indemnity. Kotontlou by Turkoy of tho Mnrltza Rlvor, tho fort ress of Adrlanoplo to bo Included. Mnlntnlnnnco of souvorlgnlty of tho Sultnn of Turkoy In Albania. GREEKS TAKE ISLAND. ReX)itid to Havo Capdiied Most lleaiitlful of Hiillait'H Pos- N0f.sl0IIH. ' inr AMKllel I'rt.i to Too. lr TlmM. SMYRNA, Nov. 20. Tho Greoka nro roportod to havo occupied tho largo Turkish Inland of Chlon lu tho Aeglnu sen, clone to this city. It Is one of tho richest and most benullful Inlands In tho Levant, with n population of 00,000. CONKER WITH CZAR. Austrian Ambassador Has Audleiico at Kt. IVtersbur. (Mr AHorl.leJ I'm. to Coo. lujr Time., ST. PETERSllURO, Nov. 20. pa.0.-ioj uikhiiji jo Jiuoduio oijj tho Austro-llungary ambassador In audleiico today. COXSl'L IN HAKE. Itmnor of AsMissluiitliin of Anstro Hiiiigiii'liiu Consul I'nliiic. (11 AHorl.le.1 I'n.a lo Coo. Ilajr Time., VIENNA. Nov. 20. Horr Proch nskn, the Austro-lluugurlnu rousul nt Prlesrend hns arrived at Iskuli, dlsposliiR or the rumor that ho was assassinated. Ho was not henrd of for n month nnd rumors thnt ho was killed caused a groat touslon of tho rotations between Austria Hungary and Sorvln, VIEW IN RUSSIA. and Olllelals Kert Early Settlement or DIuVronroN. (nr a.kmlim m to coo. nr Time.. ST. PETERSllURO, Nov. 20. Tho Emperor or Russia and tho. forolgn minister adhoro to tho ba ilor that a solution of tho Austro Sorvlnn dlfforonros will bo found ns soon as the war has boon brought to nn end, according to an announcement In official circles,, al legations 'which hnvo boon attribut ing militant Intentions to Russia nro omphntlcally ropudtstod horo, and roports thnt tho Gorman Em poror Is to net as mediator betweon Russia and Austro-IIungnry nro said to ho unfounded, ns thoro lu nn good ground for such steps. Disagree in Gibson-Szabo Murder Case in Goshen, New York. nr AwotUled Trf.. lo Coo. Dr Tim... nriaitvw! V V Vnv 2fi. Tho Jury In tlio' enso of Durton W. Gib son, charged with tho murdor of 1. 1 Mm llnna MnllHolllk Szabo, aftor boing out all night, reported to juugo -lonipKiun hub TTinrnlno Hint II Was lllllllllo tO agree and was discharged. Gibson may noi do ki" " II, iniirilnr nf MrR RzallO. If ho will plead guilty to sovornl charges against him In New York county, It Is said. Ho Is charged with larceny of $17,000 from Hugh Tralnor, a tanner cllont, and other c n a rgesnroiieiju 1 11 b COTTON MIEE OWNER DEAD Robt. Knight, Who Owned 22 Big Mills, Passes Away Today. JOr AwoiUle.1 Pri-i. to Coo. n.y Time..) PROVIDENCE. II. I., Nov. 20. Robort Knight, owner or moro cot ton mills than any othor Individual in tho world, died at his homo In Eimwood today, aged SO. Knight was in control of 22 splnn iiR. weaving nnd finishing establishments. ST. PATRICK'S soctoty HALL at EAGLES' Hall WEDNESDAY night. COUPLES $1; extra LADIES, ii.1c,