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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1912)
fflflos law WxmtB Will rut ," """ "" " ,10 Market" Effectively! t will put tho facts about your .Lrty before tho oyos of all "pos- ffiuwrs" n town. And If thoro f . nne of thorn who ought to own I yOU'll BOll ltl WANT ADVERTISING lu The TIME! Will Keep your Incoino from Furnished Iloonts Steady. VOU can really holp tho family revenues by renting a few furnlihod J rooms nnd, If you know how and when to uso tho clnsslllod columni, you may kcop that llttlo extra In como as "stoaily as a clock." B,TjyWWH MEMHER OP THE ASSOCIATED MIES i vWUI EMnlillsiicu in ioo VOL aAAVI. ftS Thu C()llst Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Count Mall nml Cooh Hay Advertiser. No. 110 "STADVEK-ISING in Tho TIMES "" . .. n1 Vvtnin "It. THREE KILLED AND FOUR HURT NEA IIGiG 1IIIUI FALLS SEVENTY FEETT NDON TODAY UGH T 5E1. lie DIED EARLY TODAY TURKEY AND BALKAN ALLIES RES E jhree of Injured Will Proba bly SUCCUIIIU imuw in Bandon Hospital. SEELEY & ANDERSON hlYirLUico viunmo Seven Hundred Pounds of Giant Kowuer anu luuu motive Explode. (Special to Tho Times.) mvnnv. Oro.. Nov. 25. Thrco men wcro killed outright and four tally Injured, thrco probably fntnl lr this morning, when a londod letting train on tho Scoloy & An hnnn road ut Bear Crook, wont through tho treBtlo over Fnlroy rrk sit miles from horo. Tho entire train dropped 70 foot Into te gulch, tho locomotive exploded ltd about 700 pounds of giant Inavder on tho train nlso oxploded, tiding to tho disaster. . Tho dean: JAS. McI)0VI3Mi, onRlncor. C1IAS. SMITH, flromnn. MORGAN, loRRor. Tho Injured: Louis Anderson, brnkoman. Bod- ly Injured, but mny recover. Our Hose, hookkeopor, of Myr- .1 TViInt llmlli ntMlulmit nvnl will 115 iviui. iroui.' " ...... ..At.. Mi tlln Tnrrllilv annltlml 1iv! VIMUIJ Ml., .V......J uw...uu mj tmplng steam. Atkins, logger, terribly trashed and will probably die. Re cently ramc from California. Clancoy Humphrey, loggor, torri- tly crushed and will probably dlo. Recently camu from California, Was with Atkins. Tho wreck occurrod nbout 9 o'clock this morning, It was tho frtt loaded train to cross tho big trestle, tho logging rond bolng now tnder construction. Tho trcetlo Is about 300 foot Inner nml nt tin tljheit point Is 101 foot nbovo tho wd of tho crook. Whoro tho trnln ent through, It was 70 fcot ahovo tt ground. Tfio trestlo simply collapsnd un- TWELVE KILLED IN EXPLOSION Hundred More Injured in Ac cident at Waukerjan Factory Today. tnr AmocUIcsI rrrw to Coot Hi; Tlmrf. WAUKEGAN. III., Nov. 25. Twolvo oro reported killed nnd moro than 100 Injured In nn ex plosion In tho starch hottso tit tho plant or tho Corn Products Com pany horo today. Twolvo aro known to bo dead and many moro wore Injured. Twonty-flvo seriously Injured wcro taken from tho burning building, and It Is feared Hint 15 others nru still In tho starch house. Tho firemen aro directing thoir efforts to snvo tho main buildings of tho plant. Fore Passes Leading Member of States Senate and most Democrat Away W. P. Jackson to Be His Successor. ttlr Amo It'el Trr-n to Coot Itar Tlmw.J WASHINGTON. Nov. 25. Senn tor Isndor Rayner of Mnryland, ono of tho leading Democratic mombers of tho United States son nlo, and whoso nnmo was offered to tho Haltlmoro convention by William J. Brynn as a sultablo enn dato for the. presidential nomina tion, died hero early today after n long lllnoss, resulting from con tinued attacks of neuritis. Itnyncr wns ono of tho striking figures In tho senate. Ho had been a member of that body nearly REVEAL PLOTS TO Uilitcd c1-''" 'pars. wns ono of Its strong iii-uiuiiB iwiii was rccuKiiizeu ns uu nutlmrlty on matters of constitu tional law. Ho was a natlvo of Haltlmoro and was 02 years of ago. He was a member of tho Maryland legislature when 2S years old. served three terms In tho Nn tlnnnl llouso of Representatives, and after serving four years ns attorney general of Mnryland was elected to tho United States Scn nto In 1901. William P. Jackson, a member of tho Republican nntlonal com mittee, will bo appointed senator as Ilayucr's successor, it Is believed hero, although Oovcrnor Goldsbor rough has said that ho will not consider tho mnttcr until after tho funeral. President Tnft sont Mrs. ltnyner today a messago of condolence ARE NEGOTIATING FOR PEACE DYNAMTE ASK l I I I If I FOUND GUILTY M BURIES FIFTY Larcje Number Entombed at Pittston, Pa., Today 30 Taken Out. (nr Attodtted rmi to Coot in; Tlm.i.) WILKES-HARRE, Pn., Nor. 25. Fifty mon wcro cnught bohlnd n cavo-ln lu No. 2 nilno of tho Rnr- nnin fulfil f'ntiluntil' fit IHHutml tn a., .v. ... .."..; -"' i " yyi ""m "" - . iuu inuii, eunor noi naving day. Thirty havo been takon out, wen strong enough to support tho nomo sorlously injured. Tho oth Pne and loaded train or wns do- oru maunKod to mako their own lectJve In somo plnco. way out. It Is not known whothor ino explosion of tho big shipment thoro aro nny moro men in the jjt giant powder was heard lu Hnn- mine. Rescuora aro nt work. "-, . I Twonty-flvo narrowly escaped uoyio, a ranchor nlong tho being entombed. All havo oscnpod. Leaders in Lawrence Textile Strike Make Unusual Plea Is Not Warranted. i tnr AhocIiIM Pmi to Coo, Ilr Tlmn.J SALEM, Mass., Nov. 25. Joseph Ettor and Arturo Giovanni!! who ""road, Jumped off Just boforo tho "m smrtei ncross tho trostlo. thcr ho lind n promonitlon or caused him to do It Is not "own. Everyone on tho trnln was Med or Injured. ,.5'e sent word of tho disaster ID tile SOolOV IV All.1ni.ann ...... nn.1 o to Ilnndon nnd rescuers wore n on tho sccno. ..J'jsyktlnis wore pinioned undor ,!. ? V,. wnngo nnd It wns with difficulty thnt thoy woro re Bored. Tho bodies of Engineer McDowell l.L l!umm Sm,tl1 nro B,l ""'lor ith tho wreckngo, nnd It mny not tomorrow. '" UUi uu',u Brakcmnn Anderson Is a brother SJ'r' Anderson, tho propriotor of e seeiey & Andorson company. O. Uterest ; of Coaulllo was formerly (!..' " " n out Jir. An- . "V recent! V fnnlr nvnr- ihn (inn. y Interest. emn?ngi?er Menowol was formerly iS? p d on tho Smlth-PoworB Log m ii. r1?a.on Cunningham Crook tiliey known throughout tho Rose's fol8 Hvo In Myrtle Point "ere he was raised. ronih , tho ,n,,,rod havo beon tad if? ,h0 """'Ion hospital U nMi ,1R cnrc(l for- Andorson Thi r, Is ,,0P t recovery. , "v cAiiiiiRirtn i. iAHM.Mn4i.tA. Twolvo woro Injured, TWENTY-FIVE ARE INJURED im i, ', '"" l" locomoiivo th im Rlant I'owdor. couplod with loste;"(1co tlo train and 1 most ny .,""' " 'b ono or tno 1 Wrlles rV y ,wrcck8. according to conM .""""""K irom moro, inai icoy bo imagined. 'irrowiv IIarmn t Marshfiold 1 fer on v. ,;. '- ' ue'ng n pasaen toat frtho '"''atoa trnln. Had his ton im?m. Cofl"Io not been lato d tn ,tnlns ,,Q wo'l "nvo gone ion n- tl canin nnd coma to Dan 5 the trnln- tin , """"suon or tno disaster - u maao. Th ?"0,WI ln Mnrshfleld. lulu .."," tc Andorson rond was ItcLain r. tno s"PervIsIon of Fred ffflrnntnof Myrtle Point far a trac 5nIa man' who took tho con- tl . atUIIl AniWIn An.1Mn Tn..n1 "woers ..".:" ",uo"' ""'"" trnMi use" ,n th0 onugo Two Probably Fatally Hurt in Brooklyn Sulphur Mill. Pr AMxltM rrtf lo Coo nr TlmM.l NKW YOItK. Nov. 25. Twonty flvo men woro Injured today, two mortally. In an explosion of the Union Sulphur mills In tho Will iamsburg section of Ilrooklyn. Tho flro thnt followed tlio explosion uu Btroyed tho plant. Tho loss is 1500,000. Many Schemes of theMcNa maras Told by Witnesses at Hearing Today. IPr A mo lM I'mi to Coot Iljr TlmM. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Nov. 25. Plans to blow tip tho Krick build- 0n Snturdny pleaded that they ho lug nt Pittsburg, to blow up other Hour to tho electric chair If icmiiil buildings In onstcrn cities where guilty of tho murder of Anna l.o tho "opon shop" Iron nnd stcol con- pizzo lu tho Lawronco toxtilo strike tractors had their olllcos, nnd to ox- rnnnot bo convicted of murder In plodo n bomb In n sleeping car In tho first dogrec. Judgo Qulun In order to kill Miss Mary c. uyo. a chare nir the Jurv today. Instruct stonogrnphor In tho employ of tho 0d that tho ovldonco In tho enso Intornntlonnl Association of Ilrldgo did not warrant a first degrco ver and Structural Ironworkers, woro diet. If guilty, tho vordlct, ho said, testlilcd to ny Mtitisoy ii. jowoii, must bo second degrco murdor. at tho dynnmlto consplrncy trial to- Thcr -jury retired to dollbornto day, as hnvlng beon rovenled to upon Its vordlct this nftornoon. If him by Horhort S. Ilockin, socro- tho vordlct Is not reached by 5 tnry of tlio association. o'clock, court probably will bo ad- ulir r.-lmc IMiiuiumI. Jotimcd until tomorrow as Judgo Tim witnnflROB Inilnv tentlflnil Qllllin lins proposed to llttVO the Vor concerning tho wholesalo explosions diet returned within regular hours which tho McNamaras woro alleged u possiuio. to hnvo contomplntcd nnd which In order to find Caruso guilty woro prevented by tho nrrest of of murdor In tho first degroo, tho the dvnamlt ors nt Indlannpol s ln court declnrod it must bo proved April, 1011. Among tho explosions thnt ho premeditated tlo killing of contomplntod, as told by tho wit- Olllcor Ilcnolt, whom ho stnlilicd HOK803. wns ono to blow up tho and on whom his confederate, flrod locks of tho Pniiamn Canal, to tho shot which went wild nnd klll- lilow up tho aqueduct and wntor- cd tho Loplzzo woman. works nt Los Angeles, and to do- strny-othor properties nnd persons. OlltL OKTS HAIL. SERVIA CLASH Relations Between Countries So Strained That Open Rupture Is Feared. nr Amo.UIM I'mi lo Coo. n.jr Time., HI3HLIN, Nov. 25. Tho relations botweon Austro-Hungnry nnd Servla aro so strained that political cir cles in Vienna havo abandoned nil liopo for tho preservation of penco, according to a newspaper, claiming to have information from a diplo matic sourco. Despite- tho olllclnl Austrian denials of tho roportcd mobilization of tho AtiHtro-IIungary army, tho newspaper declares that flvo nrmy corps aro already mobilized. I'ltKI'AHKH KOIt WAIL lilt. SHAW WINS. KltH'tfri President of National Suf fraL'O Association. I (Or AwKlle.I Pr to Cooi nr TIbim i Liicilo Ciiiiienui, Jack JoIiiisoh'h Ac- user, Out on Hall, Or AMrt4 rrm to Coo llr TIhim.I CHICAGO, Nov. 25. Lucllo Cnm oion. whoso association with Jack nun nPHMUA Nov 5 Dr. Johnson, led to the negro pugilist's Annn'ilowar'd Shaw wV re-elected arrest for alleged violations of tho nrosldont todny of tho National "; ', v "". ''""" '" bonds of ,.t lm ;,fZ...;.. AU.n,.intin Tim irom custody ronny on "T" ",,u3ew a. r,; J1000. Sho hnd beon nold ns a Clay, of "Kentucky. 20;" Catherine witness for sovornl wepks In the WMcC-ollouch of Illinois 13, nnd Hockford Jnll, whoro her mother, VJ a. i?,?, If affii ,V . 'l Her Mrs. P. Cameron of Minneapolis. ro-olcctlon was mndo unanimous. wns allowed to bo with her. Jnno Addams of Chlcngo was ,-..... lcvn. .,.n.,liiinHi Pn.n1netoil f rst vlco SCIIILVMv TO AHWA.M. prosldont. 1JKV. HALL TO PHIUCIL at ""traction,' CJIH ti... -"' as Anderson, known In Mlzook," Is n bro ler of v,i ""uui "'" orkinr. l Anderson and was taro e.T "" no was receiu frrlnp I 0,n Sa,em whoro ho w b tor him. Ho was recently l who, ho was f Mrs llience for tho murder feme tin Gordon In Mnrshfleld. keen thft ,g.hw thnt he m,Bnt have tter b vlctlm, but another bro- woin"Vn as "Rol" was also the h,?ro' I!o ,B believed to Siren i aa i?Tma?, wnoBO nano Is tliree6 mnt"1 I""8 abot two or miles back of Bandon, but Mnrshfleld Minister to Speak I'oilland Coiirerenre. To tho Kditor: Thanksgiving day in your clt will hnvo a degree of International Importnnco this year becauso ot tho fact that the Rev. Dr. G. L. Hall of your city has been Invited to preach a special sermon bear ing directly upon tho second World's Christian Citizenship Con ference, to bo hold at Portland, Oregon, Juno 29-July C. 1913. Thanksgiving dny is the one hol iday In tho year that has govern mental or political significance in that It la a legal holiday by proc lamation, and. in a sense, supports tho contention of tho Nat onal Re form association that this Is n Christian country. Tho sermon we refer to might he worth your careful considera tion at this time becauso of the world-wide Interest in tho Port land conference, which will mark an epoch In tho social and relig ious history of the world. Sincerely yours, Philadelphia News Service. CLEMENT N. CONGDON. .,iauaHK ""' terminates at a "dump" about five nnd a naif ro es above tho Dan Ton waterfront, tho logs being floated down In the river Tho scene of the Ulsnater w known both as "Fairy Creek" and "Ferry" Creek. Thoro will ho a WOWfJ-?.1 tho NOKTII LAKK HALL at ThV MILE, SATURDAY, NOV. 30. High class music, turkey supper. i FOOTHALL SCOItKS. Orogon University 3; Oregon Ag ricultural College 0. Mlnnosotn 0; Chlcngo C. Wisconsin dofentcd Iowa. Myrtle Point Won. The Myrtle Point High school dofented tho rnm.iiin hilMi school football team at Coaulllo Saturday by n scoro of Intorslnto 7 to 0. Itoosevelt'H Assailant Taken to tlio Onlikosh Madhouse. (Hr AuocltloJ rrc to Coo IUr Tlmu. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 25. John Sclirank. who snot colonel Roosovelt, was taken to tho ln- sano asylum at Oshkosh today. PROIli: PA II SHORTAGE. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Alllanco is duo in Tuesday morning and wilt sail later tho samo day for Portland. Tho Tramp Is loading for Port Orford. Tho Rustler is duo from Florenco and Vaqulna. WOMAN WILL HE HIPLESS NEXT YEAR. CHICAGO. Nov. 25. The Spring maid of 1913 ia to ho straight front, straight back, hlpless and curvoless. If fnahlonable attired sho will look llko a straight lino, with an obllquo lino at tho top, said oblique lino being her hat. Tho National Cloak and Suit Manufacturers, who held a two-day session here nnd who determlno styles for all ready-made garments from Philadelphia to tho Pacific Coast, gave tho foregoing outline of what will provnll next season. Skirts are to be perfectly straight, looking like nn envelope Jacketa aro to bo tho samo. Nar row skirts will prevail. Hence they will bo slashed so that the wearer may move with soroo degree of safety. The slash was by back, front or on tho sides. Tho slash will extend to a point Just below tho knee and will bo skillfully con cealed by pleats. For a plump woman, who cannot wear positively straight lines, fash ion makers have taken a lesson from the Turk. A moving-picture of a Turk in action has given fashion producers a grand idea, which they will proceed to cash In. Ooinnieiro Commission Rectus' IuvcNtlgutlnii. irtjr Auoclatfc) rrna to Coot IUy Tlmea WASH NGTON, Nov. 25. Tho congestion of freight cars and tho extent to which tho cars nro di verted from tho possession of tho owning lines, is tho subject of n wldo inquiry bogun today by tho Interstate Commerco Commission. Tho commission directed nil tho leading railroads to mako semi monthly reports on tho location of freight cars. Tho nct!5n Is tho outgrowth of a car shortage. Tho first roport Is duo December 10. ORAY HAIRED RARY IS KENTUCKY WONDER. WHITE8RURG, Ky., Nov. 25. Rom with gray hair, tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John II. Craft of Prince Creek. Is tho wonder of tho community. Tho news of the freak spread rapidly and all through the day peoplo besieged tho Craft homo hoping to get a glimpse of tho Infant. THE STEAMER SPEEDWELL WILL SAIL WEDNESDAY, NOV. 27, FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO. When In need of FLUMniNO, HEATING, TINNING. SHEET METAL WORK, OALT 101 -J PIONEER JinW'RE CO., When done by I Is done rlgll Nursery Stock. See A. E. Seaman Phono 49-J. Forts nt Relgindo Helng Strength ened for Struggle. tnr AMOcUlfl I'rrJ. lo Coo IUr TlmM.l VIENNA. Nov. 25. Reports thnt tho Relgrado forts aro being hastily armed with heavy guns by tho Sor vlnn war .olllco, havo reached Vi enna. Information nlso has beon received thnt all the Servian troops who enn bo spared hnvo lieen re cnllcd to tho Sorvlnn capital. KAISER IS HOPEFUL. Thinks1 Hiracli Hetwcen Austria and Seivla Will Ho Averted, tnr amo utoj I'rrft to Coot iitr tiim, RERLIN. Nov. 25. Tho foreign olllco has not deviated from Its previous attitude of confldonco thnt nn nmlcnblo settlomout of tho AustTO-Hungnry controversy will ho reached. SPEEDWELL IS T New Vessel of Estabrook Line Is Delayed at Bandon Trial Trip. Tho Speodwoll, tho now yomoI of the Estabrook lino, wns duo In horo todnv from Ilnndon but did not iret out of tho Coaulllo. Sho will probably arrlvo tomorrow nnd sail Wodnosdnv for Sun Frnnclsco. Concerning tho trial trip of tho Speedwell a week ngo last uniur day, tho San Francisco Commercial News Bald: Tho now twln-scrow stonm schooner Spcedwoll, built by ICruso & Ranks, tho well known ship bulldorH of North nond, Ore., for A. F. Estnbrook & Co. of this city, was given n trial spin on tho bay Saturday aftornoon with about 150 Invited guests aboard, and to say that ovoryono had n good tlmo Is putting It mildly. Tho stenmor loft pier 19 shortly nfter 2 o'clock and did not get bnck until about 0:30. a good deal of tho dolay In gottlng back bolng duo to tho tlmo occuplod ln ml Justing tho compnBsos. Sho mndo a speed of 11 knots easily. Tho hull of tho Speedwell, as abovo stated, was built by Kruso & nanks, North Rond, Oro., whllo tho bollors and nil machinery was lnstullod by tho Main Street Iron Works. Tho vessol is 200 feet over all, beam 42 feet and dopth 11 U foot. Riving hor a carrying capacity of about 900,000 fcot jf lumber. Sho Is equipped with two en gines 14x32 20-inch stroke, two Scotch bollors with tho Low sys tem of oil burners,- capablo of withstanding a prcssuro of 1C5 nounds to tho square Inch, and gen erating nbout 800 horBopowor. Hor englno room is certainly a mouoi of neatness and compactness or nr rangomont, n fact which was re marked upon by several of thoso on board who woro compotcnt to Judgo of such matters. Tho hull Is exceptionally strongly built, her builders not hnvlng "spared tlio lumbor," as Capt. A. M. Simpson, tho lumber mngnato and shipowner romnrked. Captain Simpson, by tho way, was prouaniy tho most conspicuous passongor on board, as though having easily at tained his full thrco scoro nnd ton. Is still ns hale and hearty and spry ns a "boy" of 40 or thero-aboutu. Tho steamer was in chargo or Capt. 8. II, nurtls, for many years in command of the steamer M. F. Plenipotentiaries Meet in Neu tral. Zone Today to Discuss Terms. NOTHING GIVEN OUT AS TO PROBABLE OFFERS Armistice of Eiflht Days Be lieved to Sirjnify Prob able End of War. Illf AmoiIiIpiI l-rrtt to Coot tlr Tlmu. i LONDON. Nov. 25. Plenlnoton- tlarlos of Turkey and tho nllldd Dnlknu nntlonn held their first meeting tlilu nftornoon to dlsciisa the preliminaries for negotiations for nn nrmlBtlco. Tlio plenipotentiaries mot nt the village of lliightlcho near Rtyuk Chcckmcndyoln in tho center of a stnnll zono, which hns beon de clnrod neutral, for tho period vr tho parley. Reyond nn Intimation that tho victorious InvnilerH nro proparod to modify their original demnndn In regard to tho evacuation nt tho Tchntolja lino by tho Turks nnft nlso lo permit tho Turkish gnrrl Ron nt Adrlnnople to march out of that fortresH with tho honors ot war, nothing hns beon nllowcd to transpire as to tho discussions be tween tho delegates. Unless sig nificance can be attached to tho unusually long .nrmlBtlco of eight dnj-H reported to hnvo beon agreofl to, thoro Is nothing to give n- flue to tho probnblo otitcomo of the discussions. I STAITS STILL OPEN. (he. Tho DiirdeiielleH Not Lost by Turks to Ralknns Yet, IPr AtiocltlM l'rtu lo Coot lUjr Tim.! CANSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 25. Tho Dardanelles Straits woro Htm opou to navigation today desplto threats of attacks by the Hulgnrlans on tho forts guarding tliotn. Tho enpturo of tho forts would permit tho Greek fleet to sail through and bombard Constantinople. Plant, with Mr. Llndsloy as chloT engineer. The Speedwell Ih equipped with u-lioletm and has urrommndntlons for 50 pnsHengorri. Her pnBSOiigor accommodations, by tho way, are the most noticeable thing on tint vessel, being extraordinarily luxur iously flulBhod for a steam schoon er, every room being electrically lh'bted nnd supplied with hot nnd cold running wntor. Tho dining snloou and iiHsombly hall nro fin ished In Orogon myrt.o, tho lattor containing a flue automatic piano, which can uIho bo played by linntL In fact, as Homo ono on board sala, "the transatlantic llnor Korea lias nothing nu her In tho way of pas senger accommodations oxpect slzo. A brass band on hoard, togothor with plenty of refreshments of an kinds, mndo tho tlmo pass ro quickly and plonHantly thnt no ono grumbled nt tho dolay In gottlng bnck to tho dock: fli fact tho ma jor portion of the giiostH scomod to sorry thnt tho trip did not last longer. GOMPKRS IS ILL. Noted Labor Londi' Threatened Willi Pneumonia. (Ilr Ao ltl I'mi to Coot IUr Tlmn, ROCHESTER, N. Y Nov. 25. Prosldont Saniuol Gompors of tho Amorlcnu Federation of Labor, Is serloiiHly III at n hotol horo. lib Is threatened with pneumonia, ac cording to phyBlclaiiB, GOMPERS WINS AGAIN Is Reelected I'lrsldcnt of American Federation of Labor (Or AUtix l'"M lo Coo Ur Timet ROCHESTER, N. Y., Nov. 23. 8am uol Gompors was reolooted prosldont of tho American Federation of Labor today. Tho proposed constitutional amond mont, providing fortho olcctlon of of ficers of tho American Federation of Labor by referendum wns defeated this uftornoon. .Meet Tonight. Thoro will bo a meeting tonight of Paolflo Com mandary No. 10, Knights Tomplar. Sojourning Knights aro Invited to attend. C. W. MELVIN returned today from a visit- to his old rancn homo near Gardiner. Ho hat postponed his doparturo for Cal ifornia until ho can close up nil tho nffnlrs of tho Fedora! Con struction company horo. DR. A. L. HOUSEWORTH has re turned from Florenco and says that aardlnor is expecting big oporatloiiB on tho Southorn Paci fic lino thoro soon. Cement la now there for brldgo construc tion nnd a steam 'shovel is due to open up tho mouth of th tunnel. Warren Reed la confi dent that the road will bo push ed down tho coast to Euroka,