yrqflf bf 7&Wv1i&me ra!rVHfc'l. TCiffi? Si ?wjV 9wAf .w"Wjr? -1 """I WWTfi( THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1912 EVENING EDITION. . f i-'-W.IWBMEMI SCHOOL OTBS 'UrtSSTN TV I llKSbN fContlmipfroi Th re o,., At the Churches (Ministers nnd otliors tro request ed to hand In tho Sunday church no tices not Inter thnn Frldny evening to Insure Insertion Saturday.) Fnrrlnger, Csmond Glossop. Helen lmmol, Kthol Lingo, Mnuel liuincl, Joo Mllner. CInudo I'oat and Unt tlo Itch fold. Many of tho boys of tho Sixth and Seventh grades hnve completed Bomo largo hnnmiocks, which they linve been netting and which they will be nblo to use. The A elnss nro memorizing "Abou Dun Adheiii," 1 Hunt, nud tho IJ class "Wan en's Address to tho American Soldiers," by John ricrnont. MimiODIST IHMSCOPAIj 7:30 1. o'clock. m. Sunday Bchool at CHRISTIAN SCIKNCE. Kcv. II. T Kutlcdgc, Pastor. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Morning services nt 11 o'clock. KpwortH I.enguo nt G:30. Evening servlco nt 7:30. Junior Lcaguo Thursday afternoon at 3:1G. Prayer meeting Thursday ovonlng at 7:30 o'clock. You nro cordially Invited to attend theso services. I IhMMAXUKfj KIMSCOPATi. I Till! IIKI) SQUIltltHIAS JtlTTUHN. "ov- "out. B. Drowning, Hector. T.IMln Uo,1 Hnnlrrnl alnrln.l n,. nnn' ". '" "'. UOmmuniOU lmi day to find n fresh supply of nuts for! . .s"m,Ii?!?y. ... Ills Mother, who wns not nblo to go ;"" "' "' 7 ',, nr imrBoif. sim hnfr-.i in lnt tlm t.lftin! ll n-m- morning prnyor and scr- Rnnirrni ,, ninnn i...t na .i,., ,ni,t I mon. Holy Communion first Sunday -!--. 0w ...w..w .. ..u ., ..... - I - Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Third street North. Subject, "Soul nnd Uody." Servlco Sunday nt 11 a. m. Sunday school 12 M., Wednesday 8 p. m Rending room open on Tuesdays, Thursdays nnd Snturdnys, 3 to 5 p. m. - I SWEDISH LUTIIEHAX. I 9 Dr. John E. Oslund, Pastor. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning servlco, 10:15 n. m. No evening servlco. At tho Swedish Lutheran church In North llcml services will bo as follows: Sunday school, 2 p. in. Preaching sorvlces, 3 p. m. I UXITEI) DUETIIItEX CIIUItCH North llcnd. Mrs. n. N. Lewis, Pastor. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. l44 I - ., . ji. "Ho had to learn to look out for Ul . nXl ... " himself soinotlmo so ho might ns woll c ' , ' Evening prayer and start In now." "You must keep a sharp lookout for Old Man Fox," Ills Mother told him. "Ho would llko nothing better than n fat, young squirrel llko you." Three days Inter when Mrs. Squlr- rcrs neighbor enmo to SEVENTH DAY visit her. Bho'.""i,",3.V". found her putting nwny Llttlo nod ' ""L!""1' . , i- .......I., ., i in... i Qiiuirrui h jiiiij iiniiHM aim trying iihu her heart would break. "I am putting theso nwny becauso I cannot bear the sight of them," Bho told her neighbor. "Throo wholo dnys ago I sent my Llttlo Squirrel for nuts and ho hns not returned yet. I Just know that Old Man Fox has mot tho llttlo denr and gobbled him up. I could bear It bettor, if ho had died n nnturnl death and 1 could have bur ied hltu or If I did not feel llko I had been tho cnuso of his being killed." Mrs. Hed Squirrel then gnvo her neighbor her Llttlo Squlrrol'B play things. "Tnko them homo with you or your youngsters," sho said. "I novcr want to sco them again." Frldny Evening. 7:30 p. m. Evening Sorvlco nnd uibio study. Sorvlco in St. Mary's church, North Pond (2 p. m.) nnd St. Luke's Church, Empire, (3 p. m.) ovory nl ADVENTISTS. C. J. Colo, Pnstor. Sovonth Day Advontlst sorvlces aro conducted every Saturday as follows: Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Preaching sorvlcos at 3 p. m. Como and spond an hour with us; wo will do you good. CHUItCir OF GHUIST. Z. O. Downrd. Minlstor. Dlblo school at 10 n. m. Young Pcoplo's meeting nt 7 p. m. Tho subject of tho morning dis course nt tho Christina church, Thnt ovonlng when Mrs. Squirrel .corner Sixth stroot nnd Contrnl sot tho tnblo, she put on a pinto forjnvonuo will bo "Tho Harvest." In Llttlo Squirrel, ns hIio wns in tho, tho evening Row Downrd will linblt of doing. "Oh, my baby squir- speak on "Thnnks Living." Thero rel, how I miss you, sho cried, "l on will bo special music. will not miss mo nny nioro for I nm homo," nnd there in tho door Htoodj .PKESItYTEItrAX CHURCH hor Llttlo Squirrel smiling. Mnrshfiold You will novor know how happy. J. E. Hurkhnrt, Minlstor. thnt mother Squlrrol wns, nB sho gavo At tho First Presbyterian church lior Red Squirrel IiIb Buppcr. orvlcos mny bo expected on sabbath "i was juhi sure mai you unci moi as follows: Old Mr. Fox nnd thnt ho hnd eaten you," his mother told him. "Where liavo you boon for bo long?" "I hnd gono but a nliort dlstanco from homo when I enmo to a wlro liouso with a pile of nuts Insldo nnd tho door standing opon. I stopped Insldo to get some of tho nuts nnd tho door closed behind mo. I hnd tho nuts nil right but I wns n nrlsonor. That ovonlng n boy came nnd carried Htmuoy school nt 10 n. m. Morning worship nt 11 o'clock. Young Pcoplo's Meeting at ti::(0. Evening worship nt 7:30. Union Thanksgiving nt tho Rap- list church on Thursday ovonlng nt 7:;iu ociocK. Subject of tho morning sormon: "Our Country, tho Church's Oppor tunity." Subject of tho ovonlng sormon: "What I Rollovo About tlm linnsn n lila lioinn. Iln fnlloil bin .108118 UIirlHt." mother to sco mo. "Isn't ho a pretty' Spocinl music will bo rondorod by follow?" snld ho. "I told you I a aunriot choir nt both morning nnd could cntch ono nnd you did not bo-l ?V0.nlnB. worship. You nro cordially Jlovo me." invited to nttond nil of theso sorvlces. "Ho wnB very kind to mo but ho Como nnd bring friends. hnd n black cat nnd n yellow dog nnd I know that both wero fairly aching .NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. to cot hold of mo. Tod iir tho hov'H Mother went nwny from homo nnd h took mo In the house. When ho wont out for something ho did not latch tho door nnd tho II rut thing I know thnt yellow dog rnmo bouncing In after mo. Oh, but I wns frightened. 1 mnnnged to run up n Inco curtain just In tlmo to keep him from grab- lug mo. When the dog hoard his mastor coming he ran nut of doors, just In time for mo to slip down tho cuitnln nnd out tho door. "The dog wns hot on my trail nnd 1 thought Hiiro that I was going to ho caught hut Just as ho caught up with mo, I ran up a tree and fooled him, ho hero I nm Hiifo but I have had a hard trip." "Ab soon ns you finish your sup per you go over nnd toll our neighbor thnt I wnnt those plnythlngH back," snld his Mother. "I told her that I never wanted to seo thorn again hut you toll her thnt I have changed my PLAYED WITH DYNAMITE. R. O. Tliorno. Pnstor. Sorvlces will bo held In tho Nor woglnu Luthornn church nt Mnrsh llold, Sunday, Novombor 21, nt 11 o'clock. Sunday school nt 10. Norwoglnn sorvlces will bo hold In tho Swedish Luthornn church nt North nond. Sunday. Novombor 24. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Preaching lln. m. nnd 8 p. m. Prnyor mcellng Wedncsdny ovon lng nt 8 o'clock. 4 I FIRST RAPTIST CHURCH. Albort F. DnBsford, M. A., Pnstor. Dlblo school meets nt 10. Wo hnve classes for nil nges. Morning worship with sormon by pnstor nt 11. Junior Society moots nt 2:30 In tho church. Children mndo wol coino. Young Pcoplo's sorvlco nt 0:30. Evening service nt 7:30. Ser mon No. 3 in series on "Prophets of Ycstordny and Today." "Hosoa, tho Prophet of Rlglicousncss nnd Mercy." Helpful music, practical sermons nnd a cordinl welcome Wo bo llovo n Snbbath well spent brings n wcok of contont. Why not Bpond noxt Sunday with us. Tho Union Thanksgiving sorvlco will bo hold In this church Thurs day ovonlng nt 7:30, nnd Pnstor Hurkhnrt of tho Presbyterian church will preach tho sormon. Thoro will bo special music. All nro cor dially Invited. Como. Wo oxtond a henrty Invitation to tho goncrnl public to slinro tho ben efits of our sorvlces with us. Como thou with ub and wo will do you good. I CATHOLIC CHURCH f North Dond. Rov. Fnthcr Sprlngor, Rector. Mass will bo eolebrnted at 8 o'clock Sunday morning by tho Rot. Fnthor Sprlngor. I CATHOLIC CHURCH. Mnrshfiold. Rov. A. R. Munro. Low Mass will bo eolobrated at 7 a. in, nnd High Mass at 10 a. in. Sun-day. 4 I PRESRYTERIAN CHURCH North Dond. icov. D. A. MncLcod, PnBtor. Sunday school, 10 n. m. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Pronchlng sorvlco, 7:30 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH i North Dond. Tho sorvlces Sunflnv will im na rm. lows: Sunday school 10 n. in. Vesnor Circle and EnworMi T.nni.n 7 p. m. Sermons by the pastor 11 n. m. nnd 8 p. m. Oitlo MrMiiulgnl, Angered When McXiitimi'n Laughed nt .vt. Illr Am UtAt I'ivm lii ('ihm lj Tlmra INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Nov. 22. Ortlo McMnulgnl, on tho witness stnnd In tho dynamite conspiracy enso told of finding his daughter In tho kitchen of his homo In Chi cago playing with SO one-pound sticks of dynnmlto, which ho hnd loft on tho radiator to thraw. J. 11. IcNnmnrn was in tho houso at tho tlmo nnd tho way ho laughed nt tho child playing with tho oxploslvo mndo MeMnnlgnl so mad that ho ordored him from tho houso. josopn bcnwnnz or unicngo, wns arrested on n warrant charging him vlth nttomptlng to Intlmldnto Cor nelius Ciowloy of Monicn, Pa n Bovornmont witness. 315 OARAMKUS :K!P POUND SAT VRDAY nnd SUNDAY nt STAF FORD'S special OAXDY SALE. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ATAVAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Tilvcrr and Tnumfor Company. Twinges of rheumatism, backncho oiiir joints, and shooting pains nil Bhow your kidneys nro not workln right. Urlnnry Irregularities, loss of sleep, nervousness, weak back and soro kldnoys toll the need of a good rellablo kldnoy modlclno. Fo ley's Kldnoy Pills nro tonic, strengthening nnd restorative. Thoy build up tho kidneys nnd regulnte their action. Thoy will glvo you qvlck relief and contnln no hnblt fcnnlng drugs. Snfo nnd nlwnys ut Try thorn. For salo lJ Lockhnrt-Parsoua Drug Co., the Bur Corner. i For the Modern Baby Bunting Daddy doesn't go out to hunt for rabbit skins to keep the baby warm. He is less romantic, but more practical. He buys a PERFECTION and all during: the cold Fall and Winter months his house is kept warm and cozy for his wife and babies. ui A jrerfflIon 0a "';ater almost indisperw. able when there are children in the home. Every home has uses for it. a,ily mov.J f,om room to room. At J.at.r, .vVrywh.t.'. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CalirornU) 401 Mariul Slre.l Sm fnocUco I Good Homes Require Good FURNITU You Know Where to Get It FURNISHING (ho homo is jusl nboui tho finest business there is. Wo luivo made it n study and our ideas arc put loa practical test six days in the week. Your Home Is Well Furnished If Your Goods Were Bought Here. It Is Not Egotistical to Say That, Because It Is True. EASY TERMS, TOO SSSPPIP Your dining furniture is a o n s t u ntly consipcuous. Docs it satisfy your eye? Is it a source of pleasure and pride? The dining furni ture shown here gives one a keen sense of masterful ability in manufacture and (ho scope is so wide that adequate selection can eas ily he made to satisfy every requirement, no matter how meager or plethoric your purse. GOING HARVEY CO, Complete House Furnishers YOU CAN BUY IT CHEAPER HERE. Why Should They Shiver? Emergency heat for households during autumn weather is easy to provide. Thero is no need for women and children to shiver in cold, damp rooms. A little gas room heater makes tho room cozy and warm nights and mornings dur ing tho period that tho furnaco cannot bo used. la KM Note 0 in ni fir These low priced heat makers arc conven ient to handlo and cheap to operate. Ono is enough for tho ordinary house hold. Sco thorn at our showrooms. Oregon Power Co, .SSBaSX. Telephone 178. When Comparing 2- "WE, KNOW WHAT XT IB UOHAV5 GOOP ftlUIfDRY. Kont lemon who nro our p"J cannot but nureo nbout e p faction of our Laundry Uort a ovory piutloulnr. Wo tike wtf enro of Shirts. Cuffs, and CoLtt knowliiB how particular the "g llnon. And our system of w-g thoroiiRlily nnd Ironing , refoMf fr BiiroB tho host possible rJ with no Injury nt all to tke dollcnto fabric. Coos Bay Steam Laundry rilO.NK MAW B7J. .. ,...vtl 4 SltSJfc" GUI HOV Something '" or delivered p II O X K IM .- .MA& I it. Cnarges i and we'll able. do IsUPPLIEsj 'ifjTT-l Poultry That Pays must bo properly fed. Wo innko ft specialty of poultry feed and grain. Feed it to yours and havo plumper fowl and plenty of eggs. If that is what you aro aftor commonco giv ing thorn our feed right now. Tho sooner you commence tho quicker ymrii uogin to get returns. Thero's money In poultry. Our feed brings It out. A. T. Haines Those lOPjr Watertreat, MM, J"88"? iiai, A TUR.KY CUTS a big figuro at this Benson. So do our special Thanksgiving pies, cakee, etc. Wo warrant thorn to bo mo eijuni or any jiuiko. wouldn't say more than mat, could wo? Dotter order yours early. Our ovens nro big, but so a mo numuor of people who l'oso to eat Its products. nlDtfV I WITTiAMETTC YAW '. In Lane County, W" Fruit & Ilerry Farms, Truck Farnisi Dairy Farnu, Stock Farms, , General rumrz pfl Write for DBBOBIPnVH . County.egon Cottage uroTe. NOTICn TO CREDITORS- m,n that tf Notice is hereoy s;t wPos' mother used to underBBned hns been pro- Coos Bay Bakery Tho plac for good goodies. Market Ave. Phone 111-L Times Want Ads Bring Results ', he es".., of So ed administrator 01 iu-4 W Mary A. iw " ,aims all persons ' B0UDeJ M said estate are g ,, & present tho 1fptherW g with proper vouchers flrt el Tho undersigned at the iQtti, James T. H;lB?doom(!o S Block, Marshfle d, ,o im t Oregon, within six mom 191S- JUWUSNEfOfV Administrator oi A Peterson, decs"""