THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1912 EVENING EDITION. yaiYTQ'"' ' iMmmmjnnKakXLaiMt fjWtkUM AJtAiA&3'KLBfiIfT.KBfJCZlllMEJiLi.f'tfr iu t i m. " "wTm,fciww 'i4UAKBKHHKaHKHunMMBHi for r- I ' 3??wiM hOIfAY tmM, GIFTS We Are Ready Inspection With Our Xmas Display Absolutely the best and nicest at lowest prices ever shown on Coos Bay. Lockhart- Parsons Drug Co. "Tho Busy Corner"- PHONE --"TiTo Rexall Store" MAIN 298 US Ml READ THIS Workingman's lime Tabl (Compllod by ono who's boon tlioro.) 'It I f fink w Cj I jr f TIIK ONE WHO WALKS THE OXE WHO HIDES. Getting Up 5:30 A. M Slooplng Eating Drcnkfnst 6:00 A. M Gottlng Up SUrtB to Work C:1C A. M Cooking Uronkfast Walking C:30 A. M Eating Breakfast A. M Bioris io worn A. M At Work M GoIiik Homo to Lunch P. M Bonding tho Papor P. m At Work 0:00 p. m Stnrta Homo C:ic P. M Ucody for Suppor Poll Walking , .. .0:45 At Work 7:00 Full (Cold) Dlnnor Pull... 12:00 Whittling a Stick 12:30 At Work 1:00 Starts Homo Walking Walking .... Eating Suppor umi uut. 0:30 P. M Resting .0:45 P. M Jtoniy B 0Ul .7:00 P. M Enjoying Himself nuv A liaTTstool Rlma Will Not Warp DAYTON guahaxti;i:i five ybaus to hide now Hnvo Stool Mud-gunrds Keop tho Mini Off iou.miedxotsend apoweii ok attounby on a STitrxG or AFFIDAVITS KAST TO HEPLAOB A DEFECTIVE PIECE. parts Wo did, wo do, -wo will replace defective free of dm ran. Meditate on this time table while walking home these cold evenings. (Vou'll Hnvo Lots of Time.) Bicycle riders are homo before you get fairly started. And, madaine, if ho had a wheel supper would bo over half an hour earlier, wouldn't it? And not so much hurrvine: in tho morning, Buy a DAYTON BICYCLE and rido home to lunch at noon. either. We Have Sold Seventy-Six Dayton Bicycles This Year HelpJMake It One Hundred Phone Marshfield Cyclery DAYTON AGENTS, 15S-R. 172 Broadway. Win. L. fnnt ,, ,oo ...hnm. 1 " St K'elhnrt HTnntonn t.l.ltaOl I recommend Foley's Honey and " compound :oa thev lth if r.: " . ""pound for to all my people, are novor disappointed Foley's Honey and Tar coughs and colds i.'":ruu. '; C3 inn hAni. . . .. at i ia Y " uc"i possiuio results." i'or 'thin LocMart-Parsons Drug Co., ZJm Corner. A. J. Bailey, a railroad engineer. Dntesvllle, Ark., says: -i " with kidney and Wa"0' tIubl? so bad I was unablo to work. I had such severe pains '"'""-" r -..1,1 hnrrtlV crnr UII. X Uicu w. miss fahlby fuei Ohio (Jill 1m Acquitted on Murder Chui-go Today. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 23. Tho Jury acquitted Mlsa CcColla Fnrloy, a stntu oflleo atenographor, who wna charged with the murder of Calvin B. Zollinger. result, but 1 nhvalnlnnR Willi nu Foley Kidney Pills havo done won ton tor ml I commend them to all." For sale by Lockhart-Par- 'sons Drug To., the Busy uumer. The Times Does Job Printing An unfilled wnnt causes unhnppl neas Times Wnnt Ada cat results, WANT ADS. II BUB'S A CIIAXCB TO OUT INCOME PHOPEHTY FOU VACANT LOTS 1 hnvo two good lots with resi dence, close In, thnt I will trado for vacant lots In Marshfield. This la n bona fldo offer by tho owner, who Is lenvlng town and cannot look after tenants. Am not a real estate mnn. Address P. O. Ilox 510, Marshfield, or phono 12 for nu nppolntmont. FOU SALE Oil TIIADK -TJio most up-to-dnto family launch on tho liny. Cooloy & Itahskopf, 204 North Front St. tidbs roii novi:mubu. Bolow Is Riven tho tlmo and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence with tholr times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second lino of each day; n coinpai Ison on conaccutlvo holghto will Indlcnto whothor It Is high or low wotor. For high wator on tho bar, sutiRtrnct 2 hours 34 mlnutcB. PERSONAL NOTES of Sumner la In MABLE MILLS town today. LOUIS ST. DENIS la hero from North Inlet today. JAS. STOCK, of Sumner la In town today on business. MRS. ELIZA NORTH of Mllllconm was In town today. WM. 1NUERSOLL la In Mnralifteld today from Lakeside. WILL B.MBRSON of Camp C la In town for n few days. MRS. C. C. COX of Robb Inlet wna In town today for tho day. QBOROB ROSS of Catching Inlet la In town today on business. It. A. CHURCH of Haynes Inlet Is In town today on btislncqs. MARK CUTL1P of Larson Inlet was a Marshfield visitor today. MRS AQNBS B. HALL of Coqulllo was a Marshfield vlaltor today. P. L. PIIBLAN la hero from Myrtle Point on btiBlnous umi plcaaure. MRS. F. Q. FULTON of North In- North Bend News Mrs. W. Peterson of North Inlot Is visiting relatives In North Bend to- ' day. i Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Frcolund and dnughtor, Miss Mildred, are over Sun- , lny guesta of relatives at North In let. , Rov. N. C. McLcod or North Bond la expected homo soon from a short I business trip to Portland. Mrs. F. B. ltood nnd son of Coos Itlvor havo boon tho guests of Mrs. K. Rood in North Bend for tho past few days. Goorgo Thomas, who hna boon em ployed In tho North Bond Box Fac tory, has resigned and hns gono to Coqulllo, whoro ho will bo employ ed by Oeo. Qolsondorfor In tho box factory at that place. S. LYONS 23 I Irs.. Ft. . Mrs.. Ft. . I Irs.. Ft. . lira.. Ft.. 1.41 4.0 2.30 G.O 3.18 4.0 4.01 4.8 0.14 2.0 7.21 2.8 8.01 .1.0 8.52 3.1 1.10 0.8 1.55 7.0 2.30 7.2 3.19 7.1 7.30 1.0 8.19 l.G 9.03 1.8 9.49 1.8 For Sale 10 aero tract tract In Lobreo Parle for $2500.00. TomiB $1000.00 cash, bnlnnco ono or two yonrs nt 0 por cont. For Immodlnt action only, Don't go to sloop on this, but soo. Title Guarantee Abstract Co. WA.NTBD All kinds of binding dono promptly. Phono 31G1. i WBATHBll FOHBCA8T. ORBQON Fair tonight nnd Sunday. Southerly winds. LOCAL TBMPBUATUnn IIBCOHI). For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. in. Nov. 23, by IlonJ. Ostllnd, spoclnl government meteorological obsorvor: Maximum r'2 Minimum 3G At '1: 13 a. m 39 Precipitation none Wind Southwest; partly cloudy. FOH HUNT House, close: iivxlrrii conveniences. Phono 104-J. noux. WA.NTBD UonnirrNj board for ono. Aunlv 471 Blrod nvenuo. Phono 200-L. .taiJMJUl FOU SAM) ClH'iip, bay iimre, 11 years old, weight about 900 lbs. Also a 0-months-old colt; also a buggy In fair shapo. for $20. Apply Hlgglnson & Son., Catch ing Inlet, Marshflold. LOST ijidy'H Howard for flee. linn with return to KTWii het. Times of- LOST Wlilto Times oflleo. glou. Itetinn to LOST Cat, yellow Angora. Mrs. Ben Wright. Corner Codnr and Broadway. Phono 90-L. FOU HBXT Slrootti Iiouso nnd four lots, closo In; with furni ture for salo. Phono 128-J. FOUND Stray liK vltl collar, about 0 months old. Apply to Times oflleo for information. - - I GOODALB To Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Ooodale, at tholr homo on Cen tral avonuo, a daughter weigh ing eight pounds. Long Absent from Town. Mlas Pn il ii In Cnrnentor of South Cooa nivor wna visiting relatives in Mnrshflold today. This Is Miss Carpontor's first visit to town In 1 9. vnurs. School for Llliliy. Tho residents nt tlm Libbv School district nro to- iinv votinir on a school bond Issuo. Thn nlnn 1b to issuo $10,000 bonds for tho erection of n now building. i- in lmllnvod thnt It will carry and tho nlnn Is to erect tho building as soon as possible-. To Pendleton. Tho Itov. 8. L. firipsiiv of Mod ford. Presbyterian nvnncollst In Southern Oregon, lias nrpontod n call from tho Presbyter Ian church at Pondloton. Ho spout nninn tlnin an tho nay a few months nco. tomnorarlly filling tho pulpit at tho Mnrshflold Prosby torlan church. Want Ads Pay. It was again demonstrated today that Times Want Ads uro not In vnln. A dny or two ni:o a lady's kid glovo was brought Into tho oflleo, a found l..nA-.l I itiA iinnnti nil (I uu a.i w mA. Ilnrirni' nnflin tn luuuy uia ium imw ..... w .-- HO It to advertise niir iiiihkot Koclnl. Don t torgei li. a . xvmkov lilir linxknl i i mi riiiirt inn y u t r fpvV Enquiro Times oflleo or W. .;BOcInl at Finnish hall Wednesday noynolds Addition, I'liono night, Novomnor it. uum u tho afternoon. Jos. Martinson who has charge of tho preliminary ar rangoruents expects to mnko It tho blggost event of tho kind this season. let whb a Marshfield shopper to day, ROY FULTON came In from North Inlet this morning to spend the dny. 11BRMAN SANFORD of Sumnor wna In Mnrshflold today on busi ness. J. II. PINICBRTON of North Inlet Is n Mnrshflold business visitor today. RBV. FATIIBR SPRINOBll of North Bond was n Marnhtlold visitor yes terday. L. H. HAZARD nnd J. of Coqulllo were in yeatordny. C. II. DUNOAN was In today from his homo Coon River. MRS. WM. BONBBRBAK of Cnteh-I lng Inlet was a Marahflcld vis itor today. MRS. BYRON HODSON of Ross In let was In town today to attend Orange meeting. GLADYS ROBBRTS wnM In town tndny from Sumner to attend tho Grnugo meeting. ABB INOBRSOLL of Lnkealdo Is In Mnrshflold today, looking after business Interests. MRS. HBRI1BRT ROGBRS of South Coos River Is In .Mnrshflold to day on business. I1BSTBR nnd JBSSIB NORTON nro tn Mnrshflold today from their homo In Sumner. J. 8. GRBBNLBU of Dnnlols Crook enmo to town this morning to romnln over Sunday. CHARLBS BSTBRBBCK of Catch ing Inlet Is In 'town todny at tending to business. MR. nnd Mrs. WM. BLACKMORB of Hayncs Inlet nro Mnrshflold business visitors todny. MR. and MRS. II. B. BBSSBY nnd family wore In town todny on business nnd plensuro. MAUTIN VBLDA camo to town this morning from North Inlot to ntloud to business. BURU TBTTBR8 of Fnlrvlow camo to Marshflold this morning to look nftor business IntorcatH. RBV. O. LB ItOY HALL will hold services tomorrow ovonlng In tho Bnptlst Church nt Sumnor. MRS. 13. L. ROBBRTS of Catching Inlet wau In Marshflold to at tend tho Grnngo meeting. MRS. M'INTOSH of Mllllconm was a Marshflold visitor today, at tending tho Grnngo meeting. MRS. BMMA HILBORNB of Mllll comn was In town todny to at tend n meeting of tho Grnngo. JAS. WATSON, county clork, enmo over from Coiiullla yeatordny to nttond Richard Wnlror'B runornl. K. C. UOIIBRTS nnd J. It. BBN SON of Myrtlo Point were horo yostordny on biiBlncsa nnd plens uro. MARK DUNHAM, randldnto for collector of customs nt Bmplro, was bore from Couulllo yestor dny. AUGUST HOBLLINO nnd A. VAN ZILB of North Bond wore busi ness visitors In Mnrshflold yes terday. MR. and MRS. B. L. BBSSBY pf South Coos Itlvor wore In Mnrsh flold today to nttond Grnngo mooting. , miis. p. D. BLAKB of Cntchlng Inlor rnmo to Mnrshflold this I AMONG TUB SICK. 4 Duncan Scnlfc. who had i ells removed this morning - I his ton la doing nicely. Mrs. W. R. Simpson, who has boon 111 for the- pnst few days nt her homo In North Bond Is Improv ing. John Herron leaves today for Shepherd Sprlnga, Wnali., to tnko treatment. Ho expects to bo ab sent about two mouths. Jnmes Kerrey, Jr., Is In from tho ranch to recelvo treatment for Injuries sustained In n fall a few days ago. Mrs. C. Jay Mahoney of Flor- niiPK lu nt 111 rrltlrnlK 111. A I- tinnn Marshfield i yesterday tlioro was a alight lm ... . . provemont, with u chnnco for re Mnrahfleld rovery. on aoiiiu ww-.--. morning to nttond tho Grnngo meeting. HBLBN SMITH went U. Cooa Rlvor this afternoon to spend Sunday with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Smith. COL. R. II. ROSA of Bnndon wno n Mnrshflold visitor yesterday, lie reports ovory thing flourish ing nt tho clty-by-the-Bon. R. C. CORDBS and IIURT DORB MUS left this morning for tho Cordcs ranch In tho Snml Hills for an over Sunday hunt. MRS. J. W. CATCHING of Sumnor Is In town for n couplo of days, tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. Goodnle of Centrnl nvenuu. MRS. J. O. LANGWOUTHY loft this nftornoon for nn over-Sun-' dny visit nt tho W. II. Smith homo on South Coos River. MRS. ANN1B SIMMONS, who has been limiting her homo with her Hon-ln-law, Charles Jackson of Robs Inlot, tho past year, loavca tomorrow for hor homo In Roso burg. Mrs. Simmons will tako Mr. Jackson's two younger child ren, Chnrles and Evolyn, home with hor. of i,-nit SALE Entlro daliy herd 20 head, cholco Jersey cows, heifers, all duo to froshon m.tho oflleo nnd claimed tho glovo Mnrrli. excont flvo which aro now ono she had rocontly purchased froh. nlsn cream separator, cans, .pays milk cart. $1100 takes tho lot. Jess, 3153. WAXTED To buy two or uioro lots In Bunker Hill, cornor lots preferred; no agents. State price lot and block; number first let ter. Address Box 740, Marshfield, Oregon. KEEN KUTTEU OUXXEHV. Knives at THE WAXTED A buyer for choice six-room . residence. Slzo of lot, 00x125, on Improved street, good view. Price $2250 cash. Phono 81-J. KOIt SALE Thoroughbred brown leghorn cockerels. oIbo 1 Plymouth rock cockerel. Chas. Murr, North Bond, Oro. Phono 105. WAXTED Coiiieteiit girl for gen eral housework. Apply Mrs. C. R. Peck, 019 South Elovonth St. Watch For our window. It will be worth seeing. Thanksgiving classy and coos ltiVKit RWEirr CIDER. Just tho thing for GIVING. (I CENTS por CO conts PEIl GALLON, TEH'S. APPL13 THANK8- glnas or nt SAIN PLACE orders for CIIHISTMA8 PHOTOS with STADDEX'S nt onco. Nursery Stock. Phono 49-J. Hoo a. K. Scnnmii, DANCE ! Eagles' Hall Saturday, Nov. 22 A compotont bo In chnrgo. floor mnnngor will A fluo music. floor nnd tho best ot KEVZEU'S OHC1IESTHA. The Leadiirag Brag Store wants every one in Coos Bay to visit their store; make it your headquarters for meeting friends and acquaintances. You Willi find seats, phone service and a wish to accommodate you in every way possi ble. When you examine our line of Xmas Gifts you will see that we have eliminated second and No Third Teran FOIl SALI'J Somo choice thorough bred Durock hoga, malo or fe male, about 00 pounds; right for breeding purposes coming spring. Reasonable prices. Crat ed and shipped to any point. B. F. Wyatt, Myrtlo Point, Oro Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASKEV'8 CANDIES FOR SALE Dry wood, fir nd wi der, nt Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Pbon 168-L. noods can be found in our store. If you want the best and newest designs for your money, select your ;ftc nt thic ctnrn Nn use riinninn the risk of giving your friends the same as some other friends gave last year, nign uris, Or High Tariff we have forestalled by buying wisely and being satis fied with reasonable profits. We aim to give you the hiqhest grade goods for your money. We want your patronage this Xmas, but are looking forward to the Xmas after and to the whole of next year. The store for quality Goods and Penslar Remedies. tO