!."-- "--i-- -t'"t"' 'ft- i-a-. ii5it.f-4'i"' "" --- i -i. -ii - ; SS. -JSSWKSSETfC ).,-, THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A ft COOS BAY TIMES M. C. M ALONE Y Editor nntl Pub. f DAN K. MALONKY News Kdtlor LEW I OH BREAKWATER ADDITIONAL SOCIETY' NEWS CARD PAHTIKS Mrs. Claude Nashburg entertained Inforinnlly nt cards Inst Mondny nf tcrnuon. Mrs. C. K. Perry entcrtnlncd n row friends nt cards Inst Monday nftor-noon. f. north m:xi) altar guild Steamer Sails This Morninfl for Portland With a 1 Large List. The Hronkwntcr sailed this morn ing for Portland with a mlscoiinn- lho ;10tl nt Tny)or i,n. The next mum tut ui uuiBiit &"" !" i ,pPtlnir w 11 ho the lrst Tiiiirsiiny in sensor list. Outgoing nW Vlioo present at the meet firowa. tim Hnlmnii lincklllll season' """"" " lmving closed, augmented the pass-. '"K Go8t,m,orfor, Mrs. C. minor travel Among those sailing on the Brenkwntor wore the following: Winifred Hoche. Adelnltlo Itosln., Otto Olson, ClinB. Hrickson, Mrs. T. Wllllnnis. F. Smith. Vorn Snv Ior. II. Evans, Chns. Van Fleet, P. Lawls, C. llodlch, Mrs. K. X. Shlck ley, 0. Coleman, Miss Suomola, T. Peterson, V. Hongrol, X. .loldncss, &. Sagen, J. Peterson, J. It. Hor ron, Geo. F. Smith, Mr. Johnson, Sco Sing. Soo Poo, P. V. Hop Xlns. H. L. Hnrkcr, Mr. Knhn, O. T. Xelson, Mrs, Nelson, Win. Xol non, D. A. Shlndlcr, C. StindqulBt, H. Ucrg, G. M. Mooro, W. II. Mel rose, J. Fcrrlll. T. II. Tappendorf, lira. DoLong, Mary Simpson, P. Norhcrg, MIbh llnrt, Mrs. S. Xass, John Aid, G. Peterson, P. M. Spen cer, A. II. Daly, Sam Nnss, Mr. Cohan, C. llonch, Mrs. Ida Ash bum, W. T. Miller, Mrs. Miller. P. Larson, P. Ilackmnn, P. lllll, J. 3II1I, II. Pctorson, C. Schocn and 2G Chlnninon. M'ALLISTEB IS T Portland Lawyer Caught at Medford While Trying to Skin to California. That K. S. J. McAllister, tho Portland lawyer, who loft hero on K'of dopr'av.ty ngatast him" MVaPalnlor and daughter. Miss 2 .fK TySSSK"" tho .ad .boon filed in Port tand. at, Maude, expect to leave next week for, & ,a UZB8S ud.o. Tuowday, e Had tempted to lenvo tho state, fs told to nowspapor dispatches. Ho was arrested nt Medford. A dispatch from Medford says ' glvo a social next Tuesday evening I nt tho Presbyterian Church. Mrs. McCnnn, who attended tho state and I iinflnnnl pniivoiitioii In Portland In October, will glvo a report. Hefioshments will Do sorveii in tuc Mlpah Hlblo rooms. Miss Kiigonln Schilling Is expect ed here this evening from Myrtle Point to spend a week or so with fi lends mid relatives. Mr. and Mrs. 1). C. Greene will lenvo soon for tho East to spend tho Christmas holldnys. .Mr. and Mrs. Prank K. Hague have completed moving from Kltty vlllo Into apartment No. 1 In tho O'Connell flats. Geonxo Colbum of Mlnncnpolls, " I who has boon visiting at tho homo Tho North Hcnd Altar Guild mot of A. J. Downson, South llroadwny. at tho homo of Mrs. Frank Frnmojfor the past six weeks, will leave for i.. Timrminv. when llnnl plans audi homo today. arrangements wero made for tea and Mrs. Nlbaboth Adams left this bnzaar to bo held on tho afternoon of morning via Gardiner for Florence io visit nor uromer, tj. j. .Mauouey. Hurt Cohan of Portland, who was an Incoming passenger u tho llrcnk water Thursday on a visit to his brother, P. D. Cohnn, returned to his homo on this morning's stenmcr. Mr. Cohan Is n railroad ninn. Ho Is pri vate secretary to W. 10. Coninn, who Is genernl freight and passenger agent of tho North Ilend railroad. Mr, and Mrs. P. D. Cohnn cntor tnlnod n uumbor of friends Inform ally, last Thursday evening nfter tho Fortnightly Club dance, In honor of their brother, Hurt Cohnn, vh hns boon making n brief visit to tho F. D. Cohnn homo In West Mnrshlleld. The North Pond concert bnnd will give n mnsqucrado dance Saturday night, Dec. 7, nt Kckhoff hall. Pour or flvo prizes will bo awarded. Tho Sons of Norway hnvo arranged for a big basket social to bo given next Wednesdny ovonlng at tho Fln- 1 nlsh Hall. An Impromptu program GOOOBUM'S GARAGE OPEN M. livlnr. Mrs. John Lonnan, Mrs Archie Phillips, Mrs. W. J. Ingram. Mrs. Ley ton. Mrs. A. K. Norton. Mrs. C. S. Wlnsor, Mrs. I. 11. Ilnrtle, Miss Kdttli Horn, Miss Lena Kruso and Miss Helen Wlnsor. informal I Kugcno O'Connell writes that ho and Mrs. O'Connell wll return from their extended eastern trip to spend Thanksgiving In Mnrshlleld. How Father Munro was tho guest of honor nt nn Informnl dinner Inst Tuesday evening nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McCarthy on South enjoyed. - PI fth Street , ,.,,,. , i ., -' iimii mm. iiii iiiiiiruimiwi iiruKmiu Mr. and Mrs. I h. Leefe left for,of mU8,c nn(, ol,or ,vcr8lons win bo norenco, urcgon, mis wcuk, wuuiu Mr. Leefo will hnvo chargo of tho gov enincnt hnrbor work on tho lower Sluslnw. A. 0. Rogers nnd wlfo nnd daugh ter and Mrs. W. 1L Kennedy expect to lenvo soon for nn oxtended visit .MUSICAL PROGRAM. when Informed Mint, about May 1. An excellent musical program was given last evening In tho Prnwtii titrlnti nlmrpli nt Vnrtli Hnnil with relatives and friends at various uy ti10 ,,8 of MBa Mildred points In California. , I Rood, assisted by Mrs. P. H. Hood. C. P. McGcorgo and family Willi Those participating In tho program soon move Into their new residence,! woro: which J. W. Chapman Iiob built nt ittil- Pitman, OIndyH Perry, Mnr F.lovcnth and Centrnl, Mr. McGeorgo"Bnrot Lund, Milton Jackson, GIndys having taken a threo years' leaso otihnrson. Eva Van Zllo, Evelyn Mlr tlio property. rousoul, Hlancho Mlrrasoul, Lonoro, Mrs. E. W. Kammoror nnd children Tope. Jenny Johnson, Mrs. George nnd her cousin, Miss Ilnmonn Hod- Herron, Esther Wnnn, -Ruth Fry, cllffo. who has been spending n fow lddlo Ellerbcck, Hernlco Mlrrasoul, months nt tho Knmmercr home, wlll(Mnude Fry, Olive Mooro, Esther leave next week for California, where I Sullivan, Mabel Inimcl, Helen Pcr they will rcmnln for tho winter, in kins, Wllholnitnn Thorn, Miss Hood hopes of benefitting Mrs. Katnmorer's nnd Mrs. P. IJ. Hood. health. Mrs. Kammoror nnd tno cnu- dron expect to return to tho Hay Model and Modern Automo bile Establishment Now Ready for Business. Georgo Goodruir's new nutomoblle garngo at !1I7 Centi il Avonuo has received the lluUaln.t touches and Is now completed i n 1 ready for Inspec tion of visitors an 1 prospective pa rous. It Is com pie. o nnd modern In all Its equipment and appointments as any In Portland, San Francisco or any Pacific Coast metropolis. In fact. Mr. Goodrum visited all tho coast cities and got Ideas which ho has In corporated in this model establish ment. Ho hns Installed a gnBolluo tank from which ho pumps tho oil direct Into the car through nn absolutely accurate motor measuring dovlco, without nny wnsto. As Mr. Goodrum sells gasollno nt absoluto cost without nny profit, ho Is compelled (o requlro patrons to pny cash for it and makes no chargo accounts. A complete, repair shop, equipped with modern, high-class machinery, Is maintained In connection. Thcro ls also awash room, where cars aro washed and polished. Ho mnkes n specialty of this work and your car may bo brought In after a day's run nnd bo ready spick, span and polished In tho morning. I He carries tic complete stock of au tomobile sundries, tires, inner tubes, blow out pati'lics, treads, cup grcaso.j cylinder oil, comonts, all kinds of. chains, horns, reeds, cnrlbldo, In fact; everything which tho owner of a car! may need at any time. For tho accommodation of patrons Mr. Goodrum keeps n ninn at tho gar ngo all tho tlmo mid tho placo Is opon from early morning until midnight. In addition to tho Cadillac and Ford cars, Mr. Goodrum Is nlso Coos County representative for tho Attor bury, Mcnomlnco nnd Federal Auto Trucks, equipped with self-starters and selling fro.u $1250 to $3800. There's nothing moro appropriate San Francisco, whoro they will spend tho winter. Miss Painter will con tinue her study of vocal music thoro. Mrs. Chas Van Duyn Is now plan "E. S. J. McAllister wus orreatod ning to leave on tho next Hodondo on' n southbound train late Thurs day afternoon. Ho said ho was on a business trip to California. Med Ton! lawyers Identified him. Ho in-as supposed to bo on his way to Portland." To (Jet. Hm-glN. Manilla! Carter today received word that a guard from tho Polsom penitentiary would bo horo within a few days to tako Ilnrgls, under 90-day sentcuco In the Coos county Jail, for thefts of (stothlng from C. E. Edwards mid Mr. Jolianson in Mnrshflold, back to. servo his term thoro. Tho guard will hnvo a prisoner from Seattlo and stops hero for Hnrglu. liar glu' homo Is In tho south and ho teas sent up from Sacramento. Messrs. Gago, Llljeqvlst and Pen nock thought It would bo a good tiling to turn Hnrglu, Smith or whntovor his name maybe, over as mou as posslblo and save the coun ty tho cost of boarding him. VESSELS SAIL THIS MORNING HOT TAMALKS mid CHILI CON UARNH. every day at SAHTEIt'S. r For Thanksgiving 1 you furnish tho Turkoy and Ornnborry Saueo and wo will iurnissh tho rost, Iroin tho cooking range to the carving sol. Vo call your especial attention to our fine lino of Turkey Roasters Jii Granite and Steel, from $1.25 to $3.50 Also our elegant stock of Carving Sets From $1.25 to $10.00 on n trip to her old homo In Okla homn, whoro sho will visit for sevornl weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Eugono O'Connell nre oxpected to return onrly noxt week from tholr extended visit with rela tives In Now York nnd California. Mrs. J. Gardiner of North Horn! has returned from n short visit with. . i,. ,i o.,i roiotivec at coour d'Aiono, idnho. Storm Abates and Several Hny Hyno nnd Alvn Llttoll nro hero SIllDS GO to Sea Wash from Southorn California for n short' :,..... i n....., visit nt tho Kibbler homo In North' mCjtOn 10 KClUin. Ilend. I Mrs. P. M. Tullv ami little son Aftor being bnrbound by tho rough ronchod San Prnnelsco Thursdny nf-i weather, sovoral vessels crossed out in .. f... ...n!,o ..lull ,i.i.i. .niniinni lOilnv. Tim Iliilnrrln Vlllltl SllllHl. In nnd nenr Hoston. They will visit Newborg nnd Alllanco nailed for tho relatives In Callfornln for nwhllo be-'south. Tho Hroakwntor sailed north, fore rotiirnlng to tho Hay. All crossed out botwoon 10 nnd 10:- Mrs. P. A. Snccht loft yostordny 60 o'clock, for San Francisco, whero sho will I Tho Homor arrived this morning enter Lnno hosnltnl for medical from San Francisco with n carKo of trtmtmout. I general freight, tho biggest shipment Miss Martha Ilernltt spent a bolng about 200 tons of bltiimon for few dayB nt tho homo of hor iinelo, ' tho Coos Hny Paving nnd Construc- llenry Ploegor, In Myrtlo Point, tho. turn Company's work nt Myrtle Point. Ilrst of tho weok. Sho will snll south Tuesday with Tlio w. c. T. u. of Nortli Hond will, iroigiu only. Tho WnHhlngton, which hns beon on drydock nt Portland undergoing repairs Is oxpected bnck here on Mon day nnd will resuino her run botweon hnn prnnrlsco nnd Coos Hay. Tho Speodwoll, tho now vessel of mo wstnbrook lino, which Is to ply botweon Coos Hay mid Ilnndon nnd San Francisco, nrlvod In nt Hnndon this morning on hor Initial trln and Is oxpected horo tomorrow or Mon dny. Tlio FIflold snlled for San Fran cIsco, mm mWV CHOPPERS, BREAD KNIVES TA13L13 CUTLERY. AND DON'T FORGET that wo have an exceptionally fine lino of useful and ornamental articles, suitable for Christinas presents. See Ekbhul before buying. tt&0& J. D. GOSS wont to Ton Mllo to dny for nn over Sundny duck IIUIU. MH. COLLIER of CoqulUo loft horo this morning for Floronco In re sponse to a mossage. stating that his daughter. Mrs. C. J. Mn. honoy, was seriously 111. Ho wns accompanied by a nurse from Hnndon. ALL KINDS OP HOT DRINKS at SAllTUIl'S. IT'S TIME for your CHRIST. MAS PHOTOS. QUARTEItMASS' ni i'iiiw. TONIGHT at Agents for Hurley-Davidson and Indian Motorcycle. THe Royal nn ino Firing Line War drama, ttillior's Favorite Western drama. Reaping In the Northwest and Launching of the lniperator Two good educatlonals. Juno Hall Sings. Matlueo Tomorrow nt 2:30. Hart Ai Howard, two comedians vlll glvo two acts. Juno Hall Two Songs. Reels Pictures. All for JO cents, THE BIG NOISE .5 6 Elks Are Making Elaborate Preparations for Mins trel Sbow. Tho i:iks hold tholr first rohoar- snl last night for tho big vnudo- VIllo and minstrel show thnt will bo given at tho Masonic onorn hoiiBo on Thursday and Prldny ev enings, Decombor C and C. It pro mises to bo tho funniest mid most interesting show of tho scnBon. A largo number of tho prominent bus iness men of tho city will tako pnrt. Tho program will bo an nounced lotor. Tho ofllclal pnpor of tho show, nn elght-nauo. slx- columii publication, will he Issued sometime next; week. A largo staff oi cuiiors aro now nt work on ar ticles tint will mnko It ono of tho notable publications of Orecoii. A staff of advertising solicitors nro also out Interviewing tho biislnoss mon for ndvortlslng nnd nro moot ing with a llhornl rosponso. "Tho Hlg Nolso" will bo Just whnt Its ntuiio Implies. Got rendy for It by putting mufflors on your ears. Got your THANKSGIVING' CAN DV at SARTKR'S. ftWi f) ti Zq. YouM F N daNn 0rcat! OW'S the time, and here's the place to get it. Never before have we been able to show so attractive a lino at such moderate prices; tie style, lit, materials and attractiveness of these gar ments far exceeds anything we have seen before. Medium-length, medium-weight Fall Overcoats in smart, rough-finished materials, $10 to $25. Kninconls that will really protect you in even the severest storm. Headquarters for Hie finest Svhhss-Iiallimorii Suits and Overcoats. Marshficld TUl! FllMp North Bend 1- HOTKL ARRIVALS. A GOOD 1NVKSTMKNT HAINKS' FLOUR. Tlmos' Wnnt Ads bring rosults. THI3 CHANDLHR II. A. Cnrml- chnol, Ilnndon; Tom Williams, Sail Francisco; aoorgo W. Mooro, Port laud; A. Q. Williams, Sail Francisco; W. A. Crnlg. Portland: H. K. Drapor, Abordeon, Wnsh.; J, I. Torroll, 8oat tlo, Wash.: A. G. Leslie, Hugeno; P. W. Hopkins, llonvor Hill; II. K. Goaron, Portland mid W. L. Knouff, Portland. HOTKL COOS ChaH Adams, Myr tlo Point; Goorgo Flanagan, Myrtlo Point; Henry Colin, CoqulUo; A. L. Ilormmi, Ilnndon; J. A. Smith, Coos River; K, A. Hamilton, Rosoburg, Ore; Mao Simpson, Prospor, Oro.j Mrs. II. A. DoLong, Prospor, Ore; P. H. Tappondorff, Ilnndon nnd R. S. Scott, Cnmp 7. nLANCO HOTEL W. A. Emor son, Camp G; L. L. Hoald, Portland; S. Chatterton, Portland; Chnrlcs P. Whlto, Snn Prnnelsco; P. M. Sponcor, Gardiner; J. H. Krugcr, City; Paul J. Rasinussen. Emplro; Gn. Mcin tosh, Sontilo and Win, Handy, Cd tngo Grovo. CARD OP THANKS. Wo wish to express our hetrtW thonkB for the kindness and tea Bhloratlon shown ns by all, J especially tl.o Mnsonlc bodies. Is our borenvomont, tho death el iiicuani Mnir. o Vf wish to express our appreciation tho many handsome floral otto lugs. . Dr. C. H. Walter and Famllj. r.. .,n. rilltlSTMAS MOl'XIS for CHRISTMAS PHOTOS hare a rlvod at STADDPA'S. Don't IHiAMi: your WIFE sho has POOR IIIIK.M IJ" a SACK of IIAIXIS' FI)IR SEE tho difference. CARAMELS :we ItmND ! VRDAV and SUNDAY at tt& PORD'S special CAXDl "' Warner's Corsets The At Golden Rule We have secured the agency for the celebrated Warner's Rust Proof Corsets These are priced from $J.OO to $3,50. The Golden Rule will soon have on display a most complete line of HOLIDAY GOODS and at the very lowest prices. The Golden Rule R. A. COPPLE, Prop. Broadway and Central.