THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 0, 1912 EVEN1NGEDITI0M. 4 won 10 VOTE l I BakimgPowder AbsoiutelyPure The only Baking Powder made from noyaijrapeueam oj larrar rrom If fit i mt MaaeTromjraDes i I III BIG PROFIT IN CRANBERRIES C. W. Gibbs Gets $3725.00 Off Six Acres on North Inlet This Year. C. W. Olbbs. who Inst season pur chased part of the McFarlln cranber ry ranch on North Iniot, waa in Mnrshllolrt today preparing to talco tlio Hcriouilo tomorrow for his old homo in Sunnyvale, Cnllf., whero ho will spend tlio winter. Ho reports n very successful sua eon, having ouo of tho ueBt cranborry crops In years. Thoy nro now soiling or about K per box. Ho will take tho season crop, 7GD boxes, to tho San Francisco market with him. This is tho product of six acres, (r about ?02U por aero for ono year, paroles poutland hankeii. "W. Cooper Morris Ficetl by Gov ernor Wt'Ht. SALEM, Oro., Nov. 20. Govern or West has (trim tod u parolo to W. Cooper .Morris, tho Portland banker who was serving an iude tonnluato suuloiico of ono to ten years In state prison for larcony by ombozzlonioiit from tho old Oregon Trust mid Savings Hank. For several months Morris has beon working with tho prison "hon or" gnng on tho Sheel Hock road, near Hood ltlvcr, nnd at this tlmo ho has not beon notified that ho is free so long an ho keeps tho covenants of his parolo. In giving tho parolo at this tlmo Governor West had In mind tho approach of Thanksgiving and ho 1s sondlng tho supposedly coutrlto banker homo to his family in Washington for that bomognther ing occasion. PETTY THEFT EARLY TODAY C. E. Edwards' Valise and Blanket Stolen While He Was Eatintj. Marshal Cnrtor nnd Constnblo Cox spent most of tho forenoon to day In n futllo search for n valise and blnnket belonging to C. 13. IMwnrds, which was stolen from In front of tho Dining Car restaurant on North Front stroot this morn ing. It Is bollovod that sonio par ties who nro suspected of other potty thefts nround town are re sponsible for tho vallso holng miss ing. Edwards stopped to got brenkfnst nnd left his vnllso and camp blnn kot ntitatdo. Tho blnnkot was roll ed nnd tied to tho vnllso. Whon ho finished breakfast tho outfit had dlsnpponrcd. A couplo of Rtraugors who loft tho restaurant soon nftor ho on to red nro bolng looked for. Kd wauls sayfl tho vallso contain ed his clothing. Ho has beon working at tho vnrlous camps. TRAMP LIFE TIRES GIRL HE.U'TIITL Irrldoscent GLASS WARE, for 10c, 10c, nnd 20c but WORTH MUCH MORE at OS UAV OASII STORE. Attired In .Masculine Gnrb, Two Atk For Shelter RAKER, Ore., Nov. 20. Becoming weary of their offorts to lmltnto tho hobo Kate Campboll nnd Anna Evans, about 18 years old, attired In innscu lino garb, applied to tho local pollco n Hirers last ovenlng for food and shol ter. Tho girls say thoy camo from llolso and started out for a tour of tho northwest, but nftor a fow short rides In boxrnrs and ejections by tho "brnklos" decided that tholr nowly chosen llfo wan not what thoy had pictured It. Tho girls woro glvou food, clothing nnd Bholter by tho po lice, who nro making Inquiries of tuo pouco or uoiso. Mrs. C. E. Burns First Wo-'i man to Register There City Election Plans. North Hend women nro not ap parently taking as lively an Inter est In tholr newly acquired pilt logo of voting ns nro tho women of Mnrshfleld. Up to last nkht. onlv about twenty had registered with City Recorder Derbyshire there. A total of 130 havo leg Istoied with Mr. Derbyshire so far. However, the registration In North Hend does not close until tho lilght of November 30, so that tlio women nnd other voters there havo nniplo tlmo yet In which to register. There Is some talk In North Bond nhout tho city campaign but no candidates havo been announc ed. Tlio caucus for tho nomination of municipal candidates will bo held thoro November 29. It Is ex pected thnt tho Socialists will have a stiong ticket nnd In view of their cnrrylng tho town In tho rc cont state and national election, thoy expected to carry tho city election. Mrs. Burns First. Mrs. C. 13. Burns, tho North Bend lady harbor, wob tho first North Bond womnn to register with City Kccordor Derbyshire. Evelyn Lytlo wns tho second. Tho North Bond women who hnd registered up to this morning woro ns fol lows: Altn Armstrong, Florence Chap man, Magnolia Grout, Morlali Hoel llng, Jonnlo I. 1 Inzer, Mary Hlsey, Ellen Horn, Anna C. Isaacs, Josslo 13. Johnson, Oortrudo Kingston, Evelyn Lytlo. Theresa Loninnskl, Mary L. Laird. Agnes Mnthor, Jon nlo McCnnn, Cnthorlno MncDonnld. Mnglgo Nollsou, Knto Hood, Caro lino Stevens, Mabel Sells, Myrtlo Tnylor, Caroline Van Zilo, Annlo S. Van ZIlo, Hobo Welling, Jose phlno A. Woodhull. Good Clothes are always a comfort and pleasure. And they're a big BOOST for the man who is ambitious to get along in the world. The clothes we're showing this season are tailored from the finest kind of fabrics they're made so as to give the right "set" and "hang." They're the sort of clothes you ought to wear if you want to LOOK THE PART. And you can get them at a right price. $15. $18. $20. $25 New Norfolk Suits $20. $22.50. $25. 5njflmjn Qolc Hub Clothing and Shoe Co, "MONEY TALKS" ALONG TIII3 WATERFRONT. I I - Tho Rcilonilo will sail nt 7:30 to morrow morning for San Frnnclsro Tho Breakwater Is duo early to' morrow from l'ortland. Tho Speedwell, tho now stenmor of tlio Estnbrook lino, will sail Thurs day from San Frnnclsco for Bnndon nnd Coos Bay. It Is planned to have nor inn ico about threo trips a month for tho present. QUICKLY VANISH The Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is propnrod to do ell kinds of hnullnt on short notlco. W moot all train! and boats and wo also havo tho lntost stylo Roynolds Piano Mover. We guaranteo our work. L. H. Heisier, Prop. Phones 08-R. 120-J o-L WHEN YOU WANT A MESSEN GEH BOV Something (.cut foi or delivered 1 II O X E 1B1-L and wo'll do it. Charcos reason able. riiAS GitAxnv. An unfilled want causes unhnppl noss Times Wnnt Ads got results. Home lodbstir y Day THE BRADLEY CANDY CO. invites the public to visit its factory Thursday, November 2 1 st, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m., and see how good candy is made. One of the visitors, (to be determined by lot), will receive a handsome box of chocolates, retail value $5.00. Six others will receive a 50c box. tftffi&DE IW MARSHFIELD A Harmless Remedy, Made From Garden Sage, Restores Color to Gray Hair. A fooling of sadness accompanies tho dlscovory of tho first gray hairs which unfortunately aro looked upon as hornlds of advancing ngo. Gray hair, howovor, hadsomo ns it may bo, makes n person look old. Wo nil know tho advantages of bolng young. Asldo from tho good im pression ii youthful nppoaranco makes on othors, simply knowing that you aro "looking fit" gives ono courngo to undortnko and accomplish things. So why suffer tho handlcnp of looking old on nccount of gray hairs, whon a simple romody will give your hair youthful color and beauty in a fow days' tlmo? Most pooplo know that common gnrdon sago acts as a color restorer nnd scalp tontc as well. Our grand mothers UBod a "Sngo Tea" for keoplng tholr hair dark, soft and luxuriant. In Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Hnir Remedy wo havo nn ideal preparation of Sago combined with Sulphur and other valuable romcules for dandruff, itching scnlp and thin, woak hair, that Is split at tho ends or contsnntly coming out. A fow applications of this valuable romedy will bring back tho color, and in a short tlmo it will remove ovory traco of dandruff nnd greatly Improvo tho growth and npearanco of tho hair. Got n flfty-cont bottlo from your druggist today, and notlco tho differ ence in your hair after n fow days ireaimom. ah druggists soil It. un der guaranteo thnt tho money will bo refunded if tho romedy is not ex notlv ns represented. Marslificld & North Bend Auto Line GOBST KING. Proprietors. Cars leave Mnrsliflold ovory 46 minutes from 7:1C a. m. until 12:30 midnight. Loavo North Bond on inmo echedulo, starting at 7 a. m until midnight. Soo Saturday Timet for Rflhnduln A modern Brick ulldlug, Eloctri: Light, Steam Hent. Elogantly Furnishod Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates: SO cent n day nnd upward Cor. Broadway nnd Market IIUILDING ANI) REPAIR WORK, IIouso Moving nnd Grading. Wo aro propnrod to do this work by tho day or contract and guarnntos satisfaction. Lot us flguro with you. G. 8. FLOYD & CO., Phono 81A..T. Mamhflcld, Ore, Have That Roof Fixed NOW Sco GORTHELl PHONE RI21 THE FRIEND OF COOS UAV S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELKSS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA ITUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, AT4P,l CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ItO.ll) AT POniUSl NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 11. C. F. McGKOIIGF, if FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redond Equipped with wireless nnd submarine bell SAILS FROMMARSHFIELDFORSANFRANCISCOI THURSDAY, NOV. 2 1 at 7:30 a. m. All Piutacniwr ItranrvntJnim TVnni Him Frnnclsco Mmt H JWt Hi H03 Fife Rluldliig, or Pier No JO. All reservation! nuutUUl ken up -1 I wti ft In-'foro snlllnK'. IVri'lL-nilKAV THAN'SPnilTATfOV CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McOEOROE. AlU Steamer Washington Coos Bay for San Francisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENGERS ANI) FRKiailT F. B. DOW, Agent. OcIt Pictures & Framing Walker Studio EQUITrKD WITH V1RBLT533 Steamship Breakwatei ALWAYS ON TRIE. SAILS FROM 10, 20. FROM M 10, 23, 00. Phone Main 05-L. 3 wl ' AINSWORTn DOCK, PORTLAND, at 8 p. ra MARSHFIELD AT SERVICE OF TUB TIDE, w j, O. snLLEB, A"1 Bargains in Lots at Bunker Hill Some cholco sites If you see me at once. AUG. FRIZEEN. an rv -.! 4rA WANTED,!!! CARPETS XIPnOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu nmtlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING & nARVEY, Phone inn T. J. SOAIFE g A. . 1I0,,GIX8 Marshfield Paint, (J& Decorating Co. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. our motto; "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and ninnm Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46 Night Phone 46. BARKER & OOODAIiE. proprietor Furnished. Estimate Phono 140.L. Orcgot 'fARSHFnSLR. New Goods and Second Hand Goods Uonght, sold or exchanged. HARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO. 803 Front Street. Phone SiO-L. E. Pal e & Co. High Grade Ladies'Jand Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and DomwUo Woolens Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed We do all work right here. 870 North Front gtreet , Uarshiteld. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fw and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. i HENitY SENGSTAOKKN, Mb. Coqullle Office Phone !1 . Platting Lands a P""1'' Farnm Timber Coal andenti "EASTBIDK General As Marheld Qfflce U-3j WE WILL MAIL YOU SI i for each set of old False Teet I sent us. Highest prices paid for I broken Jewelry and Preclour Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlla. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestapt St,, PhlladelphU, Pa. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gofd Filling!, Qpld Scrap, and Platinum. High oat prices, paid, , - , Barnard 4 1 See our rindofl' dlspW wSsj ORTADLB .S5HST' unniviv-- Bc-vs'Shf on sale "' The Electric Sh 180 Bo. BroaOW. An unfilled want causes unTiappI-J Have your Job pr IntliX iM' ness Times Want Ads set results. The Times omce. I