THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Coj;tIjM Hilt IchifToer tt Mif Young Men's Suits At $20, $25, $30 Hart, Schaffner & Marx make stylish suits that lyou will pay twice the money for at a custom tailor's If you haven't already saved some money this way, you'd better investigate Woolen Mill Store Tills iitoro In (ho lionic of Hart Schnffiicr & Marx clothe "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE MAIN 298 US The Fashion Tailors for Ladies and Gents Cleaning, Pressing, and Alterations 150 Front St Palmer's Auto Service J. M. Dodno. Driver. Etand at Paiaco Restaurant. Phnes, 5-j or 5-L, day and night. Marahtleld. Oregon F" A GOOD WATCH OR FINE JEWELRY . BARKER Fin iv JEWELER AtcU and Jewelry Repairing. ,2J0 Front St., MrriifleJo TONIGHT Always "TheJBusy Corner" The Rexall Store For liver disorders of all kinds For chronic constipation Try Arch Liver Salts Price, Per Bottle, 50c Money refunded if not satisfactory. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. at The Royal Mock-Snd-AUl "(1 Dorothy Wood. A fun entertainment Questions Answered Spiritualists Exposed a bran-new sketch. it Heels Pictures Three Acts Juno. Hall In two songs. Admission, 15c. llnlcoiiy 10c. At the Star Theater, North Hend Tomorrow night Hart and How mil in character sketch nnd eiitrlloqual stunts. Itlnvk Kace, Irish, Jew, Scotch, In fact nil character comedies. Prlco 10c. "Tnip Aft&i. BM 1 TxOlU HX . e. slrZL-s r KS1 You Auto Call foote PnONE 144-J NIOnT AND DAY BUnd front of Lloyd Hotel TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Miom W. Residence Phone i-8-J. . .Will Mke THfmAt ObqoIUe. tidics for xovemiier. Below Is given tho tlmo and height of high and low water at Marshtlcld. Tho titles nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; n coinpai Ison on consccutlvo holghta will Indlcato whether It Is high or low water. For high wator on tho bar, substrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. 20 lira.. 1.31 11.18 (i.29 11. GO Ft.. 1.9 R.G 1.4 4.4 21(llrs.. G.21 12.02 C.12 0.0 IFt.. 2.1 0.0 0.G 0.0 22IIrB.. 0.51 0.03 12. 3S C.54 IFt.... 4.7 2.1 C.l 0.3 23Hrs.. l.U C.41 1.10 7.3C IFt. . 4.9 2.0 0.8 1.0 21Hrs.. 2.30 7.2 1 l.GG 8.19 Ft.. G.O 2.S 7.0 1.5 WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Occasional rain tonight nnd Thursdny In tho west; rain or snow In cast. Southerly winds, Increasing along tho const. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RF.CORl). For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. m. Nov. 20, by llonj. Ostlind, Bpoclal govornmont meteorological obsorvor: Maximum GO Minimum 42 At 4:43 n. m 44 Precipitation ... .30 Wind: Northwest: partly cloudy. HORN. EKHLAD To Mr. and Mrs. Nols Ekblad at tliolr homo nt Mlll Ington, a son. This Is Mr. Ek blnd'a fifteenth child, nnd tho Bovonth by Ills present wife. Ton of tho children nro living. Mr. Ekblad, who Is senior member of tho firm of Ekblad & Son, re cently moved horo from Minne sota. Meet In December Tho Coos County commissioners will hold an ndjourned mooting nt Coqulllo Do comber 3 to elenn up tho business for tho year. Not n Candidate J. M. Upton to day stated that thoro was no found ation for tho political speculation that ho might bo a candldnto for tho Mnrshllold poRtmastornhlp. In Portland Mrs. D. II. Savago has has received word that hor broth er-in-law, James Pollock, Is now mail' agcr of tho St. Charles Hotel barber shop ami bnth rooniH In Portlnnd WANT ADS. WAXTER Cigar Khl t Chandler Hotel. FOR SALE Thoroughbred brown loghom cockorola, also 1 brown leghorn. Chnrlcs Murr, North Ilond, Ore. Phono ICG. FOUND Ijiidy'H kid glove. Oiumt may navo samo ai niiios umcu by paying for tins an. FOl'XD Lady's coat button, law, Apply nt Royal tnoater. FOL'XD A store whero you can buy tho best hats In town for tho least money at airs. a. u, Akon's. . FOR SALE Young Ancomi roost ois. cheat). Also one pair ban tains. Apply 523 South Ilroad- wny. I.O.ST Monday, old fafchloncd kck ot nnd chain. Roward for ro- llllll IU ntHUt lUIIII'HItJ W...VW. u'AXTi'J) Conineteiit ulil for eii oral housowork. Apply Mrs. C. R. Peck, G19 South Klovontu at FOR SALE Somo choice thorough lirnil Durnek llOES. IlinlO or fO male, . about CO poundB; right for breeding purposes coming spring. Reasonable prices, urni ed and shipped to any point, n. F. Wyatt, Myrtlo I'oint, uro. WAXTED Competent English nnd coomotry teachor for prlvato class. Two or three nights weok ly. Address C, caro of Times. ... firjl nnft ln.lli.a Inn mil Hnery at Mrs. A. G. Alkon'a, at tlio greaiesc rouutuuuo ' - rorea in uoos uuuihj. FOR SAW) I'-umlturo of seven- room IIOUBO. CIOBO 111. ftuuira X, Times office. FOR RENT I4ht housekeeping rooms, larger with modorn con veniences. Apply R, care Times. FOR SALE Launch Undine? feot long, 7 foot beam, 10 h. p. Just out of tho shops, newly painted, all In first class condition. For a quick turn $500 cash. Easily worth $1000. Very trim and speedy. C. F. McGeorgo, Phono 44. FOR REXT Modem O room house In Ferndale. Phono 17 1, norm Bend, Oregon. FOR REXT Warehouse and ofllce. Formerly occupied by ooourum a garage at tho foot of Central Avo. Apply C. F. McGeorgo, Agent, FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and al der, at CampDeirs woou uiu, Ferry landing. Phono 1K3-L. nOOM AND BOARD The Roycrest, 38 JTiril irHf -"' -- Mr ami Mrs. Pollock formerly re "Mod on tho liny but recently lmvo been loented nt Everett. Wash. Social Tonight Tho Epworth League of tho Methodist Church will have n social this evening nt the par snnaKo'. Thoso attending moot nt the dumb before going to the parsonage. MKslou Program In keeping with the world-wide mission movement, this week, tho lluptlst Mlsslonnry so ciety will give nn appropriate uro gram tomorrow afternoon In the Iiap- ust tiiurcli on Market avenue. Will lltilld Home G. II. Myers nnd w Ifo of South Coos Itlvcr nro ex pected hero today to award tho con tract for tho construction for the erection of a lino now homo on Hlrod avenuo near Its western extremity. Mow Engine Emmet Plerco Is nr- rnnRlng to move one of tho logging engines ho has stored at Alleghany to inrhcel Camp where nn nccldont to one of tho Simpson engines linn been delaying operations, Postpone Meetluu Owing to tho death of Richard Walter, tho A. N. u. club will not moot Thursdny or this week as announced in Saturday's social calendnr; hut will meet with Mrs. C. F. McKnlght on Thursdny, December G. Storm Years Aire Tho unusunlly stormy wenthor of tho past month has cmiBcd old residents to rccnll that about thlrty-thrco years ago this fall, Coos County oxporlcnccd ono of tho Btormlcst Novembers In its history, llrcwstor Valley was submerged nnd nearly till the bridges on tho old Coos Hay wagon rond woro washed out. . .Ulir ItiiHket Social Tho Sons of Norway will glvo a big basket Boclnl at tho Knights of Finland Hall, No vember 27. Tho Indies aro requested to bring their baskets to tho hall on tho afternoon of that day bo that all arrangements enn bo completed for tho mnmmoth social. O, O. Lund, who Is in chnrgo, expects to mako It tho greatest of tho kind ever hold hero. Xo Movluu Plans Mnnngor ICollcr of the Orphoum moving picture houso stated yesterday thnt he had no plans for moving to a now mention. Ills lease does not cxplro until tho mld dlo of next month nnd tho first In timation ho had that ho might hnvo to move was when ho honrd tho Par- kor application to move tho Castlo- wood saloon to the present Orphoum site. Ciiko Heard Judgo J. 8. Coko yes terday hoard tho cbbo of F. K. Got- tliia vs. tho Monshn Woodenwnro Co, Mr. Gottlns is suing to clear tho title to 100 acres o." land on Coos River. In 1889, John Yoakum bought tho property at a tax salo, later sold It to L. D. Smith, who sold It to tho Monshn Wooden waro Company. I.ait summer GottliiB secured nn assign ment from tho heirs of Isaac Enroas, who owned tho proporty when It wnH sold for taxes, nnd Is now trying to got tho tax tltlo sot aside, .tin ho Wllsey Deal Local pooplo, who hnvo been keeping In touch with tho const railroad nltuatlon bollovo that W. J. Wllsoy and associates aro tho purchasers of Wooloyport harbor, tho property recently sold near urea cont City, Cnllf. Wllsoy was at Crea cont City somo timo ngo and engineer Sumnor. who wns elosoiy nssoelntou with Wllsoy also spent boiuo tlmo thoro, Wllsoy nnd Sumnor woro tutor cstod In tho Pacific Groat Western. nnd Wllsey has considerable holdings nt North Ilond. PERSONAL NOTES BABY POISONED NOTICE TO EAGLES. Wednesday, Nov. 20, nomination of olllcors. Don't fall to attend. Hy order M. J. OSTROW, Worthy President. W. 0. W. Attention! ELECTION OF OFFICF.R8 AXD CLASS INITIATION this Wcdnosdny ovonlng, Ilus lncss of utmost lmportnnco to bo brought boforo tho camp that ovory Nolghbor Is lntorosted In. Do Hiiro to bo preBOUt. 7:30 p. m. Como. W. 11. IIOLDIMAN, District Mnuagor, Dayton News BOYS: Don't you want a wheel for Christmas? GIRLS: A nicyclo would bo an nccopta blo Christmas presont, would It not? Tell Father About Itl Toll him again and again. Ho may not hear you tho first tlmo, Ho may not bollovo you tho sec ond time. , On ton ii nt- M. anil In tlin mean time Bolect jour Dayton Bicycle at C. II. ELMORE of Alleghany Is In town todny. 11ILLIS SHOUT of Lakeside Is in Marsh field today. MILTON Lnttlu of South Inlet Is in town on business todny. MISS JENNINGS of llnyncs lnlot Is n Murshfleld shopper todny. MRS. .T. M. CULLEY of Catching In let Is In, town trading todny. JAMES DUNSON of tho lighthouse was a Marshfleld visitor today. MISS MAY MESSEULE of Sumner was a Mnrshllold shopper today. MRS. ORVIL WILSON of Sumnor Is n Mnrshllold visitor for a few days. MRS. EM1L ETONE of Catching ln lot Bpent tho day in Mnrshllold to dny. ALMA and EDNA HUTU ot North Inlet nro Marshfluld visitors to day. HOMER IIOLVERSTOTT of Falrvlcw was In Mnrshllold today on busl- 110S3. G. T. TREADGOLD and wlfo of Ilan don woro Mnrshllold visitors yes terdny. U. S. SHAVER of AlIcKhnny was a business viator to Mnrshllold this morning. MR. nnd MRS. W. A. LU8E woro In town todny looking after business interests. MR. and MRS. OTTO HILL nnd wlfo of Coos River nro Mnrshllold visi tors todny. MISS MAY MAGEE of Einplro wno tho guest of Mnrshllold rolntlvcs yesterday. MRS JOHN M'DOUGAL of Hay Park was in Mnrshflold for tho day visiting. D. K. ROOD of South Coob Rlvor Ih In Mnrshflold looking tutor IiubIiicsh Interests. G. GALLOWAY of iBthmim lnlot was n business visitor to MnrBh- Ileld this morning. II. J. McDIARMID of llnndon wns In Mnrshllold yesterday, onrouto to Gardiner on business. MR. nnd MrB. ELMER NEGLEY enmo over tho bay from tho crenmory to spend thu tiny In town. JOHN WASSON of South lnlot, who wns In town yesterday, loft for his homo thin morning. MR8. FRED 8ELANDER of South Coos Rlvor Is visiting friends and relatives In Marshflold today. DR. A. L. 1IOUSEWORTH loft this morning for Florcnco to assist Dr. Edwards In an operation thcro. nttnnK iinnn nxnoctH to lonvo on tho Rodondo tomorrow for California, wliero ho will mnko n nhnrt stay. MRS. W. P. MURPHY Is ontcrtnln Ing nt n brldgo tea at hor homo on North Ilrondwnv this aftornoon. T. II. UARRY of Emplro is In Mnrshflold today looking niter iim flnlHliliiL' work on his now homo In Ferndale. MISS IlESSIE ROOKE, who has boon visiting hor hrothor nt Loon Lnko, rottirnod to her homo on North Coos River yestordny. P. N. FLAGO of tho Coob liny Wir ing Company loft yestordny for Coqulllo to tnkqchnrgo of tho wir ing of tho now city hall. MRS. L. I). SMITH camo to Marsh flold this morning from her homo nt tho mouth of Daniels vrcoic, to spend tho duy shopping. J. K. STEVENS wns horo from North Ilond yestordny, and Btatod that ho Is planning to oniargo mo uoruy clgnr fnctory tho first of tho your. niiv. FATHER KEVNEY of llnndon. who hns been tho guest of Rev. Fa ther Munro nnd rtov . Father n . ... .. l.n...n I... I.ntll ' Mjiringor, roiurnuu iiumo " Inst ovouliig. MIL and MRS. HARVEY RUSSELL of North Ilond woro In town this morning on tholr wny to llnndon, whoro thoy will tuko tho Flllcld for Snn Frnnclsco. MRS. ALEX CAMPBELL Ih mak ing a brief visit in Coqulllo with hor brother, A. E. Sloop. A. J. SHERWOOD returned to Co niilllo this morning. MR. nnd MRS. C. F. PAPE camo over from llandon today on tho noon train. Mr. Papo will roturn tomorrow, but Mrs. Pnpo will visit with friends until Friday. C. II. ORAM, doputy commissioner and fnctory Inspector of tho stnto labor bureau of Portland, camo In hy stago yesterday to look nftor manors In this sec tion. R. K. LOVE, who a to hnvo chargo of tho big homo taloni production which tho Mnrshllold Lodgo of Elks will put on horo soon, urrlvod In today, via Myrtlo Point. Mrs. Lovo accompanied him. MI8S VIOLET HENDERSON will lenvo tomorrow on tho Redondo for Snn Francisco to mnko hor "future homo. Miss, Louise Illntt Is In chargo of tho Chamber of Com morco until John Motley returns from his enstorn trip. "CHIMMIE" RICHARDSON will lonvo tomorrow for San Francisco, where ho will tnko In somo of tho big boutH nt Thanksgiving tlmo. Mr. Richardson wns formerly a Sports writer on tho Portland pa- nors. ills ratnor is in ciiargo or tho branch of tho Union Oil Com- pnny which opened today at Plat I). Try Tho Times' Want Ads. BY IW BEAKS Uncooked Lima Beans Nearly Prove Fatal to Isthmus Inlet Infant. Mrs. II. J. Mnudry of Camp five. Isthmus lnlot, brought her nineteen months old child to own for mcdl cal treatment. It booiiib tho child whllo playing with somo other chil dren nto somo uncooked llirtn boana and for n tlmo tho llttlo llfo was de spaired of, and though now out of danger Is still very sick. ESTABRQOKWILL 1 E TO BAY Marshfleld Cyclery Dayton Agents, Phone J58-R. 172 Broadway Steamship Man and Lumber Broker to Visit Here Makes Contract. A. F. Eslabrook of tho Esttt brook Steamship Company, Is expect od hero tho lust of tho wcok from' San. Frnnclsco, making tho Initial trip with tho Stoamor Speedwell, un der dipt, llurtlfl, tho former master or tho M. F. Plain. Mr. Estabrook will probably mako moro doflnlto nr rnngomeutB about tho Bcrvlco out of horo by his compnny In tho future. Mr. Estabrook hns Just closed a. flvo yoarn contract with Honry Sengs tneken for taking oft tho whlto codnr on tho Songstackon South Slough ranch. Tho contract provides that a certain amount must bo logged each month. Tho whlto ccdnr will bo used mostly for railroad ties and tolophono and tolograph poles. It will ho load do on bcowb and brought to North Ilond or Mnrshllold and loadod on to tho Estabrook boats hero for San Francisco. Tho Estabrook Com pany is now arranging to put In a logging enmp with twenty or thirty mon on tho Songstncken plnco, SOCIAL CALENDER. WEDNESDAY. Presbyterian Ladlos with Mm. W. F. McEldownoy. Prlscllln Club with Mrs. Frod Grlnolds. Methodist Missionary moot ing nt Mothodtat Episcopal church, Mrs. W. P. Murphy nt brldgo ton. THURSDAY Fortnightly Dancing club dunco nt Eaglos' hall. Baptist Missionary Society niootlnir nt Rnptlst church. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. C. F. McKnlght. North Bond Altar Guild with Mrs. Frank F'amo. CONDOR IS WRECKED. Thanksgiving Is closo at hand. Romombor that fruit enko and turkey. Wo hnvo everything for a good dlnnor. Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASKKY'8 CANDIES Oasolluo Sloop Thrown on Reach nt Newport. NEWPORT. Or., Nov. 20. Tha gas slohp Condor, which wont ashore, on North Hunch Sunday, was brought a llttlo higher upon thu sand during thu night by the action of tho wnvoB, but Is hard nnd fast now with two big holes la hor bottom. Much of hor dockload wan washed off during tho night, hut camo nslioro and was saved. 8ho Is within easy roach of th shoro nnd her ontlro cargo will bo savod. It is bolloved thoro Is about flvo feot of wator In her" hold. Wnldport ownors nro at work romovlng tho cargo and bo llovo tho boat will bo saved. Tho sloop Condor was wrecked oarly Sunday nt Newport nftor she hnd crossed In over tho bar. The propolldr dropped off nnd flho wnii thrown on tho north Jotty. whoro hor crow, consisting of W 11 Dor Ity, innstor; Georgo Wnddell, en glneor. and George Mustoe, tho mato, woro rosci.ed by the. govoru inont llfesavors. Tho Condor has run between Portland and Wald port nnd Nowport for sovoral yoars. North Bend News Tho old North Rend mill closed down nt noon today, Thoro was no placo for tho lumber, tho wharf bo Ing completely blockod, Mr. nnd Mrw. C. II. Worrell, Mr, W. R. Simpson and Mrs, W. D. Simp son nnd llttlo daughtor, Edith, re turned last Monday after a fow day visit at tho B. W. Fahy homo at Dul lard's , , SUNSET VANILLA can bo doponded on, ovory bot tle Is up to tho highest stand ard. Tho samo number of drops will produco ovory tlmo doflulto rosults nnd n pleasing dollcato flavor that cannot bo oxcollod. Tho htoro for Quality Goods and l'tnslar Kcmcdlcri, '1