The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 20, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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win rt Your llcnl Estat5 "in
tl,o Mnrkct" Effectively!
n will lit th0 fncts nbout your
.Jnertr boforo tho oyos of nil "pob
'$ buy" In town. And If thoro
l one of llwo who ought to own
It, you'll BOll It!
S""""" i.'l,.1illJiiri1 In 1K7H
VOL. XXXVI. Tho Const Mall.
(Ham lag tmjs
Will Keep your Inconio from
Furnished Itooms Sternly.
YOU can rcnlly help tho fnmlly
rovonucs by renting n fow furnished
rnnmu nnil. If vnn Irnnnr hnvr and
when to uso tho classified columns, jj
you may kccp uint iiuio oxtra in
como ns "stonily na i clock."
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall
mid Coos Hny Advertiser.
No. 106.
WIW l"1" 1 i .
IK "let us talk it over I'fillVFRNMFNT STARE RRIISinF
I Turks and Servians Lost 20,-
000 baCIl 111 Cliydijemuni
Before Capture.
IN lihtrtl mounucn
! Crown Prince of Scrvla Made
Stale Cllll y imu ounau o
City Yesterday.
rattle is ox.
-Heavy Rim flrliiu wna audi
ble this nttornoon In tho di
rection of Illyulc Chocknincdy.
on tho Sen of Mnrmorn, nnd of
iv Trlmhilln fortifications. It
Hi believed tho Turkish war
' ihlpi nro firing on tho Dulgar
l ins.
IBf AnocUlel Vmt " Coot "r Tlmw.)
nrr.nnAl)R. Nov. 20. According
to the latest reports from Monastlr,
the Turkish garrison did not Biirron-
fer but fled In nil directions, leaving
i large amount of war material do
In tho tcrrlllc bnttlo which pro-
reded tho fall of tho city,, tho TurltH
!rt twentv thounnnil. killed nnd
rounded, Tho Servian ciiHtinlltlos
we as heavy.
The Crown Prlnco of Sorvln mnilo
Hi itato entry Into tho city yestorday.
The Servian press In domnndlng
strict Investigation In tho origin of
the reports of tho enpturu of -15,000
Commanders of Itoynl Armies Now
LONDON, Nov. 20. Fighting has
fined for n moniont hotwocn tho
Turkish nnd Hulgnrlnn nrmlos strug
cMds for tho possession of tho Key
to the gates of Constnntlnoplo, nnd
the opposing commanders-in-chief
are engaged In negotiations for toruis
(( armistice. If tho ncgotlntlons
prove successful, they will do pre
pared by meetings of plenipotentiaries
ko will discuss tho conditions of
Notify Commanders to Cease
Firing on Turkish Line
During Negotiations.
Illr AhocUIM I'fMi to Com l)r Timet
SOFIA, Nov. 20. Tho Hulgnrlnn
troops operating boforo tho lino of
fortlflcntlons holding Constnntlno
plo at Tchntnlja, have received or
dorB to censo firing nnd merely
hold tho positions they hnvo won,
ns ncgotlntlons hnvo begun for n
conclusion of tho armlstlco nt tho
request of Turkey.
Itiilgnt'liiiiH Decline Tluit Ottomans
Hnvo Won So Victories.
tnr AMOfltt 1'rrM (a Coon IUjf TlmM
SOFIA, Nov. 20. All roporlB
emanating from Turkish sources
alleging thnt tho Turkish troops
hnd gnlnctl victories over tho Hul
garlaus along tho lino of fortifica
tions at Tclmtnljn nro xniti to Do
tintruo by tho Hulgnrlnn war ollleo
Sd Member of Washington Em
bassy to London.
ttt Auoda'tJ ivm to Coo U7 Timet.
Rlf Hey, counsollor nnd socrotnry
to tho Turkish nmbnBsndor In
hlngton, has recolvod Instruc
tion! to go to London to tnko up
Immanent duties with tho onibassy
'we. Ho will lenve. Washington
Saturday. Tho transfer Is undor
Jicod I to hnvo beon to strengthen
He dlplomntle servlco of tho Turk
"a government In Groat Urltaln.
Schooner E. K. Wood Goes
Ashore on Northern Coast
Crew Saved.
jr Anoelttti 1'rett to Cqot Br Timet.
tal HP PIUNCISCO, Nov. 20. A to
K vr ft of tho lumbr echoonor, E.
San T?fr' M tlays rom Tacoma for
Win ro ls nshoro on Vancouver
Sirin 5CCOr(UnB to advices at tho
of tw dePartment of tho Chamber
renflu?erco' Tuo crow of twolvo la
"wrted saved.
of Dymimito Conspiracy Aro
tvn,.... 'dd Today.
t?nfflc,aJ8, of th0 International
iron wi,n of Brldso and Structural
ricki nrkors woro accused by Pat
P racy"?1 f? tbe "Dynamite Con-
Preienf . ""' l"u"y oi naving ceen
Ston ink en tbo b,winB up of non-
inon T.v. oro uiscussou. uugnwsa
u fnii8 ,wero tllscussod. Dugan
talon rmerly treasurer of tho local
la ill ANB- Nv. 20 FIvo arrefits
bate lW0 mn and threo women,
late, i Ultlnal arrests wero made
r 'a the day.
WltncM Tells of Attorney Kill
"" A J"i? C,,ent-
cSN' f- Y Nov. 20,-I
tae naVt 2.sS,ze MrB- Szauo Around
Hi rlrt. ,ilt-h hl8 left a- l Baw
'aroa iV "and thrust out at her
the hX ..en they both fell qut of
'tneaa ''. tn M,nturn, an eye
enachiJ l Ueat of Mrs. Rosa
on.Tf oi Lake- Burton O. Glb
i. '. New VnA V . ..
W. S. Nicholson and J. 0.
Langworthy Drop Out
of Council Race.
Tho Marshfleld municipal situa
tion was Bomewhnt simplified to
day whon W. S. Nicholson and J.
O. Lnngworthy, two of tho candi
dates for counellmon, wlthdrow.
Mr. Nicholson In his withdrawal
stated that ho round that his priv
ate business would not pormlt him
to dovoto tho tlmo thnt tho du
ties of nn nldorman nocossltnto.
However, It Is understood, tho
withdrawal ls to ollmluato tho mix
ing of Issues In tho cnmpnlgn for
council. Mossrs. Nicholson and
Langworthy wero municipal owner
ship candidates ror mo position
and so aro Harry Wlnklor and Carl
Albrecht, two othor candidates for
tho places. It was folt thnt with
four candidates ruunlng, tho voto
In favor of municipal ownership
and against tho extension of tho
Coos Hay Wator Company's fran
chise would bo so dlvldod as to
ondnncor tho result. Tholr with
drawal will leavo Messrs. Wlnklor
nnd Albrecht tho two municipal
ownership candidates for council-
Tho othor candidates In tho raco
now aro A. J. Savago nnd Tom
r.nUn. and tho Socialists' candi
dates, C. I. Hohrer aud F. V.
Rohfold. , , ,, ...
City Recordor Dutlor said this
afternoon that ho expected to havo
tho ballots printed In a day or two
so that thero Is not likely to bo
any further chango in mo cuuut-
dates. , . ....
if rtnMfip hns not vot had tlmo
to check up tho registration so It
is not known just uow iimny i
Mexican Rebels Wreck Pass
enger Train and Attack
JDr AuocUted rret to Coo Ut Tlmei.J
MEXICO CITf, Nov. 20. A
flght yesterday between rurale
guards and rebels for control of a
railroad train cost tho lives of a
lieutenant and threo ruralo guards
and two civilian passengers, in tho
vicinity of Penjamo, stato of Guan
ajato. The train was traveling
along tho Guadalajara branch of
tho Mexican Central railroad and
ran into fi brldgo where the rails
had been, removed. The engine and
two cars fell through. A large
forco of rebels attacked the train.
After an hour of fighting the re-
TIIL municipal election sltuntlon 1ms been greatly clarified nnd
ltnpiood by tho publlc-splrltnd and self-sacrificing nction of
nf ii,ni : nnlrS' W; S' ,N'lhol8on nnd j O. Langworthy.- who. becnuso
or tiolr earnest belief in municipal ownership ns a proper solution
n.uln, ' 11"0Bt,0- 'avo withdrawn from tho contest, so thnt tho
J"!? oti,-v, ownership may conrentrato their strength on two
..V.i '"" uuuuun 10 mo cntiso was superior to their per
S'I,.ro foro"cp-, th men would hnvo been strong with tho
o ectorato. Neither .Mr. Nicholson or Mr. Langworthy desired to run
but wero so strongly urged by mnny friends that they reluctantly
Mio their consent. becuuBo they weio dovotod to tho causo and
ir their candidacy was necessnry they wore willing to permit tho uso
lii. "I"10- ''ntcr. when It developed thoro wero sovcral enn-
(liiintes with tho snmo commondablo public spirit they wlthdrow
from tho contest.
This will bo good nows to every person who desires to uco this
wntor question settled right.
A. .1. Snvngo nnd Tom Coko represent tho wntor company's
iews. Mr. SnviiRo snys ho would like to seo tho city own tho wa
ter works, but as they don't seem nblo ho favors being liberal with
tlio company In tho mntter ofn franchise so that wo may got tho lin
provoinents. Mr. Coko snys when tho wntcr question cornea up ho
will treat It In tho way h0 thinks right, but Tom's Idea of tho way
mat la right will probably bo exactly tho way tho rest of us think
Is wrong.
,Mr- Savago Is a kind neighbor, n successful business man and n
good citizen. Hut ndmlrnblo na thcBo qunlltloa aro, something olso
Is needed In n councilman at this time. Marshfleld needs a man
who will go on tho council onthttsInBtlc for municipal ownership
and omphalic agnlnst any extension of tho present franchise, which
hns proven wholly Inadequate and Inofllclont. In Its now form to
run thirty years with nn Incroaso In tho minimum rato from $18.00
to J23.70 per year for resiliences, It ls moro dotrlmentnl and danger
ous than over.
This Is not a porsonnl popularity contest.
A principle vital to tho futuro of tho city Is Involved and
should bo solved on a purely business bnslB.
V. W. Rohfold and C. I. Hohror aro tho Socialist candidates.
Their party creed proclaims collcctlvo ownership of ovcrythlng and
of courso includoa city wntor, but tho people nro not rondy for n
gonornl ncceptnnco of this propaganda at this tlmo.
Harry Wlnklor nnd Carl Albrecht aro both onthiislnsllc believ
ers In a municipal wntcr system. They aro- tho only two candidates
thnt havo mndo emphatic signed statements ns to tholr position.
Thoy havo publicly declared that they will strongly opposo any ex
tension of tho presost franchlso and favor a city owned wntor systom.
Hoth men go fnrthor and declnro nil franchises should bo submitted
to tho people for approval, as well ns all Important public questions.
Their pledges to tho pcoplo nro plain, straightforward and direct.
Albrecht nnd Winkler both stnto they nro willing to wrlto their
resignations nnd plnco them In tho hands of a commlttro of rltizous,
nnd any tlmo any nction of tholrx Is not In accord with tho rep
resentative views of tho peoplo of Mnrshflold theso resignations be
como immediately offcctlvo. Nothing could bo fnlror than this. It
Insures tho voters and tho peoplo nn absolutely squaro deal.
Every person who wants to have men on tho council who will
protect tho people's Interest In tho wntcr question should voto for
Wlnklor and Albrooht, not bocauso thoy lovo othors less but becauso
they lovo their city moro.
Epp Homer of Salt Lake
Launches Campaign for
Mrs. Witcher to Take Vice
President Sherman's Place.
!) AHOtltteJ Trcii to Coo. nr TlmM.
SALT LAKE, Utah, Nov. 20.
Eight votos In tho electoral collogo
will bo cast for Mrs. Margaret
Zano Witcher of Salt Lako for
vlco president of tho United tSatos
If tho wishes of Epp Homor nnd
tho Republican electors choson In
this stato, provall. Mrs. Wltchor
Is herself an elector and might bo
nvorso to casting a voto In hor
own bohnlf, but thoro Is moro than
a possibility that Homor mny por-
suntio ills two ninio colleagues from
Utah to voto for hor and to seek
tho support of Vermont nnd othor
states to bo roprceontcd In tho
collcgo by tho Republican electors.
Homor contends that Inasmuch
as. Utah and Vormout nro tho only
stntos loyal to tho Republican par
ty tlioy siiouid uo privileged to nil
tho vacancy on tho Ropubllran
ticket caused by tho death of Vlco
President Shormnn.
Mrs. Witcher ls serving hor sec
ond term of county clerk of Suit
Lnko county. Sho Is tho daughter
of C. 8. Znno, former chlof Jus-
tlco of tho supromo court of Utah
Gibson-!1 m"lor. bo testified After an hour ol ! flgto :ln
u'oson'a trial today, bels retreated to tho hills,
Members of Chicago Family
Slain While Resisting
Dr AiiocliteJ Frtti to Coo. Dr Time..
CHICAGO, Nov. 20. Irving Par
rel, aged 20 years, was shot and
killed by pollcoman John Hogan
whilo resisting arrest In tho baso
mont of tho Farrol homo early to
day. Farrel Is the third of threo
brothers to bo shot by pollcomen
In flvo months nnd tho second to
bo slain. All resisted arrest for
potty offenses.
Illrd Flying Low Darts Into Fists of
Man Carrying uorcii
(Br AuocltleJ Tmt to Coo Dr Timet
OTHELLO, Wash., Nov. 20. Sam
Poloff, employed ns night fireman In
tho C. M. & P. S. shops, captured a
largo mallard drako'wlth no othor
weapon than his hands.
Poloff has Just left the boiler room
carrying a torch when he was struck
in tho face by something flying
through tho air. He instinctively
raised a hand to protect himself from
further assaults, and as ho did bo
clutched a largo "greenhead" around
tho neck. Ho captured the bird,
which was one of a flock that wob
flying low nnd was attracted by tho
flare of the torch.
President Taft Appoints ?ew Trea
surer of United States.
Or AMOrtttoJ PrtM to Coo Br TlmM.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20,Carml
Thompson was appointed today
treasurer of the United States by
President Taft, to succeed Lee
McClung, resigned.
New York Slayers of Gambler
Rosenthal to be Sen
tenced Nov. 26.
D? AuocliteJ Pith to Com Dif Time )
NEW YORK, Nov, 20. Sontonces
of death on the four gunmon convict
od yestorday of tho murder of Her
man Rosenthal will bo pronounced
by Justlco Goff Nov, 2G, ho announced
today, whon tho prisoners woro ar
raigned beforo him, It is said that
after sontonco Is passed tho men will
bo. taken to Sing Sing, whore former
Police Lieutenant Heckor Is awaiting
death for Instigating tho shooting of
tno gambler,
Tidal Wave and Hurricane
Cause Heavy Loss of
Life in Jamaica.
Or AuocUtfc PreM to Coo Dr Time
KINGSTON, Jamaica, Nov. 20.
A great tidal wavo Is reported to
havo practically wiped out tho town
of Savanna. Lamur, and the town
of Luoa. Forty-two wore killed in
a hurrlcano on Montogo Day, ac
cording to reports.
It began tho 16th. Vessels ar
riving report that it blow 100 miles
an hour. Lucca and Savana are
seaports and each has a good pop
ulation, Telegraphlo communica
tion is Interrupted In many direc
tions. . .
Piominent Coos Bay Pioneer
and Mason Suddenly
Richard AValtor, n resident of
Coos Hny since nbout 1871, and
one of tho most highly respected
residents of this section, died sud
denly Inst evening nt tho Masonic
hall, whero ho had gouo to nsslst
In putting on tho Royal Arch De
gree. Death camo without warn
ing nnd proved a great shock to
tho entire community.
Mr. Walter, who hnd nlwnys
been ono of tho most nctlvo Ma
sonic uicmbors on tho Hny, nnd
wns probably better vcrBod In Mn-
sonry than any ono In Oregon, nB
slstcd In tho Worshipful Master
work nt tho lodgo room yestordny
afternoon. Ho went lioiuu about 0
o'clock for dinner and returned to
tho hall soon nfter fl to prepare
for tho ovcnlngs work.
Enrouto homo ho mot Georgo
Ay re, nn old time friend, and tho
two Joked with each otuor.- Mr,
Wnltor nppcared In tho best of
spirits and was apparently in ex
cellent health.
Following his roturn to tho hull,
ho was conversing with Cant. J. R.
Lightner, another well known pio
neer, and Mr. Lencli, wno lias
chnrgo of tho hall. Mr. Walter
stopped out of tho room for nn
Instant and as ho returned through
tho door, ho was stricken by apo
plexy, llo was Just stepping
ncross tho threshold when ho lurch
cd nnd fell forward. Capt. Light
nor nnd Mr. Loach rushed to his
sldo hut ho was uiiconsclous.
Aid wns quickly summoned but
nothing could ho dono for tho veil-
ornblo man.
Sketch of Life.
Rlchnrd Waltor wns born In
England Nov. 4, 1S3C. Ho waB
educated nt Greonwlch nnval school.
Sorvcd flvo years as midshipman In
tho British navy. Camo to tho
Pnclflo const In 18G0 js nn olllcor
In tho Hudson Hny Company. Tho
bnlnnco of his llfo wns spout In
Orogon, coming to Coos Hny nbout
1871. llo wna bookkeopor for tho
Enstport Coal Company and aftor
ward bookkeopor for tho Nowport
Coal Company. Later ho Borvod
four years as superintendent. Af
ter this ho rotirod nnd camo to
Mr. Waltor married Miss Edith
Hand nt Eastport In 1870. Threo
children wero born to tho union,
but only ono of thorn, Dr. It. H.
Wnltor of Marshfleld, survivos. Mrs.
Richard Wnltor preceded hor Iiiib
band In death, passing nwny In
1000. SInco her death, Mr. Wal
tor mado his homo with his son,
Dr. Waltor.
Ho was familiarly known as
"Dick" to IiIb old friends nnd his
death will bo a snd shock to tho
clrclo of oldor resldonts of tho
"ay- . , .
Ho sorved ono torm ns chairman
of tho Marshfleld city council.
Prominent In Masonry.
Richard Walter Joined tho Ma
sons In 1897 nnd Immediately
thoreaftor took up n Btudy of tho
work, which resulted In his bolng
elected Mastor, which position ho
occupied for six olectlvo terms. Ho
wnB also a mombor of Arngo
Chapter No. 22, Royal Arch Mus
ons, Doric Chapter No. D3, Ordor
Eastern Star, Pacific Commandory
No. 10, nnd Hlllali Tomplo of the
MvhHr Bhrlno. In udditlon to his
occupancy of tho chair of Worship
ful Master of Blanco lodgo, ho had
Rfirveii In almost ovorv capacity In
tho different Masonlo bodies of
which ho was a membor, Ho was
Emlnont Commander of Pacific
Commandory and was elected High
Priest of Arago Chapter, No. 22, R.
A. M but asked to bo excused
from serving on account of Ms ad
vanced ago. No Masonic gathering
was completo without his presonco
and his death has cast a gloom
over tho fraternity which will not
soon bo forgotton.
Funeral Friday.
Tho funeral will bo hold Friday
afternoon from tho Masonlo Tem
ple and will bo conducted by Rov.
R. E. Hrownlng. Tho Masons will
take charge of tho funeral.
All mombors of Doric Chapter
aro requested to meet nt tho Ma
sonic Tomplo Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock to attend tho funeral of our
deceased brother, Richard Waltor.
Dy order of tho
LIbby COAL. Tbo kind YOU have
ALWAYS USED. Phone 73, Pftclflo
Llrery and Transfer Company.
Hundreds of Arrests in Var
ious Cities Throughout
Country Today.
"Pill Doctors" and Medical
Concerns Charged With
Violating Laws.
tnr AwoiUlM !'rr. to Com nr TlmrO
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. Poator
Ilce Inspectors nnd United Stntos Mar
shals, In 72 of the lending cities la
tho country, begnn today practically
simultaneous rnlda to arrest 173 phy
slcluns qucstlonnb'o medlcnl nnd sur
glcnl prnctlcloners and proprietors of
or ngonts of drug concornti chnrgod
with criminal practice or tho Halo or
drugs aud lustrumoiits used for Il
legal purposes.
Tho numbor of nrrcBts to bo roads
in tho rcBpoctlvo parts of tho coarft
Portland, nine.
Senttlo, eight.
Spokane, llvo. ,
San Francisco, sevon.
Oakland, eight.
Los Angolos, threo.
Snn .lose, three.
Tacomn, one.
Helllughum, one.
All of tho nrresls nro to bo mndo
for the alleged violation of hocUob.
211 of the pennl code of tho United
Htntcs, which bars from tho malls any
ohsreno mutter whothor Bonlod or un
sealed, any ndvortlBonient, lottor or
clrculnr proposing or suggostlnjr
criminal practices, or nny pnekot con
nlnliig nny substuueo drug or thing
Intended to bo used for Immoral or
unlawful purposes.
Chief Insopfcctor Robert Shnrp of:
tho post olllce dcpnrtinent nnd ninny
of his fono of 390 Inspectors havo
beon working upon tho enso for mnny
months. They developed plans whlub,
culminated today In tbo most exten
sive rnld In tho history of nny depart
inent of tho government.
Strict enforcement or municipal and
stnto laws In tho oust Is said by tho
postal uuthoiltlcs to account for com
paratively few arrosts in tho Inrga
cities In that part of tho country, but
It Is said by post ollleo Inspectors that
tho hot bod of this sort of crlinlnnbj
Ih In tho Pacific Const states.
A warn of OiTciim'n.
Approximately twenty por cont ot
those arrested today aro so-called
"pill doctors," men who advertise
tholr practice by correspondence or
otherwise, nnd send tholr puthmts
elthor by mail or express various
compounds, a careful nualjsfa is
said to havo dlsclosod some com
pounds wholly Innocuous while
others nro clangorous poisons Un
der nnothor section of tho penal
codo, the sending of polsonn
through mnlls Is expressly forbid
den. Particular caro was taken
by tho Inspectors in collecting tho
ovldonco ugnliiHt business coucornB,
drug housuB nnd remedy compnnlos.
Mnny In this class hnvo been In
dicted. Interviews with many prne
tltlonora ruvonled that thoy woro
awaro that thoy woro violating tho
law and Intruding upon dangerous
Postmaster General Hitchcock to
day said that every case against
an alleged violator would bo pross
ed vigorously and ovory effort bo
mndo to scud tho culprit, It con
victed, to tho poultontlnry,
(Ilr AuoiltloJ I'm. to Coot llagr TlmM
PORTLAND, Oro. Nov. 20. Tho
federal authorities horo todny, arrest
ed flvo physicians for nllogod viola
lion of tho law In tho uso of mnllfl
in connection with tho nation wldo
movement for tho suppression of nl
god Ulogal trafllc.
(Ilr AuwUKhI 17cm to Coot liar Time"
CHICAGO, Nov. 20. Ten arrests
woro mado hero today by postal
inspectors In n natlon-wldo move
ment nunlnst doctors and nersons
advertising methods conduclvo to
race sulcluo. It was uocinrou ma;
tho raids wero bolng mndo simul
taneously all over tho county Tho
spoclflc chargo against porsons ar
rested Is for using tho mails la
connection with n business under
tho ban ot the government.
(Ojr Auoclttixl rrttt to Coot !r TlmM.)
SEATTLE, Nov. 20. Dr. James
Gordon Stowart and Dr. John Dunlap,
Indicted for Illegal uso of tho mnllB,
wore arrested today nnd roleasod on
J3.000 ball. Tho federal offlcors aro
socking flvo othor specialists.
In St. Louis, threo arrests wero
mado today In connexion with tho
Eovornmont's campaign against medi
cal concerns.
At Spokane, Jwq arrests wero mauo
At Doll Ingham, Ono arrest was
mado. today.
tnr AuKiiitJ rrwt to coot ctr ti"-1
cam 1'n.iioniRrn Nov 20. Four
arrosts woro made In Oakland, two Ir
San Francisco, ono In Potaluma, an
ono in Sacramento. Aiiajuunai.urrei
in soveral cities are expected.
"? It