THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1912.-EVENING EDITION. -i r V WEEK'S DOINGS I mew governors fori at nFNMARK MANY states Weekly Grist of Newsy Gos sip from a Nearby Town. DENMARK, Ore, Nov.lC. The ttausunlly high winds during tho past woolccjiavo driven tho sea birds fur Inland! and they nro soon hv thou sands .feeding In tho pools and Holds all nlong tho stngo lino that goes down tho coast. Thrco inon and ono woman worn passengers on a belated stago bound for Port Orford last Snturduy night. When thoy found a trco across the road hotwoon Lnnglols and Denmark thoy suggested a return to tho for mer plnco, but thoy reckoned with out tholr host, who carried an ax. "Oono" Isn't very big hut Iio'b most all grit and good red blood, and It didn't tako them very long to open tho way for tho stage. N. B. The malt reached Port Orford that night Mrs. Foreman and Mr. Chns. Far rier spont Sunday on tho beach at Lakoport. Quito n number of duck liuntors and llshcrmon woro abroad and thoro scorned an nbundanco ol splendid agates, so all cntrto home with burdons of choice Tho Annual Dairymen's Hall will bo hold nt Lnnglols Saturday ovonln.r Nov. ICth. Every ono cordially In vltod to attond. This Is tho ovonl of tho season, ho novor mind the Julclnoss of tho weathor but come nlong anyhow. Mr. II. I), stelncr wns a very pleaH nnt cnllor at both Donmnrk nnd Lang lols last Sunday. THE PEOPLE'S PORUM Tho Times will bo pleased to pub Hah letters from Ita rcadora on al quostlons of publlo Intoroat. Eaot lottor must bo signed by tho wrltor and so far as posslblo bo limited tc 200 words. In publishing theso lot tors If must bo undorstood that Thi Times docs not Indorao tho vlowa oz prosscd thoroln; it Is simply .drfordlnj a moans for tho voicing ot dlfforoni oplniona on all questions affoctinf tho public welfare. . opjjn luttkii a" thi: people Editor Coos Day Timos: Thoro Is BomothhiK nmuslni about tho opinion of tho nvoniKC biiHlnoHs nnd profosBlounl mon ol our great city of Marshflold. Ac cording to n Btatomont i.. Bomo of their kind that thoy would V,?... m""k to. noco' Soclnllsts nnd Join tho party, providing that thov to deal In nny mnnnor with n cor tain clnBa of worklngmon, who nt ho present tlmo nro members o tho SoclnllBt party. Thoy even flUKKosted to form n sopai-ato So clollBt ocal In this city, compose,' of business ami iiru'i.. ' ' ...... nnlv T .:.'. ""?q,ul" '" ' , J 'y opinion It Governor Hndley of Missouri, Re publican, will bo succeeded by Elliot V. Major, Democrat, who has sorved as attornoy-gonoral of his stato. Governor Norrls, Democrat, of Montana, will bo succeeded by Sam uol V. Stowart, also a Democrat. John II. Moreland of Falls City hoaded tho Domocratlc tlckot In No brasku nnd will succeed Chester II. Aldrlch, Republican, In tho governor ship next January. No gubornntorlal candldato in Now Hampshlro obtained tho necessary plurality nnd In consouuouco tho cholco of govornor devolves upon tho legislature Tho Ropubltcans will havo control of that body and will elect Franklin Worcester to succcod Governor Bass. William Sulzcr, who is to succeed Govornor Dlx of Now York, has long boon prominent in Domocratlc cir cles. Ho is n former, speaker of tho New York general assembly nnd lias a record of eighteen years' sorvlco in congress. Locko Craig, olectod to succeed Govornor Kltchln of North Carolina, Is ono of the noted lawyers of his stato. Another congressman olevatod to tho governorship of his stato Is James II. Cox, Doniocrat, who has boon nnmed govornor of Ohio In succession to Govornor Ilnrmon. Frank M. Myrno, Republican, elec ted to BUccocd Governor Vcssoy, of South Dakota, is at prcsont lieuten ant govornor of tho Btnto. Ernest Lister, a leader in Demo cratic politics in Tacoma, will sue coed M. E. Hay, Republican, as gov ornor of tho stato of Washington. Tho olcctlon of Dr. II. D. Ha'tllold ns govornor of West Virginia In suc cession to William E. Glasscock was ono of tho surprises of tho Novombor battle of ballotB. Dr. Hatflold Is u friend of President Tuft, though ho ran on u Rcpubllcan-Progressivo tic- load of tho nation by olcctlng n'kot. Ho Is n nenhew of "Can" Hnt- "sehoolmnstor" to tho ofllco of chief' Hold, tho clan lender who managed to executive. Woodbrldgo N. Forrlfl, fill columns of nowspnpor spaco In Democrat, who will succcod Govornor 'tho days when tho famous liatllold- Mnny changes nmong tho chief ex ecutives of tho different Btntes will tako place next January as n result of tho recent elections. Of tho twenty-eight stntea thnt bnlloted for gov ernors only nlno rcolcctod their pres ten executives. Tho governors for tunato enough to bo elected for an other term nro Simeon E. Dnldwln, Democrat, of Connecticut; Eugcno N. Foss, Domocrnt, of Massachussetts; Adolph O. Ebcrhnrt, Republican, of Minnesota; Coleman L. Ulcaso, Dem ocrat, of South Carolina; Den W. I Hooper, Republlcnn-fUBlon, of Ton- ncssco; Oscar M. Colqult, Democrat, of TcxaBj William Spry, Ropubllcnn, of Utah; Frnncls U. McGovorn, Ro publlcnn, of Wisconsin; nnd Aram J. Pothlcr, Republican of Rhodo Island. Of tho now governors twolvo nro Democrats and eight nro Republicans. EtlnB M. Amnions, Domocrnt, suc ceeds Governor Shnfroth, Domocrnt, In Colorndo. Charles R. Mlllor, n prominent cltl- czn of Wilmington, succeeds Gover nor Ponnowill of Dolaware Roth aro Republicans, Park Trninmcll, nt prcsont attornoy-gonoral of Florida, will become governor in succession to Albert M. Gilchrist. Doth aro Domocrats. John M. Haines, Republican will succeed James II. Hawlcy, Domocrnt, ns govornor of Idaho. Edward P. Dunne, former mayor of Chicago, has boon elected by tho Democrats of Illinois to succeed Gov ornor Dcncen, Republican. Govornor Marshall of Indiana, who will bo vlco-prosldcnt of tho Unltod States nftor March -1, will bo succeed ed by nnothor Domocrnt, Samuel M. Ralston of Lebanon. In Iowa, Govornor Carroll, Repub lican, will bo succeeded by Gcorgo W. Clarke, also a Republican. Mr. Clnrko la at prcsont lloutonnnt-govor-uor. Tho stato of Michigan followed Mm I STOPPED IIP W GA A Common Sense Treatment for Colds and Catarrh Gives Instant Relief. No matter how mlBornblo you nro with catarrh or a cold in tho head, noso stoppod up, throat soro, eyes running, dull pnln in tho bond, dry cough, fovor, foul breath, Ely's Croam Balm will glvo you instant ro llof. It gots right to tho root of the trouble cleanses, heals and, strength ens tho raw, soro mombrauos, stops tho nasty dlschargo so that you aro not constantly blowing tho hobo and spitting. In a fow minutes nftor ap plied you can Just fcol it doing its work of clearing tho head, tho pain and BoroncBS nro relieved, tho breathing becomes natural and tho stuffed up fooling is gone This cleansing, healing, antlsoptlc Balm contilns no morcury, cocaine or oth or harmful drugs. It is onsy to ap ply, pleasant to uso, nnd novor fnlls to glvo rollof, ovon In tho worst cases. Novor neglect n cold, and don't suffer tho mlsorios of catarrh nor disgust your frlonds with your hawk ing, spitting nnd foul breath. Got n 50-cont bottlo of Ely's Croam Balm from your druggist and start tho treatment at once You will find that It will bo tho best lnvostmont you evor made See California Now Osborn, Republican, lias dovotcd his llfo to educational work Boinu iiioro tlmo nnd paper to con vince him of his position, ns tho Socialists aro not dreamers nnd any statement they mako Is based upon facts nnd quoted from government statistics. Hoping this letter will bo of Bomo value to thosa mon nnd women who aro In business for pro lit, I rtMiinlu, Yours truly, A SOCIALIST, We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PUONB MAIN 57-J Mnrshflcld, Oregon. VIA THE $55.00 PORTLAND TO HOUND TRIP LOS ANGELES I lOGOEH&SHASTAl B 1 I ROUTES I S W $55.00 HOUND trip WWTMXD To McCoy foud nourished In tho moun tains of West Virginia nnd Kentucky. I" WILSON U'nnlil 1... party nlrlght, of what? A s WOMEN WANT "GOOD HEALTH MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE" LAW clallst nnrlv win. ,..,.. i. ..,!'.. ..' tnlls on this subject, I tail, d viso tiioso business or profossloi mon who nssumo tho rJaponSt, ,.., --, nuiiuiuin mid its nrln clples, also tho application of such Soclnllst pnrty recognizes only twn classes In socIoty-Ltl.o on" the jausi class, or, In othor words hoflo who produce everything nnd 'vo nothing, or those who roduce nothing aim have ovurytl lV The class conscious ... ? j1. "oinl'iMs of the Socialist pa. ty tlln fnn. M..T. ...'.". "l"'"u I" v. HM,k lllill lllfl pinaa AURORA, 111., Nov. 19. "Good henlth mnrrlngo certificates" woro ondorsed by tho Illinois Federation of Womon's clubu Just boforo tho nd Journmcnt of Its annual convention bore. Amid a storm of npplnuso n resolution wns adopted demanding n stato forbidding tho tho granting of mnrrlago llconses unless applicants -ould produco guarantees of tholr good health. 13 TITLE LIKED Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono ordors to Hlllyor's Clgai Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. in. phono C-J. Night phono 181-R. Mnrshflcld. Oregon. Sco tho Wonderful Sconory Along tho Shasta Route Mt. Shasta Shastn Springs. Sco Snn Fran claco, Lick Obsorvntory, r n. . aianrord university, Mt. Lowe,' i.os Angoles, Tho Old Spanish) Missions, Ostrich Farms, Submarine) fGardoriB and thousands of other Inter- resting features of tho Golden S tnlo. Three Fine Trains Daily r:no M 8:15 P. M. Full information ns to fares from Mnrshliehl, beautiful- rly illustrated lltoraturo on California, on application 'to W. F. Mlllor, Sunt. C. D., It. & E., Morsliflold, or j writing to Chns. a .Fco, passongor traffic mnnngor. Sin FrnnclBCo, Cal. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery and Transfer Coniimny. PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 19. Prosidont-oloct Wilson by cnroful In spection of tho addresses on a fow of tho thousands of lottors ho rccoivod boforo sailing for Rormuda discover ed that ho has n tltlo for ovory dny of tho weok, but that so far ho has failed to rccolvo "tho best of Ameri can titles" Mr. Wilson. Professor Wilson and Govornor Wilson nro run ning a rnco for the lend. In ordor thoro comes Wilson, Prcsldont-oloct Wilson and Hl3 Excolloncy Woodrow Wilson. ' 'My cholco would bo Mr. Wilson." said tho presldont-olect. "That is tho host titlo for nn American." WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for each sot of old Falso Toot sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Sllvor, old Watches, brokon Jowelry and Prcclom Stones. Monoy Sont by Return Mall. ' Phlla. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. BOB Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. Wn will linv vnni- nM mtllnti Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlgu est prlcas paid. 'THE FIUENI) OF COOH RAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR EUREKA ITUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, AT 4 P.M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT I'OIITMKD NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 44. O. I McOIIOHOE, Apt FAST AND COMMODIOUS WHEN YOU WANT A MES3EN. GEIt HOY Somcthliifj sent foi or delivered PHONE IB I.L and we'll do it. Charges reason. able, C1IAS GRANIJY, IJUILDINQ AND REPAIR WORK, Houso Moving nnd Grading. Wo aro prepared to do this work by tho day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Lot us flguro with you G. S. FLOYD A CO., Phono 5MO..T. Mnrahfleld, Ore Steamer Redondo Equipped with wlrclces nnd submarine bell SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO THURSDAY, NOV. 2 1 at 7:30 a. m. All Passenger ItcacrvntionN From Snn Francisco Mast Ho MV l 805 Fife Middlng, or Pier No 10. All reservations muJt U t ken up -i hours boforo sailing. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McQEOftOE. KttA "uiniiiKuien ,l0 not ,,. ., conscloiiB for a DoliHcni niiin . ' . ':.. l .. vmaodi position: br 7u uW Z tho neod of Bolldnrlty. economical nnc political. Wo don't sol c the , iimii no necomoR r.i "'",t,ul,B' u ren zes that - mdor tho present profit system. It "k ,, ".1,.,",."or. 0I . 8"rt- tlmo .....,. , uo H)rce(i to tho wall by tho trust nnd Join tlo great army of 'out of business or tie unemployed," M you mn ? ;)p lo provo my Btatomont In this mat tor, I confront tho small business man who hn8 a fow thousand 1 do! lars Invested with a great opart mont store who has sovVal mil lon8 uvosted as tho situation si to larger cities. Then comes tho co. oporatlvo storo, which has taken rootJin most of tho cities oh" ?" Mr", "tatoa, and has a strong foothold In all tho European l trios to tho ruin of tho Binnll bus liOBa man, boniuao tho profits do med from, such atoms ni-. ,u..i.i.i p.amoiigst tholr own nmunmnio Ji!.ori. ,84,von n movoinont under cpiisidorntlo,, by tho Socialists of Coos county who havo shown tholr .uronjjth In tho last election, to es- .n:,,"t.l,a...t:nty; 'Tho small utiuiMVoa tUtt aiUIlIlR: III' tllA DUiiin iv; . w lT ' ""ill nfr tho avoraca wacnwm-v. I am willing to ciovoto on Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTEELL PHONE B121, Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Steamer WasfamgtOH Coos Bay for San Francisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENGERS AND FHEIGIir P. S. DOW, Ageat. Ocean Do I Ruddy Roast Beef that looks splendid and tastes bet ter than It looks. That's tho kind you get at this market. You don't navo to bo an export meat Judge to got it either. For wo handlo uiny cnoice graues nnd nil can buy hero with tho same certainty of satisfaction. MARSHFIELD CASH MAIUCBT. FOURIER BROS. Marsbfleld Telephones North Rend isi-o Two Market nt WANTEtt! ! ! OARPI3TS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Fneu matlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING & HARVEY, Phone 100 RUY NOW. Some choice lots in NORTH BEND can be bad at a very reasonable price It taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO.. First Notional Bunk. ' EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ii., Nor. H. vol'. 2. ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM AINSWORTII DOCK, PORTLAND, at (Mft.PtJ.y,'-I 10, 2. FROM MARSHFIELD AT SERVICE OF TUL TIDI-i u 10, 23, 80. Phone Main 88-L. J. O. MILLER, Ag- aet Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and mako selec tiou from the large stock now on hand. lsn Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono biit tho best work is turned out. A modern Brick .uiidiug, Electrl: Light, SUam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Room3 with Hot nnd Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a day nnd upwards Cor. Broadway and Market TiTe Star Transfer and Storage Co. la prepared to do all kinds nt tim,iin on short notice. W meet all tralne and boata and we also have the latest style Reynolds Piano Mover. We guaranteo our work. i. m. fieisner, Prop. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, I HENitY SENGSTAORBN, Mgr. Coqullle Ofllco Phone 1 91 Platting Landa a ipellwi Farmi Timber Coal andenU "BABTBIDr," General Ag Marheld Offlcel T. J. SOAIFE A. n. IIODGINS S Marshfield Paint, (Bh Decorating Co. Furnished. City Auto Service nnnrt Cars. uar"- - our tls reasonable charges. "Will go anywiw.- -- d B Stands-Bianco t 4 " Cigar Store. payPnne Night Phono 46. . Phone 140.L. Qregot MARSHFD3LD, BARKER & GOODALE. P" . UUUV9 l, IdUV y-ij. Estimates tJK J iX--" ttM4