IjMpEPY FOR A BAD STATE OF AFFAIRS IS NOT TO CHOOSE A WORSE ONE :ADVEK..HHM In The TIMES C rt Vr "cl Ktato "in tho Market" Effcctlvclyl ".. ' f thn facta about your 11 7 before tho eyes of all "po3 .fnnerty oeiuiu . . .. Minrn "b,e bf thorn who ought to own ri ae.1 u (&00H mmtz p- IfetnblMicd In 1878 DL. XXXVI. 'Ji'f uonst 1Ml' MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRES WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep your Income from Furnished Rooms Steady. YOU can rcnlly help tho fnmUr ' rovonucs by renting a fow furnished rooniH and, If you know how mi4( when to uso tho classified columns, you may kcop that llttlo extra In-; como as "steady as a clock." mmmrnmmmmamBmKLiiZ,L2M.Mmv (UHwMiBiii b i nix waHiB,unMKBHniinnBiamH -Tr"..H-rirnin irunr-r rn fl 1! NAIIUN5 fluHtt 10 NEGOTIATE FOR PEACE NOW MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1 912. EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall mill Coos Kay AthertUer. No- 105. Inected to Make Heavy De S on Turkey Un ess Other irOUUlUa oumu. SSIAN, AUSTRIA AND RUUIVIrtlMIH whim i in L,re Wl TV IU lUU J LfC Lids on Porte Down to Rcasonaoie icrms. ,AwllfJ rrn. to Cool Ily TlmM. Invnnv. Nov. 19. Tho nations tit Balkan confedorncy satisfied 1 their victory today, signified n 'Uineii to treat for terms of ice tithe request of tho vnnqulsh T.,vuh rminlro. That tho torms tlttlcton will bo drastic Is known t ih Powers aro doing tholr ut- 1,1 1 mako them less harsh than frit reported, without attempting rob tho Balkan confederacy of L fruits of a victorious war. Willi . ImIoui eyes of Russln on Con- i:ttaoDle. with tho rccrudo uonco (tit Austria-Servian dllllculty on i other sldo of what hlthorto has l: kaown as Europcnn-Turkoy, 1 tllh noumanla Inquiring what air expect out of tho spoils, rt leemi to obsorvorB ovory in- itatnt for tlio llnllcnn nntlons to It? their demands within moderate l:n. thiii:ati:.v Austria Eawror Josenh Is ronortcd to liavo arlted: "Wo aro In favor of ponce, t tot peaco at any price Wo enn Utind everything." Somo tinners i mat sorvln Is proparlng to ptentrato her main forces on tho litrlin frontier. SERVIA WINS BIG VICTORY King Peter Plans Triumphal Entry Into Monastir 1 Much Booty. 1 61MEN GUILTY TODAY Pdict Quickly Reached by jury m nosentnai uase in New York. 7 AltOrltteJ Plffl In Cam Umv Tim- 1 SWYOMC, Nov. 19. "Gyp tho . Lefty Lewis," "Whltnoy" 'lund "Dago Prank" Clroflvl, tho :ea who woro charged with tho dr of Herman Rosenthal, woro found guilty of murdor In tho degree by a Jury In tho supremo ft this afternoon. Tho Jury do- tfed an hour nml ton mlmitm. Quick verdict camo as a surprise " 7WDy. Tho Jury In tho caso ke Lieutenant Beckor dollbor- . "V wen hours hoforo roach- 1 raict that ho was guilty of In tho flrst degree. Ho Is - l Dine Sin . i- .. -a -...h BUIIIUI1CUU IU UIO electric chair for having lnstl :i the mnr.in. ttfin0.0" remndod tho prls- th. Z ,u,"rrow, wlion ho will " oay for pronouncing son- their wbv l.noi, i i.i i, t i Whltey Lewl8" walked U. fhels went with bowed t tiiu,.""'"1 receiveu tno ver- m uemonstrntlon. R LIFE ON. Wf AmocIsIM I'rfM to Coon htj TlmM.) DELGRADE, Nov. 19. Tho Turk ish cnBiinlltlcs during tho thrco dnys fighting prior to tho all of Monastir boforo tho nttnek of Servian troops , is reported to bo ono thousand. Gront quantities of modem field guns, rifles and supplies fell Into tho hands of tho Servians. Tho Sorvlan govorn mont considers with tho fall of Mon astlr, tho work of its army enn bo rognrded ns comploto. In exactly ono month, thoy luivo swept tho Turks from tho wholo of tho old Sorvln and captured booty worth millions. Kin? Pctor of Sorvln will mako a trium phal entry into Monastir In u fow days, Tho docorntlon of strcots to wolcomo him has begun. Illjf Aocltr. 1'rrM lo Too liny TlniM.J SOFIA, Nov. 19. Tho reply to n dispatch sent from tho Grand Vizier to King Fordlnnnd of Bulgaria says: "Tho Ilulgnrlan government uftor an agreement with tho allied cablnottt of Servln, Montenegro and Grccco In forms tho Porto that ploulpotcntlalex havo been appointed with instructions to nrrnngo with tho commandor-ln-chief of tho Turkish nrmlcs tho con ditions of armlstlco and subsequently to proceed to tho conclusion of peace" LET US TALK IT OVER To thine own self ho true; And It must follow, ns tho night tlio diiv, Thou caiiB't not then bo falso to any man. Shakespeare. El S WEAK MENTALLY THREE 11 TRIAL attlo Mo r-!.... Snow. " .. rmaiy commits Miicide-.Murder and Sui cide Occurs. Tnx" to- CojM D4jr TlraM-' a '" T' rtOV- 19. Edward East eetbr PPed from tDe Se?tUo ihot. ,...." aso w-'Pr ft.hOt.nn ,." Wmf?f t0d-?r tmDt ln ws nis zourin ,rti.enotE'nn:"g?d,6'ah,p': d aS m8e,f ,n a noto1 n lut t.,.7 l0Uay Atter a quar- 'Tther it woman refused u fn i. n N00' wbo Ifty frefu,,her ,n tho ha. Upon r. ' lu reiurn to hlra, h shot Five Alienists Report Roose velt's Assailant Insane and Not Responsible. rilr Aho UteJ Vrnt to Too luy Time" 1 MILWAUKEE. Nov. 19. A com mission of five nlionlsts, who exam ined tho mental condition of Jo'.n Schrnnk, who shot Col. Itoosovolt, re ported to Judgo Backus finding that Schrnnk is Insane. Tho decision of tho doctors means that Schrnnk cannot bo tried for tho attempted murdor of RooeovoU, but that ho will bo committed to tho hos pital for tho insano at Oshkosh. Ho cannot bo rolensed until it enn bo shown ho has been complotely cured. DENIAL IIY JUDGE Judgo Backus lator donied that tho commission of alienists had finished Its work. "Tho commltteo at 11 A. M. is continuing Its examination of Schrnnk in my chambers," said the Judgo. "If any momber of tlio com mission has given out advance in formation that Schrnnk has been held Insane, I shall ndjudgo hlra to bo in contempt of court." It wns learned from another source that tho infor mation camo from tho district attor ney's office. rATTEBSOX ON TRIAL National Cash IteglMcr Oftlcluls Ac cused of Trust conspiracy. tDr AMOclttwl rri to Coo. Dr Time.. mwruwwATi Nov. 19. Tho trial of John H. Patterson and twonty-nino , miininia nt fim National Cash Register Company of Dayton, Ohio, charged; with the violation of the criminal section of the Sherman anti trust' act began today in tho United States court of the southern district 6f Ohio. . ...u no thirtv defendants en- tered"a' separate plea of not guilty. John's. Miller, the attorneys who do fenjedUbe meat packorsnt Chicago, alpfed' as chief council for tho Cash Register Co. NOTICE TO EAGLES. Wednesday. Nov. 20, nomination of officers. Don't fall to attend. . nvrlAf. XI, .Ti OSTIIOW. - I 'wnrtliv President. THLIli: are no politics In tho coming city election. It Is simply and purely a civic, moral nnd business problem. Every man nnd woman too for tho ladles, God bless 'em, aro go ng to voto at this election, should glvo carorul thought to tho principle Involved before casting tholr ballot on election day. In tho olden days thero wns a pletlgo taken by voters which Is well worthy of being revived at tlio coming municipal election. This plcdgo Is ns follows: "I HO SOLEMNLY BIND MYSELF THAT I WILL GIVE MY VOTE AND SUFFRAGE AS I SHALL JUDGE IN MINE OWN CONSCIENCE MAY BEST CONDUCE TO THE PUBLIC WEAL." In thlB Bplrlt every voter should cast his or her ballot! and If each voter did so, tho result would bo a great victory for tho people of Marshfleld. Wlillo It Is true wo aro not voting directly on tho wnter ques tion, wo arc voting for tho men who will have much to do with It nnd who can boost or bust tho city's future by their action, Tho se lection of tlicBO men Is puicly n business proposition. When tho water company wanted a now manager, they did not chooso a man becauso ho was a friend or good follow. They un doubtedly looked up his record and selected him for his olllcloncy and ability to mako good. Thoy didn't select him becauso ho wns a next door neighbor. Thoy didn't select him for his sociability and his ability to mix nnd shrike liandB, or for his zeal In passing out stories nnd cigars. They went Into tho cold facts of Ills business record. Tho pcoplo should profit by tholr example. Mnrshflcld is nothing more or less than a business corporation; nnd It Is n big ono. It docs thousands of dollars' worth of business a year Instead of turning out lumber and limousines, it turnii out sldcwnlkH and boulovnrdB, nnd schools, nnd, lot us hopo, good citi zens. To this Bhould bo ndded Its own water Bystom. Tho water question Is ono of tho most vltnl problems that Is confronting this city at this time. Tho health or Its cltlzeiiB and tho prosperity of Its enterprises nro Involved. Mayor Simpson of North Bond, otntcd Inst evening that more- than ono manufacturing Industry had been kept nway from Coos Bay becauso of tho water question. There nro eight candidates for counrllmen, nnd only two can bo olertcd. Let un chooso these- men for tholr principles, rather than their personality. Let's forgot haw many votes this man enn got nnd remomher how many dollnm tho right man can snvo tho city, In not only reducing tho taxes, but In seeing that for ovory 100 cents ex ponded there Is 100 rents valuo received. In seeing that the people nro protected from franchise grabbers and that tho city secures Its own water system. In fact, Tho Times yestordny stated plnlnly to ono of tho candi dates that It would demand n signed pledge from ovory cnndldnto as to his position on tho water question. Tills man stated ho wns agaliiBt nn extension of tho frnnchlso nnd favored municipal owner ship, hut ho would not sign such n pledge Tho Times bolloves thnt any innn who 1b unwilling to sign n written stntoniont of his princi ples on this question should not bo elected at this time. This man Is a good citizen nnd n successful business man. but what Marshfiold wants now aro men who will go to their places pledged to execute tho will of tho pcoplo. It tho peoplo aro in favor of a thirty year frnnchlso and higher rates thoy should voto for tlio unpledged candidate. If tho peoplo aro against tho franchise higher rates and particularly against tho present rotten sorvlco they Bhould concentrnto on two candidates who nro oponly pledged to work for this grcntly needed municipal reform. It's purely n common sonso business proposition nnd should not bo befogged by porsonnl popularity and other Issues. Tho people should got solidly behind tho two men who glvo tho best promlso of making good on tno all important gnu jviinj, nucauon or "jjiw""; KILLED III NEW YOOK RAID Noted Crook, His Girl, and Detective Allen Dead and Several Others Wounded. Ilr AwltM rrM to Coo lUjr Time. NEW YORK, Nov. 19. Tho body of Henry Vogol, described by tho po llen ns an lntornntlonat crook nnd besido It tho body of his girl "Lottlo", inv in tho morcuo today, and Jonn Allen , a city dotoctlvo is dead, whllo in thn hosiittals aro four men, two of thorn detectives, hovering botweon llfo and doath unablo to glvo a con nected account of how they woro shot in tho raid on Vogel'a room, whero ho was sought as a diamond thief last night. In tho fusilndo which followed tho ontranco of tho detectives, Vogol and tho woman woro killed instantly. Accounts vnry ns to whothor ho shot his companion nnd committed suleldo, or whothor thoy fell boforo tho II ro of tho ofllcors. Tho probably fatally fatally dn Jurcd nro Martin S. Fay, n dotoctlvo, and Louis Mondsclieln, proprietor of tho hotel whero tho battla occurcd. Thoso who woro probably-fatally ln ly hurt, nro: Goradl, n dotoctlvo, and William Butter, a waiter. Allen died this morning. Tho po Ilco aro In tho pososslon of two steam or trunks, n vnllso, n suit caso, a hand bag and a steamer bag, which nro expected to rovoal tho socrets of many big robborlcs and which may lead to arrests ln other cities. Vogol was tho alleged "fonco" of dishonest iservnnt girls nnd was traced through I tho confession of ono of thorn. SIX DIE IN TRAIN: WRECK Many Others Inured in. a Head-on Collis on in Virr ginia; Dead Trainmen. (Dr AuocltteJ Tret to Cooi VT TlmM.) niCHMOND. Nov. 19. Six persons aro dead and many were Injured In a head-on collision early today near n,onitn N c. between the north and south bound Florida-Cuba special trains om tho Seaboard Air Lino Rail road- Tho dead aro all.members or the train crews. The cause of tho wreck has noi Uaon nspartalned. but It, Is believed that the engineer on the south bound tram hei ame confused Jn. his orders. When ln neeii of PLUMniNG, HEATING, TINNING, , SnEET METTAL AYORK, CALL 101-J PIONEER HDW'RB CO., Whoa, done hy, us IMadone rjgll "Times Want Ads bring results. SON FREED TODAY Charge of Abduction Against Negro Champion in Chi cago Court Dropped. Dr AMlted rreM to Cooi Dr Tlmw.J CHICAGO. Nov. 19. Tho charge of abduction agalust Jack Johnson, tho negro pugilist, wan dismissed be fore Municipal Judgo Hopkins today because of tho prosecutions inability to prove that Lucllo Camoron, the white girl whose association' with Johnson led to his arrest, had been abducted by him. The girl and her mother, Mrs. Cameron Falconott of Minneapolis, were not In court. THOMPSON IS TREASURER. Taft's Secretary Will Get McClung's UIU 1'lttCC. tD Auoulited PrM to Com VT Tlm.J WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. Carml Thompson, secrotary to President Taft, will bo appointed treasurer of the United Statea In the next few days to succeed Lee McClung, who resigned the position last week. M AC W DYNAMITE D3X CAUSES FURORE AMONG POLICE DELAY ACTION ON WATERWORKS Council Postpones Considera tion of Franchise Until After Election. Action on tho application of tho Cooa Bay Water company wor n now thlrty-yenr frnnchlso In Marsh Hold was deferred by tho city council Inst ovcnlng until two wcoks from tomorrow nlKht tho day after tho coming city elec tion. Tho matter wns brought up for very brief discussion last ovcnlng Mannger James 11. Flanagan. En gineer Corey nnd Arthur McKoown of tho water company woro pres ent. .Mr. I'lnnngtin stated tliat owing to the action of Mr. Ben nett, tno compnny desired thnt no notion bo tnkcu. Ho Bald thnt ho understood Mr. Bennett hnd mndo this request of City Attornoy uobb In I'ortlnnd. Mr. Go8B said that Mr. Bonnott hnd Informed him thnt ho could not return until tho Breakwater arrived Thursday and that ho would llko to havo tho council de fer nctlon until ho could bo prcs out. Mr. Goss said thnt ho had told Mr. Bonnott thnt ho thought tlio council would grnnt tlio re quest unless thoy had dotormluod on somo very positlvo nctlon. Thero was somo discussion ns to whether It should bo postponed u week or two wcoks. Tlioro was no occnslon for holding nnothor council meeting boforo two wcoks nnd tlien it wns pointed out thnt tho council would hnvo to meot n day or two nftor election to can vns tho roturiiii. In vlow of this, I' was decldod to hold but ono mooting for canvassing tho vote nnd considering tho waterworks frauchlso nnd to hold It Wednes day night, December -1. KIckH on Paving. J. 11. Mllner, through his nttor noy, W. V. DouglnB, entered n vigorous protest against tho hbhosh- inent for tho bituminous paving on North Front street. In his letter, ho stntod thnt tho paving wns not up to specifications, that tho pre tended bituminous pnvlug was real ly n mixture of strnw, sand, do brls, shells nnd a llttlo bltumon added, Instead of being two Inches of bitumen. Ho snld that his as sessment of $335,55 was paid un der protest. City Engineer Gldley snld that tho paving was up to specifications nnd Councllmon Snvago and Allon, who had Inspected tho work, said it looked all right. Manngor Molvin of tlio Fedornl Construction Co., which hnd thn contract for putting in tho pnvlng, was asked If ho had any stntoniont to mnko nbaut tho work nnd ro plied that ho guessed nono was neodod. Tho council Instructed City Ro cordor Butler to pay the company what monoy thero was in tho fund. To Drain Flat. D. A. Curry asked thnt tho coun cil do nomothlug nbout tho drain ago nt tho South Mnrshfleld flat. Ho said that tlioro nro a numbor of coss pools In tho lowland nnd that tho water thoro was a monnco to tho health. Ho said that tho old ditch had grown full of grass. He requested that it bo oponod. City Engineer Gldley snld that thoro was so much water to bo drained off and tho fall was bo slight that tho long open ditch would not Eunice nnd he suggested thnt a short line of plpo bo laid from near tho Eaglo's hall direct to tho Bay. This, It was estimat ed, would cost nbout 1500. Somo thought that this wns too much to spend on tho drain, es pecially since tho flat might bo filled soon. Finally it was rofor red to Commissioner Lawliorne and City Englnoer Gldley to solvo. City Hall Work. Win, Schroedor of Wllloy & 8chroodor presented two proposi tions to tho council for Installing a heating system for tho city hall. Ono was to put In a hot water Bys tom for $219.00. and tho otnor a steam heating systom for $197.50, they exchanging a now boiler ror the old one. Chairman Allen of tho commltteo In charge of tho city hall repairs said that ho had asked all the firmB for bids and estimates, but the others had not compiled. Councilman coppie oujecreu to tho bid, saying tho council should have plans and specifications drafted and that bids be called for on them. Ho said tho city should know what It was going to get and see that it got what was com ing to IL He said tliftieatltnatg (Continued on Page Six.) Threatens to Blow up Los Angeles Police Station if Interfered With. FINALLY CAUGHT BY ' RUSE OF DETECTIVES ' No Clue to Identity of Stran gerLiberated Prisoners and All Leave. tllr AmocUIM Trrfi In Coot Ilsj- "Time.! LOS ANGELES, Nov. 19. Mil mannered and smiling, n man car rying u box walked into tho pollco station and nnnouuclng thnt hia box contained 87 per cent dyna mite, secured comploto possession of the Institution In nn lnntant. Tho station ofllcors cleared out, the prisoners woro removed from the Jail nnd pntlontn -woro ramovntl from tho munlclpnl hospltnl. For two hours ho hold absoluto svrny, assorting that ho would pull tho trigger If any ono touched hlmnnfl blow up "tlilH wholo section of tho city." All this time Chief Sahnatlnn nnl two officers snt watching tlio fel low for nn opportunity to over power him. Shortly nftor noon, tho man allowed hia attontlon to bo distracted for n momont nafl Dotoctlvo Hoslck Instantly laid him out with a billy. Dotcctlvo Browne seized tho box and riiBhod to lire streot. Tho box rcnlly did contain 7C sticks of dynnmlto equipped with a cap and n detonating arrange ment. It wns low grado RttiTt, however. Novertholcss It would hnw rnusod widespread destruction hud It boon exploded. Nothing could bo found on tho maniac's person to iudlcnto his Identity. IOWA RANDITS ROD A TRAIN Two Masked Men Get $350 off Milwaukee Passen gers Near Ottumwa. ' (llf AmocUIM I'rtM lo Cooi lUjr TIiomI OTTUMA, lown, Nov. 19. Tw masked men held up n passenger train of tho Chicago, Mllwnukeo and St. Paul last night near here and. robbod sovornl passongers, socurlnc loot worth nbout $350. Four suspect havo been arestcd. LOS ANGELES FIRE IS FATAL Fourteen Others Injured In Destruction of St. George Hotel Last Night. (Ilf AiaorUthl I'nic to Coo liar Time. LOS ANGELES, Nov. 19. Thrco lost tholr lives ln n lira that partially destroyed tho St. Goorgo, a theatrics: hotol, shortly after midnight. Four teen injured, ono, who la a baby will probably dlo. Tho dead are. Mru Charlotto Harrington, stago name El la Moran, vaudovillo actress; Joseph Martin, Los Angeles Jowelry clork; Julius Malon, colored night onglneec at hotel, Baby Harrington, six months olS. probably will dlo. Mrs. F. J. Brock, Oakland, back broken ( probably will dlo. Miss Fern Melrose, stock compauy actress, Chicago, body burned, Will not die. Mrs. Allco Lesser, wifo of tho hottfi proprietor, was soriously burned. R, E. Harrnh an Anno Harrah, vaudovillo actors, woro soriously burnod. Crossed wires ln tho linen closet were supposed to havo caused tle flro. DENIAL I1V RUSSIA arcek's Claim of Czar's Rocognltlox Oniclnlly Denied Wr AuocUleO Prt lo Com Br Tlmw.l ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 19. Tb statement from Athens that Russia, has rocoKnlzod the Greok occupation of Salonlkt is officially denied bore. kH