JaShRELDREGONIONDAY 18, 1912. EVENING EDITION. I w COOS BAY TIMES M.'O. MALONHY Editor and Publisher DAN K. MALONI3Y News Editor Entered nt tho postslllco at Murshflold, Oregon, for transmission through tbe malls ns second class mail matter. ' OFFICIAL I'AI'KU OF COOS roUNTV. AN INDEPENDENT 11EPUUL1CAN NEWSPAPER PUDLlSIlED EVETtY" EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, AND WEEKLY DY THE COOS DAY TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY. i Sl M.... ,.A Virfo vTWWl jz ffM fedHK W J-? M slC . i I -. i Is completed with tho completion' OFFICIAL PAPEIt OF THE CITY OF MAHSIIFIELI). THE BALKAN WAR WAK IS HELL but oppression Is war Interminable, or terminable only by tho sort of war that tho Halkans nro carrying to tho gates of Constantinople. When tyranny grows nboiit bo old and gray and wrinkled, tho lock of Destiny strikes for It, and it goes down. Tho clock ot Des tiny Is striking for tho utisponknblo Turk. For flvo hundred years tho Ottoman Turks havo camped In Eu ropo, on tho ruins of Oreeco and tho old Dyzantlno Empire, which fought back tho onswcoplng hordes of MobIcui barbarians for centur ies, an island of civilization In a sen of Asiatic conquest. Now tho Turk feels tho stroko of Kismet. Tho armloB of tho formor provinces nro thundering at his gates. Tho tldo of Islamic In Tnslon turned back by Charles Mnrtel at Tours, and by John Sohloskl t Vionnn, hns obbed to tho very walls of Constantinople Tho rod war, tho Turk has so often Invoked, flames among his hitherto Inviolato Kiosks and minarets. It Is tho Napoleonic assault over again. And who nro theso new heroes who linvo struck and struck, and struck until tho iron Janizaries aro rcollng to tho ropes and crying for quarter? Why, they nro tho dorldod "chocolato soldiers," bolittlod In mimical comedy the soldiers of Bulgaria, Scrvla, Montenegro and Oreeco. Tlicso heroes arc thoso who aro represented as carrying choco lates In tholr cartrldgo bolts, Instead of ammunition I How llttlo wo know men until they nro tested. Theso heroes somo of thorn havu Loon shining shoes of American cltlzons until tho clarion call of tholr country drew them back to their nntlvo land to fight for It. Thoy nro chocolate soldiers and bootblacks no more. Tiioy nro men of blood and Iron. Picrro Lotl in his "Mndamo Chrys nnthomo," slighted tho Japanese. Thoy wcro toy soldiers, ho said, only fit for functions nud fans. This was Just boforo tholr war with China. And Plorro Lotl lived to seo tlicso toy soldiers fill with their living bodies tho ditches boforo Port Arthur, nud chargo lllto demons Into tho hell of HiiBslan dro at Mukden. Tho Halkans aro victorious! Already tho Turk Is crying for poaco, as told In tho Associated Press dispatches to Tho Times. Tholr vic tory seems to oo mo from tho splendid dash and spirit with which thoy fared tholr In veto rate foes and oppressors, tho Turks. It rcmlndB ono of tho poet's vivid lines written In 1801: "Come with tho weapons nt your call, with musket, plko or knlfo, Ho. wields tho deadliest blado of all who lightest holds his llfo. Tho hard that deals tho unbought blows with nil a pntrolt's s:orn, Might brain tho tyrant with n roso or stab him with n thorn!" In tho crises of human llfo and history, tho subllmost and most nsofiil olomont in human nature Is often cnrolcsBiicss of llfo nud tho things of llfo. ih uuiiiinuiuu wiiu inu completion i"liir-ki-. -5?s. of tho eighth grndo ought to nt- 1M 11111 f Im tempt tho teaching of eighth grndo gM! U P IV English nud bo proporly Impiesscd U U I III II 111 A with tho limited vocabulary ot tho wv" 'U UUJ H ' children of that ngo, their iincor- -,. l bWITCH 1 tnlnty of prouunclutlon, and goner nl helplessness in tho .uso of tlielr own English lnngungo. HIGH SCHOOL. Tho High school dleo Club took doflnlto stops for organization last Wednesday liv nlcctlni? Prnf. W w grado were: Huby Cooley, Myri Morris of tho eominorclnl dopurt Cox, Thcodoro Dow, Annlo Downs, mont, presldont of tho club, Mnx Jesse Krnntz, Myrtlo Isaacson, lies- itclgard, vice, presldont; Miss Ituth oln Rntiititnlnt. Norman Wilson nnd Allen, socrntnrv ninl trnnnnrniv ntut Llzzlo Kroninilngn. In tho Sixth, chostor Isaacson, manngor. All of , Cupid is nlnvln,, i. Ilnth AndeiHon. Charles Doano, tho 30 members nro vory onthus- -008 " 'Mophonn n 'tW I'.rilUBl uiunn, Fnrrcn, Ernest lovson, Gooii' Tho Amorlcnn History class Is studying cnusos ot tho Revolution, tho measures taken by Englnnd to suppress tho pcoplo of tho colonics and tho measures tnkon by tho colonies to opposo oppression and petition for redress of grlovnncos. Tho Declaration of Indopondonco was taken up In n soparato dis cussion, tho cnuses for each clause being discussed. Tho English hlBtory class has been studvlnir tho formation of Parliament, especially tho Uouso of.Supt. Tlcdgen tho following mndo own High school Commons, and tho nioinoa or cnriy roprcsontntlon in Parliament. Many Marriaqes nf t.. , - ouon. InlMi Dyo, Glendn instlc over tho prospects of giving "m"; f Mm operator Ml T'liison, iioion uu- n concert in tno spring should con- """"on "nt thn i, re ttta, Mntimui Wl inn .llflmm ,,...... ,1 l uri.... n i thn lopnl ri '.u JOUne .j,! luimili, u.. ........, uiuuiio milium ii. uiion KIHlulllcr ,, , , " "ilCO llflVn A.l "l Honclnnd. Ern -st Holm. Wllmn, f Mm Lntln doimrhnnnt will i,n blackbonid n i,i ..,afii o .' . ,,.' , m.. AfoA.. ' .!. ..,. ... .... .. . " mnn.t ... ' 1'lClllr .1 " "' :us ii'iiiK, iimij ini-'i'-, mo iircompnuiBi, wniio n dirccior ! , . vl,K"Boinont u "' fa McLaughlin, Augusta im8 not boon choson ns yot. Ho- "''IV'od "our motto " flit Jess, Frances linn-, lfitiii Mlcklln, Margaret Mlnnlg, Carol hearsalB aro to bo Bhirtod, how- ln '"'"to ig unii ... Hahskonf. Vlolor HoDorson, Artnur, over. In n fow days. Other Hlirli "ro b. Hoon ,..."" tW Whereat and Valerian Vnsoy. schools not ns largo as Mnrshflold nn(,"K 'ho y0Mn I? rrJ linvn lrnnil tminlrnl nrcniilvntlntin "y llin rninn..... '. (niili.j -".i.iiaiiv ill. ''if. I linvo good musical organizations. Tho Sophomoro history clnss has completed n review of general his tory up to tho tlmo of tho Ho nnlssnnco, which will bo tho study of tho clnss for tho next few days. -" o-" .......w.. "riiJbuiir. r. -"illltllH In a spelling test submitted by Thero scorns no reason whv our r"ch. who Is In it,..."'. Ml1 lit. TledKon tho following mndo own Hluh school should not Imvn oxclinngp. k in i, J. "Wt htJ . . ' . .. . ... ." -- . . - . ----- ----- ...-. . - - u ii nrruj good grades in tlio sovonin: uuiiy a largo nnd well trained gleo club. "Vr " Mr Ponl nV .1 ,M- rVwilnv. OR- Tlwmilnrn DnW. flfi: Tlin nlnl. iiinmlini-a Itinln.lr. m. TllOV Will fn.i.i. . V ttat Mi. " "'-"! .....- ..--'- " " ."" "" iiiio-. ,;,:;: "iuo in m.,i. r" Tho clnss iii ancient history nro now In tho midst of Greek story, having complotod a study of tho Porldean or Golden Ago of Athens. "' The Balkan Trouble -By- DOD STANLEY Athletics. Tho football sonson closed with tho game with Myrtlo Point Friday nfternoon and no further athlotlcs will ho Indulged In till tho begin nlng ot tho bnskothnll soason, fol lowing the holidays. Tho Bcason hns boon n long ono nnd all Interested nro glad that tho pigskin Is to bo Inld awny for another year. Tho sonson has been successful in point of gnmes won, but not so successful from a financial standpoint. Tho Athlotlc association Is plan ning a mliiBtrol ohow to bo given soon for tho purposo ot getting on their foot financially nnd it Is hoped that nil patrons will bo In terested and nld by tholr prcsonco at tho tlmo of tho porformnncc. Tho High school girls r.ro or ganizing n bnskotball toam. About fifteen girls will start tho game nnd Miss Bessie Flanagan hns boon elected manngor. Jcsso Frnntz, 02; Myrtlo Isnncson.J tor Isnacson, Sidney Clnrko, John1 , M,B Mtzliugi, 0f V nle p!t 90; Ellzn McKay, 02; Albert Pow- Noble. Max Relgord, Guy Torroy, rnKo resigns todav i7ndo,1' ers, OS; Besslo Snndqulst, 92; Nor- Tom Pntorson, Lcsllo IsnncHon, No- to '-nnglols wliero tu i DI f mnn wnson, us. i mo I'limnn, Artnur Koistnd, i,eo "' " a ninn of ik.. ." In tho Sixth grndo, Ituth Ander- McLnln, Leo La Chappollo, Mr.1 MIbh H'lft Macl.niir n It lltt son. 9C; Charles Doano, 98; Glon- Morris. Mr. Ornnnls, Dormnl Cnmp- m.co ' lo b0 mnrrL 'Iot' dn Fnrrcl, 100; Holon Oulovson, i,0ll, Evolyn Lnngworthy, May My- ,lr.,Iny to Mr Albco nf iv'11.8"' 91; Wllmn Hongland. 98; Wllmn rcn. Ituth Allen. Ednn llnnson,, ,nl"' i the SaKl lirlilna.i.i.. . '",rlnBC. One ef n. "old olllce oo lnnih "mvIVI1 -h,.ge and o'nVHRS lClglitli Cinulc. In tho Eighth grado lltornturo class this weok, an oxcollont Hiomo was handed lit by Ktith Cowan. I FOIt.M GLEE CLUB. t,. e..,-.... MnmlifiYlil High School OrganleM ladles In ti,p North "n.nli th 1 r..u II... C? ' I....hhI.I . .. .'v.iu um. Ii. ll llll) niMl.-MMI. IIUll IIUII HI1(I I 10 n Eht f,M..V "l In foBta irlvnn llilu wnnlf In nrllli.' a i i..i. . i. i... Connllln I.. n. ". ? " P i Vi ',:" r"' "--" , " hivu until hub ini;iiiii2i.'u uy ,-- ".,'" Mmo notiii ,i ;:i !!!?.i,,tin,!K;ior.iB ii'0 ajoK " ; w ofiu, Mr,,,,oW n'B,,i shsj s..risas , Morchant. nnd In the II division by BcIl0l Wednesday nfternoon. Tlio Kjlo young lmCs i mm? ,V Hector Stophnn. .following officers woro oloctcd: tho compnny nnd thn V,.,i!!t! President, Prof. Morris; vlco Cuplil keeps nt work the tiffl Helen Dow, Mnry Holland Luuwig stone woro each uIibo day this week on account of 11088. lit ono l,rcB,l,ont' Mnx Kolgnrd; socrotary Mi ami treasurer, Ruth Allen; mann gor, Chostor Isaacson. NO EXTRA FEES WE'VE watched tho Balkan wnr-cloud through nlmost ondlcss years, and scon it's lightning's flushes nrouso nil Europo'fl fears. Wo'vo rend liow mighty Turkey, uuspoaknblo nnd foul, hns dureil nil other nntloiiB to do might olso but growl. Wo'vo heard tho bluff nud bluster of Europe's Powors thnt ho, and how thoy'd Join In conflict to gnlu tho mnstory whouo'or tho war cloud gathered onoiigh to break In storm Unit's why tho Turkish Crescent has kept out all reform, nud massacred tho Christinas, 'with shouts of Allah's pralBe, whllo worshipping Mohammed In True Bollovor'fl wnys. But, now that storm has gathered and broken o'or tho Turk, tho pompous, bliiHt'rlng Powors must, blurts, no longer work on Turkey's jmtlont neighbors who vo stood oppression long whllo waiting for nomo Power to come nnd right tho wrong. All honor to tho Bulgnrs, nnd Greeks, nnd Sorvlnns, fow, who faro tho Turks in bnttlo, with Montenegrins, tno, and sliamo on stnlo old Europe, In diplomatic guise, f'at stood nud watched tho Sultan exult whllo Christian dies. May Koran bow to Bible on ov'ry hnrd-foiight field. May Cross o'orcomo tho Crescent till Turkish doom Is scaled. I SOUTH MAHSIIFIELI) GRADES I First Gir.dc. Edith Anderson, Gordon Notf nnd Virginia Gosnoy woro absent this wool; 'on nccount of Illness. Hollls nnd Clifford Foster or Ban don entered school tho Inst of Inst week. Florcnco Knrdell, Mark Bonno nnd John Nerd rum mndo somo vory good frco hnud cutting pictures of Indian life. Lucy Bonobrnko entered school this week nftor having been absent for somo tlmo on account of l"r Cm-y ro,m,y clerk CnnM a.nrgo Kv- lm for Services. Thero was but ono session In tro Atv.( n v., t0 .,. Eighth Grndo on Frldnv on nccount SAI'Mr 0ro" Nov- '8- Attorney of tho footbnll gnmo. Work bo- General Crnwrord today advised J. It. hn nt 8 o'clock and closed at 1 Stniinnrd or Gold Bench, County clerk O'CIOCK. I or Curry County, that county clorkB woro not entitled to nny oxtrn com- enmnnnv win i. :..."."' on a now gonorntlon of cpentS CI'RRV ("OUXTV NEBS Doings at Curry Cmmljr Scutlold J mnn uracil wiow. Deputy Gnmo Warden Mn storm bound In town a roipli i dnys Inst weok whllo enroute to tv south end or tho county on cfldil business. Assessor Tolmnn left faere fa Chotco nftor his rnmlly, who hn been holding down the hocettnl for tho past row monthi. Mrs. J. R, Stnnnnrd rctursedbCM Saturday nftor a three moatViitt with frlcnils on tho Cheko Rlrg. Second Grade. Loron Jess hns been absent this weok. ORI.'GO.V IN CABINET. THERE Is a possibility that Ore gon nmy bo ropresonted In Presldont Wilson's cabinet. Will It. King, formerly Hiiproino court Justice In Oregon nud tho HAPPV THOUGH MARRIED. THE domestic ruptures which linvo been responsible for tho caustic phraso, "hnppy though married," would probably novor foremost champion of Woodrow Wll-1 imvo occurred if nil tho brides hnd taken nud kopt nlong with ho slnted tor socrotary of tho In terior department, according to tho opinions of thoso supposed to ho mi the "Inside," JiiiIro King was In chargo of Wilson's cnnipulgn west of tho Rockies, from tho Chicago hondquurtors, and during tho nh- sonco ot tho other mnnngors nt times was in complete charge of tho campaign west of Chicago. Judge King has ninny Coos Bay frlonds who, regardless of politics, will wish him sit cross. J. N, Teal is nUo mentioned ns a possibility for tho sumo pluro, nud .loo has hosts of frlonds on Coos Bay nnd In Coos county who will boost nnd work for him nud If wlshos would win him tho plucn ha would bo nmoiig tho successful ones. X WITH THE t toastandtea: i OTHSTIO.V FOR. THE DAY. Good ovonlng, ladles, you roglstorod? linvo -tt-tt- Wo know somo Coos Bay womon young womon, especially who woron't hnlf as anxious for a vote ns thoy wcro for n votor, In Russln a soldier got llfo for handing a petition to tho Czar, Somo or theso Coos County petitions cir culated ought to get more thnn thnt. tho conventional vows, tho reso lutions which tho 32 brides on board tho Burmudinn linvo drawn up. Tholr rogulntlons cover theso im portant points; Novor to affect tho now womnn; to know how to cook and sow; nlwnys to hnvo breakfast ready on tlmo nnd to mnko a neat appenranco nt tho bronkrnst tnblo; to tako tho Inl tiatlvo In tho mnttor of kissing their husbands; to bo nllowed nb soluto chnrgo of housohold ntralrs; to havo a fixed nllowanco; to koop nccounts, nnd rosorvo all surplus tor private uso; husbands ho grnnt od ono "night oft" a weok without questions, but husbnnds to bo on cournged to bring tholr bncholor frlonds to tho homo to mnko tho homo a club. Bolton Knmmorcr, Steon M,ngnus and Donnld Gldloy told somn good stcrlca tor tho otory hour. Allco FrniiBon. Lloyd Haworth. John Norstrnm, Loouldns Crosson nud Dick Wnltors did good work In painting tho "Mayflower." Tlilnl Grade. Thoso who stood ovor 90 in tho Third nud Fourth B grndos spoil ing examinations woro; Enoch An derson, Mnybollo McLnughlln, Fran cis Sncchl, Johnnlo Mlrrnsoul. Ty son Koyzor, Edgar Mnuzoy, Gladys Burrows, Roubon Snndqulst, Violet Pnttlson, Ruth Snndqulst nnd Elmer lllldonurniid. Helen Smith and Mao Church ponsntloti tor Isulng flsh and hunting o,,m an.,,..,, i inu,, nuun-n on licenses. Tho county clorlc nrcsontod oos uiver. . Ul0 theory thnt this work was for tho ' state nnd not for tho county, thoro- foro thoro should bo oxtrn pny. But, Frod Oruver brought her op la Vt l CENTRAL SCHOOL NOTES tho attorney gonornl ndvlscd thnt tho covered hack. " county was moroly n municipal dl-l Wesley Miller dcllrered a loUd Primary. vision or tno stnto nnd that whllo rrolght to two mllo riffle, a dutiM Lcona Holmes of Oakland, Cal oouniy ciorus drow tnolr pay from i or Ilvo miles nliovo Agnewjut Sri Is n now pupil In this room. tlio county, nevertheless thoy woroj urdny, running tlio Shasta Coitinf Miss Roxlo Hall visited tho grndo olllcors or thn stutn. Ids each wny with mho and ulttr on nidny niternoon. First. Agnes KuIJu or tho B. second di vision, hnd perrect spoiling Iossoiib nil week, nnd nlso on tho rovlow or twenty words on Friday. Chamber of Commerce Statement Statement of receipts nnd disbursements nt Mnrshflold Chamber ot Cos-, Tho clnss In wntor colors on Fri- morce, ror the period Jntiunry 1st, 1912 to November lt, 1911 dav pnlntod yellow chrysnnthomums' RECEIPTS. which Rodorlc O'Connor brought. I Cnsh on hnnd Jniiunry 1st. 1912 I Tlilnl Grndo. Received from subscribers, Jnnunry 1st, 1912 to nnd Including JM1 llocs, Maud Stiitsmnn, Gortrudo uoninson. nolln Terry, Marlon Rors lull nnd Mario Wlsta. Fourth Grndf. Bentrlco Crosson, Louise Gldloy, Rohort Sneddon nnd Donnld Allen did vory good color work in mak ing tho secondary colors from tho threo primary colors. Chnrles Sneddon wns nbsont Mon day on account or Illness. Bentrlco Crosson was nbsont all weok on nccount ot grlppo. Charles Sneddon, Mnrguorlto Lc cocq, Bornlco Mlrrnsoul, Ctolla Ilng lund, Gladys Forry nnd Walter Hnglund mndo very good landscapes in color. i t t CURIOUS FACTS FROM EVERYWHERE Tho snioke8tnck8 or our ocean Rtonmcrs nro iniioh lnrgo than Is gonoinlly supposed. The smallest nro lf reot In dlainotor, and some of tho lnrgest ones nro 18 root. Tho heaviest mnn, wh'oso weight 1b recordod nuthontlenlly, was Miles Dordon or Tennesseo. Ho wolghed a llttlo less thnn 1000 pounds. Robinson Crusoe was tlio first novel published with Illustrations In Englnnd. This was In August of 1719 nud tho Illustration was n mnp or tho world. The first Sunday schools woro established by St. Gharlos Borro ever made, oroctod to his momory. oniuia 1803401 am sl "1 'ooui mind.'' ,. . 'i ' a is cinunod mat tnoro aro 300,000,000 coconnut trees In full bearing. Those plnnts which hnvo white blossoms hnvo moro frngrnnco than nny others. Red is not, fol lowed by yellow and bluo. A nowly born glrnrfo stands high Immediately artor birth. Ho then measures six root rrom his hoors to tno top or his head. Divers' boots weigh 20 pounds npleco, Tho helmet wolgha 40 1 omuls nnd tho diver also carries 80 pounds of lend to ennhlo him to I'ccp his bnlnnco at tho bot tom of tho son. Ernest Leo returned Thursday, Novombor 14. Stolln Hnglund was out Friday on account of Illness. CARD OF THANKS. I deslro to thnnk nil thoso who so Kindly enmo to assistance dur ing my Into boreavomont, tho death of my husband. I deeply nppre clato tho efforts of tho I, O. O. F. lodge moinbers In my bohnlf and feel vory thankrul to those strangers who so kindly donated Rowers. MRS. A. L. LAYTON. Fifth Grade. The following pupils of tho Fifth grade did not fall bolow 90 In nny study this month: B Class Edith Ayro, Samuel Franson, Ebon Connor nnd Georgo Mlnnlg. A Clnss Evelyn Mlrrnsoul nnd Reginald McCarberry. Thoso who had norroct miollltiiri Vnvnmiinr iui into Mil II lessons this weok nnd 100 In n test Spoclnl fuiicl lccclvod ror reorganization or Port or Coos Ray .. ,! on inuny uio: Boil Why, EugonoReiit received rrom Port of Coos Hay 5H' Crosthwnlt, Irono Foulkes. Edna . Uillll (Artor rcorgnnlzntlon or tho Port of Coos Bay, nil money expended I; tlin MnrflllMlllfl nlinmlinl tt Pniiininrin U'na rnflllllllill. Tho Third nrndo Ih sludvlni? thn Aiivnrtiai.,,, i iltil plcturo or tho Angelus by Millet. Postngo ...... '. '.'..". '. !'!!.'!!!!!!!! ,J-M- Mnilon Wilson Is dronnod on nc- Smmiioa Slt'i count or sickness. Rent ,! ,. ., - i nil I loiirtli Grade. Salary Socrotnrv ''f Mrs. nodgo nnd Miss Roxlo Hall Janitor . " were visitors In this room on Frl-.Drnyngo ...'. ,l! "a- vim, a ,. 3S!tt?'i ' !- Those nbsont this wool: on nc- p, t 4 ." '::::" 1 -... i . (-p '"' t 11 I tuuiu oi Biciuiess wero victor Back Tvnnwriip ". and Clara Coleninn. iT.ihia HoNynrd Lowls roturnod Thursday p0Bt olllco box rent '.'.'.'.'.'.'. ! attor two weeks' Illness. Furiiiniiini'n sit? ,H " T'?!,? ,1' r",n C0,",)0- organization or Port of Coos BV ! '. '. '. ! Tho A division la ' writing tho story or Cyclops. Thoso hnvlng porroct lessons in spoiling tho pnst weok nro Mlrlnm Wright, Mnzlo Cooloy( Steward Mc Intyro, Bornlco Pntchott, Agnes Johnston, Emmott Collins, Elslo HUlBtroni. Hllma KuIJu, Holon Terry. Jnno McLnln nnd Kathryn Nicholson, Seventh Grade. Wo hnvo not hnd an nbgonco nor n tnrdlnosa this weok. I IIO80 Who linvo hnd nnrfor-l spoiling lessons ror tho weok nro Edgnr Cnson, Hnzel Cook, Georgo England, Esmond Glossop, Goorgo Hongell, Mnbol Immol, Rolno Kos onon, WlHrod McLnln, Joo Mllner, Goorgo Terry nnd Ernest nurrows, Bnlnnco In bank ns per chock book, nt present time GENERAL SCHOOL NOTES. !IH' IH II.H " 'V 1H' "1 The osB Inhlo a j Ji hm Lillian Seamnn, Ttosy Knox, Ed- hi ii iyiiua, nun ivriiuir i.ru unvo been nbsent tor n weok, but hnvo now returned to school. Slvtli nnd Seventh Grades. Tho boys or tho Sixth nnd Sev enth Grndos hnvo nearly rinlshod their hammocks and nro now learn ing tho stitches to be used In mnk lug tho floor nints ror use in the gymnasium. Thoso grading 90 or nbovo In nrlthmotlo ror tho past month In the Sovonth grado wero Guy Clau sen, Ruby Cooloy, Theodore Dow, Jesso Frnntz and Albert Powers. In tho Sixth grado. Georgo Hansen. Wllmn Hoaglqnd, Margnret Mlnnlg, Ernest, Whereat and Valerian Va-8y. Th?aTIm2MSffll.b Pr,Dtlng d0n " Jh0B? maklnB a srad0 of 90 r The Time, offlce. ( , I above ,n geography In the, Seventh Tho annual nccosslon or books to the school library has nrrlvod. A I mnjorlrj of tho books this year I consist or flctton for tho grades. . luiuinuiu em oi mo uiversido Art Series by Estollo M. Hurl Is in the accession, Tho school equipment was in creased during the week in- thn addition of threo Wobster's New! Hiiornauonai Dictionaries. Gymnnsium nnnaratus a lining Placed In tho bnsemont of tho High school building for the uso of the grado pupils. Tho pupils thorn-! solves aro to make tho mats for1 their protection. The nppnratus will bo homo mndo, consisting of. swinging rings, trapeze, horizontal1 uuid, iiunzumai inuaor, etc. A letter from Miss Bessie Coko. 10, now of tho University of Cal irornlti, suggests among other things that High school students bo advised of tho importance of getting the thought quickly out of the printed pago, and accurately, too. People who think that education Independent and Unafraid "The Paper That Does Things is ougaRed in tho business of publishinjr J news. Tho Times has no political friends to J ward and no political or other enemies to pu It is subsoiTiont to no corporate or other inters and hence is a J7RBE LANOE. The Times m hshes the news just as it Jiappeus and is nt l " tiines to go into tho home. B m, mimes, Ii you are not already a reader of Wx "L you are not getting tho unbiased news ot tue j The Subscription Pricejs: By Carrier G'MS Per Month....::::::::.. 5 Cen The Tnmes PublishingSS M. C. MALONEY, Publisher. Phone 133 163 N. Broad 4 IHM Sraifcrifcfft-1- -"