The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 16, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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(in i
Koyzcr danco nt Englo hall.
Progress Club with Mrs. W.
S. Nicholson.
Ladles' Guild with Mrs. F.
A. Sncchl.
C. W. IJ. M. Missionary So
clotv nt Clirlstlnn church.
Mti ffelfi Qualiilesfo Mod
Prof. Prescott, of the Univers
ity of Michigan, explains why
Royal Baking Powder adds
healthful qualities to the food.
Testifying before the Pure Food Com
mittee of Congress, the Professor stated
that fruit acids were excellent articles
of food and that of these cream of tar
tar, the acid of grapes, held rank with
the highest both in itself and its effect
in the process of leavening and baking.
He regarded the results from cream
of tartar baking powder as favor
able to health. Scientists and hygien
ists are in accord with this opinion.
Royal is the only Baking
Powder made from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar.
Prosbytorlnn Ladies with
Mis. W. I McEhlownoy.
PrlBcllla Club with Mrs.
! Fred Orinnlds.
Methodist Missionary moot
ing at Methodist Episcopal
Mis. W. P. Murphy nt brldgo
Fortnightly Dancing club
da n co nt Eagles' lin.Il.
Baptist Missionary Society
mooting ur Baptist church.
A. N. W. Club with Mrs. C.
F. McKnlght.
North Uontl Altnr Guild with
Mrs. Frank Frame.
Pupils of Miss Mildred Rood
i In roclinl nt Prosbytorlnn
I church nt North Bond.
I Ladles Art club with Mrs.
! House-worth.
Williams, Mrs. J. Groves, Mrs. M,
J. Colcmnu, Mrs, Hendricks, MrH.
13. E. Biggs. Miss Kelloy, Miss Mnr
guorlto Simpson, Miss Mnrguorlto
Peterson, .Inek Groves.
Mrs. J. C. Wallace of Union nvo
nno will entertain tho club Friday,
Nov. 29.
Tho Mothers' and Tenchors club
of North Bond hold n mooting last
Friday afternoon and listened to n
vory Interesting roport from Mrs.
A. Hlsoy, Mrs. II. Armstrong and
MrB. It, McCnnn, who wore dele
gates to tho Mothers' and Tench
crs' convention in Portland two
woekH ago.
A committee composed of Mrs.
W. Nollson, Mrs. F. Chripmnn, Mrs.
A. Hlsoy, and Mrs. II. Armstrong
was appointed to distribute club
litcrnturo ami also to arrango for
a supper and bazaar.
.;. .j. .j. .
day. Tho guests assembled at 7:. TO
o'clock anil for tho next thrco
hours tho houso rang with shout
nnd laughter, occasioned by games
nnd vnrlous other aniusomonts,
Dollclous rofreshmonts followed,
ns a crowning glory to this most
momornblo evening and at qulto a'
lalo hour tho guests deported pro
nouncing Miss Anna to bo an Ideal
hostess In ovory sonso of tho word, i
who In hor turn, thanked lion
guests for their many UBoful and
beautiful birthday gifts.
Those present wero: Tho Misses,
Uuby C'ooloy, Bessie Snndiiilst.
.Myrtle Isaacson, Kathlt'on FItz-i
gerain, Hannah Fitzgerald, Eddovu,
Wheeler. Myrlo Co. Violet Hotior
hoii, Wllr.ui Honglnnd, ltuby Pltt
uinn, Margaret Lund, Helen Gu
lovsoti, Uutli McLaughlin nnd Anna
Downs, and Masters Dudley Hill.
Whltford Hull, Valerian Vasey, Kl
don Itoberson. Howard IColloy,
Eitgeno Kolloy, Norman WIIboii,
Albeit Powers, Cecil La Chnpello
nud Howard McLaughlin.
Tho wedding of MIbb Ella Me
Laurln nnd Mr. H. M. Albeo will
tnko place next Saturday evening,
November 2.1, nt tho homo of Mr.
nnd Mrs. E. C. Drews.
According to nn nppnrontly relln
blo roport, F. L. Grnnnls, athletic
Instructor of tho Marshfleld High
school, will return from his Christ
mas vacation visit at ills old homo
near Salem, with a brldo. No for-
ninl nuiiouiii'oincut hns reached the
Hoy yet.
: ! !
The marriage of Chnrles Gaunt
lett of Empire nnd MIbb Vestn Mc
Cullough of North Bond, which was
quietly solemnized In Conulllo last
Saturday, canto as a decided sur
prise to many of the young folks
friends. They will rosldo In Em
pire where tho groom Is employed
by the Southoru Oregon Company
and tho best wishes of a host of
friends are extended to thorn in
their now enrcor.
The secret of n,
woman In i.ocessa X ' d
becilUBo tho ri.i-..J 1 .?' Cor?
"..ot ."? ""lro a n L,0i.
iiiu uorsei is i. t rlchf u uce- H
"-"j. uiiub , VI1 cannot vWr.
"ml consequently onrt ibe rh'
cannot b0 ,.PP, ht Th?PMr,K
iiiliurniivn to hn
rni.A i. .
liuiaiivn IO Unvo llin ;f.v " 'I
$1.00 to 15.00 The, win ntn,
Wo nro exclusive agent!.
Hub Dry Goods Co,
O'Connell Building. Phone w
the winter In Boise, according to
a letter from Mr. Lnmborton to
Marshfleld friends this week.
: :
Tho danco at Englo'B Hall Inst
Saturday evening by tho Low Koy
zor orchestra was well attended
nnd lovers of tho danco congratu
late themselves on tho good music.
Mr. Koyzor has a now floor man
(Continued from Pngo Two.)
Noblo, Mrs. Harry Dradflold, .Mrs.
Lodwnrd, Mrs, McCloud, Mrs, Jns.
Cowan, Mrs. Arthur MclCoown,
airs. j. .m. upton, Mrs. Aulo, Mrs.
James Ferry, Mrs. Doubnor, Mrs.
W. 11. Curtis. MrB. F. H. Storey.
Mrs. Bargolt, Mrs. E. A. Anderson,
jure. w. A. Toyo, Mrs. F. A. Sucil
nud tho Mlssos Evolyn Anderson
nnd Agues Hutclieson.
Tho Guild will moot agnln with
Mrs. F. A. Sacchi next Tuosdny,
Nov. 19.
Miss Vlolot Hondorson expects
to leavo on tlio noxt Bodondo for
San Francisco, after a five years'
residence in Marshflold. during
which tlino she has made many
friends who will regret her do
parturo. MIsb Hondorson will fin
ish hor otllclal work tonight and
hopes to have a few dnys with hor
frieudB before her Icnvo-tnklug.
Upon her tlrt arrival In Marsh
flold, slio nssumed tho position of
prlvnto secretary to Wnltor Lyon,
thou Hccrotnry of tho Chniubor of
Commorco. Aftor Lyon's resigna
tion MIsb Hondorson was elected In
Ills stond and has assumed such
duties over since, and has assumed
thorn well and it Is tim wiii nr
birthday of tholr daughter, Miss " ' $ J'"!011 ? nf" "" ''
Lenoro. The stormy ovonlng passed "f"" .f 1 ,r. Inntl- ,Mr,-. no.n' wno
quickly, while tho gnosis played ?. ; ty for two
gnmos and danced. Dainty ro- r.?"r8,,r L,ir'sl" "BP- " (,nnc-
freshmonts wore sorvod and nfter ... !.cnPc'il:il "' 1,,il10rtlam1' CO,,,OH
mora games tho rain stopped, ho 1,IbI,1 recommended.
nil t. .!..!.. I ll.... 1 ...... 1... I 1 V V
uil "iniiuu ...D I.VIWU ..mi., u i) , ,,. ,, ,..,, ,. ,,, , n
Tho MIstuM Eliza and Bessie
Ayro woro hostesses last Monday
ovonlng at a miscellaneous shower,
principally kitchen nrtlclos, tender
ed Miss Ella MacLaurln, a lirldc
oicct. Tho Ayro homo waH charm
ingly decorated for tho nffalr, the
red glow of tho shaded lights and
tho artlBtlcally arranged forim,
bringing benutlfully Into effect tho
color Fchenio of red ami green.
MiibIc was tho mnln dlvorslon
of tho evening. A vocnl duot by
tho Misses Hnlllo Davis nnd Until
Mathews was highly enjoyed, ns
also woro plnno selections by tho
Misses Ik'ntrlco Itohorts, Bosslo
Ayro nnd others.
And tho refreshments words
cannot express their excollonco.
Tho Mlssos Ayro's guests woro:
Misses Etta Brooks, Elizabeth Ar
landson, Bentrico Itohorts, Boatrlco
Smith, Bosslo Flyo, Hnlllo Davis,
Just recovering from a MreTlj
roturns nnd dopnrtwi. Miss Clara '". ,,:., n ',.". i.V.". "".."
Sargeant of Marshfleld nnd Dnn h "T in .. D ,. v",5 ,. ??lvin vw. lionor guost. Elln
Ward of Forost Grovo who is visit- ' Ij".KBlon?, ""', Nnr1th n"!1' MnpUtirln. Edltli Ayro. Mr. and
lug on tho Bay woro out of town " v.!n,rKol. nV0IM c' "'I'1 ?rent.,y IMr"; ?corso Ayro l,nrt N""10'- Ho"
guests. Tho otliors nresont woro: onJ00''', The bnnd Is plnnnlng to bort Ayro.
Misses Vim Wilson, Mnud Crosby, Pj',? " ,1?,,I n,?ory 'owr wcolcs nn.l
i i.. ii.i.i n..i.... t.-ii.i n.T.! Is now planning for n lie innsnuer- a
tUJJH HIVEIl ('Ll'll.
Pulley! .fosslo Khig.' Helen ' Moor "Jo ." ,2 flrHt Snlr"ny
Mnrjorle Smith, Cnrrlo Stevens, Et-,nlBllt '" I)or,.m,)- ...
ii 'lii vim rmut it tiftrk f In i1 niifl i
Ilk .'IW, VWIIOItlll.U Willi IV II MU . PI. T-ll.-l.l.. -1..I. 1 I
MmX 'IS'VuS'teoldK:: "v WH .'dance-'of Z
,. ..., ... ,,w iv.i i uv i4iiH(vn
son. Wlnflulil Woodbury, Stanton Z v, n '""?, " 'i." ,i ;"K ?
StovoiiB, Tom llnVo and Bud Em- ,in11' 1,ltlny ovonlng. .November 2
ery. t v v v
- 4-
I' Tho Sons of Norway nro mnklng
- proparauous for a linskot social and
Tho North Coos Itlvor ulrls sow
Ing club mot Thursday afternoon
at Mrs. .loo Nowlln's homo. Music
nnd sowing woro followed by doll
clous lofreshmonts. Among thoso
iioioiiging nro .lennotto Nowlln.
I'.voiyn I'ipor, Boryl Noah and
Ponrl Price.
Tho Ladleu' Aid or the Nor- ball to bo given at Finnish hall
woglnn Lutheran church of North, Thanksgiving ovo, Wednesday, Nov.
Bond will glvo tholr annual ha- 27. Tho public will bo wolcomo to
znnr Saturday ovonlng, November nttond.
1C, nt Taylor's hall.
Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho
The. N'ortli Hniui, in nini. Prosbytorlnn church of North noml
mot with Mrs. Itohort Simpson last wns "tortnlncd vory onjoynbly
I.VIilnv nfloiiwir... niwl mnn.i Inst Tlllirsdnv nftnrnnnn nt Mm
frloniiH i"J!Sr nni' i!l"V0 ns ,""; 1'loasniit time. Huckleberry micl J" ' Mr; Fnlkonatoln.
w ' o. L01, '"v ,loino nH ,n th0 N-lirysantheinums added to tho nt-l SploniIIU vocal and instrumental
trnctlveuoss of tho rooms. Aftor an 'm v,oro, ronucroa ly Mrs. Georgo
afternoon of sowing nud socinl elint.i (l,o1l80,lt,0rfof' ono of North Bend's
ino nostess Borved delicious rofrosh-1 """:Dl 'l"'B'"B' Aiier tno DiibI
homo slio Is leaving
I HO.VOIt MISS TllOltl'i:.
Mr. nnd .Mrs, L. W. Thorpe on
meuts to tho following ladles
Mrs. C. S. Knlser, Mrs. L. Gla
zier, Mrs. H. C Burinolstor. Mrs.
tlnl I '" I I '" V
:.;.".'." ,",'.,, " y"K poopio.ii. O'Mnrn, Mrs. A. II. Dorhrshlro.
nv3i,V"i " Nor,n .,llVIC' ''-'Mrs. J. C. Wallace. Mrs. H. Oob
day oientiiK. In honor of tlo 17th hnrdt. Mrs. I. B. Bartlo. Mrs. C.
No Matter Where You Do Your Xai" Shopping
Our Xmas goods are now on display c d we will
gladly appreciate the opportunity to assist you in
your shopping.
ii v vNaV W.
kr 1J Bfe.
IV l.ll W iHMfciP'
PHONE 74. J.
I108S Session. SOWllIC nn.l n nnnlnl
tlmo in general followed.
Sllss Gladys Krniilck assisted tho
iiuhiumh m serving refreshments.
Thoso presont woro; Mrs. C. A
Smith. Mrs. E. j. Kottrlng. Mrs. v."
Walters, Mrs. 0. Bolstor, Mrs. 0
Mnndlgo. Mrs. It. McPntm Mr u
O Mara, Mrs. Chas. Mulr, Mrs." N.
C. McLood, Mrs. E. E. Hayes, Mrs.
'; J!?m!?: Ir8 n- R- "olmos. Mrs.
II. R. Dlora. Mrs. Geo. Golsendor
for, Mrs. Falkonstoln and Miss
Miss Hclon nees, daughtor of
..... nini .Mrs. u. j. icees, colohrat-
f.v. hZ 1f3t',,l,lrthdn' nst Saturday
by ontortnlnlng a number of her
Ittlo friends at her homo on Mnr
kot nvonuo. Tho houso wns pret
tily decorated nnd a merry nfter
noon wns spent with games and
l1"810- At tho closo of playtime,
Mrs. Itees. aided liv mib. nn.iJ
?nl". served an olnbornto
birthday dinner for tho young peo
Plo Among thoso present wero
Wlllon Seaman, Virginia Clork,
Kothryn Horton, Mary Loulso Mc-
Aruiur, norenco Flnnagan, Edith
Ayro Bis a Thomns, Ablgal Lei"
ward. Esther Sullivan. Biibv Pit -
v ' o.J ,O0K' mmx Sumner.
55eIIa Swlnford. Mabel Sneddon
Wtt,tw Snfd'lon. Edna Heis. ft
Ion Horsfall. Paulino Sneddon. Bess
Hanngnn, Knthryn Nicholson nnd
Doris Sengstacken.
4 4 4
Mrs. F. E. Alton was hostess
last Friday aftornonn to tho mem
bers of tho Past Mntrons nssocln
tlon of tho O. E. S. lodgo. Tho
docorntlnns wero or chrysnntlio
mums. Sowing followed tho business ses
sion, nftor which tho guests wero
sorvod dainty refreshments by tho
Tho mombors presont woro: Mrs.
F. W. Frlodborg. Mrs. Adn Dun-
gun, .Mrs. ueorgo Murch, Mrs. Bar
gou, .Mrs. iinznrd, Mrs. Mnrsh,
.win. .iicwuny nni .Mrs. Allon
! A
Mrs. P. M. 'Fully nnd llttlo son
nro now visiting at tho homo of
her uncle, Millionaire Woods of the
woolen combine, In Boston, and
with her grandmother. They will
return to tho Const hoforo Christ
mas. ; 'i'
In n letter to friends on tho Bay
this wook, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mc
Collum of North Bend, who nro
mnklng nu eastern tour, stntod Hint
tlioy wero stopping off nt principal
points of Interest nud expect to
rench Now York city tho Inst of
tills wook. Thoy will probably re
turn by tho soiitliorn route nud
will visit In San Francisco nnd
with Mrs. llnrry Mo tilt t, formerly
Miss Anno Fluununu, nt Mill Val
ley, Cal., before returning to tho
j. .. .;.
Mrs. Henry Ploegor returned to
hor homo In Myrtlo Point Wednes
day nfter a uhort stny at tho homo
of her brother, 13. W. Bornltt, .;,ll'
she was recuperating from nu op
eration. She has practically re
covered, much to tho dollght of
tho many friends of tho couple.
Mrs. Herbert Bogors of Coos
Itlvor will leave hooii for San Fran
cisco. where sho will visit hor
daughter, Mrs, Molchor Nolson. Mr.
Itogers may Join her tlioro lator.
F. E. Leefo and wlfo will leavo
soon for Florence where Mr. Lcofo
will have supervision of tho gov-
oniinoiu harbor woric. V, K. Ilaguo
nnd wlfo will move from Klttyvlllo
Into tho npnrtments in tho O'Con
nell building, which Mr. and Mrs.
Lcofo nro vacating.
Mrs. Jonnlo Conloguo, who hns
been in Mnrshflold tho past week,
returned to her homo In Danilon
Mrs. C. II. Diingnu nnd daughtor
of South Coos Itlvor nro tho guests
of Mrs. M. It. Smith for a fowlwcoj
.;. .j. a
Fred Holllstor and family of
North Bond will leavo about Do-
combor I for San Dlogo, whoro
thoy will spend tho winter nnd pos
slbly locnto pormniioutly.
ullon. It will probably le,ZJ
or so hoforo ho recovcrt mbZ-1
111 ri.Hlllllfl I.I.. In. I -
Mrs. A. S. HIvcr n v.. . .
r cj.-i.i. :
Hlchnrds of Rnniiu .. J'.r'
their pnrentB. Mr. nnd Mri. ff
lllelini'ilti ..f v., .ii. n.. ' " "
. r .'. ,""UI. 1,cn. tui ft
,t ... """ "nor oh,;
Mr. Kruso of Kruw 4 b,.J
shipyard left yesterday for jj
. ......oi.u uii mo A, JI( SIBIJ
W. It. llonchrnko arrived tP
this week from San vVi.i... .:
visit lilH brother. Alva Donrtnli
mm inner reinuves. Jin, nocttinl
preceded 111 m hero. TMt i. i,
llrst visit to tho Hay for about lot
Jim, iney win spend abost te:
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Rdim!) A
iienvor inn are .Mannricld tUivJ
Miss Mary Sneddon Ii In l(m!
Hold today Troin Heaver IIC1
Itlug friends,
Mrs. M Knillrott and Mlj tl
Myrtlo Point, who liavo bwn nil
Ing a short visit to Umi
MarBhfleld, return home today.
Miss Eva Clark, who lit lo
finished nn olplit month' ttra t
nchnol on North Inlet, Ii la Mini-I
Held on hor way to her host tj
Cottngo Grovo.
Miss Hazol Powers, the eltaj
dauuhtor of Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
Powers, who siietnlncd a btotr.
arm wlillo crnnkinB meif w j
week. Is ronortcd to be ttttl:n
along nlroly, much to the innw
cntlou or tliolr many iriewis.
Mrs. W. P. Murphy M M
tain nt n hrldgo tea next vnm
dny nftcrnoon. .Vovemler .
Mluu I.'nln llnon nf IllSdOl Vtll
tho guost of Mnrshfleld friend tbl
Additional society netri on Pl
four. -
Tho Womon of Woodcraft gavo a
"colonial" party nt tho I. O. O.
K hall Inst Monday ovonlng:
drosses of colonial typo boing worn
by tho Indies.
Mrs. J. Leo Brown won first
piiso for tho best costumo. Sover
nl muslcnl numbers by Mrs. Ida
Patterson were enjoyed. A gonernl
good tlmo la reported nnd refresh
ments woro sorvod.
Miss Anna Downs entortalned n
ril l yo"nB folk8 "t hor homo
ouiini uronuwny last Tuosdny
evening. Tho event wns in 11.?
or of the youug lady's Tati. i iVh ,Vl, r,r lVl ro'at,ves in Chlca
v juuub iauj s ldtu birth- go, while Mr. Lamberton will spend
Mrs. Mngglo Ogren, who spent
tho Inst week on tho Bay on bus
Iness. nnd plensuro, returned to
her homo in Bandon last Tuesdny.
Mrs. Horhort Bogors of Sout',
Coos Rlvor, expects to loavo for
San Francisco next week on an ox-
tonded Visit With lmr Hm.i.l,l.
Mrs. Melchor Nolson. Mr. Rogers'
..U1H.-B iu join nis who and daugh
ter later.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene O'Connoll,
who hnvo been ninklnir nn ovin,i.
ed Eastern and Southern trip, are
ii. oiiu rruucisco visiting relatives.
Thoy expect to bo homo In a fow
Miss Clevo of Portland, who lins
been visiting at tho C. F. Mc
Ivnlght homo for tho past two
months, loft this week for her
Frank Lamberton and wife of
uiBo uiano. who wero oxpectod
bore this fall to visit friends, have
iiusipuuuii uieir trip indefinitely.
Mrs. Lamberton now plans to spend
Mrs. J, Loo Brown, Mrs. Chns.
E. Powers, Mrs. Ida Patterson and
Mrs. II. C. Noblo constituted a
party of Marshflold Robokahs who
spont last Sunday with Mrs. Chas.
Jackson, who Is crltlcnlly 111 nt hor
homo on Catching Inlet.
Cnpt. Edgnr Simpson of North
Bond loft yesterday on tho A. M.
Simpson for n ton dnys' business
trip to San Francisco.
Mrs. W. T. Morchant writes that
slio will not return to tho Bny for
a month or so, alio having taken
npartmonts In San Francisco to tnko
enro of hor son. Chnrloy, who Is
iss: i:r i ' . ii-a-
f.'.-r --1 r-JJ!
Harmon Tailoring w
328 Front St.
nc;fA nvnlifium Theatol
Everything you enn imngiiio at our store
season. Our stock will bo immense aiid you
not need to go to the city for your selections.
Scarf Pius
Silver Novelties
Cut Glass
Toilet Goods
Leather Goods
ed Cross Drag Store