iHt giigs bay tksSSiSB!.B DANCE! Eagles' Hall Saturday, Nov. 16th . M.. tnv ilirnn vcnrs floor litk ueu ' . ni..lBnnann In Pnrr- Twill have charge of tho floor. A flno floor and tho best of bj!c. KBYZKH'S ORCHESTRA. WR WILL MAIL YOU 91 ... each sot of old Fnlso Toet "it ua. Highest prlcoa paid for d Gold. Silver, oia vvaicnes, broken Jewelry and Prcclou StMoney Sont by Return Mall. rhlla. Bmcltlng & Refining Co. Established 20 Yoars. M3Chwtaotflt., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. ff. will buy your Gold Filling), aaM BcrnD. and Platinum. High Ht prlcta pnld. IjnLLUIKITi: VALLEY FARMS, la Lnno County, Oregon. I fruit Hen? Farm, Truck Farms. Dairy Farms, Stock Farms, General Farming w,it for nrcsaniPTiVE list t:i LITERATURE tolling you nbout I ill wonderful resources oi Lano Cooaty, Oregon. J. K. THOMAS & CO., Cottaco Grovo. Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. N'otlai is hereby given that tho uitnlgncd hns been duly nppolnt- i idmlnlstrator of tho cstuto of Virr A. Peterson, deceased. Now i persons hnvlng claims ngalnBt aid estato nro hereby notified to ptKst tho satno, proporly vcrlfiod, lti proper vouchors thorofnr, to lie undersigned nt tho olllco of Jii T. Hnll. Itoom 11, Eldorado Keck, Marshflcld. Coon County. (hjoa, within six months from tho bit bercof. Dated this 23d day of October. mi. JULIUS NELSON. Iltalnlstrator of tho cstuto of Mary a i'eterson. doconseU. SUMMONS. lb the Circuit Court of tho Statu of Oregon, In nnd for tho County c( Coos. I J. 11. Mllncr, Plaintiff, Tl. Itirih Dalnes, Charles Dallies, Jnmes Mines, Tiiomas II. Haines, Honry A. Dalncs, Mrs. Charlos Dalnes, Hn. James Dalncs, Mrs. Thomas II. Dalnes, Chnrlotto Holon Dalnes Flimgan, Patrick J. Flanagan, M8 Ualnes Peterson and Louis Peterson, Defendants. To Sarah liiiliinn. nimrlnn Tinlnnn. haei Dalnes, Tliomns II. Dalnes, orjr A. Dalnes, Mrs. Charles "Ines. Mrs. .Tinnon Ilnlnnx Mrs. pomn II. Dalncs, Chnrlotto Helen w riannguu, Patrick J. Flnn . Roso Dalncs Poterson nnd wall Peterson: JOa and each of vnn nrn linrnliv "tilled that you nro rnmilrnil to War and nnswer tho complaint " on fllo against you In tho toe entitled Court, In tho nbovo titled suit, in which tho snld J. All ner In nlntntirr o.i.i .... -.-, ttt defendants, on or boforo rlio ', .y. of Dccombor, 1012, tho iiffie lelncr ihn inot ,in,. fn nn. !v.w'nE,.pr?fcrluel In tho ordor for vuuiicauon of this sumoons, nnd ,,lvi ,al1 ,0 appear to nnswor on Wore said dnto tho plaintiff will Jmf.i0, ,ho Court for tho rollof wi, to-wlt: tIMi ihe Coi"'t dotormlno what . - Suo "I10" tho contract for u D0rchnA nf ti.- t..i ... Z.. r.?al Pporty and apply tho w deposited with tho Clerk of uLa th"eon, and direct' said "lendants to mako, oxecuto and do tlJ ' f wapnty deed to snld pwtn- Riiir.? ?'. bloc, twepty-nlno oi Ktlroad Addition to Mnrahflold, ftSS "wording to tho plat UrLtf- L on fllo In Count. "A ' a olllco or Coos tt. J)reBOn ,n accordnnco with eIfSs.of tho contract of sale tt?Xair,H,n, tN. comPln,nt. uPn ..'Plaintiff nnvlni? nto r.nnrt intlZ Bum ot ,nonoy flha be 1MB f I6.?."1 n.d n,8 d0Cre0 tBat uld .T' romsai or nogioct oi tlen i ildants o mo oald deed, deemJ? a evont Ba'(l decreeo bo thereto n takon ns equivalent teSaetCOnnd-?,hat Plaintiff have Judg tta. . .hls C03ts and disburse- BinCT C.'J inuio, each nf ?2lnst Bald defendants and let a. em', an(l Bloh further ro meet ni the Courc shall seem c: an(l equitable. t; D"vJ? f this summons Is made S.Cok? ?,,by tno Honorable john tho:u?ge of tno Circuit Court Conntv la.t0, ot Oregon, for Coos toWy,,5?ted tho 2Cth day of Oc- UoMhernf ,U 'rectlng the publlca- eJot ,n tho Cocs Bay T,mes, d rtapeJ, PttWIshod at Marsh eek fn. 8 Coil"ty, Oregon, onco a tire weeka POr,od of B,x consecu- tt 2Bh ration of tho summons on 6ta day of October. 1912. font W. TT nnnnt.An . " w wwuwt "norney for Plaintiff. Pobll?aUlcatJLon October 20; last nation Dec. 7, 1912.) Are Your Dollars Working 7 The on)' way to make your income your savings pay you interest is io in vest it. Buy real estate. Invest in Marshl'icld where your money will double many times over (luring the next five years. Take advantage of the opportunity now before you and invest your savings intelligently. Invest where you obtain the greatest value for the least amount of money invested. Invest in First Addition to Marshficld, where the prices are low and the vaUics high. Buy in this now addition where the streets are being graded, tho lots im proved and now homes being erected. Invest your savings in First Addition where you can buy a 50x120 foot lot, level and sightly and facing on improved street for but $300. The location is right on the "South Side" where the greatest developments are taking place, tho now homes building and tho direction the city is rapidly grow ing. Call at our office for a plat. Reynolds Development Co. NORTH I Coko Building Owners. Telephone 160-J Chases Chill !?i Dampness A gas room heater is simple and Inexpensive-It gives comfort and protects health during autumn weather. Small and handy, a gas heater takes up little space and can be moved from room to room wherever you want warmth. Requires but a few minutes to remove the damp and chill from living room, dining room or bed cliamber. Various sizes and styles at various prices. Call and look them over. Oregon Power Co. ; Telephone 178. LEAGUE RECORDS ARE GIVEN OUT Batting and Fielding Averages and Pitching Records Are Made Public. ,,.,., ,., COGS BW.OWBXOtt Tn-r, i-imm-I rlfPoY WW3K COOS BAY REALTY ' SATE Alarlr.4r S ii 0 . 3 '. or SYNDICATE. DEALERS JRsA6CNTS Cm COLONIZATION. MIW. FARM FDUIT. ttlWMl " TIMBER UWS. Orsahizihs or nmsimi COMPANIES A StUlALTYsz ' The nast has Droven that Investments In small acre tracts near growln: cltlei are tho most profitable. Tho c. u. u- a. uas - , 71111 UiUBuunu, a""-.-, - llorton, Chicago 371 Lnjolc, Clovoland 3C3 Tho lowost porcontago In tho list Is that of Ilnugher of Cleveland with a porcontago ot .050. Individual Welding. Tho Individual Holding ot tho plnyem In tho different positions, Is given out by the league. Tho lending ono In ench position nnd his porcenrngo Is given bolow: First Dnso llorton, Chicago.. .097 Second Uaso ltoth, Chicago.. .0G3 Shortstop Johnson. Chicago.. .981 Somo Interesting figures linvo Tnird baso Vltt, Dotrolt 9GC been compiled rognrdlng tho pitch-, OutfloIdorB Jnntzon, St. h... 1.000 Ing records nnd batting nnd flold- Hondryx, Clovoland 1.000 Ing nvorngo ot tho playora of tho Mclntyre, Chicago 1.000 American league Tho lists oro Hunter, Cleveland 1.000 long ones, but thoso who nro tho I'jtchors, White, Chicago. .. .1.000 loadors in each class nro of Inter- Coombs, Philadelphia 1.000 est. Il'lanlc, Philadelphia 1.000 Tho percentages of tho club bat- naunigardnor, Chicago 1.000 ting ot each of tho American CntchorH Cndy, lloston 990 Leaguo teams follows: Pitching ItoconK Philadelphia 282, Tho following nro flvo in on hnv- Hoston 277 ng tho highest pitching records. Clovoland 273 a glanco nt It nnd placing tho Dotrolt ' 2G7 rolatlvo pitchers In their winning Now York 2C0 positions will show why Iloston led Washington 250 tho longuo In winning gnmos: Chicago 2Sl,Wood, Iloston 872 St. Louis 24S Plnnlc, Phllndolphlu 813 Individual Hatting. Johnson, Washington 727 Tho list giving tho Individual. Coombs, Philadelphia CC7 lmttlntr of nit tho nlavors of tho nouiont, Jiosion utw IS TO ELECT On Dec- 10 Will Choose May or, Councilmen and Other Officers. ' Tho city election nt North Bond Is to bo held Dec. 10. There Ib to bo on this dnto elected a mayor, city recorder, city treasurer nnd threo councilmen. Thero has not boon much tnlk nbout candidates yet, but tho campaign is Just now beginning. It Is expected that tho Socialists will put n full tlckot In tho field on account of tho strength they showed nt tho Inst city olcc tlon when tho Socialist voto carried tho city. Ii. J. Simpson will bo n cnndl dato for mayor again, It Is under stood, nnd will probnbly not lmvo any opposition excepting porhnps a Socialist candidate. A. II. Derby shire will bo a candldato for city recorder ngaln nnd so far thoro Iiob no ono como out against him. Thoro Is not much tnlk about candldntcs for tho other otllccs, but It Is snld thoro will bo Bomo out for tho of fice In a tow days. Tho Mothors and TenchorB club of North Dentl mot thin nftarnoon nt 3 o'clock In tho Central Bchool building. The dolegntos who nt tended tho Mothors Confederation nt Portland two wcoks ngo, gavo a very Interesting report. Mrs. Itobort I,. Simpson of North IJond Is cntcrrnlnlng tho Thimble club nt her homo this nftcrnoon. Tho Oold nnd Sliver Domorcst modnl rlnsses of North llond un der tho direction of Dr. lllrd D, Clnrko, nro proparlng n contest to bo given In the near futuro. Mra. W. It. Simpson of North fiend left this morning to visit for n fow days with hor dauchtor. MrB. R. W. Fahy of Dullard's Ferry. Tomorrow Mr. nnd Mrs. Fahy will ccdobrch: tholr tenth wedding an niversary. Mm. W. II. Worrell of North Doud loft yestorday for Dullnrd's Ferry, whoro bIio will Bpond a fow days with her Bister, Mrs, R. W. Fahy. Kdwln Ilobson and I.ouls Dol slgor will open n branch In North llond of tho Rllors Plnno House of Portland. II. II. Iienn ot Oladstono, Ore, nnd II. D. Murray ot Portland, lmvo routed tho Hood building nonr Tho Olon nnd will stnrt n stonm Inun-. dry thero. PLAN TOW I 0 filIN lenguo Is n long ono. Tho first six at tho top of tho list and tho porcontago of each follows: Cobb, Dotrolt 410 Jackson, Clovoland 39G Spoakor, IloBton ; 383 HOOK AIIOUT HANDOX. WIIRN VOU WANT GRIt lOV Something sent for or delivered PHONE 151-L and we'll do It. Charges reason able. CHAH ORANnY. hun:niN"aANi)nKPAiH vonic; ITouso Moving and Grading. Wo aro prepared to do this work by tho day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Let us figure with you. O. S. FLOYD & CO., Phone ntfl-T. Mamhfleld. Ore. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See COIIT7IELL jysy V.VTV WSi The QuaLity of Our Bread can only bo properly appreciated by tho test of tasto. Order us to send you a loaf or two every morn ing fresh from our ovens. After you havo tried it awhllo you 11 havo acquired such a liking for It that you'll want it always. Coos Bay Bakery The place for good gootlM. Market At. Phone 111-L Pictures & Framing ConuiuTcliil Club of Clty-by-tlu-Seu to Advertise tho Place. Tho Dandon Commercial Club lina Iwtunil n inw linnlflnt In fint A MRSSKN-1 fortl1 tho ndvnntngos of tho local ity. It is or n Biro wnicn ms nn ordtnnry business onvolopo nnd can bo sont with n lottor. Tho book contains 1C pages nnd a covor and Is Illustrated with scones of tho place. Tho reading mnttor tolls of tho various resources nnd opportun ities of Dandon nnd tho Coqulllo Itlvor country In n concise- manner. Tho Commercial club has had a largo numbor of tho booklets print ed which will bo distributed. Tho Dandon Commercial Club Is n llvo organization and tho mem bers Intend to do somo systomatlc boosting, which will bring Dandon to tho notlco of tho country. Tho city has rapidly gono to tho front latoly and now Is In a position bet tor than ovor boforo to advance Tho Commercial club Is ono of tho chief factors in bringing Dandon to tho notlco of tho country. Walker Studio NKW HIIIPMRXT of Foster Orear's FAMOUS CAXDIICS LRWIS. Get Busy AND OKT AFTBIt THAT ROOF, HOT FIRST COMB IN AND OKI OUIt PIUOES ON SHINGLES AND KOOFINO PAPER, SnTNOLES 9 1.80 AND UP. -t I" k i ROOFING PATER, ONB PLY, 1.2B AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Mffttt'iriffH'rTil- W. S. Scammel Expected Hero About New Boat for San Francisco. W. S. Scainmol, mnnogor of tho Htoamers Washington nnd Homer, Is oxpected hero soon from San Francisco to confor with Cooh Hoy shippers rolatlvo to putting another steamer on tho Coos-Day San Fran cisco run. Tho accldont to tho Washington lonvcH his lino In bad shape far handling tho business out of hero for tho presont nnd Is nlso snld to hnudlcnp some nf tho local ship pers rnnsldornbly, No word has boon recolvod from tho Washing ton which wns sont to Portland to go on dry dock. Tho Homer, which sidled yes torday for San Francisco was nblo to tnke out only ono-hnlf of tho frolght that was ready for ship ment. It is rumored that Mr. Scammol has boon negotiating with tho owners of tho Yukon (formerly tho M. F. Plnnt) and may put hor on tho Coos Day-San Frnncl3.cn run again If ho enn bo assured of bus iness that will warrant It. Tho Plant would handle both pnBsongors and frolght. Aftor bo Ing sold by tho Ooodnll-PorklnB Co. sho wns practically rebuilt and was put on tho Alaska run. Sho ran In horo for years. HREAKS HER ARM. Miss Hazol Powers, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Powers, mot with an accldont Thursday, which resulted In tho frarturo of hor arm. Sho was cranking tho nu tomobllo preparatory to starting Tho crank kicked back and struck tho young Indy on tho arm, caus ing n fracture nbout threo Inches: nbovo tho wrist, Sho will bo laid up for n time and probably will not bo nblo to nttond school for Bovernl weeks. Miss Powers had started tho machlno many tlmas boforo without accident. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU havo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company. A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To all Inowlm uffertri ot rbtunutUm. wheth er muicuUr ot or Hi JoUti, iclllc, lumlxxuf, WckcU, pln la tl klda or nurlfl !liu, to write to her for bom trutuwnt which hi reitcUI cured ill of tbew torture. Bhe feeU It Uer dutr tu ttai It to ill niilrrer F11EU. Voo cure oumlf it tome i tbouinU wUI teitlfr o chno of clluute bel lie arr, Tble llmpl dtKOterr biuUhM uric iclil from the blood, looeeni the etlireoed Joint. intf Iflee the Muod. nd Ulfhten. the eje". llf or eUitUltrind' '" wbol. wtem. If th .bore Utereeti jou, for prooT iddre" Un.', U, Bubumh, x , Oust. toU :