THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1912. EVENING EDITION. . EW 15 i I Governor West Names Day 1o Be Observed as Home Industries Day. Governor Oswald West has Is sued Ills proclamation declaring Novombcr 21 to bo Homo Indus tries Day. Tho purpose Is to fur ther tlio demand for Oregon-mnde products. Tho proclamation fol lows: Whereas, Tho growth and pros perity of a state depend to a groat extent upon Its manufacturing In dustries for the reason that tho factory converts the raw material of tho forest and stream and farm and mine Into products of higher value, giving employment to thous ands who would otherwise havo no means of livelihood. Whereas, It Is only by arousing tho people to the Importance of creating nnd patronizing homo In dustries that wo can hope for suc cess along these lines; Therefore, In view of tho fore going promises, I, Oswald West, Governor, by vlrtuo of tho authority In mo vested, do hcroby proclaim Thursday, November 21, 1912, as Homo Industries Day. To mako this day an Impressive object lesson to tho v.liolo state thoro should bo somo concerted action toward Increasing tho de mand for Orogon-mado products. To this end I would suggest that every manufacturing establishment In tho Hlnto close down for an hour during Homo Industries Day nnd tho managers call their em ployes together and glvo thorn n heart-to-heart talk on the Import nuco of building up our homo In dustries ami Bet nn example, by de claring tholr Intention to use, as i&v ns practicable, only home-grown product and home-mado machinery lu tholr establishments. I would suggest also that on Homo Industries Day every man Jitul woman In Oregon In doing their shopping, purchase only made- MARSH YIELDS ln-Orcgon products. Merchants should help by making attractlvo window displays of such products. I would also suggest thnt tho subject bo discussed In our public schools nnd Institutions of learn ing, in order that it may bo lm pressed upon tho mind of tho young, for tho tlmo will como when theso samo children must have em ployment, nnd unless thoy can find It with tho industries of our stato they must seek It in other states. Success along theso lines can on ly como through tho hcarty-co-op-crntlon of all good citizens, nnd I bespeak for tho cnuso such co-operation. spending large sois. Knoiniotw Amount Will He IVed for the Imposition. SAX FRAXCISCOn Nov. II. Hodncy S. Durkeo, comptroller of tho l'annma-Paclfle International Exposition, lu his statement of the Income, txpcndltures and subscrip tion accounts for tho ontlro period from tho commencement of business lu December, 1900, to Septombor 30, 1912, states that $305,1GG.G2 was used for tho purchaso of real estate, and that tho buildings and grounds department hns oxpondod $3-10,342.23, which is an Indication of Its nctlvlty. This outlay covors architectural and engineering ex penses, and tho cost of filling' In tho overflow lands on tho Exposi tion site. Tho subscription accounts show total signed subscriptions of $C, 095,350 nnd unsigned subscriptions of 1,4G3,350, making n total of $7,518,700. "Of tho unsigned subscriptions," says Comptroller Durkeo, "thcro has been paid $2,325,801,29, or 3S.1C per cent of tho total. In asmuch ns but 10 per cent of tho total has been called for at tho l:mo of this statement, I consider tho proportions of collections very remarkable. STAGE ROBBER ,, STAYS III JAIL 11RAKEMAX TO 1ILAME. i Two Hundred Boxes of Cran berries Harvested at J. Evans' Place. Two hundrod boxes of crnnbor Tlcu havo boon plckod from tho old Getty place at South Slough. Thoro Is a small niarh on tho place but It Is quite productive Tho Getty plnro Is tho ranch whero Jacob Evans resided nnd whuro ho wns murdered. Another family now ro eldes on tho place-. There nro sovorul other sninll marshes on South Inlet. Tho crop la now being harvested. Owing to tho HAD WEATHER. GREAT HKIHVTION MILLINERY BALK nt MRS. AIKEN'S CONTIX- i'i:s until December t. Nursery Stock. Boo t. E. Scnumii, Tliono 49-J. (11 Awoiltlcl I'rrn la Coot Iter Tlmt. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 10. "1 nnd sumo othors are to blame," said Carl Cross, tho head brake man of tho frolght trnln, yostcr day afternoon discussing tho wreck of tho C, II. & D, pnsscngor train REACH AGREEMENT. Efforts to Release Man Who Held Up Drain Stage Fruitless. SALEM. Nov. 10. In the circuit court Judge Galloway decided mat ono Frank Foster, In whoso behalf hnbcuH corpus proceedings wero In stituted nuiBt be remanded to tho penitentiary. Foster pleaded gull ty to n chargo of larceny from the person and was committed to tho stnte prison from Douglns county. Ho wns given nn indotermlnnto sentenco which wnB said to bo Il legal In that no specified number of yenrs was sot. Tho Judge pass ing Bontenco on Foster said ho would sentence him to nn indeter minate, sentence- ns provided by law. Attorney General Crawford ap peared for tho stato nnd produced a law which Is to tho offect that upon n plea of guilty tho prisoner is to bo remanded to tho officer from whom ho Is received. Ac cordingly Foster was sent back to tho state prison, It is possible that nn appcnl from tho decision will bo taken. FoBtor'B Indotor nilnato sentence extends from 10 years to llfo imprisonment. Foster Is ono of tho two young men who held up tho Drain stngo a year ago and robbed tho drlvor and passengers, ono of whom was C. E. Kicker, formcan of tho grand Jury. Several days lator Foster and his partner, Jurgcns by nanio, woro arrested nt tho lnttcr's homo on South Deer creek, enst of Rose burg. by running Into tho open switch nnd telescoping with n freight, "I loft tho switch open nnd expected ono of tho other brnkomon to closo It. Tho switch was not closed, tho wreck occurred, nnd 1 nm to blame." Cross did not mention tiny names. IttisMu mid United States Arrange New Treaty. Ill AhocIiIM 1'rfM lo Coot ny Time, WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. An agreement botweon tho United States nnd llussln, to tako tho placo of tho commercial treaty of 1832, tho abrogation of which bo comoB effectlvo on Junuary 1, next, has virtually been reached, accord ing to Information from high au thorities. Nothing ns to tho oxact nature of the agreement hns boon announced. It wns declared prob able, howovor, that tho dotnlls will lm workod out satisfactorily to both countrlos boforo tho old treaty expires. Havo your Job printing dono at Tho Times ofllco. tho now minister to Belgium, has been named ns nmbnssador to Ja pan, to succeed Charles Pago Ilry iiu, whoso resignation was an nounced n fow days ago. Statkok Ohio, riTvoKTotKiio, .. I.ITAH t'llUNTV. I " l'rnnk J.C'liciivy timkcnMli Mint lie t pntor partner of tlio firm ( K. J. clii'iii')' Si Co. ilnlim uu.iiiu iii iiiv iiiy in ioiciio. I nuiii)' nun HIiitcnfi'rcMilil, hiiiI Oia mid firm will imy the GOES TO JAPAN. Washington Man In Named us Uni ted States Ambassador. Ill AmkmIiImI Mtm lo Cimm 11 Tlmw.l WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 10. Lars Anilorson of Washington, Wm. L. Cook, who wns postmns tor nt Nolhnrt, Montana, writes: "I recommond Foloy'a Ilonoy nnd Tar Compound to nil my people, nnd they nro novor disappointed with it. Foley's Ilonoy and Tnr Compound for coughs nnd colds gives tho best posslblo results." For Frln liv I.nplf ltnrl.PnrMniitt nrm Pn I tho Husy Corner. 10 PERFECTION Efficient Will heat a good steed room even in the coldest weather. Economical. Burns nine hours on one gallon of oil. Ornamental. Nickel trimmings; plain steel or enameled tur quoise-blue drums. Portable. Easily car ried from room to room; weighs only eleven pounds ; han dle doesn't get hot Doesn't Smoke Doesn't Leak Easily Cleaned and Re-wicked Inexpensive Lasts for years At Dealer Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY ICalifornU) 481 MuV.I Slt.t San Frandtca I IR8F"'fflI I v IEXlhj W e&3&Ml fcL. HyAV "IF no In the riiy ofTnUtto, County ami ninivnuiiKiidii nmi iimriuu mill nut I'nj tin mil ill O.NK llt'KDUKII DOI.LAIIH fnri-iti'li nmi every ciikmiI Cnlnrrli Unit rniinot In' enrol ly llio uso of llair Catarrh liirc. FKANK J. CIIKNKY. Bworn to licioro mo ami MtWiltii'il In my pri'H'iico, tills Ulli day ot Dcct'inlior. A. I). lbNi- (Skai.,) a. w.(ii.i:ahon, NllTAKY I'l'IILIC Hiill'nCnliurli Curoln token Intcrimlly, nmi ncti illrertly on tlio lilooil ami iniirmia urlrtcc til tho yalciii. Weiiil for icttlinnnlnln free. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. DA111V LUNCHES. In nddltlon to our bakery wo aro propared to servo delicious lunch cons. A delicious cup ot coffco, a good cup of ten, In fact anything that can bo found at a first-class bak ery lunch. Open ovonlngs-Sundnys. 133 N. 2nd St. Phono 112-L. 5 acres of fine fruit land near Portland for exchange for first payment on a home or for vacant lots in MarshfiekL French Realty Co. AGENTS. 3156 No. Front St., Mnrshflold WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneu. iiititlc Cleaning Coinpany, Orders for work taken nt GOING HARVEY, Phono 10(1 Aluminum Ware From Germany We have made test after test of aluminum ware Each test has proven the fact jto us that the German aluminum ware, (CROWN BRAND), is better in the following points of merit than all others The ware is purer aluminum The. warejs spun finer The handles are stronger The sizesare larger than ordinary There seems to be more care in the making than any other kind We are proud of this line of Aluminum Ware. ' We will be pleased to show you the line. Whatever you do don't buy aluminum ware until you have in spected this ware. Going Harvey Co. COAEPLETE HOUSE FU.RNJSHERS. WE SELL IT FOR LESS e lniave rroit Raised Ouur Prices Milk, 25c per gallon, Cream, 20c per pint. Whip Cream, 25c per pint. Buttermilk, 10c per gallon Phone 73, Coos Bay Ice &. CM Storage Coo Deliveries, 8 a.m. and 2 p,m, WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARSIS, In Ltuio County, Oregon. Fruit & Ucrry Farms, Truck Farms, Dairy Farms, Stock Farms, General Farming Write for DESCRIPTIVE LIST nnd LITERATURE tolling you about tho wonderful resources of Lano County, Orogon. J. 13. THOMAS & CO., Cottage Qroro, Oregon. For GOOD SHOES and GOOD HEPAIRING nt RIGHT PRICES. Go to Augus t Oleson 215 Smith Hroadwar. VOTE FOR nUY WOW. Somo cholco lots In NORTH BEND can be had at a Tery reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO., First Nntlntifll T1tiV A modern Brick .ulldlug, Electrls Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Room3 with Hot and Cold Water. nOTEL OOOS C. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates: 50 cents n tiny anil upwards Cor. Broadway nnd ainrkct The Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is propared to do all kinds of haulln on short notice. W meet all trains and boats and wo also have the lfttest style Reynolds Piano Mover. We guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 9S-R, 120-7 49-L- THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, AT 10 A.M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT rOUTLlSD NORTH PACIFIC UTEASISHIP COMPANY. Phone 41. C. F. McfllvOIKlE, At FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wireless niul suumailne bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR M ARSHFI&D THURSDAY, NOV. 14 at 3 p. m. All Passcnjtcr Reservations From San Francisco Must ,lec,.,fi 805 Flfo Dliililliig, or Pier No 10. All rescnntlons must ot ken up 21 Iwurs before bulling. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. . PHONE 44. C. F. "t-nEnnOE. """- Steamer Washington Coos Bay for San francisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT F. S. DOW, Ageat. Ocean neck EQUITPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. s ? SAILS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK, PORTLAND, nt 8 0x, 2, 10, 20. FROM MARSHFIELD AT SERVICE OF TIIL 1l 10, 211, 00. Phono Main S5-L. j. O. SHLLEB. APU c U . r,DGl$s City Auto Service,T-,-SOAirE.Lif, Marshrtew ru , Decorating Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phone 46. BARKER & GOODALE, proprietors. Famished. Phone 1 Estimates ? fcr ;y-J