The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 16, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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The keynote ol a woman's costume is Jiei' outer garment. Those
.... A - I 1 I
judge you first by what you wear. Can you afford then not to bo very car f
..1. :.. .. .-. n.m. MttiHtimil'n'il Tr irrvll tlnl- iiffall 4 1 1--ia. i1...J 11 ''
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P15IISONAL notices of vIsttorB
In tho city, or of Coos Hay pcoplo
who visit In other cities, togothor
with notices of social aftnlrs, nro
glndly received In tho social de
partment. Tolcphono 133. No
tlcei of club meetings will be
published nnd secretaries nro
kindly requested to furnish same.
She may not do tho things that man
May do nnd still enjoy esteem;
But for her sake wo proudly plnn,
For her we dream tho golden
Wo ilrnw n circle 'round her whoro
I)y vlrtuo beautiful, she stands,
And if sho steps across wo tear
Ilrr ninntlo with impatient hands.
To her wo confidently turn
For courngo In our soro distress;
From hor nnd for hor sake wo
Tho saving graco of gentleness.
To her wo yield tho splendid right
Of freedom from tho wnrrlor's
Shn fills tho present with delight
And Bwcotly makes tho futuro
CONT1UUUTIONS concerning
social happenings, intended for
publication In tho society depart
ment of Tho Tlmos, must bo sub
mitted to tho editor not later
thnu 0 o'clock p. ni Friday of
each week. (Executions will bo
allowed only In cases whero tho
events occurred Inter than tho
tlmo mentioned.)
hor dreams, and lias no ono to at
tempt to govern hor. But for all
that I wouldn't bo single ngaln for
tho whole wide world.
auction itmofli:.
Wo mnko tho ground on which she
A glorified nnd sacred place;
Wo press our lips upon hor hands
And nro enraptured by hor grace.
Wo ralso hor to sublimity,
And then with all our nits wo
To tompt her to descend, to ho
Tho moat nbhnrront thing alive.
IT IS strnngo how many slnglo
pcoplo wish thoy woro mar
ried, and how many who nro
married, but not hnpplly mntcd, nro
continually humming that old ro
frnln: "When I was slnglo my pockets
would Jlnglo,
I wish to tho Lord wo wero court
ing again."
A cotorlo of Mnrshflcld ladles
nro taking up auction bridge nnd
nro planning n fow iniormni gatu
orlngs to study tho gnmo. Among
thoso tnklnir It up nro Mrs. Doyd
M. Itlclmrdson, Mrs. 13. K. Jones,
Mrs. B. MlngtiB, Mrs. 0. W. Kauf
man, Mrs. M. C. Mnloncy, Mrs.
Ward M. Make. Mrs. D. C. Greono
nnd Mrs, J. Albert Mntson.
I ltHIDRK cluij.
Tho semi-monthly meeting of tho
Drldge Club wns nt tho homo of
Mrs, J. S. Coko last Wednesday af
ternoon. Tho rooms wero attrac
tively arranged with nutumn leaves.
At bridge, first honors woro
awarded Mrs. W. S. Turpcn nnd
Mrs. Ward M. Ulako won second
high. Dainty refreshments woro
Tho mombers present woro: Mrs.
Dylor of North Jlond, Mrs. Wnrd
M. lllako. Mrs. W. S. Chandler.
Mrs. J. II. Flnnngan, Mrs. Ilorbort
Lockhnrt, Mrs. K, K. Jones, Mrs.
Hoyd Hlchnrdsou, Mrs. II. S. Tow
er, Mrs. Q. W. Kaufman, Mrs. W.
S. Turpon, Mrs. W. A. Tayo, Mrs.
.1. A. Mntson, Mrs. Win. Hnrsfnll,
Jr., Mrs. Henry Songstnckon, MrB.
F. K. I.oofo nnd Mrs. J. S. Coko.
On Wodno8dny. Novombor 27,
Mrs. W. S. Chnndlor will ontortnln
tho club nt tho homo of Mrs. Will
Chnndlor In tho P. A. Snndborg
Unfortunnto Ih tho mnn who nd- rosldonco. which thoy nro occupying
nillti this chnngo of Hontlmont to during tho Inttor'H nbsonco.
i nc njiuuno wiioiu no uns miton ror
bailor or for worse, says Lnurn
Joan Mbhey. Shu will bo sure to
lmvo spirit enough to ictullnto
that sho mndo tho mistake of hor
Jiro in accepting hliu. Sho rould
nnvo mnrrlod hnndsomor,
Tho Jolly Dozon club of Ilunkor
,.ii,mI Hill met with Mrs. A. Snow Inst
men; mon who would lmvo put n Wednesday aftornoon. Hondlng
. ... 'I fll.liln.l .tin n I .11 .... I a.. .1...
iiiiiiuu iiiu in til tl uivurniuii hi uiu
afternoon, Mrs. L. W. Iuigdon
giving n very lntorostlng nrtlclo on
tiio nosiesH sorvoii dainty ro
freshmontH to tho. following guests:
Mrs. O'Connoll, Miss Qordlor, Mrs.
urocicmiiior, sirs. u. w. Lnngdon.
Mrs. Hush, Mrs. Hourko. MrB. Ol
son. Mrs. Stanley and Mrs. Squire.
Tho rlub will moot with Mrs.
Hrockmlllor on Wednesday. Nov.
chock nt hor pinto for a now bon-
noi, instead or a man who would
answer when told that sho needed
millinery: "it was only last" year
that I gave you ti for a now bon
ne'." A man doesn't spond near so
much for his headgear. Ill moth
er woro tho samo bonnet for n
docudo, ho ndils. Ills Hlstor pinch
ed nnd twisted hor hats iirnuiul.
ntoamed up tho ribbons, thinking!"?
tllllV lOOllml II H V? (Kill MM limp Aul"''
ror rowiih, the diosHinnkers never
got rich at her oxpenso. "Sho Is
nlnglo jot." said his wife, mean
ingly. "That horrid old bonnot
mndo hor look n fright. Sho could
novor appear anywhoio. Sho never
nan u gown nt to wonr. Slo has
confided to mo tunny n tlmo that
thoso are tho runvoiiH that sho Ik
put on tho mntrlmoiilal sholf.
When I wiih slnglo," hIio goes on.
wiping u tonr from hor eyo. "I
wns firm In tho belief thnt all mon
Idolized their wives too much rt
find fault with llioni; thnt thero
wna Just ono pockotliook between
thorn, nnd that tho wife's hand
hold It: that n husband was
plonsod to seo his wife drossed as
wuii iih nor iieiKiiiior. lr nat n
A. X. W. Club.
Tho A. X. W. Club wns pleas
antly ontortulned by Mrs. Mnry
MoKulght last Thursday aftornoon.
Tho receiving rooms of tho Mrs.
Hazard homo wero prettily arrang
ed with dainty bouquets of chrys
anthemums. During the business session tho
following oilleora wero elected for
tho onsulng year: President, Mrs.
0. A. llennett; vlco president-. Mrs.
K. Mlngus; trensuror. Mrs. Olivia
lMmnn; secretary. Mrs. Charles
ntuiirr: corresponding socrotnry,
Mrs, Hazard.
During tho afternoon voenl solos
little more tnstlly: that ho would ?ro ,vorv swootly rondorod by Mrs.
bito his tonguo off rathor than to f .M",UH """ ' u. F. Mc
iiuor a word that would hurt her
foollngs or bring u sob to her lips.
"When I was slnglo," sho con
tinues, with u quiver In hor voice,
"I bollovod thnt n husband enmo
home regularly to his meals, and.
O, foolish belief, thnt ho dollghted
to devoto his ovenlngs to his wlfo;
thnt ho novor wont out to tho club
nor used tho tolehono ns n ruso,
naylng as ho stnrtod for his hat:
'Sonio man wnnts to see mo nf
once on u hiislness inntter.' I bo
llovod that children drew husbnnd
nnd wlfo closer togothor, never 1m
nglnlng thnt a man would growl
over tho oxponsos of housekeeping.
I mippoBo that a husband would
novor eonso courting bis wife."
"lly all this I Klenn that you
nnvo come to the conclusion that
marriage l a failure," he suggests,
bitterly. "N-no-o." sho lesponds.
Innghtng through hor tonrs, ns sho
throws hor arms nbout his neck,
uip singio woninn nns nor hopes
Knight and wore highly nnnreclat-
el by tho club guests am', mem
bers, Tho hostess sorved n dnlnty
Tho guests presont woro: Mrs.
Orn McCnrty. Mrs. A. J. Snvngo,
Mrs. Mary Drowning, Mrs, A. It.
Tenbrook, Miss Mnud Noblo nnd
Miss Clovo of Portland.
Tho mombers presont wero: Mrs.
F. 13, Allen, Mrs. O. A. Iiennott.
Mrs. Olivia Kdmnn. Mrs. 13. G.
Flnnngan. Mrs. F. M. Frledborg,
Mrs. J. T. Hnll. Mrs. Fnnnlo Hnz
ard. Mrs. S. Lnudo. Mrs. M. C.
Malonoy, Mrs. R. Mlngus, Mrs. Geo.
Murch. Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mrs.
C. F. McKiilght, Mrs. h, M. Noblo.
Mrs. Charles Stauff nnd Mrs. Mnry
Mrs. C. F. McKllleM will lin lma.
toss at tho next meeting, Thursday,
November 21,
Twinges of rheumatism, bnekneho,
ntlff Joints, nnd shooting pains all
Bhow your kidneys aro not worktn
right. Urinary irregularities, loss
of sloop, norvousnoss, weak back
nnd soro kidneys toll the need of a
i;ootl reliable kidney modlclno. Fo
lej's Kidney Pills nro tonic,
KtrongthenlnK nnd restorative. Thoy
build up tho kidneys nnd regulate
their action. TVey will give you
quick relief nnd contain no habit
frrii'liiK drugs, Safe and nlwnys
Hiiro Try them. For sale by
Ioekhart-Pnrsons Drug Co,, the
lli:' Corner
may bo obtained In Marsbfleld from
Mrs. Annio Holland,
151 So. 6 th St. Phos JO OX.
Mrs. F. K. Gottlns wns hostess
inst wounesany aftornoon to n
number of friends at nn Informal
sowing pnrty.
After n pleasant nftornoon sow
lug and In soclnl chnt, Mrs. Got
tlns sorved rofroshments to tho
following guosts: Mrs. It, w
Morrow, Mrs. Vnughan. Mrs. Scott,
Mrs. H. Qulsf. Mrs. Fred Powers,
Mrs. V. A. Iteld, Mrs. F. 13. Cohnn.
nnd Mrs. F. 13. Hnguo.
I;ADIi:S' OriM).
The mombors of tho Lndles'
Guild of tho Kplscopnl church
enjoyed n very pleasant afternoon
with Mrs. F. A. Sacchl Inst Tues
day. Hofreshnient8 wero Bervetl.
Among thoso presont wore:
Mrs. Fanny Hazard. Mrs. T.vmnn
correct in shade and proper in cut and finish? ' J'
The business policy of this establishment is to do a largo volume of bt '
at a small profit, rather than a small volume at a large profit. This is wi .
are now selling "over-garments at undcr-priccs. " We bought a larc mmT
Vo got a low price; we give a low price. Our qualities arc always the best
Our Sa
mi-Anrauial Cleaim-'op Sal
of over garments continues to be the attraction for wise shoppers.
Mirny have taken advantage of the reductions, but many good styles arc left for your choosin
Suits, Coats, Serge and Silk Dresses, Hnin Coats and Slip-ons aro all reduced in price. S
A nice saving for those who hike advantage of our offerings with the season before you foi-uw
mg them.
Formerly $18.00.
Formerly $20.00.
Formerly $15.00.
Formerly $12.00.
Formerly $9.00.
Now $12.00
Now $13.50
Now $10.00
Now $8.00
Now $6.00
Gee Piece Silk Dresses at
Gee-Half Formmeir
ig Price
Omur Eetire Stock of Ladies1
Tailor Madle Smite
com prisma every new idea in stilc. No ln
garments alike. Exclusive models which arc ml
duplicated. . ,
$35.00 Suits, sale price ,$2625
$30.00 Suits, sale price ,,, ' Wgn
$25.00 Suits, sale price Sji
$20.00 Suits, sale prico '.'.'. .$1500
$18.50 Suits, sale prico !$1350
$15.00 Suits, sale prico .'.'.' ,' ,'$1000
$.12.00 Suits, sale prico ! ! ! ! $900
Ami Extra Special Atihrac
tnoira Is 3 Lots off Odd Suits
values from $17.50 to $30.00, which nro marked
to close out at $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00 rcspec-tivclj
Suggestions for Xmas Presents
This year o nn cairyliiK n number of urtlcles thnt will
InliiK tho mil Joy of Clu-Mnms tlmo to tho recipients hcrnuso
our uoods nro iiiactlcal, not only ulco to look nt but .ones Hint
will kIvo actual mtvIco to tho irclpIontH and miiUo them ivmcm
lii'r tho Klver every day In tho year.
Eere Are a Few Suggestions:
For Men and Boys
lllfles, Shotguns, Ilcvohers,
rishliiK Tackle, Jllcycles, (c
ket Knives, Ilnorn, Safety
ltaors, etc.
For Ladies and Girls
Percolators, Casseroles, Cnrv
Iiik Si'ls iiml Community silver.
Drop In mill seo our lino If you vwint Christinas presents or
Hie best to Ihi found In tho Ilnrdwnro Line.
.Kcnts for Hwlcy-Dnvldson nnd Indlnn MotorcyclcB.
Marshf ield and North Bend Auto line
COHST & KINO. Proprietors.
'''.'S0 j A'S&';iV-
Don't Get Trapped
Into Poor Plumbing
merely becnuso It seems cheaper. It
Is only scorning. It may bo the
dearest Investment you ever made.
ii jour lamiiys nna your own
health nro anything to you get tho
best plumbing you can. Wo aro
ready to estlnmto on doing that
Kimi ror you.
Willey & Schroeder
303 North Front Street.
7:15 A. M.
8:00 A. M.
8: -15 A. M.
9:30 A. M.
10:15 A. M.
11:00 A. M.
11:45 A. M.
12:30 P. M.
1:15 P. M.
2:00 P. M.
2:45 P. M.
3:30 P. M.
4:16 P. M.
r:00 p. m.
S:45 p. m.
6:30 P. M.
7:30 P. M.
8:30 P.-M.
9:30 P. M.
10:30 P. M.
11:30 P. M.
12:30 A. M.
7:00 A.M.
7:45 A.M.
8:30 A.M.
9:15 A.M.
10:00 AM.
10:45 A. M.
11:30 A.M.
12:15 P.M.
1:00 P.M.
1:45 P.M.
2:30 P. M.
3:15 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
4:45 P. M-
5:30 P. M'
6:15 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
8:00 P.M.
9!00 P.M.
10:00 P.M.
11:00 P.M.
12:00 P.M.
Leavo NorUi Bend Allen's News stand.
Leavo Mnrslifleld Chnndlor and Blanco Hotels and Busy
Boys' Shoes
loo pairs flue welts
on snlo nt the
The Electric Shoe Store
ISO Bo. nroadwar. MarIiflMd.
Fisher Auto Service
Wm. nshcr, Proprietor.
Phono orders to HUlyer's Cigar
Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m.
phono 5-J. Night phone 181-R.
Marshfleld. Orecon.
Raised on It
Cattle raised on our b1 pi
.i... m. They tony' V, a!
faUr Wo hand. hjo ?J
Our stock "Jciuuv. - a ,r
grain and feed, ani mA.
all vour wants ln.tliaU ,J
deavor to live up to "
A T Haines
. . .'t W.
l im
' j