HE WORLD DOESN'T STAND STILL AND WAIT TO HEAR YOUR SIDE Of THE STORY frTnVKIl..ISlNa In Tho TIMES A!U ?. . v,... ltrnl Estnt "In WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMKS Will Keep your lucoino from Furnished Itooms Steady. YOU enn really help tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and whon to uso tho classified column, you may keep that llttlo oxtra 1r- coino as "steady as a clock." mmtz .1. Market" Effectively! ' i lot tho facts about your 11 W,l beforo tl.o oyes of all "poa- f'fhfv.rs" I" town. And If thoro nf thorn who ought to own MEM HER OK THE ASSOCIATE!) I'llES V!3&EES2!?!SCmM&Gu!ilsJman!VZF .tnlilldhcd ill J878 41. tl.x.tat Af nil. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1912. EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES. A Co,!f,l!i!'rn:fJ&r, Mnl1 No. 103. VOL XXXVI US A'1 a '" WWWMI.JHMLmw m wmmmwumt. iiymnimn nniimiii mL GCEPT TERMS YALE 10 PRINCETQ rrp UK TIMES concludes Mayor Ford's Interesting and Informing n uuiiiiiuuiiun io tno waie-rwoi'KB oiscussiuu in inis issue. ino --1 tlllrill'llll lllniln ...111 l. ln1..t..1 ... flnnM lint. .tnA..1. ... ..I.. I.... PUT I BRIE OF FOOTBALL ....u..ii iiiuiiu ..i iiu iiuiiJiu. hi tuua ijii iuuiiu ill Hii'HK lafllllln nilil nitnutinln InlnKmnllnii .... ... ..m. imnftiii n...t n.. nmmmmmmmmimtmamMmiim&0rTium&mimBcmmr. if" 1ST A OF PEACE 0 A CUTTY WATER SYSTEM w . , in Coon ltX TlniM.1 mJ,T Tov lC.-Tho Rulgurlnn SOFIA. .J"A i Jim n les Miet coniimiiiii"-" KVh grand v Mor on sub h "'l! ta and tho Intcr- C o vl ws hetween tho Balkan W lbi Turkey within 2-1 rfpUKHjB thO l.OStll- otri i i..,,,,.! nB tho Blu rt ,lii uo v""L" " . Wll., to u wJaa ",u "",, W Hibio T" ,. nvor conditions. y,S .nnco may avort tho Mjupi nii.l . ,.,. Info & inople It ho.iovod that foMttnunop i. .,..,. f Turkoy R WC nBtantlnoplo, and tho 22? bo Preparing to start Mcbatalja- ...... ... ,,..., m AltM If" I" Coon ""r T'"1"'1, , VIENNA. Nov. 10. Tho Turkish irfiwn at " ,,,,., n.,f fiPim,t WT'.lnys and tho Turkish f to ft newspaper dispatch, that ... t. it il.. t.rtrnau 11 11 ( II tlm it man of tho Turkish gnrrlson u hlltn oven should tho Ottoman -.Teramcnt oruer nun m ""; . .in nm fnll Into tho hands of e enemy, lie declares. i.'... ,t.i 11 ii tit Pi'iiri. jj AwjUttJ Trfta to Coal IUy TlmM.l n irmlBtlco with tho Bulgarians . ...i- .....I l.n n...n.irrnil i ill prounuiiirv win uu i'"'B i.u. .L. .,. r.nt' iIiivm. followed If negotiations for peace. 'I ho wrwim irnvivrnment fully rcallzcB tat farther realHtenco can only ilJUllICO tllO pOSIUOIl III iiirnujt in ii- ...... In Avlrnmntl IMJ ll IIUlllilllu in ui"""v ittltmatlcitl nnd might lead to im creator humility. Physicians ir mtny oi tiio wciuihih i i" men who aro invoiiueu uru nun :3kteJ. t .... ii. .i ru'inu viii.mi ft AwxUtM TiTH lo Coo IUy Tlmw.1 COXSTI.NOrhK, NOV. 1U. ino .... ...1... .A.l.lnlilu ll.lllltll In uaj lumhll iu.iiiiui.io iiii...r Jl a change of u fanatlo outbroalc departliii; for Huropo bocauso ! the cholera. Cliolern Woic. JF AwcUifl rnn to Coo llir Tlmw.J ro.ST.NTiori.K, OV. 1U. n. .L.. . it .- . .... !. :i cauiera I'luui'iiuu uiuuiik iuu uuia irois iiuiiiiiiK I"" im" ui itldcatloni nt Tchotnlja In front ! CoMtantlnople, Is rnpldly bo--ilnj worse. Moro than COO wi aro rcporieti tiany nuu um it Mn.Ml.n- nu.A..i nnn ' uuiuuvr I'ACUl'UD UUVUi HE FOR till ELECTION LK- W. Winkler today decided to S1A MmlMnln n . . .. n I I . n .. it i v"'"iiu iur UUIIIlWlllllUli i mends nro clrculatliiB his no m which nre beliiR rapidly flll - Mr. Wlnlrtor Is ono of tho most Srtti i ' t'10 5'0un,'0r ,non ot i. v ' ,I,B cuiiumiicy i 'J heartily commonded by all io know him. ,r,,T- Haines has boon urged to ,''JJut It was understood this nf T0n that lln wmil.l nnl. nnlne race. N. Ekblad and P. 8. Dow --.V, ,u, uuunciinion. A DtlmhaM ... i. . i k,.:c. wv'. "u ueen urging i;nri t iv. 5na c- A- Johnson to run P'.'or coimcllmcn. B th t fc l "' ,nt0 U"9 aItr" aw!nJoaUl t0 onter tho raco t Bilht s sald thla afternoon that It ii i. ,. vni l0 uo B0 J of iu ,y wns a,so bo,nB talk- isdld.t- O,iernoon as a possioio ft't ' McArthur and John A. tint i. ;u uiner8 wno wero i'lte. t0Dgly tn,ked of as can-Vau-'n. ""ncllmen. :'itln til MCUttrason today was clr- iliv?, nominating petitions of . Dutier ror clty recordor Tie Rnin a"st Ticket. atlnf allstsT ar ta"B of ler ,f ' ,J' Stephan for re- Bohrer fP W- nehfeld and c- - -v. tuuncumon, hi Mi toholJers of the Coob Day ;ted i " 0, aro urgently re- NoeV. coc at tho Chamber of L.. V'C0 ronrnu i -r un.u . discus, . Tue.sday, November 19. 10 the company. FLH JO RILL ISO tra CHAHOE for FANCY tasf' KlUSTAMo i,0Ur tlea or other isit STonr0,FTS- coos BAY "SXKSAG.IV,Xa tally and place ?IffIPB '2. . Vm MNB of LVS TVo SV"3 "AX- 4UIIL3( I Mr AnorU(p1 I'nt) lo Coos lux Tlmrn INDIANA POI.IS, Intl.. Nov. If.. .TnmcB 11. McNaumra In his flight from Los Angeles after ho blow up tho Times building, has expressed hopo of tho explosion would bo at tributed to escaping gas In tho basoment nnd his reported purposo to murdor the women stenographer omployod by the Ironworkers un ion bocauso Bho know too much, woro rolatcd at tho dynamlto con Hplrncy trial today by Krank Eck hoff, n nolghhor and friend of tho McNnmara family In Cincinnati. Tlio Htcnographor was MIbb Mary C. Dyo. Tho writer said: ".lames II. McNnmara said sho know too much nhout tho dynamiting and ho pro posed to talk to J. J. about hor be ing taken out of tho way. No said bo thought It to ho a good Idea and If I followed her on the train and put a small bomb under hor timed so that It would explodo after I got off tho train." Kckhoff said ho was requested to outer Hno tho plan to put a bomb uiidor Miss Dye. MUs Dyo now lives In 1'lttsburg nnd recently Iden tified hundreds of letters Introduced by tlio government Implicating AZ defendants In tho conspiracy. CLOCKS isi:i IX MAKING MOMIIS. inr AMotUtM TriM lo Coot Ptr TlmM.J INDIANAI'OMS. Intl.. Nov. 10. .Towolry storo employes testified In tho dynnmlto conspiracy trial today that tho alarm clocks used by tho McNamara brothers and McMnnlgal In tho tnnnufneturo of bombs worn purchased In such quantities as to nrouso suspicion. Tho similarity of a clock which McMnnlgal lost In Peoria to tho ono found nt I-os Angeles, wns ono of the. clues that put tho detectives on tho trail or tho dynamiters. IMtKTAHK KOII SICSSION. CleikH Working on the Tariff He vision lllll. inr amoiuim rnw to coo iur tiwm.i WASHINGTON. D. C, Nov. 1C m i... ..r i. liniisn ivnvfl nnd means iih ivn in mi u"uu .w.. .-..-- comlmttPQ bognn work today upon tho tnrirr rovision um m """" rial session of congrosB, which ProH-Idont-olect Wilson stated ho will call next April. Tho p'frot''J leaders lmvo been confldont that ii .i.,-i.. itm Inonnilnir ad- HOIIIO lllll" ili.in.h " ." ministration ho would force the tar iff BISUO 10 an minimum" m much of tho dotall work of pre- . ... i.m l.. ...i.lii. wnv. lllfi paring uio um "'v'. ' ," , , suggestion had been mndo by Influ- entiai inomuora oi i" "' tho Joint commltteo of tho liouso ... . J-".. . tnnnilmp (n niltllSt any dlfforonco thnt may exist bo tweon tho Democrats of tho two hodlcs. Such action will rosult In tho Bpeedy diBposmon m ui i". revision noxt April. .. i i.un ilntnrminnil nS yot whothor ono gonoral bill will bo Introduced embracing tho wool, cotton, Iron and steel revisions which tlio iJQiiiiiKrwuw ..w..- .. provlouBly passed, or whether each of those tariff schedules will again bo brought up In tho form of bop nrato bills. HIVE TODAY ONfiEOIlO Tho Redondo arrived In this af ternoon from San FranclBCo with about 1200 tons of freight and a b,BBhlTrtirr.ril'tThr.d.y morning nt 7:30. ... n ihn n. Among tnoso ui'"6 w- -" dondowero: wuilams. D. . .Morgan, " " ';; ht D. W. Jenkins. MIbb M. Knight. Mrs. ram """," a m Pot Martin, A. E. Carlson. A. M. lot ere. F. Zahnor. P. D. Martin. Chas. Erlckson. T. Schwartz. M.E Langs ton, R. Stanton, J. Darby. II. An drews J. F. Jones. W. Nicholson, H?" mrnet A. V. Wlckinan. A. H. Flynn. Mrs. J. A. Bye , Mra. Kitchen, unesiui " rfrott Kroeser. G. Trottner, Mrs. iron nor F Hesenberg. Guy Bonds. Chas. Seaman and E. J. Raymond. When In ncel ot PLUMBING, HEATING, ZSHECT METAI, WORK, OAIjT 101- J PIONEER IIDWRE CO., When douo by us It Is done rJgU Ill Sioux city, where tho pooplo own the water works, they dorlvo a profit of $70,000 per year. In addition to furnishing froo water for hydrants, for street flushing, free water for fivo hospitals, city schools nnd till orphanages nnd chnrltablo Institutions. Wlillo In Dos Moines It costs tho taxpayers $00,000 for hydrants and city wntcr, nnd In addition the people of Dos Moines pay as high as $20.00 per year for water, while in Sioux City tho ordinary S- or lO-room liouso sel dom, If ever, costs moro than $8 or $10 a year. Mayor Ford shows conclusively that If Dos Moines had Btnrted 20 years ngo nnd spent only tho money they have pnld the water company for servlco In thnt tinio they would lmvo their plant paid for now nnd saved tho poo- til iv I li mi tin ii flu tt dnt In a it tin tn no n f iitiani in nnnitin M V tu ilnmnmt. ll. ilMIIIOIIillta J( UUIIIIIOl 1VkUIO . lt VOVIII, IUU UlllflllllJ 1(1 V 111 - Ing $2,000,000 for their plant. Tho situation Is analogous to Mnrshflchl at tho present tlmo whero the water company Is demanding n now thirty-year franchlso nt In creased rates. Tho Times thinks It understands tho Intelligence nnd temper or tno people of Mnrshflchl that they will refuso to bo held up In this hlgh- iinilticil manner. i no win iiuiiiiiiiu u miuuro iium uiiu iiiiiniivuu bui vlco from tho water company. If Mr. Dennett and his associates re- liiso 10 give nils ttniicr ineir ureauiii Buvuiuvun juhib iiiiiiuiiibu uiiu refuso to soil tholr system at a rcasonnblo prlco thoro Is nothing to Jiruvuni ino peupio oi hub cii iruin iiiaiiiiiniK mi iuiii.-iuiiuuiii. uiiiiii- clpal system and permitting Mr. Donnett to ndopfc his ndvlco to tho people oi .Mnrsiiiiciu nuu hwuih iiwiniu nun ins wuiur cuiiiihiu. Tho present water rotes In Mnrshneld, nB may bo readily soon by comparison with olllclnl nnd authentic figures published In this pn por. aro among tho highest In tho United States and whon they seek i. .... . . .l.l l-.-nttlH. .. II.ImI. ..aamm n .. .1 1.nl .!.. vnlna alllt III IUrll!llllllO lliUir irilllUlllBU lUI UIIIIJ JUIIIS mill UUUOl IUU linua nun higher, It Is tlmo tho pcoplo called a unit. TIIO lOIIOWUlg IS UIO CDIlCllllllllK liuriiuns ui .tllljur ruruo uauvmuiii. pnpor: Hates In VnrluiiK Snuillci' Cities munlclpnl plant Domestic rnto $r I . ..au n. ....... ffllnM Mnln 1 f? O.trt iur iiiiiiiiiu. .uuivi iiiiu i v, m-u. per 1000 for first .10,000. 10c for excess. Water Is obtained from wntor bearing Btrntn about '10 feet deep. Tho lialanco of tho report I will glvo you was furnished by Mr. O. O. Morse, tho engineer, ns I bollevo It rovers tho question In a way that Is very Interesting and instructive Thoro Is a very good lesson In it. May I. 11)11, to May I, It)!'-'. Number of consumers, 8GG. Num ber motored, 350. Numbor mi motored, CIO. Total pumpago, 83. 718,101 gnllons. Metered water, 27,107,805. Unmotcred wator, r.fl, 340,2iri. Sprinkling and flushing (city use) 1,000,000. Total water revenue. $r202. Total motxir rove nuo, 3782.10. Total flat rnto rov oniio, $1509.00. Rovonuo por 1000 irnllnnu iiinlorml wntor. 13 4-1 Oi!. Roveuuo per 1000 gallons flat rata water. 2 7-i uc. uosi to pump por 1000 gallons, 4c. Profit on 7.iU7.H!ir. Rniinnn moiorcu nt. v WOMAN KILLS HEO GH1LDREH KINAIi SCOUKS Princeton Harvard 3 i SCOUKS. I 0; Yalo 0. :, Dartmouth 0. I mill Towns. I do not foci that It Is necessary- to set out tho roporls nt any length In tho ninny towns whero rates nnd conditions nro nearly tho iiniiin. Tlio rpnnrtn show a Very wide rniigo of rates. Tho remedy for this condition or nnnirs is uio most Important question for us to rnimlilni'. Tim most llkolv roillcdy In my judgment Is to hnvo all rates suliject to a commission sim llni. tn tlm iilun ndontcd bv EOV- urn) Rtnlna In t tin nnst fOW VCarS. Tiio powers of tho commission un- dor such inws as cnacieti in ino states of California and wiacpn- ulii U'lir.rn lint nllK' tllO ratO Is subject to tholr control, lull nil shnrcs of stocks and bonds sold or ordored for sale much bo submitted i.i tiw. roinni sslan nnd tienr their O. K. boforo thoy nro offorcd for snlo. This provision lontiing w prevent tho wlld-cnt financing In inibllo utilities stock nnd bonds, which nro responsible In tho ma tny Aoltisl I'rrn to Cooi Dr Tlmci.) NHW YORK. Nov. 1C Mrs. Anna Ralces killed hor two child ren, n girl of 14 nnd n boy of 12, with gns In tholr home nt Brook lyn Inst night. Sho attempted to kill herself but was discovered by hor husband. DIG, KIRK LOSS. tlr AMoiUted Vntt to Coo nr Tlm 1 INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., Nov. 10. Tho plant of tho VanCnmp Park ing company wnB partly burned to day. Tho loss Is estimated at $100, 000. liEAVKS FOR IIKRMCDA. Illr AwoiliitM I'm to Com Iter TlniM.l NEW YORK, Nov. 10. Governor Wilson tried to seo President Tnft today but missed him a fow min utes. The call was made by Wilson prior to his boarding tho stenmor Bormudnn for Bermuda, whero ho will spend a vacation. Tlio pros- nr AMcH'latcl rrrta to Cool Ilr Tlmni,) PRINCirrON, Nov. 10. Prince ton and Ynlo played ench other to a standstill today In tholr annual football game nt tho Unlvorslty field. The final soro wns Yalo G, Princeton 0. All points wero mndo on tho Hold goals. H. Baker was tho hero of tlio Princeton team, making two goals from tho Hold. Klynn kicked goal from placement for Yale and Plmpolly won undying fnino by tlelng tlio score in the last nilnuto of play by n romnrkablo goal from tho field from tho GO yard Hue. Nclthor team could do much against tho lino of tho other, but what advantngo thoro waB ap peared to l.o with Princeton. Re peatedly tho Tigers broko through tho powerful Ynlo forwnrds for consistent galiiB, but never wan able, to kcop up their good work. MolnsIV llrotlicr Here. Thoo dora Molnssl, brother of Louis Mo laBsl, who was drowned when tho launch North Stnr wns wrecked last Janunry, Is hero from Pontromollo, Carrarra, Italy, to look after his brother's estate Louis Molnssl's os tato consisted only of n fow lots. J. V. Kendall lias neon tooKing ar- wiu Hpenti a vnrniioii. i no iro- ni'miiui imo uccn iuuiiihh "-Idont-olect, Mrs. Wilson nnd Mls8ostor It and tho Italian consul sent Elonnor and Jesslo Wilson left NowtTlioodoro hero to boo him. v-.i. n- u .!.! At,AH.AnH t! 1UTK lUT JIUI lllllllll illlO IlllUl I1UUI1 fcU bo gono until Dccombor 10. BREAKWATER SAILS TODAY 1 PERSONAL MOTES which nro rcsponsiuio ii uio "m:i:k'"y0-..'; t0bs on r.r. 340- Jorlty of cases for tho unusual 4-1 Oc, .J-r.7C.34. Loss on r,r.,310. nnd unwarranted charges mr sur- - ""V'-VS jo vlco rates, by private and corpor- 3-IOe $710.4-. ZuTZuk lightiti powl -vice of tofirgo clt.es as well "'JB 'hfoNroftho ninount mrlson I find thnt tho cities" of Sllltlg BIOCK III OXCCSH ill i iu """" u,.Hn MnrnlmlltnuMi nnil l.'nrt of the cost or mprovomoui nuu m- V V i. .. . i nrivnr.i when tal en Into court for Dodgo nro nearly of a bIsso and torn am wnon uu.lii iiu "" ?" .i,-,,,,, ....i,. it,niir... .inai.-n. ;;!u,t"S:,,1.rru, i & j:.-,i..--,ss!s S"t,7KnU'Ji.,S .,.;: ar j, :-& t-s lugs nro not sutllclont to pny moro . " u .". .... ,hn a reasonable or fnlr lncon. motor, oily S .K. !co7 T LwWLiSa ffif 'The re odyT seems to" m'e. garden" l.oso $21.' Marshal.towu urij. "u "'"""' ; . ,. ,. ., mliilmimi mntnr rnto. S4. entitles JJSRra.3A""iuadsi ! m ii, nt it iB nn to this leacuo month. to tako boiuo doflnlto action tow-j JIARSIIALLTOWN. art! bringing nuout hub comiuoi. 1000 t0 ir,00 37'iO Tho following Is n list of cities In 1Coo to 2000 3G c different parts of tho stnto nnd 2000 to 300n 32c 11. rnlno In form! tlAOM In .lnnft .tfl P. Eaglo Grove Population 3500. A jq00 to GOOO. 27 Vj,a Municipal Plant. i nooo to oooo zt c Tho rates aro for nmirterly Bor-,0000 to 8000 S2Ka vlco. . . .A.'m nnn ir. nnn" ' ' 17U.i First 800 cube fee -.- -.-- tiiSo c"bc K:::::::::5o5so:ooo ;; 2Moo:::::::::..ic ooo Sic K!: :::::::. mo imjs s, "SsPSSo I bS3&:.:::::: S5S 3S:SSS !o MS::::::::::!? K H?ocSSPfa:: :7c M ft vBKv :::::: :l , AJ!,"r"E from $8 to $12 B00 000 o 1.000.000 09 o ?' n I All tameii8 ol this 1.000.000 to 1,500.000 08 c !fboOr40redcS 'inaxC-n oV ' discmint Kr 'iSSi as .r&a vf-ss-js-pwBt-, . 3Cc 900 Gross receipts, $3800. Levy 10,000 gala por month 35c I mills for maintenance and ox- 20,000 gallons 25c tension 100,000 gallons 10c Hawardon. Population 2100. 1 400,000 gallons 08c First 500 cubic feet, quarterly, 35c AH over 500.000 06o Next BOO cubic feet . ! 20c FORT DODGE, Next 1000 cubic feet 15c (Rato Given Is for bIx months.) ':"''.'. .a ..i,i foot 10c r.nnn in nnn 40 c Otiorated In connection with a 10.000 to 25,000 30 llcht and power plant, without sep- 25,000 to 50.000 25 n rnto accounting. Receipts for r.0.000 to 100.000 20 191? $1521. In addition to city ioo.OOO to 200.000 17 servlco No soparato levy. Water 200,000 to 400,000 15 and light combined, 5 mills. 400,000 to 500,000 14 Ida Grove. Population 2000. 600,000 to 000,000 13 oo cents per 1000 gallons. Cost 000,000 to 800,000 12 S? operatU for 1911, ($ 270 . 800,000 to 1.500.000 ....... flrnsa receinis oxcein i j "" a,suu,uuu iu i,uuv.w ;:., ?lce 3B00 Margin of print In 1500 000 to 3.000.000.. .... .08e addition to city servlco, $800. The rates In Marshal town and nauiuuii t nxJna , nn ntmnst nn enual .KiTt!Sw from well basis. Tho rato In Muscatine for nlclpal plant Buppiieuiruiii RftrvCo Is from 20 per cent rato, 40 corns per . """ ,' i hihnr for tho residence service. Gross receipts. b i.-w. . W'"B0 a Tno fIal ra(o, however, Is almost 5Lt 1OuniXOUU$2d0o0notObJ25cV- double tho rate , In tho first named traCi tLetVoywnBrenpo,rtod.Thwh. .' at "' rates' naturally' lSTto smallest town reporiea.wiiiio v Muscat no has as ,600. o'WJ'l, Sd "T havo given tho Fort Dodgo ions, which Ib unusually high ana i . av b anaiysls. tak- lnor1lUantd Sou'ld" l? !p-rt5 IngjSiJs&SJSL&JSi! '"Maquoketa.-Populatlon 4000. AJ (Continued on Page Four.) Tho stenmor Breakwator sailed this afternoon for Portland. Sho carried a largo numbor of passen gers and n full cargo ot freight, In- ciuuing a suipmoni oi saimou iroiu tho MnrHiniolil cannery. Tho rot lowlnir woro tho iiuhhoiiuoi'b who sailed today: .MIhs M. .Aiiihoney, K. it. hiioo maker, J. M. Bashllnc, Mr. Klndlg, Mrs. Floyd, Miss Clovo, Alec Solo mis, Paul Glvan, 10. Croft. W. H. Kimball, Mrs. W. H. Klmhnll, Louis Thunder. Jack HondrlokBon, W. A. Reed, II. E. Pnrkliurst, Stovo Do mos. Gust Demos, Mrs. J, Colvln, D. II. Hurmnn, James Miillln, Mrs. Jnmos Miillln. Chnrloa Wlso, O. Lee, J. E. Johnson, A. Rohorlson, John Lnno, C. Cllnkonhonrd. John Motley. J. C. Rntlcllff. W. E. Shn ror, H. Anderson, Tlllln Mnttsou, Miss II. Yroll, Miss L. Yroll. Ilosslo Juntto, Mrs. A. OBtrum, Miss E. Mnnnors, Hilda Muosls, Mrs. Quo inolii, Mr. Ross, Mr. Rosenborg, J. Plostod. J. Nelml, M. Nolml. Mrs. P. Peel, Konnoth Pool J. Corsor, W. C. Yoos, C. Nolson. O. M. Mooro, F. O. Morton, N. W. Mc Doald. J. Ievls, G. Kovlch, A. Ron noy, Mr. Ames, Mr. Woldon, B. Dixon. F. Hunt, F. MngnusBon, Ed. Sul, Don Johnson. G. nucklngham, kov. ii. i.eo, u. u. unigiii, u. it. Stophons, Mr. Fnlrchlld, C. R. Stockln, Mm. Bnrrott. E. A. Long, Goo. Westnoy, Chna. Sornsho, Willis .Tonos, F. P. Peterson, Lnrs Login, Chns. Mnck. Dan O'Connor and Mis L. Yroll. Tlinm Ai lOliiml. M.itb Kcnmnv. who Is omployod In a rcBtnurant at tho roar of tho Shamrock saloon, and II. Mowoll, woro nrrosted laBt nlnlil fni mnllllf fl rllflf lirlinnrn. Thoro was a fight and loud talking In which tho two defendants woro nllogod to havo taken part. Tho trial was noiu tins aiiornoun uoioru City Recorder Butler. After hear- Inf tlm nvlilmirvi llin rncordnr ttn posed a flno of $15 and a sovon and a hnlf days in jail in cacn case. Mowoll Is also also known ns Marry iTnnllni Hllv AtlnmnV Knndnll charged that Harding had been ar rested In I'oriianti lor soiling li quor to women. Two others woro nrrnatml tnr tlm on til n fltrllt. ITnrrV Mooro, employed on tho Breakwn- tor. was rineu i ana Jim u uon noli of North Bond was jlncd $10. AMONG TUB 8IOIC. Roy naynard of tho Owl Phar macy Is ablo to bo out again after a fow days' Illness. xf.o T.i nn nil v who suffered a sovoro' attack of appendicitis, was taken to tno siorcy iiosiunu yuaiui day and will undorgo an oporntlon. Mr nn.l Mrs. Illisbv rCBldO 111 tllO Sacclil apartments. Mr, UOOtoy, WHO revoiu imuu.- went nn operation at tho Mercy hospital, was takon to IiIb homo above tho Club Cigar store In this city yesterday. NEW SHIPMENT of Foster & Oroar's FAMOUS CANDIES at LEWIS'. NO oxtra CHARGE for FANCY IIOXKS for your ties or other CHRISTMAS GIFTS. COOS HAY CASH STORE. CHRISTMAS GUTS for ovory MEMBER of tho FAMILY at tho COOS HAY CASH STORE. E. 11. FISH Is hero from Rnndon todny on business, MRS DYEIl of Dnnlcln Creole Is In Mnrshflold shopping todny. MISS C. CORDELL of Cnmp 7, Is In town todny on business. MRS. WAKEMAN of Dnnlols Creole Is a Mnrshflold shoppor today. MRS. JAMES GIBNEY of Camp i Is n visitor to Marshftold today. MRS. DODGE of Camp 1 camo down from Daniels Crook thin inoriilnu. FRANK LAIBE nnd MARRY M'KEOWN loft todny for Gardl nor, whero thoy will hunt for awhile. MRS. .1. W. I.M MEL visited yester day nt tho Rascom homo In Vnrlli Tlnml. O. O. LUND Is assisting Aug. Olson III tlio Hitlers siioo sioro on South Broadway. MRS. 11. P. COLVIN will leave on the. llronkwntor todny to visit rolnllviw In Denver, Colo. WILLIAM KING nnd bin mother, Mrs. Mnrlettn King, of Cooh Riv er, woro In tho city today. VALE M. PERRY, n formor resi dent of Cons Bay, Is hero from Washington to visit old friends. MISS EUGENIA SCHILLING Is ox pected hero Mondny or Tuosdny from Myrtle Point to visit frlonds. MR. FRANKE, a pulp mill export nrrlvod hero todny fropi Gormnny to tako n position In tho now C A. Smith pulp mill. "CIIIMM1E" RICHARDSON, form erly a sporting nows wrltor on I'ortianti papors, is spending a fow weeks on tho Bay. ELNA and HILDA SELANDER of Sumnor, who havo boon visiting rolntlvos on South Coos Rlvor, cnino to Mnrsliflold this morn-Intr. HARRY CONRO of North Bond, who for tho past two months has been visiting relatives In Portland, retnrnod this week on tho nronkwntor. R. K. BOOTH. A. S. HAMMOND, It. A. WERNICH, DON GARDI NER nnd W. N. EKBLAD loft today for Ilealo Lako to enjoy n fow days' hunting. EDMUND CROFT of Tncomn, who has been enjoying n threo wooks' vacation at Croft Lnko, tho hunt ing lodgo of tho Crofts, loft this nftornoon for his homo. ARCHIE JOHNSTON has returned from a trip to Coqulllo vnlloy towns. Ho wns accompanlod by II. W. Kimball, a specialty man for his house, nnd tho Jattor'R wife J. E. SCHILLING of Myrtlo Point was a Marshfleld visitor today. Ho roportH Myrtlo Point Is boom ing ns many workmon nro coming In to rush tho Smith-Powers road. WM. GRIME8 and wlfo will roach Whlttler. Cal., In a day or two after an cxtondod visit In Ohio nnd Oklahoma. Mr. Grimes may como hero to look after his in terests soon. CAPT. HARRIS was hero today from Sumner. Tho captain says he Iibb not decldod yot whothor ho will reside on tho placo ha recently bought on Isthmus In let, or whothor ho will continue to rcsldo at sumnor. I NOTICE TO TIMES READERS Owing to an unexpected rush I of advertising late today, con I sldornblo local and telegraphic I nows was crowded out of Tho Times today. TAFFY and PEANUT IHHTTIiK, 20c POUND nt STAFFORD'S Satua day and Sunday.