THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1912. EVENING EDITION. 4 isfyiHL ID 1C tides for novemhkr. lira.. 0.12 7.23 12.22 Ft... 0.1 4.3 4.0 Hrs.. 0.59 8.15 1.39 Ft. O.C 4.3 3.9 WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Light rnin in west tonight or Saturday; fair and cooler in cast. Easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tlio 24 hours ending nt 4:43 n. in. Nov. 15, by UonJ. Ontllnd, spoclnl government meteorological observer: Mnxlinuni CO Mlnlniuni 40 At 4:13 n. m 40 Precipitation lo Wind Soutnwost; ciouuy. HORN. - -I , LULLMAN To Mr. nnd rv Ltillman nt tliolr North Hcnd, n daughter had boon robbed and hidden un der tho South Fourth street bridge, near Mill Slough. Sonio agates, a pair of scissors and soino trinkets woro loft with tho vallso, which was ruined by tho wet wenther About two months ago, n woman ' reported to Marshal Carter that I her grip had been stolen from tho waterfront and this supposed to bo tho one. -o-1 lloin ill China. News of tho V , birth of a son on October 12. to , Mr. nnd Mrs. Duncan Hendry, who in Uvo In China, was recently received a "y North Ucnd friends. Mis. Heii- T dry. formerly .miss roan snearor, Is n niece or airs. j-j. j. jvctiring of this city nnd will bo remem bered ns having visited In North Head a few yenrB ago. Mr. Hen dry was also of North Hond. Tho now arrival Is tho second son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hendry. To Tube Evidence. Kvldcnco in the case of Christian Hcrnnnnn vs .ludsrn Hall. Henry SeiiEstneken, L. D. Smitli nnd others, over the sale of Easts do property by tlio Nor man estate, will bo taken boforo Miss Violet Henderson next Mon ilny. Herrmann's attorneys nro ox- pected hero from Portland to no r N UJ present nt tho taking of tho dcposl- y tfnns which nro prollminnry to tho L, trial In tho fcdcrnl court at l'ort- Mrs llon lnnt nuol,t December 1C. ry Lnllmnn at tholr homo In ' 1 J ye '''o aiob. l(VIIIUV.I(lt ,VJ l wi ..r...V n' ir..a n 'Cleric Wllinrd Marks was ro-olcctcd JIENDUYTo Mr. and Jin, Du - b mnJor,ty ot 3S35 over his can Hendry nt their homo in nr,ni. ilm Inrcost mniorltv nlv- Shanghnl. China, n son. Mr. aim ...... ,,,,,., in Llnn COunty. lleil ill ml.l. M Ml,,' onKruul Inrm Mrs. Hendry formerly North Ucnd. , This Is Mr. Mnrks' second tonn nnd both times ho had tho nonilnn iinvu LoIn Mrs. Fluolln Tumor tlon of tho Democratic and Itopub lias Just purchnBcd through tlio Hcan parties. Ho is tho youngest Stutsinnn Co. two lots on Fourth clork in Oregon and is n son-in-law nnd Ingorsoll. Mrs. Tumor expects of Mrs. Trewelln Turner of tho to build a rino resiuonco on tno iiuu Dry uoous company, property. I IVtr Coipilllo Postmaster. F. E. Wedi In Portland It. II. Pinker- cieghorn, a prominent Coqulllo bus ton, n well known North Inlut mogB Ilin,1( wnB n Mnrshfiold to rnnchnr. nnd Mrs. Mnttlo Drown of ,i,. miiMiiUimr ultii itni'ii Mni-nln Clinton, Mo., wore recently mnrrlod nim- cither prominent DomocrntB rol- in roruaiiii. uioy wore mvuui- ativo i0 ntt cnnillilncy tor tlio post- licarts years ago in Missouri. mastership nt Connlllo. Ho is n More Itonil Trouble Frank Hod- Democrat nnd Ihib long boon en son toilny had Herbert Gcddcs nr- Kagcd In business with I E. Drnno rested ngaln for trespnss. Justice nna i, petition for tho plnco Is ronnock fixed next .Monday iih tho BK1Ctj i,y nearly overy prominent data of Clctlclm' lienrlng. It Is an ,,, Coaulllo. Postmark' Fred echo ot tho Coos Rlvor rond trou- unogar's appointment will not ox blo, HDdson having Geddos arrested ,,ro for aoinotlino but Mr. Cieghorn n week or so ago. Wtiiit to get In tho gamo early. Tnho Dcgiiv L. D. rjrown tho ,llts Oml. Sovoral Mnrshfiold Southern Pacific englnoor In chnrgo people aro elated over n icpnit Hint of tho tunnel work nonr Gardiner, Geologist Halloy, an Inspector of nnd I.ouIb C. Koernor, chief Blow- ,no Unlot, states Dcpnrtniont of nrd on tho Hieakwator. took tho Agriculture, has found on Inspoc- KnlghtB of Malta degree, lioro InBt tiou tlmt tll0 2,lon Vnlloy country night, thero being n largo turn- Ih moro valuublo for coal than tlm- ot of ' for tho ovont. lur Herbert Lockhart nnd wlfo. Gets Aenllit. -iesti'rday nfter- ,Ti H Flnnngnn, S. D. Pulford nnd noon JiiiIko Coko awarded Charley Cecil Cartor, tho latter of Myrtlo Geo u North Ilend Chinaman, a 0llt t00i conj clnlniB thoro nnd vordlct for 74 1 against .lay Wll- tnoy woro rojectod on tho ground cox for bnck salary. A nuiubor tlint t)l0 timber was moro vnlua- of Witnesses WOlt) heard. It. O. i,i .,- tlmlu.r Minn rnnl. Tlinv nn. OrnvoH repreaeuted (leo and A. H. mxct n,i ow ilol,0 to win out. Dorbyshlro roprosenk'd Wilcox. I Mr u0y Is flnld to hnvo roport- Atlm-h (.'noils. Tho Coos llay 0(1 thu thoro is nn 11-foot vein '.raving woiiipnuy yowiuruny uuiriumi af conj thoro Boino of tho I'dulnmont of tho Fed- oral Construction Company, which "wan being nhlpped on tho Homer, to secure n claim of 1100 which thoy hold. Supt. Melvln had tho nttnehmout removed by furnishing bond. (JetH Xi'u Auto. (luoi'Ko Good rum on tho 1 1 rem!; water has ro colved n new 1913 Ford touring rnr, tho llrxt of It8 kind to i-eacli Coon Day. It In u huudsnmo ma chine. It Ih a five passenger ma chine with 22 V4 hoi-uo power ongoi- litnt'hlno with 2 2 ',6 h. p. engine. Mr. Goodrum got It for n demonstrating car. Captain On Visit. Cnpt. Harvey HtiHHoll of tho launch TIoku and wlfo of North Hond will lonvo on tho Itedondo to Ult with Mr. Huh boII'b people In Tulnro county, Cal ifornia. Cnpt. E. (loorno Smith will lirvo chnrgo of tho Tioga durliiR Cnpt. ItuHRoH's nbueiico nud ho and Airs. Smith will live In North Hond while In chm-go. For Elki' Show. .1. W. Illldon lirnnd of tho Marshflold Elks' lodge, rocelvod a tologram from ItufUR K. I.ovo, who Is to put mi tho Elks' big show hero, saying lio nnd Mrs. I.ovo would lonvo Snn Diego today for Coos llay. About 00 people will take part In tho nliow, which will bo given at tho Masonic theater tho llrst week In Pccomber. Driving Piling. Clins. Noblo now SAFE; REMEDY tENDS CATARRH Gives Instant Relief, Cures and Prevents Catarrh and Cold In the Head. Tho quickest, boat nnd safest way to euro catarrh or n com m tho head, la by using u romo'ly that will "touch tho spot" nud do Its work quickly without leaving any bad offects. Ely a Cream Halm, which Is applied to tho nostrils or rubbed on tho throat or cliost, gora right at tho root of tho trouhlo and rolloves oven tho worst case of catarrh or cold. A fow minutes after nppllod you enn feel n loosen ing up in tho head, tho pnln and soreness nro gono, tho souso of taste, smoll nud hearing como back and you feel llko u dlfforont par son. Ely's Cronnt llalm cleanses, honls nnd Btrougthons tho tuflnmcd mem branes, tnkos away tlint stuffoil up fooling nnd dull pnln in tho liorifl. rnlloViiH Hin tlirnnt RnrnnitHfi lins about two-thirds of tho piling nnd stops tho nnsty dlschnrgo driven for the Chandler Hotel an nex and tho now Chandler build ing. Ho Ih driving thorn nbout 40 feet. Tho Chandler building which Is tho causo of tlio disgust ing hnwklug, spitting, blowing of the- iioso, nnd foul breath. Hay fe ver victims who nro mndo inlsor- wlll bo two stories, hut will bo nblo by llts of sneezing, coughing strong enough to bo built higher! nnd wheezing got instant nnd por lutcr. Mr. Chandler yesterday de-Jmanent relict by tho uso of this jui'ii n ruiuor uiiu no nan uonui. simpio rouiciiy. Don't suffer nnothor nilnuto. Ely's Crenm Ilnlm will rollovo you linmedlntoly nnd n CO cent bottlo will moro thnn llkoly work a com pleto cure. closed n deal for tho proporty south ot tho site of his now build ing, JMiuls Valine. Yesterday Mar shal Carter found n vallso that III! iv 1 CMfl i! "M "i " "Say, Bill, we're not very good at puzzles; You'll have to glvo it to us In plain English." 'I'm dUappolnted, ain't you Frltzy, it started out like it was goln to bo something with tho word 'good' in it." ' c-nxs A o b- -v k&$ fe. v LS Value in Clothes Includes everything in the clothes quality of fahrir linings, trimmings, the art of the designer, the Sll the tailors, the process of making all these thinas 51? mine value. Benjamin Clothes for Men strike a SI' ard of excellence in each of these essentials thani IS' surpassed. ' They are high-grade in every feature that rnnni. for value. ' uunis Unusual fabrics and colorings in the New Fall Suits and Overcoats $12, $15, $18, $20, $22, $25 and or up to $40 Soft Cheviot Suitings in new blue tones, nrays Ian and brown. Overcoats in Raglan models 'Box 3 Belted backs they're swell Extra Length Raincoat with convertible collars. New Numbers in Norfolk Suits. ( "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD BANDON Palmer & Dawson rrncticai I'lauo j uners. Fourteen yenrs fact-ory oxpor lonco. Wo do tunliiK, volclne. ac tion adjusting, polish or rcflnlsh cnscB, innko yellow Ivory koys whlto llko now. Itntcs reasonable Satisfaction cuarnntecd. I'liouo UtXI-X or address llov .Un, Mnt'shfleld, Oregon. If you lmvo nnythliifr to soil, rent or trndo, or want liolp, try n Wnnt Ad. DA I It Y liU.NCllUS. In addition to our bnkory wo nro prepared to servo delicious lunch eons. A dollclous cup of coffco, a good cup of ton, In fact anything tlint can bo found nt n flrst-cInsB bnk ory lunch, Open ovonliigs-Sundnys. 133 N. 2nd St. Phono 112-L. TONIGHT -nt TKe R.oyal Mock-SiuI-AIII coiitlnues to delight tho crowds wlili Ills uuiitle and endless flow of humor. Soni" thing new nud Miii'lllng overy ulKlit. Dorolliy AVood In her usual pleas- I UK inuunei', Juno Hull Will sIiik twvi songs, IX I'llOTOl'liAY. Hvoryday Justice Intorostlng drama. A I'rontler Ohlld A 2-reol fen turo by tho 101 lllson Coiupnny, Good niiislo nnd roallstlc sound effects. Admission 15c. llnlcony, 10c, What's the Use of taking a chance of losing your homo nud household fur niture, jour nil MTlmps by not being protected with n policy In u i-ellahlo 1'lro Iniiranio Com pany. Wo represent. I ho New ark I'lro Insuiniico Co., ouo of the oldest, most reliable In ;v Islciice. Superb strength menus superb protection. French Realty Co. AGENTS. 31Cj No. Front St., Marshflold iffflAMA The Beauty of Corn-Fed I Will Furnish Your house on the Installment Plan W. KWiseman nil North Front St. Dun. Phono 29C-X; Ilos. Phono 1GC-J e Have Mot Raised Ouur Prices Milk, 25c per gallon, Cream, 20c per pint, Whip Cream, 25c per pint, Buttermilk, 10c per gallon Phone 73, Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Co Deliveries, 8 a,m, and 2 p,m, WANTED ! ! ! OAltrETS UPIIOLSTKniXQ AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tlio Pneu. matlo Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOrNO & TIARVEY, Phone mil For GOOD SHOES and GOOD KEPAIItlNG nt IlIGHT PRICES. Go to A ugust Oleson 215 South Broadway. VOTE FOR R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. HOY NOW. Somo choico lots In NORTH DEND can be had at a vory reasonable price If tnkon now. E. S. GEAR & CO., First Nntlnnnl TUnW Is tlint not alono docs their ten tasto sweeter, lint vnn fiiv.ii. r. cleaner thnn tho swill hi kind. Otr iiaiiiB, uncoils, sausages, ttc, from corn-fed hogs. Once jxa Uj thorn, you will never ngaln lie Mi lieu wiui mo other Kind. MAR8HFIKLD OABH HiTUOI. URIER BROS. MarHhtlcId TeIcjihonf Xonh fed ui-.i two Alaricru 01 Get Busy AND GET AI-TER THAT ROOF, HUT FIIWT COMB IN AXD OH Ol'U PRIOEH ON SHINGIiKS ANO ltOOFING PAPIUt. HinNGLES fl.BO AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, f 1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber &,Mfg. Co, RETAIL DEPARTMENT. THE FRIEND OK COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, AT 10 A.M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT rOKTLAXD NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono -11. aP.McGnOIWB.4p A modorn Rrlck . u'.ldlug, Eloctrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot nnd Cold Wntor. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates: 50 cents n day nnd upward! Cor. Rroailway nnd Market The Star Transfer and Storage Co. la prepared to do all kinds of haulln on Bhort notice. Wft meet all trnlne and boats and we also hnvo the latest style Reynolds Piano Mover. We guaranteo our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-R. 120-J fl-L WHEN YOU WAST A MESSEN GER ROY Something sent for or delivered P II O N E 154-L and we'll do It. Charges reason able. CHAR GRANRY. nuinmGAirTiWPTnir-woTuT; Honso Moving nnd Grading. Wo aro prepared to do this work by tho day or contract and guarante satisfaction. Let us figure with you. G. S. FLOYD & CO., Phono nifl-J. Mamhfleld. Ore. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTSELL PnONE 3121. Pictures & framing Walker Studio FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wlrehws nnd submmlne bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR MARSHFIELD THURSDAY, NOV. 1 4 at 3 p. m. All Passenger Reservations From Snu Frmiclsco Must no .! 805 Fife Hiuldlng, or Pier No 10. All reservations u " ken up 21 hours beforo sailing. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. t PHONE 44. C. F nnROnQE. M Steamer Washington Coos Bay for San Francisco and Los Angefes WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT F. S. DOW, Agemt. Oc Do EQUTPPED AVITn WTRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. P. "K'" SAILS FROM AINSWORTn DOCK. rORTLANO, nt 8. P. - J, I 10, 20. FROM MARSHFIELD AT SERVICE OF Th lJU 10, 23, 30. t Phone Main 35-L. J. O. MILLER, City Auto Service Good Cars. Pftrnfnl Ttrlvam mnA reasonable charges. Our motto: win go anywhere at any time." Stands TUnnm TTnfnl mil nlannn Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phone 46. BARKER A GOODALB. proprietors. T.J.SCAlFBA.II.nOI- & DecorathJ g Furnished. PfJ&1 EflUmateB ' BK?BM" K i