THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1912.- -EVENING EDITION. rsvfitfiXT j m Cop'fta Hilt ScbiiTncr & Marx N the old days the night and heard him rested In these days all we your clothes-affairs is to Hart Schaffner & Marx You may rest secure; the goods are here, and ever had if you come for them. Young men's suits and overconts-the Varsity line; now, snappy, lively models; the best we've seen. You want them and wo know it. Suits $18 and up; Overcoats $16.50 and up. Woolen Mill Store This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes, Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store TOMORROW, One Day only, during our 62nd Saturday Special SaSe wo Mill hell "Rexall Pearl Tooth Powder" sold everywhere. In tho U. S. A. for 2.1c, for only 1 C i"v4.- OXK DAY ONLY ID VeiilS TOMORROW Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE MAIN DANCE! Eagles' Hall Saturday, Nov. 16th niCk Dean- for tHreo years floor Und i. fr Chrl8te"son In Port- will havo charge of the floor. ttmic f'00r nnd tho beBt of KEYZKIVS ORCHESTRA. forA!EuWaL ivai Y0U W Nit as , Lof 0,d FaIf" Teet U OnM J Fhest Pr,ces PW tor hoken 'TSllv,er old Watches, Stones. Jewe,ry and Preclou Money sent by Return Mall. tatabllshed 20 Yearn. "tout St., Philadelphia, P. U Sr. y your Gl PllHngJ. & Prlc.?p: ?5d Platinum. HlgU , ' Pm. the watchmen cried the hours in said "All's Well" and folks who securely, knowing have to do to let you know that all's well in say the famous 298 US WANT ADS. mmr m r...-.X ,1. ...!.. ,tt.k fTUul ldtH U llil i it""" ..w ri with residence, closo In on paeu( part of Broadway, for vacant lots south of Mill Slough. Stnto whore your lots aro and If un incumbered. Am not connected with any reai esium ... own property. Address Owner, care Times, or phono 12. LOST Oood umbrella. nmo Oli via Edman written on handle. Return to Times office. WANTED 100 ladles to buy mil linery at Mrs. A. O. Aiken's, at tho greatest reductions over of fered In Coos County r.m -...l.i l. ..,,.!. lmlf moon set with two pearls and ono "lack, leaf. Reward ior reium iu -Times office. FOR KENT Newly Furnished rooms with heat. Apply 343 South Droadway. FOR SALE Few choico Khodo Is land Reds cocks and cockerels, Pokln ducks and Pearl Guineas. Mrs. J. H. Price, Allegany. WANTED Someono with $3500 to exchange for a two-sfory mod- they were safe Clothes you'll get the best you orn dwelling on Droadway. Terms easy. Soo Tltlo Guarnn tco and Abstract Co. WAXTKD Woman to cook In u small lunch room. Apply II. P. Leld's Dakory. roil SALF Columbia river fishing boat. 25 feet, 10 Inches long. 7 ft. 10 In. beam. 5 h. p. 4-cycIo mako and brako Rognl onglno comploto. Apply South ern Oregon Co., Empire-, Oro. roil SAIjK At n bargain, n Web. ber Upright Piano In flno con dition. For particulars address Dox 533, Mnrshflold, Oro. FOR SALH Launch Undine; .11 feot long, 7 Mi foot beam, 10 li. p. Just out of tho shops, nowly painted, all in first class condition. For a quick turn 500 cash. Easily worth $1000. Very trim nnd speedy. C. F. McGeorgo, Phono 4-1. FOR SAM- Two Incubators nnd 2 brooders. Address Dox 825 or apply airs. w. j. anuoraon, jjuidu Addition. FOR SAM: Ono Rnnger Rlcyclo in nrst'dass condition; doublo tubo tires; prlco ?25. Address Dert II. Church, Marshflold, Oro. North Inlet. FOR RENT Modern O room house In Forndalo. Phono 171, North Dend, Oregon. FOR 11EXT Furnished rooms, largo, with modern conveniences. Apply R, caro Times. WANTED Swedish or Finnish girl for housework. Inqulro at houso at corner of Tenth and Elrod Avo. II. Nerdrum. FOR DENT Warehouse nnd olllce. Formerly occupied by Goodrum's garage at tho foot of Contral Avo. Apply C. F. McGeorgo, Agent. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phone K'frL. DOOM AND HOARD Tho Rojvr,t, 388 First street. Phono 123-X. An unfilled want causes unhappl neB3 -Times Want Ads get results. Boys' Shoes 100 pairs fine welts on sale at tho The Electric Shoe Store 180 So. Broadway. Mafhiieia. PERSONAL NOTES HH AXGKHSOL is In town from i I.tikcsldc. J rums 1IAXS0X of North Inlet 1b 1 Ihmp today. , H. w. SANFORD of Sumner Is In i town todny. Mil STONKCYPHHR of Knstalilo Is In Mnrshflold todny. H-Urs LAKSKN of Larson Inlet la I In Marshflold today. 'JOHN CAlll.SOX of Catching Inlet Ib In town on business. .!. .1. CMXKICXIIHARD of Dnn I telg Creek Is In town, i CUT. P. PUTKRSON of Wlllnncho . Inlet Is In town todny. MAYOR JORDAN of Knstsldo la in Mnishflold on business. jPHAXK TIMINKU of Mllllcomn Is In Mnrshflohl for tho Jay. IMTL'Il M UNO ATI-: of Lakeside Is In Mnrshflohl on business. ANMUJW STORA of Coos Rtvor ' Is In Mnrshflehl on business. MRS. .1. A. STANNIGER of Coal edo Is n Mnrshflehl visitor todny WM. lXUKRSOL of Lnltcsldo Is n business visitor to Mnrshflold to dny. XKLS MOXSOX of Tomploton Is n business visitor In Mnrshflold to dny. J. W. CATCUIXO of Sumner la a Mnrshflold business visitor to tiny. A. II. LB WIS Is moving his house hold goods to 1GS South Drond way. MR. mul MRS. ANSON ROGBRS arc In town from South Coos river. MISS 1-:VA WYATT of Myrtlo Point Is visiting her sister, Mrs. True Snllng. AUGUST MATSON of Catching In let Is In Mnrshflehl attending to business. MRS. WALTBR CHRISTIANSEN of Mllllcomn Is a Mnrshflehl shop per todny. It. It. PINKBRTON Is In town to dny from his cranberry ranch on North Inlet. NINAN WBtlSTBR of Catching In let enino to Marshflehl this morn ing to rccolvo n team of horses Dayton Christmas Bicycles No doubt ninny people will buy a bicyclo l'or their son or (laughter at Christinas time. "Wo will have ,. Dayton Bicycles in every size for the holidays. AVe havo pari of a carload coming from Ohio. We Have Sold Seventy-Four Dayton Bicycles This Year There aro several reasons. Wo are selling bicycles built for this wet climate. Ask any Dayton rider if they aro satisfied with their purchase. Among 74 riders you may know one. Ask tho children how wo pump up their tires, how we adjust their wheels free of charre. We aro not selling bicycles cheaper than anyone else. (If wo thought we woro, wo'd raise our prices.) But wo aro giving Harsh fidd Giclcrij service to every buyer. Why? Because we like to work for nothing' Not Much! J But because wo believe in advertising and we know that satisfied customers aro tho best advertise ment wo can have. Ask those who havo bought a bicycle of Marsh field Cyclcry whether they aro satisfied, whether they got their money's worth. Wc will have Dayton Bicycles, boys' or girls' 8-year-old and every size from those to the largest. $25 JUVENILE BICYCLES $25 Marshfield Cyclery DAYTON AGENTS, Phone 158-E. 172 Broadway. which wore shipped from Port land on tho Ureakwnter. MR. SCIIAFER Is In Mnrshflehl from Tnr IIcol Point attending to business. MRS. J. CUNKKXHHAHD of Dan iels Creek Is In Mnrshflold for tho dny Hhopp'ng. MISS ANNA CLIXKEXDREARD Is In town todny from her homo on Daniels Creek. MISS OM.11-: RICHARDS of Sum ner la vlBltlng rolntlves iu Mnrsh flold for n fow dnys. FRED KRUSE Is In Mnrshflold from his Isthmus Inlet much looking after business. MATT XEIME brought a shipment or nutter to town this morning front his Ten Mllo rnnch. JACK VAN'DERPOOL, tho stage uriver netweon sumnor nnd sit kum, Is a Mnrshflold visitor. MRS. EARIiY nnd sister. Miss Eli zabeth Donnelley, ennio down to dny from n visit on Coos River. A. It. M'DONAI.D of Illack Creek who has been In town for sev eral days, returned homo today. MR. nnd MRS. II. 15. HESSEV and family camo over from Mllll coiiui this morning to spend tho day. WM. VAUGIIAN of McDonald & Vaughan of Daniels Creek, camo to town Inst evening on busi ness. MRS. It. A. ANXIN of Myrtlo Point Is tho guest of Mrs. J. E. Svvln ford. Sho will return homo to morrow. L. D. SMITH of Coos River Is ex pected homo soon from a busi ness and plonsuro trip to San Francisco. CHAS. MATSOX, who hns been vlsltlnir tho family of Alox Ruth on North Inlet, returned to his home this morning. WILLIAM RUCK, who Is In Mnrsh field on business, Is n classmate of Robert Swanton of tho Affil iated Colleges In Snn Francisco MRS. C. II. DUNOAN and daugh ter, Dorothy, of South Coob RIvor, aro visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. M. It. Smith for n row dny 8. CAPT. GALLOWAY of tho North Stnr will bring 000 boxes of Bicycles SOCIAL OALKNDKR. FRIDAY. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. J. G. Kinney. Thltnblo Club with Mrs. Robert L. Simpson of North Dend. Pnst Mntrons association of O. K. S. with Mrs. F. K. Allen. cranberries to Mnrshflold for shipment to Snn Francisco. Tho berries are consigned by McFnrlln & Glbbs. DR. WIXKLIOR returned horo to dny to mako his homo, coming via tho Kllzabcth to Uaudon. Ho made tho trip a week ago from Portland to San Francisco on tho Geo. W. Dlder. Sho encountered a sovero Btonn nnd woro four nnd n hnlf dnya nt sea nnd ran out of fuel nnd had to bo towed Into Snn Francisco. 11. II. AMI-:S, secretary of tho Sporry Flour Co. of San Fran cisco, Is In tho city on a busi ness visit with Mr. Flotchor, tho company's Coob Day representa tive. Mr. Ames snyB thnt bus iness conditions nro good on tho outside nnd ho looks for nn ad vanco In tho prlco of flour be fore tho first of tho yenr, be causo of a strong wheat markot. H. A. THOMPSON, manager of tho Gorhnm-llovoro Rubber CA, lrmlc orn of tho Rovcro tires Und tho lnrgest rubber nnd blcyclo houso In tho Pacific Northwest, arrived In tho city yestorday on tho Ilrcnkwatcr on a business visit with n. Handel of tho Marshflold Cyclery. Mr. Dandol Is tho com pany's oxcluslvo roprcsentatlvo in this section nnd Mr. Thompson's trip wns occnsloncd by tho rapid dovolopmont of tho company' business In this section. Mr. IJorlln Church, tho regular trav eling roprcsentatlvo of tho com pany, Is nlso trntiBnctlng business horo. Steals ChlckeuH. Somo man, ov Idcutly of tho profession of "chick on thlovcs," has been causing a number of tho good pooplo of North Doud to mourn tho loss oC sovornl of their barnynrd Inmates. A few nights ago, Mr. Uergmnn, who lives on Union avenue, had 12 of his fowls stolen nnd ono killed, nnd Victor Anderson of Shorman nvomio mlssod nlno chickens ono night this weok. Who tho guilty party Is nnd whoro ho Is ntorlng IiIh booty hnvo not yot boon deter mined, but a man of qucBtlonablo nppcaranco haa been noticed prowl ing around tho chicken houses re cently in that vicinity, TAFFV nnd PKANUT DRITTLT-:, !:) POUND at STAFFORD'S Satur day nnd Sunday. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USKD. Phono 72, Pnclfla Livery and Tnwiifcr Company, Wlien In need of ' NI-:W KIIIPMRNT of Fostor & Orear'o FAMOUS O'ANDIKS nt LKWI8 !F YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN You hud hotter stop nt onco or you'll loso your Job. Hvory lino of business In closing Its doors to "Drinking" mon. It may ho your turn next, lly tho aid of 0RR1NI-3 thousands of men havo boon re stored to lives of sobriety nnd in dustry. Wo nro so nuro thnt ORR1NH will houoflt you thnt wo say to you that If after n trial you fall to got any benefit from Its uso. your money will bo refundod. When you atop "Drinking," think of tho money you'll hnvo; besides, sobor men nro worth moro to tholr employers nnd got hlghor wngos. Costs only ?1.00 n box. Wo havo an Interesting booklet about OR RINK that wo aro giving nwny froo on request. Call at our store and talk It ovor. Owl Proscription Drug Rtoro. Front Btrcor. Perforate High grade Hues of both liu-pniit-d and donu'Mlo will bo found at Tho lauding Drug Sloru for Quality (loodn. Ladnes you will find a select assort incut or tho moot iMipular odors hero. Como In und seo us, o will bo jilcnM'd to show you our Quality Perfumes. Tho store for Quality Goods mid Penslnr IU-iiuhIIoh. NEW FJC1S, HEAD LETTUCE (the solid kind) CiUSP CELERY FRESH C.BAPES SWEET CIDER " it '8 in the market, wc have it." Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASUEY'S CANDIKS