The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 14, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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"ZL. tuivn In Tho TIMES
ff2iat Vou'r Heal EsUto "In
'b0. Who facts about your
Koro tho eyes of all "poq:
lPtfS? In town. And If tlioro
mWlx.H who ought to own
S Vll eell ltl
lag Stms
leu xxxvi
'""Ksinlillslicd In 1878
oa xjio u"'
Will Keep your Income from
Furnished Rooms Steady.
YOU can really lrolp tho family
revenues by renting a fow furnUhcd
rooms and, If you know how and
when to uro tho classified columns,
you may kcop that llttlo oxtr In-
M ""i m
v.mnnc nf Rni-flinnr
new w,.7.r ;:
Lumoer mm "
Years Past.
U InlO uuwnui i i
(fas Very Old Man But Still
Abie 10 OUIIuuui rno
i .-.
.. . hniMl rOCOlVUU J1UIU ui
. 1..11, nf riant. ThomnB Know-
K ucaiu w --
V m i I. . ninnnilfl r.f Mtfl
0D0 01 "'" umiwin
..ii.. min company. no uiuu
I. u. t, in Alntnuda. Cnl. Quito
(fill UV1UV " '
(rtnUy ho mado a trip to Card-
at to 100K over mo "iui ".
Ibffe id nl!0 visucu in MurHii
Pn- . . .
dpi Knowlnn was ono or tho
.infwr lumbermen nnu biiip uwn-
n of tho Pacific Const. Ho lind
Li hlchlv successful In n busl-
uii way and leaves n largo for
me. Capt. Knowlnn was a won-
lofal man In ninny ways. When
i Uli city recontly ho told with
u nrlda of tho fact that al-
tioojh very old ho could still sign
i tittle without nutting on his
f!usci and was nblo to look nftor
l!i own business affairs.
Mnny Interests.
nil Interests woro oxtonntvo. IIo
tu one of tho ownorn of tho mill
it Girdlncr and vcssols which run
Wo that place. IIo was nlso part
mtt In probably a dozon Balling
rtetlt and steamers on tho const
is! was Interostod with other bus-
!mm associates In tho operation
ct wreral lumber yards In south
n California, Ills fortuno wns
u In tho conBt country and In
it lumber business, In fact, ho
hi itatcd hlmsolf, that when a.
War man and ponnlloss ho inndo
tt Ant dollar with lumber. It
ni la the shnpo of wood which
It uwed, for nnothor mnn. IIo
bM ho saw tho nllo nf wnn.1.
new that It bad to ho sawed,
Med tho monoy and domnndod
a Job. Ho Insisted bo hnrd that
Owner Of tho wood tilln noi-.
fd him to saw It nnd Mr.
uowlan cot $2 for It. Thnt wn-.
'! Start In llfrt Prnn, h..
' Pt working until ho boenmo
( of tho Important factors In the
wiflc coast lumbor businoss.
Barly Lumberman.
Ulnr Venrn nr i. tt.i i.
"Miner Mill Cn. .m. f, .i
Ji concern proved highly proflt-
". Onh- rnmnll.. i. ..
. ") io inuiik nun
("Pwved and practically rebuilt.
. u0mn mado his trip to Gar.
W(f to lnnU . ...i. ....
j iui una oeon
J'i'' JKnowIan wns mnn of
""MndtaB appearance. Ho was
"f and (mi .. . .'.
,1. - " "u uvon in uiB
weed ago showed tho marks of
person of great determination
"a lacked h .I.M...-1 ... ...
ft.. ."immu irnus which
J tome with old ago. Ho was
tfs sn "Harness and his
litM f olher PrBons whom ho
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali
nnd Coos liny Advertiser.
No. 101.
Ottoman Empire Anxious for
Peace Condition Reported
Bad at Constantinople.
tnr Aitoclitcl rrtia to Coo liar Tlmrt.
IJELQItADB, Nov. 1 1. A report
thnt tho Turkish fort nt Adrlnn-
oplo has fallen boforo tho attack
of tho Ilulgnrlnn and Servlnu al
lies 1b current hero, but Is without
continuation m omcmi circles.
Auks for Pence.
nr Auocltlcd rrttt la Cooi liar Tlmn.
LONDON, Nov. H. Oniclnt con
firmation thnt Klnmll Pashn has
nd dressed King Fcrdlnnnd of I) til
gnrla, directly, asking for n con
clusion of an nrmlstlco pending
preliminary pcaco ncgotlatloun, wns
rocolvcd hero from Constantinople
Cholera Kprondlng.
(nr AuoclttM I'roi la Coo. llr TlmM.
NEW YOKK, Nov. II. OBcnr
Straus, former nmunssndor to Tur
key rocolvcd tho following cable
gram from Ambassador Ftoclchllt nt
Constantinople: "Tlioro nro now
over 1-1,000 sick nnd wounded sol
diers here. Cholorn scorns to bo
Increasing fast. Much sickness and
destitution nmong ninny thousands
of rofugocB."
Acciinch Itulgni-liiiiH.
(nr AxotltlM I'm i to Coo lUjr TlmM
IlKltLIN. Nov. 11. Inslnuntlons
that tho DulgnrlniiB nro guilty of
ntrocltlos ngnlnst tho Turks nnd
thnt tho prosont war Is moro of a
butchery than ordorly wnrfaro,
woro mado by nowspapor corro-
Bpondonts. .Following a description
of . atrocities by tho ntilgarlans, a
correspondent snyB: "narharlsm Is
fighting barbarism nnd n century
old hato Is fighting century old
. 2
. 7
. 4
. 0
. 1
. 2
. 1
. 8
. 1
. 3
. 1
Tim following is an extrnct from n pnpor on Municipal Owner
ship of Public Utilities by Mayor J. P. Ford, of Fort Dodge,
Iowa. Other cxrerpts showing comparisons nnd tho ndvnn
tnges that accrue to n city In lower rates, better scrvlco nnd frco hy
drants, will bo published so that tho city council nnd tho people
mny bo fully Informed as to tho cond'Hoiis:
Momhors of tho Iowa Lenguo of
Your committee on program havo
asked mo to discuss the public util
ities problem before your meeting.
This subject is bo broad that It
is ainiciilt for mo to determlno
what phase of tho subject would bo
of tho greatest interest to you. I
hnvo, however, tried to procure In
formation from vnrlous localities
bearing on the cost of service nnd
also tho quality of sorvlco furnish
ed to determlno bo fnr as I could,
by what means tho most ofTlclont
sorvlco was obtained at least cost
to tho people. This necessitated
some resenrch In outside localities
where at dlfforent times tho peo
plo of different cities had oppor
tunity to compnro tho quality nnd
the cost of tho sorvlco under muni
cipal ownership of public utilities
with tho cost nnd quality of Borvlco
under privato or corpornto owner
ship. To get roltnblo Information
on this subject, I folt It was neces
sary, or at least worth while, to
got Information from cities In var
ious parts of tho country outsldo of
tho State, as well ns cities within
tho state.
While tho conditions in various
parts of tho stato nro very much
different and havo a very consld
orablo bearing on tho cost in dif
ferent localities, that Ib conditions
existing In Sioux City might mnko
tho oxpenso of constructing nnd
oporntlng n wntor works plant
much .greater or much less than
tho oxponso 'of building, mnlntnin
Ing nnd operating n plant for tho
Bnmo quality of sorvlco In Dcs
Moines or somo other city within
tho stato.
10.00 3
10.20 i
10.CG 1
11.00 J
11.40 i
Im.UO ,,, .,, 5
Jf 'J . . . 1
15.C0 1
18.00 i
Hates botweon 0.00 and flO.OO
nro given to tho nearest 25 cents.
Taking first tho motor rates, wo
find theso ranging from a minimum
of 4 cents to n maximum of GO
cents. An Inspection of tho ac
companying sablo bIiowb tho rates
pretty well scattered ovor this ox
tromely wide, although tho
lowest rato given by moro than 10
companies or cities is thnt of 10
cents por 1000 gallons, which rnto
was reported by 17 cities. A 13
cent rnto wbb reported by 14 cities,
a 10-cont rnto by 11 elites, a 20-
cenf rnto by 29 cities, a 25-ccnt
rnio Dy 3G cities, a 30-cont rnto
by 31 cltlos. A rnto lowor than
10 cents wns reported by 20 cities,
botweon 10 nnd 15 conts by 10
cities, botween 15 nnd 20 cents by
20 cities; between 20 nnd 25 cents
by 10 cities, botweon 26 and 30
centB by 11 cities, botweon 30 nnd
His B0n ja congressman
(rem nVi. " ,s congressman
California and tho Captain
careo f Wb Bn'B P"
In J'?1'1 Yonnff rc-
la fad. PniWol- , . . .
it Inte 7 r ' .,vnowian . 00IC
t(re " Hng men, Many
" the ones toi,J .. i. , ....
. "e nai1 secured nosltionp fnr
5 men and given ttrnm ntnwn
Hie nnd ..
'lted , K tnoso wnom h0
oat ar . thoy Woro Btartlng
ton ,! J0a w,1 nro at tho very
" ali 'umbor worIJ. IIo him
on? L l ho onJyel helping
tt0. ... , ,noro than most any-
- v'"o no nnd dnnn In ll TT
fled V mnny yunB won
they BeT? "PPortunlty and all that
thjnce t0 malf0 g00d ws a
canc . eniy Giving theso
t!louthf ' Jouns mn whom ho
CaD(n,-L'kca Const.
I. ".u IVnnnrirt. . .
"ever i . ' '"" was a great ne
try and m PacU,c Coast cWn
thovant'8 a(lv,so t0 younB mon
Ulea tO COt lln In n.n.l
H ime t0 tho coast. Ho Bald
r.j . "9 much h"'' " '" -i
tttr. ' 'as only started and thnt
Ji,n 8 Great Chnnnna nn M,
k!Zomion t0 tako part
Son-in-Law of Roosevelt Is
Not Sent Back to
Pr AmocUIM Tri to Coo nr Tlm.l
CINCINNATI, Ohio, Nov. 14.
Tho oniclnl count of Hamilton
county shows Congressman Nicho
las Longworth, son-in-law of Col.
Iloosovolt, wns dofented for con
gress In tho First Ohio district by
Stanley Bowdlo, Democrat, by 97
VOtC8, - -
inr AmocUIM TrMt to Coo Btr TIroM.l
nouncement of tho resignation of
Leo McClung, treasurer of tho Un
ited Stntes, was mado by President
irfi tr,inv Mrrinnir tendered Ills
resignation to tho president nt a
conforonco nt tho oxecutlvo man
sion today nnd Its accoptanco was
Inln. nnnnnnnnil with tllO OXDlftllU-
tlon thnt McClung resigned volun
tarily. It is holiovou inni winui
Thompson, now privato secretary
to tho prosident, will succeed mm.
McClung declined to discuss his
rotlromonc In any way today, but
it Is rumored tho resignation Is
tho result of continued friction
with Socretnry MncVoagh. The ap
pointment of Carml Thompson to
succeed him will bo followed, It Is
said, by tho lmmedlnto return of
Charles Illllcs to tho wlilto house
as secretary to tne presiuent.
Joyed living, and particularly that
ho was still ablo to bo active and
to look aftor his affairs. Besides
his son ho leaves a wifo and n
marrlod daughter, who resides near
him In Alameda. When horo tho
last tlmo Mr. Knowlan said that
ho enjoyed his homo llfo and his
business and that ho was a very
happy man. His death removes
ono of tho old-time pioneers of
tho const lumber business, who
hnd built up his fortuno with the
development of tho country. Ho
had been a good, friend of this
part of tho state, and his years of
work figured conspicuously in tho
building up of tho coast country.
niOHT and 11UY their FLOUR of
courso bo true with roforonco to
somo city outsldo of tho stato. Tho
olomont which enters Into this
problem, to tho greatest oxtont, Is
tho cost of producing power uy
tho vnrlous necessary ways; prin
cipally, wntor. coal and oil, tho
two lnttor for fuel, nnd also tho
mannor or mothod omployod In
procuring wntor and delivering It
to tho consumor.
I will try to clto you rates
charged undor tho various plnns
and also undor ench plan and with
a combination of two of thorn,
which Is sometimes necessary.
I tnko It, most of you nro fnmll
far with your own rates, therefore
I will clto you somo from tho out
sldo cltlos, first, for compnrlson.
taking tho wator rates. I am go
ing to borrow from tho roport of
Frank C. Jordan, socretnry of tho
Indianapolis Water Company, who
hns recontly prepared n tnblo of
rntes revised to Novombor, 1910.
This tablo Includes tho rates In
249 cltlos whoro a motor rnto Is
charged and all sorvlco furnished
through motors, nnd 198 cities
whoro a flat rato Is charged. Tho
following Bchodulo shows tho rntes
charged In tho different cities:
Tnblo of Meter Rntei.
Rnto. Conts Numbor
por 1000 gnls.
9 1-3.
Thn snmn statement would of 35 conta by 13 cities, botweon nr,
mm -iu cuius uy ii cuius, uOlWCOIl
40 nnd 50 cents by 8 cltlos, and
CO conts by ono city. It Is booh
that tho rates botweon 15 and 25
conts, both Inclusive, scorn to rop
rcsont thoso most commonly used,
118 cities being found botweon
theso limits, or nlmost ono-hnlf of
tho ontlro numbor.
Tho tnblo of flnt rntes was com
piled, using as n unit a six-room
liouso having hot and cold wator
nt tho kltchon sink only, Fow rnto
cards ngrco ontlrolv on nnv unit nf
this kind, but an effort wns mado
to rouueo nil to this common bnsls
ns nonrly ns could bo Judgod from
tho rntos In tho sovornl cities.
Twonty-Bovon of tho cities In tho
list sold wntor by motor only,
nnd 21 otliora did not furnish suf
ficient dnta to onnblo n unit of thin
kind to bo calculated. Of tho 198
whoso rates for this unit woro glv
on by Mr. Jordnn's tnblo, It Is seen
that 53 chargo $0.00 for such n
houso, tho next bolng tho $5.00
rnto, which Is chargod In 30 cltlos:
and tho only other rnto common
to moro than 10 cities Is tho $4,00
rnto, found In II cities. Tho rntos
botweon $0 nnd $10 contnlnod odd
rontfl nnd frnctlons Iu n numbor
of ensos, nnd In propnrlng our tnblo
from tho ltomlzod tnblo wo hnvo
reduced nil rates to the nenrcst 25
cents und groupod thorn according
ly. . In tho second tablo about GO por
cent of tho cltlos nro found to havo
rates botweon $4 and $G, both in
clusive. Tho maximum rnto Is
nlno times tho minimum. Tlioro Is
still a greater variation In tho mo
tor rates, tho maximum of theso
being 15 times tho minimum.
In tho cities whoro motor rntos
only nro chnrgod, with no flat
rates, tho following rntca aro ench
found In ono city only: 10 cents,
10 2-3 cents, 14 cents, 13 cents,
1G 2-3 cents, 19 cents 21 2-3 conts,
22 2-3 cents, 2G cents, 33 conts,
35 conts, 48 cents. Flftcon conts
was found In three cltlos, 16 In
two cities, 20 in thrco cltlos, 25 in
four cltlos.
In discussing theso Mr, Jordan
stated that ho found that practical
ly all cities which havo Installed
water filtration plants -during tho
past fow years havo found It nec
essary to Incrcnso their rates In
order to meet tho Increased expen
ditures on account of Intorest and
depreciation on capital invested and
the additional cost of oporatlon.
Comparing rates whoro tho wa
tor is furnished by a privato com
pany with thoso where tho plant Is
municipal, wo find tho motor .rates
to average 30 cents whoro tho wa
tor Ib supplied by prlvnto company,
and 20 conts whoro suppllod by
municipal plant. In tho flat rates
tho averago rato for a alx-room
house Is $7.00 por year where sup
plied by privato company and $0.05
por year where Bupplled by a mu
nicipal plant This would appear
to Indicate that water can bo fur
nished cheaper by a municipal
plant than by a private company:
but wo havo several times called
attention to tho unreliability of
any such comparisons, owing to the
fact that a part of tho operating
expenses, Blnklng fund or other
overhead charges may not bo pro
vided for in tho municipal rato:
and to tho goneral condition, found
in privato as well as municipal
tno raie la eoiuom
anv Intelligent and
1 scientific calculation, and that In
'.'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'. ..'.'.' ..'.'..' 1
10 2-3 1
12 1-2
13 1-2 '
1 n '
1G 2-3 4
18 2-3.
21 1-3.
22 2-3.
31 to 35 J3
3G to 40.- 11
40 to 50 J
winf rnf Ih hased on six-room
house, with hot and cold water in
kitchen onlv:
Tablo of Flat Rates.
Raro Dollars Number
"' 1
' ,..14
"' 1
' 10
! --,. 36
" . i ni.,i. ,.
5.30 1 '"," ,."r
5.50 ' "".""".m'"
per year.
$ 2.00 .
3.00 .
3.20 .
3.50 .
3.80 .
4.00 ,
4.30 .
4.40 .
4.50 .
4.80 .
Operator Shocked to Death
While Performinn Duties
at Switchboard.
Mr AMoclMfel Frrii lo Cooi Dr Tlmrt.
CASTLE ROCK, Wash., Nov. 14.
Whllo at a tolcphono switch
board Roy Fowlor, aged 10, an
operator, was killed. Tho high
wind Inst night caused a high
voltage power wire to connect with
n tolophono wlro nnd tho shock
caused tho death of tho boy whllo
ho was sitting at tho board per
forming his duties.
tho enso of mnny prlvnto plants,
but of porhaps the majority of
municipal ones, wntor Is furnished
for public buildings, street flushing,
etc., without any chargo against tho
(To bo Continued Tomorrow.)
Ex-City Councilman Albrccht
Writes Letter on the
Editor Coos Bay Times:
It is with plcnsuro that I ac
knowledge having rend tho differ
ent nrtlclcs from tlmo to tlmo ap
pearing In your valuable paper re
garding tho wator company mid
the now franchlso which It Is try
ing to sociiro. Ah n cttlzon and
taxpayer, I thank you most bIii
coroly for tho gullnnt effort you
nro putting forth In ordor to securo
a squnro deal for Marshflold. I
do hope thnt tho good pooplo of
our fair city can fully npprcclnto
your position In this matter nnd
will lend nil posslblo moral cu
cotirngoinont. In my own opinion
I mny add that I am ngnlnst any
other franchlso whntovor, making
my position clear by stating thnt
wntor Is a necessity nnd must bo
used dally by ovory living being,
both animal and vogotablo. I also
bollovo In all Just rights of tho
Marshflold Wator Co. As I havo
boon partly to blamo for Btartlng
tho wator agitation, a llttlo ovor
two years ago, I feel I can Justly
say that had tho Marshflold Wator
Co. mado tho samo offor of snlo
to tho city that was mado to Mr.
Jennings of tho Oregon Power Co.
thnt I for ono would havo recom
mended Its purchnso by tho city nt
that tlmo. I bollove In pnylng n
fair valtio on all lands nnd prop
erties of all kinds which tho city
would or should ncqulro from tho
MarBhflold Wator Co. But I do not
bollovo that tho health of any
community should bo bargained for
In any mannor whon It comes to a
question of furnishing puro and
wholesomo wator. I blamo tho
Marshflold Wator Co. for forcing
tho peoplo of Marshflold to drink
from tholr pool In tho hills and
according to their franchlso It Is
called a reservoir, Tho city should
own and control Its own wator sys
tem nnd safo"unrd tho hoalth of.
Its people. Why should Ihoy not
bo ablo when a long term fran
chise la tho all Important collateral
upon which largo companies or
small ones without a dollar (theo
retically speaking) float tholr
bonds. Tho peoplo of Coos Bay,
and especially Marshflold, should
never forget that wo aro and have
been continually boosting for man
ufacturing industries. Theso you
can not oxpect to como to your
shores without you aro ablo to of
fer, them sites with abundant cheap
water, In conclusion I would sug
gest thnt the city run its systom
(Continued on Pago Two.)
Will Nearly Double Capacity
of Smaller Plant on Coos
Bay Soon.
OVER 600,000 DAILY
Preliminary Work Started
Adelaide Smith to Es
tablish Record. '
Tho C. A. Smith company la
making plans to remodel nnd on
largo tho Enstsldo mill nt Bny City
within tho next fow montliB, In
creasing tho cut botween 75 nnd
100 per cent nnd mnklng Kb dnlly
output botween 150,000 and 200,
000 feet in 10 hours.
When tho now plnns nro carried
out tho Fasthtdo mill will bo ono
of tho most complete und upto-dato-
mills on the Pacific const, oc
cupying a similar position nmong
tho lessor plnnts thnn tho btg mill
holds among tho lnrgest mills on
tho const.
Tho Improvements will Include
tho Installation of nnothor car
riage, and band saw, and consider
able other mnchlncry.
Tho first of tho work hns boon
started, tho enlarging of tho sort
ing sheds, to tnko caro of tho In
creased cut.
Tho onlurgtng of tho Enstsldo
mill will Incrcnso tho output of
tho Smith mills on Coos Bny to
between 000,000 nnd 700,000 foot
dally, tho big mill ofton fnr ex
ceeding tho 400,000 mark In 10
As tho now Adelnldo Smith, tho
si tor ship of tho Nnnn Smith, will
bo running In hero Boon nftor tho
first of tho year, no dltlfculty will
bo encountered In Inking enro of
tho lucronsod output.
No Information bus boon ro
colvcd from Cnpt. B. W. Olson ns
to tho (Into when ho oxpects to
leavo on his long trip nrouud Capo
Horn i:vlth tho Adulaldo Smith. Sho
will tnko on n cargo of railroad
Iron and will probnbly will bring
hor enrgo direct to Coos Bny, tho
Iron going to tho Tormltinl railway
or tho Smllh-Powora Logging Co.
This will probnbly will bo tho first
full cm go over brought from At
lantic waters to Coob Bay.
Preparations nro now being
mndo to remodel tho oloctrlo cranes
usod In loading tho Nairn Smith ho
thoy will bo adapted to tho Ado
lalde Smith nlso. It Is tho ambi
tion of Arno Moreen ( tho mastor
mechanical genius of tho C, A.
Smith Company, ns well ns of C.
A. Smith and Capt. Olson to bronlc
nil records In handling tho first
cargo of tho Adolaldo Smith. In
unloading, hnsto will bo mado, and
In loading, tho utmost speod will
bo nttalnod.
Tho now electric plnnt Is now In
operation so thnt tho company will
not bo hnndlcnppcd for lack of
powor or uncertainty In handling
tho electric cranes with tholr groat
slings of lumbor. Tho eloctrlc plnnt
whllo not fully complotod is work
ing nlcoly. Provision Ib mndo for
gonorntlng much moro power thnn
tho company expects to tiso for
somo yenrs to como, oven whon
tho Smith-Powers Logging com
pany's operations uro oloctiifled. In
tho menntlmo, tho Orogon Powor
Company haH contracted to tako
considerable of tho electricity from
tho C. A. Smith Company's plant
and H Is expected that tho Termi
nal railway will also utlllzo It. Tho
olectrlc plant . Is fed from wasto
from tho mill.
Theso Improvements In connec
tion with tho pulp mill now undor
construction and which will prob
ably bo In oporatlon oarly noxt
btunmor, nnd tho onlnrgod ahlnglo
mi.l, will mnko tho O. A. Smith
plnnt on Coos Bay ono of tho big
gest shippers of lumbor products
In tho country, probably.
C. A. Smith loft today on tho
Nan Smith for San Francisco,
whoro ho expects to spond somo
tlrao looking after tho now projects
of tho company there, at Oakland,
at Sacramonto and in tho Lnko
Tohoo country. Ho has practical
ly recovered from tho Injury to
his foot. Ho expects to return to
Coos Bay In tho neat futuro and
will probably make a special en
deavor to be horo for tho Initio1
trip of tho Adelnldo Smith,
w Knowlnn, though old, on-