THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1912 EVENING EDITION- RA N CAUSING HIGH WATER Freshets Will Permit Logging Companies to Bring 1 Logs to Bay. Tlio heavy rains have ciuiboiI tho MALARKEY BILL LOCAL INTEREST State Regulation of Public! Utilities Will Affect Marshfield. Tho adoption of ilio Mnlarkoy rivers to raise. Cook river yesterday. Utilities Hill by tho pcoplo of Oro- had risen throo feet nnd tho log-'gon at InBt Tuesday's election Is of. King companies aro hoping to bring consliloraulo Interest on tho Pay down poino of their logs from tho bocatiBo City Attorney (loss Is plan- f ....... M.1. r,...l.1. 1?... .... n. I. .I... J. !.!.. nnl.... .....In.. II In Jieiiuiviuurn. 1 uu miiiui-i uhui pi v w. iiiiih iu iji.'hiii iii;ihih iiiuiui it iu Is arranging to drive their logs forco tho Coos Hay Water Co. to from Hedges Creek, nbovo Alio- furnish adequato sorvlro under tho gany, where It is necessary to havo old franchise. Tho bill, according high wntor In order to get tno logs to reports from rortinmi, cnrricu moving. Clarence Gould mis ai-tuy a big majority, ready brought down sonio of his Tno cl(y. C0linci authorized City logs from Allegany. They go toi Attorney Cobs to nmko application tlio Simpson Lumber Co. Henry nt onco to tho Stato ltallroad Hocck also hopes to get his logs commission. " which will havo sn out from Smith b basin on thoM,crvjBoll r Ui0 pniitc BOrvlco cor South Fork, but It will requlro n' pomtlons, to tako action In tho t.ptal ralso of six feet to movo Mnrshflold case. City Attornoy them. However, If tho rains con-Jrjoss lnBt gnturdny left for Port tlnuo to fall ns In the past fow mnrt nn,i tbls week will confer lays there will bo enough wntor. I with tho ofllclnls nt Salem about Tho downpour of rain all night, i8tltutlng tho proceedings. Tho has added to tho water In tho, Marshfield City council nt Its mcot rlvors nnd will permit of many,nR lllBt Mondny night authorized logs being brought down from tho ,m (0 ,0 B0 headwaters. This morning tho, . , , ...i.i-i. . north fork of Coos river was jam-1 Th?, " ,Z ' S In, ' !f mod with logs from tho Gould . l ' J?"'mLiu?r nrv ? w camp nnd n drive from tho Smith- nnlva.)?nirn,inVnnL Towers camp on tho south fork !? "w J101!1 , ms" nft.i: wns stnrtcd. I Conccr'"B . n Portland dispatch Tho wato'r Is high on Catching, Bny8: ..,,, Inlot and Is running over tho hot-' Declaring that tho Malarkoy pub- torn lands but no dnmago Ib re- 'c utility bill Iins pnsBed without ported. Wagon ItoadH Had. n doubt. Clydo Atchison, chalrmnn of tho ltallroad Commission, today announced that tho rommlBslon Tho wagon roads aro getting In wm nt OI1C0 nmko ,)roImrnHn8 to bad condition on iiccount of ho Pnforco tho law. nB under tho rul contlniled ralnfa I. Tho mnll routo lllK nimlo , , , n nf t, ?. ", " '", ' . 4"u,,"' '"":: fcilornl conrt In Portland In .1011. 1411IUIIUI n UUIil (iiu rftiiviiuj inn trict nnd cast !"' .n,.V.d.' ..?" til?, .ZlL f? '?. "'"iorlty voto Is cast InJ iii.i iiiu. ..,.v.n ..... 0 ...u .,u ..- ... ,,n nini rnnvnna nf . Value in Clothes Includes everything in the clothes quality of fa' .1 !. i 5KIH Of mine value. Benjamin Clnthns fnr Minn ,. "Ub a.Wr. lininnc Irimminnc tho ont nf iUn i :... .. "M7i " '" Z"ul no- ; "'... u T um. the Skill the tailors, the process of making all these thlnas mmn ici Inn Ron nm n Pntmr f,, nn.. . .V""Ua ard of excellence in each of these essentials ?h? i!a,nt1' They are high-grade in evcrv feature fhot for value. counts Unusual fabrics and colorings in the New Fall Suits and Overcoats $12, $15, $18, $20, $22, $25 and on up to $40 Soft Cheviot Suitings in new blue tones, aravs a and brown. Overcoats in Raglan models Roy 2! Belted backsthey're swell Extra Length RaincS with convertible collars. J "aincoa,s New Numbers in Norfolk Suits. "MONEY TALKS tf Bcnjamjn 0th.cj Hub Clothing & Shoe Co, MARSHFIELD mn ', " .",,,....'.,;. 'cucrni court in l'oruanu in mil, lors from tho Allegany dls- , conBtriInR tll0 ompj.Prs nnill- Hay that both tho west fork ,ty nct nn n,n,vo nn, ror0ron- nst ork roads aro vory licnvy (lum ,nw K008 In(o offoct JllBt n Riimmor. ino roans woro never n. n...i i, ...... ..- mora muddy than they nro now. inmntlon not being nocessnry to Heals This IMncc. pnt such measures Into effect. Press roports stato that nt As toria tho total rainfall In 21 liours wns nearly 2.5 Inches, which ex ceeds tho rainfall of tills plnco dur ing any llko period sluco tho rain began this season. I Heavy list Night. Tho total rainfall In tho 2 1 hours ending this morning was l.SU1 inches, making a total of 111. 27, InchcH since September I. or con siderably more than twice what lt wns for tho samu period a year MEOFORD AG REVVED NOVEMBER 18 THE Mil BREWERY GflSE ago. Tho tmromctor during the Inst ntoriii wns very high and this morning stood at :i().n, Indicating n letup In tho sturm, T AMONG TIIU SICK. Killer l'leu of Cullty Fluocl $."S)0. mid Ait TtOSHHUHO. Oo Nov. 13. Ap pearing on behalf of tho Hosoburg Hrowlng and Iro Company, Its olll cors nnd flvo directors. Attorney I Doxter Ulco nppoarod boforo Judgo ,.I. W. Hamilton In tho circuit Pviitliln vinpvnrii. who u-iih iinor-'""" " ninugou mo roimor nted on last Hatur pltnl for appendlc improving. filay itSlort'y h-,,,,onB of "nat K""ty" to "MlW Report That Surveying Party Has Started Out Toward Crescent City. Tho report that there Is to bo n railroad from Med ford to Crescent City, Cal., Is rovived by tho an nouncement thnt n pnrty of Biirvoy ora has started over tho propose! route. Tho following press tele gram from Med ford tells tho story: Ktiulpped with supplies for sov oral montliB, a crow of II Hiirvoy ors left Mcdford this morning for tho Applegntc country, whoro It will map out a railroad to connect Mcdford with Crescent City, Cal., on the ronst. Tho nows thnt tho Hiirvcyors nro nctunlly horo Is on thiiBlastlcally received In Mcdford. Tho Snitthorn Pacific company doulos having any Riirvoyors In tho IS LUST 011! Candidates Must File for City Offices Then Also Last Day to Register. There nro only flvo dnya mora In which candidates for councllmen and city recorder can fllo their nominating petitions to got thc'.r names printed on tho ballot. Thoro aro iiIbo only llvo days more In which votors can register for tho city election tho registra tion nnd nominations closing No vember 18. Thore nro two plncos on tho city council to bo filled, tho tonus of. A. II. Powora nnd A. .1. Snvnj.v expiring. Tho torm of .John W. Hutlcr ns city recorder expires this year also. Ho will probably bo re olcctod without opposition. Thoro has been HANDCUFFS CUT OFF- PRISONER Discovery of Mutilated Pair Arouses Local Officers Today. IRE IN I in i Southern Pacific Brinoinn I borers to Gardiner for Construction, Hob Krugor who cut his foot nllllik liriilli n fun ilnn,. mm 1.9 "".""' . . .,"""". .".?. ''- ' 7 '"ls condition. Attorney tiro said ...... .l.F.U IU ..U IIWUIIl ,11111 WIVJ illlll!, , .... .... ,,- t iiiunvo, MB u rui'liuiaiioil, US Hold between Mcdford nml Crosront BPcculatlon tho last dny or two City but It Is known thnt tho Hnr- aa to who will ontor tho Hold for rlmnn Intnronln nnvn innili, n mini. COUUCllmcn. It Is lliulorstooil that Ulco snld thoro hnd boon consldorn-!bor of Investigations In that nnrt A J- Snvngo will bo n candidato nio (iiscusHion roiatlvo to tho brow cry cases and that much Ill-feeling nan resulted. in ronseaueneo of of criitchos. olllrcra nnd flvo directors bad do. O'llrlon. now ciueii to enango tliolr formor ploas general innnngor of tho country during tho past fr ro-oloctlon. two years. Several months ngo, Water Qiuslloii Up. wnoii ino houiuern i-ncuic ami ti-o, Tho main Issuo In tho oloetlon 0.-). It. & N. properties wero wl probably bo tho waterworks under ono bend In this state. J. P. (1cstlon. Umlot tho now Malarkoy vlco President ami w. tho elty council will havo .Vi ii10 n iii m"c" ,noru l,owr regulating tho! Mr Pnnmv u'lwt unu nnnfiilml . - . .... - . . .' . : nr "iinr i"iniiv" in i.iniv, n..1 jc. c nuim...,. on insi iniirsuny at Mercy nosp tal ,,,,. " ,",,"' . "";' v '. -"i'j. n ". . '"' ptiniic sorvico corporations. In nd- for nppondlcltls Is doing nicely nnd ' ". " n. ""Pleasant contro- now traffic manager of the p.-W. tiitlon to this, tho Coos Pay Water will soon return to his home. Ilo ,?', ff,PL.,i II- "ulL.J" i"torllK , N:ic,omp?n, , Inn,,l ,n trl1! l,y' Company's an plication for n 30-year lives over tho Club cigar atoio. I "", .Ky At,"r,l? J11,1'0 Ba'1 nK .nn',1 , "to ,trSm A?',or,, '".frnnolilw will probably bo settled I wished the court to tnko Into Crescont City nnd Mr. O'llrlon up-'. tho council nftor the flrHfnr i..i... M..I-.. ...... cniiBlderntlon tho fnct that the on tho return to Portland dnnlnd ." ..?.. ' ,. ". .U10. .r"5 r ...... ... .... .: ..: .. " ui, du nun inu roiincnmen null urn nil nun iiir any till or In 1 tho bng been III ported tloiiH today k-plpo player, and who lias f" "' V"1 (ocU f'1 to c,oaso.. U,10 I at Mercy luwpltnl. was rHc,uw"'n ' oar ,,p4or to be In ii critical comll-1 '. f.? rt?...n",LI0,,.K,nH " ' I.OCATi OVKHKI.OW C. K. JOHNSON of North Inlet Is hero on busluoss for tho day. abandoning tho futuro ninniifncturo of "nonr boor" Attomov Itlcn do- clnred thoro would bo no ques tion as to wiiotlior or not tho local nrewery was violating tho local op non laws. A( ly concluded I court-. M'llOll .TiiiIl'a llnmlltn.. I. ii "WILL NOIILU of I.akosldo Is In. nosed n flno of r.nn nL.nlnHt Mm Mai-shfleld today. Itoseburg Plowing nnd Ico Com- iiif ii,t,,,n7T7, t , .. i I'1""?'- "fl corporation: $250 PAl'I ItAUHPACII of I.nkesldo Is against Oscar Kllnko. and $250 In Mnrshflold on business. ngalnst each of tho flvo directors aiYltTI.H OAU.OW'AY of North Inlet Is In Mnrshflold visiting. u int,tti. ti ftil.. nn,.lU ill purposo than nn outing, but subso- i,v vm .... n?. ...1. ." " S-i TSZ2SS S ffifUS: rjw.isttyst 'S ............. II. 1 IIIHl l .11.111 lllllllffcll Cnx.nt II. 1 .... . .... ,..,., .....nuuiua uuvo Tho discovery of n pnlr of hnnd-i Jninos Doyle, formerl; cl ItaJ uiiim nun mm ucun eiiiueieo on ueiu, mil recently located it i soino ouo's wrlstB has put Mnrshnl dlnor, returned to tho Bir k Carter nnd Spoclnl OfTlcor I.ovI to remain hero during the t!w Smith on tho ducst of the parties nt least. lie rcnorii ihn tk.r. i rcsponslblo and thoy hope to land conBldornblo ncthlty over thi al iiiom soon. ino nniHicuriH inai- ronu tlioro. iiuo inn homo priHoiior who ovi- Tll0 contractors on the Ik- uui uy iiiuiiu ii.iy uoni mi uiiicor nro JrnKnK laborer! ill ii nuill) !lirillllU IU IllinUll IH III HUB III,,.. nml Inc. I.Afnp. k. I.I, I v-"""' I Qreoks arrived to work ci C Tho iiaudeuiTH woro discovered road, yesterday afternoon In tho clothes Ho found good huntloj mc room or a rooming liouso. They Gardiner and brought dots i hnd been placod thoro somotlmo plo of wildcats which he U1 h- iiuring tno -l hours preceding, u mounted ns trophies, thoy had boon found in n guest . considerable room, tho pnrtlos would hnvo boon XOTI Tl'.V.NTfi loented moro onslly. Tho handcuffs woro of tho Dean ! Weather Cmi-ic Idy 0W- mnko nnd tho lock on onch had I tilmtl tm lorn Vj um. tn nnf u'ltli ii dlilunl linfor.i (linvi Tint KllCOIlO Oliard MJU could bo romovod. This indlcatod Notl tunnel on tho Wlllioelte P-l that tho prisoner hnd n "pnl" with ilo Is now 1220 ieei onr him. i face, nr Rmiiethliii! more tut 'I'lin linil.lnilf.. l,o.. L.tllnla n.. Will' tlirilllL'll (llO IllOUntllO. UtV4 tin. iii nnV llwiU i..liiniu ...iii ...!. Imr nrlL'Innl lll(flluremeilU. "I ably enable Marshal Cartor to as- formntlon Is now cpliT " certain whoro thoy bolonged nnd nblo nnd seven or elgM . ij tho Identity of tho prisoner who'oxcavalcd every day. At'1'"; cscapod. .lust how ho could havo onii ino wnrK is i""1"", ..... ... ,...,l.ll.l . 1. 1., i.r.inl.n. .lllllfllllln nnd Drop ' h"l ill ..llliniiiiuiu tvlHIUIIL llltl n..... v v- --- - . . "bracelets" giving him nwny Is n much slower. Twohy Dr 1 ..I. ....I., i 1 .. I ,i ntt iiii-l.- In a creil "JH 1 I outside tho tunnel. The piJt I protty well completea d "j bo flnlsled nil me f rKiii.s ok nucic hunt. of tho browing corporation All othor Indictments pending against the Individual officers and directors of tho lirmvlmr rnmnnni- TflllV HM'I'T.ilU. ... ...... , l ... .J....... . "".-""" -".". ""i" iwi i "i .Mirill iiiiui la.wuro (HHll)ISSO(l, SIX OtllOl" Itld Ct- In Mnrshflold on business. nioiits against tho browing corpor- atlon wero allowed to stand upon 13. R MOItUlSSKY nnd P. C. request of tho district nttornoy. Rmnll havo returned from Myrtio , Theso Indictments will not bo Point, where they hnvo been nrosoeiitnd. hnwnvnr. nn irm no i.n pushing their street paving con- browery rofrnlns from innniifnctur tract. Tho bad weather nnd tho lug nnd soiling beor In Hosoburg. shortage of content Is delaying Tho caso against Joseph Holdon- them Turned Joke. Duncan Ferguson today turned a Joko on soino friends of Hurt Doremus nnd Tip rich, tho brewery driver, wns dis missed. uosiMU'ito inrruHNs. vtines. iney iook a tlno string George M. Ilmnn Has Good Major- of ducks and geese that Doromus lty in Doimlas nnd Cordes had left In tho lattor's nospntTur n v.... ,. Cisco. 0111 mong was violating tho local op- tho main lino of tho Southern Pa- ,,?. rni, I,0S8'U candidates hi s. Attorney Ulco had hard- rifle with tho coast lino Is ?" Bl,0,;o" ot " """o of th llilml lila ii.lilnnia I.. tl. li.ilinr I,,, lit ,,n-.i. r....... a.... ! ' l'n0 nPllOtlllCed tllOIllBOlveR. A ini- ' .......on ... inu. ..ii.. . iiuiiii .null onii ruin- .i,.,-, i. , . ' "n I "'" rimnuii ill uru A. T, JlnlllOS, 10. Ii MeArthur. H. S. Towor, C. I A Tlililllir.n It. - t . A V ,,"",,nl"'i iinrry willKlor, D. A. TiJouch J. A. Dlntt. Cnrl Allir.M.t L1HHAHV XOTl, (Uiuivn ,i. 4, uinii, unri Albrccht i nnii uoo. n, Holt. '! 11..1-... ... . .. electricity 'I,,, lU0 ""'"inniing potltlons Tli nan futnvnatn.l lr will bo glad to know that through nr .1l0(, " or boforo Novoinbor tho kindness of D. C. Oreono wo ,. .V VnV,,0f w1i! not ,)0 Printed will recolvo regularly tho Klectrlral "",' L . .'S1"01, T.hcro w,n 1)0 " World and Public Service Wo ,?V,"8 thl8 yenr ,0 "onI""to can- havo back numbers of tho KIoc- u,uTai3 , trlcnl World ns fnr ns 1910. Theso ., ,'8 oxiioctod thnt tho Soclnllsts mny bo taken out on cards. I HL. vo,a tlckot ,n tho nolil. Liffl5,aD&." ' eM"B '"" irrir Saw.fffM'j.'K l.Hornrj JJigesi. C(y jin)i 0n ft B . or.ion '. Georgo S. Cnpps la bringing us tho votors hnvo registered. ii uAiiu i'iiiy ui inn ueview oil Kovlows nnd ono of tho Saturday! Kvenlng Post. Tho latest niinilinra of tneso may now ho taken out WOMKX CAN VOTK. rJirnn,; nwnrV. A '"n ,",,T.T-, " ....ty show tho following elected lilayod thought ho would trick tho F.or l'strIot attornoy Georgo M. trlckstors. So ho hid the ducks I,row" fnrrled Douglas county by nnd geoso. When the Jokers tried n 1 ""' of 500. to find them they could not nnd Joint Hopresentntlve C. 13. Doromus wns threatening to havo Whistler .cnrrlod tho county by 300 thorn "pinched." Finally thoy lo- but tho largo majority polled by cniea rerguson nun no reionrod "8 opponent, u. u, Koames, In theso may now bo taken out. Governor West to Permit Them to Mrs. Adella F. Storey has sent, 'rko Part In riv Ki(..n,.,,u u uuuui iuiiuiu mo uornry ox-' aiij.m, Nov. 13 Mrs Alitimii ponso and also n plnut for tho Scott Dunlwny will write . the T i roc- chlldron's tnble. . Inmntlon to lie signed by Govoraor Wo hnvo wet received the latest West that will give to somo 75 000 material-written on cement. It is women In tho Stato of nZnn ii, n United States publication on right of snffrago, c?or,?lng to in liniv in inn If n rnninnl an il.oi 11. i n.A.,,,.. n i viuiuiH(, 10 nn wa orproof. nis enTitled ' "govo nor Wes said hHrnild M Mixed Portland Cement." .to Portland as Ln, 'M10 'T0"-.B .,,, ,- ., ; " uiuuitii Interesting Intervleiv Willi Christ- thnn n month sh ould Ifc offeivm In Portland Paper. I clenr up nnd tho grouM w Tim aumifiv Pnriinn.i T,.r.,ni will bo completed early w contnlns nn Intorestlng Illustrated. 8I,ri"B If not B"er- , Intorvlow with Silas Chrlstofforson. tho Portland aviator, whom tho Coos Day Times brought to tho Day to glvo exhibits. Tho nrtlclo' ''";,""? a ' the "prl ?, doala nnrtleulnrlv with GhrlBtoffor-' hopofu slRii at tne v son's feat In taking with him n '" ni " '".'g brw" Would Avert ConfUrt. I .n . I-i.l IA lOOS VI - liijr Awl", '" j i.oN'no.v. oxv. ii. .: a companion who shot ducks from " , .. n;,nnv which u iff tho machlno. Ho secured 27 ulucks' b.ear ' W&nStT. j. from tho air machlno, which broke ?" fn AStLMnrnt U all records, m tho' Intorvlow ho nlBar ", c0" r"S M ' states thnt ho Is noxb colnir to trv.v,a' (" '. or .,"mivM to i . Al.AnioolVP kinini ! f. o .,i now oxorunb isv' "o Mwwi iuiii mi uuiUimuui Tho young nvlntor oxpresses groat a c0"ulLl, . J faith In tho life-saving features of T, von havo anything h) nn aoroplnno nnd refers to his trip' ?" r want MP, W ' 1 UI UV nnd turned bnck tho game. Jaokson county, has olectxd lattor. the Nichols Representatives D. p, nnd Pov. J. K. Howard. State Sonator Georgo Nquner. Sheriff Georgo K. Qulno. Clerk E. H. Lenox. Trensuror Jnmes Sawvors. School suporlntondont O. C. Commissioner II. F, ALOXG TIII3 WATKRFHOXT m " " ' i Tho Homor arrived In yesterday from San Francisco. Word has been recolved hero that Carl Forslyno is now mnstor of tho tow boat Sennto In Fran- Drown elsco bay. Mr. Forslyno, who was County born nnd raised on tho Day, loft Pinkston, hero about 10, years ngo. Assessor F. L. Calkins, "thpltortondp wll( sail Thursday Surveyor- Frank Cain. from1 BaiyFranclsco for Coos Dny. . Tllo llriakwiitbr will sail tonight Tho Prussian city of Cassol will from Portland for Coos Day. ibo a thousand years old In 193 An unfilled want causes ness Times Want Ads get Lovers nf inimln will l.r. nii.....i ., w ..... ., lllvllJ,ml .,,, 0, ul0 votes Is nillillnhnil o Icnrn that from now on wo will call on Mrs. Dunlwny and ask he; S,'o fro" Mra. II. S. Towor tho to wrllo tho proclamation m , 1 uivc 101 wnmnn" nm.'.n . Must Pi-otect Americans. (Pr AhocUIM to Coo njr Tlmf.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Xov '"'" ',"' : on,on "lovomont . ,ur u, naBt 4 years. Tho governor said ho would hnvo tlili proclnmntlon,i - 12. as tho canvass was made In order "T-jraJSB. -s-su-afirts eswSS .mu iuiih m TurKcy, Tlio various tember 2. instructed ".Za'Z Ta ! ornT t rCS0e8atttocihe 5a ' -'n .ofnhVptt.;gnr law Into XS KOV- nroclamntlon Into effect within Tennessee" nmlU M n,V ,"PU,,KI! .?h dJH. 13? olect'?" which coast of Asiatic Turkey to Tnn'il "" '""" w,lB Paea, , over tho bar of Coos Dny. Ho mines mm no can arrnngo to car ry n lino to a wreck or that ho can pick up a man from tho wntor. Chrlstofforson hns done a good many unusual stunts with his nor oplano, among thorn a flight under nil of the bridges spanning tho Wlllnmotto river and a flight from tho top of tho Multnomah hotel. Mr. Chrlstofforson Is making ar rangements to build an airship fac tory In Portland nnd states that alrondy ho has threo orders for building machines. Ho also Is to navo n class and two Portland girls havo registered to learn how to fly. Ad. Tho rOItTiaND DAILY EVENING TEIiEGItAM by Mall entire year of 1013 for $3.50 and'balnnco of this year FHEE. Hnml your imnio to NORTON & IIANBEN. If yOll liavo ntivllilnr. t-r, anil rnnl or trade, or want holp, try a Vantoffoct8 TONIGHT tr- The Roy AnM - 3 riOTntf Mock-Sad.AUl in fD( magical act and """""r. . nM I Juno Hull in i -IX rilOWPW Iiovo Will Find "tl Tho Hall Clerk Tg" Tho FJgbt " the V .-1- and rc'" Good musiu - lrlc0 13c. 10c. whether provisions had been mndo ?L In,Lcn!c",i,,a'ell- thop, In 1 l ' rtinnricnn citizens In turkey. Tho renlloa n.iinn .i.... n,8u"l,l.cUo"8 voro, lfW,ed- Great while the French city of Marseilles' Britain and nussla, X UcipnUnctZ unhappl-lwns founded moro than 2500 years desires of the. Aniorirnn' JJ results, ago, and Romo Is 2654 years old. ment. American govern- 4 aaa nn Hnl ed .Stn.toa alono "ome 4.000,000 feet of plno lumber aro used every year for matches, or 'jo equivalent of tho product of 1? i1" of B00(1 vlrBl" rest. About 620,000,000 crosstles are Try Tho Times' Want Ads. i Get Busy vO0 61 IVn -it, .,.n i. A, n CTIJ8T COME "" x AVXUli THAI' iiuur-. UUi tAiv nprlL OUR PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PM W SHINGLES l.BO AND IXP. . . wnIJP. noowiwn apeti. ovk ply. ii1 ' n. 1 . '. - i n ' o- Mftt. & x A, AinraLftittfeS3C-l!a RETAIL DEA1M",