THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 , 1912 EVENING EDITION Illl . . . "''wwnw i I'll i If '' i J II i 'i'i "ffl feNTADS five-gallon oil cnch. 1'loncor rl"T,:2n.y. I, D --- rfwi . 'TnJ, ,,f L'old-rllllllUMl IIOSO rl . oiut nmy lin vo Bnino fS w i1"8 ntl nt T,n,M JM. rmlilV. gold Il"cl f01 iitfi'ri. anil 1 dlninoml fill' XR ' noi. Howard for I. T to Times offlcc. TnCtliiniMn vt;t- fishing f fppt. 10 Inches long. !J; o hi, licom. 5 h. p. ' i. mnko mid braku Regal inllMIII'II' il'l'IJ ww-.-. JSiiSn Co.. Empire. Ore tTT',ilr ItfJMJ M-'-kM 111 CIlHl'. ftra to Times offlco. Howard. C :T"sm: 1- thoroughbred wwn Leghorns, laying hens, UJ 5 illlcKS. riiunu otio. nnSHJ At n bargain, n Well to Upright Mono I" "no con- hum For pnruciuarB uuuiubb 533. Marshflold, Pro. ..,,-., T., I null. IllO HOOtl lolN llih residence, closes In on paved urt Of uronuway iur ) ill on Improved Btrcot. south of , &, Hintn whom your bli ro nrd If unincumbered. Uittit, Owner. Cnro Tinios. UclMs I,ntiucli Uiidlno; Ill lt long. 7 foot bomn, 10 , --,. A U Just out of tbo shops, f nfhpc Hlf Ac :...; n.intn.l. nil In nrst enss' VlULllCo 1 11 r5 ccndUlon. For i l'ck turn I ISOO cash. Easily worth $1000. Tf V It J r SMr,.Kiry- a '-F Made tor You ipoer C Clothcraft Ready-for-Service i SAW Tiwi Incubators unci i! Irooders. Address liox H2& or ijplr Mrs. W. J. Andorson, DoIbo Addition. itocirt flnn lljiiifri.p lllrvrln In tnt-tlaia condition: doublo tubo Urn; prlco 2R. Addrcsa Dort IL Church, .MtirBimoiti, uro. North Inlet. ratRKXT Modern (1 room liouso .Ferndale. l'hono 171, North Bui, Oregon. OR UKXT Furnlnhed rooniA, lt'(. "'Hi modorn conveniences. Ipplr It, caro Times. OR HEXT Tliren llL'lif lioiiHokriM). kj rooms, noar Sun offlco. Mrs. P.Lipp. I LTKI SHCtlUh or Finnish girl lor kouiowork. Inqulro at Iioubo it corner of Tenth and Elrod Avo. j ILKtrdrum.' OR ItKAT Wnrehoiiso mid ofllre. Formerly occupied by Goodrum's nnre at tlio foot of Contrnl Avo. Ipply 0. F. McGcorKO, Agont. I loXEVTOI.O.W On Plnno, fiirnl nre, personal property, otc. Call from C to 8 I), m. II. II. Tlnrmir HI First street. Phono 349-J. 0R8AI.K Dry wood, fir and nl- w. t CampuoH'B Wood Yard, Ft.ry landing. Phono 1B8-L. OM AND HOAItl) Tim ItnvrrPNt. HI First street. Phono 123-X. (Hire jour Job printing dona at i limes oiuco. i " you bavo nnvtlllllir tn noli, rnnt F trtde, or want help, try a Wnnt I la unfilled want causes unhnppl- r--"ui" wnilf AOSKOt rCBUltB. Umbrellas Covered at larshfield Cyclery ')ion agents. J-W-H 172 Hrondivnv OU would be Sur- A prised to know how few men there really are that we cannot fit in Clothcraft Clothes. Clothcrni'l Clothes are do signed, cut and tailored so that a man who is any whore near the average can find a suit that, will fit him satisfactorily with little or no alteration. Such altera tions as are necessary we will bo glad to make. Jf you are tall, short, stout or sum, we have special mod els to take care of you. Give us an opportunity to show you how well Clothcraft Clothes will look on you. And hear in mind that Clothcrnft Clothes are guaranteed to hold their snape aim win Keep luoiuug well to the last day you wear them. Guaranteed all-wool, too. Prices run from $10 to $25, and our lino of these dissatisfaction-proof clothes is especially strong at $13, $1H and $20! IIDKS Foil XOVKMIIKIt. liolKlit of hlKh and low water at Mnr8hfleld. Tho tides are placed In tlio order of occurrence, with their times on tlio first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compn. sori on consccutivo holghts will Indlcnto whether It Is high or low water. For lilt)i wnin n t, i.. substract 2 hours 34 minutes. ij,nrs.. f.ii in.30 .l.r.i nun 3.7 1..21 3.U 7.23 1.3 S.15 -1.3 IFt... 4.1 11 I Irs.. n.Iil IFt... 4.3 lTilHrs.. 0.12 Ft... 0.1 10 lira. . 0.5a Ft. O.C 5.9 0.3 r..n o.o n.s JO oo 4.o" 1.39 3.9 0.0 C.2r 4.7 7.28 1.2 WKATIIKH rOHKCAST. OHKGOX Italn tonight and Thursday. I.OC.VIj TUIli:ilATUUK HCCOItl). For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. in. Nov. 13, by llenj. Ostllnd, special govcrnmont meteorological obscrvor: Mnxlimun Gl Minimum 49 At 4:13 a. m 19 I'leclptlatlon LIS Wind southwest, rainy. 4 I ltOHN. STKPI1AN To Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stophan at their homo on South Fourth Btrect, a son. Mr. Stoph an was tho Socialist candidal) for county clerk nt tho last election. (Jots Tciiiii. R. I. HobortB of Catching Inlot, wired frlendB today that ho would return from Port land on tho Ilreakwator tomorrow with a largo span of horses for his ranch, he Star Transfer and Storage Co. ' nort notice. w meet all tTalne M. D?."Awe a,B0 havo the latest arniS""'08 1,ano Mover. Wo " uur worn, H.Heisner,ProP. i.tone' -n. 12o-7 a-i We sell and guarantee No. 4130, Clothcraft Blue Serge Special, $18.50. M Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Glothcs. WIIKN YOU WANT A MESSBN a lilt HOV Something sent for or delivered 1 II O N K 1B-Ij and we'll do it. Charges reason able. CI1A8 OnANBY. Always "The'Busy Corner"-The RexallStore Keep Your Eye on This Space ail(l save money. "Wo are going to sell the biggest ar8in for the money during our 61st Saturday Special Sale Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE -RTTSY CORNER" ONE- MAIM 9QR US Will Stint School Soon. Tlio now school Iioubo at Eastsldo Ib being wired for electric llghtB. It Is planned that Bcliool win do ro Biimcd In tho now building after tho Christmas holidays. , Tuko Hotly Awny. Tho body of Captain II. Jacohson. who was lost on tho Osproy, will bo taken to San Francisco on tho next Hodon do for burial. Ills children re-" quested Coronor Wilson to Bond tho remains there, Tiitlles Aid to Mt'et. Tho I.ndlos Aid of tho Norweglan-IUthoran church will meet tomorrow nftcr noon nt 2 o'clock In tho church hr.ll. with Mrs. .1. Hanson nnd Mrs. K. Larson In clmrgo of tho enter tainment. All nro cordially Invited to attend. on tlnio this morning from Hosoburg tlmo this morning from Hosoburg although It was hnrdly expected. Tho rains havo put tho stage road In very bad condition but so far tho mall hns gotton through. Tho roads In all parts of tho country aro In bnd condition. TnkfH Clock. A guest nt tho Lloyd Hotel borrowed an alarm clock from Mrs. Sullivan, tho pro prietor, to Insuro IiIb nwakonlng early In tho morning. IIo loft i... r i,.,l vootnnlnv mill tho nlarill clock' also disappeared. Marshal Carter Is looking ior ino mnii mm tlio clock today. Iltiuoiitl Iii I'tali. Word has been received hero thnt M. II. -. . n.u r 1n PUii lino ltnnti Krionio qi nan " ""- " elected representative on tho Ito- . .. ,il.. I.. TTtnll TIlU Will puuilt-uii nunui y" ;- -- lio good news to tho mnny friends hero of Mr. Krolblo, who was at -.'..- ij...A I.AnllrAAnni. fnt tlln Slllll) boh Lumber Co. of North nond. and onjoyi'u "h --" - qunlntnnces. Want Pluccs. I. S. Smith. Bon-ntor-olect, Ib In recolpt of lottors from tho various candidates for positions In tho Oregon Legislature Dan Malarkoy wants tho presidency of tho sonato and Pnt McArthur of Portland wants to bo speaker of tho Houso. Mr. Smith ilnds thnt ho Is personally acquainted with n largo number of tho nowly olocted mombors. AViib IniiinHl. Alva Layton, who was killed In an accldont at tho Smlth-PoworB camn on South HEAVY SHIRTS w ...l. .nn tn ln Wnrlll and dry should seo our lino of loggers' shirts In flannel and all wool. Some of thorn aro: AH wool, slnglo nnd doublo snouiu- ers in imvy bluo ,'0 Oregon City plaids S.0 Warrensburg Woolen Co. of Penn sylvaniaOxford gray with double collar, watorproof. ,$l.oo California Flannel .9l.o For Sunday, nothing U neater than ono of our all wool shirts, military collar. In gray, tan or brown at b-.ot) Hemomber thnt our lino of wet weather apparel Is most comploto and you will savo time and mouey If you come hero. The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phone 32. SOCIAL C.YLKNlinil. WEDNESDAY. Hvldgo Club with Mrs. J. s. I t'KO. I .Tolly Do?cn with Mrs. A. Snow I of Hunker T t 111. THURSDAY. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. I McKnlght. Mlnnlc-Wla Club with Mrs. I Perkins. I Cohh River Monday, carried $1000 life Insurnnro in the Pacific Mil- ' tiial. hnlng taken out tho policy1 on July 13. It In now stated that tho Insurance companies plan to discontinue risks on loggers, pine-; lug them with rnllrond men and! seamen, as too hazardous to write. Makes HomeBakinff EasariflProJItabie m liuprtivo Mill. Archie KrtiBO, tho now superintendent of tho Prosper mill. Is having extensive Improve-1 monts In tho mill which will ln croano the cut and reduce tho cost of production. Want Place for Tonl. Tho Port land Telegram otntoa thnt friends of J. N. Tenl of that city will en deavor to have hi in appointed to tho oITlco of secrotnry of tho Inter ior under tho now president. Mr. Tenl Is well known In Coos Hay. Will How for Oil Tho West Coast Oil Co., which Is mado up of llandon men, has property near tho Coob and Curry county Hue and will soon begin boring for oil. Tlio company Is now Bottlng up the machinery and Is equipped to mnko a deep boring. Ts Administrator. John Snyder has been appointed administrator of tho cstato of May Athcrton (Lottlo Ilenn). Tho funeral was held yesterday afternoon from tho Wilson chapel, Rev. R. E. Drown ing olllclatlng. Mls WHnoii 111. John Horron received a letter from hla Blstor, MrB. Snrnh Wilson which snys that Miss Spenco Wilson, who loft hero two weoks ngo for San Francisco to receive mcdlcnl aid Is In n prl vnto hospital in thnt plnca and In ntich n weak condition thnt tho surgeons nro unnblo to operate.) nor mnny iriontis win uopo ior n speedy recovery. BakihqPowder A(liJsHEfllfuIOuatefQieBnfl TheonlyBaRingPowdermaile jromrtoyaibrape cream ojiartar. ti No Alum In Improving. W. T. Merchant lina received word from Mrs. Mor clmnt that tholr son, Charles, who recently undorwent nn oporntlon at San Francisco, In getting along ulcoly and was ablo to loavo tho hospital last Sunday. MrB. Mer chant has taken nn apartment and will remain with him until ho Is, ablo to rcsumo worK, which win not bo for sovoral weeks. PERSONAL NOTES ED UALCII of Camp 7 Ib a Marsh Held visitor. MISS MADGE HARRY of Emplro is visiting friends In Mnrahfleld. J. E. NOAII of North Coos River Ib a Marshflold visitor today. MATT MATSON camo to Mnrahflold today from Catching Inlot. '!'... dnt Ktuli 1'i.iru c?lint P'rntiW Smith of tho South Coos Rlvort linlmlinrv lina nvnrvlhliifr In ronill-' r1' ; .. :" : ness to got n nig supply or saimon eggs ror tins yonm nnicn. no oxpects to tnko about 2000 snlmou and unless nn unusunlly Inrgo froflhet Intprfores, ho will havo 1 It tlo difficulty In doing It an tho inn of snlmon near tho hatchory hiti been very lnrgo recently. Funeral Thiii-Mlny. Tho funornl of Alva Lnyton, who wbb klllod In nn accident nt tho Smlth-Pow-ors ramp nn South Coob Rlvor. will tto hold TliurBtinv nitornnon At o'clock from WIlson'H rlinpol. Rov. J J. E. Hurkhnrt ofllclatlng. Sunsot Lodgo, No. rl, I. O. O. V., will' hold Borvlcos at tho grnvo, Lav ton bolng a mombor of tho Odd, Follown lodgo at Jofforson. Oregon. Ho carried boiiio llfo InBiirnnco.) HIb widow and two children nro In Mnrshflold. A. MATSON of Catching Inlot Ib a Mnrshflold visitor today. T. J. KOIISTAD of Coob Rlvor Is In Marshfluld today on business. PETER aUILLIAMS of North Coos Rlvor Ib in Mnrshflold today. JOHN IDLER of tho Now Castlo Coal Mluo on Catching Inlet Is In Mnrshflold on business. LES HA55ELTON of Catching In let Is n biiHlncss visitor to tho city today. PHILIP LANDIDTH of North Coob Rlvor Is a MarBhfluld visitor today. to nn apartment in tho O'ConitolI building when F. E. Loofo nnd wife-, who aro going to Flor ence soon, vncato It. MRS. S. E. JUDD of North Inlot Ib a Marahfield shopper today. MR. KO.MS of Hlack Crook Is lit Marshflold today on business connected with his lawsuit with Charles Slcatrnum. MRS. CIIAS. VAN DUYN plans to leave In about ton days via 8ati Frnnclsco for n visit with hor pnrontB In Oklnhoma. MISS MAUDE PAINTER plana to leavo for San Francisco In nbout ton days, whore alio wilt study music, W. W. ROIHNSON nnd wlfo of Allegany nro In Mnrshflold today on tholr way to Coqulllo, whoro thoy expect to locato. MR. and MRS. ANSON ROGERS of South Coob Rlvor en mo to Marsh llold this morning on busluoss. Slum I'lrliirPH Only. Mnnngor Koller of tho Orphoum moving pic ture theater nnnouncca nn Inno vation thnt will bo moro than plonslncr to patrons. Horoaftor no I ndvortlBlng Blldes will bo s.iown at, tho Orphoum except occasional an nouncomentB for bonovolont nndj charitablo purposes and advanco nroKrnms of hla films. Tills la In. nceordnnro with tho policy bolng, adopted by tho host moving plcturo houses In tho cltlea nnd Insures tho nudlonco of promiu Borneo, there bolng no tedious dolnya whllo ndvortlslng Is bolng dlsplnyod. (Jets Confetlerato Money. S. H. C'nthcart, commnndor of Hakor Post, O, A. R., Is In receipt of n pnekngo of Confodornto currency from Franklin MeVongh. Socrotary of tho U. S. Trensury Dopnrtmont. which wna Bont to tho post. Mr. McVengh In his letter says tlmt tho monoy camo Into tho handa of tho dopartmont at tho closo of tho Civil War nnd It was decided to soiid it out to tho votoranB as Bouvonlrs. IIo hasn't a comploto collection but Bont somo $50, $20, $10 nnd $5 bills. Mr. Cnthcart took It to tho linker Post nieotlng at North Hontl today nnd will prob ably hnvo tho collection mounted and framed. Ho highly appreciates It. P. E. LARSON of Allegany la n Mnrahflold bualncss visitor to day. NEIL WATSON of Coob City whb lu Mnrshflold on business nnd pleasure yestordny. MISS LOUISE IILATT Ifl assisting City Recordor Duller for a fow tiny s. TOM DENNETT loft totlny for tho Kami i una 10 iry nun mix u fow ducks. MISS HAZEL PETERSON will de part for Hosoburg Friday morning. FRED WATERS camo to Marsh flold tills morning from North Inlot. EVER1TT PIERCE of tho Tnrhcol Point logging enmp Is in town today on business. ARTHUR GETTY of Emplro enmo In from North Inlot UiIh morn ing whoro ho hns been fishing. MRS. JOHN S. COKE la ontortnin lug tho Drldgo Club this nftor- iioon nt hor homo on l'lno Btreot. rrtvn TV nt li flllVXKItV nndi .-. Avwkw' tuniii see tho kisw ao-UAiiSiisisi, ru.-iit- AOTION RE.MINOTON HII-'Ii;, ino IVTEST OUN on tho market. Mrs. Housewife Ring up and give iib a trial Grocery Order Wo guarantee satisfaction. Always sometlilng new. Stauf f Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASKBY'S CANDIES MRS. F. K. GETTINS Ib ontor- tnlnlng a number of friends nt n sowing party tins nnornoon, CIIAS. STAUFF, TOM HALL nnd DR. HAYDEN loft this nftornoon for tho Stauff ranch In tho Sand Hills for a hunt. GEORGE HERRON. FRED HAG ELSTEIN and WATT SHORT ox pect to loavo tomorrow for Lako Bldo for a hunt. F. E. HAGUE and wlfo nro plan' nlng to movo from Klttyvlllo In- juzg&tP Lunch t.. wl,1lls.i tt nnr lmlnrv Wfl nro prepared to servo dcllcloim lunch eons. Kgg- Any Style. OyHters Any Style. ltulntv RiiiiiIuIpIich. A .lnllnlmiD n..i nt CnffOO. a COOd cup or tea, In fact anything that can bo found at a first-class bak- ory lunch. 133 N. 2nd St. Phone U2-L. FRANK YUCKO of Ton Mllo, who hns been visiting nt tlio Aloo Mntsou homo ou Catching Inlot Is In Mnrshflold today on bin way home. CIIAS. JENSEN, who linn boon In tho Sand Hills hunting with Frank Iliunll, returned to MnrBh lleld this morning nnd reports poor shooting, DEPUTY SHERIFF CLYDE OAOE la hero from Coqulllo on liusl hobs. No now rrimlnnl cnaois havo been roported to tho sher iff's olllco recontly. A. Y. MYERS returned today from a fow days duck hunt nt tho Glasgow Gun Club, with Ivy Con tlrou and Hank Wells. Ho re ports only fairly good luck. MRS. J. T. HAHRIOAN who wont to hor homo nbout six weokn ngo becauso of tho Illness of her mother, will roturu tomorrow on tho Dronkwator. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE Is horo from Coqulllo todnv on luminous and Is' recolvlng congratulations from hla many friends on tho flno allowing h. mndo in tho election. MRS. HENRY PLOICOER of Myr tlo Point, who hns been III nt Mercy hospital for a tlmo mid Inter visited nt tho homo of her brother, left this nftornoon for hor homo, J. H. DRIDOES, owner of tho' Lloyd Hotel proporty, arrived in Mnrahflold Inst night via Dan don from San Francisco nnd may spend most of tho winter horo. IIo ts pleased ovor the marked Improvement in tho town. Ho and Mrs. Drldgcu havo a largo apartment Iioubo oil Geary Btreot, San Francisco. TJioIr daiightor and luiBbaiid nro now living in Snn Francisco nnd tholr Bon, Lloyd, ( Ib running n thcator at San Leandro, Cal. Perfomnie High grntlo lines of both Im ported and domestic will Im fount! at Tlio leading Drug Store for Quality (Joods. Ladies you will find a select assort ment of the most piilur odors hero. Coiuo In and seo iih, ho ll bo pleased to show you our Quality Perfumes'. Tho store for Quullty floods and I'enslur Reinedlctf.