THE COOS BAY TIMES, HARSHFIELD. OBEOOW, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1912-EVEHING EDITION. - 1 N ews of Nearby Towns WEEK'S DOB AT DENMARK Baby Injured by Dynamite Caps Improving Other Interesting Items. (Spoclnl to Tho Times,) DENMARK, Nov. 13. Llttlo Sarnli Farrier, who litis boon in Uandou for tho lnst wcok unilor tho cnro of a specialist, returned to hor homo Inst wcok. Sho Is tho llttlo Birl who wns Injured two weeks ago by tho oxploslon of u dyunmlto eap, mid hiul two fin gers mid tho thumb romovcd from the right hiuid. Portions of tho cnp Injured tho eyes ho that th survlces of a specialist woro doom ed necessary. However, wo nro very Bind to report thnt Bho Is do ing woll and that tho eyes will booh bo ns well ns over. port orford news. 1hhiKs of People In Northern Pni-t of County Tola In Tribune. Feed Is good and Curry county stock will enter tho winter In flno condition. The freight lost on tho Osproy consisted ot ia iohb mini cureu salmon, In tierces; C tons black sand, a half dozen boxes butter and Mr. Jeffries' household goods. Will White, nsslBtwl by Arthur 13nlley, gathered up some young cattle on Elk rlvor last week, which were driven down to Cor bln for winter range. .Mr. mid Mrs. llottsford of Port land, spent a day In Port Orford Inst weok. Mr. llottsford was looking up the railroad tlo cut ting business In this section, briefs or bandon. Xcwh of Clty-by-tlie-Sen ns Told by Tho Recorder. Dr. Arthur Gnlo Is moving into his now olllce over tho Orango Pharmacy today and will bo roady for business nt once. Dr. Gnlo has been In Dnudon for about two months. Qoo. W. Sldnam, who went to Uandou a wcok ago, returned in tlmo for election. Langlols Is vory proud of Itsolfi for voting out tho saloons, and all citizens who nro sincere In their duBlro for n decent place lor uo cent people aro rejoicing over tho victory. Lnst Saturday ovonlng nil th young pcoplo from Langlols, Don mark and Lakoport assembled at the b'g hotel In Lakoport nntl danced and made inorry gonorally. Mrs. Ilcalln and Mrs. Donahue wnrn hostesses and ovoryono ro- inn,i it most onloyablo ovonlng. despite tho extreme Juiciness oil tho woatuor. Tho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cook of Langlols died Tuesday morning mid was burled In tho comotory near Denmark on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Webster, a formor cIaB3tnato of Raymond Capps whllo at O. A. C was a very ploasant visitor In tho neighborhood this woek. Joo Kroutzor wns elected direc tor of tho Donmnrk school board, to rill tho unexpired term of Geo. Chouoweth, resigned. Tho Donmnrk Co-oporntivg Choose Factory shipped last Wed nesday morning, 50 enses of checau to tho Hazel wood Cremnory Co. o Portland. Tho prlco received was 1714c f.o.b. This factory Is one. of tho shining lights of Currjf county's Industries, mid shows what nbllity nml co-operation ot a wide uwnUo community can do. MVRTI.IC POINT NEWS. A Coqulllo river dairyman passed down llio coast with 97 hend of Jersey heifers which ho wns driv ing to Humboldt county, Califor nia, to sell to dairymen there. Walton Miller wns tho lucky hunter who killed tho last deor of the open season around Port Orford. Ho found five Investigat ing his garden und got one of them. Miss Lola Buckingham, formerly ono of Dandon's most popular young jauies, uui wno now lives near Mon mouth, was married Oct. 2Gth to Mr. Harry Chcesoman. As hus been announced in several Issues of tho Recordor tho Dandon Commercial Club Is nlnnk ne Colum bla Avcnuo from Atwntor strcot to tho rock r6nd south of tho city limits Tho grndlng is all ilono nud qulto a uic or tho planking is laid. 0. P. Hangcnsou of Lnuglols nnd Donald Mclntlro spoilt a day or two looking over things In this section last weok. Mr. Mclntlro is a real cstnto and Insurance agent from Dandon mid wns so woll pleased with what ho snw that ho will return shortly nnd go nB far south as Itoguo rlvor. BANDON OIL WELL. Happenings of (Vi(iilllo Valley from (lit) Enterprise, W. T. Domont visited tho counts rnpltal on business. Col. It. H. ItOBa nnd Stovo Gnl ller woro among tho Myrtlo Point vlHltors. Ilerhort Sumner of North Dond. who hns been spondlug n month la the Myrtlo Point tectlou, hns loft for home. Thnt hwIiio tlirlvo In tho Ore gon cllmnto was domoustrntcd Inst Monday when K. D. Myors of tho North Fork dollvorod to tho Econ omy Ment Mnrkot n hog thnt tip ped tho scales at 130 pounds. Orvll Dodgo, who has boon vis iting relatives nt Hlvorsldo and other points slncu tho Nntlonnl G, A. It. encampment nt Los Angolcs, returned this weok. II. G. Harrington closed a sue rossful term ot school In tho Do mont district, No. 78, n couplo of wooks Blnco, nnd Is now busying lilniBolf clearing lnnd on n plnco on Domont crcok which ho rocontly purchased, August Specht mid Honry Mos tort arrived tho llrst of tho weok from Han Francisco nnd will spond Homo tlmo hero looking over tho Myrtlo Point bectlon. Tho gon tlonion mo former residents of Portland but luivo spent tho past ear In Southern California. Drillers Doun About -1,000 Feet on It Now. Tho Dnndon oil propositions sconi to bo reviving again through tho of- roris mado by tho West Shore Oil Company, n Dnndon corporation, composed entirely of local mon whoso operations aro located on tho Coos- Curry county lino, about 1 1 miles from Dandou. Tho compnny havo sot up a complete drilling outfit, nnd full double string of bits and drills nnd havo 4,000 foot of casing. Tho woll was started nt 14 Inches dlamotcr, and has been drilled at that size for a groator depth than any othor woll In Southwestern Oregon. Tho operation has been rather slow owing largely to tho oxtremo hard character of tho flno rock through which tho operations havo boon going on, tho chnracter of whlck rock how over, Indicates a flnor quality of oil, according to exports. W. II. Hutton. tho drlllor, has passed through and casod off, nt dlfforont lovols, a flow ot sulphur and brackish water, and also n flow of salt water. Pure llmo rock has been encountered In tho woll. Mr. and Mrs. UiiHinnHHnn nr tlin proud parents of a lino boy, born InBt weok. Cnpt. Wlron, co-oporntlvo obsorver reports tho rainfall for tho month of October was 2. 75 inches, days clenr 16, days cloudy and rainy IB. Tho rainfall for tho corresponding month last year was 2.82 inches, a dlffcrcnco of 07 of nn Inch less this yenr. IIIMI3FS OF DANDON. Nohs of Clty-by-tlie-Sen as Told by Tho Recorder. J. L. Krononborg, who recently re turned from San Francisco whero ho wns on business connected with tho now stcamor Speedwell which Is to run between Dnndon nnd Snn Fran cisco, reports thnt tho bont Is coming nlong flno nnd thnt sho will probably leavo San Francisco on hor initial trip about November 20th. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Will Mar shall, Wednesday morning, a flno baby girl. Will carries tho biggest smllo of any man around town and Is "setting 'cm up" freely. Horn To Mr. nnd Mrs. R. M. Prcssoy, on Twomllo, Mondny, Nov. I th, a lino baby girl. ONE OX THE JAILOR. Clexer Prisoner Pretends to lio Homo Ono Klso and Gains Liberty. RAKRRSFIKLD, Nov. 9. When tho Kern county jailor took toll of his charges today ho loarnod that Charles Stodoman, conlldcnco man, bilked him out of a gold wntch nnd $l,2.r Saturday nnd csenpod. Ho wns holding Ed Mooro in Stcdomnn's plnce. Tho Jailor called Mooro "to go" Saturday. Mooro did not hear htm. Stcdoman stopped up, snylng, "Woll, I am roady." "Whore's your mustacho?" quorlod tho Jailor. "I shaved It off." Tho Jailor turned ovor Moore's watch nnd money nnd Stedoman loft. Ho had 17C days more to aorvo. DOX'T BREAK YOUR NECK. Duy n POCKET FLASH LIGHT nt THK GUNNERY. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Inclfla Livery nml Transfer Company. To Hear Case. Judge J. S. Coko on Thursday will hear tho cnao of Clins. Geo. a North Dond Chlnmunn, vs. Jny Wilcox for $717 which tho Chink alleges Is duo him in back wag es. Wilcox hns been In Eurokn nnd other California points for somo time. Torrey Receiver. O. S. Torroy hns been appointed recolvor for Art Dlnn ohnrd, who rocontly wont into volun tnry bnnkruptcy. Tho first hearing of creditors in tho Dlnnchnrd enflo will bo hold before O. A. Sohlbrodo Thursdny. SCHOONER OREGOX LEAKING. Coqulllo Vessel Puts Info Humboldt Ray "With Exhausted Crow. EUREKA, Cnl Nov. 9. In a sinking condition nnd laden with n enrgo of (500,000 foot of lum ber, tho steam schooner Oregon was towed Into Humboldt Day a fow days ago by tho tug Rollof. Tho Oregon was ton days, out from tho Coqulllo rlvor, bound for San Francisco. It is bollovod by Captain Guhl that his vessol struck tho bar no thoy woro lenvlng port, thus springing her acams. When It was discovered that tho ship was leaking n gasoline pump was started. Tho supply or gnso llno was soon oxhaustod. howovor, nnd sailors then mannod tho pumps. All hands woro exhausted, howovor, whon tho schooner arriv ed oft Humboldt: Day and It was dccldod to put In hero for nnothor supply of gasoline Tho Oregon Is now lying In tho stream with hor pumps working. Word haB boon sont to tho Ran dolph Lumbor Company of Ran dolph, Oregon, ownors of tho ves sel and ponding instructions tho schooner will remain hero. 8pcclal LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS at TUB OUNNERY. WOULD GIVE RAIL. Johnson's Attorney Appeals to tho Supremo Court. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooa Hay Times.) WASHINGTON. 1). C, Nov. 11. Jack Johnson, tho world's cham pion heavyweight pugilist through Ills attorney DonJ. C, Ilachraeh, to day filed a uiotlou In the supremo court or the L'nlteit states nsklng to bo permitted to glvo ball pond ing a hearing boforo tho United Stntes district court in Chicago on tho indictment chnrglng Johnson with violating tho wnlto Blavo traf rio act. Tho attornoy claimed an excessive bail had been nsked nnd that the district Judge would only accept' a cash bail. Tho attorney also claimed that tho whlto blavo act was unconstitutional. "Well, he's posted up the last letter this time, Instead of tho right one, hasn't he." "Thinks he can fool us, I suppose." "But we'll just wait around and see what he's sot." "I'll bet It's something good." 1CEEN K UTTER KUTLKRY tho . k'nlves ,TwJth tho Keen Edgo. Are .GUARANTEED' at THE GUNNERY THANKSGIVING tally and plnco CARDS. Also a FULL LINE ol NOVELTIES nt NORTON & HAX SEN'S TWO STORES. A snlo FMU'R. investment HAINES' autfoj f MHMMUmI Olympic Flour Snow Drift. Flour RETAIL PRICfc $1.40. PER. SACK Northwestern hard wheat used ex. cluBlvoly la milling these brands ot flour. sT KIlKBUSUC WjM LLLW M B A ILW .M NITRO CLU aieei Lined SHOTSHEU! iiiuiiiK. wma .. trmn Mm. t. They're the Speed Shells Speedier than the Swiftest Flying Duck. In Pem1ngton:UMC Nitro Club Shells, the powder charge is gripped in steel. This gives the exact compression needed to put all the drive of the explosion behind the load to send it quick est to the mark. And Eastern Factory loading gives 100 of speed un equalled uniformity of pattern in each and every shell. Shoot JPemfngtojrUMC Arrow and Nitro Club Steel Lined Eastern Factory Loaded Shells for speed plus pattern in any make of shotgun. Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway New York Clly MR. SHOOTER: AVe have tho shells tlmt fill your tfnnio hag. Make your hunting trip n success. Aim your gun straight and wo guarantee the rest. "Wo carry a full line of the famous Speed Shells, Remington Pump Guns. THE GUNNERY Mazda Lamps nt reduced prices, tnklng effect nt once. Seo enrd In our window for prices. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J. 153 llrondwny N GET RID OF MICE Trap them. They start flroa. Caro will do much to prevent flres. Our Insurance policies do EV EUYTIIINQ to prevent loss on your part If you havo a fire (and a policy.) Ask us your rate. The cost Is trifling, the Insurance per fect. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Barnard & Langworthy 8eo our window display of WOOD.ELEOTRIO FIXTURES LEADED AHT GLASS DOMES ' PORTABLE STAND LAMPS. PHONE 1 84-R. Havo your Job printing dono at Tho Tlmoa office, STATEMENT OP CONDITION of FLANAGAN & BENNETT MAKSIIFIELD, OREGON, At tho cloao of business, September i, ia- RESOURCES. .H55.1H1 Loans and discounts iM'J Ranking house J0Mll ViUBU UlIU UICUUUBUU ...........' Total nit"! LIABILITIES. fanltn1 ntrU n.1.1 In Surnlus and undivided nrotlts DopoBlta I 5Mil Viiil ::: m Total ,31.' CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos At Uio close of business, September , Loans and Overdrafts Bonds, warrants U. S. Bonds Real estate. Cash and sight exchange RESOURCES. jh' Discounts ,', l,(i ......a. '" ,t ll and securlUes .....' i'n to secure circulation .,..,; furlture and fixtures ' . . . Total .11' LIABILITIES. ,nl,H 'itf Dck paid in i),W ad undivided profits . ..j a, outstanding, "",'.',. ,'".--' ........... ...... j.jjj In addition to Capital Stock the individual IlftbW 7 TnrQ AND SAVINGS D Capital stock Surplus and Circulation Deposits INTEREST PAID ON TIME! AND DOREy KBEir1 W. S. CHANDLER, Prealdejit i