JHECOOSJiAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREBON, WEDNESDAY. MOVEMBER 13, 1912-EVENINQ EDITION. - " vr 1 treVftirm 6 raw Tailors adics and Gents Pressing, and Alteration 'l50 Frant St. FT? ' j ssh See California Now VIA Till $55.00 HOUND TRIP PORTLAND TO LOS AN'UEMCK A Tailoring Co. 28 Frout St. B Qrolicum Theater. - i.v. .ii.lliic TClnrfrl? BriC ' uiiu.Mo, --- Sttam Heat. Elegantly y Booms with Hot nnu iltr. lot EL OOOS tfAllln TVnti. ...i. iIav nnil timvnrui NilTr and Market ' Shoes tfplfino welta ob mIo ot tlio tttric Shoe Store Votdiuy. Mnr'diflcld. tan and Press and Gent's Suits di Called for M Delivered ay Steam Laundry BOXE MAIN S7.7 luthfltld, Oregon. &North Bend AutoJ Line rKIXO. Proprietors, M Mirsliuela ovory 4t ha 1:15 a. in. until 12:30 LtiTo North Dona on Mi. itartlnic at 7 a. m. ml See Saturday Timci l'i 'AdFAloriIrn Flihcr, Pruiirlctor. erfento Hlllyor's Cigar ! 18-J. After 11 p. in. wjni pnono 181-11. tMWd. Oregon. Pantatorium lp DYERS. CLEANERS, Mud HAT HHVOVATnits I Wnwd II. Strauss & P Tailoring. Let us 'Mxtiult. . Phono 230-X ale & Co. BlghGrado land Gentlemen's I Tailoring 1 ibA n. .... ... . ??" ill.. J . u"tnuiuou - rront BtTW) jwinileld. GoorJf? anrl dHand Goods Wwld or exclianged. 0.Y, DQYLn & CO. J'hono 310-L. 1 TlB' Want Ads. Wd Call Fnnh ifcSAXDDAY P.M."-" UA, t Ph0n0 -!8-j. ."I"8 Ooqullle. The Sign of Good Candy Always K8 i Lotst r Hill ,r once. '"'' m o W SUNSET 1 I lOGDENftSHASTA) I I ROUTES I I $55.00 no uni) Tim PORTLAND TO i.os a no ems Roo tlio Wonderful Secnory Alone tho Slmsta llouto. Mt. Slmstn Shasta Springs. See San Fran cisco, Lick Obsorvntory, Stnnford University, Mt. I.owo, Los AngoloB, Tho Old Spanish) Missions, Ostrich Farms, Submarine) fOnrdons and thousands of other intor- rostlng features of tho Goldon S tato. 1 Three Fine Trains Daily 5:50 p. M. h:15 i. si uao a. M. Full Information as to fares from Mnrshfleld, beautiful ly llluatratiod lltornturo on California, on npplfcatlon 'to W. F. Mlllor, Supt. C. II., It. & J., Mnrshflold, or by writing to Chns. S .Foo, passongor traffic nmnngor, San Frnnnlsco, Cal. 'Till FRIEND OF COOS DAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, AT 10 A. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK HOAI) AT PORTLAND NOHTH PACIFIC- CTEAMSIIIP COMPANY. Phono II. C. F. McGEORGE, Agent. WU'ilit'! J.U FAOT AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EqulpiMMl with ulrvlcsa nnd submarlno bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FORMARSHF1ELD THURSDAY, NOV. 14 at 3 p. m. All Passenger Itoscrvntlons From Snn Francisco Must IIo JIado at H05 FIfo muhlliig, or Pier No 10. All reservations must bo to J Uen up 21 Iwurs before sailing. INTEK-OCI1VN TEANSPOItTATION CO. PHONE Ai. C. F. MCOEUKOK. Agent. Steamer WichmartAn Sails Wednesday Noon, October 30th, from Coos Bay for San Francisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENGERS AND FTtEIGnX F. S. DOW, Agemt. Ocean Dock. -I t-- EQUIPPED WITH WIREIiESS f Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. r tires iMimr atVSWOKTH DOCK, I'ORTLAND. nt 8 p. in., Nov. 12 bAILn 1'llU.ll rtliS l"vi' 'Lrr,.,,,,.,,. i,i niii.' TII)1! NOV. 2 O 10, 2(1. FROM 5IARSI1F1ELD AT SERVICE Ol- THE TIIH-, ftOV. -, u 3. O. MILLER, Agent. 10, 23, 30 Phone Main 85-L. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. 1 HENitY 8ENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. OoquUla Office Phone 191 - " 'M' Farm - Timber - Oort mdenU "BABTBIDW General At aarsnnem vmo -. City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers and reasonable , charges. Qr motto. "Will go anywhere at any t6; r.. j t, Untnl nnd BlanCO QIUHUB OlOUtu u.. - - Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phono 48. RARKFH nOODALK. nronrlotor T. J. SOAIFE gA. n. IIODGIN8 Marshfield Paint (Sb Decorating Co. Furnished. Phone 140.L. Oregoi r.i,t. 'ARSIirnSLD. HERE'S II TALE OF WINNING TICK1CT RUIINS. Lucky Man nt Snn lYnnclsco Finds Himself Unlucky. SAN FRANnisrn Vn o om. thoimand dollnro, claimed In pros pect by John Ilium of 917 Twolfth street, Oakland, went up In smoke. It was not real inonoy, but a lot tery ticket which Blum claimed had won a capital prlzo, which was burned through tho ncrlon of Chlof ot ruuco wnuor J. I'ctcrson. nium was arrested on Saturday for soiling lottery tickets. Ho enmo up boforo Pollco Judgo Mortimer Smith. Ho mado such a strong ploa for morcy that Judgo Smith placed him on probation for six months. Tho lottery tlckors wore turned over to Chlof PotorBon. As soon as Mum left tho courtroom ha hur ried to Pctorson's otllco. "I'm on probation, Chlof," ho said, "and I'll tnko thoso lottery tlckots." "I Iinvo burned them, according to law," said Potorson. "Holy mackerel!" shouted Mum. "One of them hns just won tho capital prlzo of 10,000." "I don't enro If It was worth a million," replied Potorson. "Tho law saya to burn lottery tlckotB, and I did so." Mum left mourning tho fortuno ho hnd lost. 0 FIELD IS BG Immense Aerengo In Oregon Awaits Development. In a recent issuo of tho St. Paul Pioneer Press thcro nppcared an interesting artlclu on the land pos Blbllitlcs ot Oregon, an follows: "Oregon that Is. tho vast inter lor portion Is practically tho Inst urent undeveloped domnln In the west. It offers to tho homcBcekcr today tho widest posslblo rnngo of opportunity. Tho soil Is rich, nB Is evidenced by tlio mighty rorcsis of glgnntlc growth nnd the wenlth of natural foliage bo gen erally found throughout tho stnto. Thoso portions whoro Irrigation hns been brought into piny navo produced bountifully of fruit, vegc- talilcB, grains anil grnBses. urogon fruit Ib famously good. Oregon lies whoro nnturo deals kindly In n climatic way. Thero nro no ex tremes of tcninorntures. no violent atmospheric disturbances. There Is nirmth without oxccsbIvo heat, thero nre cooling winds and rains without tho rigors of winter. Tlio nvcrago winter temperature of Portland Is between 40 nnd CO de grees, "On tho wost Is tho placid Pa cific: on tho north Is tho majes tic Columbia river almost to tho eastern limit of tho Btnto; more than half of tho eastern boundnry Is tho Snako river, whllo to tho tho caBt nnd south Ho Idaho, Nova da and California. "Orogon has valleys, hills nnd tablo lnnds nnd mountains. Her Chases Chill Dampness A gas room heater is simple and inexpen sive '4,;t i.i It gives comfort and protects health during autumn weather. . Small and handy, a gas heater takes up little space and can he moved from room to roomwherever you want warmth. Requires but a few minutes to remove the damp and chill from living room, dining room or bed chamber. Various sizes and styles at various prices. .Call and look them over. Oregon Power Go. -ji.- Telephone 178. WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPnOLSTERINO AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu. matlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING & nARVEY, Phone 100 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR ryAATAEwiANT -s Moclmno-Tlicrnplst Sciontlfio Swedish' Massago, Modlcal Gymnastics H25 S. Sixth St. Phone 203-R. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio JOEL OSTLIND, Piano Tuner and Repairer. 4 IS S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK, House Moving and Grading. Wo are prepared to do this work by the day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Let us figure with you. G. S. FLOYD & CO., Phone Rlfl-T. Marahfleld. Ore. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOItTEELL PHONE 8121. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for each set of old False Teet sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Preclouf Stones. ) , Money Bent by Return Mall. Phlla. Bmeltlng & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, P. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling), Gold Scrap, and Platinum. High est prlos paid. 7. W. HENNITPT Qonnett Swanton, Tom T. Dennett Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Flanagan & Itennett Hank Itulldlng. Marshfield, Coos Co., Oregon. PERL RILEY BALLINGER Pianist and Teacher Residence-Studio, 237 So. Broadway Phone 18-L. LEW ICEYZER, Violin Instructor. Apply Holnea Music Store, Class Btarta September 1. W M. S. TURPEN. ARCHITECT. Marshfield, Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Crimea Building, over Grand Theater. Office Phone 320. W. I. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooma 801 and 802, Coke Building Marshfield. Oregon DR. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlor?. Wo are equipped to do high class work on short notice at the tery lowest prices. Examination, free. Lady attendant. Coke Bldg., Opp. Chandler Hotel, phone 112.J. BUY NOW. Some choice lota In NORTH BEND can be had at a Tery reasonable price It taken now. E. 8. GEAR & CO., First National Bank. rlvors run swift with tho clear, cold wnter pf tho hills. Hor Holds bask in gunshlna and tho winds from thq snow-capped mountains add a zest to life. Physically tho state Is attractive, geographically lt4 location Is excellent, climatically It leaves nothing to bo desired. "ThlB region has awaited that pressure of population which would bring men to cultivate Its Holds, dovolop Its resources and build Itu cities. Recontly It hns been very prominent In tho public oyo by reason of tho rapid extension of railway lines Into tho interior of Central Oregon. Tho many dcslr ablo features of tho stnto havo at tracted tho best class of settlers and they havo given a vigorous and enterprising chnractor to It. Its development will no doubt proceod much moru rapidly than horotoforo hence tho necessity for prompt action by tho homeseckor who Is thinking of Oregon. "Tho supply of Innd In general Is Ilxed, whllo tho population lu ever increasing. Our lands havo been taken up by tho homescokor In nn increasing rntlo until today ono cannot, ns one could n deendo ago, plnco olio's flngor almost nny whero upon n map of tho west and say 'hero lies a clianco for mo. Tho matter of location Is a prob lem a different problem from what It has been. Whoro formerly1 It was a question ot 'which Ib tho best locntlon7' today It Ib a ques tion of 'what Is thero loft?' And as tho answer to this question Oro gon comes to tho front with her fortilo Holds nnd valleys, hor grnml forests, her rich minerals and hor products of tho river and sea, and beckons Irresistibly. "You certainly can mnko no iuIb tako to conio and spy out tho land. Surely In tho gront variety which Orogon hnB to oltor you can find Homo plnco to fit your need. Stand on tho holghts of of Portland nnd drink In Inspiration nB you gato upon Mount Hood, Mount St. Hel ens, Mount Ilnlnlcr nnd Mount Ad orns, tho Ico-whlto sontlnol peaks of tho Cascades. Rldo through tho beautiful Wlllamotto Vnlloy with its varied scenery nnd prosperous towns nnd villages; visit tho Hood River, Umpqun and Horiio Rtvor Valleys with tholr porfoct orchards. Then hlo you Into tho recontly op ened central Orogon country, whoro tlfero Is a vnBt acreage ot virgin Innd to bo obtained nt very low prices, with a cllmnto dry, bnlmy and exhilarating." BRIDGE CHURCH DAMAGED. Word wan recolvod hero Wodnos dny to tho effect that tho now Chris tian church nt llrldgo rccolvcd con- nldornblo damago from tho hoavy wind last wcok. Tho wind blow down tho doors nnd twisted tho building nonrly two foct from Its foundation. Tho church was dodlcatcd lato thin rail and cost botwoen $500 nnd 1000 ensh, tho work being donated by tho momborH and frlouda of tho church nt that plnco. Just how much tho nc tunl dnmago to tho building will amount to has not yot boon ascertain ed. Coqulllo Sontlnol. AN APOSTROPHE TO THE COW. "If civilized pcoplo woro ovor to lnpso Into tho worship of animals tho row. would certainly bo tholr chlof goddess. Whnt a fountain of bless tngs Ib tho cow. Sho Is tho mother of hoof, tho sourco of buttor, tho origi nal causa of chooso to oay nothing of shoo horns, hnlr comb nnd uppor lenthor, n gontlo nnlmnl and ovor yielding crcnturo who has no Joy In her family affairs which sho does not slinro with man. Wo rob hor of hor children that wo may rob hor of hor milk nnd wo only caro for hor when tho robbing mny bo porpotrnted." Household Words. Nursery Stock. Boo A. E. Seaman, Phono 49-J. DON'T PULL OUT THE G IS A Few Applications of a Sim ple Remedy Will Bring Back the Natural Color. "Pull out ono gray hair and a dozou will tako Us place," Is an old saying, which Is, to u groat extent-, truo, It no stops uro taken to stop tho causo. Whoa gray hairs appear It Is a sign that Na turq needs assistance. It Is Na ture's call for holp. Grny hair, dull, lifeless hair, or hair that la falling out, lu not necessarily a sign of advancing ngo, for there nro thousands of oldorly people with norfoct hoads ot hair without u slnglo stroak ot gray. when gray nairs come, or wnon tho hair seems to bo lifeless or flnmt pnmn r'nnd. rnllnhln. halr.ro storing troatmout should bo resort ed to at once, specialists say mac ono of tho boat preparations to una is tho old fashioned "scgo tna" which our grandparents usod. Tho best preparation ot this kind Is Wyoch's Sago and Sulphur Hair Wtunnrlv n tirnnflr.iMnn nf domestic sago and sulphur, sclontlllcally compounded with later discovered hair tonics ami BUmuianu, uio wlinlo mixture bolni; carefully bal anced and tested by exports. Wyoch's Sago nnd Sulphur Is clean and wholesome and ,oorfoctly harmless. It refreshes dry, parch ed hair, removes dandruff, uud gradually restores fadod,.or gray hair to , Its natural color. Don't delay another rninuto. bion nalno Wvnth'n Bnira and SulDhlir - at nnra nnd Ron whnt a lllfferenCO a few days' treatment will mnko lit your hair. This preparation Is offorod to tho public at fifty cents a bottlo ud Is recommended and sold by all druggists.