The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 13, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    5 G),
UI1 I'M i"" "
.ho Market" Effectively!
,. ;, put tbo facts about jour
..ft before mo u,yuo "4 " 'uo
'rtrOT" m town- And ,f thcro
'' w'.. It tliom wlio ought to own
U DUO .....
you'll sen '
..i..i.llolir1 lit 1H7H
iii 1'iSiii""!"""-" - -"
memiikk op tub associated phes
fflf R WASP IS
mam, mm. wmhiim, meda a mz-mEiZiTrS.
Will Keep your Income from
Furnished Rooms Sternly.
YOU enn renlly holp tho fnmlly
rovenuen by renting a fow furnished
rooms and, If you know how nd
when to viso tho classified column,
you limy keen thnt lit tin nrtr. t.
como ns "sternly ns n clock."
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll
nun uoos liny Advertiser.
No. 100.
ill!. 10IIOWIIIK nttm- frntii Mm m , .
a? &2? l sr. ? 3 . . K sv
....,.., i ........... .r : -""" i wj uiuu jinrsiiiiein. win
i'iuiu iiiit'i (THi 1I1I7 i.i rii.i imnii,. .r r ... .. ... . - "...
!.'.. . .. . .. ." '"- i'i iu i voos liny nt tils Minn
San rranuibuu uuuo iui
Believe Report.
Captain of Ccntralia Sends
Word 01 lll vvtuun, iu
Aberdeen, Wash.
1.V....1 .".. : i'--r.v. x-i nnm
..i iw-uiuiy uumertM nn nddress on tho subject of n,. i
Ownnra i n nt lintiii. i. ....... v tmujici 01 1110 .M
....... . i.iiii.
Depnitinent of Public Affnlrs
J. F. FORD, .Mayor.
I Tii. ii.niiior Wnsp reported
'It be lost was built In 190G
t Falrhavon, Cnl. Sho whh
110 feet, C Inchon long, with
jj foot, .1 Inch bcnui nnd 13
foot depth. Tho Wnsp nindo
cftailonal visitors to Coos llay
daring tho past fow years, but
fbcn sho came In horo sho
tii In command of Cnptnln
Wthman, who Is now on tho
iteamer Hoe.
p Asw-UIl Vm Iu Conn Ily Tlmft.1
ABEIIDKIJX. Wash.. Nov. 13. A
iMmi received by Cnptnln Stnm
Ikr of the Contrnlln, snys tho
IriiDfr Wnsp wont down with nil
Ihcdi letwceu hero nnd 8nn Fran-
Tliliikn Iti'poit W'niiijr.
(Special to Tho Times.)
S4N FRANCISCO. Nov. 1 3. Tho
I urine department of tho Chhtn
h of Conuncrco puis llttlo crud
er In tho report of tho loss of
ft Wmp. Tho vessol loft this
port at 11:30 o'clock Inst night for
futet Sound points. Sim Is not
Hipped with wlroloim. Ton inon
uier Cnptnln Aver mnko up tho
trtv ot tho sclioonor.
Jack Rose Testifies to Details
of the Killing of the
llljf AmoiUIM Ymt (o Toon JUjr TIimm.
NKV YORK, Xov. 13. In tho
trial of tho four kuiiiiioii necuBcd
of killing (Jninblor Hnsunthal, Jack
Itoso today calmly nnd Kllblly went
over much of tho uround covered
In tho llocker trial. Ho told of
mootliiKH with tbo Buninon, of
Hoekors threat to "frame them"
unless they "croaked" Itosonthnl,
nnd of Hcekor's boast that ho
would shield thorn nftor tho Job
wiih no no.
"All rlKht. we'll do It." tho wl-
ness vald tbo defendants assured
Cross cxnmlnntlon failed to shako
Hobo's story.
I Mr .Morj(t I'rrM li Com Oty TIhik 1
NEW YOHIC, Xov. 13. Tho
trlnl of tho four men chnrReil with
tho Ilosontbnl murder moved swift
ly when It started yesterday. Wltn
In an hour after tbo opeuliiK of
court, Asslslnut District Attorney
Moss had comploted his nddroos to
tuu Jury nnd four witnesses had
testified. Tho four defendants nro
In vnrlous moods. Diiko Finnic
Krlnned, Wbltoy I.owls was rest
less unit bclllRorent, while Lofty
Loulo nnd flyp tho Illood wcro
stolidly Indifferent to what was
KoIiib on.
".Mr. 51. C. .Mnloney,
.Marshfluld, Oregon.
Fort Dodge, Iown, Xov. I, 1912.
Solicitor General Thinks that
Johnson Should Not Be
Released on Bail.
(Mr Auo Ulfrl I'rtM la Coo IUr Tlnm.l
reason exists, nccordlnir to Hi
brief filed today In behalf of tho
Passenger Train Dashes Into
an Open Switch With
Fatal Results-
15 Auotlttej pp3 Coo, Uy Tlnnu.J
IXDIANAI'OMS. Intl.. Xov. 13
t Wilt fifteen linrKnnn trnrn 1lllrwl
M fifteen Bcrloimlv Injured this' Bovornmonf by Solicitor Gonornl
ocrtlne i,n.i , , . I ""'I'tt Wy Jack Johnson, now
wining wlicn nn Inbonml Plnrln. I ..i...i i. in i.. ni,in ., n
t.l ,. . ...-... I lllllllUVll III Jllll III VIIILIlhU, "
,' '"ronton & Dayton pnssonBor'chnrKo of vIolntliiK tho whlto slnvo
-a au iiiiii nit rnt nu.II.1. .., nt i.l.nnl.1 l.. n.liln,l tn linll liV
iXl, ,nt0 n frolght train at tho United Stntes supremo court.
?-h .",1,,p' IrvliiKton, n su- Owing to tho fact that tho crime
ttmin? lIa cU'Vt T1, fain was Is not oxtrndltnble, tho govorn
m. !. .J" Cluclnimtl nnd run-, mont contonds -that n guilty offend-
trwt V i I1I,IC8 nn ,10Ur Tho. or might bo willing to Jump ball
;.,, ?ur't Hro but was soon nnd seek refugo in a foreign coun
n! ' try and tho administration of crlm-
i LpassenKer train roportod It.innl law would bo brought Into
IrihS. " cIenr fack, but the dlsroputo. I. was claimed that an
tlM .? on tno freight had not attempt had bcon mndo to secure
tlesred- th 8w,l"Il wl,n It hhdj Johnson's relonso on absolutely
Wlini. "II irutK or lllOi wuiiniCBO uuii.
ov'. t. ......... i'.. ii..
tiii'iiiii- i-iiii.
Illy AwoclJlf.1 rm to Coo nr Tlmt 1
CHICAGO, Xov. 13. Another
attempt to procure tho release of
Jack Johnson, tho pugilist, irom
Jail fnllod today. Fedornl Judgo
Carpenter denied a motion to ro-
duco tho $30,000 bond under
which tho negro Is hold on
. u Ur mV?r ?f n,l,,,r' " '"' talk " '.Municipal Owncrshlpj of
ublle Utilities, given before tho iown I.eaguo of .Municipalities nt
loux City, Iowa, nt their annual meeting, was received this morn-
1 nm very sorry that I enn not furnish von Mm nm.i,ii.. .......
at this tlmo, but hopo to bo ablo to do bo in tho near future. I
hopo you renllzo tho enormity of tho crlmo you nro committing In
espousing tho cnuso of tho people In ndvocatlng municipal ownership
of public utilities. 5Iy oxperlenco nlong thnt lino hns been thnt oven
tho peoplo whom you nro trying to sorvo In ndvocatlng municipal
ownership, which to tho Individual means solf-ownorshlp ns each In
dividual Is n part of tho municipality, often get tho wrong Impres
sion nnd nro led to bellove that you nro trying to snddlo n burden
upon them In advising them to administer to .their own needs, In
stead of letting sumo corporation or Individual furnish them tho nec
essary hervlce, and n water works system Is surely n pilbllc neces
sity nnd A public Bnfoguard. In my efforts nlong tho lino of urging
iiuiiiiciiuii oiiuriiip i imvu noun cnnrgeii witn overyttnng from in
compotoncy to criminal nogllgonco, to sny nothing of tho charges of
graft, which wore mndo contlnunlly ns n matter of course However,
a careful tracing of tho charges to th0 source brought mo In contact
witn somoono mioroBieu in mo privntoly owned plant, who feurcd
that I might bo exerting bouio Influcuco thnt would tend to weaken
their position or detract from their following, causing thorn to 'resort
to tho common prnctlco of calling 'stop thief to nrouso n feeling
ngulnst any one who might bo bold enough to expose or attempt to
expose their methods In tho Intermit or tho peoplo or municipality.
"Hcforo going Into tho furnishing of data or comparisons such ns
I gatliored and compiled for tho Sioux City address, I want to warn
you that tho ndvocntes of private ownership will charge you with ev
erything thnt I have bcon charged with, and In nil probability they
wilt procure tho highest priced legal talent In your city to advocate
their cause. All Influence thnt enn bo hired will bo lined up against
you, they will chnrgo you with trying to Increase their taxes by
folHtliiL' n municipal plant on tho ell v. It mnv oven rcnulra a bond
Ibsiio to stnrt a city plant. This they will nlso attack. One point
which I wish to call your ntteutlon to Is this:
"In urging tho peoplo to opposo nny Indebtedness for tho purpoBO
of establishing n plant, tlioy will cry higher tax, nnd harp on tho tax
continually. Try to hnvo your peoplo rcallzo that u Utx paid for
such u purpose Is not the hiiiiio us a tuv voted for a school building,
n city hull, or n court bouso, or like Improvements; such Improve
ment can not bo paid for except by direct tax.
"A water winks plant or light ami -ymcr plants will not only
pay fiti' Itself or any bond Issue which may bo made to piuvliaso or
Inilld n plant, but will In addition to paying Its own way, such ns
Interest, cost of operating, depreciation ami repair, but will give you
a ei-y nice revenue in iiihiiiiimi u iiio niorciiiciiuoueii expanses.
"I du not know when I will uo nolo to sond you tho completo
paper, but will try to procure It ror you. At tho present tlmo It Is
In tho tho hands or tho printer. Tho following nro somo or tho
comparisons taken from It:
"With reiorcnco to tho wnter sorvlco, I would say that In tho
cities or Iown and cities or from 10,000 to 20.000, whoio wntor
works plants nro owned by the cities, tho annual earnings nnd re
ceipts from tho service, whoro same. Is operated is about threo times
tho cost ot furnishing tho sorvlco, Including tho depreciation or tho
"To givo you something or a starter I will cite you n row cities In
Iown. Fort Dodgo received Irom wntor works plant ror tho Inst CO
years slightly in excess or $20,000 nnnunlly. Tho oxpcnBo or operat
ing unii showing n net prom or $17,500. If wo chnrged tho
elrnto or $-10.00 per hydrant, which wo would hnvo to pay n privato
Wilson Declares When Pres
ident He Will Receive
' Visitors Who Call.
til AmocUIM I'rwi to Coot llajr Time
WASHINGTON, Xov. 13. President-elect
Wilson's statement that
ho Intends to hnvo nn opou door
nt tho Whlto Houbo us rnr ns pos
sible aroused much dlsouBslou to
dny ns to what extent n president
can admit persons to his privato
quarters. At present tho presi
dent's qunrtors at tho Whlto Ilotisb
adjoining tho executive mansion
nro comparatively easy or ncccss to
persons with business thoro, or
who nro Introduced ns visitors nt
regular receiving hours, hut ordin
ary visitors nro politely told by tho
guards at tho door thnt tho of
fices nro "for IhibIiicbb only."
Situation Today Said to Be a
Little More Encouraflincj
Than Heretofore.
"fci 'a need r
"1& W1 WW
"J is uouo rign
chnrgo or violating tho Mann act
lf.- - ' ? n Atiflm-onii Tnlitiami'a nmm
I'i,niii1'rJob Printing dono at sel, said thnt ho' would offer now
I MWCiri OtllCO. .... l.l ! I !,- ,ln'
DCUIll lliua IUIUI ! H" M"
Mlssp Gladys Mevers Who
rttSf Shot Says it
n Was an Accident.
Plm . Coa B' TIraM.)
aiSDE,LPniA' Nov' 13 Mrs.
u rtl. Ioyer8 of New York
ter 0n0toand klod by her daugh-
fln 'ennsylvanla railroad
. M near hum .i . . .
?." he hT 7. "uy: ino Blrl
.T1' for a kLit nither hy mls
Hf way Vbbee,r They were on
Vv v... 'ro' Salem. VIrclnla. to
" d a iJ 8,r1, 0Ia(lys Wey-
Tci ?,il,bllrs' wero detained.
l,f anil"? ,s hysterical and
ofy; AD' to tell a connecting
r.ted into Vi.' "l. ot myBtry
Jf the coni? i1."0 tragedy because
..""ert ;7"Alory statements of
M thai hi S g,rl- Cuthbert
,other and L dlA " know tho
.C..W services to V.'.
. UBr.nIh W told the
i ia nerspif T . ori ws rraveiing
,ts to the Lf.nd n,other- Aord-
le police, Miss Meyers said
that while lylug In her berth she
linn nl n nnlsn ns if sonin OI10 Was
climbing Into her berth. Dellovlng
sho was In danger of nn Intruder
sho rired. The mothor. who was
returning from tho retiring room,
received tho bullet.
Was to jrarr3'.
Miss Meyers said her mother
was tho wifo or J. Rappo 5Ieyers,
proprietor or a hotel ot Greens
burg, Pa. The mothor and daugh
ter were on their . way to Xew
Vnrlr in Imv n WP dill II IT trOUSSeail
ns she was to be married in June
to J. nialr Dillard or Salem. Va
where n Bon or Mrs. Meyers lives.
Thoy bought n revolver In Pitts
burg yesterday.
lloth Are Ifeld.
(Df AmocUtfcl Prei to Coot Bay Tlmw.J
TREXTON, N. J., Xov. 13.
Miss Meyers and Cuthbert were
hold here today -for tho Philadel
phia officers, as tho shooting took
place In Pennsylvania. Cuthbert
onnni-anttv in tiiioiit 00 years or
ago and declares tho women were
strangers nnd that ho only offered
his assistance after tho Bhootlng.
company It would increase, iuu viiriiiiigs ami buviiikh id iiio amoiini 01
$Ui00. Tho qunnilty 01 wnior usuu lor sireut ihimiiiiik woiiiu 1111
equal to not leas thnn $7000, showing a combined saving nnd enm
Ing In tho towns or 15,000 or $30,000 In a slnglo year.
"ir this wns true or Fort Dodgo only, It might bo considered un
usual. Howovor, thnt Is nor tho enso. Msucatlno, a city or 20,000
had a profit tho Inst fiscal year or $29,000, without conBhlorlng tho
profit or saving on account of tho city sorvlco from hydrants nnd
street flushing. Tho city or 5Inrshalltowii, Is about tho slzo
or Fort Dodgo, had a net profit of $19,000, without considering tho
saving or riro hydrants and street flushing.
"Those savings nnd earnings rroni wntor works plants In tho nhovo
cities does not como rrom tho oxcesslvo rnto chnrged ror sorvlco.
At a mooting or tho Iown Lenguo or Municipalities In Dnvonport In
1911, I mndo tho statement that wo had a bettor rato In tho city
or Fort Dodgo with n municipal plant than wns mndo by nny private
plant In tho stato. A comparison ot rates bo rnr as thoy wore ablo
to furnish them, showed conclusively that my stntomonts woro truo.
Thoro was not a slnglo schedulo of rates advanced that equalled It
Iu either municipal or prtvnieiy owned pinnis. i unvo buico learned
that thoro are n fow cities In Iowa thnt havo ovon a hotter rnto
than hero, but thoy nro from municipal plants, nnd thoro Is not a
city In Iowa or In any othor stnto, so rnr as I havo been nblo to
learn, having n cheapor rnto or sorvlco rrom tho private plants than
we hnvo rrom our municipal plant.
"Iii tho report which I shall rorwnrd later you will rind compnrl
Bon between cities whoro population is nearly equal, somo municipal
nnd somo privately owned plants. Not going Into detail, you will rind
thoso reports show n profit In favor or tho municipal owned plants
nro about $1.00 per capita por annum.
"Hoping your offorts In bohnir or municipal ownership may bo
successful, and that your peoplo will appreclato thorn, I am,
Very truly yours,
.Mayor ran uuiiku. iuwiu
in: AIM,!: TO KCKP HACK Tin:
til? AMOtltlM Vrnt lo Cool 1Ur TlniM.)
The Turkish council of wnr decid
ed thnt tho position or tho nrmy
defending Constnntiuoplo is hopo
loss, says n dispatch rrom tho
Turkish capital. This decision was
reached niter tho council received
n communication rrom tho Otto
man couinmndor-lu-clilof. Tho vlow
Ih nlso endorsed hy tho ropresou
tntlvo or tho Red Crescent society.
TiiiUk .May Hold Out.
Illy I'riM lo C'cxx Iky T(im.
LONDON, Nov. 13.Turkoy Is
Iu a hotter position to nsk ror nn
urmlstlco it Is understood, ns ro
luiorcomouts or fresh Turkish sol
diers hnvo reached Tchatalja and
thoy might bu ablo to hold out ror
days, ir not wcoks, Tho nbsonco
or nows rrom thnt quarter sug
gests that tho Dulgnrlans nro not
walking over tho Turkish rortlficn
tlons us expected.
Desperate Finhtina of Balkan
Allies and Turks Still
tPr AMocUtcil I'm! lo Coo nr TlnxiO
LONDON, Xov. 13. A much
morn hopofiil reeling prevails to
day In rognrd to tho International
sltiintlon m.itod hy tho Dnlknn
wnr. Tho situation still Is full or
difficulties hut tho nttltudo of nil
or tho powers in working ror
poncorul Bottloinont will, It Is be
lieved result In nvoldliig ncttial
Conflict. Sorvlll. hnwnvnp. linu tint
yot replied to tho Austro-Hungnr-
inn proposition Hint Horvlan occu
pation or (ho Albanian territory
or or n port on tbo Adrlntlo son
Will not bo tolerated. A I Mm untnn
tlmo' tho Servlnn nrmy contluuos
its wnr toward tho Adrlntlo const
nnd in ono report rrom Ilelgrudo la
Bnld actually to hnvo renched Dtl
razzo. Tho RiibsIiiu government Is
nctlng In direct dlsrognrd to tho
public feelings In Russia and will
not go to wnr over tho question of
nn Adilntlo port. Tho Russian
foreign minister hns Informed tho
Servian mlnlslnr that Russia would
glvo friendly support to Servla In
her negotlntlons with Austrlu-IIun-gnry.
Will Deal Direct.
til AmoiUim I'rwn to Cikm Ihiy Tlrnm.)
Thoro Is good reason to hollova
thnt tho Turkish government l'ns
decided to nogotlnto directly with
tho Dalkan states as modlutlou of
tho powers seems fruitless.
- i
All Have Agreed.
Illy AworlAlcl l'r. In fust Pay Tlmni,')
I.OXDOX, Nov. 13.-A1I Kurop
onn poworH hnvo ngreod to the
Turkish prnposnl last weok that
thoy iihould inform tho nnlkau na
tions or tho Turkish rojuost Tor
mediation and to Inquire rrom
them thnin whntlier they nro will
lug to mnko terms on which ne
gotiations could bo oponnd. Stops
In tills direction nro about to bo
tnkon by reprosentntlvcs ot tho
Russia .Will Not Co to War.
Illji AuNMlatxl I'm In Coo IUr TlmM
ST. pi:ti:r8ijuro. xov. is.
RusBln dnos not Intend to go to
wnr over thn (inosltoii nf Knrvln
obtaining a port on tho Adrlntlo
son, according to Sorglus Snznnoff,
hid iiusflinn loreigu minister.
Body Lies in State at the
Chamber of Deputies
at Madrid. '
IDy Allocated Prtt to Coot Dy Time.
MADRID, Spain, Xov. 13. The
body or tho assassinated Premier
-.!,.... la.. In otnfn from an
early hour this morning on the
cataralquo which had been erected
in a temporary chapel in the cham
ber or deputies. Vast crowds or
silent peoplo gathered both Inside
and outside the chambers to pay
their last respects to the deatt
statesman. Tbo population ot the
capital appears to ho deeply im
pressed oy me crime,
wvmn voir 11UY. buy the REST
and buy It of HAINES.
Leaves Coos Bay for Port
land With Passengers
and Freight.
The steamer Alllanco loft for
Portland this morning at 10
o'clock. Sho brought a partial car
go from Eureka which was com
niotoii with Mm addition of sal
mon rrom tho Marshtleld packing
Tho rollowlng were the passen
ppra from this cltv: Mrs. J. Heav-
ens, L. Clark, F. J. Hoys, W, A.
Luse, F. Mecum, K. ii. uryanB, n.
C, Coleman, John Medol, A. T.
Thomas. Georgo HolIIster, L. J.
Want Armistice.
tny AukkUIM I'rrM to Coot luy TIiiim )
Tho Turkish government Is in
formed that tho European powers
hnvo instructed their ropresontn
tlvoa In tho Hulkan states to coni
miinlcnto Turkey's nppllcatlon for
mediation to tho nlllcs with n
vlow to arranging nn armistice pre
paratory to tho conclusion or
Austrian Executed.
ny AhocIiIM I'itm lo Coot luy TlmM 1
PARIS, Nov. 11. Public opinion
In Huda PcBt is greatly alarmed
ovor tho belief prevalent hero thnt
n military conference Is being hold
today and thnt Emperor Francis
Josoph will decide to mobilize two
Austrian army corps In Uosnln, nc
cordlng to tho dispatch to tho
Desperate Tight.
Illjr Axotltthl I'nf. lo Coot llty TlmM
SOFIA, Nov. 13. A dospernto
sortlo wns mndo by tho Turkish
gnrrlson nt Adrtnuopto yesterday,
nccordlug to n dispatch. After five
hours' fighting tho Turkish troops
woro driven bnok by tho Ilulgnrlnn
boslogers. Tho Turks lost honvlly.
Russia Takes No Part.
tny amatuim rriM to root ny tim.
VIENNA. Nov, 13. A signifi
cant dlspntch from St, Petersburg
was published tndpy In thn uows
papers. It says: "Tho nttltudo of
official circles In St. Petersburg In
their Judgment of tho Austro-Sor-vlnn
relations has uudorgono &
rndlcnl change. Foreign 5Ilnistor
Snznnoff hns glvon tho Servian min
ister to Russia to understand thnt
Russln will tnko no direct part In
question of a port on tho Adriatic
but will leavo It to bo sottlod by
negotiations botwen Austrln nnd
An unfilled want causes unhappl-
ness Times Want Ads get results,
Another Victim of Schooner
Osprey Washes Ashore
South of Siuslaw River.
(Special to Tho Times.)
GARDINER, Ore., Nov. 13. Tho
body ot a man thought to be Ches
ter Johnson, the engineer on tho
lost gasoline sclioonor Osprey, was
round on tho beach about a inilo
south ot the Siuslaw rlvor this
morning. Tho discovery was mado
by tho passongers on tho stago
running on tho beach hotweon
Florence and Gardiner. Tho dopu
ty coroner at Florence was notl
ried, tho body being round In
La no county.
The description ot tho body is
said to answer that or Chester
Johnson. Tho man Is described as
being G reel 8 IncheB tall, wearing
bluo sorgo trousers, overalls Jump
er and low tan shoes. Ono gold
crown was round In the. upper,
teoth and three or tho lowor tooth
woro round to bo filled with gold.
Tho description Is said to nnswor
thnt of young Johnson beyond
much question. '
Tho wreck or tho Osproy occur
red on tho Coos Ray bar tho morn
ing or Novombor 1. Tho body bad
consequently bcon In tbo water 13
days. In tho caso of tho Czarlun
tho bodies which woro recovered
woro all found north of whoro tho
wrock occurred.
All mombors of Sunsot Lodgo.
No. Gl, I, O. O. F., nro requostod
to moot nt tho I. O. O, F. hall nt
1 o'clock Thursday, Nov. 14, to at
tend tho funeral of Brother Alva
J. W. HUNT, N. Q.
ny I. LANDO, Secretary.
Havo your Job printing dono at
The Times offlco.