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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1912)
. U r ,' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAYrOVEMBER 12, 1 912. EVENING EDITION. DEATH CAUSES T.C you buy a pair of School Shoes from Hub Dry Goods Cn A for that boy, he won't miss a day of school this wint 10 EIRE i ROSEBURG HAS INTERESTED IN COOS BAY MOOD SORROW i . j General Bixby Talks of Place But Left Before Com- mittee Arrived. , General Ulxby, head of Urn 17. S. Army engineering corps, will not bo "nolo to visit Cooa Hay. Ho loft Portland tlio day boforo tlio coinmlttoo from this city arrived. Howovcr, It was determined that data should bo gathered to ascer tain tlio cost of a survey for uso nt tlio next session of congress and that a survey would bo mado as eoon as practical and another sur vey would bo mndo Just prior to tlio operations of tlio bar d radge. Tlio following night telegram to D. C. Grcono, president of tlio Chamber of Commerce, from tlio members of tho Coos Hay conunlt teo in I'ortlnnd, explains itself: D. C. Greene, President Chamber of Commerce, Marshficld, Oregon. Gonornl lllxby reached Portland Wednesday last and loft Sunday. On Wednesday afternoon ho was called upon by Senator llourno at Captain Robert's office. Tho ques tion of Coos Day was discussed for over two hours. Captnln Robert told us this morning that dutn would bo collocted ns promptly as posslblo, siilllclent to furnish tho Information which will bo neces sary to prcparo an cstlmato of tlio cost of tho survoy improvement proposed both insldo and on tho bar. Tills information will bo ready In nmplo tlmo for uso by Congress so thnt tho Intorcsts of Coos Hay will not bo nffected by any delay duo to not having tho Information nvallablo for congress nt tlio earliest Unto It would bo usoful. A survoy will bo mado of tlio bnr as soon ns practlcablo to determine existing conditions ns ac curately as practlcablo nnd nnothor survey will bo mndo Just prior to tlio commencement of operations of tlio bnr dredgo. Tho dlfforenco between eninll- tloiiB Bliould bo, thoso two surveys win snow mo oiroc. or nnturnl ln fluonco and when tnkon In ennnoe. tlon with nnothor survey to bo -jnnuo niicr tno sonBon 8 work by tlio dredgo will glvo nu Idea of tlio effectiveness of the dredgo op erations. General Dlxby's Idea was tunt tins is not construed ns re versal of whnt tho board of on ,tlHCCrfl "Us lliP. but Information " obtained of thin tmo will bo avall nblo ta? CoiiKresn If asked for in connection with tho further im provement now proposed. General lllxby wnB very nnxlous to visit Coon Hay nnd would cer tainly havo done so had his tlmo permitted. Ho expressed his re grots thnt ho would leavo Portland Just prior to the nrrlval of tho dolegntion from Coos liny ns ho know nothing of tho proposed visit until it wns shown to him by Cap tain Holiort- In tlio Sunday Oregon Ian, Nov. lOtlu Wlillo horo Gon ornl lllxby Inquired of Captain Ho bert particularly about Coos Hay witii reforenco to nil mnttora now Details of Roscoe Bolsinger's Fatal Accident Not Known -Saw Other Accident. The death of Itoscoo Holslngor nt Mercy hospital yesterday after noon, from Injuries sustnlncd on the McDonnld & Vaughan logging rond, has caused much grief among tho young man's many friends, Tho detnlls of tho fatal accident will probnbly never bo learned. Jack McDonald or tho McDonald & Vaughan Camp, for whom Hol slngor wnH working, was down from camp last night. TIo was deeply grieved by tlio accident. Mr. Hol slngor was n nophow of Mrs. Mc Donnld nnd hnd been nssoclntetl with Jack McDonnld In the Allc- gnny-Scottsburg nuto lino Inst sum mer. Mrs. W. "W. Gngo of Co nulllo, wlfo of Sheriff Gngo. and Mrs, Louis Cohngen of noaobiirg nro nlso aunts of Holslngor. Other rolntlves live In nosoburg. His fntlior, Snm nolslngor, was for sev eral yenrs In chnrgo of the black smith shop of tho McDonald & Vnughnn camp on Dnnlols Crook, hut Is now on a ranch near noso burg. Roscoo Holslngor was about 23 years old. George Torry was engineer, Irv ing Smith, flromnn, nnd Davo Hunch, brnkomnn. on tho train on which Iloscno nolslngor received tho fntnl fall. Holslngor wns rid ing on next to tlio Inst car In n trnln of eight cars. Ho wan scon riding on ono of tho logs when tho trnln wns coming down, but' wns not soon for sotno llttlo tlmo bo foro tho trnln reached the dump. When ho wns found missing, the trnlnmon started back and found 111 in sitting In tho nilddlo of tho track. Ho Is said to havo spoken only n fow words to tho offoct that "I am all In, boys." Howovcr, ho wnB aiiio to wane a llttlo ways, bo foro his follow omployes plckod him up nnd cnrrlcd Iilm down to tho Hercules which rushed him to Mercy hospital. Ills Injury scorned to bo near tho lmso of the brain. It is be- llovod by Mr. McDonald that Hol slngor slipped and foil off the train, striking on his head. AVns Near Accident. Fred Powers, superintendent of tho Smith-Powers Logging Com pany, and Clnro Swnlno wore with in hIx or olght foot of Albert Lny toa, tlio logger, who was criiRhod lo death by a log yostordav, when ho was struck bv tlio tlmbor. It wnA ."I1. jnnyJi!gl'i.p -n?!cJ!"t. disposition townrd tlio Hny wna ox tromoly frlondly during nil of the conference (Signed) T. J. MACGEN.V. JOHN D. GOSS. J. W. DENNETT. LIGHT your WAY with pocket FLASH LIGHTS nt GUNNERY. The PORTLAND DAILY EVENING TELEGRAM by Mull cut Ira yenr of boforo him from thnt point or nnyl 10i:t for J?;l.JJO nnd Imluuco of this tnnt niignt conio up In tho fiituro. I year l'lti;i;. iiniiii your naiiio to Cnptaln Hobert and Mr. Polhonius' XOKTO.V HANSEN. HQ XMAS GOODS "Everything yon can' imagine at our store this I season. Our stoek will bo immense and you do not need to go to the city X'or your selections. Kings China Watches Cut Glass t, , , Toilet Goods Hracelcts 7 ,, n 1 , Leather Goods Clocks rass Scavl! Pins Potterv Silver Novelties Umbrellas Red Cross Drag Store JEWELERS iintl OPTICIANS. Livery Stable and Horses Are Burned Elderly Woman Has Narrow Escape. A bad fire occurred at Hoseburg causing damage to tho amount of $ IS, 000. A press telegram regard ing tho fiio says: Klio which Ig nited from sonio unknown cailso destroyed the livery barn of Hanks & Wellter, a residence belonging to Dr. C. L. Pearson, n bam belong ing to Wllllnni Mooro and u voti nary establlshincnt owned by Dr. Hunt. The flro originated In tho rear of tho livery stable nnd within n fow minutes tho building was a mass of fluinoB. Kaiincd by tho stiff breeze tho flames Bprend to adjoining BtructurcB and for n tlmo the entire block wns threaten ed with destruction. All available lire lighting npparatua wna called into action and by 11 o'clock tho ilro was under complete control. The Vnn Houten Hotel, Roso- burg'a largest frame Btructuro, wns only saved bv a sudden shift of tlio wind. Although nt tho scono within two nilniitoB following tlio discovery of tho flames, the fire men wero unablo to savo eight horsCB which wero tlexl In tho rear of tho barn. Hanks & Wolkor cb tlmnto their loss at fully $10,000, pnrtlally covered by Insurance Oth er persons who lost their property wero unablo to estlmnto tholr ro Bpcctlvo losses tonight. It Is 1)0 lloved, however, that tho total loss will roach $18,000. Adding to tho sorlousuosB of tlio situation, tho Ilro In tho business district was in its midst when tho homo of Mrs. Luclndn Mooro on East Douglas street was discover ed to bo on fire. With all tho nvallablo flro apparatus In tho city in uso olso whore, tho rcsldcnco wan totally destroyed. Mrs. W. H. Sin gleton, nged SO, nnd a sufferer from paralysis, was carried from tho homo nftcr sho had been ovor- coino by hont nnd smoke. The Ilro Ignited from n lamp accidentally ovorturned by n mombor of tho fnmlly. During tho progress of tho fires robbers wero biiBy looting house!) In Yirl"lls purls of tho city. o NID morning not so very long ago a ladv who lives in San Francisco, came to the store with a friend. After her friend had been fitted, the San Francisco lady said: F did not expect to buy a coat in Marsh- EASY, SURE WAY TO CUREICOLDS Don't Neglect a Cold. Ely's Cream Balm Will Stop it in the Sneezing Stage. A cold genornlly attacks tho weakest part, affecting tho oyos mid cars In soino and producing na sal catarrh nnd throat troubles In others. A cold la duo to an Inflam mation of tho mombrnno lining tho nlr pnssngea and may bo promptly cured with n llttlo Ely's Cronni Ualiu, which Immediately rollovca tho inflammation and all tho dis tressing symptoniB, such na snooz ing, coughing, running nt tho hobo and oyca, honrsonoss, aoro throim, fovor and hoadacho. Ono reason why this pure, antiseptic balm acts so (illicitly Is because It is npplled directly to tho tender, uoro sur faces. Even In sovoral c onlc cases of catarrh, Ely's Cream Halm novor fnlls to quickly and effectually chock tho poisonous discharge which clogs tho head and throat, causing tho disgusting hawking, spitting nnd blowing of tho noso. This romedy not only drives out tho dlsenvo, but heals and strengthens tho wonkoucd inombrnues, thus ondlng catarrh. Catarrh Is n filthy, disgusting di sease. Don't put up with It nnoth or day. Got n CO cent bottlo of Ely's Cream Halm from your drug gist nnd 860 how quickly you will bo relieved. It la perfectly harmless. ipj New Goods and Second Hand Goods llought, sold or cvclmngcd. HARRINGTON, DOYLE CO. .102 Front Street. Phono MO.L. Try Tho Times' Want Ada. You Auto Call Foote PHONE 14-I.J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel TWO NEW OAKS After 11 F.'M. Phono W. Residence Phono -8-J. Will Mnlcn Trios to Coqullle. MMMMMMMMMM The Sign of Good Candy Always Bargains in Lots at Bunker Hill Some choice sites It you see mo at once. AUG. FHIZEEN. 08 Qc-trnl Ave. field. T will say, however, that these coats are as stylish as those wo have in our own big stores and that you really do sell them for less money." The following day she al lowed us to fit her to a big roomy gray Chinchilla. She also selected a suit to bo sent for later. Last Saturday's mail brought us the order, "Send the suit on at once." mm pfiS imm Gold print really docs not do justice to this beautiful line of. Goats ani Suits. Every garment in this store comes from one of the foremost mah erstlicji are shipped lo us direct from tho East. If you were rigk in New York today you could not buy a newer or more appropriate g'armenl. The only difference is that you would have to pay New York prices. V you have not already bourhl your Goat or Suit Better come In tomorrow. A small deposit will lay your garment aside until you are ready to hhit. 66 onej Talks at 99 . -1 '. Hub Dry Goods Co, "Correct "Wear for "Women and Children." O'Comicll Building. Phono 361-J A modorn Drlck . utldliig, Eloctrl: Light, Stonm Heat. Elegantly FurnlBhod Rooms with Hot and Cold Wator. HOTEL- OOOS O. A. Mctlln, rrop. Ilntcs: OO cents n day and upwards Cor. llrondwny nnd Mnrkot City Auto Service Good Cars, CarotuI Drlvors and roasonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro nt nny tlmo." Stands Blanco Hotol nnd Blanco Cigar Store. Dny Phonos 78 and 4C Night Phono 4G. nAHKPirt OOODALK. nronrlotor- Boys' Shoes 100 pairs lino wclt.s on salo at tho The Electric Shoe Store ISO So. Ilrondwny. Mnriiflold. T. J. SOAIFE A, H. HODQIX8 Marshfield Paint (3b Decorating Co. Furnished. Phono liO.L. Oregoi Estlmnten 'AHSHFIELD. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and'Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57J Marehfield, Oregon. Marshficld & North Bend Auto Line GOIIST & KING. Proprietors. Cars leave Marsnflela every 45 minutes from 7:16 a. m. until 12:30 midnight. Leave North Bena on same achedulo, starting at 7 a. m. until midnight. Soe Saturday Tlme for schedule. Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono ordera to Hlllyer'a Cigar Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m. phono 5-J. Night phono 181-R. Mnrbhfiokl. Oregon. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYKI1S. nr.UAVPna PRESSERS niul HAT RENOVATORS agent for Edward H. Stranss & Co., FIno Tailoring. Let na niako your next suit. 255 COMMERCIAL, Phono 250-X THE FRIEND OF COOfl HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, AT 10 A.M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT POIlTUm NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMl'ANV. Phono -M. 0. F. McGKOIlCE, ir'. FAST AND COM5IODIOU8 Steamer Redondo EqulpjKtl with wireless nnd subiuailne bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR MARSHFIELD THURSDAY, NOV. 14 at 3 p.m. All Passenger Reservations From Snn FrnncUco Most B H05 Flfo HiuUUiiR, or Pier No 10. All reservations nam " Ken up 21 liours beforo sailing. INTEIUOCEAN TRANSPORTATION' CO. , PHONE 44. C. P. WflEOKUt.. "1L. Steamer Washington Sails Wednesday Noon, October 30th, from Coos Bay for San Francisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT F. 8. DOW, Aget. EQIHPPED WITH WIRELESS JW-"4 Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAIL 10 10, 23, 30. Phono Main 85-L. , Sor. lILS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK. rORTLAXD. at JPjjjoV.' , 20. FROM MARSHFIELD AT SERVICE OF 1 HE 1" j. o. niER Asetl Abstracts, Real Estate, Fw and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract & nEtntr sengstaoken, Mgr. wty Coqullle Offlco Phono 191 Platting Land P Fatou Timber Col andenU "BASTBIDR Qenoral Ag Marshleld Offlwl MI 1 U i'