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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIElU jAEGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1 912. EVENING EDITION. 3 y J-IUIMM,W.W !.-. ..-.. ffnu'n,,,, I iiniiii m a,,,,, -. yw -xtf? . uttfi jigr MmB vpuj'lvA BSr wsn-st & -r reair s WiVuw. fnr S51R tn $30. Sk Time for a New Overcoat You're invited to get one of these su nprlor coats, You will appreciate their ser ff and quality $10 to $25.00. Full lino of Wet Weather Goods, Shoes Raincoats Hats Caps Your money back if not satisfied, The Fixup .- MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND TIDES l.'OK NOVEMBER. Helow is given tho ttmo and height of high and low water nt Mnrshflcld. Tlio tides nre placed la tho order of occurrence, with their tlmca on the llrst lino nnd heights on tho second lino of each day, n compni- iRon on consccutlvo heights will tndlcato whethor It Is high or low water. For high wntor on tho bar, sulmtrnct 2 hours 34 mlnutos. 12'IIrs.. 4.58 0.49 4.11 10.47 'Ft... 1.5 3.3 0.4 0.7 13'Hrs.. 5.44 10.30 4.51 11.29 Ft... 4.1 3.7 5.9 0.3 1 1'Hra. . C.34 11.21 5.44 0.0 !Ft... 4.3 3.9 5.3 0.0 lGIHrs.. 0.12 7.23 12.22 C.25 Ft... 0.1 4.3 4.0 4.7 lC'Hrfl.. 0.59 8.15 1.39 7.28 I Ft 0.C 4.3 3.9 4.2 Always "ThelBusy Corner" The Rexall Store Raining, You Bet! but don't worry. The Busy Corner lias secured a special lot of umbrellas and are selling Ihcm at prices well, come in and see some bargains. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE MAIN 298 US Win. L. Cook, who was poshnnB tor nt Nclhnrt, Montann, writes: "I rocommond Foloy's Honoy and Tnr Compound to nil my people nnd they aro novor disappointed with It. Foley's Honoy nnd Tar Compound for coughs nnd colds gives tho host posslhlo results." For rnlo by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co., tho Busy Corner. Llbby UOAIj. TEo kind VOU havo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pnclfla Livery and Transfer Company. WANT ADS. WEATH Hit FORECAST. OREGON Fair- tbnlght and Wednesday; warmer In tho east; modorntoly high southor ly winds on tho coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. in., Nov.' 12, by llenj. Ostllnd, Rpcclnl govornmont motcorologlcnl observor: Maximum G7 Minimum 43 At 4:43 n. in 57 Precipitation 1.8C Wind southwest, rainy. social calender. TUE8DAY Lndles' Guild with Mrs. F. A. Sncclil. Crescendo Club with Professor C. A. Davidson. WEDNESDAY. Bridge Club with Mrs. J. S. Coke. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. A. Snow of Hunker Hill. bytorlnn church nt nn "odd" social. All inembers nnd friends of tho different societies aro cordially In vited to como nnd nro asked to bring their pennies. Cement Shortage. Owing to a Bhortngo of cement, tho paving nt Myrtlo Point Is being delayed. This trouble, ndded to tho bad weathor, makes It difficult for Messrs. Morrlssey nnd Small. Writes of Myrtlo Point. Tho Sunday Irsuo of tho Orogonlan con tains nn nrtlclo by Addison Hen nott regarding Myrtlo Point. Tho nrtlclo deals with tho Coos Hay- Roseburg nnd Eastern railroad, the now logging road which Is being built for the Smith-Powers Co. Ho states that Myrtlo Point Is not on tho lino of tho Willamette- Pacific, bur writes of It as n flno plnco with a bright futuro. Ho tolls In tho nrtlclo of tho early connections of Illngor llormnnn with Myrtlo Point. AMONG THE SIOIC. LOST Pair noso npockn In case. Return to Times olllco. Howard, C. S AD SICIC .9dk Mabel Mathlson was ablo to lenvo Mercy hospital tho last of tho weak and Is at her homo In Hunker Hill convalescing. , The Beauty of Corn-Fed Hogs Is that not alono docs their flesh tasto sweotor, but you fcol Hint It Is cleaner than tho swill fed kind. Our limns, bacons, sausages, etc., como from corn-fod hogH. Onro you try thorn, you will novor ngnln bo satis fied with tho other kind. MAR8IIFIELD CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Murshllcld Telephones North Bond 221 -J Two Market Bl FOR SALE 12 thoroughbred Drown Loghorns, lading hens, nnd 5 ducks. Phono 314X3. FOR SAMS At a lmrgnln, ii Web ber Upright Plnno In flno con dition. For particulars nddrcss Hox 533, Murshflold, Oro. arties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to cull at ACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make selec tion from tho large slock now ou hand. Sir. "Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marble and gramto cutter in Coos County. And nono but the best work is turned out. WAXTKD Ono cilgcriimii, wages $1 per day. Phono 2G9-L. WAXTKD To tniilo two good lolH with residence, closo In on paved part of Hrondwny for vacant lots on Improved Htrcot, south of Mill Slough. Stnto whoro your lots nro and If unincumbered. Addross, Owner, Cnro Times. FOR SALE Launch Undine; ill feot long, TVj foot bonm, 10 h. p. Just out of tho Bhops, nowly painted, nil In llrst class condition. For Quick turn $.100 ensh. EiiBlly worth $1000. Vory ItIiii nnd speedy. C. F. McGoorgo, Phono 44. FOR SALE Two Incubators mill 2 brooders. Address Hox 825 or apply Mrs. W. J. Andoison, Holso Addition. FOR SAMS Olio Hunger Hlcyclo In flrst-chiss condition; double tubo tires; prlco $25. Aililross Jiou H. Church, Mnrshflold, Oro. North Inlot. i:iiIiiil'o pIiipp. Mlrrnaoul Pros, aro enlarging tho National building on North Front street and romod- oiling and redecorntlng tho interior. Gets Contract. Tho Plo.icor Tinnlwnm C.n lins secured tho con tract for tho plumbing and heat ing installation oi mo now r-nm-side Bchool building. Tlilmblo Clnl Tho Thlmblo club will moot with Mrs. Robert Ij. Simpson of North Hond Friday af ternoon Instead of with Mrs. W. R. Simpson, ns wns nnnounccd In Saturday's calendar. WANTED ! ! t K. UPHOLSTERING AND P CLEAN, by tho Pneu- - i! company. Orders for - -" ai PROFESSIONAL 0IRE0T0RY FOR RENT Modern O room liouso In Forndnlo. Phono 171, North i Hond, Oregon. Will Entertain. Mrs. W. K. nnlloy will ontertnln tho North nond Altnr Oulld this evening nt a special work mooting. Tho iiioin bors nnd frlonds of tho Guild nro urgently requested to bo prosont. Defers Petition. Judge- Hall an nounces thnt tho Camoron potltlon to upon a saloon on South Inlet wns not prosontod to tho county commissioners last wcok. There Is strong opposition to permitting saloons outsldo of pollco regula tions. School Census. Judge John F. Hnll, clork of tho Mnrshflold Bchool district, this morning bo- ...... InlI.ur Mir fllllllint HCllOOl CCll- hiiii i.iuM.r. ... - bus of MniBhfleld. Ho will coin- pleto his work mis inniun. a mnrknii unln over Inst years cen sus Is oxnoctcd. Vino Cranberries. J. II. Plnkor ton, tho woll known North Inlot ..nnlmi. la lii Mnrnllf I old today Oil hiiBlncBS. IIo brought n snmplo box of his ramou8 enriy hiih-k crnnborrlofl to Tho Times onico to dnmonstrnto tho oxcollent quality of Coos county crnnborrles. Is Located Molvln Kern of Co qulllo. whoso wberenboiits havo not !... 1, fnr flnmn tllllO. WHS located Inst weok by Krlc Holt, when Wlllnniotto University nipt Uncle. Sam's mon nt Vnncouvor In rntl.nll Mi- K'orn la Willi t IIO englneor corps nnd Btntlonod nt Vnncouvor. Stella PotcrBon of Knstsldo, who Is III nt her homo, Is reported to bo nbout tho same. Toll ii MnTnnnra. Mm woll known bng-plpo playor and nrdont Scotch man, who has been 111 nt Mercy hospital, Is reported to In a rather nnrlmia nnntlltlnn. ITn (a tint ro- cupcrnrlng ns rapidly ns friends had Hoped for. PERSONAL NOTES WM. U'NDSTHOM of Cooston Is a Mnrsbfteld visitor. AM.IK WYMAN of South Inlet It In Mnrshflold today. MARTIN PKTKRSON of Kastsldo U in Mnrshfleld on business. JKSSE SMITH of South Coos Rlvor Is a Mnrshflold visitor today. JOB LAHSRN of Allegany Is III Mnrshflold today on business. WILLIAM CHURCH of I.oon Lnka Is In town today on business. JOHN HKNDRICKSON of North In let Is hero on business today. ALKC LARSON of Lukesldo Is a business visitor to Mnrshflcld today. H. S. LARSKN of Allegany Is a business visitor In Mnrshflold today. IRA METCALF of South Inlet is In Mnrshfleld on business and pleasure. FRED nURNELL Is In Mnrshflold from his homo on North Coof River. MnS. OEORQE ROURKE of Dun ker Hill Is n Mnrshflcld shopper today. WARREN PAINTER of North1 Rend wns n Mnrshflold visitor today. I AT THE HOTELS. CHANDLER Ron Rytho, Port land; W. E. Host, Handon; ra. a Crump, Handon; John P. Durfeo, Drain; Roy Kalstor. Uutto, Mont.; P. M. Wlgglnton, Portland; J. C. Phillips. San Francisco; II. II. Don nboy, Portlnud, Win. Luco, Porr Innd. HLANCO C. Carter, Myrtlo Point; Jcsso Hnskln, Coqutllo; C. 8. Lollmnn, Sau Francisco; T. A. Child, Coqulllo; C. A. WnllB, Coos nay; J. M. Merchant, noavor Hill; A. J. McOovern, San Frnnclsco; Frnnk P. Mnlloy, Westport, Pa ; Robert Costollo, South Inlot. COOS Chns. Underwood, Camp 7; J. C. Hnckor, Portland; W. HrowiiBon, Scnttlo; Alfred Rodtuo, Allognny; J. M. Fltz, Lampn; F. A. Atchlnson, Lnmpn; Edith nnd Mary Johnson, North Hond; Gra ham Youngnuin, Coqulllo; A. Lnk onaho, Onrdlnor; A. n. Nolson, Portland; Paul Olvas. Portland; M. Charleston, Handon; Al Smith, Coori Rlvor. TIIAXKSHIVINfl tally and plnco CARDS. Also a FULL LINE of XOVKIriKS at NORTON .Vi MAX KKX'S TWO STORES. STEAMER FIVIELD will lenvo HANDON for SAN FRANCISCO about Wednesday, Nov. 1il. Rosorvntlon enn bo hnd at Alislruct Olllco. Stop That Itch! I will guaranta yaii la ttop thai llch In two ocondi. A 25 cant bottle will prova II. No remedy Hint I Imvo over noli! for Kcruinii, 1'iJorlnHlH, nnd all otlior illMeoMert of tlin Hkln Iium kIwii inoro thorouKli eatlHfactlon tliuu tlio D. D. D. Prescription (or Eczema I jjuarantcu this romeJy. Rod Cross Drug Storo -rurl Bakery Lunch LOUIS STONE of Catching Inlot wan a business visitor in Mnrsh fleld today. OLADDIS HOWARD of North' In let Is In Mnrshflold today visit ing friends. DAVIS HOWARD of North Inlot cutno to Marshfleld this morning ou business. MRS. GROVER GUILLIAMS of Daniels Creek wnB In town to day shopping. MATT ANDERSON has movod front South Hrondwny to his now" homo near Newport. C. SJONHERO nnd family bnvo just moved Into tho Holuhort flat on South Broadway. WALTER ELLIOTT, who camo up tho Hay from his South Inlot homo yesterday, returned today. II. A. WELLS nnd IVY CONDRON. left yestordny nftornoon for n threo dnys' hunt In tho Sand. Hills. CO'NO & HARVEY, I'hono lim ttures& framing "alker Studio KlXQ AM) REPAIR WORK, ii.epared t0 d this work ii....' Dr Contract anil ninrnn ' "on- Let us figure with you. ' - 'JAilD & CO., A,8J. C,l..l..,.i "iiiiriii, rrn. ThatRoof Fixed waoiiTIIELL uiflfi 0121. !J Wi JIAII, YOU u ,'' et or oM hit -. ulu r aiB0 i goi "'Boest nr cen Jeflry anrt paid tor Watches, Preclou lcu "'snes i:t '"!ey Ra,. .. . '. rZu) 7 "eiufn Mall. Chf,h, . , zo Yeara- m JO DENTISTS. IW5' y?urGold Pilllngj, rfi(1 Platinum. High OLIVIA KDMAX, MechniiO'Tlicrnplst Scientific Swedish .Massage, Medical Gymnastics .125 S. Slvlh St. Phono 2D.VH. y 41 E OEL OSTLINI), I'lnno Tuner ami Repairer. 415 S. Sixth Streot. Phono 103-L DNa LOUISE IuRSON, Pianist and Teacher. Phono 2B4-R. I. W. IIENNETT Bennett Swanton, Tom T. Dennetl Attorneys nnd Counsellors nt Law. Flanngan & Dennett Rank Rulldlng. Marshfleld, Coos Co,, Oregon. PERL RILEY RALLINGER Tianlst and Teacher Resldenco-Studlo, 237 So. Broadway Phono 18-L. LEW KEYZER, Violin Instructor. Apply nnines Music Store. Class Starts Scptomber 1. W" S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT. Marshfleld. Qrogon. DR. w. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Hiiildliig, over Grand Theater. UHico i"" " . I-'OIt RENT I'liriiished rooms, largo, with modern convonlonces. Apply R, cnro Tlmos. FOR RENT Rooms siiltnblo for two or threo gentlemen. Also house keeping roms. 321 S. Broadway. FOR REXT Threo light housekeep ing rooms, nonr Sun ofllco. Mrs. P. Lapp. WAXTED Swedish or Finnish girl for housework. Inqulro nt Iioubo at comor of Tenth and Elrc-d Ave, H, Nerdrum. - FOR REXT Wnrehouso nnd olllco. Formorlv occupied by Goodrum's gnrngo at tho foot of Central Ave. Apply C F. McGeorgo, Agent. WAXTED Position nt smnll wages In doors, for tho winter. Address, W. H. Burglmgen, Marshfleld, Ore. ii.... imImi-oiI ninrenco. tho eight vear old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Holsnor, who llvo on tho .Tn cnb Mnttson rnnch on North Inlot. was qulto badly Injured by a fall vestorday. Ho was brought to town for treatment, but his arm Is bo badly Bwollon thnt It could not bo definitely dotormlnod whothor It wns broken. Will Give Social. Tho Young People's Socloty of tho Presbytor Inn church will ontertnln tho other young pooplo's soclotiefl of tho city next Frldny ovonlng nt the Pros- A. J. nntley, n railroad englneor, Hntosvlllo. Ark., says: "I stifforwl with kidney nnd blnddor trouble so bad I was unnblo to work. I bad such sovoro pains In my back I could hardly got up. I tried sev eral physicians with no result, but Foloy Kidnoy Pills havo done won ders for mo. I recommend them to all." For sale by Lockhart-Parsons Drug n the Rnsv Corner. ROOM nnd HOARD 207 North Hid St. corner Commorclnl. MONEY TO LOAN On Piano, furnl ture. personal property, ore. Call from C to 8 p. m. H. H. Hnrpor 334 First stre9t. Thono 349-J. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir nnd al der, nt Campbell's Wood Ynrd, Ferry landing. Phono IM-L. W. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 and 302, Coke Building Marshfleld. Oregon. DR. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. Wa are equipped to do high class Wwork on Bhort notice at the very Umeet prices. Examlna Ion free. Lady attendant. Coke Bldg.. Opp. Chandler Hotel, phone 112-J. ROOM AND HOARD Tho Roycrest, 388 First street, l'noco i-.. Try Tho Times' Want AdB. Umbrellas Covered aC Marshfield'Cyclery Pny(qn Agents. Phono 188-R 173 Broadway Fresh Fruits and Vegetables on today's Breakwater. Order that Thanksgiv ing Turkey NOW. Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MABKEY'S CANDIES In nddltlon to our bakery wo aro prepared to sorvo delicious lunch eons. Eggs Any Stjle. Oystcra Any Slyle. lluluty SandwIchi'H. A dollcloiiH cup of coffeo, a good ...... nf tun lii fnrt niivtliliiir thnt' enn bo found nt n first-class bnk- ory lunch. . 133 N. 2nd St. Phono 112-L. TONIGHT at The Royal Mock-Sud-AIII nnd Miss Dorothy Wood piesciit new sketch nnd nm glo. Miss Juno Hall In new songs. IN PHOTO PLAY flniimoiit Weekly No. 25 Vcngeunro Thnt I'liilcil I Tho Greatest of Theso Is Clmrlly. 2 ACTS!. PICTURES 15e to lower fltHir. Balcony 10c II. J. BROWN, who hns been vis iting nt his ranch on North In lot, returned to North Hond this morning. OUS HOY, who hns n- homestead on n branch of Pnckard Creole, Is In Marshflold attending to business. OWEN MOORE nnd wlfo of Catch ing Inlot nro In Mnrshflold on their way to South Coos Rlvor to vlslr friends. F. A. HAINES returned to Myrtlo Point yestordny In resiimo chnrgo of tho engineering on tho Smith Powers road. CIIAUNCEY CLARKE, tltnekoopor nt Smith-Powers Camp No. 1, on South Coob Rlvor, was In Mnrsh fleld last evening on business nml plensuro. ELLIS GRANT, who has boon clerking nt tho Ch'nrlcB Stauff Grocery storo, has tnkon a posi tion with tho Western Union as niosBoiiKor boy. MR. nnd MRS. EUGENE O'CON NELL nro in Snn Frnnclsco vis iting Mrs. Mlnott and Mrs. .Ins. Grcoii. They oxpoct It) bo homo tho 'Inst of tho month. MRS. HERBERT ROGEHS or South Coos River expects to loavo next weok for San Fran cisco on nn iixtonded visit to her daughter, Mrs, Molchor Nol boh. MR. HENDEL. nn omployo of tho Smith mill, wns In Multifield today on business. Mr. Rondel Ip tnklng n two weeks' vncaMon. which he oxpects to spend nt. homo. a M The Fashion! Tailors For Ladies arid Gents defining, Pressing, and Alterations ISOFrantSt Twlngos of rhoumiitlflm, bnckncho, stiff Joints, nnd shooting pains nil show your kldnoys nro not worklnr right. Urinary irregularities, loss of slcop, norvoiisnees, weak bnck and flora kldnoys toll tho need of a good rellablo kidnoy modlclno. Fo ley's Kidnoy Pills nro tonic, strengthening nnd rostoratlvo. Tboy build up tho kidneys nnd rogulnto their action. Tboy will glvo you, quick rollot and contain no hnbltf firming drugs. Snfo and always mo. Try them. For salo ly Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co., tho Hue' Cornor. r OPEB-EXtRA-i CHO'CiOLATES-tl- C9NrECTI9NS Just received a fresh assort ment at tho Leading Drug Storo for quality goods and Penslar Remedies. I M 't ri