THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1912. EVENING EDITION. fMWf Goods ro&t ALL dPfe WANTED ! ! ! IJWCTS UPHOLSTERING AND -. iu ui,ka., Dy tho Tuou. Fc Cleaning Company. Orders for f uktn at COI.S'a & HARVEY, Phone ion Pictures & Framing Walker Studio FttUHXGI AM) P.KPAIlt WORK, "owe Moving nnd Grading. kaTf..ify or cont"act and guarantee -"u. i,et us figure with you, Q B. FLOYD & no.. tee816-J. MarrfiflAlil. Ofa. ,....., --w we That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Pnoyp. ai2i. WE WITT ..,, '"" .'till I J IUU 91 r ICB eet of nlH noi ir ! Gold a ?he8t Pr,ces pald tur Itohn ' 0,d Watches hill lry and Pcloui tSn18ent by Return Mall. ; 8ncltlnB & Refining Co. 3riT. t uea zo Year8- V ., 7 DENTISTS. oto 8!r.n y ySur 0o,d PilUngj, SJjgJj"d Platinum. High L5eTim Men's Shoes hTfivyy wwjBP I "Hunkidori" Chippewa High Tops Woolen Mill Store Men's Outfitters. Always "TheBusy Corner" The Rexall Store Christmas Announcement Wo wish to iiuuoiiiico to tho ikmijiIo of Mnihfleld and greater Coos County that mo Mill Ih) ready In two flays to nhinv tho biggest and bent CliilstiuitH display that was over bIhiwii In Coos County. I'rofivulH for every member of tlio family nt lowest prices. Your Inflection invited. 'Yon nro welcome." Wo ex pect to seo you. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE- MAIN 298 US PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY OLIVIA ERMAN, Mechaiio-Thernplst Sclontlflo Swodlslf Massago, Modlcal Gymnastics 325 S. Sixth St. Phono 20.1-R. Joel OSTL1ND, Piano Tuner nnd Repairer. 41G S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L EDNa I.OUI8R LARSON, Pianist nnd T Tcnclier. Phono 254-R. I W. UKNNUTT Oonnott Swanton, Tom T. Donnett Attorneys and Counsellors nt Law. Flanagan & Ilennctt Hank Huilding. Marshflold. Coos Co., Oregon. PERL RILEY BALLINGER Pluulst nnd Teacher Resldenco-Studio, 237 So. Broadway Phone 18-1 LEW KEVZER, Violin Instructor. Apply Haines Music Store. Class Storta September 1 W JL 8. TURPEN, ARCIUTKUT. Mnrshfleld. Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Building, over Grand Theater. Ofllco Phono 320. W. . CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 nnd 302, Coke Building Marshfield, Oregon. DR. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. We are equipped to do high clui work on short notice at tho very lowet prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Bldg., Opp. Chandler Hotel, pnono . es Does Job Printing In our exclusive Men's Shoe department we are showing the most up-to-date line of Men's Footwear We are sole agents for Selz Royal Blue $3.50 to $5.00 Florsheim Shoes $5.00 to $6.00 for Loggers WANT ADS. FOR SALE Launch Undine; .11 feet long, 7 Vi foot beam, iO h. p. Just out of tho shops, nowly painted, all In first class condition. For a quick turn 1500 cash. Easily worth $1000. Very trim and speedy. C. F. McGeorgo, Phono 44. FOR SALE Two Incubators nnd Si, brooders. Address Uox 82G or I npply Mrs. W. J. Andorsou, Uotso1 Addition. I POH HAMv Ono Hunger Hlcyclo In llrat-clnHH condition; doublo tubo tires; prlco ?25. Address Dort II. Church, Mnrshriold, Oro. North Iulot. FOIt RENT Modern 0 room houso In Forndalo. Phono 171, North Hond, Oregon. WANTED Waitress. Dnltlmoro Cnfc l-'OIt RENT Furnished rooms, large, with modern conveniences.; Apply It, enro Times. WANTED Carrier boy to deliver Times In South Marshflold. Must ho over twolvo yoara old and bo In Fourth grndo or abovo In school. Inqulro nt Times offlco. FOR RENT Rooms Bitltnblo for two or threo gcnilomon. Also houso keeping ronis. 321 S. Ilrondwny. FOIt HUNT Threo light housekeep ing rooms, nonr Sun ofllco. Mrs. P. Lapp. FOR SALE Cheap, Hone. O. II. Walter. WANTED Swedish or Finnish girl for housowork. Inqulro at houso at corner of Tenth nnd Elrod Avo. II. Nordrum. -- : rr i.-Mf inVTWiirplimiKn mill omcc. Formerly ocquplod by Goodrum'a' garngo at tho root or uomrai avo. Apply C. P. McGoorgo, Agent. WANTED Position ut small wagon J in uoors, ior me wnuur. auuiotp,, W. H. Hurghagon, Marshflold, Ore.( ROOM nnd BOARD 207 North 3rd St. corner Commercial. MONEY TO LOAN On Piano, funil turo, personal proporty, etc. Cnll from C to 8 p. m. H. II. Harper 334 First strest. Phono 349-J. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and nl- dor, at Campbell's wooa xara, Ferry landing. Phone lM'L. ROOM AND BOARD- The Roycrest, 388 First Btreet, Phono iaj-. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. Umbrellas Covered at Marshf ielcT Cyclery Dayton Agents, i.hmift 1S8-R 172 Broadway The Fashion Tailors For Ladies and Gents Clenning, Pressing, and Alterations lSOFrantSt mm TIIMS roil NOVEMBER. Below la given tlio tlmo and height of high nnd low water nt Mnrshfleld. ) Tlio tides aro placed In the. order of occurrence, with tholr times on, the first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; n compai-; isun on conBocutlvo holghts will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. Tor high water on tho bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. 11 Mrs.. 1.13 0.10 3.34 10.07 I Ft... 4.8 3.0 0.9 1.1 12 Mrs.. 4.f.S 0.40 4.11 10.47 Ft. 4.C 5.41 4.1 0.3 I 4.3 3.3 10.30 3.7 11.21 3.9 0.4 4.51 CO 5.41 D.3 -0.7 lHIIIrs.. IFt... ll'ltrs.. Ft... 11.29 -0.3 0.0 0.0 WEATHER I-XIHECAST. OREGON Fair tonight and Tuesdny; warmer In tho cast; moderately high southom wind on tho coast. local temperature record. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. m., Nov. 11, by HenJ. Ostllnd, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 55 Minimum 43 At 4:43 a. in 48 Precipitation 03 Wind southwest, cloudy. BORN. EVEltITT Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. OcorRO Evorltt of Pint II, a 10 U pound dtitightur. No Council Tonight Tho Marsh flold city council will not moot un til next Monday night, having nd Journcd nt tho Inst mooting for two weckB. IMiiiih lo Ilulld. I. S. Kaufman Is planning to erect n flno homo on Central avenue, Just oast of Dr. Toyo'H rcsldcnco. Ho recently pur chased tho lots from Dr. Mlngus. Hard Trip. A lottcr from Rov. Fathor Donnolly to n friend tolls of tho snfo arrival In San Fran cisco of tho Very Itor. Father Mc Mnhon nnd hlmBolf nftor a rough nnd wot trip, Sell PlnyhouHc. G. J. I.omnn- old tirnnrtotnr of tllO ItOVfll mov ing plcturo show houso nt Coqullle, hns sold his houso of Coqulllo,; tho Royal, ro Arthur Dixon of tho Gormand-Ford Co. Go(m1 Hunting. Mr. nnd Mrs. nurt DoroimiB and R. C. Cordes roturned this morning from a, threo dnys' hunt In tho Sand Hills. Thoy brought homo 18 duckH nnd threo geese, Canndlnn honkors. Ropalr City Hall Tho city coun cil commlttco Is having Contract or Hyerly ropalnt and ropnper tho Interior of tho city hnll. Thoy. hnvo not yot lot tho contrnct for, tho proiiosed nltorntlonB and heat ing systom. Llttlo Girl Returns. Margaret, O'Donnoll, who loft horo nhout threo wcoka ngo to nttond tho Sls torB1 School nt Eugono, roturned on tho Inst Hrcakwator. Margaret, who Ib nlno yoara old, mndo tho tTlp alono from Eugono. i Child Dies. Tho two weokB old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Eric son of Portor dlod yeetordny of In-' fnntllo dlsonBos. Tho llttlo ono I, n.l In. on nllhii' lint n short tllllO. ' Tho many frlonds of tho family unlto In oxtondlng tholr aympathy. IMeiiM-H liOcn Men. Tho ro-olec-, tlon of Gov. Eborhnrt of-Minnesota Is very pleasing to most of tho many former Minnesota mon horo nnd particularly to E. Magnusson nnd Aug. Prlzeen. Mr. Mngnus son Ib a cousin of Gov. Eborlmrtl nnd Mr. Prlzoon was a frlond of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables on today's Brcnkwntcr. Order thnt Thanksgiv ing Turkey NOW. Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASKEV'S CANDIES TONIGHT Bt TKe Royal THREE ACTS VAUDEVILLE Mock-Snd-Alll, Illusionist. Miss Dorothy Wood, dniicer. Misi Juno Hall will hig two new hongs THREE REELS NEW PICTURES- Tlio Stolen Cub Heir to tho Bear Creek Ranch Oiwu to Projvosals Ciiiulyvlllo PallH. ThlB week we aro offering es pecially good programs. Admission, 15o for lower floor, 10c upstairs. the noNcrnor's when the two were ouni; men In St, Pe'tr. Minn. Mr. Mr Mn;nuHsoit Is an nrchltcd. who recently located on tho llnj. In Chicago. Geo. Dlndlngor Is In receipt of a letter from his brother, W. II. Dludlnger, saying ho should reach Chicago today. Mr. Dlndltigor wild that tho trip from Coos Day to Drain was awful. Visit Mr, ilnckxou. A party of Kebekahs consisting of Mrs. Ida Patterson, Mrs. C. 15. Powers, Mrs. It. C. Noblo and Mrs. J. I.eo Hrown yesterday vlBltod Mrs. Chas. Jackson on Cntchlng Inlet. She Is in n critical condition and It Is fenred she cannot survive long. End Invest liriitlou. Coronor P. 13. Wilson has returned from Coqulllo wncrc no ronciuiied tho Investigation of tho sudden death of Mrs. Nancy Cunningham. Ho has decided not to do anything further about It now, tho ovldcnco Indicating that tho victim was personally responsible for the fa- tal act. Couple Separate Tho trouble. between Win, 15. Clements nnd wlfo of Hay City wero terminated quickly with Constnblo Cox for modlntor. Thoy agreed to scpar- nto anu divided their heiongiugs, tho wlfo returning to tho homo of nor parcntn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lenton of Enstsldo. Htnko Elected. Word has been received horo of tho election of Bruco Blako of Spoknno to mipor- lor Judgeship of Spoknno county Mr. Hlnke, who Is only 30 years old, Is a brother or J. M. Hlnko, n ono-tlmo resident of Marshflold, and linn many friends on tho Hny, having visited hero many times. Gets Construction Picture). W. P. Harmon hnB Just received threo flno pictures of construction work on tho Kiigonc-CooB Hny lino. Tho pictures nro bolng dlsplnycd In his show window on Front street. Thoy wero tnkon by IT. O. Colomnn, formerly of Marshflold, hut now of Spoknno, during a trip over tho road to near Florence nhout n month ngo. OpeiiH Fine Place. I.old'B now bnkcry nnd dellcntcsson oponod on Second street Ib n llttlo gem. Ho splendent In white, pinto glass and French mirrors It Is n remlndor of n metropolis, Tho nxures nro olnborato and bcntlful, Tho ten room with Its nnowy llnon, rnro gold and white China nnd gllttorlng silver Is ono of tho prottlest moms In tho city. It liolps mnko MnrBhllold a mtnlnturo motropolls nnd ono of tho biggest lit tlo cities on tho Pncltlc Coast, Orphcum I'VitlurvM TucMlay. To morrow night (Tuesdny) tho Orpho um, tho houso of photoplay, will glvo nn oxhlbltlon of nil fenturo plcturcn, including n Pntho Weekly, showing Bcones from throo Orogon townB. A ntnrtllng part of tho program will bo tho destruction of n largo steel veo roI by dynamlto. An educational plcturo and n strongly dramatic story completes tho bill. Tho houso "whoro motion pictures look bettor," hnB demonstrated to tho public thnt thoy nro Allowing tho best pictures tho world 'affords and nro making a de cided success of feat nro nlghtH such us Is promised for tomorrow night. HOUSINGER INJURED. Well Known Young .Man MccIh wllli HerloiiH Accident. Roscoo Ilolslnger, n young man om nlovod at tho MeDoiinld-Vaughan log ging camp nnd well known In tho county, wns seriously hurt today whllo ut work In tho camp. Ho fell off n carload of logs and fracturod his skull. Tho Injured man was brought to Mercy hospital whoro ho Ib bolng attended. Ills Injury Is re garded as sorlous. Ilolslnger Is about 20 years old and Is quite well known. Ho has boon In tho logging business for somo years pnst and Inst stimmor wns In chnrgo of a part of tho auto lino from Alio gany to Drain In which Jnck McDon nld was Interested. Ho wns a good auto drlvor as woll as a first class logger and was n young mnn of good hnbltB and hnd mnny frlondB In this locnllty. Holslngor'B homo Ib In Doug laB county whoro hla relatives Hvo. SALMON TROLLING OUTFITS at THE GUNNERY. . Tho PORTLAND DAILY EVENING TELEGRAM by Mull entire year of HUH for nnd Imlanco of this year FREE. Hand your niuno to NORTON & HANSEN. . Wet Weather Goods 1 Tho storms nnd rnlns won't ho thor you if you will drop In nnd lot us rig you out. It won't cost near as much to bo properly dressed for tho Inclomont weather as a spoil of sickness may cost you, not to speak of tho dangor of more serious cuiibuiiuuiicwj. We Have Sllckors for men and boya. English Slip-ons, CO and 54-Inch. Aquapollo pantB nnd coals and leggings. Rubber Hats. Rubber Boots for mon, wonion, boyH and children, Rubbora for men, womon, boys and children. High top Boots for mon nnd hoys, Loggors' Shirts. Umbrellas. In fact everything. Just drop In and seo how good nnd roason alilo our lino is. The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phono 32. $ PERSONAL NOTES ltlt.LIS SHOUT Is In town from his Lakeside home. lll.lTOltD DAVIS of Coos lllvcr Is In town today. OTTO HILL of Coos lllvcr Is horo att.llng to business. EVAN HODSON of South Coos Hlvor Is In town today. L. .T. SIMPSON of North Uend wns In Marshflold today. NEPTUNE YOUNG of Lakesldo Is a Marshflold visitor today. ANDREW STOItA of Coos Rlvor Is in Mnrshflold on business. A. S. HAMMOND of North Bond Is n Mnrshfleld visitor today. MItS. G. C. MOORE of Isthmus In let la a Marshflcld shoppor to day. H. 15. BESSEY nnd daughters of Mllllcomn wero In Mnrshfleld to day. MItS. JOE SCHAFEIt of Goldon Falls was In Mnrshfleld for tho day. MItS. EMMA SAVAGE of North In let Is In Marshflold today shop ping. CHAS. HEISNER of North Inlet Is In Mnrshfleld looking nftor bus iness. MRS. ED NOAII of North Coos lllvcr wna n Marshflold shopper today. Ali VELDI5 camo to Marshflold this morning from his North In let place. MISS MARY WALL of North Bond spent Sunday In MnrBhftold vis iting friends. MHS. ABHIE HltAINAllD nnd chil dren of Lnkesldo aro In Mnrsh fleld for tho day. Mil. AND MItS. AUSTIN IIOQEHS wero In Mnrshflold todny from South Coos River. P. E. HAGUE nnd II. 15. BOLTON wont to Myrtlo Point on tho train this morning. WALTER BUTTERS of Allognny Camo to Mnrshflold this morn ing to spend tho day. MR. AND MRS. W. A. LUSB of South Coos Hlvor woro uusincs visitors In Mnrshflold today. MRS, A. L. M'DONALD nnd dnughtor, Ruth, aro In Mnrsh flold today from Blnck Crcok. WM. BONEBRAKE of Catching Inlot enmo to Mnrshfleld this morning with n shipment of po tntoos. REV. FATHER SPRINOER is ox poctod homo next Wednesday from n missionary visit to Gar dlner. CAPT. WALTER RUSSELL of tno launch Shnmrock hnB moved his family from North Marahflnld to North Bond, MRS. It. M'CANN of North Bond was tho guest yostonlny of her 'daughter, Mrs. E. It. Hudson of South MnrBhflold. GEO. BEATTY, who has been em ployed In D. A. Curry's barber shop, Iiiib gono to Gnrdlnor to conduct a shop thoro, MItS. MAGGIE OGREN returned from n business trip to Gnrdl nor this morning nnd loft on tho 2 o'clock train for hor homo In Bnndon, WATT SHORT, who l In from Ton Mllo, snya that tho run of salmon In Ton Mllo crook rc contly wnB bo big that pnrtlos lined pitchforks In throwing tho fish out mi tho banks. AT THE HOTELS. I BLANCO P. L. Jones. Scottshurg;' D. P. Hnmgan, Myrtlo Point; Topr Walters. Tar Heel; Joe Mnstls, City: W. E. Finney, City; C. A. Wnlls, Coos nay: W. Ross, City. LLOYD -C, M. Johnson. Portland: D. II. Otis, Mnrshnold; B. Barnott, Llbby: O. J. Kaufman, City: Rlshn. McDonnld, Lakesldo: D. L. McDon ald, Lakesldo. CHANDLER E, Hlncheey, Port land; C. C. Cnthoy. Portland: Frank Van Doron, Win, Van Doron, Pitts burg, Pn.: A. Ilnlll, San Fran cisco; D. M. Gray San Francisco: E. 8. Green. San Joso; G. P. Dans, City;1 Otto Olsen, Portlnnd: John Tollofson, Mnrshfleld: L. J. Simpson, North, Bond: B. II. Amos, Snn Franclscojt J, 8. Lyons, Coqulllo. UPEB-rXTEA-i '" ' ' " A CHP'CQLATES.ft.- cv.C9NrECTI9NS Just lx'telved a nshort inent at tho Lending Drug Storo for tiuiillty goods nnd Peiislar IleiuetlloH. 1 um &mwm m : i i i i