The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 09, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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    9, 1912. EVENING EDITION.
Royal Baking Powder exceeds
others in leavening power, in purity
and wholesomeness, and is used
generally in families, exclusively in
the most celebrated hotels and res
taurants, by the United States Army
and Navy, and wherever the best
and finest food is required. Teachers
of cooking schools and lecturers upon
culinary matters use and recom
mend the Royal.
Royal is the only baldng powder
made from Royal Grape Cream of
Tartar. It is admittedly the best and
most healthful baldng powder made.
When you know what is best,
please ask for it.
nnd Mrs. Lomloiix with a beautiful
rut glnm bowl. A Biibstnutlnl
luncheon wns served- nt n Into hour.
TIiobo who composed tho pnrty
were: Mr. nml Mr. Tom llnrvoy.
Mr. nml Mrs. .1. W. Mitchell, Mr.
nml Mrs. H. Wolls, Mrs. C. Wells,
Mr. nml Mrs. Kranlc Donning, Mr.
nml Mrs. I.cnileux nml Arthur Mil
from Pngo Two.l
nml Mrs. It. A. Copplo, tho Indies of
tho C. V. I). M. entertained tho men
of tho congregation of tho Christian
church with n Hnllowo'on gathering.
Tho dccorntlotiB woro of tho nutumu
tints; yellow dahlias, foniB nml nut
uinn lenvos being used effectively.
Tho program follows:
.1 Scripture rending nud prayer
2. Pnpor "Our Organization nnd Its II. Mllnor, Dan E. Mnlonoy, Gcorgo V.
UohiiIIr" Murch. Arthur McKoown. K. I. Mor-
Mrs. U. A. Copplo. rlHsoy, Clnudo N'usburg. A. K. Noff,
9. rinno boio w. . .moiioisoii, a. it. u'lirien, n, u.
Alfred Howard. Ostllnd, F. M. Parsons, C. It. Peck,
A. "Llttlo Tnlk on Tlmoly Topics" C, K. Perry. A. II. I'owoi-h, Frod Pow-
W. A. Hold. era, Hugo QulBt, A. O. ltogors, Nols
C. Vocnl solo. Kiihiiiiihsoii, Hoyd rtlehnrdson, Otto
llln RlnM T AniltlAV M, II nl r ,IP II II Kill inn nil. MinHlna
Among tho number present were Stnuff, Henry Songstnchon, D. Y.
K. Ilrnivnliif?. Vnrv Tlrnii'tilnt. W. M.
Illnko, L. K. Ilalllnger, 0. M. Ilylor,
W. S. Chnndlor, O. Chundlor, J.
S. Coko, F. K. Colinn, T. Engolhurt,
Elllo Fnrrlngor, J. II. Flnnngnn. I). C.
fll-conn. A. H. fllillnv. V. A. Hnlrlon.
Oeorgo Golsondorfor, It. F. Oobhurdt,
frame imguo, A. T. iialnos, J. T.
Hull. F. U. llorton, 10. K. Jones, a.
Kuufninn. V. II. Kennedy. Dorsov
Kroltzor, F. 10. Leofo, II. Lockhnrt,
J. A. MiitHon. W. F. MelOldownov. J.
4k III" II H W II U III If U I I'ivmviiv , j '.iii iivinj TUMK"lvltUII J,. 1
Itov. nnd Mrs. '., O. Downrd. Mr. nnd Stuffnrd. F. Htoll, Itobcccn Luso-
Mrs. V. A. Hold, Mr. and Mrs. Cieo. Stump. A. Toyo. II. S. Towor. W.
Colomnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. 10. C. Drows, S. Turpon nml .1. M. Upton; Misses
Mr. nnd Mrs. Immol, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilnrnum, Evolyn Amlorson, Esther
Dnrlilo, .Mrs. narry rainier. .Mm. .mhiusou, kuim i.ouiso l.nrson, Annn
Miller. Mrs. Illnln, Mrs. llnrrott, MoEldownoy, Itoso Myron, Clnrn My
Miss llosslo Immol, Miss Mao ion. Maud Painter nnd Itnmonn Itnd
Lctumcx, .Miss Viola llnrrott, Mlssos cllffe.
Dorothv nnd Lnv nn Pa liter. Miss
Atflwtii; mill ...(.i . ....... ...
Ittnii.ilio Piitmln nml MfiBUl'B Otto OL
eon, John Motloy, Alfred Howard and
Wayne Painter nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, It.
A. Copplo.
? ?
Tho reception tendered Itov. nnd
Mrs. II. I. Itutledgo nt tho Mothodlst
Episcopal church Inst evening was
111) exceedingly rlitnvnliln nfPnlr In
. , . 7 ovory way. In uplto of tho Incloniont
Mrs. Win. Horsfnll. Jr., wns host- wontlior, thoro wns n goodly nuinbor
ess nt n inuslcnlo inntlnoo yesterday jnesont.
nftornoon nt her homo on Central Tho churcli nudltorlum was vory
Aveiuio, which was tho delight of nil attractively and tnstofully nrrangod
J"UBU"1; ., ., ,. , . wiui sprays mm ciustors or ovor-
Tho hoiiBo wna nrtlstlcnlly decornt- K,.oonrt ,, l)0()MO,B of various colorod
cd In yellow autumn leaves and yol- chrysnnthomunis.
low clirysnnthoniiiins. Yellow paper Tj,0 voluntnry by Mrs. W. F. Irish
cliyrsthomunis softened tho glare of wnB followed by congregntlonnl sing
tho electric lights mid the gowns of K, p, Kt Allcn oxt0nded tho wol
tho performei-8 cnrrlod out tho yollow ,.0ino from tho church nnd congrogn
color Bchenie, which ronilnded ono of tlon. Tho recltntion so nbly given by
yellow glow of an nutumu sun. llttlo Josophlno Savago groatly pleas-
Mrs. Horsfnll wns nsslsted nt tho e,j tho nudlenco.
door by her daughter. Marian. IOncli drootlngs from nil tho churches
guest wns presented with a beautiful Woro extended by Itov, A. F. Hnss
program of nutuinn brown shnde. ford, pastor of tho First Baptist
bearing tho crost and monogram of church.
tt' house. This program read as uov. Hutledge ropllod with words
,Jt.iiows and wns a rare treat to tho 0f npprcclntlon of tho kind words nnd
jiiuslc lovers present. Kncn mini nor thoughtful acts which demonstrated
was an Inspiration and displayed tho peoplo's regard for him.
mnrkod ability on the pnrt of tho per- After n social tlmo of conversation,
formor nnd tho Coos llayltes felt n ro croam nnd enko woro sorved by
nulver of prldo becauso Miss Larson tho younc Indies of tho church
is n Coos liny girl, Her tcehniquo Is iieforo going home, n mimbor of
jiuo nnu nor iiim phuiic iiiiiumiunru mo younger people gathored nround
In Mnrshllold Is mnrked with success, tho organ nnd participated In sovoral
Miss Larson wna ably nsslsted by rousing church songs.
Mrs. Maynio Stanley OUIloy as soloist ...
.Airs. William iiuihiuii, .ir,, no v . 4
Hev. 11. K. Hengtson has received
an nuununcoment of the ninrrlago of
Miss Jlyrn Kllznboth Camp to .Air.
Frank L. Itrown at tho homo of tho
bride's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred
iieuiiett. In Hoseburg. October (!.
They will reside In Hoseburg. Miss
Cnmp forn'orly resided In Mnrshllold.
making her home with Itov. nnd Mrs.
Uengtsdii while sho was teaching
school here. She also taught a Tow
tonus at Allegany. Sho loft hero
about four years ago. Her many
Cons Hay friends will unlto In extend
ing best wishes to tho young couple.
! : :
Coos Hay friends hnvo received
tho announcement of tho ninrrlngo
of Miss l,cln Hueklnghnni of Han
don nnd Mr. Hnrry Chcosoninn of
near Monmouth, which took place
October 2(1.
The wedding of .Tames Wall nnd
Miss Cntherlnn PnHtor wna nni...i..
cd nt St. Monlcn's Church Wednes
day morning nt 7:. 10 o'clock by the
Hev. Father Miinro. After n wed
ding brenkfnst nt tho homo of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hnrry Winkler, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Wnll left for Hnndon on u short
honoymoon trip.
Tho now homo on Fourteonth and
Conimcrclnl will bo occupied nbout
tho first of Decombor.
A .;.
Miss Vesta McCulloch of North
Hend nnd Chnrles Onuntlott of Km
plro will bo mnrrlcd this ovcnlng nt
Miss McCulloch Is tho daughter of
J-c- McCulloch nnd Is well known In
this vicinity. Mr nminiinti i.. ...
ployed by tho Southern Orogon com-
I'iiuy ai liiipirC.
Tho brldo nnd groom will return to
IOmpIro Monday whoro they will mnko
their futuro homo.
.J. .; ..
Tho St. Patrick's Society Is plan
ning n bnll for Thnnksglvlng ovo nt
tho KngleB' Hnll.
s .
Tho Mitrshllolil High School Lltor
nry Society hold nnothor of tholr
soml-nionthly meotlngs Inst Thursdny
ovenlng, nt tho High School building.
Tho program was as follows:
1. Singing by Society.
2. Ilnlknn Trouble
.Mildred Storey.
.". Heading
Miss IOsthor Sllvormnn.
I. Election Report.
Arthur Kolstndt.
C Impromptu "Woinnn Suffrngo In
Walter Jonson.
C. Discussion of Pnrllnmoutnry Lnw.
Mr. Morris.
7. Singing by Socioty.
On a Hiiggestlon of Mr. Morris, It
was decided to hnvo n short drill In
Pnrllnmontnry Lnw ovory meeting to
glvo tho students nn Iden of how to
conduct n mooting.
nccomnnnlst, i
Mrs. Oldley. who wns in hor usual
good voice, In a number of songs. At her homo on Hnll Avenue Inst
displnyed hor wonderful volco control Tuesdny afternoon, Miss lOva Dresser
nn.l annt. llllnllkl'ntnt lOll. Shn lllOSt dC- Wlla tin.lnua n n.i 1
lli'htoil her honrnrx by ' Anrll Ilnllr . niitlv A ,lnlnlv ln.w.i.n., .,- .......,.i
Woodmnn. Mrs. Horsfnll nccompan- to tho following guests: Misses Agnes
ion in nor usuiu tiwiKimui iiuuuiui. uarpenier, Jiooro, Armsuy, inoz Hald-
In tho flAt numbor a Concerto Op. win, lOsthor Sllvormnn. Nnnn Hrown-
S2 (Socond Movement), Mrs. Horsfnll lag, Frances Frnnso and Helen Lnn-
plnycd second piano to Miss Larson's drlth.
llrst. This was n beautiful numbor 4
nnd won much npplnuso ns did ench 4
other number. 1 I Sl'ltPHISK PAHTV.
Mrs. Horsfnll certainly should bo . 4
conunonded on tho success of this a number of frlonds completely
mosi I'liiiriuiuK I'liiuiiiiiiiuiiiii .!"'" Burprisen .Mr. ami .Mrs. i.onuoux
muni iiuiiiiiniH w...- -.. iniDiii .hi, nun .ir, i.eiiiieux
nftornoon of pleasuro nnd education, last evening by suddenly nppear
Aftor tho program dainty rofresh- nB nt the homo of tho lnrter iin
monts wore Borvod. Miss lOvolyn Invited nnd unnnnounced, tho occn
Andorson nnd Miss Uoso Myron as- slon being In honor of tholr 15th
slated Mrs. Horsfnll In seating tho wedding nnnlvorsary. As n token
gnosis unu in numi'H. i" i"' coiBum lor 1110 wormy visuuig ror n month with imr oIq
Thoso present woro Mesdnmes It. couple, tho guests presented Mr. Mrs. Hoy Snubert of Acme, Oregon
Miss Clovo who has boon visiting
Mrs. C. F. MeKnlght for sovoral
rnontha expects to lonvo next week
for Portlnnd.
Miss Mvrtln II Ilnwiini. rn..,ni..
of Coos liny, but who for somo tlmo
hns been llvlnc in rr...,i.. -
arrived tills wnnlr nn tlin Tl'inl. .....'.
and will probably remain on tho Hay.
Mm. 10. ft. Pnrlinm ....! ,... n i.
.Ill ,,, " """ ! nun, .uuimi-
nll oft Wodnosdny morning on n visit
to hor hiiBbnnd who Is In Medford.
superintending tho ronstrtictlon of
somo city work nt that plnco. Aftor
visiting In Medford, thoy will go to
Portlnnd. nB soon ns Mr. Porhnm hns
iiniBiieu nis work, nnd thonco homo.
j. .? .;.
Mrs. Wlnklnr nnn Qnl...n u
. - , -. ..u,,(i, 41IU
son, roturned homo Inst weok on n
visit to rolntlves. Mrs. Winkler ox.
poets hor husbnnd soon who mny lo
cnto on tho liny.
Miss Maud Howron, who wns visit
ing nt Lnkesldo. roturned homo tho
first of tho weok.
Mrs. A. L. Housoworth who hns
been visiting hor sister Mrs. IJuell
Hosln of Kennewlck, Wnshlngton. ro
turned Thursdny on tho Ilronkwntor
aftor a three weeks' visit.
Miss Mnv Wnll f Vnriii n...i .
In Mnrshflold this weok to nttond tho
wedding of hor brothor, Jnnies Wnll,
to Miss Cntherlno Parker.
Miss Hazel Tlhhntln lnft rio.,.i.. ..
.!. .,,.., - -- " .v.v ...IIIIIUH UIl
uiu riiioiii lor Han Francisco . Sho
win visit nt Ileneela nnd othor Cali
fornia points beforo returning homo
Miss Myrtlo Lund went to Coqulllo
this week to visit her sister, Mrs. F.
Mrs. M. L. Douglas loft on tho Ite
dondo Wednesday for California to
visit friends and relatives.
Mrs. Robert McCann of North Hend
returned Thursday on tho nreakwn
M.r' m'm8, jr.cC,n.nn waB n 'lelognto to
tho Nntlnnnl W o rn it rT....
j0 ' ". onven-
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chandler who
hnvo been In Wnshlngton returned to
Mnrshflold on tho Hreakwnter Thurs
day morning.
Mrs. D. I.. Wnrsnn n ,-..
PnfElti"B,l,or J.,"".R.,,tr' Mrs. Harry
- -.w.. ... ..nn Biiiieui mis week.
Jllsvl Rlp'nn T n.onn ...u ... .
viBi ,S"" :."' ".."". ""s ueen
Keyzor unnco ni angles um.
Coos liny Concert Ilnnd nt
2: .10 In Opera House.
Lndlos' Guild with Mrs. F.
A. Sacchl.
Crescendo Club with Professor
C. A. Dnvldson.
Ilridgo Club with Mrs. J. ,S.
Jolly Dozen with Mrs. A. Snow
of Hunker Mill.
A. N. W. Club with Mrs.
Mlnnle-WlH Club with Mrs.
Thlmblo Club with Mrs. W.
It. Simpson of North Ileml.
Ladles' Art Club with Mrs.
J. 0. Kinney.
returned Thursday on tho Hreak
wnter. .;. .;. ..
Miss Miinilo Mahoney, who wns to
hnvo taken passage on today's
Hreakwnter, hns postponed her trip to
Portland until next weok.
j !
Mrs. .1. T. Sullivan of Hnndon re
turned homo yestordny nftor n short
visit with Mrs. F. K. Oettlns nnd oth
er friends on tho Hny.
.;. .;. ;.
D. C. Orcon nml wife roturned this
week from Portlnnd where they visit
ed for n week or bo.
.. .5. .;.
Miss Madge Hnrry spent pnrt of
the week as tho guest of Miss Fran
cis WHIIaniH. Tho Hnrry family Ib
preparing to move from Empire to
their now homo In Fcrndalc.
.;. .;. .;.
Mrs. M. R. Smith roturned Thurs
dny on tho Hreakwnter aftor 11 11 vo
mouths' visit to frlonds nnd rolntlves
In Wnshlngton nml Oregon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Wnll went to
Hnndon IIiIb weok to spend 11 few
Monarch, Derby and Eskay Gloves
Your Feet
Shoes for
1 """"
Hub Dry Goods Co.
Saves You Money
Ntw WA,srs m m
uiimiuiii muni MIL CAJjf
O'Coiiucll Hulldliig
''one .-Mij
Coos Hny rolntlves of J. L. Ilow
mnn, formerly of Mnrshllold but now
n leading merchant of Portland, havo
iiccii apprised inai no win 110 mnrrioii
III tho near future, tho brldo bolng a
Michigan woman. Mr. Howmnii Is
tho ownor of tho Marshllehl Woolen
Mill Storo.
?rS&' r
rvMrs-Yy 11 Jii
(Continued from Tago Sovon.)
well In painting this month uro
Edgnr Cason, Arthur ChrlstoiiBon,
Hazel Cook, Fred Dye, Ursula Far
rluger, Esmond Qlossop, (leorgo
Hougell, Mnbel Immol, (ill licit
JohiiBoii, Ethel Lingo, Joe Mllnor,
Story MiiBson, Clnudo Post, Holon
Rees, llnttlo Rohfold, Hnrohl Wnl
rnth, nnd Wnltor Rohfold.
Tho A chiss hnvo bunded In
good compositions on A Hidden
Trenstiro nnd Camping Out. Tho
H clnsB hnvo written on Hncon's
Robolllon, nnd A Hidden Trensuro.
Papors belonging to tho following
dosorvo speclnl niontlon: Edgnr
Fnrrlngor, Esmond Qlossop, (Jeorgo
Cason, (leorgo Engliind, Prsuln
Hongoll, Mnbel Immol, Joo Mllnor,
nnd Clnudo Post.
Harold Wnlrnth. Hnmi rnwnn
nnd Wnlter Rohfold hnvo been on
tho alck list this weok.
Tho Sixth and Sovontli grado
ijoj-b nro progressing nicely with
tho hammocks thoy nro making.
Tho A cIobs will tako up tho
Revolution In history next weok,
nnd tho H clnss will study tho In
dlnn Wnrs.
Heavy Mud and Land Slides
Makes uverland Travel
Tho mail nrrlved nt nbout
noon todny. Four trees had
been blown down nnd ncross
tho road, causing tho delny.
Tho old fnmlllr sign "Tho mnil
mm 1101 nrrivod- wns hanging up In
tho post ofllco this morning. It was
not known when tho mnil would get
n ns plncos nlong tho route could not
bo reached by telophono. This morn-
ng no word had been received of tho
incoming mall at Sumner.
Tho delay Is of courso duo to tho
bad condition of tho roads. Sevoral
uays ago tliero was n slide and tho
stago was delayed twolvo hours.
Since then tho rainfall has been groat
nn 'ho roads aro heavy with mud
find tho embankments hnvo been slld
,n.,(.l.wn. nnd "inking obstructions.
.1 yth 10 lllBh w,nds t Inst night,
it Is qulto probable that trees wore
uiuwn tiown over tho road. It was
hoped that the mall would get In
some tlmo this ovonlng but thero Is
no way of knowing when to expect
U until It reaches Sumner.
A eilnesilay, Xov. i:i. Reservation
can be had at Abstract Ofllce.
DANCE nt KAfiLVS' uur. o.....
Expresses Apprecition of the
Kindness Shown by the
Marshfield People.
Mrs. Tlmmoiis, tho woman who hns
been aided by tho Relief Commlttco
appointed by tho Woodmen, cnino to
Tho Times olllco nnd nskod that her
npprcclntlon nf tho kindness shown
her and hor children by tho people of
Mnrshllcld nnd Tho Times bo given
out. Sho snyn thoy nro now well
cured for nnd will leave on tho next
Rcdoudn for tho homo of her pnronts
In Olclnhnmn, tho rommltteo buying
lior n through ticket via San Fran
cisco. Sho says sho recently heard
from hor husbnnd nnd ho stntod that
ho thought ho hud a pormuuet job In
Portland nnd wondered why ho did
not hear from hero.
Sho Is holng curotl for nt tho homo
of Mi-h. A. II. Snrgeant In South
Mnrshllold pending hor departure
Mrs. Frank Frnmo of North lK.nd
hns roturned from Snn Francisco
nnd In now propnrcd to furnish
tho lntcst nnd most npprovod mooes
for tho Benson. Sho will bo htgnty
pleased to meet old patrons nn woll
ns now ones.
FORD'S Saturday and Sunday.
Putl,nP .J1! .Hard Pavemenl
and Making Rapid Pro.
rjress in Improvements.
MYRTLE POINT, Xor, ).-r.
ciiy or Myrtlo Point Is miklnr m
strides In tho mntterof nwnlcljilt
provomoniB. Much work bit fr.
done In tho past year and mon 1
contemplated. Tho startles cf fr
construction on tho logglor riltoi
has mndo tho city nn Importutte
tor In tho county nnd thoptop!ii:
not slow to mnlto Iraproveatslit
moot tho rapid growth they wp
Tho City Council opened Hit t:
tho bituminous surface on tbe rir'
pnvlng Hint liml not prcrlonilr lc:
provided for. Ordinance! lerrititii
nssossmont In cases where tbe I:
provoments hnvo been conpleli
woro also ndontcd after tbe tat u
socond rending. A committee n
also appointed to look IntotbtmrV
of temporarily planklns tU e(t'j
graded portions of Fourth tad Fir;
stroets botween Spruce and wj
DROP IX nt tho fil'XNTRVd
soo tho XEW jio.c.miiiik nwi
LATEST fJl'.V on tho lairtel
(Wo ni-o Open Evenings ami Sundnjs)
Opeimiimg AoimoiuiiniceinnieBt
AVe desiro to tmnoiinco to tho pcoplo of Coos
Bay that Loid's Balcery nnd .Delicatessen is bow
open to the public with a full lino of
Bread, Cakes, Cookies, Pte
aed AH Baked Goods
AVe have adopted as our motto: "Cleanliness is
next to fjodlincss.".
Oor Bread
lis Made Cleairn
Kept Clean
We Extend a Special Invitation to the Lafc
. , . . ... l.Uvmrrne w
to can ana inspect our sanitary muj fyr
tho most modern and thoroughly equipped ;
ies in Oregon outsido of Portland, loir w
veleolne at any time and wo know AV0 ,: "re the
vineo you that our bread and baked goods aw
cleanest and best made.
5 Bakery sumd
Phone 112-L.
133 N. 2nd St. Next tho Corner of Central Ave.
jHHEs jHt 1