THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1 912.-EVENING EDITION. IULkmm Mn fe jniciv aw-. gansedl Oer Prices ..mi. nKrt nor 0n linn. mint, zuo pi bwi.w... Cream, 20c per pint, Whip Cream, 25c per pint, Buttermilk, 10c per gallon Phone 73, 5 Bay Ice & Cold Storage Co. eliveries, 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. wjubmiiw&Z&tmJL AtftsZi-irr!-,.. .'w 1 ' -i t --, ,, ra Atnr i , -T WMMMKy I I general school m:vs. T - - i Tho most uiilinatoil teacher living (niinof awaken much response In child who Ih "half dead" for sloop MB tllO OXIirURHloil irniiu. 'I' i. ..... i JinB altogether too many Hitch for i.ini, viubh WOFK. "JIC-UII II f 1m, .-o control m Ha u,g. Bomo ono ""ml tlio Freshman class Wed nt-s.l.i History. Tk' American history class in "'KiiiK out tm period of hlstori itifli in (.it .. in., it ....... , --- i-.... in un jiuvoiuuoii aim inu or tho war aro being .-u .fry nuiy, mo instructor trv B to show tho Justice or Injus iiLi' as mo caso mny ho of tlio li ' iiiii'iia iir . ..-.!.... i... .. j Tin. .lunlor class haH Just flnlsh- ..'u Fiuciy of tho Mngnn Charrn ..mi me i-rov sioiia nf nvfi.i-,1 1'dh salt! that three groat oloments1 whm;"-v V10 ,2"Bb1i people Balneil of power nro Initiative Rnir ,,..i 'l , xnlt' Hie governmental nf ond vo no I B0lfcontro1 fi" aim ,n.l their rlghtB as well to u iNoiioss, ?".. "I "BllB of tho King more ti. .,! 7! r""-v defined, nint p , i V grnt,c tcnjl'orB The Sophomores will shortly bc- for hod mm iii i.,i A. ,1 "lrS I y nrtorno at tho High "' reviewing tho work of tho ovory IB tor a school & iS 0" U""t,lne to I'1 tho work' IT v weeks, which has talon lazda Lamps . reduced prices, taking offect j ctce. Ses card In our window for ei. oos Bay Wiring Co. Kcse 237-J. 158 Broadway A who Ih In school for litiii.,.uu ,L ogato tho Boclal functions to' tho weok end. Chontlng Is cheating, whothor In tho class room or In hiislness, Bnys n school papor. A school ought to dovolon Bolf high school m:vs. jsey ; m t IB IH W ' !' K slw&:& J " rio SaSTH s' 'v ' WW Tlou 1......I.. ... .....xi whiu jmsit or Gold Hill entered tlio Sophomore class Mon-ilny. Chnrner Wright fro,., Portland! IB Pale & Co. Ifc'iand Gentlemen's Tailoring brtoJ and Domeatlo Wooloni hulSttlnfactlon QuarantMd lido ill work right horo. 179 XorUi Front Street Mnmhflcld. m Breakfast In a Good, hi IX-N. II --nt- - Qfflff ho frSS vvarm csJirs Brick . ulldlug. Eloctrl: bit, Steam Heat. Elegantly tabbed Rooms with Hot and ell Water. HOTEL OOOS a A. Mctlin, Prop. it: SO cents a dnr and umvird Or, DrodiTr iwd Market CET RID Of MICE Trip them. Thoy start flroa. n till do much to provont flros. a Imuranco policies do 13V 3IT1II.S'0 to provont Ioh on 'rpirtlf you have a. flro inm! jo'r.) Ask us your rato. The iruiiDB, tlio lnsuranco por- I KAUFMAN & CO. 1" Front BttntL II A 'warm" breakfast the kind that sends you out ready braced for a good day's work should be eaten in a warm room. You lose half tho good of tho meal if you nre Bhiv ering in discomfort while you eat it. A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater makes breakfast a cosy meal for the whole family. No emoke or emell with a Perfection. Hailly cleaned. Bully moved from room to room. An ornament anywhere; a luxury in tbe bedroom; a necessity in the sewing-room or the bathroom. Dimlirt twtywhtrmi r urllt for Jttcrlptlv circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Cli0fD) 461 Mulot Sir.. I Sm IB I lmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmMXmgmaammm&ULiJummmmmmmumml Star Transfer 1 Storage Co. hea to do nil kinds of hnulln P. aoU- W meet all trains iwiand we also havn thn inti KtJDOlds Piano Mnvnr W U'H our work. H.Heisner, P Li!!" -R. no- 'TUB FltlKNI) OP COOS HAY S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPKI) WITH WIKHLKSS ' ...... SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR PORTLAMD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, AT 12 NOON CONNECTING WITH TIIK NOHTII HANK IIOAI) AT POHTIUND NOHTH PACiriO CTBAMSIIIP COMPANY. Phone 41. O. V. McOKOHGE, Agent. IlltcrnRt' lum linnn tnlmn I.. the literature nf iim dtima n.,.i u. legend of Sclgfrld. as an examplo of Gertnnn story, has hoon read. I ho lreshmen hnvo been trying to get hold of Greek history, es pecially thn novnrtuiinnlnl Inaili... tloiiB and tho causes and effects of mo i-erBian warB. Hlgli School Athletics, football Is tho ahBorblng topic at the Bchool nt presont, hut It Is .ien uint tno BoaBon will close with tho gamo against Myrtlo j'olnt on November 1C. Tho team today Is playing nt Coqulllo and n hard gnmo Is expcctwl ns thoy aro a well coached and nggresslvo lot of players In all departments of the game. Through tho klndncBS of Mr. C. A. hlUlth tllO I1BO of thn Tnlini-nn. clo has been secured for tho pur- iiin-. ui iiunHuuinii nnn it is hoped tlinl a strong team ninv bn 1W1.I. opcu mis yenr, as only ono man of Inst year's team hns been lost by graduation. Object I.essnii for Hoy. Hoys, do you nolo that ChrlHty MnthowBon won ovon if Now York ost? It wnH n caso of honor not honors. For 11 yenrs "Mntty" has boon nnd Is now ono of tho grentost ball pitchers In thn world. In the last groat strugglo botweon tho Olnntfl and Ited Sox tho vet eran of M years out-pitched tho greatest, iwinors or tho lloston team, "Smoky Jo" Wood nnd Hugh Hedlent. For 10 innings "Matty's" keen oyo, quick wit, steady ncrvo, tlbrous miiBclos, nnd consummnto skill woro to nil appearances In ns run play as over In his enrcor. This could not hnvo boon woro It not for Mntliowson'a clonn life, ab stemious habits, nnd stendy work. Krom his first outcomlng ns a col logo ball player to tho proBont tlmo MnthowBon hriB boon n gon-nl, pop ular, strong, successful, manly, and sportsmnnllko follow. Ho paid his way through collogo by playing ball. Ho has a fine farm chaBod by his ball nlnylnrr nroflts. nnd thoro with hlfl wlfo nnd fam ily ho Hponds Hint portion of iho yoor wnon not on duty. Whon flrBt offered tho position with tho Giants ho pnsBod up tho contract until It was so amended thnt ho would not have to play on Sun days. Moro and moro In ovory sport and In overy sort of lnbor worth whllo, tho requirements for iota, niiBUnonco from Intnxlcnnta ate being emphasized. Kxchango. hfuLZnL IU"1 hnt3 ot rafflft l!ow.a ,d 'mlln, Chns Sneddon, fn thpinaehw. Mnblo Sneddon nnd Itobert Sncd- ..Ah " impS'c";;;!,,; j? L( wna ab,cnt nn tho irirn itiiim. I. n .. ....i. ....... nv I'v.ii III.III1IIUI.'KS UllUU the which they woro working. Harold Curry returned to school after a week's Illness. Iho High school cookery elnns' Very good grndos In arithmetic has completed the work In canning wcro mndo by Oron llonobrako, nnd preserving and will take up Harold Curry. Wnyne Gosnoy. ltoy tho making of Bnlads next. nold Koontr. nnd Kroderlck l.erocq. .', 777". I ., '"l'lls with porfect deportment In sowing tho High school girls this month wore tivclvn Fourier, have been making varloim articles Howard I.aughlln. Khodn Anderson, of underwear. j Hnzel Collin. Hcntrlce CrosBen, Ar- .. . . r. it,n,r Unnsoii, Mnrguorlto Lococq About 10 ladles havo enrolled n"d Stella Magnus. ui uio nuvnncoti cooKorv cinnHnu. T.. lnnitiinHn , 1. .1. I. . SoZ, SVil f ? "-'ocelhlnt gadesV0 itrnoons rrom 3:.!0 to 5:00 In clyn Fourier Lotilso Oldinv i.Vni. !!Sn";Sf fflSLTTl- IS la-.isai SSfe-.?K .1... i.... ... .. " ...i i.iiuhiiiiii. iit,iuu iucucn nnu uiivuuim oi .M18S .Moore. ococn uuiurico urosBcn, li..,...., ,. ......ui i"i iiiuiKB m spoiling woro llolllll) lltid l'.ngllsli, mniln liv Mvnlvt. wi,.,n. MM.,. r.... TllO Senior FhuIIhIi cIiirh la mntr. ltnll 1Iv,r.l.1 T.-nn..t. L...i i-ii..i lug u study of Macbeth. Special Johnson. ' attention Is being given to clmr-l Howard I.aughlin made a nor- if,. ,,. 1 1 .. , t i .. . . l Krn" m K0Rnihy and rend Tho students of Junior English lug. nro "inking a study or Moralities' Margaret Powers leads her class and Miracle Plnys. Attention has In rending. been called to tho recent revivals Tho Fourth grade girls aro of hvorytnnji nml tho Shepherd's learning a now gnmo In tho bnse- Play. On 1-rldny, Stoddard's lee- men t "corner spry." it Ib plnyed turo on tho PnBsloit Play at Ober-'by 30 of tho girls, who aro en- nmmcrgau was rend nnd thomes thuslnstlc players. bnsed upon mngnzlno articles on, Floyd Jnrvls from Mayvlllo. Orc- tho i play woro written. gon, enlored tho Fourth grndo D Through tho medium of Dickon's this weok. Tnlo of Two Cities, tho Sophomore) Hlglith Grade. Kngllsh elaBB Ib gutting an liiBlght Ncls and Krneat Peterson of Into tho Hclgn of Terror nnd tho North Inlet. Volmn Uobb from cnuscs of tho French devolution. llangor, Mnlno, nnd Clarcnco llur- Iu tho Freshman FucIIbIi clnHRex rown frnm vitinnniinii. .,.. ......t.. speclnl omphiiBlB Ib being laid on roglslered pupils In this grado. oral and written composition. Ornl In n spelling tost glvon In tho compositions nt tho present time, A division this weok tho follow coiiBlstlng of myths and logonds, lug mndo good grades: Monroo aro required each week. j Upton. 0: Kdnn I.nndo, OS: Mario Iho botany clnss hns been study- Sargent, 00. Ing tho nnntomy of sIoiub. Tlils' hns been mndo Interesting by tho CMNTHArj SCHOOIt NKWS. I use of two flno compound micro-, 1 scopes with which tho laboratory Is Piliiwuy. ""I'Plled. Mrs. A. II. Smith visited tho , room this weok. Tho pupils are making fruit bn- Latin and Grammar. Tho, yenr's work In Cicero con sists of tho four Cntlllunrlan ora tions. The class has already fln- llshod "Tho Citizenship of Archlas" and has almost completed "Pom- peya .Military Commnnd. rop. fl-L. n TOU WANT A MKSSEN. uSdSomcU,,ns 6Cnfc ,or PIIOVT. -., 'U to It. ' Charcea 'rnMnn. "WS GItANIlY. HODGINS ,m S. " 'arshfield Paint, Decoratinff Cm. 2J. Phone MO.L. Oregot miaiuriliilill. FAST AM) COJIMOMOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wireless nnd submarine bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR MARSHFIELD THURSDAY, NOV. 14 at 3 p. m. All Passenger Reservations From Son Francisco Must Ho Mdo at 805 Flfo Hiuldlng, or Pier No. 10. All reservations must bo ta ken up 21 Ivours beforo sailing. INTEH-OCEAN TKANSPOIITATIO.V CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McGEORQE. Agent. Tho class in Caesar Ib supposod to finish four bonks during tho yenr. Tho clnBs has already fin ished ono "Cnosnr's First Cam paign In Gnul Against tho Helvetians." Tho class hns read Paul Hoyso's "T'Arrabblata," Thoodoro Storms "Immonsco." For cIssb work thoy nro rending Von Hillor's "Hohror rls dlo Kucho," and Storm's "Polo ropponspnlor." DOMICSTIO SCIENCE. Tho first and second grades of both buildings noxt weok begin work on small hammocks. Tho third grado Is making small mats and doll hats of raffia. J Auto Call Footc L-'WEw n. V.M Phnnn KT . 'laence Phono U8T. k Trip, f Coqullie. Steamer Washington Sails Wednesday Noon, October 30th, from Coos Bay for San Francisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT F. S. DOW, Aget. Ocean Dock. The Sign of Good Candy Always Py$' Shoes tric Shoe Store lB avo Marl,f Mg, K or 7?g to sell, rent EQUIPPED WITH nRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. cut a rcnrm ATVSWORTH DOCK. PORTLAND, nt 8 p. in., Nov. 12 SAILS l J(U.u '""' trur. 'rmi? NOV. 2 0 10, 20. FROM MARSHFIELD AT SLIUICE OI 1111 l"', " -, 10, 23, SO. Phone Main 38-L. J. O. SnLLER, Agent. Tlio fourth nnd fifth grades aro Public Sihii1;Imi'. Tho public sneaking department li0,H for Thanksgiving. limi ita di-ui ,iiiint.. ..,. I Ih'Ht (iraile. Ing nt tho third period on tho , Hr8' ""''olm visited thla room Immigration Question, which Is tho J'"Jay nftor00". , . , ono for Coos county. Tho class' T,ho1 tlir;0 lr)mnry grades gath hns been divided Into six teams of c.TCd "R0"'" '" tlila room Frl two mombors each nnd tho differ- ,,nj nfo"oon and sang all tho ont teams nro scheduled to moot B0"K8 ot tl10 Inst month, with pln overy Friday for somo tlmo to no nccompnnlmont. como. Messrs. Kolstnd and Cnrl-I ,. Second Grade. Bon of tho nogntlvo woro snowed . q,1 I'uills having 100 por cont under Friday morning by tho Is- Mipo",nF 'or.11'.? ,nonth nro: nacson brothers, but noxt tlmo A, V, . .sto,Jn J'aa An"' promises a chnngo bb various plots RL80"' Kllinhoth Jones, Dorothy nro being formulated whoroby IVPJ'110; Ioy ""J' ArU,,.,r Sch,1.t' Carlson nnd Kohlstnd will hnvo nt,R0 a81"1,8'""!1' 'OBlor ,VoRt A' tho Immigration Problem under ? ?.m't'!s "obsIo Spndo, Sogrld tholr control. Holmgoll, Ellznboth Flnnagnn. Mor- Tho night class Is lirogrosslng '" Coke. Eugono Jones, Ulnnclio nlcoly nnd nil enjoy tholr work A110"1"8; ,IIoIo Morohnnt nnd Eb vory much , lnor 'v8tn- It Ib understood that tho Lltor-' . .Dmicn Scnlf "n oon absent! ary socloty will hold n declamation,1"18. wook " "ccount of illness. cuiuuHU nuiuoiiiiiu in ninrcn. ai-i though nothing doflnlto has boon heard. It is likely that much In terest will bo shown, especially If somo medals nro glvon to tho wlnnors. Tho Mnrshflold High school ora torical contest will havo about 12 contestants nnd promises tn bo n hard contested affair, ns nil nro ongor for Marshflold High to win tho county contest. So far tho work of ninny studontB Is very promising. SOUTH MAHHHFIHM). STATE Or' TofcKIH), I LlTAH f 'IIITSTV. I " frank J. Clicney iimlfcuoath (lint ho l senior partner of tlio firm of V, J. Clienoy t Co, dollii; liutlno-a In tlio City of Toledo. County ami Blateafvretulil, ami Ilia lil tlrm will pay tl, turn ol ONi: Itl'NDItKH OOl.f.Altri foriKcli uml cery tuioof Catarrh tliatrumiut bu cured by tlio mo of Hull's Catarrh euro. MASK J, CHUNKY. Sworn to before mo ami tubcrlbc-l In my present e, this tli day of December, A I). Itofr (SCAI.,) A.W.OI.KA80N. NllTAHYl'l'HIll Hall's Catarrh Ouro It taken Internally, uml acts directly on tho blood ami niutouaiiurlitces of Hie system. Bend for teatliuoiilsls free. Bargains in Lots at Bunker Hill Some choice sites if you see mo t once. tXQ. FRIZEEN. 08 Central ATe. City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers and reasonaDle charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time.' Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phonei 78 and 4. Nlfht Phone 46. barker GOODAItS, pro prU tors. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FAIIMb, In Lane County, Oregon. Fruit & llerry Farms, Truck Farms, Dairy Forma, Stock Farms, General Farming Write for DESCRIPTIVE LIST and LITERATURE telling you about the wonderful resources of Lane County, Oregon. J. E. THOMAS & CO., Cottage Grove. Oregon. New Goodsand P Second Hand Goods Bought, sold or exchanged. HARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO. 302 Front Street. Phono 310-L. BUY NOW. Some choice lots In NORTH BEND can be had at a very reasonable price It taken now. E. S. QHAR & CO Virat NMInnnl TtunV - I - Second Grade. Mrs. Wnltora nnd Mrs. Doll woro visitors on Frldny. Thoso. who did good work In pnlntlng this weok nro: Alton Knr- doll. Tharald Connor. Cnllstn Vol tors, Fredorlck Dow nnd Ilnlph Hanson. Tho pupils wrote storlcB of tho aqulrrols this weok, nnd nmong thoso who did good work wore Robert Burroughs, Adrlnno Gnrd ner nnd Frodorlck Hoaglnnd. Holt nonobrako, Emorson Noff, Bolton Knmmeror. Duncnn Dash noy, Steon Magnus, Tholmn Black, Donald Gldlny, LconldnB Crosson, Lloyd Hnworth. Erma Hodsnn, Co- cll Doll nnd wnltor Sneddon had porfect spoiling lossnns this week. Fourth Grade. Pupils with porfect nttondnnco In Room 4 for tho month ending November 1 woro Rhoda Andorson, Bontrlco Crosson, Stella Haglund, Wnltor Haglund, Arthur Hanson, Mnrguorlto Lecocq, Stella Magnus, Donald Allon, Oron Bonobrnko, Ev elyn Fourier, Reynolds Koontz, Wnyno Gosnoy, Leonn Hoffman, Roynold Koontz, Win. Kroltzor, Ferdinand Lococq. Holon Lecocq. Tho Dtmlls nro inueh tntnrnnfx! In. studying nbout tho Pilgrims. t Thlnl Grade. Thoso who hnvo had porfect strolling lcssoiiB for tho wook nro: Lucllo McLnln, Oortrudo Rohortsnn, Robort Graves, Holon Perkins, Ma rio Wlsta, Lnvlnn Painter nnd Bert Why. Tho following of tho B class hnvo dono oxcellont work In road Ing for tho week: Robort Brown ing, Eugono Crowsthwnlto. Archlo VlnCnni), Forrest Porry, Era Jnr venlen, ThomnB MrGlunls, Irono FoulkoB. Porry Clnrk. Mnrlon Wll- ion, Lnvlnn Pnlntor, Proctor Flan '.(.'an, BlniiPho Mlrrnsoul, Stella iogaru. l'lfth Grade. Thoso absent during tho week on account of sickness woro: Howard Lewis. Claude Tnchn, Tholmn Wnl kor, Anna Wilson and Mnzlo Coo loy. Marian Wright Is n now pupil In this grndo. Thoso making above 00 In tho spoiling test this weok woro: II Class Bortlo Hampton, Edgar Farloy, Raymond McKeown, Anna Wilson, Holon Torry, Stownrd Mc Intyro, Doris SongBtnckon. Emma Douglas. Emmott Collins. Jano Me Laln, Alia Lash, llllinn KiiIIii. Ag nes Johnston and Elsie Hlllstrom, A Class Lottlo Coleman, Rufiis nyorly, Llzzlo Erlckson, Bornlco Patched, Allco Johnson nnd Ethol Sumnor. Sixth Grade. Ednn Hawkman nnd Jnhnnlo Burke hnvo hoon nbsont on nccnunt of lllnoss. Seven Hi Grade. Gcnrgo Englund, Esmond Glos sop, Mnhol Immol, Edyth Sumnor nnd Georgo Torry hnvo had per fect spoiling lessons this weok. Thoso who hnvo dono especially fContlnued on Pace. Eight.) Coughs that keep you awake at night also disturb th aleep of the rest of the family. STbey can be .stopped In a few minutes WltU Ballard's Horehound Syrup It Is a Remedy of Great Relieving Power in All Lung and Throat Troubles. Ballard's Horehound Syrup conveys u. warmlnsr and relaxing In flueace to the congested lungs. Heals aorcness, quiets tickling sensation In tho throat, strengthens tho voice, loosens phlegm ana relieves all Jrrttoted conditions in tho throat nnd lungs. Keep a bottle Jn tho house. It Is handy to havo when needed and savej a world of misery to tho person affected. Put Up In Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 por Bottle. Buy the 11.00 sUe. It contains flvo tlmea as much' as the SBo alio, nnd you get with each bottle a Herrlck's Ited Tepper rorous Waster for tno onest. JWr r. BAUJUO HWWWTOfl IT. UHHt, tW. Try The Times' Want Ada. .- ....... ........ .... Ht.-i.kcnj Bre S1tc; It cores. g0 VCIW 0M.HI V, 0W.V !. - --w ISolpAmo RlQOMMtMPtSllvi Lockkaii-Farsoas Vrvz Co. ."Io Buy Coraw" Tea Rexall Store. ' v umV, lry a Want