za4 SATURDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1912. EVENING EDITION. """i ' ' wwmmmmwmmmmnmmm&Km -nil really ought to sco our Now Fall Suits -tlipv'rn v,u , . Y bound o like them, Schloss-Baltimoro made and hi m?im "7ou' I way of style, service and satisfaction to a yon i n I n? I f ve!yJhll1 ) 1 X s-values, You can set the best there h0 has knowledge of Is, right here, for $i& to $30. Timef or a New Overcoat You're Invited to get one of these su nerior coats, You will appreciate their ser vice and quality $10 to $25.00. Full line of Wet Weather Goods, Shoes Raincoats Hats Caps Your money back if not satisfied, The Fixup xa MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND fcr MSI Aril llMIn & A Ml - I Always "ThelBusy Corner" The Rexall Store VALUE Hie tlgnlflrnuro of "value" nt tho 'IIiihjt Corner" Is tlio offering of nicrchnndlso of Miierlor quality, In good full quan Hi;, nt tlio lowest posNlhlo prices. Without tills quality ami the adequate quantity, price would menu nothing. Erfrjr ndirrtlsemoiit Is n good llliistrntlon of "Tlio Husy Conrr't" Men of value. You'll find every niiuouuceiueut backed b; Tlio IIi- Curner In quality, quantity, prlco and service. ,ockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" YE MAIN 298 US Excelsior Motorcycles Will Lead All Others In 1913 '''-a L. Koontz Is congratulating hlniHolf these dnys thnt ho i tit Coos county ngoncy for tlio fnmoiiB Excelsior -Motorcycle 'tit year 1913. Tlio Excolslor mntlo a great record In 1912 fJ jromtscs to surimBs It In mia. Ecentljr n Ui0 raco for tj,0 Consldlno trophy nt Seattle, Archlo -'en mo board and enrried off everything In sight with Ills ;''Wlt. Ho won tlio G-mllo, tlio 10-mllo, tlio novolty, tlio 6l! race, tho Consldlno tronhv nml tho $100 In cash. Thoro 1 "thing to It but tho Excelsior from start to finish. The New 1913 Excelsior jr. Koontr Is n receipt of a letter from tho Excolslor branch rtlind In which thov toll of somo of tho cood things In tho ' IMS model. Thnv hiiv. Ii Excelsior Is going to ho n luimmcr for 1913 as wo havo " siready and thoy havo tho followiiiB Imiirovomonts: front fork has moro clenranco nnd tho tank Is a ono-pleco ; . lth t'-j braces on tho Insldo, tho vnlvo pockots nro ' with a special innchlne, tho pump Is on tho Insldo nnd if on it, or rather a cntoh to stop pooplo from giving , " en oii don't want It. Tho striping Is somo different, ' " rims Oro Otlltn n llMIn tinnvlnf T mnnn tlinrn lllOtnl In tllO '.' t0 prevert them from kinking so easily, and tho enamel Is lOt the flrRt nlilnmnnl l 11 fP.. .! .. nn.1 Hinv nrn L'fllllir i cakes already. I prosumo thnt you know that tho Mod. '' Ki th f.t n .. . i .. r. ...- Mod t ' ' nro nDt nlaao nn' moro a"u ' "" .. " C. nnd 7. n. ninn tin. a n. nml 4. C. or tho sovon fv!, It, ond tho Four Cnnln nnd tho Bolt nro ttH th0 , 8t wo will havo henceforth. All others being dlscon t4 in !Teral dn'8 bo tho Excelsior won tho Chicago hill 111 tile rniTinrbnl.l. .1 . ...... . .!. !. li Q ll 11 Sit. jij -nuuiu llllio ui mo Ull(l IIIU "VOV uw v I- "'aid wna r..t i . t .,! tya nii V won I., .. ", UIIU ll(jUIII 1(1 bun iit,uit;a ..w w.0 - ' e' tho rnooo isl evervni,I- .. . . . . ... . ." ,. j .i. tood" U1Q Kxcolalor is lit tno rroni ranK mm uwa- r-"t buy a motorcycle until you eeo tho now Excolslor. Jnhn I . Knrsntr H FR0N'T STnEET MARSHFIELD. OREGON PHONE 1S0-J. ie Kack: Tailors lafe and Gents 2; Messing, and Alterations l5FrantSt Umbrellas Covered at Marshfieldl.Cyclery Dayton Agents. Phono 1B8-U 173 Ilrondway a IPCM! PERSONAL NOTES I MRS. 1. D. 11LAKK of Catching In- let Is In Mnrshlleld today. , EVAN HODSON of South Coob River Is In town todny. 1 CIIAS. R1CM1I1MONI) of South Cnn TIIUCS KOU XOVr.MlllMl. River 18 In Mnrshllehl nil lillslnnaa Ilelow Is given tho ttmo nnd i TAYLOR SIOL1N of Isthmim Inlet Is holBht of high nnd low water nt Mnrshflcld. Tlio tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho llrst lino nnd heights on tho second lino of ench day; a compar- ibuh on consccutivo liolglits will Indlcato whether It Is high or low wnter. For high wnter on tho bar, sulmtrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. 9!Hr8.. 2.4G 7.59 2.21 8.4C Ft... C.3 2.2 7.1 1.2 WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Fair tonight nnd Sunday; Bouth to southwest winds, I.OCAIi TEMPERATURE HECORI). For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. m., Nov. 9, by IlenJ. Ostllnd, speclnl govornmont metcorologlcnl observer: Maximum 55 Minimum 47 At 4:43 a. m 50 Prcclpltntlon 1.09 Wind Southwest; rnlny. "Havo your Job printing done-at Tho Tlmos ofllce. Ad. Woolen sweaters are In demand In China. Havo your Job printing done at Tho Times offlco. North Bend News Row Father Monroo will celo brato low mnss at North Rend Sunday morning nt 8 o'clock. Tho Rev. Father Sprlngor Is In Gnrd-Inor. Mildred Johnson, who has been living with tho SlBtcrs at tho Mer cy Hospltnl, North Rend, left on tlio Urcakwatcr this morning for Portland, whero sho will enter tho Sister School nt Mount Angel. WANT ADS. New Home. Tho now homo of L. G. Masters of Sumner will soon bo rondy for occupancy. Port Meets Monday A rogulnr meeting of tho Port of Coob Rny will bo held Monday morning nt 10 o'clock Ivlllcd ii Dog. A North Uond nuto on Front street todny struck nml killed n dog. No ono know tho owner. It wns a small smooth haired black dog. Nino Yritrti In Olllce Todny mnrks tho end tho ninth yenr of Frank In Mnrshneld attending to business MISS MAREL MILLS of Simmer Is In Mnrshdeld todny. MRS. PAUL CROOKS of Coos River Is a Mnrflhflcld shopper todny. R. II. NORTON of Simmer Is In town today. CIIAS. PETERSON Is In town from Sumner today. CIIAS. ESTERUECIC of Catching In let Is In Marshdcld on IiuIiicrs. P. II. PINKERTON of North Inlet Is a JiarshtloUl business visitor todny. MARK CUTL1P of South Coos River! Is In Mnrshflcld. R. ADAMS of North Inlet Is ln town today. PURDV SCOTT of North Inlet Is In "Mnrshflold on business. NED GALLOWAY of North Inlet Is In town. W. 11. JENNINGS of lluyncs Inlet Is In Mnrshflcld today on business. FRANK HODSON of South Coos Riv er Is In town today. SIMON ERICKSON of Larson Inlet Is a Marshfleld btislnoBs visitor, PARDON' THESE 1ILUSI1ES. (From llandon Recorder.) Our friend M. C. Malonoy of the Coos liny Times has tho honor of being responslblo for the first airship flight pu'W off in Coos county, nml again shows his enterprlso as tho greatest newspaper ninn nnd booster that Coos Ray ovor had. Tho Times Is always there with the goods and puts up n ncnt, clean papor that the people aro anxious to get, and he does not havo to resort to cheap contVRta to got tho pooplo to stibscrlbo for his pn lier. "Mllco" In nil rlclif nml la giving Coos liny moro nnd I uotter nuvertlBing than sho over had before In her history. i enso Involving the ownership of property on North Rroadway, tho tangle nrlslng from conflicting sur veys. Judge Coko henrd tho ovl donco of Dnl Cathcart and somo othors yesterday and will probably hear moro testimony todny. MISS JENNIE CATCHING of Stim nor Is visiting her slfltor, Mrs. Tom Goodnlo, ln Mnrshflold today. OSCAR FRANZ camo to MarshOold from Sumner this morning on busi ness. W. II. KIMRALL. Bpcclal snloBmnn MRS. EMILY McFARLAN Is In town for Pacific Hardwnro nnd Steol Co., from nor North Inlot crnnborry Ib In Mnrshflold cnlllng on trade. WM. RLACKMORE of Tomnloton Is In Mnrshlleld, looking nfter busi ness interests. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL returned lnat ovcnlng from Coqulllo where ho was attending court. MR. nnd MRS. JA8. WALL returned last evening from a short trip to nnnilon. J. .T. CL1NKENREARD of Dnnlols Creole In n Mnrshflold business vis itor todny. FRED HELANDER nnd wlfo of South Coos River enmo to Mnrshflold this morning on business, rnnch. DON SHORT of Lnkesldo camo to Marshfleld this morning for a short visit. MRS. HURT DOREMUS loft this nf tornoon to spend Sunday nt tho Conies rnnch In tho Snnd Hills. Mr. DoromtiB left for thoro Friday. MRS. II. E. HESSEY nnd dnughtor, Ruth, en mo down from tholr South Coos River homo to spond tho dny In Mnrshflold. MARION C. MILLER, an ertonslvo fruit grower of Dora, Is In Mnrsh lleld on n visit to Ilcnnott Swnnton nnd fnmlly. Sumner's norvlco In thn nostofllco. Wo nro womlnrlnir If tho Into malls are In commemoration of this event. of tho Allonnny rond district to bo STEVE LAPP Is hero from Coqulllo j, w. RENn'ett loft for Portlnnd ..ii iiiiiiivin iu i uiiK i ui rimo in, i , morn ,. nn i,ur nnnn nml nln.t Lnnn vs. tho City of Marshfleld. n WANTED Waitress, llnltimoro Cnfc I'OH .RENT Fiirnlshel rooms, Inrgo, with modern conveniences. Apply It, enro Times. WANTED Woman to help nt tlio Portland hotel. Phono 205-J. WANTED Carried boy to deliver Times In South Marshflold. Must bo over twolvo years old and bo In Fourth grado or abovo ln school. inquire nt Times olnco. FOR RENT Suite nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. S. 3. Acklos, Enstslde. WANTED School girl to euro for child nfter school, for room nnd board. Apply Wilson's now houso on Ronnott Avo. between 4th and Mli strcot, If you wnnt nny LOTS CLEAR ED, FILLED or GRADED, write RRL'CE HOOD, Mnrshflcld, Or. Contrnct only. I'dll RENT Rooms suitable for two or thrco gentlomon. Also house keeping roms. 321 S. Rroadway. FOR RENT FurnMicd rooms, 171 Elrod Avenue. Phono 200-L. WANTED Hoarder nt llil North Second street. Under now. man agement. WANTED To borrow $.M)0O on Marshflold business property. Gllt o;lge security. Addross with best terms Ilox 402, Mnrshflcld. FOR RENT Three light housekeep ing rooms, nonr Sun olllce. Mrs. P. Lapp. FOR SALE Cheap, Iloroo. Wnltor. O. II. WANTED Swedish or rjiinhh girl for housework. Inquire at houso nt cornor of Tenth nnd Elrod Avo. H. Nordrum. FOR RENT Wurehouso nnd ofllce. Formerly occupied by Goodrum's garngo at tho foot of Central Avo. Apply C. F. McGeorgo, Agent, FOR SALE Small boarding house, well furnished, six steady boarders Apply Times ofllco. WANTED Sowing by tho day or at homo. Satisfaction guaranteed. $2.00 per day. Dox 434, North Rend. FOR RENT Store building with Ilv lug rooms in rear and flat of six rooms above, mono ii. WANTED Position nt small wages In doors, for tho wlntor. Addross, W. II. Durghagon, Marshflold, Oro. ROOM and HOARD 207 North 3rd St. cornor Commercial. FOR SALE Gas stove.. 108 South Second street. WANTED About Nov. 13 I will wnnt nn experienced woman to cook for C or 8 persons and tako charge of rooming houso. If satisfactory, will havo permanent homo. Address W. II. Uurghagen, Marshflold, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN On Plnno, fund turo, personal property, etc. Call from 6 to 8 p. m. H. H. Harper 334 First strest. Phono 349-J. FOR SALE Dry wood, flr and al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono 153-L. ROOM AND HOARD Tho Itoycrest, 388 First street, Phono 123-X. 0k?ii Grocery Matt Rnnklla nnd Snm Holmes nro planning to opon a grocery In tho O'Connoll building on Mnrkot nvcnuo noxt wcok. Father 111. R. W. Edglngton lins received word thnt his father, who Is soventy-ono yonrs old and who has hold federal ofllco for many yonrs, Is critically ill at his homo In Wash ington, D. C. Proves Up. Qco. W. Ralcom wns down from his homestead on South Coos River yesterday to apponr boforo Arthur Pock. United Stntos i.nnu Commissioner, to mnko final proof on bin homestead. Open New Itftrtmmint. G. L. Dor- rick, who has boon with tho Hai ti mom Cnfo lins leased tho room over tlio Nutwood saloon and will opon a Spanish Grill room nt nn onrly day. It will bo unlquo and mnko n speclnlty of Spanish nnd Moxlcnn Ulsiies. Funeral Today. Tho funornl of .TiiliiB. tho young boh of Mr. nnd Mrs Wllllnm Egenhoff of North Mnrshflold wnB hold thla nftornoon nt tho South Coos River comotory. Tlio tunorni mn nrlvntn nml loft on tllO Allco H nt eleven o'clock from tho foot of Market street. Want Postolllco Jnck Rnrnott wnn In from Libby this week nnd Is plan ning to maKo nppucnuon 10 mo gov nrnmont to secure n rogulnr mnll sor vin for i.ihliv. Tho residents thoro hnvo to como to Mnrshflold for their mull nnd ho bollovcs that uiey aro entitled to n postolllco of their own. Want Ad (Jets Results "Tnko thnt wnnt nil of initio for a flat for rent out of tho papor boforo they bother mo to death." romnrKoti jonn wiioruy to Tho Tlmos yestordny. "I rented It n llttlo whllo nfter tho nil enmo out nnd six or seven hnvo been there to try nnd rent tho plnce." Condition Critical. Tho condition of Mrs. Chnrles Jackson today Is re ported critical. Mrs. Juekaon only recently returned from Cnllfornln whoro sho hoped to recolvo somo bon oflt but tho chungo did not help hor. Sho Is nt the fnmlly homo on Rosb In let. Teacher Improves. Mrs. Mnry Thompson, who rocontly imdorwent an operation nt Mercy hospital, wns niilA to rosumo her duties ns teacher of tho South MurBhuold school yes- tordny. Mrs. Morrow, who was huu- Btltutlng for Mrs. Tiiompson, was m kon 111 and wns unablo to teach last Thursday. Taut. Macgeiin Injured. Capt. T. J. Macgenn whllo stopping from ono of tho BldownyB at tho Libby coal bun kers Inst ovonlng slipped nnu in bcok Ing to protect hlmsolf threw out his right hand In such n way that tho nnll of tho mlddlo flngor wns torn off mnklng a painful though not dnngor- oub wound. iiiMiKP SiiirraclNtH. Mrs. A. . Downs, Mrs. Orn McCarty and other Coos Hay Hiiffrnglsts nro grontly pleased ovor tho victories by tho wo man suffragists In last Tuesday h el ection. Four out of five states voting on Suffrage voted in favor of It. They wore Oregon, Kansas, .Micnigan uuu Arizona and Wisconsin was tho only ono to reject It. To Improve Road. A special elec tion hns been cnlled by tho residents hold thoro Dcrombor 4, for tho pur- poso of voting n speclnl tnx lovy to Improvo tho rDnd to Loon Lnko nnd Scottuburg. Lnst yenr, tho district voted a Bpcclnl levy whlcli would havo grontly benefitted thnt section but somo of tho non-roBldent property ownorfl knocked It out on n teclmlc nllty. ' To liny Timber. Pnrtles nro un derstood to bo ncgotlntlng for tho purchnso of tho North Rend Lumber compnny's mill nnd also reported to bo trying to buy tlio Morchnnt Kb tnto's trnct of 800 ncren of tlmbor on Coos Rtvor. Nothing deflnlto hnsl mntorlnllzod In ncgotlntlons yet. Railroad Work Delayed. Hormnn Lnrson who roturnod yestordny from tho Sluslnw whoro ho linn been dredg ing n log boom Bnyn tho rough weath er Is dolaylng tho construction of tho Southorn Pacific lino from Eugono down tho Sluslnw, making It almost lmposfll)ilo to got In supplies. Rough weather has prevented tho bringing of tho stonm Bhovol to Gardlnor for work on tho tunnel. Mr. Lnrson In dredging nbnut 104,000 ynrds for the Sluslnw mill. Was Flue Car.' Tho Cndlllnc enr which Georgo Gnodrum brought In tho other dny on tho Alllnnco for A. II. Powoib nnd which wnn bro kon In unlondlng, wna n rnther notabln car. It wob tho flrBt 1913 auto to reach Coob Roy. It wohi I tho finest over brought horo nnd contained moro modern equipment to net on tho rommlttco which is to cnll upon Gen. lllxby. W. B. CRAINE, a well known Co qulllo boss logger, wns In MnrBliflcld yestordny on bust lions. E. L. RORERTS of Catching Inlet Is In Mnrshflold on hla wny to Port land. Mr. Roborts, whoso trip la n business ono, will bo absent a couple of wcoks. STATE HANK EXAMINER DEN NETT arrived from Portland yes tordny on his porlodtcnl Inspection of tho ntnto bnnks ln this section of tho otnto. FRED MARX who Is mnklng hlsT uinrkn In the wosld Boiling Argo nnut shirts arrived from Portlnnd nnd Is calling on tho Coos county irniio. MRS. NOEL POMINVILLE nnd fnm lly, formerly of Flngstnff, left this morning on tho Rronkwntor for Alberta, Cnnndn, whoro thoy will reside W. F. MILLER left this morning on tho Rreakwntor for Portlnnd whoro ho will moot Mrn, Miller who hns boon visiting In Now York, Chlcngo nnd other cnBtorn points. ALEX WILSON, who Is recuperating from n stroko of paralysis hns re turned from Ton Mllo nnd Is very much Improved to tho grntlllcnllon of his ninny friends. AT THE HOTELS. I - CHANDLER A. II. Bottorgreen, than nn cur over scon In this Wolls llonnott, T. J. Mncgenn, W. II. pent Ion. Mr. Goodruin Is grontly. Yennu, II. II. Donnhoy, C. A. Hlnck dlsappolnted by tho nccldont which; burn nnd C. L. Ilalrlimd, nil of Port put It out of commission boforo It land; Frank Mnrs. llonvor I III ; 8. wob ovor onorated. Fish Plentiful. Fortimnn John Lnmuro of tho Tnllnnt Cnnnory ro portH thnt tho run of diversities In tho Ray is hotter than It has boon for somo tlmo. About thrco tons of fish nro being hnndlcd dnlly now. Mr. Lnmuro Biiccocdod In saving n entile or kuu pounds or mild cured salmon, which won ship ped from Roguo ilvor to tho Tnllnnt company here on tho Ob- proy. Tlio ensk waB wasnod nsnoro without dnmnglng tho rontentH, which were worth nbnut $85. E. Rrewstor nnd wlfo. Grand iHlnnil, Nebr,, and Emmn llrowBtor, Grand Islnnd, HLANCO C. II. Dungnn, Coos Ri ver; C. R. Wllloy, Coqulllo; O. II. Chnndler, Rnndon; Wnltor C. Hoff man, Myrtla Point. COOS G. J. Vnn Cnmp. City: O. II. Grnhnm, Portland; J. C. Hacker, Sim Francisco; F. F, Drake (lust DomnlH, John Domols J. C. llncker, nnd W. 11. Foloy, nil of Portlnnd; Mrn. Dnvls. Floronco; F. 11. Camer on, South Slough; A. J. Van Cnmp, Cltv: Goonso Trnroy. North Rond. BrowB & Swanitonn Elected io fill your prescriptions, when you will feel sure that they have been compounded in a scientific manner.' Which insures against (1) Lack of scientific data, (2) carelessness, (3) poor quality of drugs. The Leading Drug Store is growing becauso the people Fresh Fruits and Vegetables on today's Breakwater. Order that Thanksgiv ing Turkey NOW. Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASKEY'S CANDIES y a Bug Majority know that Brown and Swnnton 's plntform is O. K. They will live up to their promises nnd do tho right thing with all persons. Trustworthy Busi ness Methods has built our business, and wo do not intend to fail tho Trust our Patrons put in Remember us also us. As tine Store for Quality Goods Penslar Remedies and "Whitman's Famous Choco lates and Confections. WHY do avo lay such stress on the correct filling of prescriptions and high-grade goods? Because in no other line is it so essential as in a drug store to maintain efficient men nnd quality drugs, first, last and all the time. v i