COOS BAY TIMES SI. C. M WiONKY..Kdllor and Pub. DAN E. MYI.ONKY...Xew.s Killtor Tin: detteh thing wi: sought TO DE. Robertson Janus, brother of Henry 3ninos, tlio novelist, nnd Professor William .InineH, the fnnions psycholo gist of Ilnrvnnl University, died un Xnnvn beyond n riiiiiII Intlnmto circle, biit ninny believed lilm to bo the most talented of the three brothers. After Us denth the following very chnrne terlstlc )oom wiib found, nml it Is published In the November American Magnzlno under the title of "Tho Dot-, tr Thine Wo Soucht To Ho": AKho' I Ho bo low and still Hero enmo I by tho Master's will; Ho smoto at Inst to make 1110 free As He was smitten on tho tree And nulled there. Ho knew nf old 'Die human heart, and mine Is cold. And I know now, Hint nil wo gain Until wo cotno to Him Is vain. Thy hands havo novor wrought a deol Thy heart hnB novor known n need Ttrat wont nstrny In Ills groat plan Since far off days when youth began. And In Hint vast nnd perfect plan Whero Tlmo Is but an empty span- Our MnHtor waits. Ho knows our wnnt Wo know not His till pnlo nnd gunnt With weariness of life we come And sny to Him, Whnt shall I bo? Q Master, smite but mako me free: Fcrchnnco In these far worlds to know Tho hotter thing wo sought to bo. "And then upon thy couch llo down, Ami fold tho hands which have not sown, And ns thou llest there alone, Fcrhnpn some breath from seraph blown A"b soft ns dew upon tho rose. Will fall upon theo nt Llfo'H close. And thou wilt say, At Inst! At last! All pnln Is Love, when pain Is past. Then to tho Maxtor once again 0 keep my heart too weak to prny. Task no longer iiuostlonu vain Of Llfo nnd Love, of loss nnd gnln. Thcso for tho living nro nnd strong 1 go to Theo, to Theo, belong. Oneo wns I wnkoncd by Thy light, Unas years havo passed, nnd now tho night Takes mo to Theo. I nm content; So bo It In Thy perfect plan A mansion Is, whero I am sent To dwell nmong tho Innocent." .JUDGE NOT. "Sho wns n woman, worn and thin. whom tho world condomnod for n single sin. They cast hor out of tho king's high- way, nnd passed her by ns they went to prny. ire wns n man. nnd more to blame, but tlkt world spa rod him a breath of sliamo, Beneath his feet he saw hor He, hut no raised his head and passed hor by. Thoy woro tho people who went to prny, nt tho tomplo of God on tho holy iiny, Thoy scorned tho woman, forgnvo tho ninn: 'twns over thus slnco tho orii 1,(,Kn' , ,, , Tlmo passed on and tho woman dlod; I in i ii unit 111 minimi mm wun ui iiw fled. Tho world Is stem nnd ever the snmo, and they bury hor with nn un known nnmo. Two mortals will knock nt Hoavon's gate stand fnco to faco to Inquire their fnto, we wii carry a passport wuu nn earthly sign, hut sho n pardon from iovo iiivine. 0, ye, who Judgo 'twlxt lovo nnd vlro, which, think ye, will ontor Pnrn- dlso? i Kot ho whom the world hns Bald, vould win, but tho woman nlono trill ho usliorcd lu." CONTRIIIUTRD. Committee from Here Leaves For Portland to See Gen. Bixby. WHAT WXIlY H.VYS. Tho Orogonlan quotes Gon- ernl Wxby ns follows: "I would lllo to nrrango n I' trip to Coos Hay either while hero or nt San Francisco, nnd t If possible I will do so. It Is ? a grent- advantage to havo seen f a locality when matters come I up nt Washington concerning " It, tho topographlrnl features, I buildings erected at various projects nnd tho surrounding r country being Important." Tho committee which will call upon General Hlxby, head of tho United States army engineering corps nt Portland, Is composed of J. W, Honnett, chairman; J. D. Gobs nnd Cnpt. Mncgonn. Messrs. 7Ionnett and Goss left on tho Droakwator with dipt. Macgonn this morning. General Dlxby Is on the Pacific Coast from tho east nnd It was Jeclded that whllo ho was lu Port laud a committee from this city should call upon htm nnd explain tho condition of Coos Day and urge tho Importance of Jotty Im provement. The committee will show everything that will bo of any advantage so that the head of tho engineering corps will understand exact conditions. It Is thought that setting the matter boforo ffenornl Dlxby direct will hnvo aioro weight than anything el so thnt can bo done. Mr. Rounott in speaking of tho pfan8 of tho commlttoo just before leaving said: "Wo Intond to show the Import-! BILL FIGHT KOI IS TO BE HANGED People of the State Decide Not to Abolish Capital Punishment. Frank Garrison of this city who wn utility of killing Roy PerkliiB Is to bo hanged with four nnd possibly six others Dec. J 3 nt tho state pen! tentlnry. His fnto hung In a balance and was decided by tho vote of tho people of Oregon at tho last election. In Coos county tho roturns so far wcro C49 In favor of hanging nnd 027 In favor of not hanging. The bill as It appeared on tho bnllot was to abol- Ish capital ptiuisiimcnt. lu Portland. In Portland nnd Multnomnh county tlm voto In 118 nrcc nets, complete ncnlnst abolishment Is 12,970, while tho voto In favor Is SS05. In tho outside, the vote Is running threo to two against. Clackamas county, with n total registration or 71 CO, cast 1739 against nbollshment out of tho first 2S00 bnllots enst. Mnrlon county, lu which the stnto penitentiary Is locntcd. Is nlmost ns strongly opposed to tho bill, tho voto on tho Incompleto returns standing 1172 In fnvor of abolishment nnd 1831 ngalnst. Lincoln nnd Linn counties nro voting ns strongly against tho measure. Roturns re ceived Indicate that tho bill Is losing In nearly every county. Those, to Hang. Seven men who nro condomnod to die on Friday, December 13, nro: Mlko Morgan, convicted of killing John York In Josephine county; Frank Garrison, convicted of killing Roy Porklns In Coos county; Noble Foulder, convicted of killing LouIb Gilbert In Klamath county; John W, Taylor, convicted of killing Donald Stownrt nnd George llnstlngs In Mult nomnh county; nnd Charles nnd Geo. Humphreys, convicted of killing Eliza GrIIIHh lu Denton county. Tho HumphroyB brothers enso hnB boon nppenlcd to tho supremo court on stay of execution, nnd unless tho court docldcs against them boforo U19 fatnl thirteenth, tlioy will not bo In cluded In tho hangings. What Governor Says. "Tho question of tho abollshmont of capital punishment wnB fairly pro Acntcd to (ho votors of tho stnto nnd thoy mndo It plnln Hint tlioy nro In fnvor of hnnglng," snld tho governor. "Whllo I nm of courso dlsnpnolntod In the result, I havo no complaint to innko or criticism to offer. "I fought for tho nbollshmont of capital punishment bnrnuso my con science dictated such nctlon. I hnvo al'vnvs been opposed to It, nnd nlwnys will be. "However, tho voters of this stnto havo declared tholr wishes In tho matter nnd 1 Intond to nbldo by their decision. There may bo times when elrruniHtnnreH will cause this offlre to llH0 oxo,.lltvo clemency, but hnnglng to lift tlm nrilnr of tint ilnw FrlilnV. ... .. , ..w w. - ... , ...,,. ...... r , tho thirteen of December, should bo n red letter day for many of thoso wlto . favor capital punishment. ' "I nm sorry our seating rapacity In tho death chamber Is so limited, for wo wll.l undoubtedly, bo obliged to 1 turn away many who hnvo been look IK forw,ir, t this ovont. However, wo wUj (lo tl,0 i)08t wo can." T E Election at Port Orford Likely Stop the Harbor Work. According to tho roturns of the olectlon nt Port Orford thoro will be 110 lmmcdlnto Improvement of the harbor on tho part of tho com mission. Tho two commissioners elected are Thomas Hughes nnd W. W. Smith. These nro anti-port or luitt-tmprovemout' commissioners. The orlginr.l board wns composed of threo inon who favored Improve ment of tho harbor nnd two who woro ngnlust Improvomont. Two of tho improvement men drow tho short tonus nnd now thoy nro re placed by nutl-lmprovomont men, which leaves only 0110 mnu on tho commission of five who favors Im provement. In tho meantlmo tho port hns been tied up In litigation nnd noth lug was done. It Is supposed with tlio commission against making im provoments slmplv nothing will bo done along tnat lino. Tho port hnd offered tho gov ernment $50,000 to liolp In n Jotty Improvomont. Just how this nint ter will bo settled Is not' known. With tho commission against mak ing improvements tho litigation which was started In ordor to pro vent tho Improvement of tho har bor will probably bo dropped. Chonowoth nnd Whlto were the Improvomont commissioners dofenf ed nt this election, mice of lmmcdlnto notion In tho Improvomont of tho Jetty. Wo will show that tho shoal on the bar Is caused directly by tho sand washing through tho brokon pnrt of tho Jotty. Wo will not only tell of the Importance of work from n commercial standpoint, but will show that without tho Improve monts asked for tho lives of tho passongors coming In nnd going out of Coos Day nro endangered. Wo hnvo tnlked commorco for n long tlmo and that does not scorn to do any good, nnd now wo will show that It is n matlor of tho lives of tho peoplo who visit this port. Tlio wreck of tho Osprey nnd recent accident to tho steamer Washington will bo cited." M M J. N. TEAL TO BE DELEGATE Represent Coos Bay John Motley Secretary of Phnmhnr nf HnmniPrfiP Uliamuer 01 UOmillUOt. J. H Teal of Portland wns elect- ed by tho Mnrshfleld Chamber of Commerce to represent Coob Day nt the rivers nnd hnrbors congress nt Washington. This nctlon wns taken nt n meeting of tho Chntn- her of Commorco held Inst night. Mentlon wns mndo of tho lntor- est Mr. Teal had taken In Coos Uny nnd n motion wns carried that tlio Chamber of Commerce oxpress to him appreciation of his work chnrgod for those seances and ho snld In behalf of this locality. On 1110- nothing. Ho snld ho was mnlnttilnod tlon Mr. Tcnl was selected to rep- by rich Portland peoplo llko Jns. M. resent Coos Hay at the rivers nnd Wntson nnd othors ns n tonchor. hnrbors congress nnd ho will bo During his testimony, Mrs. John so Informed. 1 stono kept prompting htm. John .Motley, Secretary. I Cook's Version. The matter of electing a now) Addison Cook snld ho hnd known secretary wns brought up. Miss Johnstono for n couplo of days. Ho Violet Henderson, who resigned said ho had first seen him Sunday because of going to Cnllfomln to night when Cnpt. O'Kelly Invited him reside, will complcto her duties nnd others to attend a sonnce nt tho sometime next week. Two hnd.Tottcn homo In Enstsldo. Ho snld ho mndo application nt tho Chambor hnd pnld fifty cents toward tho con of Commerce hcndniinrtcrs. Thoy trlbutlon. Ho said that electric spnrks were Miss Louise Dlntt nnd 13. R.' filled tho nlr nnd thnt tho spirits woro Forrest. D. C. Grcon, tho pronl-, nil talking. Ho snld ho couldn't un dent, stntcd thnt John Motley hnd(dorstnnd It nnd docldod to hnvo a mndo application for tho position 1 sonnco In a room In his own houso and ho wns ejected sccrotnry, but, which ho know wasn't "fixed." Then ns ho Is going enst on business ho,h0 nrrnnged for Wednesday night's ennnot nssunie tho dutlcn until , Rcnnco nnd when ho nnd his frlond January 1. Mr. Green then np- foil down on tho attempt to expose, pointed Miss Dlatt secretary pro, j,o arranged for Inst night's. Ho snld torn to look nfter tho duties until ho wns told It wan customary for tho Mr. Motley roturns. mnn nt whoso houso tho sonnces woro Wiliit Delegate. hold to tnko up n contribution nnd A lottor wns received from C. B. ; Kvo tho monoy to Mrs. Johnstono. Ilofor tolling of n manufacturers' Prosecutor Kondnll wanted to nssoclntlon meeting to bo held nt j(n0w If O'Kelly wns Johnstone's husl Portlnnd November 21. Ho nsked nosB mnnngcr. Johnstono retorted to thnt Coos Dny send a dolognto. tho contrary. Prcsldont Green will confer with Mr rjook snld that Inst night, tho tho Smith company regarding a room wns dnrkoned. However, there dclegnto. was only a thin curtain nvor 0110 win- Appoint Committee. I down through which It wns posslblo Tho mntfror of n commlttoo to (o BCC Ho Bn(l thnt when Tower meet Gonornl Dlxby nt Portland turned on tho flashlight, tho horn and urging jotty Improvomont enmo wn tlt Mr, johnstono's mouth. Af up nnd J. W. Donnott, John D.; tor tho mooting broko up, Johnstono Goss nnd Cnpt. Mncgonn woro Bnd( ..You think you nro smart, named ns tho commlttoo. Tho com- (ll0 wholo 80t of y0Uf mlttce wns Instructed to 1100 Gon-1 Kcndnll nsked If tho splrltH snld ornl Dlxby nnd urge him to como ths nm, johnstono broko In and said to Coos Dny nnd see tho bnr nnd thnt ho did. tho committee was also Instructed, Mr. Cook said thnt ho hnd been In to en 1 upon Sonntors Dourno nnd vHct, to nttn,, rVnto senm-p by Chnniborlaln and Congressman .,,,, MI11 thnt 10 was told tho Hnwloy nnd nsk thorn to help In ,)rco wn j securing tho Jetty Improvement. I -'l t Cuiilnd Pnt. Grimes Designs. T n Towor ,,, ,nt ,, ,,,, ,. ,.... ,otto .wnH recoJvy(,l froi" Co1' tended two of Johnstono's sonnces. llllam Grimes containing his re- ,, ,,, U)nt jj,nHtno oxplnlncd thnt slguntlon ns chnlrmnn of tho oxe-' ,10 ,,,, HpIrlt con,rol nnIno(1 ..,,nr ciitlvo committee of tic 1 Chnm , or, wh ,,rou ,lt ,n tho 0,h0r spirits thnt of Commorco. W. S Chnidlor wns JnBt (, , t , the flnshllght. elected to fill tho unexpired term ,, t0,(, Prf)f( Jo,,nHtono tho current ns chnlrmnn. .nnnjTO so strong thnt It hurt his wrists iniW'hi-'vi? t "BpPrM?n,i ,i "" "0 'eft go of the hniids of Kl. 01,1 ,.!f hlBiV,i.i!ni (1nin Knininoror nnil Chns. Stnuff who woro he conferred with Sonntor notirno i,0B,i0 i.i.,, nnd with tho nrmy engineers. j Ho Bn,,-thnt prof, JohnBlono told r 1. vftii-iiv ,,i I Mm It wns. tho nnlmnl rurront nnd I. I. AQH lil. I II-. II I'.. )tll(lt t,,H rnlBC(l (0 J,nrn t0 ,novo nvnlltld li I tin miliinH n .1 Uttnnlp Old Pioneer Up F101.1 California for 11 Drlef Vl-ll. Tom ('. Nowlln, a well known old timer of Coos county, but now IS?.".'0;"!!"1 "i ".iJ0 California, In hero on n hrlof visit ... -ln.l.... I I.I. ....,.. .!.! ',' . " " V ,"" , V,",. "."'.- .'"."J iiu ttitn in .nm niiui'iti itiuti3 iiiiii ,,i.,,.. ,.,.. , .1 rti-n.. ...... wns kont bnsv crootlnc bis innnv vl(UIH HP'"lrc "l 'lien O'Kelly stnrt W."K..V5 J" "18 .K.r00.uL,.B . ? " m,1 ed to talk to his Hi,l sen "Clinrlev." iitiiuiiiiiiiiiiroH. no 1011 huh iiuur- noon fop Prosnnr to mionil ?nnilnv nt the homo "of his so T Nowlln. Tom mndo his customary call nt Tho Tlmos olllco nnd loft tho following poetical contribution. Mr. Nowlln nlwnys finds Inspira tion In tho glories of Coos Dny I havo mndo n trip to old Coos nny, my denr frlonds to seo Dellovo me, whon you'ro rending this, Coos Dny looks good 1 1" mo: ,. ... ... . In thoso grcon hills I'd llko to nut I pS""nlwnys havo my wny' Dut I'll como bark somo other ,jft.. 1 Sure. I'm Jiist stuck on old Coos Uny , Tho hills nro Just ns groon now ns In tho dnys gono by And I llko tho big. fnt snlmon nnd huckloborry plo. And to hnvo It nny bottor It nin't no ubo to try I And now thnt I must lenvo you, I'm nfrnid that I will cry. Unless I can innko n snonk, nnd not hnvo to sny "good-byo." i . I AMONG THE SICK. I Mr. Butler or Scottsburg ontorod Sho snld Professor Johnstono wns onuir1'11"1 t0a"y ' Un,,CrBO nn.known ns ,"0l,l" from const il Pn? rS n ni , , , I const. Sho donled over chnrglng 1 A SS2iSr, ?:: xz ,;"8..,bce..n ."-.--:. w m tack of rheumatism waTnbfo' to lenvo! tlio hospltnl todny A. Dnwpon. n woll known trnvollnir mnn, Is sufforlng from n sprnlnod nn- klo sustained during tho tho trip hero 'TL ,ra0Ul ' T, nnv,nR ttMo r from Gnrdlner nnd is compelled to! f,?Il"8ton?. ,nn Ul,118fnnro- ,s"o said uso a cano. lu sho saw the flashlight and heard tho I'O IXVKSTIGATI-: DKATII. Coroner Wttonn Cnlleil to Conulllo by Sudden Demise. I coroner V. K. Wilson wont to wnen city Recorder Dutler nn Coquiilo this nftornoon to Invest!-j nounced thnt $10 ball would bo re gnto a sudden death thoro. Noinlred for each, Prof. Johnstone partlcnlnrs hnvo beon received hero wnntod to know If his wlfo hnd tho othor than the following In tho money. She said that sho did not Coqulllo Sentinel: i hnvo It with her. Then they hnd "Died At tho office of Dr. nich- Mnrshal Cnrter en to timin mm of niond, Thursday, November 7,i 1912, Mrs. Nancy Cunningham, I daughter of . Thos. Wilson of Myr- no i uuu, uKou -o yonrs, montlis nnu ;i unys. cause of death, stat LSa CS, h been omployed nt tha Hotel Dax- ter for iom. time as ."wiltri. Donth wns very suddon, bolng the direct result of n paroxysm of se vere and continued coughing which resulted in stranglatlon ami nnmiv. sis of tho heart." SPIRITUALIST I 11 ELD !LnlS$J$ -pJ5Si?SSJ h0 snid thnt ho nmi his wifo woro visiting with Mrs. Hendry nnd her ,llulgltor. H.ilth, when Chns. Oranby enmo to tho door -"' "tatoil ho hnd been sent to have them go to Cook h home. He said 'i" went expecting a social time. !' nld about nrrnng- Ing tho horn. l I'nr them hold linndB nnd keep their fret on tho floor. Ho said all nppeare' eitlsllcd except IIo- ward nnd ho folt thnt Howard would not bollovo anything. Thon tho flnsh- light wns turned on. Mr. Kendall nsked him whnt ho tp nor ,,, mt nft,)r ,, tiU:i to some Hpl-t nnmo I Tower ; ;, "'-: !" '" - " "' """ "i ioio'nnd'Pa'laNSd'WX fl !,..... In 1,n Ctn.if nll,..l ... .. ll"HI II wholo crowd, especially wolcomlng nrk the ones who hnd atlended pre .., .i... 1. ..." , .. .. Vii 1 Juht t'10" ,l0 tuniod Oil the llntllght, "vonllng Mrs. Johnstono with tho nwihiino l I'or mouth. Mri. Johnstone's Version . Mrs. Johnstono snld thnt sho wns n nursojind tonchor of psychology nnd thnt sho Is thirty-seven years old. She Is nn iinusiinllv lnnn wnmnn Hor oyes shot fire ns she glnncod from tlmo to time nt tho enmor In which the crowd was assombled. Including thoso who had participated In tho ox- peso, nS'rW fir "nrnV.i? n ftU',?nt i .m -ii.? ,U.U "Sd ot " modlum. Sho said sho wnsn't nshatn- ?,' ,Bt;,l0l,"l.or' ,S.h? Bnl'1 t,,m.t 8l' wns sonsltlvo" only to n cortaln dogrco. Sho thnt alio dollvored lectures nn soolnllsin, theosophy nnd nny othor Bl" ttm ,wn 1oslrod. Sho said sho "(tiire.l In Ttoseburg boforo coming l!?ro nn," m,lK,,t lo"vr n locturo hero. s,1 Sfl,(' fl,, novor chnrged for her "0rvIrc9 l"t sometimes nccoptod offor- lnKf, Sho snld thnt It wns her rollglon and snld thnt tho oxposo wns nttompt- od bv "thoso men for nuro cussod- ness." Sho further doclnrod thnt "Christ wns crucified by a sot llko i II1U11I Hint Zn8"'" JTJlSl t thnt sho hnd n houso. nart of wbloii sho rented. Sho donled having had tho horn to iruinpoi urn on mo noor but did not touch It. SllO Closed With SOmn roinnrlf nltmit !ho m"!!,,OUB.n08a of those who "tried to Bet tho1" Into trouble." the Dlnnco nnd set the monev Thoy stated that they planned to leave on the noxt Redondo for the sonin. Axtlm. nit,. T. .-. !ffl?."5!-!!?L9rter investigate rnZrZ" vMr" nml Sneclal LOADED SnOTGU SIIKIJ nt THE GUNNEKY. Times' Want Ads bring results. WASHINGTON LEAVES TODAY Has Stopped Leaking and Is to Be Taken to Portland to Dry Dock. Tlio steamer Washington was ready to leave for Portland this morning. When sho Btnrted out laBt week tho how struck bottom nnd a lenk was sprung. Tho ves sel took water Tor several days but finally stoppod leaking. It Is sup posed tho stand nnd mud stopped tho lenk which It Is thought' wns not 11 hnd one. At any rato tho vessel wns In condition to innko tho trip to Portland, whero Bho will go Into dry dock for wntovor ropnlrH nro needed. Tho Washing ton oxpocted to cross out today If tho bnr would penult-. Sho took part of her enrgo but left her deeklond lu North Demi. I ALONG TIIK WATKHKROX? The Homer Is scheduled to sail from Snn Francisco for Coos Dny to night with oil nnd freight. Tlio disabled engltio of tho Mil llcomn wiib repnlred yesterday nnd Captain Masters roportH ovory thlng ns good ns now, Cnpt. J. A. O'Kelly I plnnnlng to hnvo his bonis between North Hond nnd Murshflold resume their regulnr winter schedulo next wook. Kruso nnd Dnnks expect to havo tho stenm schooner for tho K. J. Dodgo lumber company completed early In January although tho Incle ment wonthor hns delayed tho work some. Sho will ho 210 feet long nnd llfteou foot In dopth. Wm. Mnst, tho well known driver Is hero from Dundon to oxamlno tho hull of tho Stenilior Washington, which wns dnmnged by striking on the Coos Dny bnr whllo going to son a week or so ngo. On his report, tho ngent of tho Underwriters who Is now hero will determine whnt tho In surnnce company will do. Mr. Bruin of Porter Bros. Is Going Over the New Line. Mr. Druln, superintendent of out side work for Portor Dros., railway contractors, enmo In from Portland to Gardiner on tho stngo yesterday on n tour of Inspection of tho railway work. I-'rom Gardiner ho went to Florenco nnd will Inspect tho tunnel work. After going over the nctlve work on tho rail wny. Mr. Druln will con tlnuo his trip over tho survey to Coos Dny nnd lslt this section boforo re turning to Portland. RAILWAY IN COMING TO COOS 1913 Models of the Indian Motorcycle Followlns the "11 Important Improvements" of 1912, tho Hon deo Mfg. Company nnnounco no less than a dozon additional now features In tholr 1913 modol of tho Indian Motorcyclo. Dy far tho most significant fea ture of ton mnolilnn la 11, -i..ii - -- ""w ........w ,u tnu jitlU aiuiiiB i-ramo. it Is Bomothlng on- iuuy now, a rnmcai doparturo from tho conventional htovoin nmi recent motorcyclo svstnmit of i-. i t. - . --. ..... - springing." Drlefly, tho now do- ..vw t,u,iDioia oi mo application to tho roar wheol of tho Indian Cra dlo Spring dovico as used on tno "nt fork for tho past three years, bxtonding bnck horizontally from tho frnmo Joint cluster under tho saddle, flanking tho roar mud guard are two 7-lonf Chrono Vana dium steel springs. Tho "C" shaped curls at tho rear ond of these springs nro connected by staya to boll-cranks on which tho rear nxlo is hung. Tho forward ond of tho nf,nn'or!t,.lin8 n hlns Joint which pnnbles the renr wheel to yield to lniPOrfCCtlona nf rnn.l .,..f., in shocks nro completely nbsorbo'd 'by mo luni springs. Tlio rear whool Cnil KO thrnil crti nlninat nr... ,,.! cnl motion without affecting tho I Our donionsrrator will bo on reaches tho coast. imam. BREAKWATER SIS TBI Leaves for Parting , . With Passenae s 3 Fre'Hht Cargo, The sleaniei- Hrenku-m When tho stoaincrlcfui, rttrtlt "ock thoro was ft OrlJn? I Prospects for a l.lenrani ? ,tt l"88cngorB woro not brirt" ,0r'k oxpecedtobonbl" 0cS' '' V today, wm, other frt.0.Ul on tu,,H f Balmon cwnf8rc sht. Ct tho salmon packing i,in,,( a from Tlio following wo''" '""'' Goo. Johnson, p. w ,. wife. J. W. Hcnnctt lmYv1 J. linker. C. W. Ilnlp a If Carl. wlfo. J. Oerstel. AlnV'M tort, 11. H. vnn VoorhSft lh ll J. 11. Goss, Mrs Lil .B,V. Uiirn, Chester. Kntlicrin.' Ionise nnd Kmmn i.n".J.V,!a' Hoborts. G. H. Oral an nt' " kins, Mr. nohfolf rr: 5" . Forsyth o. 13. p. Lbw, -.. "? '. J. H. L. Itob.-rtM n t" ' "W.BnTL Ins. ltobt. A. r Hlw D" .1. ? " Jlarry Spo. W. d" A?,US fe Ion nnd Pnt Mallnry. C',A-M'- cask i)i:cii)i:i), T. O. Stennnh-i. Win, Suit In R. bin-K Twmd Offlre. Tho enso of tho HlKgin, u hns been decided. nccordlnR 0 ,u Atlornoy J. O. Stcmmkr of . elty last Snturdny received a kit phono messngo Informlnc him iht tho Innd office nt ItoicburR h rendered a .Incision fnvoriW, his cllonts In tho case of tho r.L led Slntes vs. tlio IIKBD, Wrii tho testimony of which wm ut boforo Commissioner Dodge In tl!i city soino tlmo ngo. The WMu holrn woro represented ty f Stemmlor nnd Illngcr Hcrmia ( rtosoburg. if you hnvo anything to sell. m or trndo, or wnnt help, try a Wist Ad. TONIGHT nt T5e Royal The Fugitive Zlgato to the Itescuc corned; Tho Sly St-mint. Mork-Siul-Alll and Dorothy Wood In high-class vaudeville lll opi Monday night for a week'i w gngoment. Good iiiubIo nnd realistic load effects, 10 cents. body of tho machine There h "bottom" to this spring Tho llfo of tho ninchlno Is Pw Incronsod. , ... Tho onglncorlng department tho Hondeo Mfg. Co. devoted l months of oxhnustlvo test to m Crndlo Spring Frame before WW deciding on Its adoption for niouoiB or wio iy """" c..i.f In addition to the Cradle Sprtw Frame, tho 1913 Ind an emjoiW 10 other Important improvementi which will bo appreciated by w orcyclo riders in general. rn remain tho samo as last yr;. Now stylo, single clinch rt larger tiros, widor mud J front and rear with jj " splashes; ensing for upper " f of transmission chain "" sprocket: lnrgor lUBgage- "ierfMt rear, fitted to nil mdAedMto rosts ns well ns pedals, lliieo regulnr 4 h. p. and 7 h. P ft els; foot brake lever ' side now operates, band braw well ns tho pedal iiou, . .LP'!.. "S..5 tnroved in- io an mouem imiwi dlnn typo saddle. . .(n All 1913 Indians will be tt driven and finished In Indian ' x. oniy. our floor as soon as the new w lsi mm