The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 09, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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On the South Side
I'oi- tlu past three years the i-ilv lias boon rapidlv
KI'ciwihk souili. IJcauliful Immeshavo boon oivi-lcd and
Ki'cal (lovplopnipnls taken plaoo that have established
1 1 in Smith Side" as the bet residence section of llio
city, now and for future.
AVitli this growth and dovelopineiit proper! v values
havo increased and investments and transfers in that
section have been the feature of the realty market.
First Addition offers the investor the opportunity
to buy the choicest South Side property at the lowest
prices on terms so reasonable that his assurance of
profit cannot be questioned.
For the homcbuilder who desires the right location
at the right price, First Addition is first class.
50x120 lots, high and level; sightly and attractive,
facing on improved street at only $300 each.
Investigate this Addition now and make your selec
tion while you can secure the highest values at the
lowest price and take advantage of the exceptional
terms we offer.
Olosc-in acre tracts at the right price.
Reynolds Development Co.
Coke Building
Telephone 160-J
1V011K, Bromide Enlarging and
Kodak Finishing.
r j
la the Circuit Court of tlio State
o( Oregon, In a ml for tlio County
ci Coos.
J. II. Minor, Plaintiff,
Einh DalncB, Chnrlca BnlnoB, .Tnmcs
Dimes, TliomiiB II. Dnlncs, lionry,
A. Dalnes, Mrs. Chnrloa Unlnes, I
lln. Jamc3 Unlnes, Mra. ThomrtB1
II. Dalnes, Clmrlotto Ilolcn Bnlnoa
Flanaean. Patrick J. Flnnngnn, .
Rote llalncs Peterson mid Louis
Teterson, DefcndnntB.
To Sarah Dnlncs, Clinrlos Unities,
Jimcj llalncs, TIioiiuih II. UnlnoJ.
Henrjr A. Dnlncs, Mrs. Charles
Bilnei, Mrs. Jninos Dalnes, Mrs.
Thomas H. Dnlncs, Clmrlotto Helen
Balnea Flnnngnn. Pntrlclc J. Finn-
t, Itoso Dnlncs Potorson nnd
Lcul retcrson:
You and ench of you nro lioroby
totllled that you nro required to
tppear and nuswor tlio complaint
on (llo ngnlnst you In tlio
tove entitled Court, In tlio nbovo
"titled suit, In which tlio snld J.
H. Mllner Is lilalutlff nnd you nro
t defendnnts, on or hoforo rho
"la day of Dccoinhor, 1912, tlio
lime being tlio Inst dny for nn
mrlne prescribed In tho ordor for
U publication of this sumoons, nnd
Tou fall to appear to nnswor on
before said dnto tho plaintiff will
JPPiy to tho Court for tho rollof
cemanded In Ills complaint, n sue
nt statement of which Is as fol
. to-wlt:
That tho Court dotormlno whnt
jo la duo upon tho contrnct for
purchaso of tho horolnnftor ac-
-vta real property .and apply tho
"fount deposited with tho Clork of
wis Court thereon, and direct snid
owendants to mnko, oxocuto and do-
WT6r A tt'nrrnnti flnml onll nlnin.
" for said lore sovon, eight, nlno
W ten of block twenty-nlno or
""road Addition to Marshfield.
"rSon, according to tho pint
v!re2f of rocord and on fllo in
rvi- ?ount Clerk's ofllco of Coos
iu ,y' 0reBn. In accordnnco with
o terms of tho contract of saio
Described jn tho complaint, upon
" Plaintiff paying Into Court
;at"r Bum of money Bhall be
II lrT.?onl find also docreo mat
.m ,fa.lluro, refusal or neglect of
tk. rfen''nnts to mnko said deed,
i.e la that event said decreeo be
therefo and taUon ns C(lulvalont
meSnV0?d"That Plaintiff bnvo Judg
ttln. lor his costs and disburse
,,!?,s aealnst snld defendants and
llff y1 nn such further re
mA. to tho Court Bhall soera
s.rJSnd C(lul'ablo.
hT iii of tnls summons Is made
ord.. "c?t,on ln Pursuance oi an
faer made, by tho Honorablo john
of ,re,JU(1eo of tho Circuit Court
Count?, ,tato of Oregon, for Coos
tobS i,aied tho 2Cth dQy of 0c
tlon.V1912' directing tho publlca
"on thereof in tho Cocs Bay Times,
field npaper Published at Marsh
week V003 cunty, Oregon, onco a
tlrl Jor. n Period of bIx consecu
flrst .&' commencing with the
th ' PHcatlon of the summons on
9 -6th' day of October. 1912.
(Flrt ..Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dihi.Pullciltlor October 20 j last
Explication Dv 7. 1912.)
Harmon Tailoring Co.
128 Front St.
Opposite Orphcum Theater.
Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line
"Spruce Up!"
Gontlonion, leave your Unon to
us nnd wo will guarantee you per
fect satisfaction with tho way It
Is lnundored. Every nrtlclo of jour
wardrobo that Is usually eont to
tho Inundry will look bettor and
Inst longor If entrusted to our
enro. Dress Shirts, Collars, Cuffs,
Hnndkorchlofs, Whlto nnd fancy
ifnaia ... tnUn tiin urentest enro in
doing them up to plcnso thp owner
nnd reflect credit on oursolves.
Coos Bay Steam Laundry
In Lnno County, Oregon.
Irult & Kerry Farms,
Truck Farms.
Dairy Farms,
Block Farms,
General Farming-
nnd LITERATURE tolling you about
tho wonderful resources of Lane
County, Oregon.
Cottage Grove. Oregon.
Thfi , -rLyour Jb Printing dono at
,ce Times office.
Notice is hereby glvon that the
undersigned hns been duly appoint
ed administrator of the estate of
Mary A. Peterson, deceased. Now
5? persons having claims ngalnst
snld estnto are hereby notified to
present tho same, Properly verlflod,
with proper vouchors there or, to
tho undersigned at tho office of
James T. Hall. Room 11. Eldorado
Dtock. Marshfield, Coos County.
Oregon, within sU months from the
datDentedrCtl!is 23d day of October,
1912, ... C30M
JUL1UO illiWUW.".
Administrator of the estate of Mary
A reieroum uw,v- .
1 fti! uSw2&WBmMNKffiBfv a$s issvi
7:15 A. M.
A. M.
A. M.
A. M.
A. M.
A. M.
P. M.
P. M.
P. M.
P. M.
P. Mv
P. M.
P. M.
P. M.
P. M.
P. M.
P. M.
P. M.
7:00 A. M.
7:45 A. M.
8:30 A. M.
9:15 A. M.
10:00 A. M.
10:45 A. M.
11:30 A. M.
12:15 P. M.
1:00 P. M.
1:45 P. M.
2:30 P. M.
3:15 P. M.
4:00 P. M.
4:45 P. M.
6:30 P. M.
C:15 P. M.
7:00 P. M.
8:00 P. M.
9:00 P. M.
10:00 P. M.
11:00 P. M.
12:00 P. M.
Leave North Rend Allen's News stand.
Leavo Marshfield Chandler and Blanco Hotels and Busy Cornor.
j ('mis Comity Krnl Ni"x nn Told by
UK- llt'l'IIIU.
County Clerk Watson collected fees
to the n mount of $030. SO for tho
month of Octobor.
The resignation of Counrlliunn V
C. True, who hns moved from the
city, wns ncrcpted nnd tho appoint-,
moiit of Loo J. Cnry to fill the vncnn-1
cy wns made and rnnflrmed, tho nowj
councilman Inking bin sent nt onco. !
V. C. True, now In the employ of!
tlio Prosper Mill nt Prosper, camo,
homo Tuesday to vote. Ills family
nro still residents of Conditio but!
will movo to their now home ns soon
ns arrangements can be completed for
their comfort. a
County Clerk Wntson Issued th
following mnrrlngo licenses durinc
tho week:
Alonxo Wright nnd Snrnh Units.
Thomns M. Lewis nnd Gertrude
.Tnmi Illrhnnl Wnll nnd Calta
Inp Uenodlitl Parker. Coaullle i1nr
Frnnk Cameron, formerly tlio j
printer of tlio Agitator, who hns been'
seeking to sccuro a llccnso for n n-!
loon nt South Slough, has not ns yet
presented his application to the Coun
ty Court for acceptance. Strong op
position exists nnd it is nuito nro-
bnblo Mr. C. will bo obliged to guzzlo
his own lndtvldunl boozo.
W. H. Iloyle, formerly of Coqulllo,
who mot with nn nccldcnt whllo
working on the now mill hero, suffer
ed n sorloufl Injury recently whllo
employed nt enrpentor work on n five
story hotel building nt Rosoburg. TIo,
slipped nnd fell on tho concrete sldo-.
wnlk on Jackson street during tho
noon hour, nnd apparently fractured
one of his hips.
Co(iillli I'Mii'inicu Fared Madly Thlt
The Unndon Recorder sayn:
Most of the llshernipii on tho Co
nulllo river have hung up for tho sea
son. Thp fishing business this year
has boon exceptionally poor, In fact
most of the fishermen l.nvo lost
money. Tho Conulllo Rlvor Co-opcor-atlvo
Canning Co. hns packed onlr
nbout 7,000 enscs out of a Runrnnteo
of 12,000 cases pnek so they will to
considerably behind.
Of course tho cannery Is still run
ning but only gill ncttors nro flshlnc
and the cntch Is very light nnd th
cxtrn 5.000 enscs "nnnot possibly b
mndo up.
Tho seiners bnvo nil hung up nnS
nro consldornbly behind on their
cntch ln fact somo of thorn nro sovena
hundred dollars out, as tho harvest
of fish hns not been nenrly enough to
pny expenses. Inst year wns one ot
tho best in tho history of this rlrer
for fishing whllo this yenr will go
down Into history ns one ot tho poorest.
Somo nbscnt mlndod politician Is
Marshfield mnlled over thrco hund
red envelopes to the votora of North
Bond this wetk, which woro empty.
Postmnstcr Russoll stntcs ns tboro
wns no return nddress on tho onvti!-
ls daughter Mabel, who wns ah- though ho realized that thoy wore
uctcd supposedly by gypsies, when ' empty. Wo predict that It wns Just
ho wns five- yours old. "" wc" anyway. North Bond Ilar-
Weigh Our Feed and Grain
by what thoy will do for your
horso. If thoy will improvo his
condition and value you nood thorn
nt any cost. But as thoy will cost
you uo moro thnn you pay any
way you do not havo to consider
tho cost. Wo claim that our feed
and grain will mako a bottor horso
of yours. Give us tho chnnco to
prove It.
A. T. Haines
rhono 100J Watrfxrat, Blfld.
The Connection Is the Place
whoro a lot of plumbing origin
ates. That Is why wo glvo par
ticular attention to Joining places.
That la also why thoro 1b no aftor
troublo with plumbing dono by us.
Unless you nro getting Just that
kind of plumbing you need us as
much aB wo want you.
Willey & Schroeder
303 North Front Street.
rilONE 77-J
fisher Auto Service
Win. Fisher, Proprietor.
Phono orders to HIllyer'B Cigar
Stand, Phone 18-J. After 11 P. m.
phono 5-J. Night Phono 181-R.
Morslifield, Oregon.
Unique Pantatorium
Agent for Edward n. Straus &
Co., Fine Tailoring. Let u
make your next suit.
255 COMMERCIAL. Phono 850-X
Ragged Newspaper Clipping Gives
Clew to Father In Search.
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 9. A rng-
o-ml nlnin tt nnu'orintinf Kvn tunntlia
old luiR given Chnries W. Clnrko! opes ho lind no wny of rnicortnlnlnc
of Chlhunhun. Mexico, his first who mailed them nnd wns obllgoft to
clow nfter sovon yenrs' sonrch for' iovor snmo i uioso nuiirosBou.
at a i'fi
oiiit it tto stvu viuu villi .
Tho nlcco earned tho appeal of UU1'
n lltilo Kansas City girl who slgn-l 1V1 .. ri,,.IrtV
cd horBelf Ednn Meyers to tho Lob PORTLAND cm ELECTION.
Angeles police, asking help to find -
her father ( R'Ject RihvIuI Bond Insiipm nn
Tho child said that sho hnd ; Grant New IVanclilM.
been tnkon nwny from homo when' , PORTLAND. Nov. 0,.UnofncMl
very smnll. thnt her right nniiio 'Kira fr""' n)l ProclnclH o re
wns Clnrko. nnd thnt her father's, city except ono show tho dofoat
immo, ns sho remembered It wns of rotnin hhIoii govornmont nt ttio
Thomns. Dosplto this dlfferonco cH' election Saturday by a ninjor
tho circumstances of tho supposed , ' of exactly 800. Tho inlsslnc
nbductlon tally so closely that precinct probably will slightly ln
Clarko Is convinced that sho Is "onso thoso figures,
his dnughter. Ho passed through j Every bond Imiio votoil upon
this city tpday on his wny to wiw dofcatpd, tho publle markot
KnnsnB City to find hor. Clnrko niniilng closest. Tho Robs Islnnd
snyB his child was taken from Its' Project wns most unpnpulnr ot tho
enrotakor by sovoral men whllo unoy inpasures, tho plan to pur
borrying In July. 190R. tchnso It being rejected by newly
Ho hnB practically oxhausted his 15.000. a majority of four to oiru.
resources In n sonrch which ho hns, , Of tho soven mensuroB adopted
prosocutcd over since, nnd had glv- tbo most Important nro tho rtp
on up hopo when ho hnpponcd to nrovnl of a franchise for tho
como ncross tho nowspnpor story Northwestern EIpc r o company, th
of tho Httlo Missouri girl. nniondmont oslnbllBhlng a uniform
toll of 3 cents for all cars crosB-
TIIAT WOLF-TIIIN(!'S HANGING '"R tho brldgefl. nnd Indorsement
'ROUND. given llio grcnior rorunuii pinne
Thero'B a frlondB who's over with , r tho city beautiful,
me. Ho Is stnndlng by my door.1 , Not only did tho votors Inn.
Though I'vo tried my best to Iobo down every proposal for bonding
him, thoro ho Is as o'or hoforo. I tlio city, but they decisively ro
hnvo scrnppod with him by lamp- Jcclod every amendmont to tbo
light. -tried to can him In tho Bnnw,,chnrtor that would bnvo permitted
but ho'B always hanging 'round mo tbo city council to Inrrenso tbo bV
Ho'b that Old Wolf-Thing, you know, nrlen of tho city attorney, city trc
CHORIIS ' niiror nnd city engineer.
Wolf-Thing, Wolf-Thing, won't you , Dofent of the Daly public H0r
lonvo mo? Pnss mo by, O! pnss mo vice commission bill by ovor 7400
by. Lot mo slumbor ov'ry morning voIpb puts n qiilotUB on tho plan
till tho sun hns mounted high. I for n local commission Turin oT
would Ilko to bo good follow, with government.
somo Joy Bunch mnko a sound, but
I novor havo tho "yellow," for Old A MODEL BET.
Woir-Thlng'B hanging 'round. ' It looks very much nn If Mrs, W "K.
H. . Vnnderbllt, Jr., would bo railed upon
Yesterday, with empty pockets, I , soon to pny n debt of honor to her
wont wnlklng through tho town, young nephow. Hermann Oolrlrlm.
Thoro woro doughnuts In a window. Tho 'debt Is n hirgo oiiot-boiiip sny s.
dono in colors, rich nnd brown. Tlion half million dollnrR was tho amount
I turned without a longing, tried to 0f tho wager thnt Mrs. Vondorbllt, lu
touch n man I found, but ho snldt losing It, will consider that sho hns
"My frlond, thoro'B others who havo won.
Wolf-Things hanging 'round." A fow years ngo, oh young Oolrlcbs
BOB STANLEY. ' wna nenrlng tho ago whon boys ro-
-: ' gard clgarettoB oh tho liiBtgnla tit
Nursery Stock. Seo A. E. Seaman,' manhood, IiIh mint challenged him In
Phono 49-J. ,Iny part of his futuro fortuno ngalnst
!a similar pnrt of hern on tho proposl-
DANCE at KAGLER HALL Hntiir, tlon thnt ho would not smoko or
day night. Ki;yy,i;u'H niwrui., touch Intoxlcnnts of nny Kind unui Jin
should ronrh his majority.
Ho nrroplnd the chnllongo nnd tb
Golden Rule
Cotton Blnnkots. oxtrn $0 IK
values, pair, 76c to $&( J
Ladles Cotton Undorwear, C(p
25c to vUL
Somo In wool, (tl t(
?1.00 to vpi.JV
Ladles' Union Suits, T? Cn
45o to U..-P",JU
Chlldren'B Hoso, our epecinl for
Bovs nnd tZr
Girls lJVi
D. M. C. Embroidery Cotton, Cp
3 skeins for UKj
Royal Floss, silk, lAp
3 skeins iy,Xj
Laces, one-half what you pay olso
whoro. Broadway, near Central.
Golden Rule Store
McrcIiout'M Old Stand.
1F... T rlnnl. .I.lin 11X111 l0 (ill O fla
It III, 11. vuim, nii "" l""" "" ,, l.., n-.., ,IU
tor nt No hurt, Montana, writes: "' nvi""""'", "' "" ":
"I recoinniend Foloy'a Ilonoy nnd bis twonty-flrHt blrtl.dny next monlK
Tn-. Cnninni ml to all inv 1)001)10.' Tims ban "gambling" been turnoS
and S! .over .Zi.p'oS Into a virtue to conquer other evils,
with it. Foley's Honey and Tar , M Vaudorbllt may bo proud i
Compound for coughs nnd eoldB lor Iomoh. Her nephew, who Ibu
gives the best possible results.'' For.rhum of Vincent Astor, nnd n student
enlo by Locklinrt-PnrsoiiB Drug Co., In llio lnw school of Columbia hn;
iin niifiv Corner ' ,,0n 'or ynrH the modol youth ot
1110 misy i..iiiimr. , .. . ..... v.., o.ii.. At.h
illVMll l mill iiun lum .iifiiuij, 4II.1.
ho ban been nn exnmplo that a boy
enn shun hnd hnblts without being,
Nono of his sot Is furthor from be
ing n mollycoddle than Oedrlchs. He
Is ono of the most daring nutomobll
Ists ln tho country, a clovor honor
and foncor, nnd hns won trophies it
golf and tenuis,
Moreover, ho Is regarded afl &
young Chcstorflold In mnnnor nnfi
dross. Ho nttondB nil tho Hinnrtoi.1
functions of summer nnd winter, nnfl
Is alroady popular In society nbrond.
Two yoarH ago bo and Vlnrcnt Ab
tor had an auto race on tho sand ot
the Socond bonch ot Nowport. Ooa
rlchs' car caught flro, but ho kopt go
ing till ho won tho rnco, and then hail
to drive Into tho ocean to put out the
flro- . .
Alroady posseesod of a considerable
fortuno, ho will rccolvo an Immense
cne from his niothor on tho day be
.shall wed.
A. J. Bailey, a railroad onglneor.
Batosvlllo, Ark., saya: "I suffered
with kidney and bladder rroublt
so bad I wbb unablo to work, f
had Biich sovoro pains In my bnclt
I could hnrdly get up. I tried sev
eral physicians with no rostilt. but
Foloy ICIdnoy Pills bnvo dono won
ders for mo. I recommond them
to all." For salo by Lockhart-Pur-sons
Drug Co., tho Busy Corner.