The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 09, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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lyim,' jbmbbcBBBBBBP8I BT ?ns?C BBBWTtSMBBW BwHiwS Hii "EB1HHm- 5
- '
After looking at our windows, step inside and
see the nice line of hats we are selling at different
prices from
From $1
$1.00 AND $5.00
I Yn ns1 r 4 stst -! W 4.. N
. x ma aait ia nut uiuiiicu iu mecuum priced
hats as the beautiful pattern hats at $15,00 t
$3000 are included and these are being sold at
10(1 Forrest, guest, niul Mrs, Doraoy
Mrs, J. O. Kinney of South Ilroud
wny will ontortuln tho Club Friday,
November 15,
miti) iwutv.
? PKItSONAL notices of visitors
I la tho city, or of Coob liny peoplo
f who visit In otlior cities, tocothnr
with notices of social nffalrs. nro
, gladly received In tho social de
partment. Telephone 133. No
tlccfl of club mootlngs will bo
published and secretaries uro
kindly rcaueoted to furnish satno.
Tin: da.vcij.
One dnnco thoy call tho two-stop nnd House
mo oinor ono the wnltr., I
lead In preserving child llfo and
happiness throughout tho country.
siiiHiui H. Antnony, pioneer in ef
forts to procuro moro equal rights
for women.
Charlotte Ilronto, whoso novels
are among tho best In English lit
erature. Jnno Aueton, whoso pon pictures
or isngiisn vinngo lire promlso to
bo iuunortnl.
Juno Addams, first citizen of
Chicago and head of tho Hull
n.u "inti turn ni(. im,
3at, sure, poor Mick tho I'ltiHloner, 7
whoso loft log badly halts, i
T. faith, Htii'li dances Mick himself',
with nil iiiu imit ooni.i .1.. n,. Mth. (leoruo (leiscndorfor ontor-
For ho would say, oh r s.iy too. Micro's ,,,,lu,' th-' North llend Altar Oulld
not much dancln' to them ,nHt Thursdny nfternoon at hor homo
Bat, Mick, ho wouldn't dnnco such '" s.ortix I,cni1, Af,or tll KOornl
things: ho Isn't ho far gone ro,l,,no "f business and social tlmo,
Jlcgor, 'twould innko tho poor man t,, llOHto served luncheon to hor
bluHh the way they carry on K'1(JS, wl woro Mrs. C. M. Uylor,
Kr(th bunny hugs and turkey trots !'" ' " "nrtlo, M,H- w c- ""Hoy.
and Hiirh outrageous praneln'. ' , s ,.,,0,m KrilB0 m,(l Mlm (lertrudo
Such work perhaps Is something olso, "'J"1 "K; , ... , ,
but, faith, It Is not dancln'! , lho. (""' w ' 10i "B" Thurn-
day, Nov. 21. Tho placo will bo nn-
JJut now, you tnko nn Irish Jig, n ,lomu'Cl' ,nto''.
double or n reel.
-till if yoil hnvo a lionrt n nil T Milnlr ? :
. - -- "" - i
social happonlngs, intended for
publication In tho society depart
ment of Tho Times, must bo sub
mitted to tho editor not later
than C o'clock p. in., Friday of
each wook. (Hxcoptlons will bo
"Mrs. H. F. MorrlBscy entortalned a
number of her friends Informally
Tuesday afternoon at cards after
which refreshments woro nerved
Those enjoying MrH, Morrlssoy's hos
pitality wero Mrs. John S. Coko, Mrs,
L. W. Travor, Mrs. A. 13. I'owors.
Mrs, Fred Powors, Mrs. Dorsoy ICrelt
rzo, Mrs. Ward M. Dlako, Mrs. Hugo
Qulst. Mrs. Oeorgo Murch. Mrs. A.
K. Adolsporgor, Mrs. Claybaugh, Miss
Anderson and Miss Rush.
.j. 4. .
paihy and friendship wero extended
to Mrs. Knto Lnndo, n pnst president
of tho club, who Is slowly recovering
from n sevcro Illness. Mrs. Murpny
was assisted by Mrs. J. T. Hall In
serving dainty refreshments. Mrs.
A. J. Savago, Mrs. Tonbrook nnd Miss
Clovo woro guests of tho club for tho
afternoon. Tho Club will moot next
weok with Mrs. Mnry McKnlght. Tho
niombors present woro Mrs. (leo. F.
Murch, Mrs. C. F. McKnlght. Mrs. F.
A. Hazard, Mrs. Mary McKnlght, Mrs.
Olivia Kdinnn, Mrs. K. Mlngus, Mrs.
C. F. Kaiser, Mrs. 0. A. Dennett, Mrs
L. M. Noblo, Mrs. Chns. Stnuff, Mrs
F. K. Allen nnd Mrs. J. T. Hall.
'twill mnko you fool.
noxoit .miss
social skwi.nh cluh
Mrs. A. R. Adolsporgor and Miss
Daisy Dean Rush entortalned a 1111 111
her of friends nt cards at tho Adds
rorgor homo on Wednesday In honor
of their slstor, Mrs. Claybaugh
Tho houso wns beautifully decorat
ed in Oregon grnpo and huckloborry.
Drldgo was tho afternoon's diversion
nt which Mrs. McArthur camo off with
first prlzo. After enrds, dainty ro-
rroHlimontH woro sorved. Knch re
fteshment tnblo had a contorploco of
nutors. Mrs. Hugo Qulst and Miss
Nclllo Towor assisted In serving.
Thoso presont woro MoHdnmos R
M. Harry. K. 8. Uargolt, Ward M
Ulake, John Hansen. F. O. Ilorton,
Willis H. Kennedy. C. F. McKnlght,
Oeorgo F. Murch, C. R. Peck, A. II.
rowors, Fred rowers, Hugo Qulst, J.
C. Kendnll Mrs. Tldball. M. C. Mnlo
nev. W, F. MeKldownov. I". D. Mc
Arthur O. S. Torrov and L. W. Trnvr,
nnd tho Misses Sntlierlnnd. Anna
- t McKldownev. Xnn llrownlug, F.volyn
Tf. Din. ...I.., I.., 1. ., ...... V
...,,,,,,, ,.,,,,,., lu.i , lno, no ' tn linvn lionn nnlortnlnoil liv Mr. Ooo.
tiouiy none, so oasofu , - '" mrr,ngor entortalned ..""'7n ' ,TnBr,,,,ioi fnr tun woni nn
JIB hero and there In turn they go so """iber of friends Thursday evening A, "? '"11 VZ
Harming and so graceful, l,Hr ''"mo on hoiiiii ruirii street in ""V,"' Vvr io Vnr loiislv 111 if
lln' of the tune itself would lionor of Miss 'lolot Hendorson. Tho tm ' sorlousij ill of
imuso was promy decorated in nut-
Tho Social Sewing Club which was; Andorson, Nolllo Tower and Clove.
Tho llltlu
Illllkn Villi fill I'll vm 1 r lironMi
'Twould stir tlm houI u-iiiiin vm, in unui loaves and clirvsnntlioniunis. '
t lut vnrv vnl. lit .in,.d.i lll'ldup was tho dlvorRlnn 11 ml ulv In.
Ami wlillo tho foot nr,i lmnnliii? ni blcs woro played. Mrs. K. F. Morris- I
while tho feet are keeping time, ,),p8 worc P'nyeil. Mrs. K. F. Morris- I
nnd lightly, hrlghtlv glnncln' Boy wnn Indies' first prlzo and Mr.
ink you If therc'H something thorn ''ow Ko'zor gentlomon's first. 1 , r
M'-8. A. 'A, Down wjh hostoss to
tho Ladles' Aid of the nantlst chiiich
with n Silver Tea on Inst Wedncndtv
at hor homo on South Uroadwoy. Af-
.er 1110 roguinr or'iir or l)iislnes tho
Til usk you If therc'H soinelhlnir thorn 'w Koyzor gentlomon's first. 1 Tho ladles of tho Presbyterian following program was rendered:
that looks to you like dancln'! I'nch wns served nftor which tho hurcli Had anotnor nil day session uoadlng A Thnnksglvlng Story
guests cnloved sovornl musical num. nnd pot-luck dlnnor nt tho homo of Mrs. (leo. Wntklns.
3ut as for turkey trots nnd such Mint ,U!,'H' Mr8, a U' WnUor on So,,th Fourth Roading Selcctod
now nro all tho go ' Thoso Invited woro Mr. nnd Mrs. A street Thursday to mnko final nr- Mrs. Chns. Patchott.
Tbfty'ro nothing like tho dances that T Unlnos. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Par- rangomonts for tholr bazaar which Is Instrumontnl Solo
wo danced In ould Mnvo " ir. nun ,irs, rj. i Aiorrissoy., '" " "" l" "lnl- ri-nmj- nun numr-i .miss Annn uowns.
Miss Ivy Hill.
Aftor n plonsant soclnl hour, re
freshments woro sorved. Tlioso pre
sent woro Mrs. Holon nnldwln. Mrs.
fieo. Wntklns. Mrs. Chns. Patchott,
Mrs. E. Kolly. Mrs. Wallmark. Mrs.
Chas. LaChopollo, Mrs. Roycraft, Mrs
Daisy Andorson. Mrs. F. II. Dresser.
Mrs. John Nngle, Mrs. J. C. Donno,
Mrs. Ohmnn. Mrs. W. Hill. Mrs. Geo.
(luluvsou, Mrs. Corey. Mrs. Menrs,
Mrs. C. II. Iloffmnn. Mrs. Colvln, Mrs.
Alvn Doll. Miss Ivy Hill nnd Miss
Mnmlo Gulovsnn.
Ih Sunimor nt tho crossroads, or In Mr; "!,,, l!'s- horsey Kroltzer. Mr."'ny In Novembor.
Wlntor on tho door ","1 Ml- c'l,"- Vnn Duyn. Mr. nnd Mr8' J- " J"l' wn oloctod to
Tl)t lifted off Ita hinges, mndo n Mr" vr f rosthwnlt. Mr. nnd Mrs. w. meinborshlp of tho Auxlllnry. This
stngo upon tho lloor A- up11- Mi- nnd Mrs. F. K. nottlns. 'I'0 Inst nil dny meeting to bo hold
sure, anyone can nanco today and "; ,',"' ""''": ,,""'i,,. mi: ' .,...... ,"-
ovon poor old Mick "', x,rH c- n- '". Dr. nnd Mrs. 'K holng hold nt tho homo of Mrs.
ou!d do iih well ns most of them, for iV I; ""''seworth. Mlssos Rnmnnn w- F- ?,pK,',"wnoL . on Wednosdny.
all ho has n stick Radcllffe. Maud Painter. Violet Hen- November 20th. Thoso present nt
is, If lie would condescend to ,,,',,",,, ,,,,,, "r- iiuorKo iiooiirum, .Mr. "" '' oiu .uumniuiua
such outrageoiiB prancln', . " J- u,nra" nn Mr- '-w Koyzor. VriV.,,1, ,V ,Vu,VKnn' " A 'l,onp.8'
.sure, I know that. Ilko myself. TZ h !' i" v Vi llul "V ?' n"rkT"
ho wouldn't call that daiicln'i . i hart, I,. W. I.nngdon. Hugh Long. J.
DFXIS A MrPV Vtiy ' 1IOXOU COOS HAY filRL I O. Sutherland, W. S. Nicholson, I. S.
Al"m' Smith. K. Converse. A. K. Seaman.
: Miss Ada Cllnkenbeard. dauuhtor K. Robinson, A. L. Ruttz. Chnrles
it 1 T niliilri...l.AnM.l rn..,Al T.nPlininllA T TY Cnna rnvM T..1,
TllllniD lllinillllll ,,,,,-r, . "1 " v."l'lllJl-lllll 111 IJllllUMn M..v...w,.v, ,.i, , in, uuiiisu mill,
........, ........,.. .,..,,,,.-,. , t-rooic. wiio is attend nc Normal i ll. waltor. u. N. Fenton. T. J
w ' School nt Monmouth, Oregon, hns Scaife. Mrs. Kettrlng A. T. Unlnes,
i no oiii mains or tno laud are neon electod president of tho clnss. v. S. Dow nnd S. D. Ilnrper, and tho
yetting all boiIb of eulogies for Miss Cllnkonbenrd's frlonds on Misses Armsby nnd Lillian Seamnn
tie good work thoy hnvo done nnd Coos Hay will bo deeply gratified to The ladles sorved luncheon to the
it Is clalmod that this class has ac- learn of this honor as sho Is nitm- following men: Rov. J. R. Rurkhart.
omiillshed much in the way of bered nmong sovornl othor Coos Ilnv A. T. Haines. P. W. Dodson. R. N.
mklng the world a hotter place In girls who hnvo recently received class Fenton, W. S. Nicholson nnd C. II.
which to llvo. Hero Is a list of distinctions. .Walter,
12 old mnlds who are famous In : j :
History who are now put forward 4
tn provo that the old maid is tho I IR'ISCOPAL LADIES I I PRISCILLA CI.UH. I
one who nccompllshos grent under- 4 4 , J
R,K,,,BS- I A business mcetlni: of tho Womnn'R Mrs. Onlo ontertnineil tho Prlscliln
Dr. R. II. Waltors and wlfo enter
tolnod with n duck dlnnor last Mon
dny evening In honor of tho sovonty
soventh blrthdny of Richard Wnltars.
Sr. Those of tho dinner party wore
Mr. anu .Mrs. .ionn near, Dr. and
Mrs. R. II. Walters, honor guest Rlch
nrd Waltors, Sr.. nnd Richard, Jr.,
Hnrry and Johnnie Walters.
A a
Queen Mlsinboth. in whoso rolgn Auxlllnry of tho Rnlsconnl clmrch was Club Wednesdnv nt n vnn- ninnunn1 I Mice wnnmnv ,.-t,,, 7
Bug end reached her golden age. hold at the Roctory on Monday nftor- afternoon of sowing nnd chat, mini- J
Hnronco MKhtlugale. ungel of noon. Ofllcors for tho year wero boring among her guosts Mrs. Fred Mrs. I. S. Kaufman has received
mcrcv In tin. Crimean war and es- electod ns follows: President. Mrs. Clrlnolds. Mrs. Knud Krlckson. Mrs. nnnouncoment of tno coinine woddlne
vnrHin:'o80f 0,,u,,zoa nur8,l,B "P0I Mn;h. Vice-President. Mrs. Henry Olson. Mrs. W. Nelson nnd of Ml ! pSrtmnn Helena.on anB
n n, , , , '- ""rsfnll, Jr.. Treasurer. Mrs. J. Mrs. Goo. Rourke. Aftor a lunch tho nnd Mr. Davenport of Los AncoloB tn
Dorothea nix. pioneer of reform Albert Mntson. Sec-rotary. Mrs. W. A. club adjourned to meet November 20 bo solemnlM
hi prison nnd reformatories ineth- Toye. Other matters relating to with Mrs, Fred Grlnolds. ber nt tho 1 ome of Miss VnrYmnn
vnn inn u n r; nr iha mivi nnpi- tr. .ii .-c . ju
.xlllnrv worn ilU
I ranees k. wiliard. rounder or cussed, nftor which refreshments
the temperance movement. wore served. Thoso prosont woro
Rcs-a llonhour. who opened now Mesdnmes J. S. Coke. Win. Led ward,
in""' iiriun in mi' lujuuBuiiiiiuuii j. j. .Matson, tioo. v, Murch, W. A.
ot ii nun- mo. Toye, R. R. Drowning nnd R
Tho Ladles' Art Club was vorv
ov. nlonsnntly ontertnineil nt the home of
Clara Ilarton. founder of the Rod Drowning. It wns decided to hold n Mrs. Dorsey Kroltzer last Thursday
Cross society e Ml savior of tliotw- Bpeclal missionary service In tho nfternoon. Mrs. R. D. McArt rand
anils from ileaih nnd su for lug. Uhurch on Sundny evening, the tenth. Mrs. Frank Sumner hnvo been electod
Joan of A-e mo of the- Import
lut fnctors In French history
Julia I.nthrop. choson from
among the women of America to
I ns delegates to nttend the Fedora
Tho brido-olect Is nulto well known
on tho Dny, having been tho guest of
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. S. Kaufman last Oct
ober and November. The young cou
ple will resldo In Los Angoles.
A. X. W. CLUll.
. Tho A. N. W. Club mot Thursday
KPTTiELL C!OT?!ETS wUl. Mr?- w l- M"n)hy with a largo
.. ji manual LiUJXOJjxo I number in attendance. Tho secrotnry
aay bo obUinod In Marshfleld from wns Instructed to send a report of tho
tr A ...- T7"TT.J ! " - " nu ouiiu ruuuiuiiuii
Mrs, Jiniuv jj.uii.aiui,
Ml So. 6U K.
of Woman's Clubs which meets In
Portland Novembor 13 tn 1R. K'nm.
(nations for Offlrorn fnr thn Mmlnv1
PhM.SOMC.Vear wero made. Messages of sym- der,' Mr.: jf W. IHIdoibrand, Mrt
Mrs. O. S. TnrrAv nntnrtnlnn.i
- Hon of Women's Clubs which meets number of guests nt sewlne Inst
I , Inl'ortlnnd Nov. 13 to 15. Thursday and Friday at hor l,nm m
South Marshfleld. Delightful two
course luncnoons woro sorved.
Mrs. Torrey's guests wero Mrs.
Sutherland. Mrs. W. F. McEldownoy,
Mrs. A. L. Darker, Mrs, C. F. Mc
Knlght, Mrs. F. B. Allen, Mrs. A. E.
Adolsperger. Mrs. Claybaugh, Mrs.
McGeorgo, Mrs, Blako, Mrs. A. B
Oldloy. Mrs. E. M. Barry. Mrs. Lid
doll, Mrs. W. B. Curtis, Mrs. L. K.
Rofroshmonts woro served nftor n
social time or sewing and conversa
Hon to the following
"'"I ". luiiii, .Mrs. jas. uowan,
or,, .mtb, w, ii. uurtts. .Mrs. ivy con
dron. Mrs. F. M. Flye. Mrs. Wm.
Hongland, Mrs. J. a. Kinney. Mrs.
Lydln Lang. Mrs. R. D. McArthur,
mrs. rrunK numner. Mrs. w. Schroo-
Halllngor, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. J. O.
Langworthy, Mrs. Fry, Mrs. II. I.
Rutlodgo. Mrs. A. II. Campbell nnd
tho Misses McEldownoy, Clovo, Runli,
Silverman nnd Allen.
Mrs. W. S. Nicholson wns hostoss
to tho Progress Club on Monday ItiHt.
Aftor n short buslnesH session, Mrs.
Songstnckcn coinplcted tho vory Inter
esting description of her trip to the
New Orleans Mnrdl Grns nnd voyngo
to Culm. Mrs. Lcofo rond u vory fltio
paper on tho llfo and work of Mozart.
This woh followed by u book rovlow
of tho Iron Woman by Mrs. Frank
Ilorton. This Into story of Mrs. Mnr-
garot Deland was received whs ,. v
ii orcst by ,i, Club mcS j
this now feature of Club W0Si
throughout tho year. Pr!r,a
Tho nienilicrn present were MnP
R. Loero. Mrs. F (l Ilorton fi
Sengstncken. Mrs. B. M Sm wj
W. FMcRldowncy.Mr8.KS
ngun, Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Mr w v
Dlnko, Mrs. A L, llutti. Mr, j r
Mnt.w... ,.. ii, ... . .""
...... u,lkVl ,ln. v n, .Mcnoison. Mi
Converse wns n guest of tho Club.
v. w. ii. ji. ni:ci:niox i
LnBt ovonlng nt tho liomt of &,
fContlnud on Pat K IrUI
H-17 Central Avenue.
Phone 373-J
Hadquar11 For Cadillac and
Ford Automobiles
tof-lgh 1
IIMH Caillllnc Tiurliig Car, !!2IU5,
I'ully INiiilpjKil r.o.b. .Mai-Hliflelil
101H Cuilllliic Slv-Pawcngcr ?2223i
Fully EuuljijK'd f.o.b. .MnrslifleU
lttlil Cadillac Roadster $2125, Fill
ly EqulpiKMl f.o.b. Muraliflelil
The Cadillac, the standard medium price car
of the world, needs no praise from me. K
any Cadillac owner. .s:LL '..- -'- -'
Ford TouvhiR Car equipped with top, ffijj i
shield and speedometer, delivered CQfl i
m Marshfield for P V I
Roadster, Fully Equipped, $625
The' run for 1-4 the expense of any