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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1912)
s MARHWO KBJKOfAbjjjglagAjttDgyr WANT fflj SB CAN'T GET ""T. ...luivn In Tlio TIMES ' " "TJKUTISlXfl l Tlio TIMES S I'ut Your Ileal Kstnto "In (lift .llBrKi;t -- - ii nut tlio fnctH about your 11 Wore U'o oyes of nil ''1.08. rcp''' In town. And If tlicro ' ni 'thom who otiBht to own li ce... ti id ,"11 aell It. fflnn Jktj Smra MEMBER OK Till: ASSOCIATED PRES rYXXVI.MTiio,'cont Mnii. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATimnAv mnwr.nm .. " Z lJlZl 1',.' 1912. EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES. HI IS ARRESTED; CLAIM SEANCE WAS EKED WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMKI Will Keep your Incomes from Furnished Rooms Steady. v.u iiiu ll'IIIIJ IIUil IIIU lllUlllf revenue by renting n few furnished i rooms and, If you know how and J nuuu hi imo mo fiiiBBineti column, you mny keep Hint llttlo oxtra In conio ns "stonily ns n clock." esssBEBwn Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll Mn 07 nml Coos lluv AilvprtUir. ' HOLD UP THE SHASTA LUTED UkJ&&W in This Morning. n TOWER TURNED ' FLASHLIGHT ON THEM llaim it Revealed Woman In stead 01 opinib lummy Through Horn. loin A. Johnstono nml wlfo woro ,;.,tfd this morning y Mrmi ,1. Ihn rlmruo of violating tlio ', ordlnnnco prohibiting clinrglng ' Vil tnf tml pll llfll Infll! ul receiTinB -" " "', ,...." KiBce, etc. Tlicir nrrem luuuwuu u -.v.. ..notional Bonnco nt tlio homo 1 Addison Cook on Ccntrnl Avonuo, ''ax Fourth street, InHt night In m 1 n. Tower turned on n pockot . ,11.11 .- ll. 'onlrlt'ii lmrtl " Iln WSON KB TO NEWSPAPERS Says They Are Helping Him in His Policy of Listening. ' (Dy Associated Press to Tlio Coos Dny Times) PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 9. "Very useful nnd Important In- ciecu. 'mo nowBiinnors rnrtntnlv nro helping mo In my listening pol icy," commented Wilson nn num. fXr.ntctinel tin tlio end of1,0"", c,,,,orInJ com"c8 "dvocK -,:j others lesiiiieu mni 1110 ono. 01 jng tno opposlnie of nn oxtra hob- r!.XTlnpi"rrXr wnJ"1"" "VIM tlfo tariff! Attention jmhuhob i" " -,- ""-or mo pros uom-oicct wan cnllod to Two Robbers Get Away With the Registered Mail One Man Is Killed. (By Associated Press to Tlio Coos Bay Times.), cnl.. Nov. 0. A re ward of one thousand dollars was to- imy onoreu uy 1110 Southern Pacific for tllO cnilttirn nf llin l.nn,llin .i, held up tho Shasta limited last night nt Deltn. Two bnndlts escaped with n qunn- ui ui rcgisieieil mail. Tho third who held tho engineer nnd llromnn covorod with n revolver wnB shot dead by Thomas Sanford, n brakemnn on tho train, who rnn to n neighboring saloon when ho saw tho train hold up nnd borrowed a rlflo and killed tho robber whero ho stood on tho cab. Thoro Is no traco of tho two fugitives. Tho dead mnn Is unidentified. Fought In Dontli. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Tho Coos Bay Times) tails nf tho robbery todny show Jim Yoakum, bend bronknuin on tho train, did not shoot tho mnn. San ford, ns first reported, shot tho rob ber. Ills bullet bored tho bandit through tho neck. Tho mortally wounded bandit fired threo shots from tho cab at Yoakum, nono of which took effect. Tho ho stumbled bendforemost to tho ground where ho Iny In his donth ngony, nnd hatred gnvo him strength to fire twlco more Although In polntblnnk range, Yon kum csenped untouched. Ho did not reply to tho wounded mnn's fire. The dead mnn's first nnmo Is frank. Thnt much Is known from tho exclamations of the two companions In tho mall cnr. In his pockets was found n flnsk of nltro glycerine, a box of filnnt enps and nround his waist n belt of one hundred cnrtrldgcs. If tho bullet that killed him had struck tho flnsk, rcsultnnt cxploBlon would probably hnvo killed tho engineer nnd flrcmnn nnd might hnvo wrecked tho engine. Sheriff Montgomery nnd posso nro In GREAT CONFLICT IN EUROPE IS THREATENED 81 ALLIANCE GUNMEN M . Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone strong- ,nnBmch ho haC not received tho Shearing started M.I. morning ffi "0 o :t.!00,,a ? Progressive pnrtleB fnvorcd tho pol icy or protection, tiiorororo, t:tCltr Recorder Ilutler ndjourncd It t'toon unlit .Mommy wnon nioro ovi- tnce will ho taken. JohnHtono and Ei wife wore required to glvo $10 ml bill for their appearance Mon- W HH 10 lApilM) .spifllN. Tte teancc nt the Cook homo Inst bit vat arranged to cxposo tho l;!riti, according to tho testimony of liiJIion Cook. Ho Raid thnt ho hnd hided to liavo It exposed at tlio nice at his home tho night before lutein J tho other man who wns to 14 la tho cxposo "folldown" and nr- lati for last night h nffnlr. O'Kelly Was Talking. When the cxposo enmo. Cant. Jas lr A. O'Kelly wiih tnlklng with tho arm. 110 was talking with tho Hiilr- l.of his dead son Chnrloy, according ijlk. Towers testimony. Mr. Tow- ;taid that Cant. O'Kolly wnH In tho piitotacommiinlcntlnn with Chnr- kthea ho turned tho llnnhllKht on fcfciplrlt's horn." Mr. Towor testl- M tat when tho light wnu turnod f the small end of tho inognphono l'u oear nra. Jolinstono'H mouth. tho country hnd voted ngnlnst tnrlff rovision. "Thnt'B queer reasoning," roninrlted WIIboii. "Thoy overlook tho fnct that many Btato leulsln- turoB wont to tho uomocrntB, which meaiiB Domocrntlo Renntors, nnd llkowlflo that thoro woro n gront numbor of Domocrntlo congressmen elected." DEJTA, Cnl.. Nov. 0 Puller do- pursuit of tho fugltlvcB. MEREDITH LEADS PEIRCE IN COOS M'MANIGAL IS TO TESTIFY Joint Representative Depends On Curry County Smith Has Good Lead Over His Opponent Official Vote. The telephono lines south of Ilandon nro down nnd the flnnl vote In tho Pclrcc-Mcredlth rnco could not bo ascertained today. It now hinges on Curry county, Mer edith having 12 votcs tho lend In Cooa county. I. S. Smith's lend of 20S votes over J. 0. Stcmmlor In Coos coun ty practically Insures Ills election as atato Bcnntor. OITICIAIj VOTE (1IVE.V. W was dazed by tho light nnd did pcore for nn Instant. Prof. John- Brought From Los Angeles to Indianapolis to Appear as Witness. Sf. however, netml milnlflv nml ''"Ui tho horn tn dm llnnr Tf j mo feet of Jny Towor who 11 over to t'apt. O'Kolly with remark. "Thorn fVIfnllv cn Mm l;'rits." ,,-.... Jinny Prt'hcnt. jw hearing boforo City Rccordor Fr was conducted w Aniint. At. f' Kendall and was largoly nt ''t. J" Touor' ChnB- sta,irf. ! KlOWer. PrOf. Jnlmulnnn nii.1 Xfra Mttme wcro tho wltncnsos this F-minr. nn,ln,. n, ...1... B1-..1... . " ' " ......owvo -ruoiy lo called nbout tho prl H'" wl'leli Prof. Johnstone 'itVUIftl In hn ..!.... ."' ' "ornlng, Mr. Kondnll sought riv.o nuai innv Plinri'n.1 fn. lir '!"M. IlOWflVPP I'rnP n...t nf.,, -Mtono dcclnrml Jlmf !... .11.1 Zmllzyy.. agreeable." " uu,,uuo,1B ,l AddllOn Cnnl. -.i 11.- .. ... -Jtv.t p. :.""" l" oiuora icsti- . ..Ca-. Koy toM thorn that 1 w tnko up a contrlbu i'telchl. of tho onnces nnd led "q D"oseu 10 givo liny Ceetrher,cnn?!:,,W(,nes,,a' nlBllt'fl . , i me COUtrllllltlnn nnmiinln.l tn p It i??,s.Mr- Cook snld ho gavo -.Mr.'j ',"- I".,:of"one to ? bunch " u 0,,m ,l was n ii,AhnjrWoreI'i,eBcnt. lumber . -"w.o iykiu iiuiiu si 1 of nPn80nt' Ho Bvo tho '"pward.Dungnn. a.Mr iimi lurooK, Mrs. I'at 1 uiou !loWon nnd Clia8- Oranby ther u"a. Pfesont. Ho said WayTnero?thors nrt pointed Clter',9,a:sff. d M. J denlM !.&. weetmnn vlgor- Mr. i.l" "'"B ?qndod them g iuSSSSB ,lna,,y 8a,d h0 'tInB8v her? In8t sunimo'r for -'ere . l10 BaU1. no n"d "'8 (Dy Associated Press to The Coos uny TiniAB.) INDIANAPOLIS, lud., Nov. 0. For tho first tlmo In public slnco IiIb nrrcflt 19 mouths ago, Ortlo MeManlgnl related at tho trial of tho accused "bomb plottors" todny Ills oxporlonco ns n hired dyna miter. Tho confessed nrcompllro of McNnmara brothora as a gov ernment witness directly accused Hcrbort S, Hockln, Intornntlonnl sccrotnry of tho Association of llrldgo nnd Structural Iron Work ers, of Inducing him to do dyna miting under pay of tho union. Ho said thnt Hockln threatened to boycott him from every Job If ho refused to accept tho dynamit ing commission. limned PiImhmt. Twlco brought across tho conti nent from I.os Angolos, first to np poar boforo tho federal grand Jury Inst winter, nnd now to testify bo foro tho very men whom ho ac cused of having put him In tho dynnmlto business. MeManlgnl oc cupies n unique place In criminal nnnnls. Tho chlof facts aro theso: Ho wns Indicted In 1010 and now as a prisoner of California ho Is "loaned" to tho reuorai aiiinoniies horo. Ho confessed to tlio iwowo lyn Iron Works explosion In i.os Angeles for complicity In which John J McNnmnrn. socrotary of tho Ironworkers Union, wns sen tenced to 1C years' Imprisonment. Ho also confessed to personally causing 20 other explosions. Coos County Canvass Will Mo Com plete Tills Afternoon. (Speclnl to Tho Times) COQUIU.K. Nov. 0 County Clerk Watson this afternoon Is completing tho official canvass of the Coos county voto nnd will pro bably complete his work boforo night. At a lato hour tho only to tals ho had secured wcro iib fol lows: I'nr State Senator. I. S. Smith 1319. J. O. Stcmmlor 1131. ChnB. S. Kaiser 9S3. l'or Joint Kcpt'cscntntlv". E. II. Hall 877. II. C. Hartcraft 109. W. II. Meredith 1 038. 8. P. Polrco 1020. V. J. Schllomann 309. Woman Suffrage. Tor 180-1. Against 12GC. Stuto Crailiiated 'J'nv. For 1-147. Against 1398. PLEAO GUILTY Rumors That Men Charged With Killing Rosenthal May Change Plea. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Dny Times.) NEW YORK. Nov. 9. Rumors woro pnssod nbout tho crlmlnnl courtB building todny thnt tho four gunmen Indicted for shooting down Herman Rosenthal, desired to withdraw their pleaB of not gulfly and enter plonb of murder In tho Kccond degree. Their counsel de nied, howover, thnt such n movo wns contemplated and District At torney Whitman would mnko on comment. Tho prisoners had noth ing to say. WOMEN ON JURY. Will Ho Drawn for District Court of Kniisas et Term. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Tho Coos Dny Times.) WICHITA, KniiB., Nov. 9. As a rcfliilt of tho ndoptlon of tho equal Hiiffrngo nmondmont In this Btato, women Jurors will bo drawn In tho illHtrlct court horo for tho Jnnunry term. in IN COURT NOW i E Wherfivr'J,0 t0 San DIeo and ora.w n.080burs two weeks it I" othors- "e said ho 8 Mid JiaT , r? l0 B,v seances. seanilaAKl);on..Capt. O'Kelly -1' said ithZt" ' "'anu. yin. v nat IlO Was n nnlrlfiinl te4 H sL0nelupatlon and had fol e mm ?'nco he was ten vnr. ni,i. 0r,haf, ""enBltlva", the go ".v iiviiik nnrt tho donl M hi, SH 'Kolly Easy. is!.... '"urnonv xr ti. 1 ili not knot d.Vhen I camo hero rr;bMu ?ainst this man O'Kelly. Btii:-' anowo ,o u. ...' I '"nine in,!... V"1, " Bwauows I !led I that. n-i ,- rows at hlm-" IS !.... llUit O'Kellv )lfl,1 no r.ol,l I kfore"1ththat tho "was posted v-i.uou jubc nigiu. s J (Conti; n"eI on Page Four.) Wires Were Brokep Down and Roads Blocked by Fallen Trees. With telegraph and telephone wires down nnd no mall, Marshflold started tho day rather cut off from tho world. Howover. the wire com munication was established this nuer- noon nnd tho mall came in. Rim ninrm which caused tho trou bio was a sovero ono. During tho twenty-four hours ending this morn ing 1 r.n inches of rain fell. Slnco Nov. 1 thoro has been 5.12 Inches. There has fallen nearly 6 Inches more rain so far this season than last year. Wlien In need of PIATMMNGi HEATING, TINNING, SnEET METAL WORK, CALL 101-J PIONEER nDW'RE CO., Wlien done by us it Is done rlgll George Witte Wants New Re ceiver for Properties Attacks Mortgages. Tho nffnlra of h. D. Kinney will ngnln be brought Into tho courts by n suit In equity begun by Georgo Wltto of North Dond, who nBlts thnt the receivership of W. J. Rust bo tormlnntod nnd n now recelvor nppolnted nnd tho properties sold and tho Incomo to bo used In settling tho clnlms. Mr. Wltto holds n Judgmont for about $4t00 nnd wnnts It paid. Ills suit Is brought against W. J. Rust ns rrusteo, h. D. Klnnoy, tho Delt Line, tho Rapid Transit, W. A. Davenport, C. W. Drlggs. ns trusteo of ono of tho pools, Oeo. M. Evorltt, Lnvlna Klnnoy, Annn O. Klnnoy, J. T. Hnll ns adminis trator of tho Shahan estnto, John K. Kollock, Oeo. W. Kitchen nnd wlfo, etc. In tho petition, tho mortgages hold by F. D. Wnlto aro attacked. Effort Is being mndo to overturn tho present receivership of W. J. Rust and havo him make an ac counting. Also to sot asldo tho preferred claims that wcro agreed to In tho uust recoivorBiiip. tiia case will nrobabh como up for hearing at tho noxt torm of court. RESULTS ARE NOT CHANGED Returns Today Do Not Make Difference in Head of Ticket' (Dy Associated Press to the Cooi Day Times.) PORTLAND, Nov. 9. Tho few scattered roturns which drifted In from tho stnto today did not In nny way ehango tho result of tho election. Tho voto for president, United Stntcs Sonntor, Congressman In tho threo districts nnd on nil constltutlonnl nmendmontB nnd Inltlntlvo and refer endum mensures romulna practically as It was Thursday. LISTER ELECTED. Democrat Is Chosen for Governor of Washington. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 9. Sixty four precincts and mostly small mountainous districts missing, glvo Listor, democratic candidate for gov ernor, n plurality of 904 over Hay, republican. JO WILL RE PROGRESSIVE. Washington Senator Not to Ro Counted ns 11 Republican. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooa Day Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 9. That tho Republican party cannot count on him ns ono or tneir sen ate membors. whether thnt party has a majority In tho Benato or not, Is tho statement mado today iiv Senntor Miles Polndexter of WnRhlneron. hitherto numbered as a Republican senator. "I ran for congress nnd tho senate as a Pro gressive ItepuDiican. 1 suppose now I shall leave off tho last word. It Is my Intention to start In tho next session of congress as a mem ber of tho Progressive party. I declined to caucus with Republi cans when they were strong nnd I fall to see why I should do so when they are bo weak they could carry only eight electoral votes." DON'T BREAK VOUR NECK. Buy a rOCKET FLASH LIGHT at THE GUNNERY. Tho LADIES' AFTERNOON TEA at STAFFORD'S Is becoming very popular. An unfilled want causes unhnppl ness TimeB Want Ads get resultB. MARSHFIELD AND COQUILLE FOOTIIALL (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Nov. 9. Tho Marshflold and Coqulllo High Bchool football teams played a tlo gamo hero this afternoon, neither sldo scoring. Tho field waa very muddy. IS IN JAIL Negro Prize Fighter Failed to Furnish Cash Bail of $30,000. (Dy ABSociatod Press to Tho Cooa Day Times) CHICAGO, Nov. 9. Jack John son's first light In tho Cook coun ty Jnll netted hlm hIx Iioiiih' Blcop. A request thnt ho bo moved to n larger coll was denied. Ho wns placed In Jnll yostorday nftor fall 11 ro to furnish a cash ball of $30, 000 demanded nftor nn Indictment of alleged violation of tho Mnnn net. Caused Disorder. nccauso Jack Johnson waa In dicted under tho Mnnn law ho was not placed In tho nogro Roctlon of coIIb. Tho whlto prlsonoiH nt tho county Jail today caused n disor der thnt only steel bars provontod from becoming a mutiny and forced tho Jailor to romovo tho pugilist from tho whlto depnrtmont. Johnson wns much annoyed by tho oplthotfl shouted at him by other inomborfl of his rnco when ho wns plncod In tho segregated section of colls. Johnson was placed In tho snmo coll with James Drown, a nogro BtonmBhlp cook, nccusod of Btnb- blnir n man to death. United States District Judgo Carpontor ro- niBcd to Ibbiio a hahcas corpus writ sued for by Johnson's attorneys. 1 Powers Do Not Agree on the bettiement of Balkan Turkish Matter. CONSTANTINOPLE IS SURE TO FALL Turks Meeting With Dcfcal On Every Hand and Many Surrender. v (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cora Day Times.) LONDON, Nov. 9. Though the end of tho Unlkan wnr Is appar ently In sight, even a grentor con flict 1b threatened In Europo today by powers forming tho trlplo nlll nnco. mndo up of Oormnny, Austria-Hungary and Itnly. And those composing a trlplo entente, Franco, Orent Drltaln nnd RiiBsla. aro divided Into two dlB tlnct camps ns to tho policy to nn followed when pence between Tur- koy and tho Ilnlknn allies has been brought nbout. Absolutoly Ignoring tho throat thnt AtiBtrln-Ilungnry will not tol oraro tho Servian occupation of Al bnnln or of a port on tho Adriatic sea. King oPtor'B armies contlnno their ndvanco through tho country thoy woro prnctlcally forbidden te ontor. Will Take Capital. (Dy ABBOdntcd Press to Tho Com Dav Times.) VIENNA. Nov. 9. Bulgarians aro now attacking with nil their Btrength tho remnlnlug Turkish poHltlotiB about Tchntnljn and tho fall of tliPBo vital Turkish do fcnRCR In front of Constantinople Ib only n mntterB of hours, accord ing to todny'H dispatched from the RolehpoBt'B correspondent. Capturing Forts, (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cocrk Day Times.) SOFIA. Nov. 9. Tho Dulgnrlan army Is bosleglng Adrlannplo today nnd hnB captured Kartnltopo and Pnpaztopo, tv of tho otitor Uno nf fortn defending tho city, nfrer a desperate artillery duel. The Diilgarlau trops Buffered a lnrcn numbor of casualties. DOUGLAS TOWNS WET. HAS LEAD IN Roosevelt So Far Is About 900 Ahead in That State. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9. Roose velt's plurarlly In California hovered around nlno hundred at noon today Tho missing precincts It Is believed will not materially effect the results. The democratic organization holds that ho official count will show that Wilson Is the winner, KEEN KUTTER KUTLERY the knives with the Keen Edge. Aro GUARANTEED at THE GUNNERY ROSEDURO, Nov. 9. Tho city of Suthorlln wont "wot" by a ma jority of at loast 100 votes. Tho city of Oakland wont "wot" oy n majority of 17 votes. Troops In Disorder. (Dy Associated Presn to the Cooa nay TJmoa). PARIS. Nov. 0. SerloiiH iIIboi dors hnvo broken out nt Constan tinople, whom tho Kurd Roldlers aro killing the Christinas In the Gnlata quarter, according to spe cial dlapntchcB from DurhnrrnL Roiimanla, nnd piibllBhed by the Paris Midi under rosorvo. Somo or tho buildings of tho Turkish capi ta! hnvo boon not flro to, It hi Bald. Tho hanks nnd forolgn orn hasBlea aro gunrded by dotarti mentR of Turkish troops, who nro still obedient tn discipline, Servians Win Rattle. (Dy Associated ProsB to Tho Cooa Day Tlmcfl.) U8KUP. Nov. 9. A hnttlo which resulted lu tho enpturo of the TurklBh city Prlllp or "Porlopo" by tho Servlnn troops, wns ono ot the moat fiovoro fought on this Rid nf tho Dalknu puilnsuln. Tho Sor vlann lost 2fi00 killed and-wounded, whllo tho Turks Buffered 0000 casualties. The battlefield Is stin Blrewn with rorpBOH. Tho fall of tho Turkish stronghold of MonnR ter, which now Is bolng attacked by tho Sorvlans, Is expected hourly- Siiltmi Awaits Dentil. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Tho Coon nay Times.) PARIS. Nov. 9. "Nolther I nor tho Sultnn will ovor abandon Con stantinople. My Bovorolgn will nwalt death In IiIh pnlaco, and J In my offlco." Thus Klnmll Pn- Rha, grand vizier of Turkey, nddrcssed tho ambassador of powers. haa tn I COUNTY TICKET Two Democrats and Five Re publicans Are Probably Chosen There. Two democrats and flvo republi cans wero elected on tho county ticket In Curry county according to tho lat est roturns. Tho Port Orford Trl buno reports the following county tic ket probably elected: W. A. Wood, dem., Judgo. C. II. Dalloy, dom., sheriff, J. R. Stnnnnrd, rep., clerk. Jas. Caugholl, rep., treasurer. G. W. Smith, rep., school supt-. D. Colgrovo, rep., commissioner. Ernest Stltt, rep., surveyor. Thos. Hughes and W. W. Smith wer elected port commissioners. Tho county has gone "dry." li.1,000 Surrender. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Tho Coop Day Tlmos) ATHENS, Nov. 9. Tho capitu lation of tho Turklflh fortress ot Snlonlkl ns well as Fort Karahurn occurred last night, according tt an official dispatch to King floors of Grecco. Twenty-flvo thousand Turkish troops Riirrondorod. Insist 011 Fighting. (Dy Assoclnted rrosa to Tho Coot Day Times.) PARIS, Nov. 9. According to ad vices rocolvcd horo GonornI MahmouR Mukhtnr Pasha was sont by Nnzlm Pasha, commander-in-chief, to notify tho Grand Vlzer that tho Turkish ar my would not accept either modlntJor or Intervention. According to a special dispatch, the commandor-ln-chlef decrnrod that It tho government did not heed the wishes of tho army tho soldiers would como to Constantinople and provont tho dlsmeinbormont of tho Empire, Loaders Informed tho Grand Viztr that thoro would a torrlblo revolu tion unless the Turkish army contin ued to fight. As a result of this and tho atu tudo of tho army. It Is uudcrstooU Klnmll Pasha decided to nbnndon tho Idea of asking tho powers to Intervene, i v 1 ci 9I