THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1912 EVENIMG EDITIOH ttw , . "l-r ft 1 yfeaH AM r Varf-Uk Art1 k . 1 b-jlv SOCIAL CALENDAR. FRIDAY Reception for Kov. nnd Mrs. Rutlodgo by M. K. Congrcgntlon. Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Jr., host ess nt liuiBlcnlo mittlnco. TII1CS l-'OIt NOVEMUEH. Ilolow Is given tho timo nnd height of high nnd low wntcr nt Mnrshflold. Tho tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second lino of ench day; n coinpnr Ison on consccutlvo holghts will Indlcnto whothor It Is high or low wnter. For high wntor on tho bar, suustract z Hours 34 minutes lira.. 2.00 Ft... G.3 lira.. 2.4G Ft... C.3 7.20 1.8 7.50 1.45 8.0C 7.0 0.9 2.21 8.1 C 7.1 1.2 (t Vat SchiShcr ft Ihtx IUST make yourself at home in this store; come and look O rwrot trP. thtno wto Vare U it -rJl tit l jf VTw & Vvw x,,v xxxt xi yuuu jujKe lu compare tne clothes we have with something you've seen somewhere else, don't hesitate to do it. You'll not be imposing on us; we'll show you, and let you try on, as many suits as you please; we n put tne wnole store and stock at your disposal, just to show you what we have. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes will compare favorably with any you'll find; compare them with the work of the best tail or you know; the small cheap tailor can't begin to match them for quality or fit. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 n. in., Nov. 8, by DonJ. Ostllnd, special govornmont motcorologlcnl observer: Maximum DC Minimum 40 At 4:43 n. m CO Precipitation 38 Wind Southwest! rnlny. A.W...J Don't miss the best thing in town in the matter of Rood colthes. Suits $18 and up. Overcoats $10.50 and up. Lots of other good things here, of course; fine shirts, fine neckwear, line hosiery and underwear; all the small things you HORN Nelson had died and thought It might bo his linlf brother, of tho samo nnmo, who was on Coos Hay when ho hoard from him n yenr or bo ago. Marshal Carter could not recall tho death of any ono by tho name of Emll Nolson. For Game Warden. II. A. Wolls nnd other nro clrculntlng potlHons to sccuro tho nppolntincnt of K. B. Mnrcey ns deputy gnmo warden to fill tho placo of Deputy Thomno, who wns nppolntcd to succeed Cal Wright. Mr.Mnrcoy Is n woll known Mnrshflold man nnd Is regnrded na nn excellent mnn for tho place. Troublo nt North Slough. Par ties from North Slough roport that n man named Adnins caused con siderable commotion thoro last night. It wns claimed thnt ho tried to tnko his llttlo daughter away from his wlfo, from whom ho Is sopnratcd nnd n. gcnornl mlx tip followed. Tho child rnn nwny nnd rid so that his attempt to kidnap lior failed. UOOD To Mr. nnd Mrs. V. K. Rood nt their homo on Coos River, a nlno pound son. SASSMAN To Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Snssmnn, formerly of North Ueml, at their homo In Nowport, Oregon, n son. McMUnPIIY To Mr. nndMrs. D. Mc Murphy nt their homo nt tho Smith Powers Cnmp No. 1 on Coos River, n daughter. Increase Clinrlly Fund. The fund stnrtod by tho Woodmen of tho World to enro for Mrs. Tlmmons nnd hor children nnd to send them to hor homo In Oklahoma has boon mater ially increased. Tho gonornl sub scription wnn rnlsod by $10 from tho lodgo nnd $15 from tho Eagles to about $135. In addition to this, mnny contributions of clothing nnd other nrtlclcs woro received. Mrs. Tlmmons nnd hor children nro bolng enrod for by Mrs. Snrgennt at hor home. lMmi Hunt. Clny Roborts, M. D. Mcoks, Chas. Sonfuso nnd Win. Cox nro going to North Inlet for a Sunday hunt. wear. K . u i. , ,i bfc..fra.JwJS5ia$ Woolen Mill Store This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. To Cllvo Iiinrt. Tho North Rond Concert band will glvo n dnnco tomor row evening nt Eckhoff's hnll In North Bond. Masonic Meeting. Thoro will bo a conclnvo of Pnclflc Commnndory to night nt tho Mnsonlc hnll. Tho red cross dogroo will bo conforrod nnd re freshments will bo sorvod. Cnso Appealed. Mrs. Knto Hamp ton has nppealod tho cnso In which Georgo W. King of tho Entorprlso Mont Market was awarded a verdict of $12.00 ngnlnnt hor In Justlco Pen nock's court. King sued for n moat bill nnd Mrs. Hampton, who wns for merly Mrs, John Josophson, claimed that hor sotm paid for tho moat when thoy got It. Tho ground for tho np pcal Is thnt Justlco Pcnnock entered tho Jury room whllo tho Jury was do llborntlng. Ho wns cnllod by tho Jury to glvo so mo adviso as to tho neces sity of a unnnnmoua verdict. ITorseH for Rond. Wlllotta nnd Rurr, contractors of tho 8mlth-Pow-ors logging road boyond Myrtlo Point, have recolvcd sixty horses from Roso burg to bo used In tho grading. Auto Pniiuigcil. A now Cadlllno nuto was badly dnmagod whllo bolng unloaded roin tho Alliance nnd mny hnvo to bo sont back to tho factory. It wnn bought by A. II. Powors for his family and thoy woro Badly disappointed. TrouMo Willi Hiifdwuid. Todnr Mrs. Wm. E. Clements of liny City nppcnled to Justlco Ponnock for nld. Slio lives nt Hny City and told tho Justlco thnt hor husbnnd wns so Jenlous thnt nho couldn't Uvo with him any longor. Ho had locked up hor clothes so that nho could not roturn to hor pnronts. Constnblo Cox was sent with her to got her offoctu. Hor parents nro named al.nton nnd llvo at Enstsldo. Four or flvo yonrB ago Clements bad consldornblo troubls wit a his first wlfo In South Mnrsh flold. They Woro dlvorcod nnd a couplo of years ngo ho innrrled tho Lenton girl. AMONG THE flIOIC. Always "ThelBusy Corner-The Rcxall Store Tomorrow our WW SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE we will offer one day only! Razor Strops, regular price $1,00 for 75c "320r Stmns. mpiilnr nrna R1 .9R fnr 95c Razor Strops, regular price $1,50 for-V-V. $1.10 Me advantage of this sDeclal sale and save money, Also: Reduced prices on the following Razors ed Injun, Erin, Busy Corner and Meteor, We carry a complete line of shavers' conveniences, WANT ADS. FOR RENT Siillo nicely furnished rooms. S. S. Acklos, Eastsldo. WANTED School girl to caro for child tutor school, for room and board. Apply Wilson's now houso on Honnott Avo. botween 4th and Gth street. FOR KENT Room Miltuhla for two or three gontlomon. Also house keeping roms. 321 s. Uroadwny. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. -171 j Elrod Avonuo. Phono 200-L. 'Ockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PIE- MAIM OQQ - US -MAIN 298 WANTED Iloiirdcra nt llil North Second stroet. Under now mnn-ngoment. WANTED To borrow Sil.OOO on Murshflold business proporty- GUt edgo security. Address with host terms Dox 402, Marshflold. sap; 0311,0 ung Jou 'suiooj au P. Lapp. FOR SALE Cheap, Uorso. O. II. Wnltor. WANTED Swctllsli or FIniiMi girl for housowork. Inqulro nt houso at cornor of Tenth and Elrod Avo. II. Nordrum, FOR RENT Wnrchoiiho nnd ofllcc. Formerly occupied by Qoodrum's garngo at tho foot of Central Avo. Apply C. F. McGoorgo, Agent. FOR SALE Small boarding house, woll furnished, six stpady boarders. Apply Times olllco. WANTED Sowing by tho day or nt homo. Satisfaction guaranteed, $2.00 por day. Rox 434, North Uond. FOR RENT Tliroo light housckeep. le Fashion Tailors or wdies and Gents ning, Pressing, and Alterations 150 Frant St. QS Machine Needle at Ifidd Cyclery u"n Agents. IS8-H TONIGHT TSe Royal Three full reels of INTENSE INTEREST Tho Illrth of tho I)tus Rlossom Tho Convict's Ilrand Double Debt Our new pictures never fall to entertain. Good music nnd realistic sound effects. 10 cents. Shoes for Service At Money-Saving 'Prices nnn't nvArlnok tho I3azar when ,you need shoes. Wo have then for men anu uoya m iuku "u " tops at prices that win savo mo noy for you. Dni-o' lllirli Tnn Shops. BtlOIlfT and serviceable $3.00 Youth's High Tops $3.25 Men's High Tops, at.. $7.50, 7.00 Mason's Famous Chippewa Loggers $7.00 Men's Heavy Low Tops, at $5, $1.50, $1, $3.50 nnd $2.50 DRESS SHOES. For Men at $C00 down to $3.50 For Boys nt $3, $2.75, $2.50 and $2.25 Don't forget our largo lino of Wot Weather Goods. FOR RENT Storo building with liv ing rooms In rear and Hat of six rooms above. Phono 71. Heavy Rainfall R. R. Ostllnd, lo cal U. 8. woathor obaorvor, reports Mini tlin tntnl rnltifnll iliirltif Mm urn. Bent rnlnv Bonflon. from Sotitombor 1.1 Mrs. E; W. Kninmoror Is suffering to (Into Is 1.1.02 Inches ngnlnst 7.12 , rrom a sovcro attack of nsthmn. Inches for tho samo period last yoar, an Incronso of nonrly C Inches, ; Mrs. Clint). Jncksmi Is still critical ly III at hor homo on Ross Inlot, Reception. Tho niombors nnd friends of tho Mothodlst Episcopal church will tnndor n reception to Rev,, nnd Mrs. II. I. Rutledgo this evening: I tho former having boon ro-nppolntod to tho local Mothodlst church for tho fifth tlino. All churchos and tho gcn- oral public nro cordially Invited to attend. Georgo Rtolnburn Is, rocovorlng from n sovor attack of bronchitis. Harold Walrath, tho son of Col. nnd Mrs. Walrath, Is quite 111 of heart trouble "W'ANTED Hy Judy nnd daughter, position as housekeopor. Address "D", caro Times. WANTED School girl to exchange services for board nnd room In pri vate family. Address "C" caro Times. AVIIInmolto Wins. Geo. N. Rolt has rocolved word from his son, Erie, who is n mombor of tho Wlllnmotto UnlvorBlty footbnll toam that Wlllnm otto won from tho Vnncouver soldlors Tuesdny hy n scoro of 71 to 0. Ho ndds "wo clonnod tho soldlors, Wilson clounod RoobovoU, I hnvo Just cleaned! mo gym nuu now i am goiug u ciunu my shoes." Carrier Sick. Edwnrd Knox. Tho TImos cnrrlor boy at Hunker Hill, hns boon ill for tho InBt few days, Tho substltuto carrlor on that routn did not hnvo tlmo to learn all tho places and consequently n fow of tho sub scribers thoro hnvo missed their pap ers. Howovor, Edward win soon uo back on tho Job to glvo thorn good Borvlco again. Mrs. John OIboh of Enstsldo who has been ill of typhoid fovor Is re ported Improving. Robert Ayro, tho llttlo son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Ayro, Is reported qulto 111 of tonslllts. Dr. Goo. E. Dlx Is suffering from n sovor nttnek of rhoumutlsm nnd wns controlled to go to Mercy hospi tal yesterday to remain a fow days. II AT THE HOTELS. WANTED Position nt small wages in doors, for tho wlntor. Address, W. II. Durghagen, Marshflold, Oro. ROOM nnd HOARD 207 North 3rd St. cornor Commercial, If you have anything to sell, rent or trade, or want help, try a Want The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phone 32. itm FOR SALE Gas stove.. 10H South Second street. Miirrlrd nt Hniidou. Tho Bnndon Rocordor says: "Thomas Lewis nnd MIbs Gortrudo V. Lnyflold woro unl tod In mnrrlago nt tho homo of tho groom's sistor, Mrs. W. II. Dlbbleo Friday evening, Nov. l. llov. J. J. Mlekoy officiated. Tho happy couplo woro tho recipients of many bonutlful and usoful presonts. Tho wedding cako was served and tho guests then doparted for tliolr homes. WANTED About Nov. 13 I will want an experienced woman to cook for C or 8 persons and tako charge of rooming house, If satisfactory, will hnvo permanent home. Address W. II. Durghagen, Marshfleld, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN On Piano, fund turo, personal property, otc. Call from C to 8 p. in. II. II. Harper 334 First strest. Phono 349-J. FOR HALF. Dry wood, rtr nnd al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing, Phong lCtf-L. ROOM AND nOARD The Roycrcet, 388 First street, Phono 123-X. Winchester. Stevens nnd Reming ton PUMP GUNS at THE GUNNERY. DANCE at EAGLES' HALL Satur day night. KEYZER'S ORCHESTRA. Fenrs for Rrother. Marshal Car tor has recolved a lottor from Fred Peterson of Spokano nsklng him If n mnn nnmod Emll Nolson hnd died or wns killed In Coos county rocontly. Ho hoard that a man nnmod Emll COOS 0. II. Grahnm. Portland: Mrs. Davis, Floronco; Rllllo Mnst, Myrtlo Point. RLANCO W. F. Rogors. Dan don: Georgo Windsor. Rnndnn; C. II. Medio, Dandon: Dnvo Ponwoll, Dandon; W. L, Mast, nnndon; R. Ivnllk, San Francisco; Goorgoi Johnson, Portland. LLOYD Henry RIosBon, Nor-' wny; C. L. Havlland, Portland. CHANDLER II. R. Donnhy. Portland; W. E. Crnno, Dandon; L. F. Hart, San Francisco; Edgar Lowoll, Portland; J. P. Durfoo. Drain, Oro.; A. Dnwson, San Frnn clsco; Milo M. Plorson, Lakeside,. Oro.; J, D. Magoo, Lakesldo, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables on today's Breakwater. Order that Thanksgiv ing Turkey NOW. Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASKEY'S CANDIES Tho LADIES' AFTERNOON TEA at STAFFORD'S Is becoming very populur. "WHY AM I NOT AN INFIDEL" will bo tho subject of tho mtiiiou nt tho Prcshytci'liiii church on Sunday evening. Ho Hiiro to hear It. Penslas Eczema Lotion A germicidal lotion for (ho relief of ohstlnato cutaneous eruptions, particularly cczciiui or salt rheum, tetter, barber's itch, ring-worm, nettle rash, iirno, psoriasis nnd other skin trou bles. PRICE BOc. 3 kfvlAjkH PJ k4J".mj'HV!J MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. TID3 QUALITY STORE. 5 'f Ad.